by Starman » Sun Sep 04, 2005 9:20 pm
<br>DrDeBugDU:<br><br>I think 50,000 dead for greater New Orleans might even be low -- But given the Feds' abject selfish interest in minimizing and covering-up the true scale of enormous devastation, suffering and loss-of-life I expect the 'official' death-toll will be grossly under-reported, with a minimal effort for show -- following the script of numerous failures of leadership under Bush that clamors for praise but refuses all accountability for poor decision-making and performance, as in the abundant evidence for the Pentagon's lowballing Iraq war fatalities and casualties, hiding true figures through opportunistic manipulation of reporting rules (soldiers who die of injuries once they are airborne are not listed as KIA, foreign green-card troops are typically just not counted, battle-casualties are counted as 'accident injuries', longterm injuries are discounted, etc.)<br><br>The arrest of the Astrodome's first busload of rescued NO survivors is, unfortunately, so heartbreakingly tragic but typical of a thoroughly foul, incorrigible and recklessly irresponsible Federal Regime under the failed 'leadership' of the Bush Crime cartel -- They have perfected techniques of red-herring distraction and PR deflection and self-serving disinfo-spin. When I first heard this remarkable story, I couldn't help but recognize and celebrate this young man's spirit of self-empowerment and community action, making use of common-sense and taking the strategic initiative which is notable for all of governmental officialdom by its almost total lack --<br><br>It sure gets me, the enormous disconnect and profound tragicomic irony evident in the oversimplistic us-them dichotomy in which the state's foreign-and-domestic policy force-projection arm, the Armed Forces military, in general, is being lavishly praised, revered and celebrated by the MSM newsmedia (with their fawning, sensationalistic porn-reporting) for 'saving' the city from a catastrophe -- the same disaster which was materially aggravated by the government's own destructive and negligent policies and its horribly bungled incompetance, and from incidents of gangland crime-violence which is DIRECTLY caused by a predatory economic system. The institutionalization of class and rascist injustice through exploitive policies victimizes and stratifies society while spreading multi-general frustration of unmet, diverted and repressed expectations. <br><br>The result is, as expected, a Police State mentality that seizes on the symptoms of disproportionate economic inequality and injustice to justify itself -- with the image now of many tens of thousands of military forces in the streets of New Orleans carrying their assault rifles in a show of force, standing guard over a dead-city in a state of seige, sacrificed for the sake of a headstrong and irresponsible plutocracy, killed by a dysfunctional corporate-robber-baron Government's malpractice, insurance fraud, pilfering and murder.<br><br>With SO much cleanup and unmet needs still pervasive in the Gulf Region and NO and environs, the military are carrying their rifles instead of wielding shovels and brooms and chainsaws, being put in service to more immediately pragmatic, practical urgent tasks -- such as providing security for the continuing search-and-rescue missions, or accompanying bus evacuations.<br><br>As far as the boat missions -- another incredible FEMA FUBAR -- Fish and Wildlife officials with boats were requested and arrived Friday, despite some 500 private boat volunteers, anxious to help, having been prohibited by FEMA officials from assisting since Tuesday (or earlier? A timeline on when FEMA started declining/refusing/prohibiting offers of assistance might be handy to show when FEMA actually started taking and exercizing control.) But another thing, equally as serious -- and considering the implications, a MAJOR criminal misfeasance -- FEMA not only hasn't made preparations to provide helicopter fire-fighting capability with refillable water-bags to take advantage of the abundant river, canal and flood water resources, or to make available amphibious/deep-water truck-tanker equipment with self-contained pump capability, but FEMA has stalled on accepting the US Forest Services' offer of C-130 water-tankers -- as a dozen or more fires have been raging out-of-control throughout the flooded city, threatening to spread and cause massive, additional damage and possibly leading to loss of life, confounding ongoing rescue efforts. Such incredible irresponsibility is inexplicable -- demanding severe accountability. <br><br>But also -- I can't understand why NO own fire-trucks aren't being used to fight some of these fires? Surely they havbe their own self-contained engine-driven water pumps? Even if there aren't navigable streets (which the Pentagon's Sat Map Recon service has been providing detailed flood- street-maps for, to assist rescuers), surely they could be loaded on the military's highwater 10-wheel-drive trucks, or smaller trucks airlifted via heavy-lift construction helicopters (which I STILL haven't seen onsite!!!!! A-fucking-mazing again and again and again!)<br><br>from:<br><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href=""></a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--> -- Sept. 3<br><br>Landrieu slams FEMA<br>WASHINGTON - U.S. Senator Mary Landrieu, D-La., Saturday accused the Federal Emergency Management Agency of failing to accept offers that would have eased post-hurricane problems in New Orleans -- including a plan for the Forest Service to douse fires in the city with aircraft used to fight fires.<br>. . .<br>Landrieu said that FEMA has inexplicably failed to take advantage of offers of help.<br>"I understand that the U.S. Forest Service had water-tanker aircraft available to help douse the fires raging on our riverfront, but FEMA has yet to accept the aid. When Amtrak offered trains to evacuate significant numbers of victims - far more efficiently than buses - FEMA again dragged its feet," Landrieu said. "Offers of medicine, communications equipment and other desperately needed items continue to flow in, only to be ignored by the agency.<br>*** <br>and:<br>500 private boats with citizen volunteers held-up outside New Orleans City limits on the only access route, I-10, by FEMA's criminal misfeasance and up to three competing, non-coordinated law-enforcement agencies, and many dozens of similiar boondoggle snafus caused by stupid decision-making by grossly incompetant bureaucrats following the lead of Master Incompetant Bush Political-appointee Mike Brown. Simply criminal.<br><br>Re: Bus-Hero Lauded as reflecting the best spirit of American initiative and selfless duty to help others --<br>Comments via Daily Kos:<br><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href=""></a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--><br><br><br>The Face of a Hero -- Group pools resources, young man volunteers to drive bus of refugees, recommended by police to 'save some people'.<br>A man like I would hope to be, like I'd hope my son to be. I posted this in another thread but few saw it, and all should see it, it's a bit of hope.<br><<!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href=">">></a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--><br><br>Note "commandeered." Does this one get a pass because of that one particular female passenger?<br>Step outside of two-dimensional politics.<br>by NewDirection <br><br>I agree; I was ranting a little bit this morning, and started talking about the guy that stole the bus, and referred to him as a hero then. Just saw video of some guys outside the convention center who had obviously looted a box of peaches, and they were handing them out to everyone. They're heroes too, as far as I'm concerned. Bush/Cheney - in your guts, you know they're nuts. by Lufah <br><br>Just on MSNBC,,,,, They are out of busses to relocate the folks at the convention center. No food, no water, and they are issuing a "desperate SOS". Sounds like the relocation is being called off. My God, what the hell is wrong with these people in charge? They are allowing the "refugees" to march. March! When did we become Bangladesh? I can't even cry anymore. "But your flag decal won't get you into heaven anymore"--Prine Pay attention Georgie - 1880+ dead Americans, 100,000+ dead Iraqis, all on your head. WWJS? by Miss Blue <br><br>I'd like to suggest some more heroes commandeer some buses and carry those folks straight up to Washington. Convene an army of refugees in advance of an army of war protesters. At some point, there would be too many people to ignore. You know, you watch the recent events in the Ukraine, for instance, and wonder where our giant orange flags are. This September all of America should march on Washington. The Thorn Papers...this blog kills fascists... <<!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href=">">></a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--> by mitch2k2 <br><br>And I suggest that the buses go straight to Crawford. Camp Casey is still warm & bush has 1600 acres that he's not using right now. after watching dick-head on tv i'm so pissed i can hardly see straight. he cares more about the flow of oil than human life. bastard. society is like soup. if you don't stir it up, all the scum rises to the top. by elkhunter <br>aoeu -- Read the story, the police told him to take the bus, yet the headline is that the refugees commandeered it. Jabbar Gibson, 20, said police in New Orleans told him and others to take the school bus and try to get out of the flooded city. Read and recommend: this <<!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href=">">></a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--> by TealVeal <br><br>MSNBC Video Horrific -- Its getting worse by the minute. Dead bodies are laying around, no sanitation, no water, no food, just throwing blankets over dead bodies outside. ---- <<!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href=">">></a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--> "This is a national disgrace," said Terry Ebbert, head of New Orleans' emergency operations. "FEMA has been here three days, yet there is no command and control," Ebbert said. "We can send massive amounts of aid to tsunami victims but we can't bail out the city of New Orleans." "We have got a mayor who has been pushing and asking but we're not getting supplies," he said. He said the evacuation was almost entirely a Louisiana operation. "This is not a FEMA operation. I haven't seen a single FEMA guy." --- MY GOD. <<!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href=">">></a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--> - Collective Political and Community Journalism by NYers for NYers by atomicBirdsong <br><br>Damn Straight He's a Hero -- And if he were a middle-class white man or woman, his face would be splashed on every available news outlet that continues to print or broadcast. Bless that young man. by lost <br><br>Where are the rest??? That guy is a damn hero. So where are the rest? If the government cannot get the people out of there, then the people have to do it. Ever get the feeling you've been cheated? by johnny rotten <br><br>The police and Guard... ought to be smashing open stores themselves and distributing the contents in an orderly fashion. As the proverb says, needs must when the devil drives. The owners will write it all off to insurance anyway. God, this is so Third World. But they seem to know where they are going, the ones who walk away from Omelas. by sagesource <br><br>that made me cry </comments/2005/9/1/142049/1430/128?mode=alone;showrate=1>) in a GOOD way. Finally! by d to the f <br><br>'These individuals will not take control of New Orleans' -- LA Attorney General -- Well DUH! What do you expect when officials abrogate their responsibility to maintain order???? Whathefu??? Restore ORDER??? YOU NEED TO EVACUATE -- The looting is basically done-with -- there's nothing LEFT to loot!!! I just can't understand this endless 'we are doing everything possible to rescue them' while the obvious fact is -- they AREN'T!!!<br><br>'I assure you, our priority is to preserve the safety of those in NO.' -- Police official.<br>LIE -- LIE -- LIE.<br><br><br>You've got to see this video <br>from Booman Tribune, via Crooks & Liars <<!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href=">">></a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--><br>Tom Kertes <<!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href=">">></a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--><br> <<!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href=">">></a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--> <br>disclosure <<!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href=">">></a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--><br>by Tom Kertes <br>And... just took on FEMA. One anchor said her husband is a policeman at the SuperDome and he said that FEMA bugged out. They talked about how the FEMA heads for parishes haven't been seen and the Parish Presidents are pretty pissed off because they haven't seen a FEMA person at all. Short bit but very telling. GWB: best argument I know of to refute "Intelligent Design" by Pandora <!--EZCODE EMOTICON START :rolleyes --><img src= ALT=":rolleyes"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> <br><br><br>Note: Update:<br>NBC News confirms: Coast Guard Siper Puma Rescue Helicopter just crashed, both pilots escaped with minimal injury.<br>No further details.<br><br>These GD 'news' reporters keep hyping the 'fear' and violence card -- Yet everyone they ask about concerns minimizes the alarm factor -- It really gets under my skin, these irresponsible reporters are evidently playing to the dramatic audience infotainment and inadvertantly enflaming anxiety, spreading unsubstantiated rumours for purely specious reasons -- such as, the 'sniper shooting rescue helicopters' meme is likely entirely bogus -- as the FAA is reported as saying there were NO reports of air-incident shootings.<br><br>Every French Quarter corner is now occupied by groups of military troops --<br><br>I DETEST the shameless ass-kissing glorification of the army by this unthinking, superficial idiot (don't know his name), while his female in-the-field counterpart is MUCH savyier, trying to fill him in on the reason WHY tens of thousands of angry, suffering, confused, uninformed, hungry and thirsty crowds have led to anxious tensions, he's SUCH a clueless dolt -- Christ, what a turd -- He's trying to play up the drama with voice-inflection and loaded-questions, what a sad excuse for a journalist.<br>MSNBC.<br><br>LSU researchers' computer models predict 10,000 dead in NO -- Which I think is lowball.<br><br>At least they're also showing Parish President Broussard's claims that the bureaucracy's ineptness has caused murder -- while Gen. Honare is making absurd claims to excuse the FUBAR with such statements as, "You can't preposition troops in the eye of a hurricane", and Brown and Chertoff and now Rumsfeld are trying to promote the 'we couldn't ever imagine' and 'we're doing everything we could' and 'the storm and the lecee breaking are two different incidents', etc. But the turning-away help is inexcusable.<br><br>Plenty of mistakes to go around alright.<br>Starman <p></p><i></i>