has been hanging around more or less done since Christmas but as I’m never going to get it “finished” or written properly this sprawling mess will have to do so I can purge it from my system & let it drop into the murky depths.
In the unlikely event anyone is going to plough through it some semblance of coherence is imposed in the form of 4 major organisational headings :
· Towards a “Wellsian” analytical model
· Some speculative ruminations concerning the historic roots & character of the Nexus.
· Scotland : archival round-up, more or less up-to-date, of relevant information covering manifestations of the “Loch Ness Monster” in occult / serial-killer connections, more general paedophile networks, Dunblane
· Elite Deviance II : “The Case of Stephen Thomas Ward” & elite occultism
· The Ultimate Evil : reverberations of the Nexus across the Atlantic : US & Canadian Connections
An analytical Model
my conclusion is that the Loch Ness Monster “Nexus”, as I have posited its existence in the preceding posts, can be understood as a confluence of both :
· deep-political structures &
· deep-psychological phenomena
as expounded within the ground-breaking theoretical frameworks afforded us by Professors Peter Dale-Scott & Carl Jung.
I would further contend, perhaps controversially, that the putative Jung-Scott synthesis suggested here – what I take the liberty of referring to – in respect to the host of this board & its associated & now sadly somewhat dormant blog - as the “Wellsian” analytical model - not only offers the most powerful explanatory tools for the understanding & analysis of conspiratorial, covert & occult forces such as the Nexus as they act upon society but that within this framework the existence of such forces is also positively predicted & expected.

The Jungian “Shadow” can be understood as the psychic bump in the carpet which grows as certain “unacceptable” beliefs, behaviours & desires are rejected as unacceptable by the conscious super-ego & swept from sight under the pressure of social value-systems, peer-pressure & “consensus reality”. These rejected impulses are usually, therefore, closely associated with social taboos concerning sexual, violent or amoral actions
The coalescence of this psychic detritus forms the individual’s shadow-self : the mild-mannered Jekyll’s shadow is ofcourse the brutish “Hyde” but obversely someone raised to function in the most violent & reprehensible environment will develop a shadow “Jekyll” totally at odds with their public persona.
Similarly the modern lore of SRA holds that satanically involved individuals will often have public alters that are fundamentalist Christians.
The split appears hard-wired into the individual’s mental system – the strange psychic realm the “collective unconscious” ( CU ) functions, like the individual’s intuitive right brain hemisphere in a language of symbolism whilst the conscious, logical ego-identity controls the rational & verbally-structured left-brain.
Jung’s innovation was to scale-up the concept of a personal subconscious to the collective level – across the entire human race & back in time to its very earliest existence.
The CU is a repository of archetypes : universal symbols concerning the deepest fundamentals of all aspects of the human life-cycle & experience of existence.
When forces or energy from the CU manifest or break through into the realm of conscious perception & the material plane this will be experienced as external, ego-alien manifestations, covering the gamut of mystical, religious, occult & psi phenomena of all types including “synchronicity”.
The flying saucer for Jung was at one level the manifestation or projection of an archetype into the realm of the physical generated from within the collective human group-psyche itself.
At the collective level we can posit the following :
· the ascendancy of scientific materialism
· the Enlightenment’s values of human good & progress
· the decline of supernatural & religious belief
would be expected to energise the shadow with forces of an atavistic pre-modern, irrational, anti-humanist nature expressed in religious forms & able to produce & channel genuine occult & synchronistic manifestations : a fairly serviceable definition of black-magic, left-hand occultism or Satanism.
Such activity has clear psychopathological roots , as described by Gerhard Zacharias in “The Satanic Cult” :

We can further expect that as these represent the very quintessence of the Shadow, the rejected aspects of humanity, that most rational, “left-brain”, ego-driven discourse will tend to react with hostility, disbelief & scepticism to the very idea of the existence of such activities in a modern context.
It is however possible to make a much longer historic perspective on this as indeed it is argued that the emergence of dualistic beliefs from Persia & the rise of monotheism began the process of creating an artificial split in man’s mind – forcing the metaphysical world into a polarity of absolute good & evil quite at odds with the reality of man’s true nature & circumstances.
Whilst on the one hand representing a spiritual evolution from the forms of religions that preceded it as described by Steven Kent in his monograph “Deviant Scripturalism”:

Once such a process takes hold the repressed & bottled-up impulses can burst out in the most extreme & aberrant forms :
Dualistic beliefs led certain Gnostic sects to a cosmogony that saw all physical creation as inherently evil & the monotheistic Judaic God that was its acknowledged creator as in fact Satan himself.
The Borborites for example taught :
…..that there were eight heavens, each under a separate archon. In the seventh reigned Sabaoth, creator of heaven and earth, the God of the Jews, represented by some Borborites under the form of an ass or a hog; hence the Jewish prohibition of swine's flesh. In the eighth heaven reigned Barbelo, the mother of the living; the Father of All, the supreme God; and Christ. They denied that Christ was born of Mary, or had a real body; and also the resurrection of the body.
Epiphanius says the Borborites were inspired by Sethianism, and had as a distinct feature of their rituals elements of sexual sacramentalism, including smearing of hands with menstrual blood and semen, and consumption of the same as a variant of eucharist. They were also said to extract fetuses from pregnant women and consume them, particularly if the women accidentally became pregnant during related sexual rituals.
The problem is that which attends all prohibitions in human history – by banishing the undesirable from the public-sphere the phenomenon merely shifts to an underground level where it merges with the criminal & psychopathic underbelly of human society

The tangible organisational continuities to the present day appear to date from the 17th Century when the modern conspiratorial nexus emerged as the inevitable response to the socio-economic & psychological forces emerging at that time : Overlaying those already identified
· industrial, economic & imperialist growth
· emergence of new middle classes & intelligentsia with consequent democratic aspirations
The importance of the Nexus as a conspiratorial factor in history lies not so much in their command of occult forces – much though that belief system serves to bind & energise it, but in the happenstance of its emergence on the European nation which derived the greatest first-mover advantage from harnessing the emerging forces described above from the rise of parliamentary & legal structures after the English Civil War, the industrial revolution, global economic imperialism & the opium trade.
Historic Roots & Character of the Nexus
Being generally impatient of conspiratorial historic narratives entailing secretive & malign cabals going back to the reign of Nebucadnezzar I do however find myself having to start an over-view of the phenomenon of the “Loch Ness Monster“ Nexus in pre-Roman Britain when & where certain druidic religious practises & beliefs prevailed amongst the indigenous people that historians have named, with perhaps a somewhat Hammer-Horror sensibility : the Cult of the Severed Head. www.druidicdawn.org
I want to argue their sensibility maybe entirely correct.

These pre-Roman peoples – commonly called the Celts, direct descendants of the first hunter-gatherers to inhabit the lands of Britain after the Ice Age, were pushed ever further into the so-called “Celtic Fringe” of Wales, Ireland & Scotland as successive waves of incomers, Romans, Angles, Jutes, Saxons,Vikings & Normans all crossed the North Sea & English Channel to conquer or settle. It was however the spread of Celtic Christianity from Ireland by St. Columba that would eventually spell the cultural decline of the original celtic society , the Druid’s last redoubt being the Isle of Anglesey off the Welsh coast.
Julius Caesar's Commentarii de Bello Gallico, book VI describes the druids as a priestly caste who practised divination & performed ritual sacrifice by means of burning alive of victims – human & animal - within wooden or wicker effigies. The exact nature of their religious & magical practices have been either lost or hidden to conventional history but there is evidence to show large scale ritual sacrificial killings & cannibalism.
The origins of the Severed Head cult lie in the atavistic stage of development of human consciousness described by Julian Jaynes in The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind.
The first gods & their attendant religious practices arose from early man experiencing the interaction of the intuitive right brain hemisphere whose language is symbolism with the more conscious & rational & verbally-structured left-brain in the form of hallucinatory external voices which were ascribed to the gods or ancestors.
As a result severed heads were preserved or represented in effigy as a focus of oracular communication with the other world.
John Heathcote, has examined the role of this pagan Severed Head stream in the occult history of Britain, its monarchical institutions & the emergence of Masonry.
john heathcote wrote:Far from being devout Christians the Establishment were involved in a conspiracy to draw all magical knowledge, and therefore power to themselves.
The Union of England and Scotland had less to do with the Stuarts than the final triumph of Templar Masonry which had retreated to the Scottish Court after the destruction of the Order in mainland Europe by the alliance of Pope and French King
If, for the sake of argument, a plausible scenario was to be constructed around Heathcote’s basic proposition that the original “Nexus” was that of ancient occult forces with Templar-Masonry & the Monarchy then its basic postulates would look something like the following :
1) Scotland has been preserved as a resonating centre of an ancient occult current
because of :
2) Its remoteness , relatively unscathed by & inaccessible to countervailing forces from the European continent
1) + 2) =
3) Scotland becomes the bolt-hole & initial staging-post of the Templar’s very own Operation Safe Haven. following their brutal suppression by the French monarch, gaining cover from Robert the Bruce’s excommunication in 1306.
1) + 3) =
4) once bitten, twice shy the leadership elements of the successor generation eschew overt private military force in favour of a new occult, covert, esoteric & conspiratorial vehicle : Freemasonry or a subversive element within it – a sort of Odessa to the Templar’s Waffen SS .
The nexus appears to have lain dormant for an extended period before being re-activated or made operational in the late 17th century as a classic strategic response to “threats & opportunities” in the socio-political environment : In this sense it is a modern & reactionary phenomenon responding to & taking advantage of the emergence of a new dynamic, economically-driven class-based & urban social order.the emergence of a science-based intellectual elite at the universities
5) The union of Scotland & England & the suppression of Ireland was required by this force to provide security & critical-mass for the creation of an off-shore, maritime geo-political entity focused across the Atlantic to the American continent – the final stage of Operation Safe Haven
6) the binding of the occult current to the interests of this political force is embodied as an esoteric mystery within the concept of “The Crown” – to which all servants of the British state swear an oath of loyalty - but that has true meaning only to initiates & to which even the Royal Houses are merely disposable vehicles.
certain internecine religious & dynastic upheavals & schisms relating to possession of the “Crown” were ( …& indeed continue to be… ) attendant upon this development – surface manifestations of far deeper & more subterranean forces, the plate-tectonics of conspiratorial elite power which is transmitted & perpetuated via extended, interlocking clans & crypto-families over many generations.
7) One activates & channels this force by what in layman’s terms would be termed black magic or Satanism.
‘8) There’s another, somewhat touchy, subject that keeps poking its way into this thread & will be in evidence again in this narrative – homosexuality, or perhaps more accurately what Ed Sanders refers to in “The Family” as sado-sodo sex-magick , although sado-sodo-paedo-sex-magick appears to be the operative function.
This is not my agenda but clearly has some meaning & significance : relating somehow ( I’m not an occultist ) to spiritual energies & polarities in sex magick workings as related in the Crowley material posted earlier .
I had clean forgotten Jeff had also touched upon this theme in an old blog post
Presumably there is some sort of “doubling-up” or leverage effect from combining the sexual “force” of 2 males, whilst the negative spiritual energy attendant upon violent & sadistic paedophilia directs the polarity of the resultant energy.
I’ll expand on these points under the following headings :
· Scotland’s ancient occult inheritance
· the Monarchy & the Severed Head
· Political development of the Nexus
· A Satanic Gladio network
Scotland : an ancient occult current
perhaps the most well-known aspect of the occult current is the phenomenon – associated in particular with the Western Highlands of Scotland where it occurs with unusual frequency – of ”second-sight” - in gaelic “Dà Shealladh” - the apparently genetic & spontaneous gift of clairvoyance & premonition.

Elizabeth Sutherland “Ravens & Black Rain”
If Druidism in some form survived until the all important historic juncture of the 17th Century then its roots seem connected to an extremely ancient shamanic tradition transmitted from Asia. For example the Chinese practice of “Jia Gu Wen” - using tortoise-shell or animal shoulder blades as “oracle bones” dating back to the Shang Dynasty in 1300 BC is directly replicated in the practice of slinneanachd - divination from the shoulder-blade of a sheep or pig - that was still being practiced in the Highlands in the 18th Century.
Like Jayne’s bicamaeralism Second-sight appears to be a faculty that is rooted in & connected to specific geographical locales.
Jayenes speculates that one of the declines in B came from the growth of trade & mobility amongst the earliest civilisations & so Second Sight was known to decline & disappear when Scots began to emigrate in large numbers to the overseas colonies.

quite a few years ago as a kid I saw a there was a tv item concerning serious poltergeist-like psychic disturbances experienced by some people who had come into possession of ancient stone effigies of heads that had been excavated from archaeological sites.
They didn’t keep them in their houses 2 nights running……this was a completely real phenomenon, these objects had been charged like psychic duracel batteries with some pretty powerful juju that was still potent after a couple of thousand years or so lying in muck.
I consider some aspects of this in folk-memory & culture later on.
In addition to the Asiatic mystical connection a previous thread on this board discussed the possible seminal links between this culture & that of the Ancient Egyptians via Ireland.
Interestingly Mohammed Al-Fayed, who “…has long been fascinated with Scotland…” refers to these legends having currency in his native Egypt aswell.
The Severed Head Cult is associated with sacred-springs, later appropriated by the Christian Church to Saints & referred to as Holy Wells : people.bath.ac.uk.
One of the victims of paedophile murderer Ian Huntley was called Holly Wells. As I will note later, names of murder victims with ritual overtones will have symbolic significance – especially as it appears she was drowned in a bath.'A most important aspect of Celtic religion was the head cult. There is strong evidence showing a close association of this cult with sacred springs and pools, some of it having survived even to the present day, albeit in fragmentary form and lacking the power of the original Celtic stimulus. The Celts were head-hunters… To the Celts the head was the most important part of the body, symbolizing the divine power, and they venerated the head as the source of all the attributes they most admired…
Loch Awe is associated in legend with a Holy Well & also with being the home of “Nessie’s” cousin - a lake-monster called “Beathach Mor” or the “Great Beast”.
The Fortean writer Ted Holiday in his 1974 book “The Dragon & the Disc” tied together the historic phenomena of monsters ( “dragons” ) & UFO’s ( “discs” ) – both of which are highly prevalent in Scotland - as archetypal manifestations of spiritual polarities of good ( the disc ) & evil ( the dragon ) & correlated the incidence of lake-monsters to the presence of dark spiritual forces .
Whilst his argument relies on some idiosyncratic interpretations of archeological evidence I suspect he is on the right ley-line here.
The UFO phenomenon also has some interesting facets in the Scottish context :

Monarchy & the Severed Head : an ancient occult current
As Heathcote suggests the elite of the British establishment seeks to somehow “plug-in” to ancient & potent occult forces :

The Queen’s Druidic initiation

Folklore & legend is replete with the severed head motif, notably so with reference to that fortress-like redoubt of the British monarchy The Tower of London, about which a legend..
The current legend dates from the reign of Charles II ( the last Stuart monarch ) after a fortune-teller warned catastrophe would be visited upon the Kingdom should ravens ever forsake the Tower, since when a cadre of 6 birds….chronicled in the Mabinogion states that upon the death of the giant king Bran the Blessed (bran means raven in Welsh), his head was cut off and buried at the “White Hill” in London, (usually identified as Tower Hill) “with the face turned towards France”. This burial is known in the Welsh Triads as one of the Three Happy Concealments of The Island of the Mighty. As long as Bran’s head stays buried there, Britain will be safe from invasion……….these older legends, folktales, and superstitions fused to form the current Tower of London raven legend.
……are cared for by one of the Yeoman Warders (known as Beefeaters) with the regal title of Ravenmaster.
The current ( 2007) Ravenmaster, Derrick Coyle, a former Sergeant Major, has been at the Tower for 20 years, first serving as Deputy Ravenmaster before becoming full-time Ravenmaster six years ago.
Their names are, appropriately, Hugine, Munin, Bran, Branwen, Gwyllum, and Cedric. (The Norse god Odin had two raven familiars named Huginn and Muninn…
The ravens’ favourite haunt is the Tower Green, the former site of royal beheadings.
Some of you may have come across the mysteriously prolific & ARG-like “Emily Gyde” who has succeeded in making Downard look tame in her producing one of the most extraordinary & fascinating effusions of bizarreness to be found anywhere on the www.
I unashamedly throw in an excerpt as, whoever it is writing this, they have some interesting & creative ideas that chime with some of the speculations herein :
http://www.alicescapesthemenagerie.blogspot.com/ : from the comments
In general, the Royal Arch Freemasonry Satanic cult was divided into those who carried the 'Egyptian' genes i.e. the royal circles and those who had the genes of the slave class i.e. 'Hebrew' genes.
it is interesting to note in this regard that Charles II was in the habit of sending agents to Egypt to obtain the powdered remains of mummies which he rubbed onto his body to obtain “enhanced greatness”.
This follows on from the tremendous fear that the British royal circles had of Hebrew intelligence and the need to suppress and control it.
The most 'secret name' of Royal Arch Freemasonry was: JAHBULON
This manufactured name was a mixture of the different gods that they worshipped. The unholy trinity and worship of Satan.
They had used Jewish/Arabic mysticism to research mind control. See Egyptian Book of the Dead - also the Lesser Key of Solomon, although this book is a fake in terms of 'magic'. It was produced solely as a mind control manual and not for any other purpose i.e. the symbols are used to call up different 'alters' of mind control slaves.
They also experimented with 'time travel' i.e. the disembodied mind can be released from the constraints of time and space, under certain terrible conditions, to produce remote viewers.
What is the new 'password' of Royal Arch Freemasonry? ALRAHYAH
Why have they changed it?
The first one got outed on the net years ago. It had been used to mainly recruit and train Judaeo-Christian mind control slaves.
The second one is specifically tailored to recruit and train Muslim mind control slaves. Therefore, appropriately enough, it begins with 'AL'.
The Monarchists also decided to implant their 'royal' DNA outside the Royal nest i.e. as 'cuckoos' in other nests.
So that they could then use these blood relatives to govern society in all its aspects.
Templar-Masonry & the political / economic development of the Nexus
To pursue my Dave Emory-style analogy to the post-war Bormann / Nazi diaspora, I am trying to discern some kind of “remarkable & deadly” outgrowth of the Templar Order whose objective is primarily to acquire & wield trans-national geo-political & financial ( banking ) power – in fact the first modern “globalists”."The lunatic is all idée fixé, and whatever he comes across confirms his lunacy. For him, everything proves everything else. You can tell him by the liberties he takes with common sense, by his flashes of inspiration, and by the fact that sooner or later he brings up the Templars".
Umberto Eco : Foucault’s Pendulum
To this extent my initial view that the political activities of the Nexus be framed purely in terms of a generalised aristocratic reaction to destabilising emergent socio-economic factors must give way in the cause of a more credible conspiratorial narrative to a tighter more organised & cohesive element, a particularly ambitious self-conscious oligarchy existing within the broader ruling-class.
further all this speculative history – absent direct smoking-gun “proof” - hinges on the discernment of influences behind, within or subversive of other more overt public organisations
this is very apparent for example in the almost contemporaneous emergence of publically acknowledged Freemasonry in 1717 with the establishment of the United Grand Lodge of England & the formation of the original Hell Fire Clubs – both of which harboured staunchly arch-conservative Jacobites who deplored the importation of foreign monarchical figure heads such as William & the German-speaking George I.
Many of the Hell-Fire Clubs had close & over-lapping connections to the Masonic establishment : the “Hell Fire Duke” Philip, Duke of Wharton who formed the first London Hell Fire Club in the X Tavern in 1720 served as Masonic Grand Master 1722-23.
The first Grand Master of Irish Freemasonry was the Richard Parsons, 1st Earl of Rosse who operated sub-rosa as a founder member of the Hell-Fire Club.
He wrote the book Dionysus Rising after a trip to Egypt where he claimed to have found Dionysian scrolls looted from the Great Library of Alexandria & went on to found the Sacred Sect of Dionysus. It has been suggested Jack Parsons may have been a descendant.
when looking at the broad sweep it then IF such an oligarchy existed with the power & objectives then it is possible to argue that events transpired in a way very much as they would wish to have orchestrated them.
Its trajectory could be compared to a 3 stage Apollo moon-rocket consisting of the following burned-up & discarded stages :
· Scotland & the Scots Stuart monarchy (1688)
· Britain & the German Hanoverian monarchy (1776)
· The constitutional US republic ( work still in progress…. )
The history of the Templar’s destruction made it an enemy of the Vatican & the French Monarchy & it is, obviously, primarily Anglo-Scoto-American in character, with important Germanic links ( later specifically Nazi ) & long-standing trans-atlantic ambitions.
Not surprisingly the French did not enthusiastically embrace Anglo-Masonry when it emerged although the Templar’s continued “cult” status meant that the initial propagation of their supposed links to Masonry – ironically by the pro-Stuart “Jacobite” Andrew Ramsey in large measure overcame initial Gallic disdain & propelled the growth of the French Grand Orient.
These links have subsequently been extensively researched – infact a entire branch of publishing is now devoted to this genre :

Peter Levenda’s recent book for example points out the close chronological proximity between the Templars suppression starting in 1312 & the mergence of founding Masonic documents in Scotland such as the Halliwell Manuscript in 1390 & the 1450 Cooke Manuscript.
In similar vein Masonic historian Andrew Sinclair’s book The Sword and the Grail details the long-standing historic links between the Templars & The New World : dating from the 1390’s when Henry St.Clair & members of the Venetian Zeno family led 300 colonists first to what is now Nova Scotia ( New Scotland ) , and thence New England, a hundred years before Columbus, leaving behind archeological evidence including possibly the famous Oak Island Money Pit.

Oak Island : engraved stones that may “connect with a very secret society in early 17th-century England and Germany."
Columbus is said to have possible Templar links through his Father-in-Law’s status within the Order of the Knights of Christ into which Templarism was absorbed.
The main evidence of the Templar’s supposed heresy was their veneration of …a severed head :
There appear to be various ideas about the nature of this head’s symbolic significance
The Knight's Templar in Britain, Evelyn Lord, page217-218
There has been much written about Knights Templar eventual involvement in occult activity. In particular there was a strange and persistent accusation that they secretly worshipped a 'severed head' called baphomet. Some stories said that the head glowed in the dark.
'The first of these theories, the 'head of God', takes as its starting point the evidence from the French trials that some Templars reported that they worshipped a mysterious idol in the form of a head, sometimes referred to as baphomet and sometimes appearing as a mummified human head, sometimes as an image in gold and silver. The head, it was said could make the land fertile.
The idea of baphomet as a magic figure surfaced in 1818 with the publication of Joseph Hammer- Purgstall's 'Mysterium Bahometi' Revelation. He saw the head as the symbol of the renunciation of Christ and the symbol of wisdom inherited from the Egyptians'
There are ofcourse 3 opinions for every 2 historians on the symbolic meaning of the head – ALL of which – given the power of symbols to the human psyche - could be as true & valid as any other.

The research of Lyn Picknet & Clive Prince – of Stargate Conspiracy fame – led them to conclude the Templars adhered to a Johannite heresy – elevating John the Baptist - to the status of true Messiah over the pretender Jesus & ended-up……

In the so-called “Knights Templar” degree at the culmination of the York Rite – of which the Royal Arch degree is an element - the candidate must take the oath :
…under no less penalty than loss of life, by having my head struck off and placed on the point of a pinnacle or spire, my skull sawn asunder and my brains exposed to the scorching rays of the sun----- '
The second major proof of the Templars alleged hereticism was of course : Homosexuality
This is addressed by historians such as Rictor Norton, in A History of Homophobia :
There is a great scholarly controversy over whether or not the Knights Templars actually were gay. It is impossible here to sum up the evidence for either side of the argument. I can only note the tendency in much recent scholarship to conclude that they were not cannibals etc., but that they were indeed "heretics" as defined by the Church, and that they did indeed engage in homosexual sex.
Their initiation ceremony is well documented and has the ring of truth in spite of being extracted by torture. It involved such things as stripping oneself naked, kissing the high priest or leader on the mouth, anus and penis as a sign of fealty, and engaging in homosexual group sex as a symbol of brotherhood.
Like the other heresies, they were theologically opposed to marriage and procreation, and taught that erotic tensions were better relieved with one's brothers than with women.
”Project Monarch” – the creation of the “Nexus” , Monarchy & the Severed Head :
As John Heathcote has identified the catalytic event for The Nexus was activated by the emergence of the ( at that time Protestant ) Scottish Stuart Monarchy in 1603 with the so-called “Union of the Crowns” as, not unlike Mike Tyson uniting 2 boxing titles, the Scottish King James VI succeeded the childless Elizabeth I to the English throne – taking the title James I – a move designed to deny any chance of QEI’s Catholic & French sympathising cousin Mary Queen of Scots wresting the Throne .
This entire period of the ascendancy of the Stuarts up until their over-throw by William of Orange in the 1688 “Glorious Revolution” was the most turbulent & crisis-ridden in British history & in all essential features set the foundations of its future course to the present-day. I am aware I can’t be accused of startling originality in discerning a hidden hand behind many of these key events :
The major upheavals being :
1640-1660 : English Civil War
during which time Britain goes from divinely-ordained absolutist Stuart monarchy to Parliamentary republic ( the “Commonwealth” 1649-53 ) to Cromwellian autocracy ( the “Protectorate” 1653-59 & back to monarchy again with :
1660 the Restoration: of the Stuart Monarchy in the person of Charles II
1688 the “Glorious Revolution” Charles’ successor James II is over-thrown in a quite blatant foreign corporate take-over of the British Crown by his own son-in-law, the Dutch Protestant Prince William of Orange-Nassua, Statthalter of The Netherlands, “King Billy” who, at the head of a large Dutch fleet & mercenary army, launched an invasion at the invitation of a conspiratorial cabal known as The Seven, comprising Lord Shrewsbury, Lord Devonshire, Lord Danby, Lord Lumley, Henry Compton, Admiral Edward Russell ( of the eponymous Illuminati family ) , and Henry Sidney.
William, who was also a grandson of Charles I, ruled jointly with Mary, James’s own daughter to provide a fig-leaf of legitimacy although, re-iterating my earlier point, many of the most traditional & conservative elements of the aristocracy in the Tory Party actually backed the “Jacobite” cause of King James as the true legitimate monarch.
The legal draw-bridge was drawn-up to prevent this – under the 1701 Act of Settlement no Catholic may ascend to the British Throne & – after William & Mary & the stop-gap Queen Anne, ensured the British monarchy was passed onto the Germanic branch in 1717 - in the shape of George I of the Calenberg family, a cadet-line of the Welf / Guelph family, titling themselves the House of Hanover, and, under Victoria, merging into that of the Illuminist Saxe-Coburg-Gothas.
William’s coup is glorified to this day by hard-line Irish & Scot’s “Loyalist” Protestants, the latter of whom still describe themselves as “Billies” in his honour.
It was the climax of a process that had the following very significant (geo)-political & economic effects :
· Oliver Cromwell is wielded as a blunt instrument to suppress the Catholic Irish - the protection of the British Heartland from being surrounded by hostile Catholic powers being the primary stage of the Imperial Project.
· Cromwell exceeds his brief by engaging in his own King Kill ritual - beheading Charles I - & seeking to enlist a countervailing spiritual/occult force from outside - Cabbalistic Jews under Menasseh Ben Israel
It was in 1655 that Manasseh came to England, invited by Cromwell to explore the possibility of a settlement of the Jews in England.
The probable interactions between the English Puritan movement, culminating in the Civil War and the Protectorate, and the contemporary Amsterdam Jewish community , with its intense religious and cultural life, and its earnest Lurianic Cabalism in expectation of the Messiah, is a phase of religious history that has not been examined.
Both Jews and Puritans lived in excited expectation of a coming divine event. The Puritans expected the Second Coming and the Christian millennium.
Jewish Lurianic Cabalists worked with intensive meditation and prayer towards making possible the advent of the Messiah.
The two movements may have interacted upon one another in more ways than we know.
Frances Yates
· Unimpressed the restored Charles II exhumes his corpse & places his severed & decomposing head atop a spike, decorating the Palace of Westminster for several years thereafter.
· The Stuarts are restored but then proceed to go off the reservation by converting to Catholicism & attempting to ally Britain to the French monarchy.
· William of Orange is identified as the New Hope with the additional pay-off of bolstering the Netherlands as a bulwark on the Continent of Europe against the encroachment of the hegemonic ambitions of the French monarchy.
· King Billy’s takeover is engineered at the behest of elite financial interests – lead amongst them the Scottish banker William Paterson, who was not only the man responsible for the creation, oddly perhaps, of the Bank of England (…the Bank of Scotland was established by an Englishman… ) but also a leading figure in the political campaign for the 1707 Act of Union of England & Scotland.
· & led to the creation, in 1694, under Royal Charter, of the private Bank of England & the emergence of global banking & trading concerns, particularly to the New World.
· These oligarchs set-up a Parliamentary organisation to represent their interests – the “Whigs”, named after the Scottish covenanters of that name.
· in 1708 the East India Company merged with a rival to form an unchallenged cartel in trade to India & the Far East – ultimately leading to the running of Indian grown opium into China to balance the haemmoraghe of silver bullion from the nascent Western consumer markets to the insular Chinese.

the basic embryonic global economic infrastructure was now in place.
The science of Ritual Magic & Brain-Washing
Having achieved power, like any mafia, it must eliminate its enemies, rivals & opponents – as punishment, to maintain image & set an example to others & also, perhaps most importantly as sacrificial ritual of the blackest & most powerful nature.
Arguably the French Revolution could be regarded at one level as a deliberate take-down of the French monarchy by the Nexus via its Masonic pseudo-pods, as long-delayed pay-back for De Molay & his brothers – no other monarchy in Europe was to suffer such a drastic fate until the Russian Revolution.

Louis XIV executed by beheading 1793 in the Place de la Concorde

Place de la Concorde today – site of over 1,000 beheadings & a triumphal Masonic pillar

Egyptian hieroglyphs decorating the pillar
Paris was the location of a further Nexus “wet-job” in 1997 :

"Whoever Controls Princess Diana, Controls the World."
According to this version, the scene of the "accident" contains the real clue to what was afoot: the Pont de L'Alma tunnel, which "is ancient, dating back to the time of the Merovingian kings (ca. 500-751 A.D.), and before". "In pre-Christian times, the Pont de L'Alma was a pagan sacrificial site."
All "true European royalty are descended from the Merovingians, " the article continues, it then repeats the recent claims that the Merovingians were descended from Jesus. Princess Diana, as a Spencer, was descended from the Stuarts who gave England four kings (James I, Charles I, Charles II, and James II) and who are partially Merovingian in bloodline. By comparison, the article says, the current British royal family are "imposters."
"Two factions vied for control of Diana: (1) the New World Order or Bank of England faction, founded by King William III of Orange, who allowed the founding of the (private) Bank of England, and (2) the "true nobility of Europe, i.e., those of the Merovingian bloodline."
If, as Downard claims, the Kennedy assassination was laden with sorcerous Masonic symbolism, part of that may lie in the ritualistic re-enactment of the elimination of the Catholic monarchs Louis of France & James of Britain in the person of the Catholic “King” Kennedy, whose name in gaelic - “Ceannaideach" - according to Downard, has the meaning : Ugly Head or Wounded Head
wikipedia : on this possible etymology states it could be :
…derived from the Gaelic words ceann, meaning "head", and éidigh, meaning "ugly"
the linguistic proximity of this to the idea of the severed head is sufficiently close to reasonably surmise it was an additional constituent element in the symbolic potency of the Downardian ritual.

Dealey Plaza

something about secret societies & severed heads
The modern science of mind-control was pioneered by researchers & practitioners of “hypnotism” in Scotland, notably
James Braid
(19 June 1795 – 25 March 1860) was born at Ryelaw House, in the parish of Portmoak, Kinross, Scotland.
A physician and surgeon, specialising in eye and muscular conditions, Braid was an important and influential pioneer of hypnotism and hypnotherapy. Braid adopted the term "hypnotism" as an abbreviation for "neuro-hypnotism" or nervous sleep (that is, sleep of the nerves), in his lectures of 1841-2, and it is from his influential work that others derived the term "hypnosis" in the 1880s. Braid is regarded by many as the first genuine "hypnotherapist" and the "Father of Modern Hypnotism".
His work was later extended by fellow Scots John Milne Bramwell (1852 – 1925) &, most notably to modern students of the subject, Ewen Cameron.
Brainwash victims win cash claims
From The Sunday Times October 17, 2004
HUNDREDS of mentally ill patients who were subjected to barbaric CIA-funded brainwashing experiments by a Scottish doctor could be entitled to compensation following a landmark court ruling.
Doctor Ewan Cameron, who became one of the world’s leading psychiatrists, developed techniques used by Nazi scientists to wipe out the existing personalities of people in his care.
Cameron, who graduated from Glasgow University, was recruited by the CIA during the cold war while working at McGill University in Montreal, Canada.
He carried out mind-control experiments using drugs such as LSD on hundreds of patients, but only 77 of them were awarded compensation.
Cameron was a Freemason
Why might Scotland prove a particularly fertile breeding-ground for the origin of mind-control ?
Having previously noted the genetic inheritance of psychic ability according to Colin Ross “The Osiris Complex” :

Scotland also saw the emergence of such Masonic inspired secret societies as the Society of the Horseman's Word – a fraternity of horse whisperers amongst equestrian workers but whose powers included not only control of horses but supposedly of women aswell.
The continuation of Power via Control – the Satanic “Gladio” Network
from the material presented in the introduction it is possible to theorise the transmission into the modern era of either a deliberate unbroken continuation of primitive religious rites or a destructive psychic “blow-back” fuelled by unsuccessful & repressive attempts to banish such practices.
It is cold hard historical fact that the dualistic belief-system survived hundreds of years of persecution – to emerge in the medieval period under the Cathars & other heresies that practised forms of Gnostic rites, the milder forms, aping the ritual of Communion, becoming known as Rites of Vain Observance
It is also ironic that the original theological motivation behind the desecration of established Church ritual lay in an attempt to reject what was regarded as a satanic deity not as a means of worshipping it – even the killing of children was thus justified as “saving” them from the evil of material existence
From these facts we can :
· posit the on-going existence of secret societies, networks & sub-rosa sects able to incubate & transmit deviant practices over historic periods of time
· find precedent for & identify the origin of the satanistic rites & the Denis Wheatley-style Black Mass – even up to the practice of full-blown human / child sacrifice in beliefs proven to have influenced modern Europe.
· note that one of the Cathars survival strategies was “entryism” or infiltration of the official Church itself
The rural / peasant enclaves of heretical beliefs & anti-authoritarianism had been suppressed by the violent & bloody Inquisitions & internal crusades of the Catholic Church by the end of the 17th Century as described by historian Joseph McCabe in A History of Satanism – destroying with it any residual communal survivals of even more ancient or indigenous pagan religious practices as theorised by historians such as Margaret Murray & perhaps more reliably by others such as Carlo Ginzburg
This left a vacuum out of which the Nexus, by assuming leadership of certain of the multi-generational cult families involved at all levels of society was able to create a sort of spiritual Gladio movement : an instrument of co-option, moral/spiritual contamination & control on the part of the oligarchy , these families including the Astors ( covered later ) , the Russells & the MacDonalds :
the belief system & structure of this new form of cult-phenomenon is defined by modern researchers as Generational Satanism as distinct from the self-styled dabblers, one-man band operations & public religious Satanism ( both malefic & non-malefic ) which tend to draw themselves to the sensationalised attention of the popular press. ( see Appendix )
connecting the Nexus to Modern Satanism
according to one source :
Satanism as an organized activity did not exist much before the 17th century..
….circumstantial evidence there is that might lead one to believe that Charles T. Russell was a Satanist. The author is aware that there are Jehovah’s Witnesses that are covert Satanists. The Russell family appears to have moved from Germany to Scotland and from Scotland to northern Ireland.
The Russell Bloodline

…also, of the contemporary outgrowth, Myatt’s “traditional Satanist” sado-sodo-paedo-nazi sex-magick outfit :
David Sivier, in his article for Magonia magazine Satanism & Class Conflict speaks, albeit sceptically, of…One other aspect of the Order of Nine Angles methods of sacrifice is that the victim is traditionally beheaded.
This tradition stems back to the ancient head cults of Europe, a tradition that was still in existence in Great Britain up until at least the 17th century, when a Scottish clan leader beheaded seven treacherous members of the Macdonnell clan and ceremonially washed their heads in a well on the shore of Loch Oich.
…….rumours of organised Satanic groups such as ‘Scorpio’, long the target of parliamentarians such as the late Geoffrey Dickens, who allegedly abduct and kill young children as part of Satanic orgies.
I have even heard stories from those with connection to the Class War anarchist group that Anarchist subversives have saved several children from death by decapitation at the hands of such groups.
These gangs, allegedly, killed their victims in such a way as to make demons speak through the children’s violated bodies.
I have to say that beyond this rumour I have neither seen nor heard anything to corroborate the story. It seems significant, however, that this myth of Satanic covens of businessmen is believed passionately both by Conservatives such as Dickens, and anarchist radicals.
From Andrew Boyd “Blasphemous Rumours” :

The Druidic : Satanic Connection
Stephen Kent : Deviant Scripturalism 1993

Kathleen Sullivan : Unshackled 2003

The Nazi : Satanic Connection
A later indication of the existence of the Nexus I believe is revealed by the famous & ill-fated flight to Scotland by Rudolf Hess in 1941 to try to avert war with Britain as Nazi Germany was poised for the monumental invasion of Russia & the “heartland” of the Eurasian super-continent.
The putative occult / genetic links mentioned up-thread between the Celtic tradition & that of the Asian mystical centre of Schamballa would have been regarded as of the greatest interest & significance to the geo-politicians & mystics who attached themselves to the Nazi movement such as Karl Haushofer & Otto Rahn.
Hess was one of Haushofer’s most devoted disciples :

Master & Pupil : Haushofer & Hess
….Hess was privately distressed by the war with the United Kingdom because he, influenced by his academic advisor ( Haushofer ) , hoped that Britain would accept Germany as an ally. Hess may have hoped to score a diplomatic victory by sealing a peace between the Third Reich and Britain, e.g., by implementing the behind-the-scenes move of the Haushofers[clarification needed] in Nazi Germany to contact Douglas Douglas-Hamilton, 14th Duke of Hamilton.
It appears that Hess believed the Duke of Hamilton to be an opponent of Winston Churchill, whom he held responsible for the outbreak of the war.
Nazi connections also resonate with the previous biblical passages & strictures concerning the ancient Canaanite Rites of Moloch in the context of the following passage from Posner’s ( * spit * I sneaked this pic in a bookshop so I didn’t have to buy it ) “Mengele the Complete Story” :