Satanic Birth Rituals
Data dump of references ( various sources / credibilty ) to avoid further confusion / frustration locating in future
Why Cults Terrorize and Kill Children
The Journal of Psychohistory 21 (4) 1994 ... hohistory/
For those unacquainted with my work on fetal memory and the reenactment of fetal trauma,(25) it may seem arbitrary and excessive to claim that cultic ritual involves regression all the way back to birth. Yet I think this is the only way to make sense out of the specific elements of cult rituals. (Cuits relive each traumatic moment of birth in their rituals. They put children in cages, boxes and coffins as symbolic wombs. They hang them upside down, the position of fetuses. They plunge children into water, push their heads into toilets, and otherwise reenact the experience of being in amniotic fluids and the anoxia that all fetuses feel during birth. They drink victim’s blood as fetuses “drink” placental blood. They force children to drink urine, as fetuses do in the womb, and eat feces, as some do during birth. They often hold their rituals In actual tunnels, symbolic birth canals, or within magical symbols that represent wombs or birth canals. In fact, every one of the 16 elements that cult researchers such as Jean Goodwin and David Finkelhor have regularly found In cult rituals(26) are symbolic reenactments of birth traumas. Without birth as the Rosetta Stone of cult ritual, these acts make no sense at all. “Why make rape so complicated?” researchers have asked when they discuss the details of costume and sequencing of sadistic acts In cultic ritual. The answer is: “Because the sequence of acts reproduce a very specific fetal drama that must be recapitulated.” When did we all ever “drink” blood? Only in the womb.
Cults often even kill actual fetuses in their ritual. In addition, “death-and-rebirth” elements are overtly made part of the ritual. Cults of the past usually proclaimed the group would be reborn through the sacrifice of children and contemporary cults go through death ritually in graveyards with rebirth elements such as members going through the legs of others in order to he reborn. One ritual described In the literature involves the victim going into a trance, naked and bound, being carried into a cave by a group of naked women, then going through their legs “while the women swayed, howled and screamed as though In childbirth,” cutting umbilical bonds, and being sprinkled with water.(27) Michelle remembered her rebirth ritual as follows. A “small baby” was first cut and its blood rubbed on hen She was put next to the dead baby, and then the baby was put between her legs and stabbed with a cross, rubbing the mess” all over her, as though the dead baby’s blood had “power” In it. Then she was “painted with red stuff” and made to stick her head between a woman’s legs, and “with my head stuck between her legs…she made me crawl out.. she breathed into my mouth and my nose… (28) She also told about another ritual that started with her upside down inside a Devil statue made out of plaster and covered with blood. She said she felt like “toothpaste in a tube” as she was squeezed out: “I’m being born. I have something thick wrapped around my neck. [A man is] cutting that cord around my neck so it doesn’t choke me to death. He says he is giving life to me. “(29) More graphic reenaaments of birth could not be imagined.
25. Lloyd deMause, “The Fetal Origins of History,” in Foundations of Psychohistory. New York: Creative Roots, 1982, pp.244-332.
26. Jean H. Goodwin, Ed. Rediscovering Childhood Trauma; Historical Casebook and Clinical Applications. Washington, D.C.: Psychiatric Press, 1993, pp. 9S-111; David Finkeihor, et al, Nursery Crimes: Sexual Abuse in Day Care. Newbury Park, Calif.: Sage Publications, 1988.
27. Janet and Stewart Fenar, The Witches’ Way: Principles, Rituals and Beliefs of Modern Witchcraft. Custer, Wash.: Phoenix Publications, 1984, p.10.
28. Michelle Smith and Lawrence Pazder, Michelle Remembers. New York: Congden & Latte’s, 1980, p.91.
29. Ibid, p.160.
Children for the Devil : Tim Tate