by thumperton » Thu Sep 29, 2005 8:36 pm
SPECIAL HURRICANE VICTIM NOTICES:<br>As far as we know all New Orleans clinics are CLOSED<br>Jackson Women's Health Organization in Jackson MS is OPEN. Help is needed. Call 800-532-5383.<br>FREE abortions for hurricane victims available in Little Rock at Little Rock Family Planning Services 800-272-2183.<br>FREE abortions for hurricane victims at Fayetteville Women's Clinic in Fayetteville AK 479-442-8166 <br>Hope Medical Group in Shreveport, Louisiana is OPEN. Call 800-448-5004<br>Bossier City Medical Suite in Bossier City Louisiana is OPEN. Call 800-749-7267<br>Delta Women's Clinic in Baton Rouge is OPEN. Call 225-923-3242.<br>Alabama clinics are OPEN<br>Center for Choice in Mobile is OPEN. Call 251-476-2404.<br>Some Texas clinics are offering FREE abortions. <br>Beaumont Texas Whole Woman's Health is offering FREE abortions, emergency contraception, birth control and other GYN services.<br>Fund for Hurricane Victims is available at the Women's Reproductive Rights Assistance Project 323-223-7727 <br>National Network of Abortion Funds. Hurricane Victims Abortion Fund. Call 617-524-6040<br>National Abortion Federation Hotline 800-772-9100<br>Planned Parenthood of Houston & SE Texas offering FREE Emergency Contraception and Birth Control <br><br>Abortion Clinics OnLine (ACOL) is a directory service comprised of websites of over 400 providers of abortion services and other reproductive healthcare. They may be private physician's offices, state licensed abortion clinics, private abortion clinics, or hospital abortion services. Abortion clinics listed are in 40 states, as well as international countries. To our knowledge, no anti-abortion "pregnancy consultation" centers are included here.<br><br>Abortion Clinics OnLine has been online since 1995 and has had over six million visitors. Websites of some of the most reputable abortion clinics in the country are linked in this directory. Read this information before contacting any abortion clinic: About Abortion Clinics OnLine<br><br>To find an abortion clinic near you, just click on Abortion Clinics by State. Abortion providers are listed by State, then City. Select the abortion clinic's name to move to their personal clinic website and view more detailed information on abortion procedures, patient instructions, abortion prices, maps, abortion clinic pictures, and other educational information. <br><br>Note that prices for abortions vary from clinic to clinic and are based on length of pregnancy, anesthesia choices and other variables. You therefore need to contact individual abortion clinics directly for this information.<br><br>Not all abortion clinics in all cities are included here. For more options in states or cities not listed in Abortion Clinics OnLine, consult your local yellow pages under "Abortion Services."<br><br>To find information about abortion clinics in specific categories (medical abortion with RU486 or Methotrexate and Misoprostol, late abortion past 20 weeks, general anesthesia, emergency contraception, tubal sterilization, etc.) click on Abortion Clinics by Category.<br><br><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href=""></a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--> <p></p><i></i>