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Postby blanc » Fri Jul 07, 2006 5:03 am

I guess I think language is important. when one uses a term like sorcery to describe criminal networks drugging vulerable people for profit it adds the kudos of mystery, because that word carries the baggage of fictions, befuddled histories and kids stories. Having been close to some of these people I tend to imagine, as I read, how they would see themselves, reading what I read, and want to shy away from euphemisms. <p></p><i></i>
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Re: language

Postby havanagilla » Fri Jul 07, 2006 5:21 am

aside on some "synchronicities" over here. I wrote (and erased, out of fear) a while ago here about the suicide of the female blogger whom i suspected was victim of MC/SRA. Her husband was kind enough to write some stuff post her death, and related her medical history, including that "psychiatrists in Ichilov were doing MRI's and CT's on her brain to find possible organic reasons for mental illness, and sent the results to an expert in Belgium.." so far could be innocent. Later, the husband hired a private technician to track some very nasty very RA-like threats she received by email, technician said the email was well disguised and routed via a server in Belgium. So far, nothing much. Today, though, one of the backtalks in that post mentions Dutroux. The message relates to a certain media guy whom the deceased blamed for Sadistic sex with her, and his defenders (many and powerful) are saying he is a geek who cannot harm anyone. The backtalk is thus "In the case of Dutroux, the abuser also looked like a harmless geek until one heard what happened in his bedroom". first time the case is mentioned offhandish in backtalks in israel.<br>Just thoughts...<br><br>--<br>I don't know why this appears in this thread, was she also a "secretion tank" ? who knows, with all the medical doctors she saw, that's possible, all is possible. <br>--<br>Another aside on the continued saga of medical doctors in Israel. Today - Haaretz discloses a verdict of a sex offender (raped his adopted daughter from age 6 to 1<!--EZCODE EMOTICON START 8) --><img src=http://www.ezboard.com/images/emoticons/glasses.gif ALT="8)"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> , where 3 very very prominent medical doctors testified FOR the accused. 2 of the doctors didn't see him at all (wrote they did), and gave a forged opinion, including citations from articles which they made look as their own detemination in the case. Another one examined the accused, but NOT on the main issue of which he was giving opinion. (regertfully, the doctor for the victim/prosecution also failed, when she based her opinion on a photo of a vagina which was NOT the victim's in that case, but another woman). 4 doctors, 2 out of which are HEADS of departments,adn Professors/experts, gave falsified evidence. <br>WTF is going on ?<br>--<br>The case came to the press attention following a miserable utterance by the presiding judge that the victim possibly enjoyed the sex and that's why she didn't complain. The Presdient of the SIraeli Supreme court is now in the process of firing the asshole. the two other judges who signed the verdict (women) both claim that the presiding judge promised them to delete this sentence but they didn't double check, or read the verdict and signed it "blanko". :-) another day in Sodom.<br><br><br> <p></p><i></i>
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Re: language

Postby Joe Hillshoist » Fri Jul 07, 2006 11:24 am

<!--EZCODE QUOTE START--><blockquote><strong><em>Quote:</em></strong><hr>when one uses a term like sorcery to describe criminal networks drugging vulerable people for profit it adds the kudos of mystery, <hr></blockquote><!--EZCODE QUOTE END--><br><br>Its more a case of those interested in the darker aspects of "sourcery" taking advantage of already existing criminal networks. Whether they are a part of that criminal network on some operative level, or perhaps just a customer.<br><br>Especially with this particular thread.<br><br>Language is important, so I would personally leave it at that.<br><br><!--EZCODE QUOTE START--><blockquote><strong><em>Quote:</em></strong><hr>carries the baggage <hr></blockquote><!--EZCODE QUOTE END--><br><br>I have talked indiscretely, about someone else on this subject a bit - thats part of the reason i am careful to say what I say and leave it at that. I haven't given away their anonimity, anyone I have Ided has been ok with it beforehand. What happened was bad enough on its own terms and associated baggage or paraphenalia of the dark side just adds to that. But if it isn't her particular situation, it also trivialises her particular story. <p></p><i></i>
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Re: Belgium

Postby LilyPatToo » Fri Jul 07, 2006 3:16 pm

havanagilla, you mentioned Belgium and I woke up this AM thinking intensively of that country. When I lived in Haarlem Holland for a year (1982-3) I had the oddest thing happen over and over to me--I'd sell a painting and immediately book a trip to Belgium. I'd then get off the train in Belgium and wonder if I was losing my mind, since I found it to be so much like Holland that it was really boring to me--especially after multiple trips there. Yet I kept spending my precious travelling money to go there. OTOH, I *loved* the British Isles and could easily have gone there on the same amount of $$. But I kept ending up in Belgium.<br><br>I also never felt entirely well, phyically, when I was there. It's a very developed country with excellent hygiene standards and sanitation, yet I felt ill and debilitated by the end of any trip and couldn't wait to get back home to Haarlem. But within a month or two, I'd find myself with a ticket to go back....Now I know that program-loyal alters can easily effect that kind of half-unconscious purchase, but at the time it alarmed me. My level of dissociation was extreme while I was there--I remember suddenly becoming aware of my surroundings in different parts of the country with no memory at all of booking a tour.<br><br>And Belgium has been named by numerous researchers as "Illuminati Central" for Europe. Just FYI.<br><br>LilyPat <p></p><i></i>
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