Mike Ruppert is a stooge

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Mike Ruppert is a stooge

Postby heath7 » Tue Jun 07, 2005 8:44 pm

<!--EZCODE LINK START--><a href="http://www.thestandard.com.hk/stdn/std/Business/GF01Ae01.html">Sinopec joins Canadian oil sands venture </a><!--EZCODE LINK END--><br><br><!--EZCODE ITALIC START--><em>For the project to turn a profit, Lo said, ``oil prices must stay above the US$30 a barrel level.''</em><!--EZCODE ITALIC END--><br><br>Oil isn't running out (sadly, for some <!--EZCODE EMOTICON START :D --><img src=http://www.ezboard.com/images/emoticons/happy.gif ALT=":D"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> ). The whole peak theory seems to be trivial. It might be real, but what's it matter when they can dredge oil sands and still make a profit at $30 a barrel. At today's prices of $50-$55 a barrel ($2.00-$2.10 for a gallon of gas) these sand dredgers are making an hellacious profit. Conventional production is popularly known to be significantly cheaper; just imagine the profits they must be scoring right now. <br><br>The best part (for industrial-age man, anyway) is there's trillions of barrels located in oil sands in Canada alone, not to mention the trillions more in oil shale just in the U.S. Rocky Mountains which has recently begun being developed.<br><br>We are being enronned, and Mike Ruppert's a stooge because he never draws anything but a pessimistic line that benefits only the oil barons. <br><br>...This all, however, forces me to reassess all the geopolitical positioning that's been going on; why then are we in Iraq, Afghanistan, and soon to be Iran if its not for the oil? Are 'we' positioning ourselves opposed to China and Russia (and perhaps India) for some reason <!--EZCODE EMOTICON START :rolleyes --><img src=http://www.ezboard.com/images/emoticons/eyes.gif ALT=":rolleyes"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> ? <br> <p></p><i></i>
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Are 'we' positioning ourselves opposed to China and Russia..

Postby PeterofLoneTree » Tue Jun 07, 2005 9:59 pm

Precisely. We're in the mideast not so much to have the oil for ourselves, but, to keep it away from all those countries you mentioned. It could be said that China's industrial revolution is still in its infancy. <p></p><i></i>
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Not according to Richard Heinberg

Postby Rigorous Intuition » Tue Jun 07, 2005 10:58 pm

Yanked The Party's Over and PowerDown off the shelf for these factoids:<br><br>It takes the equivalent of two out of every three barrels of oil recovered in the tar sands to pay for all the cost expended getting it out. Two tons need to be mined for one barrel. Also, to produce one barrel of tar sands oil (which yield less than half the net energy of conventional oil) requires 500 to 700 cubic feet of natural gas. The alternative method requires twice as much. And natural gas appears to have peaked, too, and that may be a more immediate calamity than peak oil. The downside of the gas production curve will be much steeper.<br><br> <p></p><i></i>
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Slight hitches

Postby wolf pauli » Tue Jun 07, 2005 11:05 pm

RI beat me to the punch, but I'll post these links anyway ...<br><br><br><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href="http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2005/05/22/CANADA.TMP">www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/ar...CANADA.TMP</a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--><br>OIL'S DIRTY FUTURE<br>Canadian oil sands: Vast reserves second to Saudi Arabia will keep America moving, but at a steep environmental cost<br><br>"... Even though costs have dropped, the oil sands process remains inefficient. Two tons of sand yield a single barrel -- 42 gallons -- of oil. On average, each barrel creates more greenhouse gas emissions than four cars do in a day. ..."<br><br>-----<br><br><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href="http://www.peopleandplanet.net/doc.php?id=1769">www.peopleandplanet.net/doc.php?id=1769</a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--><br>Tar sands will increase Canada's pollution<br><br>"... The problem is that it takes almost as much energy to produce tar sands as it generates. Indeed, it almost takes as much energy to mine, process, refine, and upgrade the bitumen oil out of tar sands as the oil-energy that would be produced from the tar sands.<br><br>"In the process much more carbon dioxide emissions are generated getting the tar sands oil out than would be the case with conventional oil. There are estimates that 5 to 10 times the amount of greenhouse gas emissions come from processing tar sands as it does processing conventional oil. ..."<br><br>------<br><br><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href="http://www.tao.ca/~fol/Pa/osp/pr050413.htm">www.tao.ca/~fol/Pa/osp/pr050413.htm</a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--><br>Lubicon Lake Indian Nation, Sierra Club of Canada and Greenpeace ask federal Environment Minister to order environmental assessment of Deep Well<br><br>"... Oil sands development in Alberta is expected to add 60 additional megatonnes of CO2 emissions to Canada’s total by 2010. ..."<br><br>------<br><br>You can google lots more on these topics.<br> <p></p><i></i>
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Re: Whose a stooge, whose facts are garbled?

Postby Starman » Wed Jun 08, 2005 3:38 am

))))))))<br>heath7 posted:<br>Mike Ruppert is a stooge<br>--------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br> Sinopec joins Canadian oil sands venture <br><br>For the project to turn a profit, Lo said, ``oil prices must stay above the US$30 a barrel level.''<br><br>Oil isn't running out (sadly, for some ). The whole peak theory seems to be trivial. It might be real, but what's it matter when they can dredge oil sands and still make a profit at $30 a barrel. At today's prices of $50-$55 a barrel ($2.00-$2.10 for a gallon of gas) these sand dredgers are making an hellacious profit. Conventional production is popularly known to be significantly cheaper; just imagine the profits they must be scoring right now. <br><br>Hey heath7;<br><br>What gives? Why the ultra-cheap-shot drive-by slur on Ruppert with nothing to back it up or to critique his thesis except the most lame, half-assed trivial nod at some fobbish bit of Canadian-Shield Oil Co. tar-sand PR-promo stunt drivel as 'validation'? The actual 'costs' -- social, environmental, and economic -- of refining Canadian tar-sands into a viable energy-fuel product are substantial. Did you even bother to acquaint yourself with what's involved before you used it to assault someone of Ruppert's well-earned, hard-fought, laid-on-the-line credibility? I have the utmost respect for Ruppert for the courage and integrity he's shown in chasing-down ackward, even dangerous facts down and putting his career, rep. and even life on the line for what he believes in, which is WAAAY more than just a theory about energy-shortages. And what do you mean, that 'sadly' oil isn't running out? Peak oil is NOT, anyway, about running 'out'. That's NOT what it's about. For you to be so bold and blatant in saying such an outrageous, provocative thing, I'd expect you'd want to be on somewhat solid ground at the very least. Chances are, a LOT of folks won't even notice declining oil production for several years until it slaps them in their face. But even eventually, there still will be a LOT of oil around -- trouble is, it'll be too hard to get to, or require too much cost and effort or rare and expensive technology. That's what Peak Oil means, backed-up by declining oil discoveries and the evident reality that fields are being depleted quicker than new fields are being found. On top of that, the size of major reserves has been revised downwards at several companies, including Shell.<br><br>Even the 'promise' of Abiotic oil isn't a demonstrated godsend that will necessarily 'save' us -- The few places where oil has been found to be welling-up from deep strata where, according to well-established Russian and Ukranian geo-petroleum theories it is formed, such as offshore Lousianna and the Ukraine, are very limited. It's far from certain that many, let alone most, oil fields can be 'fed' through deep fractures and fissures so that oil formed 60 miles deep in the mantle can get to within 5 or 6 miles of the surface, about the limit of current drilling techniques. Fact IS -- many fields are declining output, some at alarming levels. Saudi Arabia, despite its rhetoric, has been unable to boost its current production -- it might take 15 years to increase its output 20 percent, which might not even meet current growth in demand in 10 years.<br><br>To repeat: Ruppert NEVER claimed an 'end' to oil. A lot of people lack the critical reading skills to get what he meant when he esplained what Peak Oil really means -- that point at which actual oil production begins to decline. A LOT of factors will enter into why this happens, and more significantly, the ripple consequences when this DOES happen. Those 'consequences' are what Ruppert and others have been primarily warning people about for the last several years, recognizing that tragically, we've lost the necessary lead time to make major changes to prevent the major disruptions that now most likely will occur. <br><br>Carter tried some 28 years ago, but the big-money Financial/Energy/Military/(and covert Intel/Crime) factions sabotaged his efforts, and led the nation (and world) into further short-term plunder-and-debt schemes that seriously degraded the socioeconomic, political and ecological viability of most of the third-world, while promoting neocolonial IMF/World Bank peonage indenture to prop-up the west's elaborate Fed Reserve Ponzi-racket, privatizing global assets and stoking Corporate profits while socializing Corporate costs, and continuing to wreak havoc with the environment by undermining the laws and regulations designed to minimize pollution and unsustainable development. Oh, and of course, where economic hitmen couldn't buy-off or induce third-world politicians and ruling-elites, and the wet-work Jackals either couldn't get close enough to their target or there were too many 'obstacles', Troops were sent in under the pretext of fighting 'communism' or saving American Citizens or some other trumped-up ruse to dupe the couch-potato rubes back-home, so the Bankers could collect their assessed fifty-percent tariff on nations GDP, and the oil and diamond and palladium and tantalum and coltan and timber concessioneers milk their mercenary-protected fortunes ...<br><br>Why do I mention these facts of modern ravaging? Simply -- they're all part of the same kind of plunder-mentality and zero-sum gamesmanship that the ruling-elites have imposed on the people and nations of the world, creating greater poverty and oppression as they divide the 'pie' of limited resources into more-and-more unequal and unjust piles -- encouraging waste and conspicuous consumption in the west in order to feed mass-merchanidized greed by which to exploit offshore cheap labour and tax-deferred factories, all part of the plan to build an elaborate energy and transportation dynasty that THEY and their cohorts control (think Enron and 'saving' Saudi Arabia from non-existent Iraqi tank brigades lined up on their border, all to secure lucrative oil concessions and to sell a trillion-dollars of already-obsolete fighters and tanks and bombs ...)<br><br>One of the big factors driving high oil prices and the oil industry's manipulation to exploit Peak Oil, is the immense cost of funding a trillion-dollar-yr. military-industrial complex, with the powerful interests and coincident control of crime rackets that such vast sums involve. The trillion dollars-plus a year dumped down the Black Budget black hole, some 20 trillion dollars over the last 10-15 years, could have completely tarnsformed and revitalized society around the world, going a LONG way to resolving the poverty and decay and broken-infrastructure and corrupted politics and crippled economies that promote despair and crime, the breeding-grounds for strife and terror and conflict. How many solor generators, deep-water pumping stations, pre-fabricated houses, air-tight stoves, solor-ovens, clinics, schools, alternative-fuel tractors, light-rail transit systems, could be built for nations the west has plundered and wrecked instead of the tens-of-thousands of multi-million dollar tanks and fighters and attack helicopters, bombers and cruisers and missile-ships, not to mention the many, many uncounted thousands of hundred-thousand-dollar apiece bunker-buster bombs and missiles, and all the other big-ticket items that have limited-use apart from provoking useless, immoral and unneeded and disasterous wars, etc.? <br><br>How much farther could the world be if people of vision and imagination and courage and deeply-moral principles were to be honestly elected by a well-informed, involved electorate exercising the ideal of We, The People self-government, taking care of basic human-rights issues and community and nation needs and NOT indebted to the good-old-boy network of graft and back-scratching, favors and Corporate interests? No wonder Bush is so hyper-paranoid and has the Secret Service investigating every last intimation of anything even remotely a 'threat' (I've heard the most amazing, incredible things about 'anonymous' tips taking the most innocuous things as an actual 'danger' to the Prez's life, that when compared to the things Repub hatemonger fanatics said about Clinton there's NO way it makes sense -- Bush must KNOW, on some level, how deeply people of moral clarity see through his false-veneer, and must hold him in contempt.<br><br>OK-- To continue; You said:<br><br>The best part (for industrial-age man, anyway) is there's trillions of barrels located in oil sands in Canada alone, not to mention the trillions more in oil shale just in the U.S. Rocky Mountains which has recently begun being developed.<br><br>We are being enronned, and Mike Ruppert's a stooge because he never draws anything but a pessimistic line that benefits only the oil barons. <br>****<br>Jeez, that is just SO not true. Do you really think Ruppert has ANY influence on OIL PRICES? Sheesh, it seems like you also don't know anything about how the international oil markets work, or how prices are determined. Your 'claim' about the bonanza of oil sands and oil shale indicate you haven't looked at what's involved in mining and then refining, and then getting the processed oiul to market, let alone the enormous production and environmental and transport costs.<br><br>As to your 'deduction' that Ruppert's a stooge because he's always 'pessimistic' -- Cripes, but that's so self-serving -- It's like dissing a realist painter because he doesn't paint abstracts, or a Jazz musician for not playing the blues. Consider the subjects Ruppert is speaking on -- and it's false to say he isn't ever positive and optimistic -- his underlying message is that people MUST take control of their lives and seek to be well-informed and involved -- his main message is self-empowerment and activism based on folks being committed to their principles and ideals, in order to bring-about the kinds of sweeping changes in society and in our government that reflect reality and NOT pie-in-the-sky schemes, or half-baked notions, or faith-based ideology based on delusions. His message is actually hopeful, that we CAN make a difference -- or else, why even give a damn that we were betrayed and horribly deceived by our 'leader' on 911?<br><br>You wrote:<br>...This all, however, forces me to reassess all the geopolitical positioning that's been going on; why then are we in Iraq, Afghanistan, and soon to be Iran if its not for the oil? Are 'we' positioning ourselves opposed to China and Russia (and perhaps India) for some reason ? <br><br>The purpose is only partly about controlling oil-access to China and India, as much as its about controlling pipelines in the region, and securing the Heroin/Cocaine pipeline, and thereby exercising a great deal of influence in Europe and the Balkans, as well as to surround China and Russia, as well as to enlist Israel as a US security client -- And too, the gullible US taxpayers and future Iraq oil consumers will be paying the several-hundred billion-dollar 'bill' for services tendered, great gobs being gobbled along the way by all variety of well-placed contractors with favored Pentagon/CIA contacts, as well as the standby Corporations Halliburton, Brown and Root etc. ripping-off their customary 25-40 percent ... Its a money machine, even better than Yugoslavia/Kosova. Just think of all the Military resupply and equipment providers, and all those grubby middlemen.<br><br>Opportunity via Chaos ...<br><br>Starman <p></p><i></i>
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Re: No Stooge Ruppert!

Postby Connut » Wed Jun 08, 2005 10:12 am

Thank you Starman, for your intelligent and passionate response. Mike Ruppert is a good man and I was pissed when I read Heath7's header, and flimsy connecting information. You said it much better than I could have. <p></p><i></i>
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peak oil = eugenics

Postby human » Wed Jun 08, 2005 10:18 am

peak oil = eugenics.<br><br>its garbage. in theory & practice.<br><br>mike ruppert IS a stooge.<br><br>and so is anyone else who recommends killing off mass amounts of people due to the looming "oil crisis"<br><br><br>oil is ABIOTIC.<br><br>meaning, there is plenty.<br><br><br>alternative energies already exist, they are supressed.<br><br><br>the so called oil wars arent to control the remaining reserves, but to keep huge reserves IN THE GROUND!<br><br><br><br>beware of the peak oil myth.<br><br><br>one<br>human? <p></p><i></i>
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Re: peak oil = eugenics

Postby Connut » Wed Jun 08, 2005 10:24 am

And Ruppert only pointed out what's being foisted on us by the folks that brought you eugenics back in the 1920's. Doesn't make him a stooge as it points out your bias. <p></p><i></i>
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peak oil = eugenics

Postby human » Wed Jun 08, 2005 10:42 am

"And Ruppert only pointed out what's being foisted on us by the folks that brought you eugenics back in the 1920's. Doesn't make him a stooge as it points out your bias."<br><br>really?<br><br>Mike Ruppert, from a letter to Dave McGowan, March 2004 <br><br>" 1. Instead of advocating war I oppose it. Anyone who has attended any of my more than 35 lectures in eight countries (more than 15,000 live audience members) will know, of a certainty, that my position on solutions is absolutely clear. I advocate an immediate cessation of all military conquest and imperialism by the US government and industrialized powers; an end to the war on terror. I advocate an immediate convening of political, economic, spiritual and scientific leaders from all nations to address the issue of Peak Oil (and Gas) and its immediate implications for economic collapse, massive famine and climate destruction (partially as a result of reversion to coal plants which accelerate global warming). This would, scientifically speaking, include immediate steps to arrive at a crash program Ð agreed to by all nations and in accordance with the highest spiritual and ethical principles Ð to stop global population growth and to arrive at the best possible and most ethical program of population reduction as a painful choice made by all of humanity."<br><br><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href="http://www.davesweb.cnchost.com/nwsltr54.html">www.davesweb.cnchost.com/nwsltr54.html</a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--><br><br><br>i highly suggest reading Dave Mcgowan's website in its entirety.. (for this converstaion around newsletters 52)<br><br><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href="http://davesweb.cnchost.com/">davesweb.cnchost.com/</a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--><br><br>not population control, or stabalization.....<br><br>a "scientific" crash program for population REDUCTION...<br><br>and that, IMO, translates to eugenics.<br><br>so please clarify for me the bias you mention?<br><br>and to understand eugenics you are going to have to broaden your views of it a bit, the 20's is one decade in a long history... <br><br>ever since "science" began, there has been "science" built on false information and premise, to justify one man killing another.<br><br>one<br>human?<br><br> <p></p><i></i>
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peak oil = eugenics

Postby human » Wed Jun 08, 2005 10:51 am

and please, while taking in my anti peak oil rants, know that i am 100% a believer in reducing our CONSUMPTION... investing & investigating in alternative energies... <br><br>anything postive...<br><br>i refuse, and will always refuse, to accept these doom & gloom apocolypse stories. they are not truth. <br><br>we are a magnificent, magical, brilliantly inteligent & infinitly wise species of spirit being who have existed since the begining and will continue to exist until the end of all time & beyond...<br><br>one<br>human? <p></p><i></i>
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Re: peak oil = eugenics

Postby wolf pauli » Wed Jun 08, 2005 12:40 pm

<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--><em>oil is ABIOTIC.<br><br>meaning, there is plenty.</em><!--EZCODE ITALIC END--><br><br>Ugo Bardi distinguishes between "strong" and "weak" abiotic oil theories, and argues -- conclusively, as far as I can tell -- that (1) the strong version is false, and (2) the weak version (the one defended by serious proponents of abiotic oil) is irrelevant to this discussion because "it would have no effect on the impending oil peak". I'm still waiting for someone to show, or at least <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--><em>attempt</em><!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> to show, that Bardi is wrong -- not merely <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--><em>say</em><!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> "he's wrong", which is as easy as it is gratuitously idiotic --- but <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--><em>show</em><!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> he's wrong. <br><br>Here's the Bardi article:<br><br><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href="http://fromthewilderness.com/free/ww3/100404_abiotic_oil.shtml">fromthewilderness.com/fre..._oil.shtml</a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--><br><br>Those who positively refuse to sully their browsers with a visit to Ruppert's den of moral turpitude can find it here: <br><br><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href="http://www.aspoitalia.net/aspoenglish/documents/bardi/abioticoil1oct04.html">www.aspoitalia.net/aspoen...oct04.html</a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--><br><br> <p></p><i></i>
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Postby human » Wed Jun 08, 2005 12:57 pm

"but show he's wrong. "<br><br><br>okay, so, extending that reasoning, what i need to do is call up your boy, get on a plane, fly over to Iraq, drive our humvee to the spot then get into my super elevator that travels down into the earth and give him a walking tour of the Gaian inards.<br><br>or perhaps me & Captain Nemo could bring your boy on a trip to the Gulf of Mexico.<br><br><br>my point.<br><br>the fact that there is EVEN A THEORY of abiotic oil, indicates to me that extensive further study is nessecary before even CONSIDERING the options Ruppert is suggesting.<br><br>or at least, the advocates of LIFE would be insisting "science" PROVES that abiotic oil is not the case.<br><br>there is no proofs of shit, the scientific finding and reports all conflict, the theories vary greatly (depending on your country might i add), it all says to me that while absolutely encouraging conservation and alternative, we should be investigating the real science, NOT PUSHING EUGENICS & COLLAPSE OF CIVILIZATION!!<br><br>its not rational.<br><br>its psychotic.<br><br>i wonder if people actually realize the implications of what they are talking about.<br><br>the reason i say BEWARE is because i believe in manifesting reality, keep believing, it will come true.<br><br>i, for one, will never believe in it, and have faith in future.<br><br>one<br>human? <p></p><i></i>
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Re: umm

Postby Connut » Wed Jun 08, 2005 1:13 pm

Nice to have faith in the future, one human, but there are no survivors on planet earth. We all die sooner or later and it's what you're doing this moment that counts. You are right to focus on the spiritual and be joyful and think positively - my personal spiritual practice is laugh a lot, it dispels the darkness. When it comes to world collapse as a result of over-population and non-sustainability, the African saying is "the rain falls on every man's roof the same". <p></p><i></i>
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A very lovely statement, Human

Postby Asta » Wed Jun 08, 2005 1:19 pm

"we are a magnificent, magical, brilliantly inteligent & infinitly wise species of spirit being who have existed since the begining and will continue to exist until the end of all time & beyond..."<br><br>But there is one exception to your praise of our species, and that's GEORGE BUSH. <br> <p></p><i></i>
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peak oil = eugenics

Postby human » Wed Jun 08, 2005 1:37 pm

<i>Nice to have faith in the future, one human, but there are no survivors on planet earth. We all die sooner or later and it's what you're doing this moment that counts. You are right to focus on the spiritual and be joyful and think positively - my personal spiritual practice is laugh a lot, it dispels the darkness. When it comes to world collapse as a result of over-population and non-sustainability, the African saying is "the rain falls on every man's roof the same".</i><br><br>its funny you say that. <br><br>the "one" is like "sincerely yours", but more like "sincerely ours".<br><br>human is what they call me, Survival is my team.<br><br><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href="http://www.survivalnyc.org">www.survivalnyc.org</a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--><br><br>we are so not over populated IMO. i live in queens. i dont know what that means really, but queens NYC is the future..<br><br>lots of everyone. <br><br>there are definitly problems that need solving quick, but never is one of the solutions to kill and sterelize.<br><br>education & sharing, thats the ticket.<br><br><i>But there is one exception to your praise of our species, and that's GEORGE BUSH. </i><br><br>lol, respect. but even George Bush...... i love him as a creature of God, and because i love him so much, i disagree even more strongly with his actions and ideas. <br><br>one<br>human?<br><br><br> <p></p><i></i>
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