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We need a leader. Who will it be?

PostPosted: Mon Jun 12, 2006 4:15 am
by pugzleyca3
I posted this on another thread, but I feel it needs its own:<br><br><br>We need someone who has a huge MOUTH.<br><br>Someone people trust and someone with the balls to lead.<br><br>I nominate Colbert!<br><br>What if we started a movement of people asking him to lead the country in change?<br><br>The Iraq war would be the issue that can't be marginalized as a conspiracy theory. <br><br>Any ideas on who to approach as a leader? <br><br>Do you think we need a leader?<br><br>Colbert's Comedy Central people would probably never allow him to use his program for something like this. But he seems to have the guts to do something. I just wonder how far someone like him would be willing to go.<br><br>Ok, probably a dumb idea.<br><br>But, really, it looks to me like the first movement needs to be the nomination of someone to lead people. Whether that person likes it or not. haha! <p></p><i>Edited by: <A HREF=>pugzleyca3</A> at: 6/12/06 2:16 am<br></i>

Re: We need a leader. Who will it be?

PostPosted: Mon Jun 12, 2006 12:49 pm
by greencrow0
I've always thought Howard Dean made a good leader for the US....<br><br>But the US political scene is a cannibal that eats its's part of the neoCon mindset to belittle and ridicule to death any opposition...and it is remarkably successful at it...mainly because nobody has the guts to call the media on it.<br><br>We don't need an individual 'leader' per se as much as we need an independent media...once we have that then we will be well on our way to defeating the cabal.<br><br>Which, of course, is why we'll never have an independent mass media. <p></p><i></i>

Re: We need a leader. Who will it be?

PostPosted: Mon Jun 12, 2006 1:07 pm
by bvonahsen
What we need is a system that is more representitive. One that can't be so easily gamed by sociopaths or those with narcissistic personality disorder seeking public recognition and power.<br><br>We need a media that isn't owned and perverted by corperate interests. That persues stories regardless of the political fallout. We don't need a media that is fractured into countless interest groups on the left or the right or has abandond any hope of objectivity.<br><br>We need citizens who are involved and informed and not constantly distracted. Citizens, not merely a population, who are educated in scientific facts and critical reasoning instead of religious lies. People who can stand up and think for themselves and not be co-opted by those who would manipulate, control and enslave them.<br><br>Good luck <p></p><i></i>

Re: We need a leader. Who will it be?

PostPosted: Mon Jun 12, 2006 2:20 pm
by greencrow0
You know, I've been thinking lately that if the PTB get rid of the Internet, it might not be such a bad thing.<br><br>We'll all have to get off our asses and get out in the street and agitate instead of meditate.<br><br>And that is what I believe will happen when the Internet goes down...people are so used to having access to alternate view now that if they can't get them via technology they'll go down the the coffee houses and listen to speakers. <p></p><i></i>


PostPosted: Mon Jun 12, 2006 2:23 pm
by blanc
way to have better media is to stop subscribing to existing newspapers etc, stop buying the stuff advertised on tv and so on. <p></p><i></i>

Re: media

PostPosted: Mon Jun 12, 2006 3:34 pm
by anotherdrew
WE already have great media, the key is getting the majority of people away from the republican owned media and looking at it. We just have to keep hammering them, dailyhowler and mediawhores online were/are a good start. It's marketing basicly. <p></p><i></i>

Re: media

PostPosted: Mon Jun 12, 2006 3:36 pm
by pugzleyca3
How disheartening! <br><br>Look at your responses! Talk about whining and not willing to do a darn thing to pull ourselves out of this mess.<br><br>I don't mean to offend here, but not one of you had a single idea of how to do anything about any of this, just more of "what we need" talk. Maybe my idea is dumb, but at least I'm thinking!<br><br>What we need requires leadership to get it.<br><br>I also noticed on my thread about putting the sign on my house there was a litany of suggestions for the sign to put on MY house and only ONE person who said they were willing to do that much. ONE! Now, I know there are lots of people who live in apartments and such and cannot do this. But ONE? Sunny. That's it. And that is not to say I do not appreciate all the suggestions, that was great.<br><br>We're screwed. And I guess the people here are not much different than the supposed fat, apathetic, lazy Americans who watch TV all day long and eat, the difference is the ones here TALK about our problems more. <br><br>Sorry if anyone thinks I'm out of line on this, but here it is, glaring and staring right at me. This is what we are.<br><br>Suggesting we don't buy things off ads sounds weak and ineffective, as it is. Without leadership and someone to prompt people not to buy these goods, how can you get them to stop? It takes leadership to run a boycott of products. <br><br>We have a huge media tool at our fingertips and millions of people wanting to DO something, but no one to lead them. All we have is a bunch of whining bitching blogs and websites that get people stirred up and angry on a daily basis and make people feel more helpless and frustrated by the hour.<br><br>I'm spinning my wheels here. I think I'll just disconnect the net, and get some popcorn, bonbons and watch cable tv. It's easy.<br> <p></p><i></i>

Re: Media

PostPosted: Mon Jun 12, 2006 4:48 pm
by so buttons
the eternal dilemma which faces those opposed to the PTB is the reality that we can't beat them at their own game unless we play by their (ethically vacant) rules. the "left" doesn't have "strong leaders" like the right because no one on the left is willing to stand up and call the right out on its moral ineptitude, as they are more than eager to do to us. ("the left wants to kill babies!" "the left doesn't think the bible is real!") the right has managed to portray itself as the party of upstanding righteousness, even though this couldn't be farther from the truth. as bradley whitford commented on bill maher's show a few month's ago, it is preposterous to think that we live in a society in which one can plausibly say "i hate fags so i have the moral high ground." where are our leaders in washington? why does a guy from a TELEVISION PROGRAM about the white house, appearing on a COMEDY PROGRAM have to be the closest we can get to political notice of the deplorable state of american "morals?"<br><br>if we wanted an effective leader, we would need the kind of character found in the donald rumsfeld's and dick cheney's of the world - dismissive, arrogant bastards who are so assured of their own rightness that to engage them in debate is sheer waste of breath. we need a leader who doesn't care two beans about what the red states will think (the way bushco doesn't care what the blue states think...and the blue states, incidentally, need to start being more offended), who will stand up and refuse to bend even a little bit, who will unequivocally stand by his positions (i.e., evolution [and global warming] is a FACT, it is REAL, and the american education system will not cater to the whims of religious zealots who dispute the validity of science; anti-homosexual sentiments, like racial sentiments, are nothing more than hate-based discrimination, and because homosexual conduct does not affect anyone outside of the parties involved, and because america was founded on a "free to be you and me" set of principles", our laws ought not condone hate) and play the same games bushco play, delivering every word they say with a "i'm absolutely right and you are a moron for even thinking to dispute what i say" tone.<br><br>i was thinking this weekend how comedians are the only ones who are consistently spot-on in political analysis, and that is a tragedy. take a stand, state the obvious truths about political affairs and you get...laughs. <p></p><i></i>

need a leader? really?

PostPosted: Mon Jun 12, 2006 7:09 pm
by Corvidaerex
I'd suggest the very last thing "we" need is a leader. Been led around quite enough now, don't you think? <p></p><i></i>

Re: need a leader? really?

PostPosted: Mon Jun 12, 2006 7:23 pm
by pugzleyca3
Fine, we can all keep floundering around and do diddly shit like we have been. Seems like that is how people like it, helpless and bitching around with no course of action and no organization or leadership. Keep it that way and there's a perpetual poor me merry go round to ride on.<br><br>If you are talking about Bush the incompetent's standard, that is not leadership, that is a wannabe dictatorship. <p></p><i></i>

Re: need a leader? really?

PostPosted: Mon Jun 12, 2006 7:33 pm
by dude h homeslice ix
james burke: representative parliamentary democracy is a perfect 18th-century solution to 18th-century problems.<br><br>he told me that in person.<br> <p></p><i></i>


PostPosted: Mon Jun 12, 2006 7:57 pm
by Mentalgongfu
Pugzleyca3, <br><br>I do think you're a little out of line in your assessment.<br><br>I mean no offense, but here you are, whining in a thread about how all people do is whine and moan . . . and that only one person has jumped on board your banner idea. <br><br>Put up your banner - for real, I support the effort. But no political banner is going on my current home, for a number of reasons. Most of all, I personally think I can accomplish more by maintaining good relations with my neighbors and engaging them in discussion. <br><br>I don't know why you poo-pooed the idea of not buying certain advertised products. <br><br>Witholding financial support away from those groups you oppose hits them where it matters. True, a place like Wal-Mart is not gonna live or die on a single customer, but I still refuse to shop there and have for years. I go out of my way to avoid Wal-Mart. If everyone who bitches about them did the same, there would be a major impact, instead of my own very small impact. But of course, I can't make "everyone else" do what I want, so I'm satisified with taking care of what I can do myself. <br><br>As for needing a leader, I'll be generous and say you're half-right. <br><br>We don't need a leader. We need more people to BE leaders. Don't wait around for someone else to do it for you. Take the lead yourself, as you're doing with this banner idea. And don't get indignant if people dont "wake up" or follow you. <br><br>Real leaders do what is right regardless whether anyone follows. <br><br>When I hear people whine "there's no good candidates" in an election, I am inclined to reply "run for office."<br><br>IMO, a big part of "our" problem is the fact so many Americans are still waiting complacently for that mysterious great leader to rise and lead us all down a golden path back to liberty and glory. <br><br>If you want someone to save you, get Religion. <br><br>Aside from the mentally deficient, no one who sticks a hand in a pot of boiling water needs a leader to tell them to take it out. Yet Americans seem happy to always pass the buck, waiting as the water warms for someone else to do something about it. <p></p><i></i>

Re: leaders

PostPosted: Mon Jun 12, 2006 8:05 pm
by pugzleyca3
I'm not whining, I'm trying to see if anyone has any life in their carcasses. <p></p><i></i>

re: leaders

PostPosted: Mon Jun 12, 2006 8:09 pm
by Mentalgongfu
Fair enough. <p></p><i></i>

Re: re: leaders

PostPosted: Mon Jun 12, 2006 8:21 pm
by dranek7
I would rather have a leader who comes from outside of the one powerful family that most presidents descended from. Unfortunately, those people are few and far between. <p></p><i></i>