Fitz CANNOT be fired & Treason is the DEATH penalty

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Re: A summary, clip and link will do.

Postby dbeach » Mon Aug 08, 2005 10:46 pm

Col R U a full bird ??<br><br>"And who is this legally gifted citizen spook? Sounds like a disgrunted spook...and there are a lot of them working for the CIA methinks. Point being...this is shaping up to be a Clash of the Titans....the Executive Branch against [some segments of] the military/justice/branches."<br><br>give em an emial and ask..<br><br>I think most of the govt and military is gonna go with the treason..other wise why wait so long..??<br><br>think if some pinstripe walked into your pentagon office and put $25 million on your desk..BEATS fighting the VA or retirement board for your benefits..<br><br>what is a generals retiremnet of lets say 20 yrs..guess at about 250,000 /yr..not bad with most benifits PURE GUESS onlt to illustraet that the villains have huge sums of money..Accroding to Kay griggs most of the highes t officers area bunch of preps and traitors killin whoever for theri cause..<br><br>CS says plame was outed deliberately by the bushians..knowing that this treason of exposing a CIA agent may slip through BUT the real TREASON is bush and the<br> neo-consters have sold nukes to the enemies of the USA..<br><br>NOW THATS TREASON.!!<br>Plame was close to exposing this TRUTH AND POW !WAM !HERE WE ALL ARE..<br><br><br>NOW how many good CITIZENS are left in the 3 branches of govt and the US Military..???<br><br>TIME WILL TELL!!<br><br>watch for more dodgeball and disinfo.. some huge natural disaster..sexcapades of the rich and famous..<br>BUSH LOSES UNLESS he can install himself as permanent president under martial law and he may be stopped by the elites before that??<br><br>meanwhile bush and the villains are lootin the treasury and raising the cost of living<br><br>paid 2.67 for medium gas today<br><br>THANX to the oil barrons in the occupied WH<br><br>end of spin/rant<br><br>LUV ya all.. <p></p><i></i>
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info on fitz

Postby smiths » Tue Aug 09, 2005 12:52 am

i have to say i generally agree that posting whole chunks like above is a pain in the arse and support jerkys general idea,<br>but on this occasion that is some of the most interesting information, with real depth i have read for a while.<br>it gets pretty speculative in these parts sometimes, and rightly so, people pick up on things and throw them out there and thats good,<br>but that piece above is worth more than just a link or a little summation, it is the laying bare of the nervous system of this administration and their puppetmasters, the really powerful man who seems to be on the case, and the depth of events that it relates to and the motivations behind them,<br>i am going to print it and read it again, slowly <p></p><i></i>
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Hell Yeah !

Postby LibertyorDeath » Tue Aug 09, 2005 12:57 am

I could Kiss You fearless !<br><br>Great info.<br><br><br><br><!--EZCODE IMAGE START--><img src="" style="border:0;"/><!--EZCODE IMAGE END--> <p></p><i>Edited by: <A HREF=>LibertyorDeath</A> at: 8/8/05 10:59 pm<br></i>
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Re: I think both articles should be read

Postby GDN01 » Tue Aug 09, 2005 1:19 am

the little green man in the center of your post is the result of emoticons - there is a letter/symbol combination, maybe a typo, that is creating the little green man to appear. It looks like there should be an 8 in that date, and then a ). And I bet that creates <!--EZCODE EMOTICON START 8) --><img src= ALT="8)"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> <br><br><br>I have to agree that I usually don't like huge blocks of content being cut and paste into a thread. But this I read in its entirety. It was in-depth, yet totally readable and engaging. It was like little light bulbs going off every paragraph. <!--EZCODE EMOTICON START :eek --><img src= ALT=":eek"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> <br><br>--- and that little face is intentional! <p></p><i>Edited by: <A HREF=>GDN01</A> at: 8/8/05 11:21 pm<br></i>
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At the risk of pissing off people...

Postby Fearless » Tue Aug 09, 2005 1:24 am

I posted the whole enchilada. I'll do it again when the headline reads, "Bush Administration Seeks Assylum on Mars". The little green man won't be happy about that. <br> <p></p><i></i>
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Citizenspook update

Postby Fearless » Tue Aug 09, 2005 1:38 am

-snip (updates in bold)<br><br>How can they come back now, after making the argument that Fitzgerald should have all of the independence and financing of independent counsels appointed under the expired independent counsel law, to argue that Special Counsel Fitzgerald should not have that same independence as to the issue of whether the President or anybody at DOJ can fire him or even limit his jurisdiction and plenary authority?<br><br><!--EZCODE BOLD START--><strong>They can't.<br><br>But should they try anyway, Fitzgerald can destroy them in court by entering into evidence the documentation clarifying the DOJ mindset with regards to their lobbying of the GAO for permanent indefinite appropriation to fund Special Counsel Fitzgerald's investigations.<br><br>Simply put, DOJ cannot reverse themselves on the issue of Fitzgerald's plenary authority and independence just because he's getting too close to possible indictments/convictions of the people he was specifically empowered by DOJ to investigate.</strong><!--EZCODE BOLD END--><br><br>-snip<br><br>He appears to believe he could revoke the delegation of authority, but that he couldn't outright fire him. The answer is clearly nebulous. Comey even says, "That's a great question". He never says equivocally whether he could remove Fitzgerald. He appears to be waffling.<br><br><!--EZCODE BOLD START--><strong>But this press conference took place on December 30, 2003. Decision B-302582 was dated September 30, 2004. Comey wasn't sure back on December 30, 2003, whether or not he could remove Fitzgerald or even limit his authority. But since that time, DOJ created a very convincing argument for their presentation to the GAO. The GAO bought that argument hook, line and sinker agreeing that Fitzgerald has all of the protection and authority granted by the expired independent counsel law. This means his office of the Special Counsel is legally protected from interference by anybody at DOJ, President Bush or anybody else that breathes air on planet Earth.</strong><!--EZCODE BOLD END--><br><br>-snip<br><br><br><br> <p></p><i></i>
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Re: Citizenspook update

Postby dbeach » Tue Aug 09, 2005 2:03 am

CS replys regarding copying of his articles from his blog.<br><br><br>"hell yes, just give my tag "Citizen Spook" and relink<br><br>that's all I ask<br><br>otherwise post away word for word<br><br>no restrictions"<br><br>SO NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT..<br><br><br><br>'Tom we never thanked him,,and now he's gone..Yes Grace your right..we should have thanked him.."<br><br>"Well I met Tonto on the trail says the old timer and he told me who the masked man is..Why he's the LONG RANGER.<br>.Hi Ho Silver..AWAY."<br><br>"Return to those days of yesterday year.."<br> <p></p><i></i>
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Re: Citizenspook update

Postby Pants Elk » Tue Aug 09, 2005 5:16 am

I - and others - posted a citizenspook link before this thread, and didn't seem to get much response. Reposting entire articles is better, I think, because it not only overcomes a natural tendency to "stay here while we're here" and not click on links, it also spreads very important information. It's not unreasonable to expect citizenspook's blog to get hacked (I've tried this morning without success to go to the site - don't suspect anything sinister, but it made me think) given that Tom Flocco's site was hacked to bits. So it's a good idea to send this stuff out all over, and print copies.<br>What I love about citizenspook is the way the absolutely rock-solid expertise and insight seems to add up to something he's not saying directly (in so many words). Bush could go to the chair. We all know he should, and we'd all be fighting for a chance to pull the switch - "please don't kill me!" not so funny anymore, huh? - but the implication is clear; he COULD get fried. Legally toasted. <p></p><i></i>
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About citizenspook

Postby DrDebugDU » Tue Aug 09, 2005 5:25 am

> I - and others - posted a citizenspook link before this thread, and didn't seem to get much response. <br><br>Personally I think it is wonderful what he writes, however the legal aspects are beyond me, so I can't give a real reaction to it other then than he is probably right. I think that his legal expertise is beyond most people on this board, so it's not a real discussion topic.<br><br>> It's not unreasonable to expect citizenspook's blog to get hacked (I've tried this morning without success to go to the site - don't suspect anything sinister, but it made me think)<br><br>The blog works from my computer right now, so it doesn't sound like it was hacked... <p></p><i></i>
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Re: About citizenspook

Postby Pants Elk » Tue Aug 09, 2005 6:24 am

A lot of things get discussed here that we're not experts on ... isn't that the purpose of discussion? We're here to learn. And the "legalese" is comprehensible at more than one level - you don't have to speak it to understand the argument. It's the *back story* of Fitzgerald's appointment which is crucial to an understanding of what's going on, and a revelation; it seems to give credence to Tom Flocco's story, not to shoot it down. What we read at Citizenspook is a very dry, authoritative "affirmation" (guarded) of a sensationalist and otherwise un-authenticated web story.<br><br>(I'm still having trouble with the site; glad it's not hacked. But these things do happen.) <p></p><i></i>
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Postby antiaristo » Tue Aug 09, 2005 6:56 am

Don't be intimidated by the legalese.<br>The law works logically.<br>Where it breaks down is where some law is secret...<br><br>And don't forget that Franklin has been charged under 793, which is the sister statute to 794!!!<br><br>The propaganda sheets have until now focussed on the Identities Act. It's sexy because it was passed at the instigation of Poppy. But it's irrelevant.<br><br>The Espionage statute, 794, in a time of WAR.<br>"It's a new kind of WAR"<br>"See, I'm a WAR president"<br>DELICIOUS. <p></p><i></i>
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Re: Nixon's friend - the Presidential Pardon

Postby thrulookingglass » Tue Aug 09, 2005 12:40 pm

If it comes to a point of a "great unraveling", don't you suppose W will issue a pardon for his ol' buddy Rove? <p></p><i></i>
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Re: Fitz CANNOT be fired & Treason is the DEATH penalty

Postby dbeach » Wed Aug 10, 2005 1:06 am

Fitzie is movin and groovin<br>some propaganda in the story..trying to make it sound mushy and rover is OK with FITZIE !!not likely!!<br><br>'In the midst of aggressively pursuing corruption at the state and local level in Chicago, U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald is facing an immense challenge in his apparently unprecedented dual role as special prosecutor in the White House leak investigation. <br>In Chicago, his workload includes the prosecution of former Illinois Gov. George Ryan and an investigation of corruption at City Hall. In Washington, he's investigating the leak of CIA agent Valerie Plame's identity to the press, a probe that appears headed toward presidential adviser Karl Rove."<br><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href=""></a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--> <p></p><i></i>
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Re: Fitz CANNOT be fired & Treason is the DEATH penalty

Postby Sweejak » Wed Aug 10, 2005 2:34 pm

<!--EZCODE QUOTE START--><blockquote><strong><em>Quote:</em></strong><hr><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href=""></a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--><br><br>TUESDAY, AUGUST 09, 2005<br>Patrick Fitzgerald Requests Patricia Cornwell Scandal Material for Grand Jury - Report of Indictments of Pres. Bush and V.P. Cheney<br><br><br><br>It's good that U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald, and his staffer Randall (Randy) Samborn (sometimes spelled 'Sanborn' in press reports), have requested from me in the Netherlands, the material involved in the ongoing legal issues with Bush celebrity friend and contributor Patricia Cornwell, and Cornwell's crimes of court fraud, bribery and extortion with U.S. federal judge Robert Payne, who was appointed to office by the Bushes.<br><br>Internet reports are that Fitzgerald's office, via Randy Samborn, are NOT denying that his grand jury has already secretly "returned" (i.e., charged or issued) indictments against President Bush and Vice President Cheney themselves, as well as others (click here for report).<br><br>(Note the difference between Fitzgerald's previous public denial that he HIMSELF has issued indictments, and how his office would NOT deny that the "GRAND JURY had returned" indictments against Bush and Cheney - said to be the legally more relevant phrase.)<br><br>Patrick Fitzgerald is of course Special Prosecutor in the CIA leak case involving Karl Rove and the Bush White House. The CIA requested the criminal investigation, after the leak of the identity of the CIA operative Valerie Plame, in apparent revenge for her husband's criticism of the Bush government.<br><br>But how far is Fitzgerald really willing to go in exposing corruption in the United States government, in particular its judiciary - does Fitzgerald actually have the courage to go after crimes which are not only tied to President George Bush and his family, but which also involve bribery and fraud among America's federal judges?<br><br>If Fitzgerald does have more courage than most, the indictment and impeachment of federal judge Robert Payne could be a watershed for the beginning of major American legal reform. The culture of American judicial bribery would be fully exposed to the country and the world, in the trials of the extremely weird celebrity Patricia Cornwell along with Judge Payne.<br><br>The famous Patricia Cornwell is a longtime friend and financial backer of the Bushes. Cornwell's background with the Bushes, and this scandal with Patricia Cornwell, Judge Payne, and Judge Payne's friends with a phony "First Amendment civil rights charity foundation", is amply described on the web. See scandal summary at the end of the "Patricia Cornwell Biography: Crime, Bribery, Scandal and Mental Illness" online, or in internet newsgroup archives such as Google Groups. The multi-millionaire Patricia Cornwell and her fancy lawyers are tight-lipped and do not deny there are felony crimes with Judge Payne, long described on the internet.<br><br>Near the time of Cornwell's activities with Judge Payne, Cornwell gave a $1 million gift to the President's mother, Barbara Bush, upon which Cornwell, and Cornwell's female lover of that time, were invited to enjoy themselves at the President Bush estate in Kennebunkport, Maine. Patricia Cornwell is the other half of President Bush's notable gay and lesbian connections, along with gay prostitute James D. "JD" Guckert (a.k.a. "Jeff Gannon"<!--EZCODE EMOTICON START ;) --><img src= ALT=";)"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> who has visited the White House at odd hours, so many dozens of times.<br><br>With Cornwell's connections to Bush and also to some FBI agents, Patricia Cornwell has openly boasted she can get away with murdering people (quoted in Vanity Fair). <br><br>Karl Rove has been involved in this scandal since the spring of 2004, during the last election campaign, as he received files on the Cornwell scandal. John Ashcroft, the former attorney general, may have been involved much earlier than that. Rove's and Ashcroft's e-mails and notes could possibly involve conspiracy to obstruct justice on felony crimes involving Bush's friend Cornwell, as prosecution of these crimes during 2004 would have harmed Bush's campaign.<br><br>There may be legal action in Europe this autumn against the U.S. government arising out of the Cornwell - Judge Payne activities, which involve illegally banning this writer's freedom of speech, threatening to illegally jail and murder me, and forcing my escape to Europe.<br><br>(I had criticized Cornwell's fascist activities, and Cornwell funded a fake legal proceeding with Judge Payne, where Judge Payne's friends posed as my lawyers. After a few weeks, with no physical trial, they announced a fake "settlement" where they claimed I agreed to the banning of my own freedom of speech, plus to pay $100,000 plus 18 per cent interest to Judge Payne's friends with the phony "Foundation".<br><br>Judge Payne's thugs have warned me that I face USA jailing under the illegal orders, and would be murdered in jail, if I don't keep quiet about Cornwell and about the fake trial. The Bush government has continued to support the Judge Payne fraud and extortion for Bush's friend and donor Cornwell.<br><br>Much to dismay of both Cornwell and the Bush government, I continued my writing in safety in Europe, and have now become Cornwell's biographer, as well as exposed her extortion crimes with Judge Payne.)<br><br>Some FBI agents friendly to Cornwell recently harassed me, sending virus e-mails to Europe from FBI offices, using the official FBI government e-mail account. This criminal attack on Europe by FBI agents, has brought the whole set of crimes with Cornwell, Judge Payne and the U.S. Bush government, under European jurisdiction. (Rather like the CIA agents involved in the kidnapping in Italy.)<br><br>Special Prosecutor Fitzgerald may already have evidence sufficient to indict Karl Rove for his role in the Cornwell scandal as well as the CIA leak case. The trail of written evidence, some of it already on file at courthouses, leads both to the indictment of Bush's celebrity friend Cornwell, and to the impeachment and indictment of federal judge Payne. And Fitzgerald may be able to use the Cornwell crimes and their cover-up, to bring additional felony indictments against Rove, Ashcroft and other Bush government and White House figures, and seal the picture of the total criminality of the Bush regime.<br><br>If Fitzgerald's grand jury has indicted Bush and Cheney, or does so in the near future, and causes the resignation or impeachment of the President and Vice President, this would be seen by some, as a successful CIA coup d'etat of revenge by America's security establishment. Many CIA staffers were quite angry at the politicization of the agency under Bush, and the shifting of blame to the CIA for the lies told by the White House in selling the 2003 invasion of Iraq that is now recognized as a disaster.<br><br>If Fitzgerald is too narrow in his approach, he might be seen as repeating the "Silent Coup" as described in the research on Watergate by Len Colodny, showing how President Nixon's removal in 1974 was as much of an inner government coup d'etat as anything else.<br><br>By indicting Bush's friend Patricia Cornwell and the notoriously criminal federal judge Robert Payne, Fitzgerald can cast his role on a much broader canvas, as serving the American people rather than being a mere stooge or tool for the CIA and the national security establishment.<br><br>Fitzgerald has ample proof of felonies by Cornwell and Judge Payne already in his hands. Just for starters, Judge Payne and his friends put their phony "First Amendment civil rights foundation" in writing, in court transcripts and on the internet, and there are multiple counts of felony perjury by Judge Payne's thugs and by Cornwell herself in court transcripts.<br><br>If Fitzgerald does not hide the proof of the Cornwell - Payne crimes from the grand jury, there is no question of indictments. By prosecuting these crimes, Fitzgerald will grab world headlines about the corruption of U.S. federal judges, and bring about dramatic and permanent positive change in America's legal system and America's culture of bribery.<br><br>But there are political pressures on Fitzgerald, that may prevent him from going beyond the flirtation stage, as regards the felony crimes of Bush's friend Cornwell, and her partner the Virginia judge, Robert Payne.<br><br>Fitzgerald is up for re-appointment by Bush this October. If he is to announce a grand jury indictment of Bush himself, he probably needs to do it before then. Will Fitzgerald cut an implicit deal with Bush to keep quiet about the clear felony crimes of Bush himself and also Bush's friend Cornwell, who pays the Bush family such huge bribes and gifts?<br><br>Overall, there may be a political deal with Fitzgerald just to indict the White House aides, and not Bush himself or some other government officials.<br><br>Karl Rove's role in the cover-up of the Cornwell crimes, could also lead to a felony charge against his contacts, like former Attorney General John Ashcroft, current Attorney General Alberto Gonzales or other parties. Perhaps the famous Patrick Fitzgerald will want to hold back from prosecuting Ashcroft, Gonzales or other high Department of Justice officials.<br><br>And speaking of DOJ, there are the criminal terror attacks against me in Europe, by FBI agents, apparently part of Patricia Cornwell's many friends at the FBI. In the past, Cornwell has had an affair with a married female FBI agent, and brags of her influence there, and gifts to FBI personnel. Her FBI agent friends are part of the background of Cornwell boasting about how she can get away with murdering people. Is Patrick Fitzgerald afraid of embarrassing the FBI, by going after such sleazy crimes by FBI agents, and seeming to increase the liabilities of the American government?<br><br>Above all, is Patrick Fitzgerald afraid of prosecuting crimes by America's federal judges, even given the clear guilt here of the notorious Judge Robert Payne? Will Fitzgerald find it politically attractive, to hide the truth about America's corrupt federal judges like Payne, who openly commit crimes of fraud and bribery, and who stage fake trials in their courtrooms?<br><br>The public indictment and impeachment of a sitting U.S. federal judge, for holding a fake political trial to ban an American writer's freedom of speech, could be the event that breaks the back of abuse of judicial power in America, and helps America to find its way back to democracy.<br><br>Perhaps Patrick Fitzgerald himself is still deciding what to do about all of this, in the few weeks he has left, before he himself might be removed from office. Fitzgerald is looking history in the eye; he has the tools and the power, for a brief moment, to change the world. Does he act, or make a dirty deal? It will be an interesting several weeks up ahead.<hr></blockquote><!--EZCODE QUOTE END--> <p></p><i></i>
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