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Postby Dreams End » Sun Aug 27, 2006 6:50 pm

Not really trying to start a fight...but in checking out stuff on Hubbard in another thread, I ran across this ex member's recollections of his time with "Lyn" (Larouche went by "Lyn Marcus" much of the time.)<br><br>It's on a discussion board where current and ex members are having at it. Fascinating to read. Find it [/quote]<!--EZCODE LINK START--><a href="">here.</a><!--EZCODE LINK END--><br><br><!--EZCODE QUOTE START--><blockquote><strong><em>Quote:</em></strong><hr>The hallmark of "The Hostile Fantasy World of Larouche" is to have an endless stream of enemies ready to inflict harm on Larouche first, the world later. If one were to review the writings of the LC as Steve should do, one will see a pattern of lunacy that has encompassed several decades.<br><br>The Homosexual hatred which Lyn has is something Steve will now be carrying the torch for as he spreads the Larouche Gospel across the Yale common Square.<br><br>When I first came in the group, the word Gay was not used, but faggot was thrown around like a debris during Hurricane Katrina. Lyn would constantly scream at the members during the infamous and phony "Chris White" brainwashing that homosexual rape was used to break him. Lyn also has a fscination with eating manure in his writings as well. Go figure.<br><br>During a conference in NYC in 1974 we had a member name Bill ******** end up in the Belvue mental facility. Bill was supposedly brainwashed and was attached to the genatalia of a stuffed pig by his CIA/KGB handlers.<br><br>The writings in the beyond psych series expound the fear of anal sex in brainwashing young LYM members back then. Lesbianism was the main reason why the female members could not do more for Larouche in saving the world from the Rockefellers.<br><br>Our writings in our paper repeatedly called police and FBI agents as faggots and the worst kind of anal sex abusers. We would print that one of the ways to become an FBI agent was to engage in anal sex. We used to print many jokes about the FBI as being dirty filthy fags in our publications. There was the standard Larouche Joke of "How do you sit 4 FBI agents at a bar?" "You turn the stool over". We had a cartoon character called "Agent FuzzDick" appearing in our paper weekly. During "Mop Up" we fired up our goon squads by showing how the CP and SWP were now a bunch of fags who supported Fag Rights.<br><br>Mind you that Lyn himself lived on Morton Street in the heart of a Gay GreenWich Village for many years. Lyn also was a real man as he never worked and his wives make the money for the house.<br><br>During the NYC elections we printed posters of Ed Koch dressed as a flaming Gay character performing oral sex on the Empire State building.<br><br>We attacked a NYC West Side council person as a lesbian. Later. A person named Lix Holtzman I think became one of more dearest enemies as she was involved in persuing Nazi war criminals in the US whom we were defending at every turn. The Lesbian line was uses again.<br><br>In local cities where we had offices, we would do durty tricks like calling the neighbors of our opponets as drug dealers, faggots and child molestors. We were sued a few times for this and settled out of court quietly. Just look at how the cult created a group hate against Dennis King once he started to print articles about the cult's inner workings.<br><br>Kissinger became another target of our rabid anti gay hysteria as Lyn wrote a NS centerfold called "The politics of Faggotry". We spread endless leafletts and rumours about Kissinger as a molestor of young boys around the world. We also printed stuff up that Kissinger killed a young mexican boy in a resort with a wine bottle to the head when he resisted Kissinger's advances. There is a famous incident where one of our airport table crews was fighting with Kissinger's wife.<br><br>In retrospect, I can only come to the conclusion that we were using this effectively in our Mexican and Suuth Americian organising to play up the machismo anti home hatred of these places.<br><br>In NYC, our campaign against Roy Cohn took on monstrous proportions as we had endless fag attacks on him and anyone associated with him. It later turned out that in security, we had contacts in the Gay world who hated Cohn more than us and would supply us with stories from his private life. In the typical Larouche twist of events, we later worked with Cohn behind the scenes to attack some other NY politicos.<br><br>Lyn would constantly pepper his talks with his diatribes against "faggots and sodomizers" to whip us up.<br><br>During one of our campaigns we published a pamphlet called "The Aquarian Conspiracy". Now we were calling Right to Life groups and religious people to support Lyn. Part of our polemic was that Homosexuality was Satanic in nature and part of the evil oligarchy's plan to bring on the Dark Ages. We linked Homosexuals to Babylonian cults, Aristotle, Jesuits, Tavistock, every British scientist and every evil in the world.<br><br>What is intersting in retrospect was how we always denied any Homo sexual eroticisms of the Greeks, especially Plato. It was a surreal night in our offices when one of our NC's would give a class on Plato, read direct writngs about gay things and either pretend it was not homo or just say that it was a "metaphor" for somethng else. In the end, the best plan was to blame the fag stuff on Aristotle and his Satanic offspring.<br><br>Aids became a great fundraiser for us and further escalated Lyn's hatred of Homosexuals. Writing after writing, meeting after meeting was about how the fags were going to detroy civilization as we know it. Gay sex was now directed by the oligarchy to wipe out 3/4ths of the world so that the Elites could rule.<br><br>Now imagine if your were a Gay member during this. Go up several posts and you will read about our Gay adventures in New Orleans. We had a few Gay members who became asexual in public. They quietly dropped out. This was nothing to bring up at a confernce when your sexuality is now part of an evil plot akin to nuclear war.<br><br>Lyn ran with AIDS as best he could, which is to make money off it and scare the hell out of people. We created sopmething in California called "Panic" which was our attempt to pass a ballot initiative called Proposition 69 in the 80's. Do a google search of that and see what we did. Our approach had nothing to do with real health care and was based on locking up people we attacked.<br><br>Lyn would give more anti gay speeches and now took credit for predicting AIDS! We published some lunacy in the 1970's about how the Rockefellers would create conditions of disease which would kill 3/4ths of the world. The Club of Rome, the environmentalists and anyone promoting a solar panel was now a mass murderer. Religous cults use the same math in their fundraising as well. Of course in real life, highly contagious lethal diseases do not act this way as they kill the carriers before it spreads. We were not health professionals, but we pretended to be. OSHA guidelines written by real health professionals arae credited wioth reducing Hepatitis and other blood borne diseases.<br><br>Lyn would scare the bejesus out of his members and supprters about mosquitos being flying syringes and how we would all die a puss and pock marked death for the oligarchy.<br><br>These plans were based on Ebola or other diseases increasing at a rapid rate. We used a basic exponential growth model which through basic doubling would kill everyone on the planet.<br><br>Lyn now took this stuff and declared that he alone predicted AIDS as the super disease which was going to kill us all. During this we also were attacking Mondale and Kennedy as KGB agents. So to help the Dmeocratic party,we now attacked them as part of a Russian plot which engineered the AIDS virus to destroy the West for the Russian Orthodox Church under our "Third Rome Thesis".<br><br>I assure you that I am not making this stuff up as I am not that creative in fiction writing. I kept a lot of our writings for a while and would occasionally look at it to see how crazy we were back then.<br><br>We picked up Medical people along the way to work with us. In typical fasion, we burnt most of them out but got a few "marks" for Larouche. Since these people were MD's and such, they of course lent us money and we emptied them.<br><br>Fot those of you who like doing research of this, google this name, "John Grauerholz". He was a Medical examiner in Long Island when the TV show "Quincy" was popular. He became Lyn's medical side kick for a while and lived the good life. But, as usually happens with friends of Larouche, you fall pretty deep. Do the google search and look for his name in Virginia, NY and NJ. There was some sort of problem we had in Leesburg invovling our MD's which NO ONE wants to talk about. Enough of that, I will let the investigators here do their work.<br><br>We not only did some card table shrines about Rock Hudson, but did another trick very few people know about.<br><br>For several months during our AIDS campaign, Lyn would speak cryptically about how another Hollywood ladies man was nothing more than a diry filthy faggot who picked up AIDS during his numerous adventures with young boys. Some of us heard the name Burt Reynolds during this. Since most members never were in the real world, the name did not click.<br><br>Find a copy of a Burt Reynolds auto Biography and you will read a fascinating section about his medical problems. The section I am refering to was either in his bio or in a full page in one of the national celebrity magazines a few years back.Burt lost a lot of weight and was dignosesd finally with TMJ, a serious jaw disorder. Since he could not chew food with out extreme pain, he was eating less and losing weight. We were spreading his name around our card table shrines as the latest Hollywood faggot to bite the dust.<br><br>In Reynold's book, there is a section where he refers to a political cult which used him for their purposes by spreading rumours. He writes that he does not wish to give the cult any publicity and tells about the dirty tricks they did. One trick which I would hear rumours of but could never pin down was this. A look alike of Reynolds was hired and was paid to got to numerous Hospitlas in podunk towns and check himself in as Burt Reynolds and declare that he has AIDS! This went on for <hr></blockquote><!--EZCODE QUOTE END--> <p></p><i></i>
Dreams End

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