Ever hear of Spiricom?

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There is nothing .......

Postby slimmouse » Thu Jul 06, 2006 6:00 pm

<!--EZCODE QUOTE START--><blockquote><strong><em>Quote:</em></strong><hr>Funny how those that claim to know what lies beyond death forget to explain how the system works over there.<hr></blockquote><!--EZCODE QUOTE END--><br><br> There is nothing for those who die, but their infinite consciousness......that of which they are part..that of the original creator.<br><br> A baby who dies, returns to infinite consciousness.<br><br> As does an old person, or a young child.<br><br> Only my opinion of course.<br><br> But let the atheists pick the bones out of that lol.<br><br> One things for sure IMHO. Blair understands this, as do the rest of these guys. <p></p><i></i>
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Re: There is nothing .......

Postby Attack Ships on Fire » Thu Jul 06, 2006 7:13 pm

<!--EZCODE QUOTE START--><blockquote><strong><em>Quote:</em></strong><hr>There is nothing for those who die, but their infinite consciousness......that of which they are part..that of the original creator.<hr></blockquote><!--EZCODE QUOTE END--><br><br>So what you are saying is that you believe when we die, our consciousness goes to become part of the original consciousness? So does that mean that my own consciousness, the person that I am, my identity, likes, dislikes, temperment, my knowledge of past events, my hopes, my fears and so forth, does all of that dissolve away when it reunites with this original consciousness, like a teaspoon of sugar dissolves in a glass of water? Because that still sounds like something akin to nothingness: once you're dead, what makes you unique is gone. None of us would exist anymore in this kind of afterlife. It's like saying there's a cell in your bloodstream that's a unique individual with a sense of self, but once that cell is gone, it's absorbed into the body. There's no afterlife for it even though the mind of the person in which the cell once resided goes on.<br><br>Slimmouse, I am not attacking you but I would like to understand better about your belief system, if you would share more. I do want to stress that I am not attacking, nor do I know for certain what happens when we die, but I am guilty of critical examination and a questioning nature. When I attended sunday school I asked questions, and I did get answers from my teachers. I may not have agreed with all of their answers, but I do believe that they were telling me what they believed to be true, and so they allowed me to develop my own belief system by letting me question their beliefs.<br><br>If it's any consolation, your idea of having one's consciousness merge into a universal consciousness makes more sense to me than the belief in being able to retain your unique consciousness after you die. I find it hard to imagine that we can exist non-corporeal, with all of our same personality quirks and imperfections, and roam around this afterlife. What do we do over there? Are there jobs? Do we move on to another afterlife after that? What happens to those that want to seek justice or revenge against those that harmed them in this life? Heck, what happens to the people that have multiple husbands/wives; do they life happily together in the afterlife? Are our pets there waiting for us? Do all the pigs, chickens, fish and animals that we as a society eat over there, happy and content now? There's just a whole heap of problems that arise from this facet of afterlife belief, and none are ever adequately answered, yet people claim to be in communication with the deceased.<br><br> <p></p><i></i>
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re: babies

Postby DireStrike » Thu Jul 06, 2006 7:19 pm

The problem with your complaint, AttackShips, is that you assume that one's spiritual form is somehow based on their physical form. I believe most spiritualist systems usually assert that the two have nothing to do with each other, beyond being linked for the duration of a physical life.<br><br>I'm sure plenty of people have developed full and "logically consistent" spiritualist systems, but your average crystal wearing believer couldn't tell you anything past their own rationalizations. <p></p><i></i>
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Re: re: babies

Postby Attack Ships on Fire » Thu Jul 06, 2006 7:29 pm

<!--EZCODE QUOTE START--><blockquote><strong><em>Quote:</em></strong><hr>The problem with your complaint, AttackShips, is that you assume that one's spiritual form is somehow based on their physical form. I believe most spiritualist systems usually assert that the two have nothing to do with each other, beyond being linked for the duration of a physical life.<hr></blockquote><!--EZCODE QUOTE END--><br><br>To clarify my stance, I'm examining this question from a secular perspective. There may very well be a spiritual form of existence past the physical lifespan that a human has, but my question focuses on the issue of self. If I like to eat BLT sandwiches, my favorite color is blue, I enjoy listening to classical music, do I retain these personality traits in my spiritual form of life? Would I continue to have a close bonding to my family in the afterlife if I had one in my physical life? Or does something significantly change for the self once you cross into an afterlife? <br><br>I'm open to the possibility that the way you view the reality of existence may be very different in an afterlife, but even if different modes of consciousness exist, if who you are now changes significantly after death, there has to be a dividing line between who I am now as a conscious being and who I would be if my present consciousness of self (I like blue, etc.) continues in an afterlife. Do you see what I'm getting at?<br> <p></p><i></i>
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How I see what you are....

Postby slimmouse » Thu Jul 06, 2006 7:47 pm

<!--EZCODE QUOTE START--><blockquote><strong><em>Quote:</em></strong><hr>I'm open to the possibility that the way you view the reality of existence may be very different in an afterlife, but even if different modes of consciousness exist, if who you are now changes significantly after death, there has to be a dividing line between who I am now as a conscious being and who I would be if my present consciousness of self (I like blue, etc.) continues in an afterlife. Do you see what I'm getting at?<hr></blockquote><!--EZCODE QUOTE END--><br><br> How I see what you are, is infinite consciousness having an experience as you.<br><br> You are of course "The fallen angel" - Namely the energy of light slowed down to its lowest vibrational frequency.<br><br> That which organised religion has twisted, courtesy of those who know the score in order to exploit <!--EZCODE BOLD START--><strong>your </strong><!--EZCODE BOLD END-->physical existence for their own ends.<br><br> Hence the term "scapegoat".<br><br> You are both the fallen angel, and God himself. A part of everything.<br><br> Jeff recently wrote a post about realising exactly WHAT you are, and the dangers of such realisation to the usual suspects.<br><br> The Gnostics knew this, thousands of fucking years before the organised religion gang took the reins.<br><br> Which is why you are lied to from the day you are born to the day you die, and why in fact , 9/11 as a "conspiracy theory" is little more than childs play to these guys.<br><br> The High level freemasons know all about this.<br><br> Have a listen to Bliar. <p></p><i></i>
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Re: Ever hear of Spiricom?

Postby yesferatu » Fri Jul 07, 2006 12:21 am

Cop hears murdered prostitute speak<br>By ELIZA BARLOW -- Edmonton Sun<br>                        <br><br>        <br><br>A veteran city cop is convinced the voice of murdered prostitute Rachel Quinney was picked up on an audio recording as she spoke from beyond the grave.<br><br>"I saw it. I heard it. I believe," said Const. Wayne Fermaniuk, who on June 26 accompanied a psychic to the spot where Quinney's body was discovered.<br><br>"If (the psychic) was a phoney, I wanted to expose him. But he's got me. I'm convinced."<br><br>Fermaniuk, a 25-year veteran of the Edmonton Police Service, was among a small group of people who ventured to the spot in Strathcona County where the body of 19-year-old Quinney was found June 11, 2004.<br><br>Also there were Rachel's mother, Delia Quinney, and one of Rachel's sisters.<br><br>They were led by psychic and spiritual medium Alan Hatfield, from Pictou Landing First Nation in Nova Scotia.<br><br>Hatfield, who says he came to Alberta at the request of the Quinney family, set up an infrared camera and audio recorder at the site where Quinney's body was found.<br><br>Along with the voices of Fermaniuk and Quinney's mother and sister, who were all present, Rachel's voice could be heard on the tape's playback, said Hatfield.<br><br>"It was clear and came in between other dialogue," he said.<br><br>"Rachel came on, and her grandmom and granddad, who are Delia's mom and dad, they came on, too." Hatfield says he also captured images of "spiritual energies" flitting around the site.<br><br>Neither Hatfield nor Fermaniuk would reveal what they heard Rachel say on the recorded audio of the approximately hour-long session, saying it could jeopardize the police investigation into her unsolved death.<br><br>But Hatfield did say that Rachel talked about her murder. "She's very angry, very angry. She's a fighter. She didn't go down easy. She fought all the way."<br><br>Fermaniuk said the voice sounded "like a woman talking."<br><br>"I heard the clips that the mother (Delia) said were her daughter talking. It kind of sounds like it's in the background, and you have to turn it up a bit, but it's there."<br><br>Last week's visit, which Hatfield says he paid for himself, marked the second time he has visited the spot with his psychic equipment. During a half-hour session last summer, he claims a "male spirit" was captured on tape saying the word "Tom."<br><br>In May of this year, 38-year-old Thomas Svekla was charged in the murder of another sex-trade worker, Theresa Merrie Innes, whose body was found in a Fort Saskatchewan home.<br><br>The arrest was the first made by Project KARE, a task force investigating the murders and disappearances of dozens of area prostitutes in the last 30 years, including Quinney.<br><br>Hatfield said he believes four people are involved in the murders of the women, with one person acting as the "dumping guy."<br><br>Alberta RCMP spokesman Cpl. Wayne Oakes said Project KARE investigators are reviewing Hatfield's material.<br><br>"Traditional investigative technique would not say let's go out and get a psychic medium to have a seance and see what we can find out about this crime," said Oakes.<br><br>"But there have been a number of examples over the years where (information from psychics) has been fruitful." <!--EZCODE LINK START--><a href="http://cnews.canoe.ca/CNEWS/WeirdNews/2006/07/05/1669219-sun.html">link</a><!--EZCODE LINK END--> <p></p><i></i>

Re: Ever hear of Spiricom?

Postby bvonahsen » Fri Jul 07, 2006 3:33 am

Attack Ships -- We are like lightbulbs so don't invest your identity in the bulb, they all wear out. Be the light.<br><br>This is standard Buddhist philosophy I think.<br><br>--<br>Regarding other things here -- I had a fan with noisy bearings that gave me the creeps too. Same "I think I can just barely hear voices and I know it's not real be it's scaring the crap out of me." <br><br>Anyway... we all assume that it is "matrixing" or projecting our own interpretations into the experience and that therefore it's all just a hallucination, it's bunk. "You're just seeing things."<br><br>But why?<br><br>So what if that is what is going on? Why should that invalidate the experience or any messages recieved? Maybe were are injecting but if we all have undeveloped psychic abilities perhaps we <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--><em>need</em><!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> the excuse of white noise? Maybe it is what is needed to get passed our inner censors?<br><br>I dunno, just a thought. <p></p><i></i>


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