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Re: Skeptic test

Postby Attack Ships on Fire » Sat Jul 08, 2006 8:20 pm

Thanks LilyPatToo. I am curious about the subject. I approach it as a skeptic with an open mind, mainly because the subject matter is so vile and evil, it's hard to imagine that something this black and vile could really be happening somewhere out there. I read, I read some more, I learn that MKULTRA is real, I read about Dr. Ewan Cameron's messed up experiments (confirmed), I read some more about Cathy O'Brien and her claims (that jury's still out for me.) But yeah, evil happens every day in this world; half a million people get hacked to death in the mid 1990s and it's called "ethnic cleansing" by the news, like it's some new form of detergent. Do I want to believe MC slavery can exist? No. But the stories are out there.<br><br><!--EZCODE QUOTE START--><blockquote><strong><em>Quote:</em></strong><hr>BTW, I love your handle--it's not only from one of my very favorite movies, but from one of my favorite scenes within the film.<hr></blockquote><!--EZCODE QUOTE END--><br><br>Thanks but it was just an easy and quick grab. Blade Runner was just on the TV when I registered on here and I thought it sounded neat. Plus, I figured a few of you out there would get it's reference. Roy Batty's coda just before he winks out was brilliantly acted by Hauer and written by Hampton Fancher and David Peoples. Like the old adage says, if you're going to steal, steal from the best.<br><br>Before I start asking questions, I want you to know up front that I'm approaching this as a skeptic but with an open mind which is the way I try to use for any paranormal or parapoltical subject. At the back of my mind I'm criticially examining the information I've been presented, but as everyone who's ventured into these shadowy realms will attest, knowing what's absolutely a fact and what is conjecture is hard to attain. How can I know for a fact that anyone's story about aliens, secret societies, etc., really did happen or if it's fantasy? That said, please understand that the reason why I'm here is that I do think that there is high strangeness happening every day in this world. I've seen some of it and I can't reproduce or provide evidence that what I saw happened, but it's also nothing in the area that you describe. These events that you are remembering might very well have happened, and you may have been subject to unspeakable crimes against your humanity, and I can understand how someone like myself that approaches the subject with skepticism could cause you distress or even anger. That's not my intent, so please, try and bear that in mind as I ask my questions.<br><br>From reading your posts, I'm getting the picture that you're still putting together your experience about what happened to you. You say that you've been working on this for 2 years. How much have you been able to confirm as having happened (i.e., have you been able to identify your handlers, where they live, locations where you've been, etc.)? How much of your recollections do you think are coming in memories you feel that you can fully accept as being real? Are you open to other possibilities for the trauma you experienced, or do you definitely feel that it's as a result of MC slavery?<br><br>Finally, my big question is: if this secret agenda is going on behind the scenes and using people in this sick manner, they're investing a lot of money, time and resources to keep it going. If I were in the shoes of these sickos, my first thoought would be to ensure that as little evidence gets exposed and any MC victims that look as if they'll break free of their conditioning get thrown off a deep end wearing concrete galoshes, if you get my drift. How did you get away and why do you think you're allowed to remain free/living?<br><br>Please feel free to tackle or don't answer any of these questions that you feel like answering. It's your time, I don't want you to be uncomfortable and I appreciate the opportunity you're providing to me. I promise that you have my respect and civility during our discussion, and <!--EZCODE BOLD START--><strong>thanks again</strong><!--EZCODE BOLD END--> for letting me be nosey and ask you about your experiences.<br><br> <p></p><i></i>
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Re: Skeptic test

Postby Joe Hillshoist » Sat Jul 08, 2006 10:31 pm

To evryone with some GHB experience thanks for your input.<br><br>I have never used it.<br><br><!--EZCODE QUOTE START--><blockquote><strong><em>Quote:</em></strong><hr>How can I know for a fact that anyone's story about aliens, secret societies, etc., really did happen or if it's fantasy? That said, please understand that ...<hr></blockquote><!--EZCODE QUOTE END--><br><br>to be honest what dos it matter?<br><br>If you can't see connections to stuff from your own experience that may be relevent, it doesn't make any sense to be worrying about that.<br><br>Everything that happens is part reality part fantasy, and the describing of it afterward adds a whole seperate layer of uncertainty.<br><br>The one thing that convinces me of the reality of RA, and I am coming to the conclusion that the people I knew were not involved in any milabs weirdness, just everyday ugly nasty power tripping...<br><br>Is the weird dreams I have.<br><br>In weird dreamspace (which is as likely to be my own invention as anything else, but my own experience makes me think there is more to it.) have shown some scary spaces. Those spaces make no sense to my everyday life, but when looked at as a function of some weird dodgy nastiness in the external world they fit. For me this is the clincher and it may invalidate what I say in some minds but I am not responsible for that.<br><br>Thats about my personal relationship with existence.<br><br>If I am making stuff up and fantasising with no connection to reality, so are the others here. And I am not prepared to say that.<br><br>there is no way I am goping into the details of that side of my life. Suffice to say pretend this whole site is LOts Wife, it needs to be taken with a pillar of salt... <br><br><!--EZCODE QUOTE START--><blockquote><strong><em>Quote:</em></strong><hr>If I were in the shoes of these sickos, my first thoought would be to ensure that as little evidence gets exposed and any MC victims that look as if they'll break free of their conditioning get thrown off a deep end wearing concrete galoshes, if you get my drift. How did you get away and why do you think you're allowed to remain free/living?<hr></blockquote><!--EZCODE QUOTE END--><br><br>That raises some serious questions.<br><br>But it also implies that those doing this have some sort of unlimited power. Whats to say they do. IMO this whole thing has to do with gaining control.<br><br>If "they" had power that was sufficient to maintain control why would they need to engage in attempts to control.<br><br>I personally have serious issues with the meme of Mind Control survivers... No offense people, but to me it automatically seems the first step to disempowerment.<br><br>Personally I would find referring to myself as someone who went through attempted but failed mind control as a more liberating place to begin my personal world view. It might seem a pointless or stupid little word game, but there you have it. <p></p><i></i>
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Re: Skeptic test

Postby LilyPatToo » Sat Jul 08, 2006 11:29 pm

Attack ships, it's going to take more than one post to answer all that, but here are some of the ideas that have occurred to me so far on the question of Why am I alive and talking? Please note that none of these may be accurate. They're the answers that my own mind has come up with over the past 2 years when I (daily) ask myself the same question.<br><br>The first one I came up with was pretty basic--I'm alive because dead, I'm no fun at all. Predators require prey--live prey. I learned this from my 3 cats.<br><br>The second was slightly more sophisticated--I'm alive because I have inside my fragmented and compartmentalized mind information that is still useful to someone, somewhere. I got that one from the survivor who found me. She believes it. I'm not so sure.<br><br>The third is of more recent vintage and is the result of a lot of thought. It's also not complete yet, so it is subject to likely revision--I'm alive because I'm one of the early ones and something unforeseen happened to those of us who were female and survived into our 40's: menopause. Hormonal fluctuations that the misogynistic perpetrators of mind control probably never factored in at all. <br><br>When we lurched into perimenopause in our 30's, 40's and 50's, our brains began to malfunction. Programmed memory barriers began to break down and we began to remember. Also, our primary abusers (usually fathers--I was different in that it was my mother) began to die in large numbers. It wasn't known until fairly recently that multiples (DID/MPD) tend to begin to remember early abuse only when the primary abuser dies. And all of the early victims that I know of were traumatized into multiples at very early ages.<br><br>And then there was the internet--for the first time, people with bizarre histories were likely to find each other in the vast fields of cyberspace and communicate more freely than ever before. Since the early programs tended to chose bright children to exploit, many of those of us who survived tended to be fascinated with new technologies and to learn them.<br><br>The inheritors of the MC programs noticed us and began to track our progress as we remembered and compared notes. Sites were set up to attract and monitor us--some specifically designed to snare those of us who'd had screen memories of alien abduction implanted. Huge amounts of data were and are being collected on the hormonally-triggered breakdown of those memory barriers that they thought would last all our miserable lives.<br><br>If that last one is true, then perhaps my days are numbered, since only so much data is necessary to create new protocols by which to program and control younger slaves. I'm 59 and probably pushing it at this point, but I see no benefit in shutting up to possibly add a few years to my lifespan, since I've no way of confirming this theory of mine and I tend to be oppositional by nature, at least now, in my old age.<br><br>LilyPat <p></p><i></i>
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Re: Skeptic test

Postby Joe Hillshoist » Sun Jul 09, 2006 12:08 am

Lils perhaps part of the reason you are still alive is because there is a power in the world that resists what is happening and its looking after you.<br><br>Mind control begins with convincing people they are powerlessIMO.<br><br>Whether its the Milabs stuff or simple social control via the media.<br><br>Perhaps you are still alive cos the multiverse is looking out for you, or God or whatever...<br><br>Perhaps thats what the antichrist meme really refers to.<br><br>Power structures stealing a power (ie of life and death) that belongs only to divinity. Claiming they own the divine. When they don't. <p></p><i></i>
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Re: Skeptic test

Postby Attack Ships on Fire » Sun Jul 09, 2006 5:15 am

Joe, in response to your question: <br><!--EZCODE QUOTE START--><blockquote><strong><em>Quote:</em></strong><hr>to be honest what dos it matter? <br><br>If you can't see connections to stuff from your own experience that may be relevent, it doesn't make any sense to be worrying about that.<hr></blockquote><!--EZCODE QUOTE END--><br><br>I wear my skeptical hat because I believe that not everyone can be right or telling the absolute truth 100% of the time. There are people out there that I've encountered that claimed to have psychic powers. When I asked for proof, none materialized. Also, in a less paranormal way, I've had lots of conversations with people who tried to get me to believe that their religion was the one true answer to life's mysteries. One fellow that I worked with believes that UFOs and aliens are manifestations of the Devil because that's what his religious teachers taught him. So, with so many people claiming such extraordinary insight into the unexplainable, I need to be critical. I cannot merely accept at face value that someone saw Bigfoot, the Loch Ness Monster, aliens, whatever because, frankly, I wasn't there and I didn't experience it myself.<br><br>That said, on two separate occasions I've seen UFOs. My first time, what I saw I know wasn't a meteor, stars, the planet Venus, an airplane or anything else that can be explained by conventional explanations. But what I saw doesn't therefore confirm that all UFOs are vehicles manned by grey guys from Zeta Reticuli, or that they're back engineered flying saucers flown by black ops personnel, or that they're bio-forms or any other theory as to the nature of what UFOs are. But I know what I saw, and I have no proof to show anyone. I know that the harsh light of skepticism can be applied to my own experiences, and I accept that.<br><br>Now that I know that these things exist, what I want to learn is what intelligent force is behind their existance. It matters to me because I personally give it a high degree of importance in my life; there is something alien that flies around our skies that's supposed to be beyond anything that we can create. That is a wonderful mystery to explore, and along my journey I've read of many possible explanations as to what and who is behind these objects. The possible answers raise more questions, and much of what these possibilities are contain very disturbing items about how little we may know about who we are, who controls our lives and where humanity's destiny lies.<br><br>So yeah, I consider those questions pretty important, which is why I try to learn as much as I can from people. I sift what they have to say and try to see how it fits within my own paradigm. Heck, in this thread and elsewhere LilyPatToo has been talking of stories she believes as being disinformation. How am I going to learn what may or may not be the truth from someone if I myself don't remain ever skeptical?<br><br> <p></p><i></i>
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Re: Skeptic test

Postby Attack Ships on Fire » Sun Jul 09, 2006 5:29 am

LilyPat...thanks for taking the time to answer some of my questions.<br><br>Barring any skepticism I may have, if these terrible things have been done to you is there any medical assistance you could get that could offer some help to you? You know how there are psychologists and psychiartists that may have experience dealing with clients that claim to have alien abduction experiences? Is there any kind of support group that could put you in touch with that kind of help, say in recalling memories, trying to figure out what's real and what may be your mind filling in the blanks, or even some physician that could give you a medical examination for any possible signs of your trauma?<br><br>Actually, now that I think about it, maybe going to a group that's public (and therefore open to potential watchers and informants) might not be the best way to go about it. What about finding a psychiatrist that has some history with handling abuse survivors? Would that be something that you would consider one day?<br><br>Some other questions: in the way that you talk of your experiences, you claim that there are memories that seem to be like characteristic reports of alien abductions, right? But you don't believe they are aliens doing these abductions, at least with regard to your own personal experiences, correct? Would you think that all or just some of your abductions were perpetrated by humans alone or by humans/aliens? Do you think that there are any non-terrestrials behind abduction phenomena?<br><br>And BTW, 59 ain't too old yet. <!--EZCODE EMOTICON START :) --><img src=http://www.ezboard.com/images/emoticons/smile.gif ALT=":)"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> <br> <p></p><i></i>
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Postby blanc » Sun Jul 09, 2006 5:47 am

Hi fellow 59 yr old! Lots of ways (alien abduction being only one) survivors get discredited before they start to really remember or as they remember. Added to which, odd behaviour patterns, all the way to full blown psychosis under the pressure of returning memories, mark many out as incredible. Thus they serve perp agenda, by helping to keep the lid on. Then there's the double bind- if you are crazy your stories are fantasies, if you are level headed, you must be lying because no-one who'd been through that could be so calm about it. and yes Attack SOF - there's arranged accidents/suicides. Regina Louf put it thus - if you tell they send you crazy or kill you. <br>So every time I meet a survivor who is hanging on in there I feel so glad - one in the eye for the perps. <p></p><i></i>
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Postby blanc » Sun Jul 09, 2006 8:37 am

btw of pos. interest to those who have been unwillingly bezo-ed is the submission to the home office advisory council on misuse of drugs at <!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href="http://www.benzo.org.uk/behan.htm">www.benzo.org.uk/behan.htm</a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--><br><br>short acting benzos are not the only memory blockers but have been used commonly <p></p><i></i>
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Re: Skeptic test

Postby Joe Hillshoist » Sun Jul 09, 2006 8:58 am

<!--EZCODE QUOTE START--><blockquote><strong><em>Quote:</em></strong><hr>There are people out there that I've encountered that claimed to have psychic powers. When I asked for proof, none materialized.<hr></blockquote><!--EZCODE QUOTE END--><br><br>I reckon I have psychic powers, but they are not something I am confident that I would be able to repeat on cue. But time and again in my life I have incidents where psychic activity seems the most likely reason for what happened. And so do many people I know.<br><br>To me its like this... Most good kicks with an aussie rules football can kick the ball 40 metres to a target the size of a bucket at least 60 % of the time. Most professional players would be able to do this with an almost 100% success rate.<br><br>But most people can't. Only people that have learned the technique and developed it or who are naturally extraordinarily gifted.<br><br>However when the pressure is on even the pros can have trouble. And those who depend on talent without perfecting technique often do worse than those who refine their technique.<br><br>But anyway your scepticism is well founded and admirable. No really it is, I'm not being a jerk. A lot of what this site produces is metaphors for difficult to understand experiences.<br><br>Not necessarily truth. Thats not to say what these guys aren't talking abbout is truth, but I come from an interest in the "occult" side of this, tho not cos I approve of whats being done. I dunno if I could provide you proof, or if that would even be a fair thing to do. <p></p><i></i>
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Re: Skeptic test

Postby LilyPatToo » Sun Jul 09, 2006 2:15 pm

Very little time today, unfortunately, but I'll try to answer one of your questions, ASOF:<br><br><!--EZCODE QUOTE START--><blockquote><strong><em>Quote:</em></strong><hr>if these terrible things have been done to you is there any medical assistance you could get that could offer some help to you? You know how there are psychologists and psychiartists that may have experience dealing with clients that claim to have alien abduction experiences? Is there any kind of support group that could put you in touch with that kind of help, say in recalling memories, trying to figure out what's real and what may be your mind filling in the blanks, or even some physician that could give you a medical examination for any possible signs of your trauma?<hr></blockquote><!--EZCODE QUOTE END--><br><br>Good question. I'll address the psychiatric part first -- MKULTRA sucked in the brightest and the best inside the psychology/psychiatry community, compromised many of them and then began to infiltrate the entire professional field, at every level, from aides and nurses to doctors. This has been written about extensively by the top MC historians and if I had more time, I'd provided links. They so dominated the field during the 50's and 60's that none other than Dr. Ewan Cameron, MKULTRA monster, was the very first president of the American, Canadian and World Psychiatric Associations -- THE foremost psychiatrist in the world during his era. The CIA mind controllers infiltrated the field so deeply that they literally formulated bedrock policy in ways that persist today.<br><br>As a direct result of that early and continuing influence, anything connected in any meaningful way to mind control has been discredited or at the very least pooh-poohed. Even DID/MPD is not recognized by many mental health professionals and those who do admit it exists tend to consider it to be very rare. Since just about all the early trauma-based programs' survivors were deliberately made multiple personalitied, that turned out to be a stunning success for the Controllers. We are still misdiagnosed and neutralized by powerful anti-psychotic drugs, instead of believed and helped, a large percentage of the time.<br><br>I had a truly bizarre experience with the head of the Neurology Dept. at my local Kaiser that I don't have time to relate today, except to say that I was put on a powerful drug that I later saw discussed on "X-Files" as a mind control drug, instead of being prescribed one of the drugs that could have stopped my migraines in their tracks. Since then, I've heard very similar stories from other suvivors. As a result, I'm very, very frightened at the thought of going back and putting myself into the hands of psychiatrists, psychologists, therapists or, especially, neurologists. And any MC survivor who trustingly trots off to see a hypnotist is, to me, the most naive creature on Earth. Not only is there a danger that the hypnotist is connected to the Controllers, but we also have alter systems that are designed specifically to thwart hypnotic intrusions by non-program people. If suicide programs are triggered or illness alters awakened, we could be in big trouble. And we all have "phone home" alters that will alert our handlers, too, which invites an accessing.<br><br>As far as medical confirmation that something physical happened to me, yes, there are a couple of things -- when I went to get my tubes tied many years ago, at the follow-up visit with the surgeon, he asked me why I'd neglected to tell him about all the egg donations I'd undergone. When I told him I'd NEVER dontated a single egg, he kindly told me that there was nothing to be ashamed of, since many poor young women were forced to do it to earn money to survive on. I repeated that I never, ever had done it and he got annoyed. He said that I certainly had, since my right ovary showed multiple scars that are only typical of that particular procedure. And he said that the scarring was significant and should have been in my medical history.<br><br>Off and on for my whole adult life, up until the big military bases here were closed, I had MILABs that always included gynecological exams and procedures. I was returned sore, cramping and aching from some of them. And full of KY jelly and sometimes bruised. And they were done at mid-cycle, on ovulation day. They were part of whatever program(s) I was in, since other women have reported them, too--and all of them also had alien abduction screen memories implanted.<br><br>I also have completely anomalous scars in some strange places that I'd never heard of anyone having scars...until the day I went to a survivor's website and saw her drawings of herself as a child, with electrodes attached to parts of her body and wires running to car batteries. <br><br>LilyPat <p></p><i></i>
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Re: Skeptic test

Postby Dreams End » Sun Jul 09, 2006 2:44 pm

Have you ever had an eeg? Debbie went to a neurologist who said her brainwave pattern was "unusual" but I didn't get more info than that.<br><br>I'd also like very much to know the name of the drug that you heard mentioned on X-Files. I'm pretty sure Debbie's psychiatrist is trustworthy...he immediately changes meds on her request if the effects aren't what's desired and he also says very openly that meds are not the answer for her, that they are just to help until she can get stronger on her own. In fact, he wanted to take her off various things because he felt it was keeping her from being able to access the emotions she needed to explore and integrate. He doesn't really use the langauge of DID (he calls her young parts "regressions") but I've found it reassuring to note his flexibility in approach and emphasis on himself as merely supporting therapy, not supplanting it. Unusual for psychiatrists these days.<br><br>I'd add to Lily's discussion of the "infiltration" of psychiatry the False Memory Syndrome Foundation. One of the founders was MkULtra baddie, Martin Orne...and the other founders were parents accused by their daughter of sexual abuse. The daughter now writes books on the ACCURACY of recovered memories. <br><br>Fascinating.<br><br> <p></p><i></i>
Dreams End

Re: Skeptic test

Postby Attack Ships on Fire » Sun Jul 09, 2006 4:48 pm

Hey Joe, regarding my example of being skeptical of people that claim to have psychic powers, I didn't intend to say that I don't believe in psychic phenomena. In fact, I do. (See the Princeton university PEAR program for scientific confirmation of consciousness/mind abilities.) I also agree it's something very hard to demonstrate consistently on demand.<br><br>What I meant to draw an example of is that I've encountered people that claim to be accurate psychics, either in reading your mind, psychometry or even telekinesis. When they've been asked to demonstrate these abilities, they all haven't been able to do so. Some of these people have convinced others that they are psychics, and to the best of my knowledge they never once have proven that they have any abilities. There are charlatans out there and you've got to have your guard up at all times to know when it's BS or something potentially legitimate.<br><br>Just wanted to clear my end up.<br> <p></p><i></i>
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Re: Skeptic test

Postby Attack Ships on Fire » Sun Jul 09, 2006 4:55 pm

Thanks for your answers Lily. There's some stuff in there that's new to me and I'm going to file it away and see if something similar to what you've described turns up elsewhere in my travels. For example, I know of a young woman that claims to be abducted by aliens. She tells people that she accepts what they need to do to her with love in her heart, and it makes the experience proceed smoothly for her. When I first heard her say this I instantly thought of a rape victim being compassionate to their attacker, but again, every contactee/abduction victim seems to have a different take and story with this phenomena, such as yours. That's not to say there's two different groups at work here, but it also makes the process of sifting through the tales to try and make some sense of it all a damn difficult thing to do.<br><br>I wish I had some kernel of knowledge to give back to you in exchange for your answering my questions, like recommending a doctor that I know you could trust. I hate to think of someone living with something like this and not being able to seek out help, but maybe Jeff's board offers a small form of that, in some way. I know it's getting word out about different concepts of what's really going on our there for people like me.<br> <p></p><i></i>
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Re: Skeptic test

Postby LilyPatToo » Sun Jul 09, 2006 11:30 pm

ASOF said:<br><br><!--EZCODE QUOTE START--><blockquote><strong><em>Quote:</em></strong><hr>I know of a young woman that claims to be abducted by aliens. She tells people that she accepts what they need to do to her with love in her heart, and it makes the experience proceed smoothly for her. When I first heard her say this I instantly thought of a rape victim being compassionate to their attacker, but again, every contactee/abduction victim seems to have a different take and story with this phenomena, such as yours. That's not to say there's two different groups at work here, but it also makes the process of sifting through the tales to try and make some sense of it all a damn difficult thing to do.<hr></blockquote><!--EZCODE QUOTE END--><br><br>You’ve got THAT right! I decided to reply to this post, but I’ve not forgotten your other questions--they’re good questions and I’m still thinking about some of them (besides being short of time today).<br><br>To me, it’s entirely possible that real aliens are interacting with human beings. I had an experience at 4 years of age that seems to me like a possible real alien abduction, but I simply do not know. I woke up to find a white-haired man in a white uniform (I nearly had a heart attack years later when I saw Marlon Brando’s Jar-El in “Superman”--!!!) standing in my bedroom. <br><br>He said he was my “real father” from another world and watched as a bunch of very short figures that I thought of as “little doctors” somehow moved me out of the room. I lost consciousness and came to in a bright room, lying on a metal table as the white-haired guy put something inside my body in the region of my solar plexus. Then I passed out again.<br><br>When I woke up in the morning I was absolutely positive that it had been completely real and not a dream. I was really frightened that my parents didn’t believe me, since I realized that that meant they weren’t going to protect me from the “little doctors” or the white-haired man. My grandmother was the only person who believed me.<br><br>Was it an alien abduction? Or was it an exceptionally early instance of a mind control program false alie abduction screen memory for what was probably an accessing? If it was the latter, it was intriguing, since it was 1951--a full decade before Betty and Barney Hill were abducted and no one in western PA was talking about alien abductions. Also, there was no TV (at least not in my family or any other family we knew) and no one read science fiction, either, at all. When I grew up completely obsessed with SF, I was regarded as being weird by literally everyone I knew, including my friends. And I later became a professional astronomical artist, too, so it wasn't a passing fancy--it determined my occupation.<br><br>So was it real? Dunno. The woman you mentioned may have been experiencing Stockholm Syndrome--or at least, that was the first thing that popped into my mind when I read your post about her. It’s extremely common among alien abductees who desperately need to put a positive spin on what's happening to them. But I've learned that if I mention it inside that community, I’m asking to be flamed (and I have the scorch marks to prove it, too). And I had a touch of it for the one person I can remember clearly from the MILABs, too, so I do know it's possible in any captive/captor situation. But that still doesn't make it any easier to tell who abducted her or me....<br><br>LilyPat <p></p><i></i>
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Postby bamabecky » Mon Jul 10, 2006 12:01 am

I can't believe I sat here and read most of these 12 pages. I firmly believe that people who have never experienced "<!--EZCODE BOLD START--><strong><!--EZCODE ITALIC START--><em> abuse of this magnitude </em><!--EZCODE ITALIC END--></strong><!--EZCODE BOLD END-->" just can't bring themselves to believe that stuff like this actually happens. It seems that they have a mental block to wrapping their brain around it. I'm not directing those comments to anyone who has posted here. So please, no one take offense. The phenomenon of "disbelief” is so similar to trying to tell an Alabama Republican (for instance) about the vast corruption in George Bush’s administration or Washington D.C. period. They will not accept it. A normal person has a tough time grasping vial evil.<br><br>Back to MPD/DD/MKULTRA>> The fact that you are all validating each other individual experience is bound to be helpful, much like support groups. Having worked in the mental health field, what LilyP2 says about finding a good therapist is spot on. Sadly, way-to-many professionals do not believe the condition exists. College professors barely touch on the subject. It's a national disgrace really. Due to the infiltration of so-called professionals who deliberately set out attack the victims "memories", many people working in the field are confused with these cases. Further, the minute you mention "voices", they immediately label you Skizy. They are not taught how to tease out voices coming from inside the head or from outside the head. So it's little wonder that victims are afraid of professional mental health. I’ll tell you what is rare. What’s rare is a psychiatrist who treats these victims and is good at it. My training was just as pathetic, but I fortunately was able to work under a talented professional (who has now retired) and a friend who introduced me to the horrors of her experience. Can people who have been abused to this magnitude ever hope to completely heal? These folks cannot wipe out these memories. They are forever changed. They can look forward to “some” peace of mind and support if they are lucky and find good help. <br><br>I have heard and read a lot about Belgium. I think there is a “hot bed” of activity in Belgium. Coincidentally, Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands (next door to Belgium) is the head of the Black Nobility families. Hum….. connected? I speculate that they are connected to all things nefarious. <br><br>Hey 4911, chill out man. All of these folks are reacting to you based on their own experiences. BTW, does 4911 mean that you are “for” 911….just curious……? Oh - and take it from me stay away from ANY comment about Jews. It's the hottest button out there! I learned that the hard way. I'm breaking my own rule just to try and help you. <br><br>I found Murry Bowen’s “systems theory” as it related to family therapy, most helpful in understanding why people are attracted to each other as mates. Simply put (cause I’m many years away from the textbooks now) it has to do with emotional health. People tend to ( I stress “tend to”) to marry someone on their same emotional health level. Trouble arises when one mate experiences a good dose of emotional “growth”, and the other one does not. I liken emotional growth to a personal path or journey. And to me, the emotional path of growth is one in the same as a spiritual path of growth. This brings on the topic of forgiveness, which is far a field from bitterness. Bitterness keeps one stuck and unhealthy. <!--EZCODE UNDERLINE START--><span style="text-decoration:underline"><!--EZCODE ITALIC START--><em><!--EZCODE BOLD START--><strong>Forgiveness is a gift you give yourself</strong><!--EZCODE BOLD END--></em><!--EZCODE ITALIC END--></span><!--EZCODE UNDERLINE END-->. Forgiveness is not saying what they did was ok, no sir ree, no way no how. Forgiveness is so challenging and difficult, that most can’t even talk about forgiveness….they just can’t. I have seen it time and again. But I’m hear to tell you, if you really want to heal…you gotta end up there at some point for your own sake. Forgiveness deserves it’s on thread because of it’s difficulty. You have got to understand what kind of family spons a sociapath/psychopath. How does one get to be that way? It's a A-ha moment. Then you stretch your empathy to ponder what it must have been like to be a child in THAT environment. That child grows up to be the adult that abused you. Inside that abusing adult is a once wounded child that has cut off all feelings for themselves or for you. This is getting deep. Hope you can follow what I'm trying to say.<br>Bama<br> <p>Be the Media! Write a personal essay to your friends and family, telling them what's going on and tell them how and where to find more info.</p><i></i>
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