Mulsim escathology, end days, the anti-christ etc

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Mulsim escathology, end days, the anti-christ etc

Postby jc » Mon May 15, 2006 12:19 pm

<!--EZCODE QUOTE START--><blockquote><strong><em>Quote:</em></strong><hr>The following letter was sent by Islamic Party leader David Pidcock to The Sunday Telegraph, contrasting the French hysteric phobia of late with Napoleon Bonaparte's admiration for Islam.<br><br>An open letter to the Editor and owner Mr. Conrad Black<br><br>Gentlemen,<br><br>As an English convert to Islam, I feel bound to respond to your Editorial Comment, p.27, "The enemies within." (7/8/94).<br><br>Your reference to Mr.Charles Pasqua, the French Interior Minister, is clearly in ignorance of the debt his Department owes to Islam. With the exception of French family law, 95 per cent of French law, i.e., The Code Napoleon is, in its entirety Islamic. Unlike the United Kingdom ... which only has Courts of Law ... the French have courts of Justice.<br><br>Having recognised the divine nature of the Qur'an, Napoleon Bonaparte embraced the religion of Abraham in the latter half of 1798, taking Ali as his Muslim name. And, having further recognised the wisdom and superiority of Islamic Jurisprudence, he authorised the translation of the rulings of Imam Malik from the Arabic, and the implementation of it throughout the Empire. So The Code Napoleon, which is universally proclaimed and admired by the likes of Monsieur Pasqua, owes its origins entirely to Europe's Islamic past.<br><br>The Battle of Waterloo was, in fact, a battle of the usurers (represented by Wellington) and the opponents of debt - finance (represented by Napoleon Bonaparte). Unfortunately, the usurers won and wrote their account of history. On the 9th of February 1807, Napoleon had obtained the support of Rabbi David Sinzheim and the Grand Sanhedrin, in issuing a rabbinical Fatwa prohibiting usury. Napoleon clearly understood the root cause of Europe's problem. For, upon being shown a table of interest charges, he reflected for a while and made the following comment:<br><br>"The deadly facts herein revealed, lead me to wonder that this monster, interest, has not devoured the whole human race. It would have done so long ago if bankruptcy and revolutions had not acted as counter poisons." (Lincoln: Money Martyred; Omni Publications 1935). <br><br>Which makes it clear, why he found the liberating theology of Islam so attractive. In one of the most valuable pieces of evidence, attesting to his grasp of the subject, he is reported as having given the following reasons for his love of the Islamic religion. In a recently acquired copy of Bonaparte et l'Islam by Cherfils from the Bibliotheque National De France, we find on pages 105 - 125 the following well kept secret:<br><br>"Moses", Napoleon says, "has revealed the existence of God to his nation, Jesus Christ to the Roman world, Muhammad to the old continent... Arabia was idolatrous when, six centuries after Jesus, Muhammad [re]introduced the worship of the God of Abraham, of Ishmael, of Moses, and of Jesus Christ. The Arians and some other sects had disturbed the tranquillity of the East by agitating the question of the 'Father the Son and the Holy Ghost.' Muhammad declared that there was none but one God, who had no father, no son, and that the trinity imported the idea of idolatry...<br><br>"The Parthians, the Scythians, the Mongols, and the Tartars and the Turks, had shown generally themselves to be enemies of science and the arts, but this reproach cannot be fastened onto the Arabs, no more than upon Muhammad. The first Omayad Caliph, was a poet and he granted peace to a Rabbi, because he prayed for grace in four beautiful Arabic verses...<br><br>"Al Mansour, Harun al Rashid and Al Mamun cultivated Arts and Sciences. They were fond of literature, chemistry, and mathematics; they lived with savants, caused the Greek and Latin authors, the Illiad, the Odyssey, Euclid, etc., to be translated into Arabic, and founded schools and colleges for medicine, astronomy, and moral science. Ahmed corrected the tables of Ptolemy; Abbas was a distinguished Mathematician; Costa, Alicude, Thabit, and Ahmed measured one degree of meridian from Saana to Kufa. Chemistry, alembics, sun - dials, clocks and numerical signs owe their existence to Arab invention. Nothing is more elegant than their moral tales; their poetry is full of fervour...<br><br>"Muhammad extolled everywhere the savants and such men as devoted themselves to a speculative life and cultivated letters... In the library of Cairo there were 6000 volumes on astronomy, and more than 100,000 on other subjects; in the library of Cordova there were 3,000,000 volumes... Sciences and Arts reigned under the Caliphs and made great progress, which was brought to naught by the Mongols...<br><br>"I hope that the time is not far off when I shall be able to unite all the wise and educated men of all countries and establish a uniform regime based on the principles of the Quran which alone are true and which alone can lead men to happiness..."<br><br>"Christianity preaches only servitude and dependence. A society of true Christians would not be a society of men."<br><br>This, of course, all went down like a lead baloon in government, theological, and banking circles of London, Paris, Frankfurt, Vienna and Rome. Your leading article follows the well established tactic of Ricoldo Cydones, who advised all those involved in the Greco - Roman - Islamic polemic and religious dialogue which originated between the Byzantines and Turks during the Ottoman expansion that:<br><br>"It is always easier to start by attacking the falseness of the Muslim faith than by proving the truth of Christianity ... in controversy with a Muslim. The Muslims are curious to hear something about the faith of the Christians, but the Christians must avoid supplying them with information." <br><br>Your Cecil B. De Millesque reference to "their God", as if "their God" was any other than the same one mentioned in the Bible, continues in this reprehensible tradition, and is again evidence that:<br><br>"Seldom does it occur that the opponents in strife attempt to comprehend or succeed in understanding the position of each other."<br><br>On this particular occasion however, having been born and raised as a Christian, in the West, with a long family tradition in political satire (particularly Napoleonic) going back to at least 1769, I have the advantage of comprehending and understanding both sides of this particular argument very well indeed. Therefore, your mischievous attempt to cast doubt on the fidelity of the Qur'an and its compatibility with previous divine scriptures, will fall on stony ground along with the hopes of evangelical Christians for a reconversion of us back to the Church of Rome or the Church of England, and to "hear us abjure the Muslim God", once again demonstrates the complete ignorance of Who the God of the Muslims actually was and still is.<br><br>To the best of our knowledge, the most ancient recorded Name of God is in Chaldean cuneiform tablets, and it corresponds with Allah's title: Al Alah, The Most High. (Source Scofield Reference Bible). In our prayers as Muslims we state, whilst prostrated: "Subhana Rabi al Ala" i.e, "Glory to my Lord The Most High".<br><br>The Judeo - Christian concept of God, as a Father as opposed to the Creator of man, is based on a false, pagan understanding. Likewise the form Jehovah, on its own, according to the Rev. T. K. Cheyne of Balliol College Oxford, <br><br>"is unhesitatingly to be rejected due to a misunderstanding of comparatively modern origin." [Source - Variorum Teachers Bible, London 188<!--EZCODE EMOTICON START 0] --><img src= ALT="0]"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> .<br><br>But the easiest way to demonstrate the fact that the God of The Children of Israel and the Children of Ishmael, and all the Semitic peoples was one and the same, is to read Exodus 18, verses 1 - 27 in the Old Testament. Which, surprisingly, still contains the most damning piece of evidence against the Judeo - Christian polemic, that the God of the Arabs and Islam, was different to the God of Isaac and the Children of Israel.<br><br>If the followers of Judeo - Christianity were seriously wanting to please God, they would take more care in following his Ten Commandments, and the example of His Prophets and Messengers. It is very clear indeed, from Exodus, that Moses, the law - giver to Israel, was married to Zipporah, the Arab daughter of Jethro, the Imam and Judge of the Arab Midianites of northern Arabia, who re - taught Moses his religion and how to administer justice among the Children of Israel: The Qur'anic account is to be found in Surah 28, Verses 22 - 25. Furthermore, the promise in Deuteronomy to Moses, that a prophet like unto him would be raised up amongst his family brethren, like unto him, takes on more meaning when you realise that it literally meant his Arab family brethren. Medina was originally called Yathrib, taking its original name from Sheikh Yethro/Jethro. Muhammad was invited and raised up by the people of Yathrib to rule over them.<br><br>Furthermore, Gershom and Eliezer, the half Arab sons of Moses are listed as Levites, the priestly line of the Israelites, regardless of their mother being a non - Israelite woman. Which should destroy, once and for all, the myth that inheritance and favour was only through the mother. The following extracts establish clearly and unequivocally that The Lord of the Arabs and Israel always was and always will be - Allah.<br><br>"And Moses went out and to meet his [Arab] father- in - law, and did obeisance and kissed him, and they asked each other of their welfare; and they came into the tent... And Jethro rejoiced for all the goodness which The Lord had done to Israel... And Jethro said, blessed be The Lord... Now I know that The Lord is greater than all gods, for in the thing they dealt proudly He was above them... And Jethro, Moses' [Arab] father - in - law, took a burnt offering and sacrifices for God: and Aaron came and all the elders of Israel, to eat bread with Moses' [Arab] father - in - law before God." (Exodus 18:7 - 12)<br><br>In the Old Testament, the Ten Commandments are mentioned in Exodus 20 and Deuteronomy 5. The key commandment is: <br><br>"Thou shalt have no other gods before Me." <br><br>In Deuteronomy 6, verse 4 we read: <br><br>"Hear O Israel: The Lord Our God Is One". <br><br>The significance of this Oneness of God is of paramount importance. In Hebrew and its sister language Arabic, which, by the way, has an unbroken pedigree of continuous use: Achad or Ahad signifies an indivisible single entity with no possibility of it representing a triune or multiple godhead.<br><br>Monotheism, by definition, is entirely incompatible with the ideas of Triunity and the Three - ology of the Athanasian creed, which was imposed on the Roman Empire by Constantine at the Council of Nicaea in 325 A.D. Of course, I hear your objections and understand the sense of outrage this iconoclastic view generates. But by what scriptural authority did Constantine overturn the orthodox - unitarian - concept of God?<br><br>Apart from error, continuing to delighting its followers, I suggest, that in order to maintain the status quo, Constantine indulged in what I have come to call generic engineering - all he did was change the name of Mythra, the pagan son of god, into that of Christ, the son of god, and everything in the pagan state remained the same except, of course, the name of the crucified saviour.<br><br>When we take a cold hard look at the facts, we find that the concept of an atoning death for the sins of man is far older than Christianity, and far older than Judaism. For example, we find a curious similarity between all the cults and myths of the ancient world. We also find that for every lie to succeed it must contain an element of truth within it.<br><br>In my book Satanic Voices Ancient & Modern, I have made mention of the glaring similarities between all the redeeming sons of god. For example, if we were living in York or Chester and the date was March the 1st, 50 B.C., we would be preparing for the same Easter festival we have today, following the same Christmas festivities of December 25th. During which time we would have commemorated his birth to a virgin mother in a cave, of one who had 12 disciples; one who was called saviour; one who sometimes figures as a lamb; one whose disciples were initiated through baptism; and one in whose remembrance sacramental feasts were held. The only difference you would notice, if you went back in time, would be his name; for then it was Mythra not Jesus Christ.<br><br>At the time of the appearance of the real Messiah to the lost sheep of the House of Israel: Christ Jesus, the son of Mary, there were temples without end dedicated to redeeming gods like Appolo or Dionysus among the Greeks; Herculese amongst the Romans; Mythra among the Persians - A pre - Christian crucifix was found in County Cork with a Persian inscription on it, dedicated to Mythra; In Syria and Phrygia Attis & Adonis; in Egypt Osiris, Isis and Horus; in ancient Babylon Bel/Baal and Astarte. So you see, my question is - By what authority are we to accept these major departures from orthodox monotheism.<br><br>The recent release of Dead Sea Scroll material confirms the Islamic view of what occurred at the time of Christ and after his alleged crucifixion. Eisenman and Wise have this to say in The Dead Sea Scrolls Uncovered. Having made mention of Paul's incipient theological approach to the alleged crucifixion of Christ, on which stands the basis of Christian theological understanding of it thereafter, they state on page 10: <br><br>"What we have here is a picture of what Christianity actually was in Palestine. The reader, however, probably will not be able to recognise it because it will seem virtually the opposite of the Christianity with which he or she is familiar." <br><br>On page 234: <br><br>"Paul they considered an apostate from the Law... they are certainly the community that held the memory of James in the highest regard, whereas Paul they considered 'the Enemy', or Anti Christ... Such a stance is not unparalleled in crucial passages from the letter in James' name in the New Testament. We have already shown that this letter, in responding to some adversary who believes that Abraham was justified by faith alone, states that by making himself 'a friend of man', this adversary has turned himself into 'the Enemy of God'. This 'Enemy' terminology is also known in Matt. 13:25 - 40 'parable of the tares', perhaps the only anti - Pauline parable in the Gospels, where an 'Enemy' sows the 'tares' among the good seed...."<br><br>The Gospel of Barnabas opens with a warning that Paul is preaching a most impious doctrine; repudiating the circumcision and other portions of the Covenant between God and Abraham, which Moses came to renew and Christ came to fulfil and announce the coming of the desired prophet, the "Himdah" or "Ahmed" of all nations - Mahmad, Mahamod, and Machammad in Hebrew and MuHaMmad, i.e. Muhammad, in Arabic; the one imbued with the Spirit of Truth; the Comforter - The Periqlyte, or Paraclete. The Old Testament mentions him in the following terms. <br><br>"And the Ahmed of all nations will come" (Haggai, ii.7).<br><br>"And I will shake all nations, and the Himada / Ahmed/ Paraclete of all the nations will come; and I will fill this house with with glory, says the Lord of hosts. Mine is the silver, Mine is the gold, says the Lord of hosts, the glory of My last house shall be greater than of the first one says the Lord of hosts; and in this place I will give Shalom, says the Lord of hosts" (Haggai, ii.7 - 9).<br><br>The Holy Prophet King Solomon names this bringer of Peace / Shalom, as "Muhammadim" the suffix "im" is used to express absolute respect as with the "im" added to "Eloah" to make "Elohim" (Allahumma) which denotes absolute respect for God.<br><br>Muhammadim is usually translated, intentionally or otherwise, as "altogether lovely", in itself not an unfitting tribute to the one who would come and renew Abraham's religion of Peace i.e., Salaam. The Hebrew, transliteration in Roman script from the Song of Solomon is as follows:<br><br>"Hikko Mamittaqim Vikullo MAHAMMADIM<br><br>Zeh Dudi Vezew Raai Benute Yarushalam"<br><br>Meaning:<br><br>"His mouth is most sweet; yet, he is Mohamad, altogether lovely. This is my beloved and this is My friend, o daughter of Jerusalem!"<br><br>As with the rest of Islam's civilising influence on Europe, which, in its pride, Europe finds hard to admit, even grudgingly, Western gratitude, as usual, has a very short shelf - life.<br><br>On the questions of who the real 'terrorists' and 'subversives' are, violent revolution has not only been the opium of 'intellectuals' but of 'bankers' also. Take for example, Montagu Norman, the overt Nazi Governor of the Bank of England, and step - father of Peregrine Worsthorne of Daily Telegraph fame, who went to the elected British Government and instructed them to lend Germany £90 million pounds. He is reported to have said: <br><br>"We may never be paid back, but it will be less loss than the fall of Nazism".<br><br>Many of those who opposed him, were locked up under Regulation 18B, The Defence of the Realm Act, if I may be permitted to say so, a highly illiberal act, worthy of any fundamentalist terrorist state. ... The subversive Nazi Union Banking Corporation was co - founded and sponsored by Prescott Bush's father in law, George Walker in 1924, following a personal agreement between Skull & Bones member Avrell Harriman and Fritz Thyssen in 1922.<br><br>In seizing the property of Prescott Bush, the authorities were, in fact, seizing the property of Fritz Thyssen, the man who boasted in his 1941 book 'I Paid Hitler', that his contributions to Adolph Hitler had begun in October 1923, with the payment of 100,000 marks for his attempted "putsch". One wonders, if French Interior Minister Pasqua is aware of the sinister, enemy within, background of the late husband of America's current Ambassador to France, Mrs. Pamela Digby Avrell Harriman?<br><br>Having become the tools and vassals of rich men, it is evident that the job of today's journalist is to destroy the truth, to lie outright, to pervert, to vilify, and to fawn at the foot of Mammon, and sell himself, his country, and his race for his daily bread to those who lend money to the state at interest. <br><br>Yours sincerely, <br><br>Author: David Pidcock<br>Date Published: Jan 1995<hr></blockquote><!--EZCODE QUOTE END--><br><br><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href=""></a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--><br><br><!--EZCODE QUOTE START--><blockquote><strong><em>Quote:</em></strong><hr>The New Age: The Coming of Dajjal<br><br>The very first issue of Common Sense was published during the gulf crisis of 1991. In that issue we quoted some apocalyptical Ahadith and linked them to the events that were unfolding before the eyes of the world. Naturally, no - one can be sure that any Hadith about events to come, phrased broadly enough to permit it being swallowed by the prophet's contemporaries, relates to any particular event we witness, until well after it. Yet, what has happened in the gulf, and still continues, seems too big an occasion to having been entirely missed by the messenger of Allah - peace be upon him - when he even foretold occurrences much less significant than these.<br><br>After the conclusion of the gulf war, a reader wrote to us, that considering that all the allied forces returned back home safely, the hadith couldn't have been right. We responded by saying, that if the hadith referred to that event, which we still believe to be the case, it simply meant, the whole thing wasn't over yet. Allah's messenger warned us of a battle over mountains of black gold near the Euphrates which was going to be fought in three distinct stages. Recently, on a Radio 4 news comment following the new military build - up in the region, the "courageous" shelling by America's high - tech forces of a retreating third world army was referred to as the "first gulf war". It is unusual in language to use ordinal numbers for one - off events, so maybe the commentator new better than we do, that there is going to be a "second gulf war" and that the scenario leading up to it is as meticulously planned as previously, the butcher of Baghdad playing the American fiddle as well as the Amir of You-Wait or the King of Saudi - America. The ambitions of Eretz (Greater) Israel stretch from the Nile to the Euphrates, and the politics of the region are of key importance in ushering in the final phase of a one - world government seated in Jerusalem, as predicted by Ben Gurion as far back as 1962, administering total control over a world population kept in chains by economic exploitation, brain - washed by mass media indoctrination, and driven crazy by an abundance of New Age Cults. Hail the coming of Dajjal, the Anti - Christ.<br><br>For those to whom the above statements still sound too phantastic to be true, the October issue of the "Investors Bulletin" published by Bob Beckman holds an even more astonishing surprise when analysing the developments in the Gulf under the heading "Saddam Hussein rides again". The article talks about nuclear proliferation promoted by Moscow to raise the stakes. "The purpose", the article says, would be "the advancement of discussion involving the structures of a World Government." It quotes Russian sources as expecting "an explosion to be detonated in the Spring, so that the terror associated with this 'accident' would be bound to dominate preparations for the subsequent G8 Summit in the following July." This is being corroborated by the following statement of the Soviet dissident Anatoly Golitsyn: "In a different context, the Russians may be expected to provoke an incident unattributable to themselves involving the explosion of a nuclear device somewhere in the West not excluding the United States. The purpose would be to reassert the necessity for the Russian - American partnership now and to create pressure for eventual World Government." We agree with the Investors Bulletin that "the first victim of any military conflict is the truth", and we would extend this to be a valid observation for propaganda wars as well. So whilst we do not want to deliberate on whether America, or Russia plays the tune, or both dance to the tune blown by some forces behind them, the admission that world government is being sought after and that its coming about could be facilitated by the build up of a military threat, makes interesting reading indeed. Turbulent times may well lie ahead.<br><br>Given the impact of those coming tribulations, we decided to take a closer look at the beast of whom all prophets since Noah have warned their people. Although Muslims have the best advance warning system in their scriptures, most of them will, as usual, be caught unawares, because they do not know how to use it. In the days of the prophet, peace be upon him, knowledge meant applied knowledge, and great victories were won, because of the wisdom to make the right connections and take appropriate action. Today, knowledge, even for Muslims, is understood to be contained in a certificate by which some raise themselves over others, and wisdom has been replaced by vanity and self - centredness. "Religion" has been separated from most spheres of life (and reflecting on world politics the way we do may well be considered haram by some...); the treasures inherited from those before us have been made inaccessible and irrelevant through narrow definitions and childish interpretations; self - glorification, rivalry and petty - mindedness prevent us from tackling even the most simple issues in hand. The Muslims thus dismembered will continue to impress each other with horror - stories about the giant who walks across the sea whilst the water hardly reaches his ankles, the Arabic words "kafir" (disbeliever) clearly written over his forehead, yet they will trod ignorantly behind him without recognising him for what he is; they will boast about how to deal with the disbelievers, basking themselves in the glory of Muslim conquests, whilst we are driven out from every corner of the world; they will preach an Islam so uncompromising and regulated that it will drive even the most kind - hearted and open - minded away; and they will endlessly strive to make a little bit more money out of a system they loudly denounce as corrupt and of the devil's making when in the privacy of their four walls. Mahdis appear by the dozen, everybody wants to be a Caliph, but nobody wants to go out of their way to seriously and responsibly address a situation that has deteriorated for far, far too long. It is easy to denounce and demolish, but difficult to plan and build. Muslims of today are known to prefer doing things the easy way.<br><br>Who then is the Dajjal? What are we to do, to avoid his curse? There are no easy answers, but we shall try, as always at the risk of being dismissed as unorthodox or even cranky, to separate superstition from fact, to hold up the mirror, even though the image may be painful to behold, to interpret the trends that continue around us regardless of whether we care to acknowledge them or not, to warn of the consequences of ignorance and indifference, and to point to where we must begin if we want to remedy our current state of affairs. We know that common sense is rare, and expect no miracles. We simply stand to be counted.<br><br>Author: Islamic Party of Britain<br>Date Published: Jan 1995<hr></blockquote><!--EZCODE QUOTE END--><br><br><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href=""></a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--><br><!--EZCODE QUOTE START--><blockquote><strong><em>Quote:</em></strong><hr><br>Dajjal - Myth & Reality<br>                <br>Whilst Gog and Magog are mentioned twice in the Qur'an, the Dajjal has no direct mention. This is extraordinary, given the assertion of the prophet, peace be upon him, that there is no more significant matter between the creation of Adam and the last hour than the Dajjal.<br><br>People reading or listening to traditional descriptions of Dajjal, the anti-Christ, may be forgiven for considering him to be a character of fiction. He is of an enormous size, travels at the speed of the clouds blown by the wind on a donkey, the distance between his ears being 40 arm spans, the deep sea only reaches up to his ankle, he has with him a mountain of bread and rivers, and works amazing miracles. He has been around since the prophet's days, tied in iron chains on an island in the sea which is populated by spies. When he is let loose, time will become short and the ground will shrink.<br><br>This myth of a giant, however, is probably the reason that so many ahadith about him survived to the present day. Acquainted with the workings of modern technology, we are able to appreciate that the abilities of this superhuman creature are due to the equipment at his disposal. We have witnessed car and plane travel, we see images from across the world beamed into our living rooms via television, we use mobile telephones to keep in touch with people in the remotest corners of the world. We can understand how somebody can be in many places at once, listen to what happens at different locations in the earth, travel at speed and show us water you cannot taste and fire that does not burn you. To people before us, anybody accomplishing such tasks, must have been a magical being. Our unforgivable mistake is, that we love to hold on to the magic like a fairy tale from childhood which we can't let go of.<br><br>If we are talking about Dajjal, representing a system of disbelief clearly visible to anybody as such, be he literate or not, irrespective of the fact that it is being proclaimed in the name of trinitarian Christianity, then this Dajjal is alive and kicking amongst us, no longer tied down since he mastered the art of using iron, throwing off his chains and restrictions, making everything fancy from computer hardware to destructive weapons. He is one-eyed, materialistic, deprived of spirituality, his promised paradise is hell and his hell is paradise, and he is followed by an army of Jews, women and bedouins. He controls the resources of the world through his interest banking system, and has indeed mountains of bread, and people will suffer hunger unless they follow him. Whilst the prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, would have argued with him on our behalf, were he still around, now everybody will have to argue with him on his own behalf.<br><br>Yet, Dajjal, the system, is not sufficient an explanation for all the descriptions given of him in the prophetic traditions. Many of them speak of Dajjal as an ordinary, short man of Jewish extraction (like Ibn Sayyad), with curly and coarse hair and a beak of a nose, and biting teeth. He commands armies and, ultimately, he will be slain. Dajjal the person is the leader who will ultimately lead the forces of evil on this earth, the system of Dajjal. He belongs to the one-world government of the brutish ruler of the empire succeeding the Romans, he will desire Madinah, but it will be out of reach for him. He will land at a place near Madinah, to the east, which could well be Kuwait, but he will be diverted north, to the region of al-Sham, that is Syria, (or possibly Iraq?) where he will be destroyed. He will emerge after fierce battles As-Sufyani (the Brute) will have with the Muslims, marked by hitherto unknown destructiveness. The fight will be over mountains of (black) gold near the Euphrates. The Muslims will be the loosers, but those who are sincere amongst them will eventually unite under the banner of al-Mahdi who will come from Madinah and will be given allegiance in Makkah, although he'd rather escape that responsibility, which rules out any of those who wish to be known as candidates for being the Mahdi. Finally, 'Isa bin Maryam, the real Christ, will return and put an end to Dajjal and his machinations.<br><br>Muslims should take the warnings about the Dajjal seriously. We should watch the "peace process" in Palestine and the military intimidation in Arabia with close concern. A shift to unified world government (under American UN leadership directed from Tel Aviv) might not be too far off any more. Bar coding, cable and satellite communications, computer networking, international monetary control, and endless other innovations of our times have put almost complete control at the disposal of the future head of the Dajjal system. Scientists still try to master the art of thought reading and mind control, but even without those techniques the word freedom has a more and more hollow sound. The fiction of Orwell's 1984 has long since been outdone by the facts. Soon this new Messiah will draw people around the globe into a mass hypnosis for his latest fashion new age cult. We must retain our critical faculties, and as always with dissent, in a dictatorial system, there is a price to be paid. Patiently holding on to one's beliefs, and acting upon them, will be like holding a burning coal in one's hands. Yet, this is bliss, as not to do so and to acquiesce into injustice and oppression out of fear of falling into the hell the Dajjal has in store for his opponents, means to deny the truth, belie humanity, and earn eternal condemnation. Worse still, to be so busy in petty pursuits and endless squabbles amongst each other, that we fail to notice altogether that we are being taken for a ride. <br><br>Author: Islamic Party of Britain<br>Date Published: Jan 1995<hr></blockquote><!--EZCODE QUOTE END--><br><br><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href=""></a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--><br><br><br>Some interesting articles I came across today. Thought I'd throw them in the mix. See what you make of them. There's a few more if you follow the links. <p></p><i></i>
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a muslim take on high weirdness

Postby jc » Mon May 15, 2006 12:27 pm

Dajjals , Donmehs and Extra - Terrestrials<br><br>It is generally understood that the Islamic Caliphate came to an end in 1924, with the rise of Kemal Ataturk, but the effective end of the Caliphate occurred in July 1908, in line with the prophecies of the messenger of Allah that Constantinople would fall into the hands of 70,000 sons of Isaac posing as Muslims. 'Acacia', an official Masonic publication of 1908, stated:<br><br>"A secret Young Turk council was formed and the whole movement was directed from Salonica. Salonica, the most Jewish town in Europe - 70,000 Jews [Sons of Isaac] out of a population of 100,000, was specially suited for the purpose. It already contained several [Masonic] Lodges, in which the revolutionaries could work without being disturbed. These Lodges are under the protection of European diplomacy. And as the Sultan was without weapons against them, his fall was inevitable... On the 1st May, 1909, the representatives of 45 Turkish Lodges met in Constantinople and founded the 'Grand Orient Ottoman'. Mahmoud Orphi Pasha was nominated Grand Master..."<br><br>The above evidence was found in 'Occult Theocracy' by Lady Queenborough, who then goes on to say: <br><br>"To complete the information, we may add that two of the Salonica lodges, those of Macedonia and Labour & Lux were connected with the Grand Orient of Italy and France."<br><br>Both the Grand Orient of France and Italy were, and still are, manifestly secular, and overtly atheistic. More detailed information on how such secretive establishments undermined the Islamic Caliphate as well as engineered the Bolshevik Revolution can be found in David Pidcock's book 'Satanic Voices - Ancient and Modern'. <br><br>The warnings of prophet Muhammad link the fall of Constantinople with the coming out of Dajjal after the Great War, and it is clear that Theodor Herzl's scheming with the Young Turks and machinations against the Sultan, culminating ultimately in the realisation of his dream, the State of Israel in the land of Palestine, is inseparably linked with those processes preparing the ground for the Antichrist. The Jews, rejecting Jesus as the Messiah, still await their Messiah, and only recently the word has gone round in Jewish communities again that his coming is near. We can be almost sure that what they are awaiting is the false Messiah we have been warned of. As they have been looking out for their 'saviour' for quite some time, many a lesser Dajjal caught their attention since the days of the prophet, and one of those relates closely to Salonika and Turkey. The strange story surrounding his cult which will be related in the following can also serve as a reminder how easily Islam gets embroiled and mixed up in murky waters, raising question marks over exclusively Jewish Sufi groups in Britain today, or the involvement of Sufi orientated "Muslims" in occult "geophysical" societies in East London.<br><br>The Times History of The [Great] War says about Salonika: "The Greeks had to wait 483 years before the Theotokos 'regained her own.' But the Salonika which their armies entered in 1913 was radically a very different city from the Salonika of 1430. The Turks had opened it to Jewish immigration, and the Sephardim, fleeing from the intolerance of the most Catholic kings of Spain, had succeeded in making it in the course of four centuries into half a Jewish city. Of its 150,000 inhabitants some 70,000 were Jews...".<br><br>In addition to these Jews were a group of Crypto-Jews, who, according to Sir Gerard Lowther, "externally" professed "Islamism", these were, and still are, referred to as "The Donmeh". A more recent Jewish source, 'Acts of Faith' by Dan Ross, gives the following, up to-date picture of these people: <br><br>"Chapter Five: The Donmeh of Turkey: Wife-Swapping Moslems Waiting for a Jewish Messiah<br><br>Not long after World War I, European diplomats faced one of the most bewildering dilemmas in the annals of Jewish identity. It occurred when the Ottoman Empire was carved into the two new nations of Greece and Turkey. The two states agreed on a population exchange to transfer their peoples to match the new boarders... In the Treaty of Lausanne, endorsed by most European powers in 1923, the two nations agreed to define identity according to religion... With only a few exceptions, Moslems had to move to Turkey and Orthodox Christians to Greece. Jews, where they happened to live, were allowed to stay there. It became one of those occasions when the question "Who is a Jew?" was of more than academic interest."<br><br>"The city most affected by the population exchange was the old Turkish commercial centre, Salonika (now Thessaloniki, Greece). It was perhaps the most Jewish city in the world. For centuries, until it was captured by Greece in 1912, more Jews had lived in Salonica than Greeks and Turks combined. It was the capital of Sephardi Jewry and, in more prosperous times, of the entire Jewish world. Jewish merchants had run the great trading houses, Jewish scholars headed the city's academies, and Jewish longshoremen controlled Salonika's docks. Only Christians rested on Sunday and only Moslems on Fridays, but the entire city shut down each Saturday."<br><br>"A  group of ten to fifteen thousand Moslems in Salonica, known as Donmeh, tried to circumvent the population exchange. They said they were not really Turks, but Jews who only practised the Moslem religion. Their appeal was denied. The Greek government did not dispute their contention, but simply pointed to the Treaty of Lausanne which defined Turks by religion, not ethnic origin. At about the same time, a few Donmeh asked Salonica's rabbis to accept them back into Judaism. They claimed they were really secret Jews. For the last two hundred and forty years, they said, they had only pretended to be Moslems. The rabbis, too, denied their appeal. But like the Greeks, they did not dispute the Donmeh's strange contention. Their refusal was based on even odder grounds: that (the) Donmeh were "bastards" (in Hebrew: mamzerim). They held annual orgies where they slept with each other's spouses, charged their rabbis, and could not be sure who their fathers were. As the Bible says, "A 'bastard' shall not enter into the assembly of the Lord, even unto the tenth generation. The Donmeh had no alternative but to leave Salonica... The vast majority joined Salonica's other Moslems in the exodus to Turkey. There the Donmeh settled in three cities: Izmir (formerly Smyrna), Edirne (formerly Adrianopole), and Istanbul (formerly Constantinople). Most continue to live together in their own neighbourhoods. Some, no one knows how many, continued practising their strange secret cult. To this day, a few aging Moslems in those cities may still be praying to the God of the Jews and waiting for the return of his "Messiah," Shabbatai Zevi."<br><br>"The word donmeh means "convert" in Turkish, but only Salonica's Turks used that name for the sect. Jews preferred to call them 'minim', a word meaning "heretics." The Donmeh themselves used neither of those terms, preferring another Hebrew word: ma'aminim, meaning "believers." This terminology was an accurate reflection of each group's perspective. In this day and age, what the Donmeh believed in can only be described as incredible: that a seventeenth - century false Messiah named Shabbatai Zevi was the redeemer of Israel, that the path of redemption lay in pretending to be a Moslem, and that Shabbatai's appearance had invalidated old concepts of law and morality - what once was prohibited was now permitted. The story of the Donmeh may be the most bizarre in the annals of Judaism. That voluntary Marranos lived a licentious double life as Jews and Moslems, in a major European city in our own time, challenges our credulity. Only by suspending our rational instincts can we comprehend their faith in a false Messiah otherwise discredited hundreds of years before".<br><br>'Acts of Faith' then tries to explain how such strange events could have come about:<br><br>"Mysticism and messianism used to be the neglected step - children of Jewish studies. Until recently modern Jews preferred to ignore that "dark side" of their heritage. Jewish historians, schooled in nineteenth - century rationalism, dismissed it as the superstition of a misguided few. All this has changed in the last few decades. Led by the remarkable Gershom Scholem, who virtually "invented" Kabbalah (Jewish mysticism) as a field for scientific research, contemporary scholars are re - evaluating its place in Jewish history. Long neglected writings have been brought to light and maligned philosophies have been rehabilitated. The messianic movement of Shabbatai Zevi is now recognized for its enormous impact on Judaism. It is considered, in Scholem's own words, 'one of the most important phenomena of Jewish history and of the history of religions'."<br><br>"Shabbatai Zevi was born in Smyrna, on the Aegean coast of Turkey, in 1626. The first half of his life was spent in solitude and continence, apparently because of an unpleasant experience with masturbation at the age of fifteen. (He was later divorced by his first two wives because he refused to consummate those marriages.) He was a brilliant student, and was ordained a rabbi at the age of eighteen. Shortly afterwards he began to study Kabbalah, as did many young rabbis of the day. But Shabbatai stood out from other young Kabbalists by virtue of his periods of "illumination," as his followers called them. At odd intervals he would be filled with an ecstatic, inexplicable joy, when he would perform strange acts which often violated Jewish law."<br><br>On re - examining Shabbatai Zevi's behaviour, in the light of modern psychology, Ross states that Scholem finds unmistakable evidence that Zevi suffered from Manic - depression. He says that:<br><br>"Shabbatai's 'illuminations' were merely the manic phases of a personality cycle which also included periods of deep, unrelieved melancholy, when he was tormented by demonic, often erotic, anxieties. In his early years Shabbatai only hinted he might be the Messiah. He was dismissed as a crackpot, and his eccentricities rewarded with excommunication by several Jewish communities. It was not until shortly after his thirty - ninth birthday, when he joined forces with an ascetic Palestinian rabbi named Nathan of Gaza, that Shabbatai was taken seriously. Nathan became his leading prophet, reinterpreting popular Kabbalistic doctrines to fit Shabbatai's symptoms. He declared that Shabbatai's soul was waging a battle for freedom from the forces of evil. In his states of "illumination" Shabbatai was prevailing; in his "days of darkness" he was not. Nathan compared the "Messiah"  to Job, who also fell under the influence of Satan before returning to divine favour. But unlike Job's, Shabbatai's battle would decide the future of all mankind. A new age was dawning. Nathan's teachings touched a chord of longing among Jews everywhere. Rich and poor alike flocked to Shabbatai's banner for a year long revel in 1665 - 66. Pious Jews danced in the streets of Amsterdam. Jewish gamblers in London and Hamburg offered ten - to - one odds that Shabbatai would rule the world within two years. Polish villagers packed their belongings for a trip to Jerusalem, expecting to ride there on the backs of clouds. Shabbatai's "believers" clashed with "infidels" in the streets of Constantinople, easily carrying the day. Iranian Jews abandoned their homes to live in the fields dressed in sackcloth and ashes. Even in far - off Yemen, Jews ceased all business, gave their money to charity, and put on their clothes for the trip to Jerusalem. In Salonica, perhaps the world's largest Jewish community, seven to eight hundred girls were married off early in order to speed up redemption. Salonica's richest merchants gave away their belongings, touching off an economic crisis from which the city never fully recovered. Shabbatai himself spent much of that time in prison. He was arrested on his way to Constantinople to assume the Sultan's throne, just eight months after he and Nathan had declared his mission. Although treason was ordinarily a capital crime, the unusual nature of Shabbatai's 'troopless rebellion' apparently spared his neck."<br><br>It should not be lost on us that it was the 20th century followers of this same seventeenth - century Dajjal, who eventually succeeded in assuming the Sultan's throne, having first toppled it, as prophesied, without a blow being struck in anger.<br><br>"For seven months in the spring and summer of 1666, Shabbatai 'reigned' from various Turkish cells. Jailers were bribed to give him the run of the prisons, which came to resemble palaces more than jails. Visitors came in the thousands to pray at his feet. During his manic phases Shabbatai continued to flout Jewish law, reviving the ancient temple sacrifices on Passover and transforming two of Judaism's most sacred fasts (seventeenth of Tammuz and the Ninth of Ab) into feasts. Debauchery with female visitors was rumoured to be frequent; as the Messiah, Shabbatai abandoned his earlier modesty."<br><br>In the September of 1666, Shabbatai Zevi was brought before the sultan in Adrianopole: <br><br>"Thousands of believers followed, expecting to see the sultan turn over the throne. They were cruelly disappointed. Shabbatai was allowed to live only by agreeing to convert. The 'Messiah' became a Moslem. His apostasy threw Shabbatai's followers into turmoil. Most admitted their error and returned to more traditional forms of Judaism. But a surprisingly large number was unable to. Their messianic experience had been so profound - actually living and behaving as though the Messiah had already arrived - that even his conversion to Islam could be rationalized. Their rationalization - a doctrine of necessary apostasy: that the Messiah had to descend into the deepest realms of evil in order to return and redeem the entire world. This doctrine had a personal appeal for many believers, who were themselves born as or had descended from Marranos in Spain and Portugal. For them it was no sin to pretend to follow another religion... What mattered most was their inner reality. In their hearts they all remained Jews, who followed a new and higher law introduced by Shabbatai Zevi. This 'higher law' is the key to their theology, which was based on the idea of two Torahs' - two sets of laws. They considered traditional Jewish law just an 'earthly' Torah which was only valid until the coming of the Messiah. Shabbatai had replaced it with a higher 'spiritual' Torah.<br><br>Paradoxically, these two Torahs were considered one and the same. The new spiritual Torah was the previously hidden inner meaning of the earthly Torah. In effect it was the idea of law without any specific laws. As Shabbatians explained it, in their rewritten version of the Jewish credo Ani Ma'amin (I Believe): 'I believe with perfect faith that this Torah cannot be exchanged and there will be no other Torah; only the commandments have been abolished...'."<br><br>Gullible's Travails. Human nature has a nasty habit of repeating its past mistakes, and the similarities between the erroneous ideas of the Donmeh, and those which occurred among the Children of Israel prior to, during, and after the Exodus from Egypt, are remarkably consistent. Truly, they would have remained God's Chosen People, had they maintained the integrity of Torah and upheld its Commandments. And the reason for their demise is evident from the words of Rabbi Yosef Sonnenfeld (the chief rabbi of the orthodox anti - zionist community in the Holy Land), for the past 2000 years, the Jews have been lacking the purity required by the Torah, which is why they no longer qualify for the exalted title of God's 'Chosen People', nor do they qualify for a state, and a secular state at that, in the Holy Land.<br><br>The recent mass - murder/suicide in Granges - sur- Luce, Switzerland, and Morin Heights, Quebec Canada, of members of the New - Age cult : 'Order of the Solar Temple', highlights the dangers posed by all New- Age cults, and long established religious orders who teach other than strict monotheism. David Icke, who claims to be a Son of the Godhead, is amongst those venturing into this dangerous territory with his new anti - religious book 'The Robots Rebellion'. The following are excerpts from a recent letter by Islamic Party Leader David Pidcock to him, pointing out that, he, like Salman Rushdie, is entitled to hold the views he does, but  requesting him to look again at the sources from which he has obtained the highly misleading data he has published on Islam.<br><br>"Dear David,<br><br>I seek refuge in Allah, from the accursed devil.<br><br>Further to our meeting in Sheffield, and your recent letter to Geoffrey Basil Smith regarding matters of mutual interest. I am writing to inform you that, whilst I cannot agree with the baseless things you have written about Islam in your new book - The Robots' Rebellion - I acknowledge your right to hold such views, in line with the Qur'an, which states categorically that, 'there can be no compulsion in religion'.<br><br>Judging from your pronouncements on the other divinely inspired religions of Judaism, Christianity, you certainly have managed to throw the baby out with the bath water. However, it is my firm belief that, only the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth will set us free. Therefore, only when everything is laid out will we see where, 'the truth stands out clear from error'. It is my hope that you will eventually come to recognise the defects in your final analysis, and I welcome your request to establish a two way dialogue in this regard.<br><br>As you know, we have now completed Geoffrey's sequel - 'Dark Knights of The Solar Cross', his in - depth exposure of the origins and basis of the New - Age, the result of 23 years experience and research, part of which he gave to you during your last visit to Sheffield. As a former member of White Eagle Lodge, and a former Grand Baphomet X, Grand Master of the Anti - Crowley Maat Lodge of the Ordo Templi Orientis, 1981 - 1983, he above all understands the source of the ideas you have put forward. Particularly the beliefs in Extra Terrestrials or ET's. His close association with Elizabeth Van Buren, authoress of, amongst other titles, 'Lord of the Flame', Pat Crowther, authoress and Witch Queen, and his acceptance into their midst by the Prieure de Sion following his earlier Pro New - Age publication, 'Knights of The Solar Cross', makes his contribution somewhat unique. The opening of Chapter of which begins:<br><br>'They are known as the Magi, the Masters, the Mahatmas. Some call them the Illumined Ones, the Rishis, the Great White Brotherhood. They have been Hindus, Buddhists, esoteric Christians, pagans, Sufis, Zoroastrians, members of all religions throughout the ages. Their ranks have included Cabalists, Alchemists, Rosicrucians, high - grade Freemasons, mystics and occultists of every persuasion. In more recent times their devotees have called themselves Theosophists, Anthroposophists, members of the Golden Dawn. Even more recently, the 'Masters' have been presented as - and still are decidedly Extra - Terrestrial' (Knights of The Solar Cross, p.3.)<br><br>Geoffrey held similar views to you, when he wrote his first book (Knights of The Solar Cross) and was similarly unaware of the possibility that the entities to which you currently refer, might, in fact, be the manifestations of highly deceptive, human agencies, and of those of the equally terrestrial, malevolent Ginn (Jinn). For which read Lucifer, Satan, the Devil, etc., from whom we seek refuge in Allah from their evil, which He created as part of our test.<br><br>Your book echoes much of Blavatsky's Anti - Christianity, who, as you should know, was a charlatan of the first order. As Geoffrey Basil Smith points out on page 15 of his new book 'Dark Knights of The Solar Cross', she resorted to trickery and artificial limbs to fool the gullible.<br><br>'Occasional appearances of Mahatmas [ET's] were put down to impersonations by a certain M.Coulomb who used a dummy head and shoulders for the purpose. M. Coulomb and her husband raised the damning allegations against H.P.B. ' [i.e. Blavatsky]. But this should come as no surprise. According to Mr Smith, in Vsevolod Solovyoff's book 'A Modern Priestess of Isis', Solovyoff claims that he obtained a definite admission of forgery from H.P.B. regarding the Mahatma letters. ...<br><br>She is said to have confessed:<br><br>'What is one to do ... when, in order to rule men, you must deceive them, when in order to catch them and make them pursue whatever it may be, it is necessary to promise and show them toys? Suppose my books and the Theosophist were 1,000 times more interesting and serious, do you think that I would have anywhere to live and any degree of success, unless behind all this stood 'Phenomena', I should have achieved absolutely nothing...'<br><br>She also said that 'Mesmerism is the most important branch of magic... 'Which, of course, was the device used by the magicians of Pharaoh to deceive the populace.<br><br>20:46 He said: "Fear not: for I am with you: I hear and see (everything). <br><br>20:47 "So go ye both to him, and say, 'Verily we are apostles sent by thy Lord: Send forth, therefore, the Children of Israel with us, and afflict them not: with a Sign, indeed, have we come from thy Lord! and peace to all who follow guidance! <br><br>20:48 "'Verily it has been revealed to us that the Penalty (awaits) those who reject and turn away.'" <br><br>20:49 (When this message was delivered), (Pharaoh) said: "Who, then, O Moses, is the Lord of you two?" <br><br>20:50 He said: "Our Lord is He Who gave to each (created) thing its form and nature, and further, gave (it) guidance." <br><br>20:51 (Pharaoh) said: "What then is the condition of previous generations?" <br><br>20:52 He replied: "The knowledge of that is with my Lord, duly recorded: my Lord never errs, nor forgets,- <br><br>20:53 "He Who has, made for you the earth like a carpet spread out; has enabled you to go about therein by roads (and channels); and has sent down water from the sky." With it have We produced diverse pairs of plants each separate from the others. <br><br>20:54 Eat (for yourselves) and pasture your cattle: verily, in this are Signs for men endued with understanding. <br><br>20:55 From the (earth) did We create you, and into it shall We return you, and from it shall We bring you out once again. <br><br>20:56 And We showed Pharaoh all Our Signs, but he did reject and refuse. <br><br>20:57 He said: "Hast thou come to drive us out of our land with thy magic, O Moses? <br><br>20:58 "But we can surely produce magic to match thine! So make a tryst between us and thee, which we shall not fail to keep - neither we nor thou - in a place where both shall have even chances." <br><br>20:59 Moses said: "Your tryst is the Day of the Festival, and let the people be assembled when the sun is well up." <br><br>20:60 So Pharaoh withdrew: He concerted his plan, and then came (back). <br><br>20:61 Moses said to him: Woe to you! Forge not ye a lie against God, lest He destroy you (at once) utterly by chastisement: the forger must suffer frustration!" <br><br>20:62 So they disputed, one with another, over their affair, but they kept their talk secret. <br><br>20:63 They said: "These two are certainly (expert) magicians: their object is to drive you out from your land with their magic, and to do away with your most cherished institutions. <br><br>20:64 "Therefore concert your plan, and then assemble in (serried) ranks: He wins (all along) today who gains the upper hand." <br><br>20:65 They said: "O Moses! whether wilt thou that thou throw (first) or that we be the first to throw?" <br><br>20:66 He said, "Nay, throw ye first!" Then behold their ropes and their rods-so it seemed to him on account of their magic - began to be in lively motion! <br><br>20:67 So Moses conceived in his mind a (sort of) fear. <br><br>20:68 We said: "Fear not! for thou hast indeed the upper hand: <br><br>20:69 "Throw that which is in thy right hand: Quickly will it swallow up that which they have faked what they have faked is but a magician's trick: and the magician thrives not, (no matter) where he goes." <br><br>20:70 So the magicians were thrown down to prostration: they said, "We believe in the Lord of Aaron and Moses". <br><br>20:71 (Pharaoh) said: "Believe ye in Him before I give you permission? Surely this must be your leader, who has taught you magic! be sure I will cut off your hands and feet on opposite sides, and I will have you crucified on trunks of palm-trees: so shall ye know for certain, which of us can give the more severe and the more lasting punishment!" <br><br>20:72 They said: "Never shall we regard thee as more than the Clear Sings that have come to us, or than Him Who created us! so decree whatever thou desirest to decree: for thou canst only decree (touching) the life of this world. <br><br>20:73 "For us, we have believed in our Lord: may He forgive us our faults, and the magic to which thou didst compel us: for God is Best and Most Abiding." <br><br>20:74 Verily he who comes to his Lord as a sinner (at Judgment),- for him is Hell: therein shall he neither die nor live. <br><br>20:75 But such as come to Him as Believers who have worked righteous deeds,- for them are ranks exalted,- <br><br>20:76 Gardens of Eternity, beneath which flow rivers: they will dwell therein for aye: such is the reward of those who purify themselves (from evil). <br><br>20:77 We sent an inspiration to Moses: "Travel by night with My servants, and strike a dry path for them through the sea, without fear of being overtaken (by Pharaoh) and without (any other) fear." <br><br>20:78 Then Pharaoh pursued them with his forces, but the waters completely overwhelmed them and covered them up. 20:79 Pharaoh led his people astray instead of leading them aright. <br><br>Qur'an ayah 46 - 79 of Surah 20, TaHa<br><br>A touch of the ET's, therefore, is simply the result of Terrestrial, Seven Rays, Chaldean Mesmerism, aided and abetted by the ever - present Terrestrial, Satanic, Genius of the Ginn. We should not forget that the word Genius comes from the word Genie. Nor should we forget that 'Mesmerism is the most important branch of magic...' (Blavatsky)<br><br>Your attempts on page 52, to attribute the miracles of The Exodus to some 'disincarnate entity', other than Allah, or El'ah - The Almighty God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad - may His blessings be upon them all, has been the standard ploy, used throughout history, by all 'purveyors of pretence' in their plans to usurp the authority of the rightly guided Messengers. Furthermore, on page 53, you say that the Israelites walked across a sandbar in order to cross the Red Sea, which Napoleon I  later used, but failed to mention Napoleon's conversion to Islam in 1798, and his complete acceptance of the Qur'an, which includes verse 78 of Surah 20 quoted above. (stating the drowning of the pharaoh)<br><br>In 'Bonaparte Et L'Islam', by Christian Cherfils, published in 1914, Napoleon Bonaparte is officially recorded as having made the following declaration: <br><br>'I hope that the time is not far off, when I will be able to unite all the wise and educated men from all countries and establish a uniform regime based on the principles of the Qur'an, which alone are true and alone can lead men to happiness...' (Correspondence de Napoleon Ist, N3148 (Uti sup.).<br><br>He was an ardent opponent of interest and compound interest. When shown a table of compound interest, he reflected and said: <br><br>"It is astonishing that this monster interest has not devoured the whole of humanity. It would have done so long ago, had not revolution and bankruptcy acted as counter poison." (Quoted in, Lincoln, Money martyred)<br><br>The Battle of Waterloo was the result of his abolishing interest, and getting the French Sanhedrin, under Rabbi David Sindzsheim, to agree to its abolition. This went down like a lead balloon in the banking houses of Rothschild, and Wellington, Rothschild's agent, was dispatched to prevent a new exodus of slaves. Napoleon had recognised the superiority of Islam, which can be seen in his 'Code Napoleon', the present system of law in France, which, with the exception of family law, is entirely Islamic. And why, one British judge said that: 'In France they have courts of Justice, whilst we must contend with courts of law'."<br><br>Emmanuel Kant, and Goethe, were also converts to Islam. According to Thomas Carlyle, in 'Heroes and Hero Worship', Goethe said: <br><br>"If this be Islam we not all live in Islam?" (p.75 Macmillan, London, 1904 edition.)<br><br>There are many more points I wish to raise, but for the time being I will restrict myself to the above, and look forward to your comments with interest - the non monetary variety of course.<br><br>Author: David Musa Pidcock<br>Date Published: Jan 1995<br><br><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href=""></a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--> <p></p><i></i>
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God and His Holy name

Postby ivanbo2003 » Mon May 15, 2006 6:51 pm

There is only one God and He has only one name known to us.In english it starts with J and ends with S=Jesus.<br>Or to quote from some website:<br><br>"King and yet servant, man and yet God! How amazing! How wonderful! How far beyond human imagination! Has any other person in history combined such opposites? Yet that is what Jesus was and is: the servant-king, the man-God."<br><br>Everything else is a cunning deception coming from the wicked one. <p></p><i></i>
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