Recent cattle mutilations (Colorado)

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Re: The State Seal of Colorado

Postby Dreams End » Sun May 28, 2006 11:31 pm

The parts taken are usually: genitals/anus, cheeks and tongues. The incisions usually appear to be cauterized and no blood is at the scene...or in the cows. <br><br>This suggests killing elsewhere and replacement. Which suggests helicopters. Which suggests enough of a budget in order to raise their own cows...which kinda kills the Satanic aspect in my view. There's no ritual...nothing disturbs the scene. I don't rule it out...I just don't see a motive. <br><br>Now, certain longterm studies looking for various environmental effects/mad cow/radiation...that might explain secret government interest.<br><br>Use of anything bovine for use in alien attempts to make hybrid babies seems right out but they could have their own motivations.<br><br><br><br> <p></p><i></i>
Dreams End

Re: The State Seal of Colorado

Postby Iroquois » Mon May 29, 2006 1:34 am

A friend of mine used to work at a bookstore that sold a very broad range of spiritual/occult books. She said that while shoplifting was not a major problem in the store as a whole, there was a certain section where books were stolen on a regular basis. She said the reasons were based on ritual, not economics. Who knows, maybe similar rules apply to cow mutilations. <p></p><i></i>
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Re: By hand most human

Postby Sepka » Tue May 30, 2006 5:27 am

<!--EZCODE QUOTE START--><blockquote><strong><em>Quote:</em></strong><hr>Check the time of death dates of the human/animal corpses and I'm sure they'll correspond to certain lunar cycles and dates that pertain to satanic calendars. <hr></blockquote><!--EZCODE QUOTE END--><br><br>I'd not be a bit surprised.<br><br>I've long been partial to the idea that what we experience today as flying saucers are what people in ages past experienced as demons, angels, etc. 'Partial to the idea' is perhaps a weak description. I accept it as my working hypothesis, basically. I'm all but convinced that this is correct.<br><br>Loren Coleman compiled a fascinating list of days, dates, places and times when one is most likely to see a UFO or other weird (in the arcane sense) phenomenon. I hesitate to summarize it from memory, but I'll dig my copy up and post it. UFOs are by no means an evenly distributed phenomenon. Certain places and times are heavily favoured, as are certain occupations and surnames. Sighting often seem to cluster around days and places that might have religious or occult meanings (e.g., June 23rd, or places with 'fey' in their name).<br><br>The point I'm trying to make is that if mutilations occur on dates meaningful to satanists, that's not a reason to rule out UFO involvement. From my PoV, the congruity of dates for cattle mutilations with those of satanic holidays becomes something of a 'chicken and egg' question. Do the mutilations happen on these dates because that's when satanists traditionally worship, or do satanists worship on these dates because that's when things have a history of happening?<br><br>-Sepka the Space Weasel <p></p><i></i>
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