The Smoke-Filled Room

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The Smoke-Filled Room

Postby gnosticheresy » Fri Sep 01, 2006 8:58 pm

One thing I've noticed over the last few years I've been interested in this "stuff" (dunno how else to describe it, "conspiracy theory" brings up far too many unintended connotations) is the implicit concept of the "smoke filled room"<br><br>This concept was probably most recently popularised by programmes such as the X Files, but you can see it's influence in films e.g. Oliver Stone's JFK and even back to 50s B TV series like "Invaders". What I'm getting at is that each and every event like 9/11 is somehow planned and executed by a bunch of guys (they're always men in this narrative) sitting round a table somewhere, smoking (because that's what bad guys do nowadays) cooking up nefarious schemes to take over the world.<br><br>Obviously this muct be bullshit, yet whenever you see any parapolitical or so called "conspiracy" stuff mentioned in the mainstream media, this concept seems ever present.<br><br>So my question/point of interest is this:<br><br>Do you think this is detrimental? (And to what?)?<br>Is this a planned (the irony is acknowledged lol) state of affairs?<br>Is there any way to counter this, in terms of popular narrative, the sort of narrative that you would have to use to convince anybody of any of even the "mildest" ideas put forward on RI?<br><br>And yes, I put too many things in (brackets) ;-)<br> <p></p><i></i>
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Re: The Smoke-Filled Room

Postby Seamus OBlimey » Fri Sep 01, 2006 9:10 pm

umm...? You don't smoke? <p></p><i></i>
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little green men=elvis sighting=smoke filled room

Postby yesferatu » Sun Sep 03, 2006 1:40 am

=grassy knoll=Dave and Doug (rope & board)=on & on........<br><br>smoke filled room is just one of many. <p></p><i></i>

Re: The Smoke-Filled Room

Postby Joe Hillshoist » Sun Sep 03, 2006 2:42 am

<!--EZCODE QUOTE START--><blockquote><strong><em>Quote:</em></strong><hr>What I'm getting at is that each and every event like 9/11 is somehow planned and executed by a bunch of guys (they're always men in this narrative) sitting round a table somewhere, smoking (because that's what bad guys do nowadays) cooking up nefarious schemes to take over the world.<hr></blockquote><!--EZCODE QUOTE END--><br><br>The smoke filled room is a universal archetype. The sort you refer to is an "evil" (as in evil is in the eye of the beholder or something,) manifestation of said archetype, basically connected to those games in american politics. (IE in britain its probably at "the club in rich leather chairs high ceilings and butlers in penguin suits, in the open air its a campfire and not necessarily an "evil" manifestation of the archetype.)<br><br>It seems to me an american invention - possibly reflecting that america has always funded its establishment through the production or trade of addictive substances, (ever had or heard of Virginia tobacco). It isn't called that cos it grows on virgins. I doubt this is a planned state of affairs, but like many seemingly planned coincidences its a matter of tptb taking advantage of a situation that turns up by using it to promote their meme pool. (In this case that smokey rooms are an invention therefore all conspiracies are an invention.<br><br>Seriously as much dodgy conspiring probably takes place on the back of luxury yachts in beautiful bays. Probably more.<br><br>And to me the Boardroom is the place where this stuff happens. think monty burns trying to bash that guy when Homer needed a place at springfield U. Or private offices.<br><br>There was a show on Aussie tv during one of the elections in the late 90s/early naughties. It was abhout politicians and was timed to coincide with the actual election campaign. It followed teo fictional characters from the major parties in Australia.<br><br>Most of the dodgy conspiracy stuff in that show took place at the piss trough.<br><br>There were always scenes of two guys having a piss at a urinal and talking about things, or one of the party headkickers would wander in for a piss as the character he wanted to conspire with or put pressure on was standing at the urinal. Very mamalian and territorial when you think about it.<br><br>There were even scenes of someone on the bog overhearing two people conversing and using that info to their advantage.<br><br>I think that show was written by or influenced by many people who worked in and around Aussie federal politics.<br><br>Also whats a business lunch if not an opportunity to conspire?<br><br>Or a trip to the golf course? <p></p><i></i>
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Re: The Smoke-Filled Room

Postby 4911 » Sun Sep 03, 2006 6:36 am

maybe we wouldnt think they were dangerous enough to worry about if they were depicted as meeting at...oh... say, a country club in california frinstance?<br><br>:] <p></p><i></i>
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