Ladies and gentleman - "Bigfoot"

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Ladies and gentleman - "Bigfoot"

Postby OnoI812 » Fri Sep 09, 2005 5:47 pm

NOLA Blogger <br> <br>a fantastic blog by The Interdictor is being run by a guy working for DirectNic in New Orleans...complete with live cam feeds. They are a customer of one of my resellers...and just ordered 20 more servers for a co-location to keep things going. Meanwhile, they are running on a diesel generator and not one website interruption has happened. I don't know how they're keeping their net-connection up but they are doing an amazing job.<br><br>above comment found here-<br><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href=""></a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--><br><br>Interdictor info here-<br><br><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href=""></a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--><br><br>User:        interdictor (763788<!--EZCODE EMOTICON START 8) --><img src= ALT="8)"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> <br>The Interdictor<br>Fighting for the preservation of civilization against the barbarian hordes.<br>Name:        interdictor<br>ICQ UIN:        21710340 (User Profile)<br>Bio:<br>        Survival of New Orleans Blog<br>This journal exists to share firsthand experience of Hurricane Katrina her aftermath with anyone interested.<br>Live Cam Feed:<br>Cam mirror #1, Cam mirror #2, and Cam mirror #3<br>Contact Info:<br>AIM: ikilled007<br>ICQ: 21710340<br>RSS for this blog<br>To link to this blog use: <!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href=""></a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--> <br>To Contact directNIC:<br>Email Addresses<br>Media Inquiries:<br><br>Photos can be found here:<br> <br><br>All photos have been mirrored here: <br>Media has permission to use the photos with credit to<br><br>IRC channel has been opened: IRC is on in #interdictor - #interdictor-scanner for transcript of NG radio and #interdictor-chat for discussion; Java******<br>Important links:<br>Red Cross New Orleans Katrina Intel Wiki directNIC<br><br>==========================================<br>The Real News<br>The following is the result of an interview I just conducted via cell phone with a New Orleans citizen stranded at the Convention Center. I don't know what you're hearing in the mainstream media or in the press conferences from the city and state officials, but here is the truth:<br><br>"Bigfoot" is a bar manager and DJ on Bourbon Street, and is a local personality and icon in the city. He is a lifelong resident of the city, born and raised. He rode out the storm itself in the Iberville Projects because he knew he would be above any flood waters. Here is his story as told to me moments ago. I took notes while he talked and then I asked some questions:<br><br>Three days ago, police and national guard troops told citizens to head toward the Crescent City Connection Bridge to await transportation out of the area. The citizens trekked over to the Convention Center and waited for the buses which they were told would take them to Houston or Alabama or somewhere else, out of this area.<br><br>It's been 3 days, and the buses have yet to appear.<br><br>Although obviously he has no exact count, he estimates more than 10,000 people are packed into and around and outside the convention center still waiting for the buses. They had no food, no water, and no medicine for the last three days, until today, when the National Guard drove over the bridge above them, and tossed out supplies over the side crashing down to the ground below. Much of the supplies were destroyed from the drop. Many people tried to catch the supplies to protect them before they hit the ground. Some offered to walk all the way around up the bridge and bring the supplies down, but any attempt to approach the police or national guard resulted in weapons being aimed at them.<br><br>There are many infants and elderly people among them, as well as many people who were injured jumping out of windows to escape flood water and the like -- all of them in dire straights.<br><br>Any attempt to flag down police results in being told to get away at gunpoint. Hour after hour they watch buses pass by filled with people from other areas. Tensions are very high, and there has been at least one murder and several fights. 8 or 9 dead people have been stored in a freezer in the area, and 2 of these dead people are kids.<br><br>The people are so desperate that they're doing anything they can think of to impress the authorities enough to bring some buses. These things include standing in single file lines with the eldery in front, women and children next; sweeping up the area and cleaning the windows and anything else that would show the people are not barbarians.<br><br>The buses never stop.<br><br>Before the supplies were pitched off the bridge today, people had to break into buildings in the area to try to find food and water for their families. There was not enough. This spurred many families to break into cars to try to escape the city. There was no police response to the auto thefts until the mob reached the rich area -- Saulet Condos -- once they tried to get cars from there... well then the whole swat teams began showing up with rifles pointed. Snipers got on the roof and told people to get back.<br><br>He reports that the conditions are horrendous. Heat, mosquitoes and utter misery. The smell, he says, is "horrific."<br><br>He says it's the slowest mandatory evacuation ever, and he wants to know why they were told to go to the Convention Center area in the first place; furthermore, he reports that many of them with cell phones have contacts willing to come rescue them, but people are not being allowed through to pick them up. <br><br>I have "Bigfoot"'s phone number and will gladly give it to any city or state official who would like to tell him how everything is under control.<br><br>Addendum: Bigfoot just called to report that "they" (the authorities) are cleaning up the dead bodies at the Convention Center right now. <br><br>Anyway it now occurs to me that the stimply excerpt from earlier is from the same post, but I figure I'll leave this up for anyone who didn't link through. Also this post looks really big and impressive, apropos of my big impressive quasi-return to the blog. If I come up with anything else orth a shit I promise I'll post; it may take a while for me to get back into the swing of things, however.<br><br><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href=""></a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--><br><br>"BIGFOOT" UPDATE<br>For those of you who have been reading for a few days, I had done an interview with a guy named "Bigfoot" who described the deplorable conditions at the Convention Center a few days ago. He is going to be on Rense ( tonight at 7 pm Pacific, 10 Eastern. <br>(317 Comments |Comment on this)<br><br><br>----------------------------------------------<br><br>start interview:<br><br>"Bigfoot" is a bar manager and DJ on Bourbon Street, and is a local personality and icon in the city. He is a lifelong resident of the city, born and raised. He rode out the storm itself in the Iberville Projects because he knew he would be above any flood waters. Here is his story:<br><br><br>We're going to now go to Arkansas...Talk with a gentleman...we're going to call him just " Bigfoot" ...who was there...who saw much...and we're very happy to chat with him for the first hour. <br>Are you there Bigfoot?<br><br>BF-allright, how y'all doing<br><br>q- I'm fine thank you...thanks, very much for being available and thanks to Mike Barnett for helping set this up as well.<br>The first question I have for you is... why didn't you evacuate when everyone else was...or most everyone else was. what urged you to stay on?<br><br>BF-It's not because I wanted to...First I had to try to get my family together, Then I TRIED to rent a car, rent a Uhaul, Limosine...anything...we couldn't get in touch with anybody. Everybody(rental companies) had done left like two days ago.<br><br>q- I see, and at what point did you try to organize this evacuation for your family..How SOON before the hurricane hit?<br><br>BF-Two days before it hit<br><br>q- so you, for TWO days. you tried to get the heck out of there and couldn't arrange it?<br><br>BF-couldn't arrange then we tried to call friends but then they were all fullfilled up with their families and they had no room, so we bought up a whole bunch of supplies and said lets try to stick it out. And what I did was I left, my house is kind of rickety and went into the projects, cause the their built strong and the wind wasn't going to blown those projects down...So during the hurricane ..I mean...everything was fine. The wind ,the rain, came & then right afterward everything was flood or anything. And then a couple of hours later the water stated coming up.<br><br>q-Well it is said that, the hurricane of course, had achieved catagory 5 status...But that portion of the category 5 winds did not hit New Orleans...It hit east of city, quite a bit east, and what hit NOLA proper was about category 2 which is a windy rainy problem but not a catastophe neccesarily.<br><br>BF- No, not really...but it blew down a lot of trees, and the trees caused most of the damage to some of the houses. They knocked in roofs and everything, and some of the houses that didn't have tight stable roofs , they got blown away. Some of the bricks that were unstable too fell off the buildings from around the warehouse district.<br><br>q- I understand, ...that would be expected from a catagory 2 hurricane I woild think , sure.<br>Now, the actual number of people who left the city is in dispute. Do you have any figures or statistics on that? How many people were able to evacuate? what percentage? some people say 80% evacuated successfully before the storm you have any idea?<br><br>BF- I'd say it was most likely about 60%, that left. Alot of em were saying " I thought it was going to be like all the rest of them did" so alot of them waited, till like that morning or late that night before they decided to get outta here. Some of them just waited real real late before they left.<br><br>q- NOLA's been thru hurricanes before<br><br>BF- Yes<br><br>q- So OK. the hurricane comes...It hits...It's windy , its rainy, trees get blown down, roofs get blown off... But it's not a catastrophe<br><br>BF- No<br><br>q- How far past the peak of the storm did the water begin to show up, do you remember?<br><br>BF- Right after the hurricane, the only thing we had was water in the streets.. not alot of water, just a little water in the streets that came like right to your ankle, and then like a couple hours later...The water started rising, somebody said that some pipes had bust, underground...nobody told us anything about the levee. They just said some pipes had bust and that's where the water was coming from.<br><br>q- I see<br><br>BF- and then the water rose to like the steps, the first step, and that was about 3 inches.<br><br>q-OK<br><br>BF- and then that night, when everyone was about to go to bed, someone came runnin out their house "the water rising, the water rising" and from then it stared coming up like an inch every 20 minutes.<br><br>q- OK, is your family with you in the house at this time<br><br>BF- Yes. I had...we all moved to the second floor, I had my family and a couple other families from the first floor moved up into the second floor apartment<br><br>q- OK<br><br>BF - so it was like 3 or 4 families in one apartment at that time.<br><br>q- Did you still have power at that point?<br><br>BF- no power, just gas and water at this time.<br><br>q- Ok, were you listening to the radio?<br><br>BF- yeah, we had a bunch of small radios..and then ahh, then the next morning they said the levee broke and everybody should be thinking about evacuating<br><br>q- thats a good idea<br><br>BF-Yeah, they didn't say mandatory at the time<br><br>q- Oh really<br><br>BF- it wasn't mandatory at the time, no<br><br>q-and when you got up in the morning, if you slept at all, how high was the water then?<br><br>BF- It got to the forth step, and that was like ahh, I'm 6' 6" so like for me that was like knee high...To my knees but for everyone else that was almost to thier waist.<br><br>q- gotcha<br><br>BF- So then, so I decided, since this is not too high, My house was not flooded in the uptown area, just in the downtown area. So I decided to bring some of my stuff back to the house and everything to get it safe and to get my family out. When I did one load, I came back it was like everybody was sayin " ts a mandatory evacuation, a Mandatory evacuation, everybody has to get to the interstate" So everybody started panicking and we all started heading for the interstate like they said. They said we were going to be bussed out from the interstate.<br>That never happened<br><br>q- Ok, so that was the first time when panic really hit your family<br><br>BF-Yes<br><br>q- When they ordered the mandatory evacuation...How far. Bigfoot, is the interstate from your home?<br><br>BF-Uhh from my home? or where we were?<br><br>q- from wherever you were<br><br>BF-where we were... it was about 2 miles<br><br>q- Ok , so you're supposed to walk through...Water... 2 miles<br><br>BF- yes, we did, (chuckles)<br><br>q- and you're 6'6" and your kids.....<br><br>BF- I've got a 3 year old a 5 year old, I've got elderly people I've got handicapped people.<br><br>q- thats the point... what happened to them?<br><br>BF- OK, so we went toward the interstate, we ran into some Deputy Sherriff's I guess, In a boat. Then he said, go to the interstate. Wait there, then somebody gonna come in a bus and take y'all out of town.<br><br>q- excuse me, Is the interstate up on a much higher ground level? or is it up on posts, piers?<br><br>BF- Yes, it over most of the buildings<br><br>q- ok gotcha<br><br>BF-So, uhm everybody started going to the interstate, and there were millions , I mean thousands of people on the interstate. So we were like OK , and we saw some trucks... uhaul trucks and flatbed trucks, but they were just taking all day grabbing people....and we thought they were there to take people out of town...they brought everybody to the convention center.<br><br>q- Ohh , they didn't take you out of town<br><br>BF- Didn't take us out of town they took everybody to the convention center and told em there would be busses to pick them up from there, and that was Tuesday.<br><br>q- Was there any water near the Convention center, or was that totally high and dry.<br><br>BF- Nope<br><br>BF- High and dry<br><br>Q- Ok <br><br>BF- Totally high and dry<br><br>q- allright<br><br>BF- Uhm...The water really didn't start coming down Canal street until.... ahh....Wednesday. It was rising but it wasn't pushing up because Canal street is on like a slope. Almost, so it took awhile for it to push up.<br><br>q-Ok<br><br>BF-And cause again they were trucking everybody from the innercity , from the uptown area from Plaquemines parish, from all different areas to bring to the convention center, cause they said the superdome was full already.<br><br>Q- allright<br><br>Q- who's in charge at the convention center? was it organized at all?<br><br>BF- Nobody...They just put us there...I mean No military, no police officers , no officials, not even the people who run the convention center where there. I <br>don't even think they knew we were going there.<br>I mean, I think they did this as just a last ditch effort... to get people out the way, But they didn't tell anybody that we were there. Nobody knew we were there until Wednesday.<br><br>q- ha, ha, ha nobod-that's thats almost two days!<br><br>BF- Yah thats 2 days without food and water, So we had to break into the refridgerators and everything and feed ourselves off the Convention center(CC) food and everything that they had left in there.<br><br>Q- How many, about how many were there in the CC?<br><br>BF- At that time when we went from hall A...the halls go from A To J. We had this hall AF(?) it was setting about 3000 people at that time. That was Tuesday, By Wednesday we had about 10.000 people. All halls had filled from the inside to out.<br><br>q- In this kind of a situation, it's hard to imagine ahh how any kind of an organization could take place...were there people who tried to appoint themselves as leaders, organizers, did you have a commitee..did you have any cohesive effort in how to handle it?<br><br>BF- They had older people who were there saying the busses are on the way, they said they were coming and tried to keep everyone calm.<br><br>q-Uh huh<br><br>BF- and you know they said try to keep the area clean for when the busses pull up and everything and...we gonna get out of here.<br>We heard the same speech for FIVE days<br><br>Q- Uh Huh...Unbelievable... Stand by Big foot while we take a break<br><br>Q-Are Ok there now Bigfoot?<br><br>BF- Oh Yah, the people in Arkansas are awesome.. they are awesome out here.<br><br>q- And your family is allright?<br><br>BF- yes they're fine now...while we were there they lost their minds a couple of times. I was know just a talking to my girlfriend and she like blanked out... didn't know where she was...didn't even know what her name was...I had to calm her down and the children just crying because they had dead bodies the were crossing over and everything. Just sleeping on the ground because they were tired.<br><br>q- Ahh were the dead bodies IN the CC?<br><br>BF- IN & OUT<br><br>q- People had expired right then and there from lack of food and water!!!<br><br>BF- And some people were killed... there's something they didn't say on the news... In the jails , they let loose all the low crime criminals<br><br>q- Huh!!!<br><br>BF- yeah, bet you didn't know that.<br><br>q- No<br><br>BF- so...they got caught up in the crowd where they got transfered to the CC and SD also<br><br>q- and they you feel were in substantial part, contributors to the violence?<br><br>BF- OH YEAH, because they ran into their friends...I overheard a couple of them talking...say "Man I thought you was in jail- Yeah man they let us out" and then they had got into a little group. <br>Well in the beginning everybody was fine. Everybody was working together, you know feeding everybody and giving out the water. Second day, same thing everybody was fine... you know we broke into stores and stuff like that to feed the elderly and the children and stuff. The third day...It got rough. They started selling the food then.<br><br>q- who?<br><br>BF- the younger kids... like from the 15-25 year olds. Like they had their own little gang<br><br>q- Sounds like a little mafia thing?<br><br>BF- Yeah close to it, you want some good food you've got to buy it.<br><br>q- Ohh<br><br>BF- and they'll cook it for you and get it to you and stuff<br><br>q- I see<br><br>q- at this point 3 days into it, still no police, no help no nothing?<br><br>BF- No, No police... that's the funny part, this is another part... they had police but they were like... out of contact with each other...they were on walkie talkies.. so and the NOLA police they didn't have a clue as to what was going on because no-one was telling them anything either<br><br>q- No command and control...nothing!<br><br>BF- No, no control... But they had police officers watching us the WHOLE time we were there<br><br>q- But you didn't know it?<br><br>BF- we didn't know it until that...that Friday...we found out<br><br>q- where were these police officers?<br><br>BF- they were inside a hotel, right across the street from the CC<br><br>q- and they were just observing from over there?<br><br>BF- Observing and they had orders not to interfere<br><br>q-huh!!!!<br><br>BF- Yeah they had machine guns and everything, we had snipers on the interstate that overlooked the CC also.<br>We always saw them because they'd popped up every now and then. we saw their heads.<br><br>q- you were, you were PRISONERS!!!!<br><br>BF- Yeah... we couldn't leave...people would try to walk across the bridge to go across the river... they turned them around. They said you cannot leave, Nobody could come into town and pick us up.<br><br>q- and there was not one delivery of food, not one medical team, nothing that came to the CC.<br><br>BF- Not until Wednesday, and they didn't come in, they dropped it off the interstate overpass. We had to catch the food.<br><br>q- dropped it off How?<br><br>BF-MRE's and water, they dropped the cases off the interstate<br><br>q- on helicopter or truck?<br><br>BF- A truck, and it wasn't military or police either it was regular guys ...I don't know where they come from...they had plain clothes the would drop it off the interstate and then everybody would just grab what they could... and the water they dropped the water but half of that exploded... because once it hit the ground it went everywhere.<br><br>q- I understand<br><br>end part 1<br><br>"Bigfoot" is a bar manager and DJ on Bourbon Street, and is a local personality and icon in the city. He is a lifelong resident of the city, born and raised. He rode out the storm itself in the Iberville Projects because he knew he would be above any flood waters. Here is his story:<br><br>start part 2-<br><br>q- Uhm... how many dead people were there?...around the CC?<br>Just take a guess...<br><br>BF-we had like 8 in the freezer...cause when we saw some people were dead we put em in the freezer so they wouldn't start stinking. 8 inthe freezer, they had like 2 in the street that I knew of...and they had a few on the second and third floor, I don't know exactly how many they had, some of them were kids.<br><br>q- Any of em murdered?<br><br>BF-YES<br><br>BF- Most of the kids had been murdered...They were like RAPED and then their necks SLASHED...Slashed their throat<br><br>q- Who...who was doing the murdering? This other gang??<br><br>BF-It was a...we found him at the end... It was ONE guy...what he was doing was a child would have to go to the bathroom and the mom was like sleeping or something like that..or know talking to somebody. He told them I'll take you to the restroom then went second floor...we didn't see em again<br><br>q- and these were young boys?young girls?<br><br>BF- Yeah he was about like twenty... twenty eight years old... the one that was doing it... the kids were 3, 4, 5 ...8. <br><br>q- He was killing little kids????<br><br>BF- YES ...RAPING THEN KILLING THEM<br><br>q- Did anybody, did anybody catch this guy?<br><br>BF- We caught him at the end, we caught him Friday<br><br>q- and what did you do with him?<br><br>BF-We didn't have no you know... an eye for an eye<br><br>q- I think alot of people would support that<br><br>BF- Ya, you know ....what goes around comes around man...<br><br>q- I hear ya<br><br>BF- Like I said we had Police officers watching us the whole time.. come Thursday, people got tired , they started breaking in cars and picking their families up and trying to drive them out of town... and you know we broke in Budget(sp?) , we broke in all kind of buildings... but they had a rich area around the CC.. where rich people stay at... once they started migrating over there hittin those cars...<br><br>q- Um huh<br><br>BF- eight police cars came out of nowhere!<br><br>q- OH...OK<br><br>BF-And that when they all started coming around the CC pulling their guns out ...ONE POLICE OFFICER GOT SHOT<br><br>q- By whom?<br><br>BF- By a pedestrian(?) trying to get the hell out of there... and they took him away, and they took all the cars away that the people had hotwired... and then they all disappeared.<br>Just because we went in that area... thats the only time they came out, they never talked to us or anything...They would roll by... with their guns drawn, but they would not talk to you.<br><br>q- and these were Black officers and white officers?<br><br>BF- Black officers and white officers YES<br><br>q- Ok .. standby... a fascinating look at horror that is almost unimaginable<br>we will continue with "Bigfoot" in a couple minutes.<br> <br>end part2<br> <p></p><i>Edited by: <A HREF=>OnoI812</A> at: 9/10/05 11:32 am<br></i>
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Re: Ladies and gentleman - "Bigfoot"

Postby DrDebugDU » Fri Sep 09, 2005 6:17 pm

Good story. The guy is a hero. I love his nickname. It must be a big guy, right?<br><br>The BBC had a similar story about One Eyed Jack who kept his bar on Bourbon Street open (his bar never closes) during and after the Hurricane, but they didn't save anybody; they just continued drinking by candlelight.<br><br><!--EZCODE IMAGE START--><img src=""/><!--EZCODE IMAGE END--><br><br><!--EZCODE LINK START--><a href=""></a><!--EZCODE LINK END--> <p></p><i></i>
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Re: Ladies and gentleman - "Bigfoot"

Postby antiaristo » Fri Sep 09, 2005 6:34 pm

It's pretty fucking obvious they were doing everything they could to start a riot. It fits in with all those stories being put out at the time about black people looting.<br>The people have behaved superbly in the face of all this provocation. Perhaps this is how things always are for them. Interestingly amongst the people at the CC was a Spanish Diputada (=Congressman) and her family, who were evacuated on Thursday night. They were ferocious in their condemnation of the authorities. He described what had happened as "Genocide". She talked about how the people were good people who did not complain, but she herself had kicked up a huge fuss. Different expectations.<br>The American Ambassador has been on a charm offensive and on all the TV shows, but it's a hopeless task. We just don't want to be like America.<br>Gerhard Schroeder is going to be the first big winner from all this.<br><br>Nice find Ono.<br>(could do with a bit more editing, though) <p></p><i></i>
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He described what had happened as "Genocide"

Postby * » Fri Sep 09, 2005 7:02 pm

That's exactly what it looks like to me. Never thought anyone could beat Hitler in this department but Bush makes the nazi killing machine look top-heavy, cumbersome and inefficient by comparison.<br><br><br><br> <p></p><i>Edited by: <A HREF=>1 tal</A> at: 9/9/05 5:40 pm<br></i>
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Re: Ladies and gentleman - "Bigfoot"

Postby OnoI812 » Fri Sep 09, 2005 7:51 pm

Nice find Ono.<br>(could do with a bit more editing, though)<br><br><br>I know...I have to add part 3 of the interview yet...I'll try to edit it better when I do so<br><br>The first part is from around the web(Interdictor)....the links are listed<br><br>the interview is from rense...BF's accent is not so easy to understand.<br><br>I feel this is a very genuine and accurate account.<br><br>The incompetance angle the media is selling is pure BS.... <p></p><i></i>
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Some corroboration

Postby antiaristo » Sat Sep 10, 2005 7:18 am

<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--><em><!--EZCODE FONT START--><span style="font-size:x-small;">Registered Sex Offenders Among Evacuees</span><!--EZCODE FONT END--> <br><br>Saturday September 10, 2005 10:01 AM<br><br><br>BATON ROUGE, La. (AP) - Although nearly 4,500 registered sex offenders lived in the 14 parishes hit by Hurricane Katrina, the Department of Corrections is most worried about fewer than 300 - those who ordinarily check in at parole offices closed by the storm.</em><!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> <br><br><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href=",1282,-5268515,00.html">,00.html</a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--> <p></p><i></i>
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Postby Ted the dog » Sat Sep 10, 2005 4:46 pm

what's the URL for that interview with Bigfoot? I see the interdictor guy that's running the survival of NO blog says that he interviewed him, but the actual Q and A that you have posted isn't included in his the Q and A from the Rense interview?<br><br>great time goes on we're going to see more and more of this kind of thing...the truth directly from people who were/are there in NO. <p></p><i></i>
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Re: ...

Postby OnoI812 » Sat Sep 10, 2005 4:56 pm

<!--EZCODE QUOTE START--><blockquote><strong><em>Quote:</em></strong><hr> the Q and A from the Rense interview?<hr></blockquote><!--EZCODE QUOTE END--><br><br><br>yes<br> <p></p><i></i>
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The Independent picks up the story

Postby antiaristo » Sun Sep 11, 2005 7:34 am

<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--><em><!--EZCODE FONT START--><span style="font-size:x-small;">'Racist' police blocked bridge and forced evacuees back at gunpoint</span><!--EZCODE FONT END--> <br>By Andrew Buncombe in Washington <br>Published: 11 September 2005 <br><br>A Louisiana police chief has admitted that he ordered his officers to block a bridge over the Mississippi river and force escaping evacuees back into the chaos and danger of New Orleans. Witnesses said the officers fired their guns above the heads of the terrified people to drive them back and "protect" their own suburbs. <br><br>Two paramedics who were attending a conference in the city and then stayed to help those affected by the hurricane, said the officers told them they did not want their community "becoming another New Orleans".<br><br>The desperate evacuees were forced to trudge back into the city they had just left. "It was a real eye-opener," Larry Bradshaw, 49, a paramedic from San Francisco, told The Independent on Sunday. "I believe it was racism. It was callousness, it was cruelty."<br><br>Mr Bradshaw said the police blocked off the road on the Thursday and Friday after Hurricane Katrina struck on Monday 29 August. He and his wife Lorrie Slonsky, also a paramedic, had sheltered with others in the Hotel Monteleone in the French Quarter.<br><br>When food and water ran out they were forced to head for the city's convention centre, but on the way they heard reports of the chaos and violence that was taking place there and inside the Superdome where thousands of people were forced together without running water, toilets, electricity or air conditioning. So Mr Bradshaw spoke with a senior New Orleans police officer who instructed them to cross the Crescent City Connection bridge to Jefferson Parish, where he promised they would find buses waiting to evacuate them.<br><br>They were in the middle of a group of up to 800 people - overwhelmingly black - walking across the bridge when they heard shots and saw people running. "We had been hearing shooting for days. What was different about this was that it was close by," he said.<br><br>Making their way towards the crest of the bridge they saw a chain of armed police officers blocking the route. When they asked about the buses they were told their was no such arrangement and that the route was being blocked to avoid their parish becoming "another New Orleans". They identified the police as officers from the city of Gretna.<br><br>The following day Mr Bradshaw said they tried again to cross and directly witnessed police shooting over the heads of a middle-aged white couple who were also turned back. Eventually, late on Friday evening, the couple succeeded in crossing the bridge with the intervention of a contact in the local fire department.<br><br>Arthur Lawson, chief of the Gretna police department, said he had not yet questioned his officers as to whether they fired their guns.<br><br>He confirmed that his officers, along with those from Jefferson Parish and the Crescent City Connection police force, sealed the bridge and refused to let people pass. This was despite the fact that local media were informing people that the bridge was one of the few safe evacuation routes from the city.<br><br>Gretna is a predominantly white suburban town of around 18,000 inhabitants. In the aftermath of Katrina, three quarters of the inhabitants still had electricity and running water. But, Chief Lawson told UPI news agency: "There was no food, water or shelter in Gretna City. We did not have the wherewithal to deal with these people. If we had opened the bridge our city would have looked like New Orleans does now - looted, burned and pillaged."<br><br>Mr Bradshaw and his wife were evacuated to Texas and have since returned to California. They condemned the authorities, adding: "This official treatment was in sharp contrast to the warm, heartfelt reception given to us by ordinary Texans.<br><br>"Throughout, the official relief effort was callous, inept and racist... Lives were lost that did not need to be lost."</em><!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> <br><br><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href=""></a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--> <p></p><i></i>
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Re: Ladies and gentleman - "Bigfoot" rebroadcast

Postby OnoI812 » Thu Sep 15, 2005 11:31 pm

Rebroadcast Tonight thursday 9/15<br><br> at 10:00PM and 1:00am first hours<br><br><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href=""></a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--><br><br><br> <p></p><i></i>
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