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GOP shenanigans in Washington

PostPosted: Mon Feb 11, 2008 2:21 am
by jingofever
I do not use the term 'shenanigans' lightly. Seems that Huckabee and McCain were running a close race, with the Huckster up for a while, until McCain took a slight lead with 87% of the vote counted. At that point the GOP stopped counting votes and declared McCain the winner. It always seems funny when a news network projects a winner without the final tally, but for the election officials to do it, well it stops being funny (sort of). I remember when they at least gave us the dignity of pretending to count all of the votes. That was a better time, a better America, when they cheated us with a smile.

PostPosted: Wed Feb 13, 2008 8:21 pm
by sunny
Hi jingofever. I posted about this on the main board. Huckabee has called in the lawyers.