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Postby Cosmic Cowbell » Wed May 24, 2006 11:05 pm

In response to Susan Clancy and Harvard...<br><br><!--EZCODE BOLD START--><strong>July the 16th, 1676</strong><!--EZCODE BOLD END--><br><br>"This Morning as I was in my Spirit, let down into the deep Abyss, attending the pure Openings, from that central generating Source or Fountain Life; In a moment there appeared to me an Azure blue Firmament, so Oriental as nothing of this, in this Visible Orb could parallel with it. Out of the midst hereof was a most wonderful Eye, which I saw Sparkling, as with Flaming Streams from it. Which I am not able to Figure out, after that manner, in which it did present it self unto me. But according to this Form it was, as much as I am able to give an account of it, it was thus, or after this manner. There was a Flaming Eye in the midst of a Circle, and round about it a Rainbow with all variety of Colours, and beyond the Rainbow in the Firmament, innumerable Stars all attending this Flaming Eye. From which the Word said, the Earth and the Heavens shall flye, and nothing abide, but what can live in this Eternal Eye, as ministering Stars of Glory, before the Throne of him: who like to this Circling Eye, which thou hast seen, hath neither Beginning or End.<br><br> <!--EZCODE IMAGE START--><img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v423/Offworld/Art/jlufo.jpg" style="border:0;"/><!--EZCODE IMAGE END--><br><br>After this Word it disappeared, leaving its Flaming Influences upon my Heart. And further of this secret Vision he did say, he would it impart, as I for its Manifestation did wait: and the signification hereof should come to be witnessed, by that rising Birth, which is called up to this Globe, among these Stars to fix, in this more excelling Firmament." ~ Jane Lead<br><br><!--EZCODE BOLD START--><strong>March the 11th, 1677</strong><!--EZCODE BOLD END--><br><br>"In my first Sleep, in the Night time, many magical Workings and Ideas were presented to me. As first, a Figure of a Woman, with a Crown upon her Head, who seemed to me to be but of a small Stature, but her Visage was bright as the Sun, and clear as the Moon, with a White loose Garment girt about her with a seeming White Silken Girdle, who came near to me, saying, Behold and see, what ye may arrive to be in me? And so passed away.<br><br>Then after a while, there was a Child all Lovely and Fair put into my Arms; it was all naked, of a smooth shining Skin; I could not see who it was that disposed it to me, but it was unexpectedly let down into my Arms. I thought it to be very Weighty, though but little; so passing to go away with it, it suddainly slipped through my Arms unto the Ground, at which I gave a great Screek, and with great Fear and Concern, took it up again without much Damage." ~ Jane Lead<br><!--EZCODE BOLD START--><strong><br>March the 22d, 1677</strong><!--EZCODE BOLD END--><br><br>"In the Night, as I was waiting in my wonted solemn Retirement, what might further be administered. I was cast as into a magical Sleep, where I saw my self carried into a Wilderness; where I saw only pleasant, pastoral Walks and Trees, which much suited with my Mind and Inclination there to walk; where I found nothing to disturb my superiour Meditations. In which place I promised my self opportunity, as not willing that either my Name, or Place should be known to any, saving One. But while I was thus pleasured in my reserved state, I suddainly did see one, that was known to me, walking very strait and upright, with a Book reading in his Hand: He seemed to be as one, that would not look awry. But it was said presently, that this Person was a Spy: then presently two more did appear of the Female Sex, both which did make a kind of Assault upon me; but one of the Females was more fierce, and did give my outward Skin a prick, as with a sharp Needle. Upon which I called for Angelical aid to succour me, or else too hard they would be. Whereupon I was parted from them, and saw them in that place no more: A voice, saying, None here shall henceforth come, but such as can agree to walk with thee perfectly. And so the Vision broke up."<br><!--EZCODE BOLD START--><strong><br>The Interpretation.</strong><!--EZCODE BOLD END--><br><br>"Some Days after I did further enquire into the more full meaning of this Vision, why such should so conspire against my solitary reserved Life: but especially that one, who was in my Eye of more value, because of a known Life of Truth, and Integrity?<br><br>I found this written upon my Heart, Their Eyes must for a while be with-held; they will not you know, till ye can get the new Name engraven, as of precious Stones upon your Forehead. For it was secretly whispered to my Spirit, that in some there might be a refined and spiritual Emulation, as in others a more Gross and Sensual. Both of which I had councel, and caution, how to walk with; so as no occasion of stumbling might be given justly to the gainsaying Spirits: Whose pryings were to see how we would walk, while in the Wilderness state." ~ Jane Lead<br><br><!--EZCODE BOLD START--><strong>April the 26th, 1677</strong><!--EZCODE BOLD END--><br><br>"As I was considering of the openings which I had, of that Vision relating unto the Cherubim-birth, which was hatched under the Hand of the Power: This Query arose in me, how the Spirit of this New Creature was sustained: And which way it could draw in that food, that constituted it to be of that strength and excellency of Body, and Spirit, that it could mount away, as a Dove into a unknown Orb? Ah, my Lord, what manner of Birth is this? Shall such a Birth ever be known to have existency in this terrestrial sphere? Sure such a Birth is only meet to be Born, where is a pure and unmixed Element, which may not be in strife against it. For verily it is hard and very difficult for such a Birth to be nursed and brought up to perfection, where all things work cross, rising up against it. Because it is a strange Child that beareth not this worlds Image" ~ Jane Lead<br><br>"First then know, this overshadowing hand, through which this birth doth spring, incompasseth only, what is Paradisiacal ground: there it drops in, its golden seed. This ground in its true native Virgin pureness, must be separated from the common cursed matter, of what produceth the earthly birth. These two different soils are to be found in the first Adam’s generative off-spring, but it is so mingled and overrun with the dark muddy element, that great care, labour and painful industry is used for its recovery out, by the wise and learned Spirit in the <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--><em>heavenly Chymistry</em><!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->, rightly to prepare for this holy Birth. Which will be easily known from the course and rudimental, that is in the image of the earthly."<br><br>But now to resolve that Question, What this Birth that is from above, which is coagulated into one unmixed matter must live upon in the house of humanity. Which for a time it must be brought up in, as Christ himself was, and tempted with the evil fruits, that will be daily proffered from the market of this world, but yet in no danger, though in minority. For it is left under the guardian Spirit, who warns it what to abstain from; whose nature and composition is of such heavenly essentiality, that it inclines naturally to obey the Paradisiacal laws. Which is the second character of this New Creature.<br><br>"Then again in the third place, while but in its Infancy, it will suck of no other, but its Eternal Virgin Mother; lay it to any other, and it will be sick to Death. And if at any time contrary Food is forced upon it, it doth presently Vomit it up." ~ Jane Lead<br><br><!--EZCODE BOLD START--><strong>May the 13th. 1677</strong><!--EZCODE BOLD END-->.<br><br><!--EZCODE BOLD START--><strong>The Glassy Book</strong><!--EZCODE BOLD END--><br><br>"In the Night when the outward Senses were reposed, I saw at a distance a reserved or separated place, which was as light as the Firmament, and there I saw the figure of a Book; it had no Clasps or Seals upon it, neither was there any thing therein written, that I could perceive; but the Leaves appeared all as transparent as the flaming light. After this came forth out of that bright Orb a Flock all in white Robes in a triumphant posture, rejoycing about me with pleasant bright Countenances, and would have me repose my self in the same alacrity with them; but I was more sad and ponderous, and could not move with that agility, which they did with their Airy Bodies. But I soon did feel a mighty influence from their Bodies; though at their first appearance, I was as one surprised: but such was their great affability, and friendliness towards me, that in a little while I was in their liberty, and joy. Which no sooner I was made sensible of, but they told me they must withdraw unto their own place: I then desired they would not leave me, but let me go along with them, which they could not permit at this season. This brought heaviness upon me again." ~ Jane Lead<br><!--EZCODE BOLD START--><strong><br>December 15. 1678.</strong><!--EZCODE BOLD END--><br><br><!--EZCODE BOLD START--><strong>The School of Wisdom ~ A Transportation.</strong><!--EZCODE BOLD END--><br><br>"In the Night after my first Sleep, I was consulting, whereunto the moving-Star had brought us, and perceiving it still was in its circling motion (to shew, that we had not yet arrived to the Center-point, where we might mix with it, and cease from all further searching and Travel) I was longing now to be at rest in the Lord, from all sort of Toil and Labour, both Internal and External. But it was replyed by the Holy Ghost, who hath God’s secrets in readiness to reveal, that there could not be so quick a dispatch. For we were, said he, but newly entered upon the Borders of the unknown Land, where the Heavenly City doth stand, in which each one have reserved their allotted Mansion. And being cast into a Solitary and Mourning posture, because of this Word, that declared for a continual Warfare I was in some kind of Agony. In the sense hereof I Queried, what the Lord would further require, now that the Contrarieties in Nature were agreed to walk in the narrow track of the Spirit unanimously. Upon which expostulation the Spirit did it reveal, that it was now the fittest Season to proceed forward in. For none could be capable of taking their degrees in order to a Seraphick Dignity, but those who had reconciled the striving Properties. Which from the outward Birth had made such a struggling. Which (being not only subdued, but made all willing) now must together launch into further Depths, as the Star above shall direct the Measuring Line in the Spirit’s Hand: Which we are precisely to observe; and all will work to fetch up to God’s rest.<br><br>Then after all this Opening and Spiritual Parly I was over-set, and cast as into a Trance, and had all my outward Senses drowned, and was brought by the Spirit into such a place, that was as the Scene of another World. For the Ground where the Inhabitants moved, was a clear as Crystal, and the same above was the same below, all light and clear. The Spirit that brought me in, led me to do Obeysance to one, that was the Princess of that World. Who appeared great and full of Majesty, resembling the Face of a Woman, all cloathed as in waved Clouds. I was something abashed to come near her: but the Spirit animated me. And She directed my Guide, to bring me into acquaintance with the residue, that did move there in distinct Figures. But they at first looked somewhat strange upon me, and shy: because I had no such clarified Body. Whereupon I did strive to make my Apology in way of Speech: but that did much displease. For it was advised, this was the Magia-School; where all of Mortal Language was to be excluded. For all was understood by the operation of the Magia: here was no Speech, but all Power acted. Then one I was brought to, that had such a composure in his Countenance, as one might read profound Wisdom, signally resident upon him. I would have had them more free, and familiar with me, for I loved and was much affected with them. But they saw, I was not versed in their high Method, and looked upon me as a stranger in their Region. And being very eager to ask them questions, what the denominated were? And who was the Soveraign Ruler here? And I was big with many Queries, but received a check, as being a young Novice, that did not understand the Magia-Rules. Then suddenly I was bound, and could move no way, but no Hand touched me. And this was to let me know, what Soveraignty they could put forth. And then as suddenly I was set free, and found my self at liberty.<br><br>Then heard I the Majestical Princess, that ruled all in that Sphear, say in a breath as soft as Air: Do not despise the unlearned, that are not acquainted with this high Art. For this thing, time is allowed, for the fitting her out thereunto. But know, O Spirit, before thou goest from hence, that this is the one only thing, that is worthy to be learned, whereby Nature’s Beast may become tamed, and to a Heavenly Figure renewed by the Magia-working Power. Then brought I was into my Bodily Sense, where I was given to understand, what all this Transportation tended to. Which I was cautioned to remind, and lay up as a secret: and watch the turn of the Wheel, when Sophia should it once again move, to bring us to know and learn this high Mystery, which may the groaning Creation relieve." ~ Jane Lead<br><!--EZCODE BOLD START--><strong><br>December 19th, 1678</strong><!--EZCODE BOLD END--><br><br><!--EZCODE BOLD START--><strong>The Theosophical Eye.</strong><!--EZCODE BOLD END--><br><br>THE working Motion of the Magia-Circle, I did feel in a strong driving into an Abyssal deep. And there was presented unto me an Eye, from which went forth bright Beams of Light, which had a wonderful attractive Power to draw the Spirit of my Soul into it, as the Center of Wisdom’s Light, and vast comprehension, which must expose it self to the Infinitum of all Beings. And it was said to me, Now thou art to be tried, whether thou can’st leave all Visibilites, and come to live in this Theosophical Eye: which can generate all kinds of working Powers, that may cast the Model of the new Creation. Then replyed my Spirit, How shall I that am in Mortality, possibly be able to live in this bright Circling Eye? Although my Will do unfeinedly hereunto aspire, yet I cannot find the way that may fix me here; neither can I come so suddenly to such an Abnegation, as to forget and forsake my own Creaturely Being. Then said the inbreathing Word, there is an Essence of Love, that may constrain thee to come up to all the Magia-Rules. Although, yet the way seemeth uncouth, and as incredible for thee to pass into this Eye, as a Camel into the Eye of a Material Needle. But do thou know, that the Time is now come about, in which the Father of Magical Spirits will put those of his own immediate Line unto it. For hereby the World shall know, the true Engraving of God’s Name. Which inscription may carry a Life-forcing Power, to out-do that Speculation of Images, conceived in the Mind, which lieth bare and void of the Ghostly Might. Which the Heart of Christ longeth earnestly to drive forth into Manifestation. And therefore hath he sent out Glances from the Eternal Eye, that we might our way espy, and come to be the fruitful Branches of the Magical Tree. For the accomplishing of which, these Rules following were expressed by the Master of this high Art." ~ Jane Lead<br><br><!--EZCODE BOLD START--><strong>September 20th, 1686</strong><!--EZCODE BOLD END--><br><br> "I Had in the Night a Vision: it was the Sight of an Infant, new born, that was brought to me; and it was said to be Mine. But I wondered at it: for I knew not When, or How, I brought it forth. Then I Questioned, whether it was Male, or Female? And it being examined, there was no Mark for Distinction upon it. Which was Marvelous, to consider what manner of Child this would be. And when I call’d it over in the Divine Sense, it was said, This Figures out the Mysterious high Birth, that will be Mighty in Power, and Wonderful in Wisdom and Majesty.<br><br>And it is Open’d to me thence that this Child, being a Masculine Virgin figured out, doth represent the Eternal Spiritual Off-spring, that Adam should have brought forth from God’s Eternal Virgin in Himself. And so it is to be renewed again, and to have its Succession, as CHRIST, the Second Adam becomes the new Birth in us, being Male and Female, and so multiplying Himself; tho’ under the Covert of a Mortal Figure.<br><br>[According to the foregoing Visional Appearance, and application thereof, by the Word of Life and Power, as a Circling Flame, passing through the Inward Parts, an Assurance was shortly after given, of the near Fulfilling of the same. Which is to be from the mighty Masculine Spirit of Faith, impregnating the pure Virgin-Womb of a dedicated Mind. And before this Lordly Birth can be perfected for Breaking forth, it was shewed, how it was to receive the Influences of the several Archetypal Planets and Powers: Represented in Vision by Seven Fountains, as so many Forms and Sources of Pure Angelical Nature.] This was about the latter end of the Year."<br><br><!--EZCODE LINK START--><a href="http://www.passtheword.org/Jane-Lead/">Jane Lead Online Manuscripts - Pass the Word</a><!--EZCODE LINK END--><br><br>If one separates Jane Lead's 17th century prose and religious interpretation (the only one available to her at the time) from the described events, what you are left with is nothing more than a modern day abductee story replete with UFO sightings, medical experiments, genetics, hybrid presentations, messages, prophecies and the rest. There is much more to Jane Lead, but I feel I've made my point. While Jane may have suffered from a sleep disorder, the depth and scope of her experiences and their influence upon her worldview and writings would seem to defy that overarching explanation. I can say with some degree of certainty however, that Jane Lead did not suffer from what Susan Clancy described as "cultural influence".<br><br>This post is dedicated to John Mack.<br><br>Cheers,<br><br>~Cowbell <p></p><i></i>
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Postby professorpan » Thu May 25, 2006 1:51 am

Thanks for posting, Cowbell -- never knew of Jane Lead. Very interesting stuff! <p></p><i></i>
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