A more productive McGowan

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A more productive McGowan

Postby NewKid » Fri Sep 01, 2006 5:23 am

Another one within three days!<br><br><!--EZCODE LINK START--><a href="http://www.davesweb.cnchost.com/nwsltr85.html" target="top">www.davesweb.cnchost.com/nwsltr85.html</a><!--EZCODE LINK END--> <p></p><i></i>
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Re: A more productive McGowan

Postby rain » Fri Sep 01, 2006 7:22 am

echoing discussions here -<br><br>"...So the problem is not that the American people don't know what's going on. And it's not that they are too apathetic to care about fixing the problems once they recognize what those problems are. No, the real problem is that what is required to correct the course of this ship-of-state is a massive and sustained social movement. And the real question that needs to be asked is: how does a massive social movement arise in a nation that is almost completely devoid of any meaningful social networks?<br><br>And the answer, it appears, is: it doesn't.<br><br>We are all products of what is surely the most socially isolated society that this planet has ever seen (except for those of you who are reading this in other parts of the world). And the harsh reality of the sick society that we live in is that the obtaining of real knowledge may be more of a curse than a blessing. With real knowledge comes the ability to see more clearly through the fog of lies, but with that increased awareness comes an inevitable feeling of helplessness. For how is someone to act upon that which has been learned when said person has no social networks to call upon and acting alone is clearly not going to prove effective? Hence the gaining of knowledge often leads, ironically enough, to yet further social isolation.<br><br>If I had it to do over again, I don’t know that I would have burrowed down this rabbit hole as deeply as I have. Unfortunately, it’s a one-way path; once you have dug your way in, there’s no way back out. There’s no way to unlearn that which has been learned. There is a certain satisfaction that comes with being able to understand how the world really works, and being able to more accurately process new information as it becomes available. But if you are powerless to right the wrongs in the world, is it better not to know? Is it better to live life comfortably numb?<br><br>I often get messages from some of you asking why I don’t burrow deeper – why I don’t address issues like, for instance, those mentioned at the top of this post. And the answer is that I don’t find the evidence in support of these ideas very credible. Or maybe it’s just that I haven’t dug deep enough down all the various branches of the rabbit hole. Maybe the view from my current position is so unrelentingly bleak that I don’t want to find out what lies beneath.<br><br>But then again, maybe if you dig deep enough, there is another way out."<br><br><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href="http://www.davesweb.cnchost.com/nwsltr85.html">www.davesweb.cnchost.com/nwsltr85.html</a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--><br><br>dave,<br>....<br>And the only reason I'm<br>singing you this song now is cause you may know somebody in a similar<br>situation, or you may be in a similar situation, and if your in a<br>situation like that there's only one thing you can do and that's walk into<br>the shrink wherever you are ,just walk in say "Shrink, You can get<br>anything you want, at Alice's restaurant.". And walk out. You know, if<br>one person, just one person does it they may think he's really sick and<br>they won't take him. And if two people, two people do it, in harmony,<br>they may think they're both faggots and they won't take either of them.<br>And three people do it, three, can you imagine, three people walking in<br>singin a bar of Alice's Restaurant and walking out. They may think it's an<br>organization. And can you, can you imagine fifty people a day,I said<br>fifty people a day walking in singin a bar of Alice's Restaurant and<br>walking out. And friends they may thinks it's a movement.<br><br>And that's what it is , the Alice's Restaurant Anti-Massacre Movement, and<br>all you got to do to join is sing it the next time it come's around on the<br>guitar.<br><br>With feeling. So we'll wait for it to come around on the guitar, here and<br>sing it when it does. Here it comes.<br><br>You can get anything you want, at Alice's Restaurant<br>You can get anything you want, at Alice's Restaurant<br>Walk right in it's around the back<br>Just a half a mile from the railroad track<br>You can get anything you want, at Alice's Restaurant<br><br>That was horrible. If you want to end war and stuff you got to sing loud.<br>I've been singing this song now for twenty five minutes. I could sing it<br>for another twenty five minutes. I'm not proud... or tired.<br><br>So we'll wait till it comes around again, and this time with four part<br>harmony and feeling.<br><br>We're just waitin' for it to come around is what we're doing.<br><br>All right now.<br><br>You can get anything you want, at Alice's Restaurant<br>Excepting Alice<br>You can get anything you want, at Alice's Restaurant<br>Walk right in it's around the back<br>Just a half a mile from the railroad track<br>You can get anything you want, at Alice's Restaurant<br><br>Da da da da da da da dum<br>At Alices's Restaurant.<br> <br><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href="http://www.arlo.net/resources/lyrics/alices.shtml">www.arlo.net/resources/ly...ices.shtml</a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--><br><br> <p></p><i></i>
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