Purple pill

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Postby marykmusic » Tue Oct 25, 2005 6:50 pm

Whoever Periwinkle is, thank you for this: <!--EZCODE QUOTE START--><blockquote><strong><em>Quote:</em></strong><hr>Don't bother quitting if you can't face life without it. It will never work until you reslove the circumstance that drives you to it.<hr></blockquote><!--EZCODE QUOTE END--><br><br>I was a daily pot smoker until May of 2002; I was in the process of changing many things in my life which held me back or for whatever reason wasn't working, and that was one of them.<br><br>Some of what was going on at that time, astrologically, was my Chiron Return (age 50/51.) Choices to heal what needs repairing are available. Challenges are seen instead as opportunities. And smoking since the age of 18 was a biggie... I had quit before, but it was "only for now" and I knew I would resume later when the circumstances changed. But the last time, I knew it was permanent.<br><br>There was a time when I snorted a lot of cocaine, and another period when heroin was the drug of choice. Both those things I quit. Boom. Cold. The decision was made.<br><br>And if I could do it, anyone who wanted to could also; nothing special about me, no such thing as "more will power" or "not enough will power."<br><br>As far as pharmaceuticals, once when I quit pot unwillingly (someone stole my plants just before harvest), I asked my doctor for (and got) Valium. It stopped the anxiety that I usually used pot to control, but it sucked... so I got rid of it. Later, diagnosed with "situational depression" (gee, my kids and I were in a homeless shelter, how depressing is that?) I tried a real anti-depressant, of the Prozac class. It didn't help, but I ate so much ice cream that I gained 10 lbs a month. After 30 lbs I quit. My creativity had also deserted me. Gee, pot certainly didn't do THAT.<br><br>Angel dust--- hey, that's monkey tranquilizer, ba-a-a-ad for people (and probably bad for monkeys, too.)<br><br>But none of these things compare with the scourge of American society today: methamphetamines.<br><br>Tweakers suck.<br><br>I certainly did the few times I tried it. Of course, it was because the other guys in the band were doing it, and I prided myself on being "one of the guys."<br><br>Yuck. --MaryK <p></p><i></i>
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Postby mother » Wed Oct 26, 2005 4:08 pm

I wholeheartedly endorse the work of NORMAL and think they should release all those poor people from jail for pot convictions. I suppose anything can become addictive, and cause one's life to become unmanagable. As for the ever-growing push to drug children , it is a screaming horror story. We've seen hideous results of this in foster children, being revictimised over and over. The drugs they force scared and upset kids take don't even work. There's this group called "Zero to Three" of university profs really having an impact on the social services community, had one 2-yr-old we considered adopting on Clonadine and a bunch of other meds, because as the foster mom told us, "we needed it to wean her off her bottle". Another one had Clonadine because she screamed in the middle of the night because she was scared." I think the people doing this to foster children should be the ones doing time, but it could cause overcrowding. <p></p><i></i>
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