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The 1973 film Executive Action depicted a conspiracy to assassinate JFK. It was based on a book by Mark Lane, who in 1966 was the first JFK investigator to debunk the Warren Commission in his book “Rush to Judgment”. Burt Lancaster and Robert Ryan played CIA operatives involved in the plot. They were resisted in their efforts to have the film made by mainstream Hollywood producers. The movie reveals how Kennedy’s progressive agenda and peace initiatives were a threat to the establishment. He refused to invade Cuba, was seeking detente with the Soviet Union, planned to pull all troops out of Viet Nam by 1965, break up the CIA, eliminate the Federal Reserve and promoted the civil rights movement. Congress passed the Test Ban Treaty a few months before the assassination. In other words, he was doing his job.
At the end of the film, it was revealed that an actuary engaged by the London Sunday Times calculated the odds of 18 material witnesses dying within three years of the JFK assassination. as 1 in 100,000 TRILLION. . Assuming the data and calculation methodology were essentially correct, then it was clear proof of a conspiracy and refuted the Warren Commission conclusion that Oswald was the lone assassin.
But the spreadsheet database shows that there were at least 40 suspicious JFK material witness deaths in the three years. At least 33 were unnatural. The odds are less than 1 in 100 TRILLION TRILLION! The other seven deaths consisted of suspiciously timed heart attacks, sudden cancers, etc. Jack Ruby died just before his second trial, 29 days after being diagnosed with cancer. He claimed that he was injected with a virus.
There has been much controversy about the odds. The identity of the actuary has never been revealed. The Sunday Times editor did not provided details on the methodology. In fact, he claimed that the problem was misstated, implying that the actuary’s probability calculation was wrong. This analysis will show that the actuary’s calculation was essentially correct. It will show that the editor’s 1977 response to the House Select Committee of Assassinations (HSCA) was misleading and incomplete. And that HSCA statistical expert Jacqueline Hess’s claim that the actuary’s calculation was “invalid” due to the “impossibility” of defining the “universe” of material witnesses was disinformation. The number of JFK-related witnesses is a finite 1400+. The dismissal of the actuary’s odds was just a continuation of the cover-up.
Nevertheless, the HSCA was forced to conclude that both the JFK and Martin Luther King murders were conspiracies.
Acoustic evidence indicated a 90-95% probability that at least four shots were fired – at least one from the grassy knoll in front of the limo. There had to be at least two shooters – and therefore a conspiracy. That should have closed the book on the Warren Commission’s physically impossible, irrational Magic Bullet Theory – a 50-year old work of fictional misinformation that is presented like clockwork by the mainstream media while the overwhelming scientific ballistic, acoustic, video, medical, eyewitness and mathematical evidence of suspicious deaths is ignored.