HP Albarelli Jr's "A Terrible Mistake"

Jeff wrote:jingofever wrote:Beyond Dutroux ties to 1950s-era CIA covert operation - Plus: the mysterious "Dr. Green" identified.
He dug up a photo too.
Haven't read it all yet, but this looks very good. Thanks.
I just today received a copy of a new Trine Day release: HP Albarelli Jr's A Terrible Mistake: The Murder of Frank Olson and the CIA's Secret Cold War Experiments. Can't vouch for it yet, but some provocative material on this Greene there, too.
elfismiles wrote:
We have H.P. Albarelli, Jr. with us to talk about Biological Warfare, the CIA’s experimentation with LSD and the murder of microbiologist Dr. Frank Olson. We talk about the U.S. army and Frank Olson who specialized in germ warfare, aero biology and the delivery of deadly viruses and infectious microorganisms through spray’s and aerosol cans. Hank Albarelli works in the legal profession and was a member of the Carter administration. He is the author of “A Terrible Mistake: The Murder of Frank Olson and the CIA’s Secret Cold War Experiments”. Join us for a fascinating and informative program about LSD and the origins and experimentation of drugs and mind control. Topics Discussed: Hank’s background, LSD, Spring Groove Hospital, Biological Warfare, Militaries Biological Warfare Research and Development Program, special Operations Division, CIA, Mk-NAOMI, LSD disseminated on University campuses, BZ, Jacob’s Ladder, Vietnam War, L Wilson green, First Earth Battalion, Jim Channon, Jon Ronson, Men Who Stare at Goats, Mk-Ultra, Project Artichoke, Artichoke Committee, Chemtrails, 1952 France, of Pont St. Esprit, Ergot, Albert Hofmann and his relationship to the CIA, Sandoz, Merck, The Death of Frank Olson and more.
Check out the original source here
Red Ice Radio
http://www.redicecreations.com/radio/20 ... 100209.php
http://www.redicecreations.com/radio/20 ... arelli.mp3
Links & Sources to the program
New book uncovers CIA–Cold War intrigue
http://www.wnd.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.pr ... eId=116258
The Mysterious Death of CIA Scientist Frank Olson
MI6 pays out over secret LSD mind control tests
http://www.redicecreations.com/specialr ... I6LSD.html
LSD - The Beyond Within (Video)
A Terrible Mistake: The Murder of Frank Olson and the CIA's Secret Cold War Experiments
LSD My Problem Child: Reflections on Sacred Drugs, Mysticism and Science
Acid Dreams: The Complete Social History of LSD: The CIA, the Sixties, and Beyond
The Men Who Stare at Goats
The Sacred Mushroom; Key to the Door of Eternity
Jacob's Ladder
The Men Who Stare At Goats
The Beyond Within: The L.S.D. Story
Wombaticus Rex wrote:The first volume of Dolan's UFOs and the National Security State is pretty flawless. His subsequent career, much less so.
As for parapolitics, I'm completely blown away by Albarelli's A Terrible Mistake. I'm having a very hard time digesting it, really, since I grew up reading about the CIA/LSD nexus and Albarelli's information would seem to indicate that most of the material I've read, from John Marks up to Acid Dreams, was a whitewash, or at least based on a CIA-funded/written/disseminated narrative...
American Dream wrote:Explosive New Book Exposes the CIA, LSD Experiments and Murder
Most Americans remember vague details of a person who had been given LSD and subsequently jumped out a window of a New York hotel back in the Fifties. They might also recall that it had something to do with the CIA. It certainly did. It was murder.
In a new explosive and staggeringly researched book, A Terrible Mistake: The Murder of Frank Olson and the CIA’s Secret Cold War Experiments, author H.P. Albarelli Jr. details once highly-classified accounts of the CIA’s experiments with LSD and other drugs in a series of biochemical experiments. These covert actions on unsuspecting individuals resulted in at least five deaths and three hundred people seeking medical care.
For decades, the seemingly unrelated mysteries of Dr. Frank Olson’s strange suicide in 1953 and the bizarre hallucinogenic breakout in the French village of Pont St. Esprit in August 1951 have independently perplexed serious investigators. The subjects have been rehashed in countless accounts on the Internet and in many television news features and documentaries over the years. However, using secret and never-before revealed CIA reports obtained through the Freedom of Information Act, the author has tied together these two events, along with many others. His startling conclusion is that the CIA had high hopes of using LSD to develop a truth serum and perhaps even to create a person who would unwittingly murder on command. Those ends became the rationale to study the drug being administered surreptitiously, including the dosing of an entire French village plus hundreds of unknowing civilians, hospital patients, prisoners and military personnel.
The 900-page book exposes the reasons behind Dr. Olson’s murder, and also identifies the men responsible for the crime, including their ties with Lee Harvey Oswald, the murder of JFK and their role in the infamous French Connection heroin case. In addition, the book provides a tremendous amount of detail about CIA-sponsored mind control and assassination programs like the Artichoke Project, MK/ULTRA, MK/NAOMI and QK/HILLTOP. Some of the interrogation techniques begun by these programs are still in use today.
A Terrible Mistake is published by TrineDay, an Oregon-based company that specializes in releasing books that are shunned by mainstream publishers due to their controversial nature.
H.P. Albarelli Jr. has written a number of groundbreaking newspaper, magazine and Internet articles, including several on the Olson case, as well as topics such as anthrax, Cuba, child abuse and intelligence matters. His novel The Heap was published in 2005. He works in the legal profession and was a member of the Carter administration. More information on A Terrible Mistake can be found at:
surfaceskimmer wrote:Haven't seen the film. Scanned the thread past page one. Am familiar with the topics.
Would strongly recommend reading H. P. Albarelli's book "A Terrible Mistake", which is long, detailed, well-researched and documented. Among other related information, page 578 notes MK Ultra Subproject 39 (1954-1956), the stated objective of which was to "exploit the research potential that is represented by a group of 142 criminal-sexual psychopaths confined in the Ionia State Hospital for the Criminally Insane as well as the Psychopathic Clinic in Detroit, Michigan."
rigorousintuition.ca :: MK Themes in Shutter Island?
operator kos wrote:Here's the game:
If you were going to teach a class in deep politics/deep history, and you could have your students read ten and only ten books, what would they be? Your goal is to give the next generation as broad and deep an understanding of the true power structure of the world as possible. I don't have my complete list yet, but it would look something like this (in no particular order):
1. A People's History of the United States by Howard Zinn
2. A Terrible Mistake by H.P. Albarelli
3. The Franklin Scandal by Nick Bryant
4. The War on Truth by Nafeez Ahmed
5. Crossing the Rubicon by Michael Ruppert
6. JFK and the Unspeakable by James Douglass
7. UFOs and the National Security State by Richard Dolan
8. ???
9. ???
10. ???
rigorousintuition.ca :: 10 Essential Books for Understanding How the World Works
rigorousintuition.ca :: Remembering Frank Olson -- MKULTRA victim, suicidee
rigorousintuition.ca :: Albarelli: Morgellons and the CIA’s MK/NAOMI
rigorousintuition.ca :: AIDS, the CIA & bio-warfare (H.P. Albarelli)
rigorousintuition.ca :: Mystery Disease Linked to Missing Israeli Scientist
rigorousintuition.ca :: Obama Official Linked to U.S. Mind Control Research
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