My Recollections Of The Enigmatic Bob Lazar

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My Recollections Of The Enigmatic Bob Lazar

Postby xsic bastardx » Sat Jul 08, 2006 4:33 am

My Recollections Of <br>The Enigmatic Bob Lazar ...<br>Alleged Former <br>Area 51 'Scientist' <br>By Norio Hayakawa<br>7-8-6<br><br><br>Most Recent News On Bob Lazar Click Here<br><br><br>I am not here to defend nor to put Bob Lazar down. <br> <br>The fact is that Bob Lazar has been categorized as a fraud by most so-called UFO researchers and the public-at-large, although there are still some who hold on to the belief that Bob Lazar was who he said he was and that he did everything that he claimed. <br> <br>One person who still totally and adamantly supports Bob Lazar's claims is KLAS-TV Eyewitness News anchorman, George Knapp, and of course, Bob's friend, Las Vegas real estate appraiser, Gene Huff. <br> <br>Is Bob Lazar a total fraud? <br> <br>I am still not sure. I still have some unanswered questions. <br> <br>As for Bob Lazar's timeline, the whole world had already been familiar with Tom Mahood's timeline of Lazar, which he published in 1994. <br>(<!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href=""></a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--> <br> <br>However, not everyone is familiar with Gene Huff's 1995 rebuttal of Tom Mahood's timeline of Lazar. <br>But, thanks to Gary Sellani, Gene Huff's 1995 rebuttal of Tom Mahood's timeline was once again posted on the recently. <br>(<!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href=""></a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--> <br> <br>As I said above, personally, I still have some unanswered questions about Bob Lazar: <br> <br>It was on February 21, 1990 that a crew of Nippon Television Network (NTV) of Japan and I (total of 7) had an opportunity to visit and interview Bob Lazar at his residence in Las Vegas. This was made possible through Bob's friend, real estate appraiser, Gene Huff. <br> <br>We arrived at Bob's residence around 11 a.m., or so, to the best of my recollection. <br> <br>They took us to the living room, which at that time did not seem to me to be fully furnished and "lived". They showed us Bob's study room, which also did not seem to me to be fully furnished. Yes, there were a few books on physics on the bookshelf and there were computers on his desk. In any case, the interview was conducted by a writer from a magazine and I was simply there as an interpreter. <br> <br>The interview lasted about two hours. <br> <br>When we arrived at his house, there were about 5 or 6 men in the house. <br> <br>At first I thought they were simply Bob's friends. But later on I notieced something unusual about some of those men. It seemed that throughout the interview, whether in the living room or in Bob's study room, two men were constantly on each side of Bob. One of them seemed to have a rectangular black communications equipment with him. Perhaps it could have been a cellphone (although this was in 1990). <br> <br>When we moved to the kitchen area, those two men also moved alongside Bob. When we moved to Bob's study room, those men also moved together with Bob. <br>So we asked Bob, "who are these men?" Bob simply said that, "don't worry, these are just friends". <br> <br>Perhaps this was nothing. But I just thought to bring this up, because that's the one thing throughout the interview that impressed me the most. <br> <br>What do I think of Bob? <br> <br>I still cannot come to a conclusion. <br> <br>In any case, later that Wednesday afternoon, the TV crew and I drove about 2 hours from Las Vegas and reached the location where Bob had said we would see a test flight of a object arising over the Groom Mountains. <br> <br>And, indeed, immediately after sundown and after haveing set up the TV cameras, etc. on the dirt road (right next to Hwy 375), Lord, behold!!, around 6:45 p.m. we observed a bright orangish light appearing over the Groom Mountains and made some interesting maneuvers. I was quite impressed at that time. Around 7:15 p.m., another light came up. In any case, this was the beginning of my real interest in Area 51, before Area 51 was even a household name at that time. <br> <br>As the years went by, I came to dismiss my initial excitement about those sightings. I came to the conclusion that those lights were a test-flying of our aircraft (such as prototypes of newer black triangular craft) (or possibly, the initial phases of test-flights of UAVs, or "unmanned aerial vehicles", or even "unmanned combat aerial vehicles" (UCAVs), or other remotely-controlled platforms. <br> <br>As the years went by, I also began to have some questions regarding Bob Lazar. A few years later, I did see a copy of Bob Lazar's paycheck. <br>It wasn't much. Something like about $987.00. <br> <br>Then I found out that Bob Lazar's Social Security Number did not belong to Bob Lazar but to a lady in New York. <br> <br>Also, I began to have doubts about Bob Lazar for his not keeping the promise that he would fly to Japan in early March of 1990 to appear live on the 2-hour Japanese TV program on Area 51. I was waiting for his flight from Vegas to Los Angeles where I was to meet him. He never showed up. Later on, the producer of the TV program said that he got an urgent call from Bob that Bob was not allowed to go to Japan to appear on that program. This was a total disappointment. <br> <br>Also, later on, I also came under the impression that Bob Lazar kept the $(honorarium) which was a guarantee that he would appear on the program live in Japan. Nevertheless, in mid March of 1990, a two-hour prime time TV Special on Area 51 was aired in Japan (without the live appearance portion of the program) and was seen by millions and millions of people there, when Area 51 wasn't even known by a lot of the American public. <br> <br>So, what do I think of Bob Lazar? <br> <br>Like I said, I still cannot conclusively dismiss him totally. <br> <br>He is a genius in science and technology, no doubt about that. <br> <br>The whole world, by now, also knows that Bob Lazar moved to New Mexico in the Sandia Mountains, next to Albuquerque. It is my understanding that he still does some contract work occasionally for various defense-related sub-contractors (not the direct contractors). His present activities also include United Nuclear. <br> <br>Was Bob Lazar part of a disinformation campaign? Was he a witting participant or was he manipulated unwittingly in the disinformation ploy? I do not know. What I also know is that Bob Lazar had a huge debt while he worked in New Mexico, prior to moving in to Nevada. <br> <br>What I also know is that the Air Force did benefit from the belief by a segment of the population (and a push by a segment of the population to promote this theory) that Area 51 was somehow associated with extraterrestrial technology. <br> <br>It definitely helped in bringing about the "laughter curtain" to Area 51, which was needed as a "cover story". <br> <br>It is my understanding that occasionally, "cover stories" are created by defense contractors during certain projects to draw attention away from or to bring up a "laughter curtain" to discret researchers' scrutiny of such projects. <br> <br>But again, I could be wrong. <br> <br>STRANGE BEHAVIOR OF BOB LAZAR PART II <br> <br>In 1991, my former colleague, Gary Schultz and I organized an "Ultimate UFO Seminar" in the Little A-le-Inn (at that time known as Rachel's Bar and Grill). <br> <br>Despite little prior notice on this event, that memorable evening, the entire inn was filled with people. It was standing room only. There weren't any space left even to walk around. <br> <br>The only speakers were Gary Schultz and myself. <br>We did not invite any particular guests, but we were surprised to see Lincoln County Sheriff himself, Dahl Bradfield, seated inside. We were also astonished to see William Cooper (who, later on became a rabble-rousing militiaman and was killed a few years ago in Arizona) seated also, silently listening to our presentation. <br>There was Anthony J. Hilder (a rabble-rousing former talk show host in Alaska) in the crowd. <br> <br>We also noticed that Sean Morton (an unknown enthusiast at that time who later on became a well-known self-professed "prophet" through his appearances on the wacky Art Bell show) was seated. (I am ashamed to say that I myself was a rabble-rouser at that time who also had appeared on the wacky Art Bell radio show a few times!!). <br> <br>As Gary and I continued with our speech, we were surprised to see John Lear (son of the inventor of the Lear Jet) enter the room. A little later, the door opened again and here comes George Knapp, KLAS-TV news anchorman. Then about 30 minutes later, we were astonished to see Bob Lazar enter the room, together with his girlfriend. There was no space left for them to be seated. We never expected these individuals to be there. Literally, the entire Little A-le-Inn was filled with so many so-called UFO "luminaries", all in one place. There must have been at least 95 to 110 people there. <br> <br>Bob Lazar and his girlfriend stood in the kitchen, initially appearing to be looking towards us and listening to our presentations. But, instead, what we noticed was that Bob Lazar was continually laughing at Gary Schultz while he was giving the serious lecture. It seemed as if Lazar was mocking the entire Area 51/S-4 topic as if he himself didn't believe in it. I simply could not understand the reaction of Bob Lazar. There may be nothing to this, but I just felt that his behavior was a little odd. <br> <br>Two years later, in 1993, again Gary Schultz and I organized a much larger "Ultimate UFO Seminar" at the same place. However, this time we anticipated a much larger crowd so we decided to have it outside during the daytime, right next to the Little A-le-Inn. I believe it was in May. By this time, Gary Schultz became more acquainted with Bob Lazar and Bob Lazar agreed to come to speak. <br> <br>We requested Joe Travis of the Little A-le-Inn to set up 200 chairs outside. Joe said he will take care of it. <br> <br>When both Gary and I arrived at the Little A-le-Inn the day of the gatheirng, we were totally astonished to see a huge military tent right next to the Inn. What was strange was that we didn't expect such a large military tent to be there. When we asked Joe Travis how he got that tent, he simply said that he borrowed the tent from the base (i.e., Area 51). I wasn't aware then that Joe Travis had a working relationship with Area 51!! (the fact of which he really didn't talk too much). <br> <br>The base definitely knew that we would be having a large gathering in Rachel. <br> <br>(In recent times, it is my understanding that the new security cameras at the present day Little A-le-Inn were installed by military contractors, per gratis or not, I am not sure, although Pat Travis said that the cameras are not connected to anything beyond her operation. As you know, it is assumed that there is a fixed camera on Bald Mountain pointing at the Little A-le-Inn's parking lot). <br> <br>In any case, there were almost 200 people (from all over the U.S. and even some from Canada) at the seminar/gathering. Remember, this was in 1993. Among the audience was Glenn Campbell, a computer specialist who just moved to Nevada from the East Coast. Glenn Campbell, later on, became an Area 51 activist who was instrumental in publicizing the existence of Area 51 base to a much wider segment of society. <br> <br>By the way, when Bob Lazar arrived at the seminar (he came with a couple of ladies), we were surprised to see his Corvette which had a license plate "MJ-12". It was probably his mockery of the alleged existence of MJ-12. That memorable event was covered by a Los Angeles Times reporter. <br> <br>That was to be Bob Lazar's last public appearance. <br> <p></p><i></i>
xsic bastardx
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Re: My Recollections Of The Enigmatic Bob Lazar

Postby Pirx » Sat Jul 08, 2006 5:50 am

Bob always seems to pop up again-<br><br><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href=""></a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--><br><br>The first startling thing Joy White saw out of her bedroom window was a man running toward her door with an M16. White’s husband, a physicist named Bob Lazar, was already outside, awakened by their barking dogs. Suddenly police officers and men in camouflage swarmed up the path, hoisting a battering ram. “Come out with your hands up immediately, Miss White!” one of them yelled through a megaphone, while another handcuffed the physicist in his underwear. Recalling that June morning in 2003, Lazar says, “If they were expecting to find Osama bin Laden, they brought along enough guys.”<br><br><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href=""></a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--> <p></p><i></i>
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Re: My Recollections Of The Enigmatic Bob Lazar

Postby NewKid » Sat Jul 08, 2006 6:01 am

<!--EZCODE QUOTE START--><blockquote><strong><em>Quote:</em></strong><hr>Norio Hayakawa's latest interview <br>November 27, 2005 - with Zacherle Hoag (Vault of the Unexplained) <br> <br>What do you believe is behind the UFO phenomena?<br><br><br>I have researched the "UFO phenomena" for almost 45 years and have read hundreds and hundreds of sighting reports, analyzed hundreds of documents, seen many many footages of sightings, personally experienced a few sightings which I could not readily explain, interviewed hundreds of eyewitnesses (including some so-called "abductees") and traveled far and wide to many sightings locations in both Japan and the United States.<br>Surprising as it may sound, after all these personal efforts of many years, I cannot even come close to declaring what is behind the UFO phenomena. It still remains a mystery to me.<br>However, after all these years, the bottom line in my view is that we have yet to come up with a single physical, solid, hard, tangible, irrefutable evidence to prove that the UFO phenomena are physical manifestations of physical extraterrestrial intelligent entities from beyond this earth. I am not saying that the UFO phenomena do not exist. I am simply saying that empircal science, the only discipline available so far that we can rely on to determine a physical existence of a phenomenon, has not come up with any concrete evidence to prove beyond a shadow of doubt that "UFOs" are physical craft operated or manipulated and occupied by physical entities from advanced extraterrestrial civilizations. This is why I came to believe that the entire phenomena could even be some form of religious manifestations or religious manipulations by a power which we cannot comprehend simply by physical pursuit.<br><br><br>Why do you believe that UFOs are a satanic deception?<br><br><br>I never said that all UFOs are satanic deception. However, many highly respected researchers such as John A. Keel, have long come up with analogies between the UFO phenomenon and many aspects of demonology or demonic manifestations. Dr. Jacques Vallee, who is one of the most prominent researchers in this field, has also suggested that the UFO phenomena could be some form of mental or "spiritual" manipulations by what can only be described as unknown non-physical, intelligent (but quite often "mischievous"or even "malevolent") entities for purposes yet incomprehensible to mankind.<br>I concur with both of these researchers. I believe that occasionally these ultra-dimensional entities may be able to suddenly and temporarily intrude into our physical dimension and appear to be a physical manifestation to the observer.<br><br><br>Why did you abandon the extraterrestrial hypothesis?<br><br><br>Just as John A. Keel and Dr. Jacques Vallee have both abandoned their Extraterrestrial Hypothesis of the origins of the UFO phenomena after many years of research, I, too, came up with a conclusion that it is impossible to pursue this phenomenon simply by relying on empirical methodology to prove that "UFOs" are physical extraterrestrial craft operated by advanced extraterrestrial civilization probing our planet. Like I stated, we have yet to come up with any irrefutable, solid evidence to prove that we are being visited by physical entities from beyond this earth.<br>We must be very careful, however, with the use of terminology. Religionists who believe that UFOs are satanic manifestations may accept the term "extraterrestrial" in the sense that these entities, who they often describe as "fallen angelic entities" or "demonic entities", are not of this earth.<br>"Extraterrestrial", therefore, is a relative term.<br><br><br>What is your opinion on alien abductions?<br><br><br>Again, it boils down to this: what the abductees experienced (or are allegedly experiencing) could be "real" to the abductees, but in relation to the entire UFO phenomena, there has not been any single, solid, tangible, physical evidence to prove that we are being visited or even being experimented on by advanced, physical extraterrestrial entities from beyon this earth. The abduction phenomenon could also be some form of yet unknown mass (or individual) psychological phenomenon or it could be a manipulation by some invisible power for reasons unknown at this time.<br>The abduction phenomena experienced by the abductees may be "real" to the abductees. But again, when we talk about "reality", "reality" is relative. Therefore, we still do not totally comprehend what "reality" is.<br><br><br>Can you give us your opinion on John Lear and William Cooper?<br><br><br>John Lear is an accomplished pilot, period. Because of his long position as contract pilot for the governmental agencies (i.e., such as CIA), he does have a comprehensible knowledge of such as the Nevada Test Site. However, beyond that, whatever he has proclaimed in the past regarding "aliens" or "alien bases" simply remains a "story", whether or not one believes that Lear was part of a disinformation campaign to bring ridicule to those who attempted to scrutinize what was or is really going on at bases such as Area 51 in Nevada. William Cooper initially was a believer and promoter of the UFO phenomenon. However, he later on reversed his position and began to state that the "government" had manipulated a segment of the population by making them believe in UFOs to create a universal threat in the future as part of a convenient means to cause panic in order to forcefully unify the world into a one-world government.<br>There was a time when I also took this position. My belief was that the "global elitists" could use or even stage a fake, artificial "extraterrestrial threat" as a last resort if they had a need to forcefully unite this world if it faced some universal crises or catastrophes. William Cooper in the end spent the last years of his life promoting the militia movement. His tragic death brought sobering thoughts to many researchers, including myself. Even though I did not concur totally with Cooper's ideas, I attended his funeral in Arizona.<br><br><br>What do you believe goes on at Area 51?<br><br><br>Many defense-related projects go on at Area 51. Defense contractors (such as E.G. & G., Raytheon, Lockheed, Northrop Grumman, General Atomics, Boeing, etc.) are constantly working on various compartmentalized projects such as hypersonic reconnaissance aircraft, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), unmanned combat aerial vehicles (UCAVs), new generations of stealth and new radar systems. It is a vital base for our national defense interests. I support the necessity of such bases.<br><br><br>Why do you not believe Bob Lazar's story on Area 51?<br><br><br>Bob Lazar's paycheck stub for five days of work at the Test Site amounted to no more than about $985. For an alleged, top-secret scientist, this is almost unheard of.<br>I met Bob Lazar in 1990, visited him at his residence in Las Vegas and was impressed with his apparent sincerity. To a layman, Lazar appears to be well-versed in science, but his hypotheses have been proven unworkable by scientists who debunked his theories and claims.<br><br><br>What is your opinion on the story of toxic waste at Area 51?<br><br><br>The toxic waste at Area 51 was at one time a problem. However, due to the publicity it received, I believe that they have rectified that problem. The recent satellite photos and satellite photo analyses seem to indicate that the toxic waste burning has not taken place recently.<br><br><br>Why did you abandon your conspiratorial views of Area 51?<br><br><br>There simply isn't any substance to any conspiracy theories regarding Area 51. I believe that it is our hard-earned tax dollars that are in the programs at the base. I strongly support the existence and need for such bases for our national defense interests.<br><br><br>Why do you believe Area 51 was never a secret base?<br><br><br>Area 51 conveniently became a "secret base" because of rumors. The accidental creation of a "veil of secrecy" through rumors worked well in the end, especially for the Air Force which needed a convenient "cover story" to discourage any scrutiny of the base and its sensitive R & D programs by the public. The "laughter curtain" became a convenient veil for the Air Force's ongoing programs at the base.<br>Moreover, "Area 51" had never been an official name of the complex. It was simply a Department of Energy's designation of that general section next to the Nevada Test Site and the Air Force never used that designation for their remote base. The Air Force never intended that remote base to be a "top-secret" base. The government acknowledges the base as "an operating base near Groom Lake". The base has always been part of Detachment 3 of the Air Force Flight Test Center operated by the Edwards Air Force Base in California.<br><br><br>Do you believe there is anything strange at all going on in Dulce, New Mexico including the possibility of an underground base (even if it is not an alien base)?<br><br><br>Nothing strange that I know of is going on in Dulce, New Mexico. However, in the late seventies and early eighties, there were reports of sightings of "UFOs" or lights in the sky over Dulce. I definitely did read some newspaper reports on the sightings while I was living in Arizona. But that does not mean that an "alien base" existed or exists in Dulce. I was in Dulce in 1990 and talked to many residents there and spoke with the Jircarilla Apache Indian Chief in Dulce. I did not see any signs of any bases in or near Dulce.<br><br><br>Could you give us your opinions on the End Times?<br><br><br>We could be living in the End Times as suggested by the Bible prophecies. However, I may be wrong on this. I could be off by years on this, or I could be totally off. Nobody knows. The only sure sign of the End Times, in my opinion, is when there will be a temporary peace treaty signed in the Middle East (between Israel and the Palestinians), which will usher in a three and a half-year temporary period of peace. It has not happened yet. The End Times scenario can involve a large-scale Middle East conflagration. It has not happened yet. There has been 4 major Middle East wars involving Israel so far: 1948, 1956, 1967 and 1973. The Iraqi War of 1990 did not involve Israel. The current U.S. invasion of Iraq has not involved Israel directly. When Israel gets directly involved int he next Middle East War, then I would say that the time is close. However, so far it has not happened yet.<br><br><br>Do you see a New World Order coming into power and if so how?<br><br><br>I do not see a New World Order clearly coming into power at this moment. When the <br>European Union becomes totally united and becomes a formidable unit, then perhaps that may signal the End Times. It has not happened yet. Moreover, there has not been any major global catastrophe that would precipitate the need for the creation of a global government yet. Should a major global disaster or series of disasters or catastrophes take place simultaneously, then it would be possible that a cry for a total global government could lead the world into such a creation, but as of this moment, we haven seen nothing of that sort. If the New World Order indeed comes, definitely Satan incarnate (the "Anti-Christ") will take power in the New World Order. But as I just stated, I have not yet seen any signs of such a New World Order coming into power.<br>Thank you so much for this interview.<br><br><br>and now, back to Norio Hayakawa's main website:<br>THE CIVILIAN INTELLIGENCE NETWORK<hr></blockquote><!--EZCODE QUOTE END--><br><br><br><br><!--EZCODE LINK START--><a href="" target="top"></a><!--EZCODE LINK END--> <p></p><i></i>
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