Niger Forgeries are a Red Herring

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Niger Forgeries are a Red Herring

Postby antiaristo » Fri Jul 15, 2005 10:30 am

Did Bush not state “The British Government has learned…”?<br><br>He was referring to the September “Dossier”.<br><br>The “Dodgy Dossier” had yet to be plagiarised.<br><br>Wilson’s op-ed challenged those “sixteen words”, no?<br><br>Wilson did not write about forged documents.<br><br>Bush did not talk about “The Italian Government”.<br><br>When challenged on the forged documents in Parliament, Jack Straw said “We did not rely on the forgeries. We had other information.”<br><br>Maybe I’m missing something, but the forgeries themselves don’t actually enter into this at all, do they?<br><br>But the British “other information” does. For it is that “other information” that corroborates the State of the Union message.<br><br><br>Which of course means you Americans got suckered by the Treason Felony Act<br><br> <p></p><i></i>
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Re: Niger Forgeries are a Red Herring

Postby dbeach » Fri Jul 15, 2005 10:39 am

maybe wilson is part of the grand charade??<br><br>keep foolin the commoners..its lots of fun..<br><br>DUNNO but the elites got it made....robbing us and hiding their they have endless bad guys to scare us with..<br><br>as they scream for more security and less liberty .<br><br>1984 and worse..<br><br><br> <p></p><i></i>
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Joe Wilson

Postby antiaristo » Fri Jul 15, 2005 11:19 am

dbeach,<br>I have posted these before.<br>I’ve just searched, but they are no longer on the site. I can’t remember whether I posted before or after the attack.<br><br>First, to Joe Wilson, who did not reply.<br><br><br>============================<br><br>                                                                        C/ Eusebio Navarro, 12<br>Joseph Wilson Esq.                                                        35003 Las Palmas de Gran<br>C/o New York Times                                                Spain                        Canaria<br>                                                                        5 August 2003 <br><br>From the Abdication Crisis to the Attack on America<br><br>Dear Mr Wilson,<br>        I salute a fellow brave patriot.<br>        I get most of my current affairs from the Internet. So I’m fully aware of the analogies being drawn between what Bush is doing to America and what Hitler did to Germany. My personal view is that they are probably correct, for I can see the connection.<br>        Elizabeth Bowes Lyons married into the heart of the British royal family in 1922. By the time that Hitler came to power she had been at the top for eleven years. The Windsor family had close connections with Nazi Germany. They also had close connections with Bert Walker and Prescott Bush.<br>        When King George V died in 1936 he was succeeded by his eldest son, who became King Edward VIII. But Edward was not married. The Foundation of the Windsor dictatorship is the Treason Felony Act of 1848. This was emergency legislation in its day (starvation in Ireland, revolution on the Continent) but it is still on the books. This act gives dictatorial powers to “our Most Gracious Lady the Queen”. But Edward was NOT MARRIED. There would be no such person as “our Most Gracious Lady the Queen”. The dictatorial powers would fall away. Disaster. This was the true crisis of 1936.<br>        This could not be allowed to happen, and Edward was told he must marry. He responded by choosing a woman he knew to be wholly unacceptable. In return he was told he must choose between the Throne and his mistress, and the rest, as they say, is history.<br>        When King George VI was crowned in May 1937 he swore the Coronation Oath, as is required by law, but his wife did not. This contravenes the Coronation Oath Act of 1689 and means that the whole Coronation is null and void. But nobody seems to have noticed.<br>        At least two people did notice the illegal nature of the 1937 Coronation: Edward and Mrs Simpson. There is evidence to suggest a challenge was launched through Monckton, Edward’s legal adviser. There is evidence that both sides of this civil war were vying to cut a deal with Hitler. As to why she came out tops in this vicious catfight, we can probably trust Hitler himself, for whom she was “the most dangerous woman in Europe”.<br>        So she had an intimate understanding of how the Nazi machine worked in Germany. She had a long and intimate relationship with the Bush family. They have a history of joint crime escapades (Lloyd of London). She believed herself invisible and worked through bro. Cheney. She was 101 years and one month old on September 11. Do you think it might all have been her idea? After all, you can have a reverse takeover of a country too.<br>Yours sincerely,<br><br><br><br><br>John Cleary BSc MA MBA<br><br>Cc        Jacques Chirac                Jean-Pierre Raffarin                correos cert.        <br>        Lady Hillary Clinton                Henry Waxman                correos cert.<br>        Iain Duncan Smith                Charles Kennedy                correos cert.<br><br>Enc        Cleary to Chirac 30 July 2003 <br>        Cleary to Wildhaber 30 July 2003 <br>        Cleary to Gilligan 4 August 2003 <br>Cleary to William of Wales 4 January 2002<br><br><br><br><br><br>Before thst had been to Lord Falconer, the Lord Chancellor (who holds the British “justice” portfolio). For different reasons I received an acknowledgement for this.<br><br><br>====================================================<br><br><br><br>C/ Eusebio Navarro, 12<br>Lord “Charlie” Falconer                        35003 Las Palmas de Gran<br>House of Lords                                Spain                Canaria<br>Correos Certificado        17629ES                18 June 2003<br><br>Queens Bench 1994-c-2024<br>JP Cleary v Anglia Television<br>Dear Sir,<br><br>So, the august and ancient office of Lord Chancellor is no more, eh? A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.<br><br>Let’s see now. Take yourself: appointed by the Queen as…<br><br>        President of the Second Chamber [LEGISLATIVE], with a<br>        Seat in Cabinet with the “Justice” portfolio [EXECUTIVE], and <br>        Queens Counsel, able to deputise as a High Court judge.<br><br>What was it they said about the George Bush (41) tax increase? If it looks like a Lord Chancellor, acts like a Lord Chancellor, defecates on ordinary people and answers to no one like a Lord Chancellor…it’s a Lord Chancellor. Congratulations, Queens Counsel. Irvine was disposed of. You are the latest foreigner selected by the Harlot to serve as senior law officer of England.<br><br>Your brief:<br><br>“Words mean exactly what she wants them to mean, only force matters (the Law of Thelema). A thousand years of English common law; the Treaty of Maastricht; Human Rights Act; Resolution 1441. It’s all a load of old rubbish to Her Majesty. Just plumbing to be fixed by disposable servants like Blair and Irvine.”                         The Enemy Within <br><br>Now that we’ve cleared up that little deception, let’s get down to the matter at hand. The forged Court documents issued under Lord Mackay of Clashfern (JP Cleary v Anglia Television) and by Lord Irvine of Lairg (Wandsworth Council v JP Cleary), in both cases acting on the orders of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth.<br><br>I’m sure you know the high significance of the American President’s annual address to Congress, known as the State of the Union. On 28 January this year President Bush cited documentation he claimed “proved” Saddam Hussein had purchased large quantities of uranium oxide ore from Niger. The documentation was “authenticated by the British”, according to the President himself. Your chum Bomber Blair, at it again, waving around his enormous “God-given” Royal Prerogative.<br>BLAIR LIED AND THOUSANDS DIED BUT THE WINDSORS THRIVE.<br><br>So we have forged Court documents issued by the British Crown in February 1995. We have forged Court documents issued by the British Crown in April, June and August 2000. We have forged Government of Niger documents laundered by the British, according to President Bush. That’s quite a record for the “fount of all justice and honour”. So why should anybody believe a word that comes out of the British Junta while the Windsors are in charge? On what grounds do you seek judicial parity with the 24 democracies that comprise the European Union? What has changed in the three years since I warned Jospin and Reno against recognizing that obscenity as a legitimate and trustworthy jurisdiction? Exactly when did the thieving old slag in Buckingham Palace give up her “God-given” right to defecate on whomsoever she wishes by means of the English Court? And who, exactly, will enforce that prohibition against the Sadist Sovereign when that Sadist Sovereign really doesn’t want it enforced?<br>R.S.V.P.<br>Yours faithfully,<br><br><br><br><br>John Cleary BScMAMBA<br><br>Cc        Jacques Chirac                Jean-Pierre Raffarin        97375<br>        Lady Hillary Clinton                Henry Waxman        97376<br>        Kofi Annan                        Hans Blix<br>        Iain Duncan Smith                Charles Kennedy        97377<br><br>Enc.        Cleary to Peat                16 Nov, 26 Nov, 11 Dec, 14 Dec 2002<br>        Cleary to Reno        29 May 2000<br>        The Enemy Within         25 March 2003<br><br> <p></p><i></i>
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Re: Joe Wilson

Postby slimmouse » Fri Jul 15, 2005 11:36 am

<!--EZCODE QUOTE START--><blockquote><strong><em>Quote:</em></strong><hr>This could not be allowed to happen, and Edward was told he must marry. He responded by choosing a woman he knew to be wholly unacceptable. In return he was told he must choose between the Throne and his mistress, and the rest, as they say, is history<hr></blockquote><!--EZCODE QUOTE END-->.<br><br> How times have changed. Lucky Prince Charles.<br><br> On a related theme though Anti, how do you see this playing out in relation to the next host of Windsor successors - All of whom as far as I can see, are male ?<br><br> A covert reformation of the act perhaps - The mysterious addition of an "ancient and hitherto unknown clause 5, paragraph 6 subsection b " perhaps ? <p></p><i></i>
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Re: Joe Wilson

Postby sussurus2 » Fri Jul 15, 2005 1:42 pm

Anti, have v. much appreciated your additions to the site, which may in fact have been the reason for the absolutely ludicrous ASP downtime experienced at the forum in recent weeks. <br><br>But I have problems believing that Herself could possibly be, indvidually, intelligent & even if so, singly capable of coordinating all of what you seem to ascribe to Herself. Alongside rumors of massive gin intake, I have to wonder if we'll never actually see or know who really runs the show, including the group whom, to me anyway, have always seemed just another fucked up family being run as puppets for folks we can't see. <br><br>To whom might Herself be beholden, and blackmailed by? This to me is the essential question. And if you really do see this one family as the root and summa of all the threads of woe, how do you see them relating to the red shield clan--which I've (forgive if I missed it) not seen you mention the realities of that level, even as you've admirably drawn other links to the more current, visible, political players of the two countries?<br><br>As always, gentlemen and ladies, it is an honor and a priviledge to be amongst such open minds, restorative of faith and strength. <br><br>Anti, to you especially I send sympathy, empathy, strength, admiration, and also a request that you might have more compassion for yourself. You are a caged tiger, pacing the same floor back and forth, at least here. What options might you have for redress that remain unexamined? Where is the collection (without pride or shame) that might anonymously send resources to your kith & kin when you cannot? I for one would contribute (and forgive, again, if I have overstepped bounds of pride or propriety, or have misunderstood or misinterpreted the current situation versus that which is reflected in your archival writings.<br><br>At some point, anti, I'd love to see your life reach the point where your username may transform to something that begins with Pro...with whatever it is that you stand for and wish to help foster and flourish. For part of this collective exercise witnessing and dialogue is to move past grief and anger to informed, wise & positive action. <br><br>Again, deepest apologies if this all seems presumptuous or insolent. You've been to hell and back, clearly, and more than once. And you've kept so admirably a sense of justice and clarity that anyone who had not come up through what you have would have lost early in their trials. And we have no idea what you risk by sharing the information you have with us, but my fervent hope is that in some way it helps to strengthen & heal you.<br><br>With warmest regards & respect,<br><br>S. <p></p><i></i>
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Joe Wilson

Postby antiaristo » Fri Jul 15, 2005 5:32 pm

sussurus2,<br>Thank you for your kind and sensitive words. I have been to hell and back, but I've gained fantastic things on the journey.<br>I will write more comprehensively on this at another time, for I have learned that the good angels look after us when we do something noble. It is important to enCOURAGE others.<br>I will just say, of course, that the Windsors and the Rothschilds are thick as thieves. The Rothschilds managed the London gold fix for two centuries, for example. There is MUCH more, concerning the Throne of David.<br><br>slimmouse,<br>Hi there. Very briefly for now, I don't think they are worried long term. They pulled off a coup with Charles and Camilla - what does it matter that they are not married when they have created the "new reality", believed by 99percent of the world?<br>And whatever it is they are planning is probably going to happen within the next ten years. Likely in 2012. <p></p><i></i>
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Re: Joe Wilson

Postby dbeach » Fri Jul 15, 2005 5:40 pm

Mayan calander ends at 2012..26,000 yr cycle and the solar system will align with the center of the Milky Way..HEAVY duty..But this could be a good thing even thogh the elites will try to make us drink poisoin<br><br>dave icke says a new awakening is happening and others are saying same..<br><br>I won't take bets on anything but am prerparing that the elites will pull a huge powerplay and try martial law or worse..<br>and trying to keep my own spiritual home in order.. <p></p><i></i>
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Elizabeth Bowes Lyon aka the Queen Mother

Postby antiaristo » Sat Jul 16, 2005 9:13 am

sussurus2,<br><br>She was a genius. An evil genius, but a genius nonetheless. She turned weaknesses into strengths by sheer force of will. She has been able to put together a grand coallition. The Rothschilds provide the money and what goes with it, the Bush clan supplies the military and what goes with it, and the Windsors supply the legal fortress and a law that covers the entire planet ("within the United Kingdom or without").<br><br>My current situation is this. Their script says that I should end my own life. I have no hope for the future. I have cut myself off from my past and all I held dear.<br><br>"There is no defence against an evil which only the victim and the perpetrators know exists"<br><br>But I find purpose in fighting back. This is personal. They went after my kids and I'm going after theirs. I will not be a good man who does nothing. For how else can God act but through men? This is a spiritual war.<br><br>Yes, I am a caged tiger. There are few things I would relish more than the opportunity to take on these sub-human lumps of shit in a boxing ring or a court of open justice. I'm fitter now than twenty years ago (50 next month) because I plan to be ready for them. I want to wipe the floor with the cowards and prostitutes in the Windsor family.<br><br>The Anti handle. Our democracy is fracturing for one reason: there is no opposition. The real opposition has been murdered and its place taken by thespians. I intend to be in their faces.<!--EZCODE EMOTICON START ;) --><img src= ALT=";)"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> <p></p><i></i>
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