Citzenspook: Media Blackout of Espionage Statute

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Citzenspook: Media Blackout of Espionage Statute

Postby Fearless » Tue Aug 16, 2005 4:01 pm

Permission granted to post entire article<br><br>Tuesday, August 16, 2005<br><br>TREASONGATE: Total Media BLACK OUT of 18 USC 794, Federal Espionage Statute <br><br>In my two part series, TREASONGATE: The Controlling Law, Part 1 Part 2 I discussed the fact that the Intelligence Identities Protection Act is virtually irrelevant as to the Valerie Plame CIA leak investigation. I focussed on the applicability to this fact pattern of 18 USC 793 and 794, the espionage statutes of the United States Code.<br><br>Let's go back now, back to the beginning of this affair. Ever since this thing hit the news with gusto only equalled by Monica's dress, we have seen, heard and been witness to a main stream media and main stream blogosphere feeding frenzy of pundits politically analyzing the irrelevant IIPA. What a time they were having until Citizen Spook came along and outed their ruse.<br><br>And what timing that the AIPAC indictments should come out a few days after Citizen Spook published this anaylsis, (see TREASONGATE: The Controlling Law, Part 2: THE DEATH PENALTY, 18 USC 794 and the shift from GWOT to GSAVE ). Those indictments were based on 18 USC 793.<br><br>But more interesting and more juicy for the media is the simple application of 18 USC 794(b) which provided for the death penalty or life in prison for perpetraitors of espionage "in time of war".<br><br>We discussed the diplomatic policy shift from GWOT, global war on terrorism, to GSAVE, global struggle against violent extremism, and how that shift may be evidence of the Bush admin having worries about prosectuion under the controlling espionage laws.<br><br>We discussed that 794(b) is met under this fact pattern of the Plame affair since it only requires that the information communicated by the perp be "related to the public defense" and that the perp must intend for that info to be communicated to the "enemy". We distinguised between the term "enemy" and the term "foreign nation" because "enemy" is much broader and does include "the terrorists".<br><br>We also discussed that federal case law has held that giving the relevant info to the press is no different than giving it directly to a spy for purposes of the intent requirement of that law.<br><br>So why hasn't the main stream media and most of the blogosphere picked up on this story?<br><br>BECAUSE THERE'S A MEDIA BLACKOUT IN PROGRESS<br><br>I submit that you may begin to "out" everybody in the media and blogosphere based upon their decision to cover 18 USC 794 or not to cover it.<br><br>Those who don't cover it, are knowingly or unknowingly, aiding and abetting treason. Coverage of the Intelligence Identities Protection Act was exhaustive, from CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS, MSNBC, the liberal blogs, the conservative blogs, etc. It was everywhere as the debate raged on about what was classified and who knew what at what time.<br><br>Crapola was fed to the masses. The IIPA is not the espionage act and does not lead to treason convictions. C'mon people, we have a little body of law which is called<br><br>THE UNITED STATES CODE!<br><br>Let's use it.<br><br>Many small web blogs did cover my report on 18 USC 794, and for that, we the people, owe them a debt of gratitude. The only main stream alternative web site which covered my report on 18 USC 794 and the death penalty was Jeff Rense. Rense had an entire section based upon TREASONGATE, which linked to four of my reports. That section has now been removed at I dont know why, but I've written Jeff and asked him if there was a problem.<br><br>But here we have the biggest story in US history. Treason was perpetrated on this country by the White House. We know the memo listed Plame's ID as "secret" and that classification is prima facia proof of how important it was to national security. She was working on WMD. All of the requirements of 18 USC 794(b) have been met with much more convincing power than under the IIPA, so why has our very own United States Code been ignored.<br><br>It's frightening to finally see how deep the rabbit hole goes isn't it.<br><br>This information, this law, this US Code, is not speculation or theory. This is the law and it's rock solid. <br><br>Where is the press now?<br>Where is the blogosphere?<br>Where is the feeding frenzy?<br>We had it for the IIPA, but for our very own US Code, it's gone, voila.<br><br>You knew the info is being controlled, but now you know that it's infected many of your favorite blogs and so called liberal journalists. We've given them a story here at Citizen Spook. Why aren't they running with it?<br><br>It's a simple Code, much easier to explain to the people than the IIPA, but it's not as easy to spin and argue about. It's clear, the White House is guilty as sin under 18 USC 794 (and 793) and the penalty is frightening to them.<br><br>Take over the blogs.<br>Take over the comments.<br>Write letters to the editor.<br><br>Where are the big time liberal pundits who are supposed to be fighting against this administration? <br><br>Where is the Conyers Blog?<br>Where is Raw Story?<br>Where is The Brad Blog?<br>Where is Daily Kos?<br>Where is The Huffington Post?<br>Where is Air America Radio?<br><br>Yes, the rabbit hole is deep, but it ends right here.<br><br>If the same amount of energy that went into the analysis of the IIPA was applied to 18 USC 794, the White House would be in serious trouble and would be forced to change their plans. They wouldn't have the same time they have now, time to create intricate diversions, time to commit more treason.<br><br>America, you have the means to fight this information war and you have the means to demand the media step up and tell the people what laws have been broken. And in doing this you can make them squirm, and you can force their hand and make them act with less time to plan. By exposing the truth, you force them to move faster, to rush their plans and in doing that they are more prone to make a mistake.<br><br>Nobody does anything as thorough when they are rushing, compared to when they have time to plot. By ignoring discussion about 18 USC 794 and the death penalty or life in prison, the main stream media and blogosphere are aiding and abetting the enemy by giving it time and resources to plot further treason.<br><br>The IIPA discussion was a calculated ruse designed to distract you from the real controlling law, 18 USC 793 and 794.<br><br>What are you going to do about it America?<br><br>Make some noise, make a lot of noise. If you don't, you have nothing to complain about when they survive this and thereafter bring you tyranny beyond your vision. <br><br>What doesn't kill them (by this I mean the law) makes them stronger. They destroyed a network of USA intelligence operations, operations that must have been getting close to uncovering treason worse than the treason they committed by outing Plame and Brewster Jennings et als.<br><br>This is war people. There are no civilians in an information war. You're either for the truth and the law, or your against it.<br><br>by Citizen Spook<br><br>PLEASE REPOST and LINK <br><br>coming soon: Citizen Spook on "Treasongate Deciphered", this will blow your mind.<br><br><!--EZCODE LINK START--><a href=""></a><!--EZCODE LINK END--><br><br> <p></p><i></i>
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Re:Where is Democratic Underground?

Postby seemslikeadream » Tue Aug 16, 2005 4:11 pm

ESPIONAGE - DOD employees A & B Foreign Officals 1, 2, & 3 <br><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href="">www.democraticunderground...04x4348269</a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--><br><br><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href=""></a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--> /<br><br><br><br>First, the indictment says that from "about April 1999 and continuing until on or about August 27, 2004" Franklin, Rosen and Weissman "did unlawfully, knowingly and willfully conspire" in criminal activity against the United States. So far, no one has explained what triggered an investigation that began more than six years ago. But it reveals how long the three indicted conspirators and "others, known and unknown to the Grand Jury," engaged in such criminal activity. In any case, what appeared at first to be a brief dalliance between Franklin and the two AIPAC officials now -- according to the latest indictment, at least -- spans more than five years and involves at least several other individuals, at least some of whom are known to the investigation. What triggered the investigation in 1999, and how much information has FBI surveillance, wiretaps and other investigative efforts collected?<br><br>Second, the indictment makes it absolutely clear that the investigation was aimed at AIPAC, not at Franklin. The document charges that Rosen and Weissman met repeatedly with officials from a foreign government (Israel, though not named in the indictment) beginning in 1999, to provide them with classified information. In other words, the FBI was looking into the Israel lobby, not Franklin and the Defense Department, at the start, and Franklin was simply caught up in the net when he made contact with the AIPACers. Rosen and Weissman were observed making illicit contact with several other U.S. officials between 1999 and 2004, although those officials are left unnamed (and unindicted). Might there be more to come? Who are these officials, cited merely as United States Government Official 1, USGO 2, etc.?<br><br>Third, Franklin was introduced to Rosen-Weissman when the two AIPACers "called a Department of Defense employee (DOD employee A) at the Pentagon and asked for the name of someone in OSD ISA with an expertise on Iran" and got Franklin's name. Who was "DOD employee A"? Was it Douglas Feith, the undersecretary for policy? Harold Rhode, the ghost-like neocon official who helped Feith assemble the secretive Office of Special Plans, where Franklin worked? The indictment doesn't say. But this reporter observed Franklin, Rhode and Michael Rubin, a former AEI official who served in the Pentagon during this period and then returned to AEI, sitting together side by side, often in the front row, at American Enterprise Institute meetings during 2002-2003. Later in the indictment, we learn that Franklin, Rosen and Weissman hobnobbed with "DOD employee B," too.<br><br>Fourth, Rosen and Weissman told Franklin that they would try to get him a job at the White House, on the National Security Council staff. Who did they talk to at the White House, if they followed through? What happened?<br><br>Fifth, the charging document refers to "Foreign Official 1," also known as FO-1, obviously referring to an Israeli embassy official or an Israeli intelligence officer. It also refers later to FO-2, FO-3, etc., meaning that other Israeli officials were involved as well. How many Israeli officials are implicated in this, and who are they?<br><br>Sixth, was AEI itself involved? The indictment says that "on or about March 13, 2003, Rosen disclosed to a senior fellow at a Washington, D.C., think tank the information relating to the classified draft internal policy document" about Iran. The indictment says that the think tank official agreed "to follow up and see what he could do." Which think tank, and who was involved?<br><br>The indictment is rich with other detail, including specific instances in which the indicted parties lied to the FBI about their activities. It describes how Franklin eventually set up a regular liaison with an Israeli official ("FO-3") and met him in Virginia "and elsewhere" to communicate U.S. secrets.<br> <p></p><i></i>
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Who will bring CS to DU???

Postby dbeach » Tue Aug 16, 2005 4:39 pm

"Those who don't cover it, are knowingly or unknowingly, aiding and abetting treason. Coverage of the Intelligence Identities Protection Act was exhaustive, from CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS, MSNBC, the liberal blogs, the conservative blogs, etc. It was everywhere as the debate raged on about what was classified and who knew what at what time."<br><br><br>"NO NO NO it ain't me babe it aint me your lookin for..<br><br>you say your looking for someone...."<br><br><br>I AM AGAINST THE TREASON of the bush cabals and their related crime families including clintons and kerry and all of S.& B. the secret society planning to kill all who dare question the busheviks and thie macabre sisniter agenda..<br><br><br> <p></p><i></i>
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How Deep is the Rabbit Hole?

Postby Starman » Tue Aug 16, 2005 4:45 pm

What's utterly mindbending is -- WHERE are the Law Enforcers? Is there ANY agency of Law Enforcement (well, on the federal Level) that hasn't been shown to be utterly corrupted and compromised by special-interests and 'hidden' agendas, running contrary to preserving the public's well-being? It seems evident that the 'public good' has been so malformed, stretched to accomodate everything from illicit under-the-radar dangerous/banned weapons and nuclear/chemical/biological weapons technology, intricate extra-legal Intelligence Agency cells and programs engaged in deep-cover smuggling, blackmail, bribery, regime-change, coups and counter-coups, entrapment, double-and-triple espionage, False-Flag terro ops, running Al CIA-duh terrorists through dozens of false-front and cut-out proxies, inter-agency spying and terrority/authority grudge-contests, corrupted and managed elected and appointed government and court-officials, defense-industry setting military and 'security' policy, the 1.1 trillion dollar black-budget entirely exempt from Congressional and executive oversight, and maximized well-protected drug-and-arms smuggling networks -- <br><br>It's mind-boggling just trying to link the dots and keep this whole tottering ediface of counter-purposes and alternate-agenda actors and agents from collapsing into a mish-mash reeking pile of rancid sludge.<br><br>Fuck-all, I'm at Information overload and have NO confidence there's anyone with sufficient authority and credibility and integrity to cut thru more than the most superficial of outward appearances, while the rot festers deep-within out of public accountability, placing the entire world at jeapardy -- with, for example, Cheney and Rumsfeld peddling extremely dangerous weapons and technologies to irresponsible despots and promoting a global strategy of tension via armed-provocation/reactionary brinksmanship as 'defense' against the US's meddling and swordrattling threats and hostile intimidation, aggravating resource-wars and outright genocide in dozens of simmering low-intensity conflicts.<br><br>What's the bottom-line?<br>We're living in a co-opted corporatocracy where the Vote no longer matters, and the Law is interpreted to suit the real hidden global-plantation masters. Hell, half the nation still believes Iraq had WMD and Saddam financed 911.<br><br>When our elected officials have such clear connection to the worst kinds of treason and an agenda that contradicts almost EVERYTHING spoken of in the Constitution and Bill of Rights, what's left but taking one's self-defense of home and rights as seriously as the ongoing Constitutional crisis? Its hard to continue believing there's any Good Guys left in positions of authority and power who have the will or ability to act.<br><br>Of course, I'm willing to be surprised, almost desperate even.<br>Starman <p></p><i></i>
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Re: How Deep is the Rabbit Hole?

Postby dbeach » Tue Aug 16, 2005 5:01 pm

I posted it at DU Good luck to me<br><br>debunkers eat loosh<br><br>Whre is LAW ENFORCEMENT??<br><br>"WE THE CITIZENS OF THE US.."<br>You are one as is EVERY TRUTH SEEKER..<br><br>Upholding the LAWS of Spirituality and a moral compass for humanity..<br><br>"Truth justice and the American way.."<br><br> <p></p><i></i>
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Postby Fearless » Tue Aug 16, 2005 5:45 pm

Can I have the link at DU? I can't seem to locate it, I'd be interested in seeing the responses. <p></p><i></i>
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Here it is...

Postby psyop samurai » Tue Aug 16, 2005 6:27 pm

<!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href="">www.democraticunderground...04x4369340</a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--><br><br><!--EZCODE EMOTICON START :) --><img src= ALT=":)"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> <p></p><i></i>
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Re: Here it is...

Postby dbeach » Tue Aug 16, 2005 7:12 pm

hi psyop <br>good to hear ya<br><br>sauron cheny must be fat cattin cuz he got to scare the entire east coast of the USA with his mock nuke drills this month<br><br>sauron does eat LOOSH!<br><br>Such a blue meany!!<br><br>CS ROCKS!!<br><br> <p></p><i></i>
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Support Emerging

Postby antiaristo » Tue Aug 16, 2005 7:30 pm

Findlaw are zeroing in on the Espionage Statutes, but interestingly enough they only look at 793, and use the AIPAC indictment as the precedent.<br>Looks like these fools have been so stupid they can be nailed under 793 and 794.<br>Probably why they let W throw away his violent struggle and get his war back.<br><br><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href=""></a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--> <br> <p></p><i></i>
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