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The treason

Postby Peachtree Pam » Sun Aug 21, 2005 5:55 am

What Citizenspook does not completely spell out is this: <br><br>Bush was HELPING the network spreading nuclear components into certain countries to give him a solid reason for attacking them later (for possession of nuclear weapons).<br><br>THAT is what the Plame network (and Edmonds and the agent who was forwarding to the CIA info from "the geek" ) had discovered. <br><br>THAT is why Plame's network had to be taken out BY BUSH.<br><br>THAT is the treason CS is talking about. Plame and Wilson are double agents.<br><br>It looks like there is NO BOTTOM to the depravity of these people. No wonder the CIA is doing what it can to expose them.<br> <p></p><i></i>
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Re: The treason

Postby dbeach » Sun Aug 21, 2005 1:13 pm

PAM <br>Nice sum-up<br>NEVER liked wilson from the start..claok and the boys caled him an insider last yr..makes more sense now<br><br>Bush has been arming our enemies for yrs since ronni raygun and dealing drugs for arms since he was CIA director from 1974-76 under Jerry Ford..Wonder why 2 attempst at Ford ??<br><br>was Squeaky From and the school marm more useful CIA assets?? <p></p><i></i>
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The VP

Postby Peachtree Pam » Sun Aug 21, 2005 2:17 pm

Hi Dbeach,<br><br>The answer: who was Ford's VP?<br><br>My take, most of the Manson followers were programmed. MK Ultra <p></p><i></i>
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Re:"just plain personal reaction"

Postby chiggerbit » Sun Aug 21, 2005 2:41 pm

Project Willow, may I suggest that next time you don't get up and leave, but sit through to the end? These glimpses you provide are invaluable. We all may want to consider attending many more of these kinds of meetings, may want to become active collectors of news, not just passive receivers. If allowed ,take tape recorders, camcorders. Afterall, the dynamics did start to change somewhat in the ghettos when those residents started video-taping certain "events".<br><br>Wasn't Wilson a buddy of Kerry? <p></p><i></i>
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re: The Treason

Postby Starman » Sun Aug 21, 2005 3:02 pm

Hmm ... Compelling case for Wilson being a double-agent stooge to distract the public alright -- I thought there was something very odd by Wilson's sudden attack of conscience and 'wanting to do the right thing' -- considering how deeply he's been involved as a functionary for Empire doing the dirty-work of lying, betraying, undermining, and sabotaging interests contrary to US Foreign Policy -- He's been a faithful trusted-associate, so the thesis that he's now working for same interests but under deep-cover sure fits the pattern -- AND makes sense of the pieces that don't fit.<br><br>Pam:<br><br>That was the same thing I've been thinking, and which the Wilson/Plame Double Agents expose/thesis helps confirm -- its the basis for the elaborate ruse to destroy the evidence-trail linking US Intel Ops with supplying nuclear-weapon technology to the patsy bad-guys.<br><br>But your conclusion, "No wonder the CIA is doing what it can to expose them." -- C'MON! Can the CIA have ANY credibility any more? It seems, EVERY so-called terrorist attack where perps have been somewhat-credibly identified/linked involve assets with intimate CIA/MI-5,6 links.<br><br><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href=""></a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--><br>Burden of Dreams: Cut-outs, moles, patsies and provocateurs <br>--excerpt--<br>I have tried, without success, to find a single bombing attributed to “Al-Qaeda” that hasn’t been “masterminded” (according to terrorism “experts” and their mouthpieces in the press) by an informant connected to some or other intelligence agency. <br><br>This may suggest a modus operandi on the part of either Al-Qaeda, the intelligence agencies with which her members so frequently interface, or both. In the case of the CIA and Al-Qaeda, it is becoming increasingly difficult to separate the goals, strategies and even membership of these two groups, despite their alleged, bitter and mutual enmity. The convergence of personnel and the remarkable proclivity of Al-Qaeda to promote Anglo-American/Israeli business interests by blowing things up or issuing communiqués just at the right time and just at the right place has led to the now popular term “Al-CIA-Duh”. <br><br>***<br>"For the sake of the world, all civilians, what democracy remains, we must lift the veils of secrecy, expose the hypocrisy of war and the ruling elite whose pursuit of money and power rain death and suffering upon the living." -- Carol Brouillet<br><br><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href=""></a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--><br>A Vital Piece of the Puzzle<br>Carol Brouillet -- Review and Perspective<br><br>Dollars for Terror- The United States and Islam <br>by Richard Labeviere, Algora Publishing, New York, 2000, 392 pages <br>(Translated from the 1999 French version by Martin DeMers) <br><br> In 1994 Labeviere's friend, Ali, a Muslim, was assassinated by an Islamist organization. Ali was savagely opposed to the Islamists who are "mutilating their religion and betraying their country,"(1) he would tell anyone who would listen. Labeviere began his investigation to try to understand his friend's death. <br><br> The path inevitably led to the financial circuits of terrorism- the banks, the businesses, both legitimate and illegitimate, to the official and secret structures of Saudi finance, the Muslim brothers, to the oil monarchies allied with the United States, to the intelligence agencies, the CIA, and its Saudi and Pakistani counterparts. <br><br> Based on a hundred interviews, numerous journalistic investigations, years of archival research and travels, Labeviere painstakingly deconstructs the notion that the U.S. is a beacon of democracy. America's imperial intention is fed by an alliance with the Islamists, new worldwide circuits of organized crime, a transnational hybrid of business and politics. Islamist ideology blends perfectly and complements neoliberalism where the true god is "money." The subordination of everything, national borders, institutions, cultures, states, and nations, in pursuit of profits is the keystone of a totalitarian New World Order. This supranational order comprised of the richest and most powerful transnational corporations bullying governments through the World Trade Organization, International Monetary Fund, World Bank… military coersion complements Islamism which mainly seeks to accumulate money and power, destroy the secularized state, turn citizens into subjects, and annihilate the rights of women. <br><br> In his chapter- "The Mercenaries of Globalization" Labeviere writes- <br><br> "This vast construction project requires local project superintendents, financiers, Mafias, private security companies and mercenaries engaged in Algeria, in Bosnia, in Chechnya, Afghanistan and the Phillipines, experimental laboratories that thrive, as Oliver Roy says, in 'the de-territorialized space at the margins of Islam.' At the dawn of the 21st century, new hotbeds of Islamist agitation are developing in Niger, Madagascar and Zanzibar and, through the proliferation of armed gangs, in South Africa as well as in Brazil… <br><br> "Engaged in the infernal spiral of violence that wipes whole villages off the map, minor local delinquents --self proclaimed 'emirs' -- make no distinction between religious fanaticism and banditry. This alliance is aimed less at the contested state apparatuses than at the civil society -- artists, journalists, intellectuals, trade unionists, unveiled women -- chasing them out and then backing up their conquests with theft, racketeering and a wild takeover of territory. Focusing inward on the defense of their systems of emoluments from the oil and gas and the import-export sectors, the leaders of the security forces have given over the campaigns to private militia, so many vigilante groups that, likewise, end up pursuing their own particular interests…"(2) <br><br> Weapons, and drug trafficking go hand in hand, and crop up wherever the CIA spends any time to finance covert wars. Violence encourages more violence and improves weapons sales, the heart of the global economy. "Far from raising obstacles to the new configurations of global capitalism, Islamist ideology is becoming part of its new superstructures. It provides…military-racketeering networks that merge very easily into the filaments of the networks of organized crime, the supreme stage of capitalism."(3) The stability of the international system might depend upon the "hot money" to replace the missing funds "between 1989 and 1997, some $800 billion dollars seems to have disappeared from the planet's accounts."(4) Money laundering is big business. New York, London, Switzerland handle petro-dollars as well as the volumes of dirty money, approximately $500 billion in n 1997 alone (according to the IMF). <br><br> "Osama bin Laden is the perfect embodiment of the 'privatization' of Islamist terrorism. He enjoys a solid credit rating in the highest realms of international finance, where he controls a patrimony of more than $3 billion…"(5) <br><br> In the chapter- "The CIA's 'Afghans' and Their Networks" he continues- <br><br> "Successively a financier, a war lord, a political leader and a preacher, bin Laden is a pure product of the American intelligence services. Where does he get his immense resources? For whom is he working today? Has he really broken off with his former bosses?"(6) <br><br> Labeviere paints a detailed panorama of the evolution of the special Saudi, US, Islamist movement relationship from the time when Roosevelt made his first deal with King Ibn Sa'ud in February 1945 on board the Quincy. The kingdom holds 26% of the world's proven oil reserves and agreed to provide the bulk of America's fuel needs at moderate prices for sixty years. The companies now are tenants and in the year 2005, the wells, installations and material will return to the monarch's possession. The premium paid to the king is 18 to 21 cents a gallon for each barrel of oil. In return the US agreed to unconditionally support the stability of the kingdom internally and externally. (A monarchy which beheads 200 people a year…) Not in the contract, but in return, the Saudi's have invested some $350 billion in the US and have developed an almost exclusive economic, commercial and financial partnership. Together they funded, trained, armed bin Laden, and helped to create the famed Al Qaeda network in Afghanistan through the Pakistan ISI, but they also met directly with bin Laden. <br><br> Like Christian and Catholic movements, the Islamist movement is complex and multi-layered with competing Sunni and Shiite backers. Saudi Arabia (Sunni) has done everything in its power to counter the Iranian Shiite influence that has grown since 1979. Each supports movements likely to help "the cause" and the winner will embody the political future of "true Islam." The oil monarchies give without counting and without requiring accounting, but Iran has confined itself to giving assistance to where it can influence some degree of control. <br><br> There are the Muslim Brothers, created in Egypt in 1929 by Hassan al Banna whose message condemned the principle of separation of the State and religion, and set the establishment of a theocratic state as his movement's goal. He wrote "Islam is doctrine, divine worship, the fatherland, the nation, religion, spirituality, the Koran and the sword."(7) Inspired by Mussolini, the proposed economic program revealed a most direct relationship to that which existed later in nazi Germany and fascist Italy; a social policy foresaw a new law on labor, founded on corporations. A Swiss member of the board of directors for one of the major banks used by the Muslim brothers explained what he calls the "great unification," that of Islam and the Christian West, back to the wake of Ahnenerbe, the Nazi society for esoteric studies, bonds were woven between Islam and the neo-Nazi far Right. <br><br> There are many Muslim Brothers with huge financial networks. Al Sharif in Cairo has a turnover of over $1 Billion and in 1994 alone distributed some $760 million to art centers, charitable organizations, and research institutes. The charities, schools, receive funds, and sometimes mask funds intended for weapons and more militant purposes. Mercy International specializes in "humanitarian actions, especially in the cases of natural catastrophe and war." In addition it provided weapons for the Bosnian army and recruited mercenaries and "international volunteers" for that country. It declares a gross budget of $2 million and also channeled weapons to the Kosovo Liberation Army. <br><br> The Muslim brothers have a long history of violence and political assassination. In 1964 Nasser attempted to "rehabilitate" them in order to counter the "growing influence of the communists," and they began to get aid from the CIA. They were a perfect "tool" for the low intensity combat that the CIA prefers. Labeviere covers a wide range of countries from the Phillipines, Indonesia, Madagascar, to South American, African, European, Asian and Middle-Eastern countries, each has its history. Together they have evolved islamist terrorist networks, transport routes for their lucrative drug trafficking, varied business networks, aided by the liberalization of finance, and "free trade." <br>--unquote-- <br><br>****<br>As we've seen, the US and GB have a long, ugly history of complicity in creating and managing the global strategy of tension through working closely with foreign intelligence, paramilitary and criminal associations, and supporting and exploiting criminal networks engaged in smuggling, espionage, political infiltrations and murders, agent provocations, terrorism, false-flag operations, spying, information gathering and planting disinfo that protect and further the extensive interests of the status-quo ruling heirarchy of wealth and power -- variously known as the Corporatocracy, Octopus, shadow government, etc. <br><br>Drug and arms-smuggling are some of the most apparant activities by which we can identify some of the links and money-flows and mechanisms by which these perverse alliances operate, but they're hardly examples of the worst implications for such incredible abuses of power -- which include the overthrow of whole governments and the coordinated theft of nation's resources and wealth and subsequent enslavement/debt-peonage -- this is nothing less than a global model of slavery and piracy racketeering, in which dozens of strategies and techniques are used to effectively subvert target-nation's sovereignty enlisting hijacked military, legal, and financial resources. The degree of coordination among various interests this suggests is truly mind-boggling, indicating that the largest national and international institutions have been effectively compromised and inflitrated to serve very limited interests and ends.<br><br>But I still can't get a good handle on what function blowing the Plame-linked counter-intelligence network accomplishes -- Plausable deniability now for acidently 'alllowing' lapses of security and intel for weapons getting into the wrong hands, thereby justifying another pre-emptive military strike? Or 'just' to eliminate a damning evidence-trail linking the CIA/US Gov./Bush Admin in treasonous activities?<br><br>SW: Thanks for the sharp personal take on Wilson's public performance -- I think you're a helluva more credible person than he is any day.<br>Starman <p></p><i></i>
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CIA exposing Bush

Postby Peachtree Pam » Sun Aug 21, 2005 3:20 pm

Hi Starman,<br><br>I immediately saw after I had posted that I did not clarify "CIA" . Not all the people at CIA are the bad guys. I believe there is a contingent there who despise Bush, the NEOCONs and everything else connected with the Bush syndicate. Otherwise one would not have the continual leaking which resulted in Bush putting his pit bull, Porter Goss, in as DCIA to try and stop the opposition. <p></p><i></i>
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One more thing

Postby Peachtree Pam » Sun Aug 21, 2005 3:24 pm

The good guys in the CIA are usually those NOT involved in "Black ops", rather the people who are analysing data. <p></p><i></i>
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omg -- olson -- the phone call from 300 ft... newman!

Postby nashvillebrook » Sun Aug 21, 2005 4:02 pm

olson's such a creep. i know nothing about him except that i followed his wife's commentary for a while; that he was leading on the florida/scotus 2000 thing; and the day on cnn. but his face that day creeped me out no end. <br><br>i heard this guy on npr years ago -- paul ekman. wrote a book called Emotions Revealed about non-verbal communications. there's a test in the book about reading faces. if you're not a natural at reading faces its a great resource. <br><br>i'm nearly deaf from being in loud clubs. i rely on reading faces a lot. probably too much especially when my mind is otherwise engaged. there's a few people i just can't look at and olson is one. ari fleisher was another. <p></p><i></i>
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Re: CIA exposing Bush

Postby Qutb » Sun Aug 21, 2005 4:32 pm

I think the "ethical" CIA is pretty much confined to the analysis department. CIA analysts are known to be "reality-based". They have been one of the primary targets of the neo-cons since the 70s, when Wolfowitz was concocting exaggerated assessments of Soviet weapons capacities as a member of "Team B", something you couldn't get the CIA analysts to do. Same thing in 2002, when Dick Cheney and Colin Powell made repeated visits to Langley to try and influence the analysts. That's when we started to get all those leaks, which led to the installment of Porter Goss and subsequent purges.<br><br>I don't know if I share the optimism of those who believe that there are "good" CIA covert action guys who are plotting the downfall of Bush. Would be something though, the question is whether the replacement would be any better. <br><br>The only motivation I could think of for the CIA to bring down Bush, is that he's bankrupting the US and they would fear a financial collapse. They are the covert arm of Wall Street, after all. <p><!--EZCODE FONT START--><span style="color:black;font-family:century gothic;font-size:x-small;"><!--EZCODE BOLD START--><strong>Qutb means "axis," "pole," "the center," which contains the periphery or is present in it. The qutb is a spiritual being, or function, which can reside in a human being or several human beings or a moment. It is the elusive mystery of how the divine gets delegated into the manifest world and obviously cannot be defined.</strong><!--EZCODE BOLD END--></span><!--EZCODE FONT END--><br><br></p><i></i>
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to hot for DU -- locked, but an amazing read

Postby nashvillebrook » Sun Aug 21, 2005 4:45 pm

interesting reason given for locking it down. sourcing. <br><br>my reading of this is that it was prima facia. anyone can look up the history and use of the statute. it's kinda like CS is saying the math is off. look at the problem from another angle and you get a different result. <br><br>all this stuff has me procrastinating on the essay that's on deadline. now i want to write about intelligent design, of all things. ah, sunday. tea. cigs and broadband. life is good. <br><br>thanks for such an interesting evening! <p></p><i></i>
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Re: Re:"just plain personal reaction"

Postby Project Willow » Sun Aug 21, 2005 6:59 pm

Chiggerbit, That's an excellent suggestion, and also valuable in the context of another thread which is taking place now on the infiltration and co-optation of left groups.<br><br>I'm always suspicious when it seems I simply must go see some speaker or another. I certainly should take a recording device in those situations. <p>PW</p><i></i>
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Timing is Always the Key

Postby antiaristo » Sun Aug 21, 2005 7:09 pm

Just came across something interestin while reading Simply Appaling.<br>We're pretty much agreed that the network being tracked by Plame's operation was AQ Khan, yes?<br>Did you know this had been covered in the Butler Report?<br>Here's the interesting part<br><br><!--EZCODE ITALIC START--><em>67. During 2001, the JIC continued to track AQ Khan’s activities. An assessment in March 2002 pulled together all the strands of intelligence on AQ Khan then available. The conclusions showed the wide spread of Khan’s network and that he had moved his base outside Pakistan and was now controlling it through his associates in Dubai. At the same time, intelligence showed that he had now established his own production facilities, in Malaysia. He was being helped in his activities by a network of associates and suppliers, including BSA Tahir (a Sri Lankan businessman operating out of Dubai). <br><br>68. By July 2002, the JIC had concluded that AQ Khan’s network was central to all aspects of the Libyan nuclear weapons programme. Since Khan had access to nuclear weapon designs and had been involved in the development of Pakistani missiles, the Government feared that he might not only pass on the technology for enriching uranium but that he might also enable his customers to build nuclear warheads for missiles. As intelligence continued to build up, the JIC assessed that this was the first case of a private enterprise offering a complete range of services to enable a customer to acquire highly enriched uranium for nuclear weapons. <br><br>69. ... By January 2003, the JIC was becoming particularly concerned at the progress Libya might be able to make as a result of the assistance it had received from the network. <br><br>70. <!--EZCODE BOLD START--><strong>Action to close down the network had until this stage been deferred to allow the intelligence agencies to continue their operations to gather further information on the full extent of the network</strong><!--EZCODE BOLD END-->. This was important to gain a better understanding of the nuclear programmes of other countries which Khan was supplying. But Khan’s activities had now reached the point where it would be dangerous to allow them to go on.</em><!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> <br><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href="">simplyappalling.blogspot....-khan.html</a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--><br>The whole thing is worth reading, and he writes a good blog.<br><br>So it seems Plame had reached a fork in the road in January 2003, a point of inflexion.<br><br> <p></p><i></i>
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Re: Timing is Always the Key

Postby dbeach » Sun Aug 21, 2005 8:30 pm

we need a teddy boy olson thread with his cloned wife babs olson whom I think is alive and the boys at cloak have been stating for yrs..her phone call is ONLY reported by teddy ..there is no other record of her phone call..teddy argued B 4 scalia that bush should be pres in 2000 this was a huge conflict of interest for teddy boy cuz of his close contacts with scalias son in a law firm togther<br><br>COOZY as bed bugs as they do say.. <p></p><i></i>
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Re: Some thoughts on citizenspook

Postby starroute » Sun Aug 21, 2005 10:43 pm

1) There's no question Corn was getting his information for that July 16 article from Wilson -- Joe Conason said as much in an article at Salon a week later. But Corn had so many of the pieces in place only two days after Novak's column that I have to think he was being fed stuff by the CIA as well.<br><br>2) However, I have real doubts about whether the Corn/Wilson (and Walter Pincus?) faction would have been in cahoots with the White House. Remember that the battle over who was to blame for the faulty prewar intelligence was already heating up in June 2003. Tenet fell on his sword and took responsibility for the Niger uranium claims in the SoTU on July 11 -- exactly between Wilson's op-ed in the Times on July 6 and Novak's column on the 14th. That in itself would seem like ample reason for a CIA counterattack.<br><br>Two months later, the House Intelligence Committee chaired by Porter Goss issued a letter on September 25 blaming the intelligence agencies for concluding that Iraq had WMD's and ties to al-Qaeda. The very next day, the CIA requested a Justice Department investigation of the Plame leak (a request that Goss ridiculed with the famous "If somebody sends me a blue dress and some DNA, I will have an investigation" remark.)<br><br>I can't see collusion in any of this. What I do see is a fight to the death between two sides -- on one hand, an administration that has been working systematically to dismantle the CIA, reduce its power, and subordinate it to the executive branch, and on the other, the CIA itself, applying its considerable expertise in bringing down governments to the problem of its own survival.<br><br>3) I'm also uncomfortable with the fact that this current wave of speculation seems to have begun with a Clifford May article in the National Review this July. For example, there's <!--EZCODE LINK START--><a href="">this</a><!--EZCODE LINK END-->:<br><br><!--EZCODE QUOTE START--><blockquote><strong><em>Quote:</em></strong><hr>May is codirector with Frank Gaffney of the Alliance for Research and National Security, which is a joint project of the Center for Security Policy and FDD. The focus of the research institute is terrorism and counterterrorism in the Middle East, particularly in Israel.<br><br>On September 29, 2003, May wrote in his National Review Online column that he known that Valerie Plame worked for the CIA long before right-wing columnist Robert Novak blew her cover. In an apparent attempt to discredit her husband, Amb. Joseph Wilson, who had challenged the administration's claims that Iraq was buying yellowcake from Africa, someone in the administration had shared information about Plame's CIA affiliation with as many as five journalists, including Novak. Writing on the same day that the Washington Post confirmed that the CIA had requested a criminal investigation of the affair, May boasted: "That wasn't news to me. I had been told that-but not by anyone working in the White House. Rather I learned it from someone who formerly worked in the government and he mentioned it in an offhand manner, leading me to infer that it was something that insiders were well aware of."<hr></blockquote><!--EZCODE QUOTE END--><br><br>And there's also <!--EZCODE LINK START--><a href="">this</a><!--EZCODE LINK END-->:<br><br><!--EZCODE QUOTE START--><blockquote><strong><em>Quote:</em></strong><hr>Fox boasts about redefining cable news - apparently it’s decided to redefine the term “journalist” as well.<br><br>Yesterday, Fox posted a 1,500-word “news article” that purportedly “places responsibility squarely in [U.N. chief Kofi Annan’s] office for obscuring mismanagement” of the Oil-for-Food program. The piece was co-authored by Claudia Rosett, who is identified at the end of the article only as “a journalist-in-residence with the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies.” Sounds harmless enough, right?<br><br>Except the Foundation is an “aggressive…neoconservative think tank” designed to “shape American thinking on war, terrorism, and the Middle East,” according to a gushing piece in American Conservative magazine. And Claudia Rosett is described by prominent conservative columnist Victor Davis Hanson as the “single brave maverick” to take on the oil-for-food scandal, which the right-wing has deceptively shaped into an anti-U.N. smear campaign. Moreover, Rosett’s think tank “has been attacking the United Nations since long before corruption in oil-for-food came to light.” In May 2003, Foundation President Clifford D. May blamed “the deaths of millions of innocent victims” on “U.N. fecklessness.”<hr></blockquote><!--EZCODE QUOTE END--><br><br>And take that in combination with <!--EZCODE LINK START--><a href="">this</a><!--EZCODE LINK END-->:<br><br><!--EZCODE QUOTE START--><blockquote><strong><em>Quote:</em></strong><hr>Foundation for the Defense of Democracies (FDD) was founded two days after the September 11, 2001 attacks. Although FDD is nominally bipartisan, right-wing Republicans direct the policy institute, which focuses on “terrorism, the ideologies that drive terrorism, and the policies that can most effectively eradicate terrorism.” In its view, the “major ideological threat to democracies comes from Islamic extremism and rogue states,” which are the leading supporters of terrorism and totalitarianism.” In keeping with its neoconservative ideology, FDD advocates that the “United States should lead the war of ideas in the battle between freedom and totalitarianism.”<br><br>Republican Party insiders dominate FDD's board and staff. FDD's three board members are Steve Forbes, Jack Kemp, and Jeane Kirkpatrick. Its two “distinguished advisers” are Newt Gingrich and James Woolsey, while other advisers include Gary Bauer, Richard Perle, William Kristol, Walid Phares, Charles Krauthammer, and Frank Gaffney-all prominent neoconservative figures with multiple links to the Defense Policy Board, Center for Security Policy, American Enterprise Institute, Weekly Standard, and Project for the New American Century. Among FDD's advisers are also several prominent Democrats associated with the Democratic Leadership Council and the Progressive Policy Institute, including Donna Brazzile, a close associate of Sen. Joseph Lieberman; and Sen. Zell Miller (D-GA).<br><br>FDD is best known through the frequent media interviews and news analysis by FDD's Clifford May, who before joining FDD was director of communications (1997-2001) for the Republican National Committee. May's other institutional affiliations include being vice-chair of the Republican Jewish Coalition. A veteran journalist, May continues to contribute regularly to National Review.<hr></blockquote><!--EZCODE QUOTE END--><br><br>Frankly, this is all more than a simple babe in the woods like myself can hope to make sense of. But at this point, I'd feel a lot more comfortable taking citizenspook as one more disinfo agent -- mixing nuggets of truth with some particularly rank red herrings -- than as anyone to be trusted.<br><br> <p></p><i></i>
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Postby Nonny » Mon Aug 22, 2005 12:20 am

I first saw posts by CS at Tom Flocco's site after reading the article Bush & Cheney Indicted.<br>The posts that I remember (forum is no longer available) were about the Chicago Subway incident on July 18th. Unattended package story.<br>He said that the news stories that were first reported were disappearing. Wanted to know if anyone could find more info on this or on the 29th when the cops shut down the Red line to investigate.<br>I found some personal accounts of this and when I went back to post -- the site was down. So I googled citizenspook and found his blog. I sent my finds to his email address. Then I received this reply.<br><br>Thank you nancy.<br><br>I cant talk right now but I was looking for that 29th story.<br><br>gotta run, I'll be in touch. I dont have ready access on the web<br><br>peace<br><br>-----------<br>I thought it stange that he said "I dont have ready access on the web."<br>So---- was he posting from the library?<br><br>Anyway -- his interest started with the Chicago Subway & he used to post at Tom Flocco <p></p><i></i>
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