New Books:Frmr.CIA Censored '76+Salon Writer On RFK Murder

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New Books:Frmr.CIA Censored '76+Salon Writer On RFK Murder

Postby proldic » Sat Jul 30, 2005 11:22 am

Date: Fri, July 29, 2005 2:45 pm<br><br>Hi <br> I work with Sander Hicks at his new imprint, Vox Pop. <br>This fall we<br>are going to be releasing a stunning expose on the Kennedy<br>assassinations by a former CIA paramilitary specialist. Bradley<br>Ayers, who trained Cuban exiles for secret missions after the Bay of <br>Pigs, reveals new evidence he has collected in the forthcoming book, The<br>Zenith Secret.<br> This book places high-level CIA operatives with some of the more<br>familiar faces of the old Cuban exile movement at the scenes of this <br>country's most heinous crimes, the assassinations of JFK and RFK. <br>Originally released as The War That Never Was in 1976, this updated <br>version pulls no punches since the first release was heavily censored for<br>publication.<br> Recently, Ayers had a lengthy interview with David Talbot of<br> Talbot is currently working on his own account of the RFK <br>murder, and the two shared some of the secrets they will be revealing in<br>their upcoming books. We at Vox Pop have just posted an excerpt of this<br>interview on our website,, and would like you to check<br>it out. I hope you find it compelling, as the interview<br>hints at what their respective books contain: information that is as <br>damning of the government and its cover-ups as it is relevant to<br>today's intelligence fixing and media complicity in government<br>crimes. Let us know what you think.<br><br><br> <p></p><i></i>
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New Book: frmr agent stalled by CIA pre-publication review

Postby proldic » Sat Jul 30, 2005 3:56 pm

From xymorpha:<br><br>Friday, July 29, 2005<br><br>Bin Laden's escape from Tora Bora<br>A recently retired CIA agent named Gary Berntsen is attempting to have a book published on some of his CIA adventures, but is being stalled by the Agency, which is taking its own sweet time over its pre-publication review... <br><br>Berntsen led a CIA paramilitary team code-named 'Jawbreaker' during the Tora Bora attack in Afghanistan, and reveals that bin Laden was at Tora Bora. This catches Bush in another lie...<br> <br>Bin Laden at Tora Bora is a subject that is very sensitive in Bush Administration circles, especially as it appears that bin Laden was allowed to escape. This is the kind of thing that leads suspicious people to guess that bin Laden still has a good relationship with American officialdom, despite any rumors you might have heard that they were actually trying to kill or capture him.... <p></p><i></i>
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