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Susan Polk murder case

PostPosted: Mon May 01, 2006 12:09 pm
by Rigorous Intuition
<!--EZCODE LINK START--><a href="">Background</a><!--EZCODE LINK END-->. Virginia McCullough has a lot of info regarding the case at <!--EZCODE LINK START--><a href="">newsmakingnews</a><!--EZCODE LINK END-->. <br><br><!--EZCODE BOLD START--><strong>Polk puts on dramatic high-wire act in court</strong><!--EZCODE BOLD END--><br><!--EZCODE ITALIC START--><em>Resounding misses, some hits in her murder case defense<br></em><!--EZCODE ITALIC END--><br><br>Sunday, April 30, 2006<br><br>When Susan Polk gave her opening statement last week in her murder trial, experts agreed she scored points with jurors by stressing that she was the victim of a controlling, abusive husband whom she killed in self-defense.<br><br>But when she invoked Harrison Ford movies and Stephen King thrillers, said she believed in fairies and claimed to be a psychic who predicted the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks, courtroom observers shook their heads and wondered if there would be any end to her outlandish theories, absurd claims and odd courtroom antics.<br><br>In a word, no.<br><br>"Even if she does good things in snapshots, in the movie of the trial, she's losing," said Paula Canny, a defense lawyer and analyst who is following the proceedings. <br><br>...<br><br>but legal experts said Polk hasn't made a complete mess of her case and in some ways held her own.<br><br>Polk's 72-year-old mother, Helen Bolling, "was fantastic," telling folksy stories and making jurors laugh with her salty language, effectively reminding jurors that her daughter is a human being, said legal analyst Steve Clark, a former prosecutor and defense attorney.<br><br>And in what Clark called a classic "Perry Mason" moment, Polk's former neighbor, Elizabeth Drozdowska, 77, showed up unexpectedly Wednesday to testify as Polk was questioning her son.<br><br>It proved to be serendipitous.<br><br>Drozdowska said Polk had been demonized, and at least one woman in the jury wept after Drozdowska, who testified from her wheelchair and at times gasped for breath, said, "In my lifetime I never met a more diligent mother, housewife and assistant to her husband."<br><br>The witnesses helped Polk recover from what was an opening statement that courtroom observers panned. Any advantage Polk gained telling jurors she was the victim of an abusive husband who'd started a sexual relationship with her when she was a teenager seeking therapy was quickly undermined as Polk appeared to go off the deep end.<br><br>She invoked horror writer King, actress Ingrid Bergman and even Galileo and Henry David Thoreau in telling jurors that many stories have surprise endings, and innocent people are often wrongly accused of terrible crimes.<br><br>That could ultimately lead jurors to conclude that, at the least, Polk was "suffering from a delusional state and a mental disorder," Clark said.<br><br>"I don't see how a rational person, obviously, couldn't think she has significant mental health problems," he said, stressing that he isn't a psychologist.<br><br>... <br><br><br><!--EZCODE LINK START--><a href=""></a><!--EZCODE LINK END--><br><br><br> <p></p><i>Edited by: <A HREF=>Rigorous Intuition</A> at: 5/1/06 10:10 am<br></i>

Re: What a shock, Gunderson's on this one too

PostPosted: Fri May 05, 2006 6:09 am
by Gouda
Virginia McCullough is reporting that good ole' Ted Gunderson is now "assisting" for Susan Polk's case. Very interesting that in 1987, Dr. Felix Polk (with Susan demure in the background) involves himself with Presidio and McMartin mothers (Joyce Tobin and Jackie McGauley, respectively)...McGauley, we know, had by that time already been working, intimately so, with the ever-"assisting" Gunderson...<br><br><!--EZCODE LINK START--><a href=",susanpolk,tedgunderson,satanic,spoiler,5,2,06.htm">Newsmakingnews:</a><!--EZCODE LINK END--><br><!--EZCODE QUOTE START--><blockquote><strong><em>Quote:</em></strong><hr><br><!--EZCODE BOLD START--><strong>SATANIC SPOILER TED GUNDERSON<br>SURFACES IN SUSAN POLK MURDER CASE</strong><!--EZCODE BOLD END--><br><br>by Virginia McCullough<br><br>Late last week Valerie Harris, previously an assistant to pro per murder defendant Susan Polk and currently her legal runner, told this reporter that "Satanic Cult" movement believer Ted Gunderson is the current private investigator for Susan Polk. This is the second major court case I have personally covered in depth in the past two years where Ted Gunderson has been the designated private investigator for the defendant. The first case involved former prosecutor and defense attorney Richard Hamlin in El Dorado County. (Click. The Richard W. Hamlin trial series.) That case, just like the Susan Polk case, involved allegations of satanic ritual abuse of children and the mind control of the adults involved.<br><br>Former FBI special agent Gunderson is infamous for involving himself in these issues. (Click. Who is Ted L. Gunderson? Is he an informant or a U.S. intelligence operative? ) On the internet there are over 290,000 entries dealing with this man. For those who desire a more complete picture of Gunderson it is available on the "Ted Gunderson Data Dump" (Click.)<br><br>As a private investigator Gunderson is known to be armed at all times. Some sources allege he carries a "throw away" .38 caliber revolver. Those who know him best identify his weapon of choice as a .357 magnum loaded with hollow point bullets that he carries in the small of his back. Some consider him armed and dangerous. Many say the nickname he is most proud of is "the gun".<br><br>Valerie Harris disclosed that following the departure of the Horowitz/Golde legal firm from the Susan Polk defense team, she had hired Ted Gunderson as the new investigator responsible for interviewing and subpoenaing witnesses and arranging for their defense appearance in court. I expressed shock and disbelief and informed Valerie Harris of Gunderson's background and reputation for spoiling every case he touches. She said that she had no idea about any of that and she had only learned of the Las Vegas based private investigator through a friend. Her choice of Gunderson had simply been serendipity, she said.<br><br>It is well documented that Ted Gunderson has extensive ties to assets of various intelligence agencies including but not limited to the following:<br><br> 1) Michael James Riconosciuto: Imprisoned whistle blower, disinformation expert and self described high tech genius historically well protected by the various three initial agencies (i.e. NSA, CIA, FBI, DEA, ATF, etc.)<br><br> 2) Schlomi Michaels: Former Mossad agent, turned private investigator and partners with Gunderson in a company called Michaels Int'l.<br><br> 3) Justin Tanner Peterson aka Eric Heinz, aka Agent Steal: Michaels Int'l. employed Peterson to wiretap the former director of their own client, The Church of Scientology in Texas. Peterson once used illegal wiretaps with the FBI's blessing to gather evidence on computer hacking guru Kevin Mitnik, aka Condor.<br><br> 4) Sherman Skolnik: Featured researcher and writer for the Spotlight, a nationally distributed weekly considered to be the extreme right's version of the National Enquirer.<br><br> 5) Tom Valentine: The host of nationally syndicated radio program, Tom Valentine's Radio Free America; this radio program and the Spotlight uses racial supremacy and bizarre conspiracy theories to promote a far right political agenda.<br><br> 6) Robert Booth Nichols: International arms dealer with no reportable source of income but with alleged mafia ties similar to those of Michael J. Riconosciuto. Gunderson has repeatedly said that he owes his life to Nichols. <br><br>Because of Gunderson's propensity for involving himself in every high profile case that surfaces, the list of intelligence assets could go on indefinitely, but this gives a general picture of the type of people he surrounds himself with on a daily basis.<br><br>Why would those who want to convict Susan Polk of murder seek to involve trial spoiler Ted Gunderson in a crucial element of her case? <br><br>It is obvious that pro per Susan Polk, conducting her case in chief from a jail cell, is unable to conduct interviews with her potential witnesses, unable to have witnesses timely subpoenaed, and unable to assure delivery of their travel funds and witness fees to assure their appearances in her case without reliable help. Enter unreliable Ted Gunderson who has a well deserved reputation as the spoiler of virtually case he touches. Court observers have heard Susan Polk explain to Judge Laurel Brady over and over again that the county will not advance travel money to her out of state witnesses and time and time again her personal checks are not available in the courtroom or the bank will not facilitate the money transfers necessary. Even Contra Costa County employees are unavailable for to be served with subpoenas and the defense witness list is growing smaller and smaller severely limiting her defense and drawing into question her conspiracy theories. Judge Laurel Brady's elimination of key defense witnesses and the apparent failure of sleuth Ted Gunderson to do his job is severely handicapping Susan Polk's defense. <br>...<br><br>On April 30, 1987 jury selection for the Los Angeles Superior Court trial in the McMartin began. Defendants Ray Buckey and his mother Peggy faced ninety-nine counts of child molestation and one count of conspiracy. To say that this trial was huge would be an understatement.<br><br>During the spring of 1987 Jackie organized a conference at the Manhattan Beach Country Club. The topic addressed by the speakers was "Affirming Children's Truth". The stories of ten families who had experienced the trauma of child abuse from across the United States from the east coast to the west coast were covered. Testimony was provided by surgeon Dr. Walter Groat regarding the problems at the West Point day care center. San Francisco's Presidio parents Joyce and Michael Tobin addressed the devastation inflicted on the children and parents by the perpetrators at the Presidio day-care center.<br><br>Shortly thereafter, mother Joyce Tobin began asking Jackie McGauley to talk to Tobin's psychologist Dr. Felix Polk. After repeated requests by Joyce Tobin to her friend Jackie McGauley, McGauley finally agreed to a meeting with Dr. Felix Polk. Dr. Polk drove down to McGauley's home in Manhattan Beach accompanied by his reclusive wife, Susan, and their children. According to McGauley, Dr. Polk was intent on securing her cooperation. He wanted McGauley to participate in conferences with him. She was reluctant to do so because he came across as controlling and demanding and very persistent on getting his way when they differed on certain issues. <br>...<br><br> When McGauley heard that Susan Polk was being held for the murder of her husband, she contacted lawyers Daniel Horowitz and Ivan Golde and offered to testify. That did not happen. Then she read that Pamela Vitale Horowitz had been brutally murdered.<br><br>It is said that one who does not learn from history is bound to repeat it. This is the history of Dr. Felix Polk and Susan Polk and the tragedy that will forever affect their sons.<br><br>District Attorney Paul Sequeria is, for the most part, acting appropriately and in many cases with compassion. Judge Laurel Brady has proven herself to be both a uniquely qualified judge and a fine teacher of the law. But adhering to the ball park that is the courtroom and playing the game that lawyers and judges play so well does not equal justice. These are the facts in this case and this jury is not being allowed to see what happened. History is everything. Why don't we allow fully informed juries in this country to know the facts if we truly want justice?<br><br>Virginia McCullough © 5/3/06<hr></blockquote><!--EZCODE QUOTE END--> <p></p><i></i>

Re: What a shock, Gunderson's on this one too

PostPosted: Fri May 05, 2006 4:58 pm
by Dreams End
It's good that someone with knowledge of players like Gunderson is reporting on this. I warned Hamlin's brother off of Gunderson but he said Gunderson was only involved for a brief time till similar warnings had led them to dump him.<br><br> <p></p><i></i>

What's the scoop on Gunderson?

PostPosted: Sat May 06, 2006 3:03 am
by rothbardian
Just once, I would like somebody to spell out what the 'horrific' problem is with Gunderson. I don't get it (yet?).<br><br>I do know that one of the co-writers for did something of a hatchet job on him during the Hamlin trial, when she virtually quoted him as saying that while he was there in Placerville (CA), he had "seen a penny and that meant the devil was here". Puh-leeze. If he ACTUALLY stated it that way, I will begin making my membership payments to the anti-Gunderson club.<br><br>He HAS stated in the past that rogue agents (from the FBI etc.) have broken into his home and placed a dime on his pillow and (yes) a few pennies on the kitchen counter, and other such odd things. Obviously, you can't really call the police because coins are appearing in your home, but it's still an ominous greeting card. I certainly see the obnoxious ingenuity of it.<br><br>If the best they can do over at newsmakingnews is to try to make him look ridiculous with bizarre semi-fabricated misquotes...that's a pretty strong indicator to me that this is, once again, all about the same old kneejerk 'righties are bad/lefties are good' oversimplification syndrome. But...I could be wrong.<br> <p></p><i></i>

Re: What's the scoop on Gunderson?

PostPosted: Sat May 06, 2006 11:46 am
by Dreams End
I don't know anything about his politics. He just fucks up all the cases he gets involved with. Kinda like the Danny Sheehan of SRA. <p></p><i></i>

Re: What's the scoop on Gunderson?

PostPosted: Sat May 06, 2006 12:47 pm
by chiggerbit
What always gave me the creeps was how he would start out providing his professional "services" to women who were reporting to have been SRA victims, then becomes involved in relationships with them. Highly unprofessional, unethical to become sexually involved with anyone to whom you are providing professional services , but particulary offensive with regards to women who have been victims of sex abuse. And he has been reported to have run up huge debts on at least one of them while mooching off of her.<br><br>And yes, he has the anti-Midas touch. Most of those he "helps" seem to end up in jail..or dead. Makes a person wonder about the years he spent in Cointelpro, I think it was. <p></p><i></i>

Re: What's the scoop on Gunderson?

PostPosted: Sat May 06, 2006 1:34 pm
by rothbardian
I haven't seen where he has actually screwed something up, and the only woman he was involved with was this McGauley woman (that I know of). The fury with which he is continually denounced is fairly dubious to me, so far. <p></p><i></i>

Re: What's the scoop on Gunderson?

PostPosted: Sat May 06, 2006 1:55 pm
by Rigorous Intuition
From a post last year, <!--EZCODE LINK START--><a href=""> "If you want somebody you can trust, trust yourself"</a><!--EZCODE LINK END-->, with quotes from Cheri Seymour's <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--><em>The Last Circle</em><!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->:<br><br><br>But of more concern than Gunderson's girlfriends are his business partners. One, Michael Riconosciuto, whom Casolaro dubbed "Dangerman," had personally modified the stolen PROMIS software to create backdoors to spy into the networks of end users. (His affidavit in the Inslaw case can be read here.) Seymour spoke also to Riconosciuto for The Last Circle, and he described for her the role the security firm Wackenhut has in the Octopus's self-financing international guns-for-drugs trade. (Riconosciuto had served as Director of Research for the Wackenhut facility at the Cabazon Indian reservation, where he'd made the alterations to PROMIS.)<br><br>Seymour writes:<br><br><!--EZCODE ITALIC START--><em>One of the most surprising, and disturbing, documents I found in Michael Riconosciuto's hidden files was an envelope with a notation on it, handwritten and signed by Ted Gunderson, which read as follows:<br><br>"Michael: Raymond [Lavas] is arriving at LAX, 7:55 p.m., Air Canada via flight 793 from Toronto. Will have to go through Customs. This will give us another member for our drug/arms operation. Only problem [is] Raymond will probably be using instead of selling. Sorry I didn't get to D.A. office. I tried to call, but no answer. By the time I fought the traffic to the bank and did my banking, it was too late. Will be home tonight (81<!--EZCODE EMOTICON START 8) --><img src= ALT="8)"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> 880-6238. T.G."</em><!--EZCODE ITALIC END--><br><br>Then there is Robert Booth Nichols, a figure linked to both the CIA and the Mafia, who became Casolaro's highest-placed source on the Octopus. Seymour writes of a 71-page transcript of a series of tape recorded interviews between Riconosciuto, Gunderson and Nichols at Nichols' Marina Del Rey apartment in 1983:<br><br><!--EZCODE ITALIC START--><em>In reading the transcript, it appeared that Gunderson and Nichols were interviewing Riconosciuto for recruitment into a drug/sting operation. Riconosciuto later verified that he was, in fact, being recruited into the overseas Lebanon drug operation by Gunderson and Nichols because of his (Riconosciuto's) undercover experience in the drug trade. ... Nichols later confirmed to me that he (Nichols) had indeed interviewed Riconosciuto with Ted Gunderson in 1983 and the transcript was legitimate, though he wouldn't state the purpose of the interview.</em><!--EZCODE ITALIC END--><br><br>Here is how Seymour ends her telling of her own interview of Nichols:<br><br><!--EZCODE ITALIC START--><em>Nichols studied me for the longest time, then walked over to the window and lit a cigarette. He finally commented that the CIA can cover up anything it wants, even a president's murder. He wanted to show me the power of the Octopus. "Nothing is as it appears to be," he said.<br><br>Somehow, that statement rang true. He then noted that he'd read my first book, the one I had sent him, then handed me a book entitled, "The Search for the Manchurian Candidate." He told me to read it, appraising me silently. Inwardly, I recalled a conversation with J.M. [Jackie McGauley], in which she related a conversation she'd had with Ted after a dinner engagement with Nichols. Nichols had reportedly stated to Ted that he headed a 200-man assassination team. Jackie had been too frightened to elaborate on this conversation, but had pointed out that Nichols once worked in the MK-ULTRA (Manchurian Candidate) program during the Vietnam war. This program was part of the "Phoenix Project." Interestingly, numerous publications had mentioned that Earl Brian had also participated in the Phoenix Project during the war.<br><br>Nichols' sister was allegedly a professional hypnotherapist, and Nichols himself was reportedly trained in the art of hypnotism. According to Riconosciuto, they all called themselves "The Chosen Ones," wore skull and crossbones rings, and shared a common interest, if you could call it that, in the old German SS occultism, its tribal and inner circle rites.</em><!--EZCODE ITALIC END--><br><br>So here's my question: <!--EZCODE BOLD START--><strong>why is Ted Gunderson, self-styled enemy of Satanic Ritual Abuse, a longtime friend and partner of Robert Booth Nichols, a reputed veteran of MK-ULTRA and student of Nazi occultism?</strong><!--EZCODE BOLD END--> (Interestingly, when then-FBI agent Gunderson had run a background check of Nichols, he reportedly found him to be "squeaky clean.")<br><br>Issues can be black and white, but never people. Motives can be muddied, and feet can be planted in different, and even seemingly contrary, worlds. It may not make someone particularly bad; it may just mean someone is complicated. Though sometimes, the contradictions can make them especially dangerous. <p></p><i></i>


PostPosted: Sat May 06, 2006 6:26 pm
by rothbardian
<br>Yes, I've read that report ("The Last Circle" <!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href=""></a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--> ).It's more like an online book. <br><br>That stuff is over twenty years old. Given the overall context of Gunderson's life and the efforts he currently makes to expose worldwide theory about these ancient anecdotes is that he and Riconosciuto toyed with the idea of fighting fire with fire.<br><br>They apparently considered seriously getting their hands on 'drug money' so as to fight the bad guys inside the system. There is after all, significant indication of internal power struggles. Chip Tatum, for example, shed some light on the demise of William Colby (former head of the CIA) who was trying to expose things, towards the end of his life. (See the Tatum quote at the bottom of this post.)<br><br>My impression from reading The Last Circle is that Riconosciuto abruptly changed his mind after visiting an underground facility (in Australia?), and sought to completely withdraw from the whole scene at that point. I'm guessing that he (and therefore also Gunderson) became aware of the atrocities of MK Ultra and the mistreatment of children...possibly from what he observed at this facility.<br><br>Aren't some of you missing the big picture here? Riconosciuto is left rotting and dying (from cancer) in prison. This is Gunderson's partner. How do you derive from that, that they are insiders who are plugged into the system? (By the way, I think Nichols was possibly just the liaison they planned to use when they were still thinking of fighting from the inside.)<br><br>In any case, I return to the 'big picture'-- my question is: where and how is Gunderson "sabotaging" anything? I raise this question...and decades old anecdotes are brought up where, at best, it is unclear as to who was playing who. There were (and are) ALL KINDS of life-and-death chess matches going on in the intelligence community. My impression is that the entire PanAm Lockerbie crash was about CIA agents at war.<br><br>You refer to him as "self-styled". Take a look at his website. There's no "style", only substance does that work?<br><br>Gunderson dug up the critical witness in the MacDonald case; he contributed to the McMartin case in helping with the archaeological dig that discovered the tunnels (as I understand it), and the only reason I can see for his withdrawal from the Hamlin case is when kneejerk liberals from the media (like newsmakingnews) stepped in, and deliberately and obnoxiously stigmatized Gunderson with their goofy pseudo-quotes from him ("I saw a penny...the devil is here") and their usual expressions of "grave concerns" about Gunderson...which brings me back to Square One--- where's the beef?<br><br>Don't get me wrong-- I'm totally prepared for my 'proper' education on the 'evils' of Ted Gunderson, but so far it just looks like he's being demonized because he's 'conservativish' and he is suspected of owning (oh, the horror) a Bible. <br>------------------------------<br>Excerpt from Gunderson's interview of Chip Tatum, concerning William Colby (A= Gunderson/T= Tatum) --<br><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href=""></a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--><br><br><!--EZCODE ITALIC START--><em>A:Caller that wants to know anything about Colby's death.<br><br>T: No, I was in prison at the time of Colby's death. I did - I had written him a letter about three weeks prior to his death, and never received a response from him.<br><br>A: Do you - are you aware of the details of his death?<br><br>T: I'm aware that he died in a canoeing accident. I'm aware that the home - the door of his home was left open and his computer was accessed.<br><br>You known, I've flown Bill Colby on several other occasions, in - under the OSG. One thing Colby was always meticulous about was the requirement to wear our water-wings whenever we were on overwater flights in rotary-wing air-single-engine rotary-wing aircraft. He was meticulous about us wearing those safety-vests, almost to the point that you would think that he - you know, he had some fear of water, and, from what I understand from his wife, he always wore his life-vest when he went out canoeing. But he didn't have it on then, did he?<br><br>A: No, he did not, and furthermore not only was the computer left on, and the door was open, but there was a partial meal on the table, and, when Colby went out on his canoe, in the boat, he always put his flag up, his mariner's flag up. The flag was not up, and furthermore he was very meticulous about not going out in his boat when there was a high wind, and there was rough - in rough waters, and there were rough waters that particular night.<br><br>And I - you know, he's a good friend, or was a good friend of John DeCamp (sp?). John DeCamp is a good friend of mine. And I don't know how John feels, but I'm very comfortable saying that I think that he was murdered, assassinated.<br><br>T: I believe he was neutralized.<br><br>A: Neutralized. You use the word "neutralized," I use the word "murder." They're both the same, when it comes to CIA operations.<br><br>You know, he was -I don't know if I can say this for a fact, but I'd say I've been told, after - up to 25 years after you've served in the CIA, you cannot write a book without approval of the CIA, without them reviewing it, editing it, and he was three months away from that period, and he was writing a book. Is that true, Chip?<br><br>T: That's true from the best of my knowledge, and I had even asked him if he would write the foreword to my book, that I was getting ready to produce, or getting ready to publish.</em><!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> <p></p><i></i>

Re: Gunderson

PostPosted: Sat May 06, 2006 7:48 pm
by chiggerbit
What did you think about the way Gunderson went after Art Bell? The timing of this seemed kind of fishy to me:<br><br>"....On May 16th of the year 1997, my son, Art Bell IV, was kidnapped, transported across state lines and raped by a substitute teacher from his own high school. The assailant was HIV positive. My son was a minor. He was only 16 years old at the time.<br><br>The teacher involved was tried, convicted and is now serving a life sentence. My son though, as you might imagine, was sent into a psychological tailspin which continues to this very day. We are trying very very hard to help him recover and lead a more normal life. Some positive events have occurred toward that end and your prayers are welcome. Please keep them coming.<br><br>While the police work and the trial of my son's assailant were underway, difficult as it was for me to continue my daily radio programs, I did so.<!--EZCODE BOLD START--><strong> Because my son was a minor at the time of the crime, the records were sealed, his name was not made public</strong><!--EZCODE BOLD END-->, something our society does to protect its own, its future, its young people.<br><br>As our family was working through this trauma in private, an event beyond all bounds of decency and humanity occurred. On December 9th of 1997, just a few months after my son's ordeal, my own began. Ted Gunderson, a retired FBI agent, along with David Hinkson and the assistance of others, aired a broadcast which - incredibly, absolutely incredibly - accused me of committing the very same crime my son had suffered, child molestation. The program further stated that I had paid<br>to cover up an indictment in Nye County, Nevada, my home. It further urged listeners to call me "on air" and ask if I had been indicted. Of course, these accusations were entirely false. But, never the less the calls poured into my open line unscreened program, asking if this was true. I had no choice but to block out all these calls and keep my silence for fear of my son's situation becoming public. This broadcast was made on WWCR, world wide short-wave radio, in Nashville, Tennessee. This station has been described by newspapers and civic minded organizations as one of the country's leading broadcasters of hate radio. The individuals, WWCR and its sister-station WNQM, In addition to broadcasting these proponents of hate and violence, this radio station has consciously decided not to spend money on a delay switch, not to conduct a careful background check of the people it places on the air and to allow individuals to say almost anything they want in foreign languages without having staff on duty who can even understand what they are saying......"<br> <p></p><i></i>

Re: Gunderson

PostPosted: Sat May 06, 2006 8:35 pm
by Rigorous Intuition
<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--><em>"That stuff is over twenty years old."</em><!--EZCODE ITALIC END--><br><br>Not really. Cherie Seymour (aka "Carol Marshall") began work on <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--><em>The Last Circle </em><!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->after Danny Casolaro's death in 1991. It's at least as current as 1996, since that's the latest date I can find referenced within it.<br><br><!--EZCODE ITALIC START--><em>...he contributed to the McMartin case in helping with the archaeological dig that discovered the tunnels (as I understand it)</em><!--EZCODE ITALIC END--><br><br>That's not the understanding of the leader of the McMartin families, Jackie McCauley. From <!--EZCODE LINK START--><a href="">part two</a><!--EZCODE LINK END--> of my interview:<br><br><!--EZCODE ITALIC START--><em>I'd love to clear up the misconception that gunderson (I never capitalize his name) was involved in the investigation. He was never formally hired or paid in any way. He simply stuck himself in by offering to do things. Who wouldn't trust the retired chief of the Los Angeles division of the FBI who introduced you to senators and former State Attorney Generals? Some things we allowed him to do but many of his ideas and attempts to take over were rejected.<br><br>He was a persistent presence. He became so annoying that eventually the parents would not talk to him. I always thought in some way that he would help our cause. He was present at the Archaeological dig as often as he could and he talked to the ever present media as the rest of us were exhausted or did errands for the crew. At the time we did not know what he was up to and did not think it would be harmful to let him talk, as we thought he said positive things.<br><br>I want you to know that allowing him to be involved was the demise of any credibility we had.<br><br>His reputation was well known by law enforcement, but he is such a slick con man that we had no clue what we were getting ourselves in to. I have to say that it was mostly my fault for letting him be involved. Later I found out he was COINTELPRO. Years later when I read the description of that program it all made perfect sense.<br><br>...<br><br>Anyone who contacts me about him, and there have been many, including Joe Klass, Polly Klass' grandfather, I warn them that he is a con man and will destroy their credibility if not con them out of money. The Klass family did not hire him, though he has given talks about how he worked that case and mine. The prosecutor, D.A. Greg Jacobs, Sonoma County, will back that up. ted lee gunderson is a dangerous person.<br><br>He alone claims he was part of our investigation. We try our best to warn people about him. You don't need to take my word for it, ask anyone else who was involved.<br></em><!--EZCODE ITALIC END--><br><br><br><!--EZCODE ITALIC START--><em>"Don't get me wrong-- I'm totally prepared for my 'proper' education on the 'evils' of Ted Gunderson, but so far it just looks like he's being demonized because he's 'conservativish' and he is suspected of owning (oh, the horror) a Bible."</em><!--EZCODE ITALIC END--><br><br>It never endered my mind. And do you still think that's it? <p></p><i></i>

Re: Gunderson

PostPosted: Sat May 06, 2006 8:51 pm
by chiggerbit
<!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href=""></a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--><br><br>Ted Gunderson <br>Ted Gunderson is a former FBI agent who released reports describing treachery, sadistic savagery, degradation, abuse, and murder inflicted by intelligence agents of the United States government against its own citizenry, especially children. Suspected misinformation agent, possibly in the employee of the United States government. It is claimed he poses as a conspiracy theorist spokesman, publishing outrageous and incorrect information on common conspiracy theories in order to discredit them and those who purpose them.<br><br><br> <p></p><i>Edited by: <A HREF=>chiggerbit</A> at: 5/6/06 6:55 pm<br></i>

Art Bell

PostPosted: Sat May 06, 2006 11:05 pm
by mother
Well, Art's new Phillipino bride is way, way, young, and physically looks even less mature than her 23(?) years. She's I think younger than his son. If it was a woman marrying so much younger I would not be surprised if people were suspiscious. But Gunderson, who knows? Lots of people doing great work have chaotic personal lives. And the people affected by these child abuse cases are so very hurt and raw, everybody is upset and on the verge of insanity. That's why so many divorces occur; it's a huge mess harming everyone involved. In addition to the poor kids, very, very difficult to hold it together in these circumstances among the adults. So I'd be interested in the proof that Gunderson showing up means Worse is Yet to Come. <p></p><i></i>

Pennies, Hamlin, Gunderson

PostPosted: Sat May 06, 2006 11:09 pm
by Newsmakingnews
The article about Ted Gunderson finding pennies with Satanic implications was written by Ryan McCarthy, reporter for the Mountain Democrat. After that article, Richard W. Hamlin parted ways with Gunderson.<br><br>In the Susan Polk case, her son Eli testified his father tol him, he, Felix Polk was involved in a spy group with Dr. Martin Kirschenbam and Attorney Barry Morris, said group being affiliated with Israeli, "possibly Mossad." <br>Susan Polk elicited testimony from her son that his father Felix threatened that his friends could kill her, and that his father said Susan could not get a divorce because she knew too much. Felix Polk, like Gunderson was "anti" Satanic Ritual Abuse in the eighties -- Polk on the Presidio case, Gunderson on McMartin case.<br><br>So Ted Gunderson's entry into the Susan Polk trial is not surprising given the intelligence milieu central to it.<br><br>Kate Dixon<br> <p></p><i></i>

Re: Pennies, Hamlin, Gunderson

PostPosted: Sun May 07, 2006 1:24 am
by rothbardian
<br>I'll keep my request simple here...if anyone ever catches Gunderson actually 'sabotaging' something, let me know. I have yet to see any specifics.<br><br>We're way over here discussing whether he helped or hindered the McMartin case and I'm still trying to understand all these grave denunciations about the man. <br><br>The PTB crime syndicate-controlled media are the ones who buried the story about the discovery of the tunnels at McMartin, therefore...McCauley's complaints that Gunderson hurt the cause of the McMartin parents (with all due sympathy for her personal pain) is, to me, obvious nonsense. (Her worst specific complaint was that he was<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--><em>..."annoying"?</em><!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->)<br><br>And the fact that anyone here at RI accepts her illogical complaint, validates it, and proceeds to cite it as unfathomable to me so far (other than my theories about lib/con culture gaps).<br><br>They could've discovered a thousand cubic mile underground military base, and the corporate-owned stooge media would've still buried the story. Gunderson standing around, munching donuts and talking to the press people, while others were wielding evidence of a diabolical disinfo plot? I don't know about that...but I'll keep an open mind.<br><br> <p></p><i></i>