We drink elixirs that we refine from the juices of the dying

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We drink elixirs that we refine from the juices of the dying

Postby Joe Hillshoist » Tue Jul 04, 2006 11:46 am

<!--EZCODE QUOTE START--><blockquote><strong><em>Quote:</em></strong><hr>Dr. Hoffer points out that adrenochrome is not all bad. He believes that the leucocytes use adrenochrome to destroy abnormal cells like cancer cells and that we therefore need a certain amount of adrenochrome in order to control cancer. The fact that schizophrenics rarely develop cancer supports this hypothesis. Dr. Hoffer concludes that we need a certain amount of stress in order to produce enough adrenochrome to enable our leucocytes to kill bacteria and tumor cells. However, we also need an adequate supply of natural antioxidants such as vitamins C and E and beta-carotene in order to neutralize an excess of adrenochrome after its work is done. (51 references) <br>Hoffer, A. Schizophrenia: an evolutionary defence against severe stress. Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine, Vol. 9, No. 4, Fourth Quarter, 1994, pp. 205-21<hr></blockquote><!--EZCODE QUOTE END--> <br><br><!--EZCODE QUOTE START--><blockquote><strong><em>Quote:</em></strong><hr>Adrenaline also may affect the emotions, contributing to anxiety and depression. In the body it turns into a toxic hormone called adrenochrome, which in turn can be converted into either of two other compounds: dihydroxyindole or adrenolutin. It is possible that dihydroxyindole balances off adrenaline to reduce tension and irritability; in schizophrenics, however, adrenochrome is converted primarily into adrenolutin, which also is toxic, and the combination of adrenochrome-adrenolutin results in a poisonous disruption of the brain's chemical processes. That is the theory. And the prescribed antidotes are nicotinic acid (niacin) or nicotinamide (Vitamin B-3). Discussing one of the villains in the piece, the scientists write: "There are few who doubt that adrenochrome is active in animals or in man, and it is now included among the family of compounds known as hallucinogens—compounds like mescaline and LSD-2 5 capable of producing psychological changes in man." <br>The Hoffer-Osmond studies are far from conclusive, and similar theories have been advanced in the past. But the studies hold promise, and they are receiving serious consideration—due in part, no doubt, to the significance they have in other areas of current debate, including religion. The line dividing insanity and mysticism has never been too sharply drawn, and the biochemical theory of schizophrenia makes it all the more tenuous. Vitamin B-3 actually has cured cases of schizophrenia, according to Dr. Hoffer and Osmond. But Vitamin B-3 also has proved effective in terminating LSD experiences, and the implications of this must be obvious. As we asked earlier: Are insanity, mysticism, and the psychedelic experience in some way related?<hr></blockquote><!--EZCODE QUOTE END--><br><br>from <!--EZCODE LINK START--><a href="http://www.erowid.org/chemicals/adrenochrome/adrenochrome_info1.shtml" target="top">erowid</a><!--EZCODE LINK END--> <p></p><i></i>
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Re: We drink elixirs that we refine from the juices of the d

Postby Joe Hillshoist » Tue Jul 04, 2006 12:12 pm

<!--EZCODE QUOTE START--><blockquote><strong><em>Quote:</em></strong><hr>Some beta-carbolines have been detected in the tissues and fluids of mammals, including humans, where they are thought to be produced from endogenous tryptamines such as serotonin, 5-methoxy-tryptamine and tryptamine itself. Psychoactive methylated tryptamines such as dimethyltryptamine (DMT), 5-methoxy-dimethyltryptamine (5-MeO-DMT) and 5-hydroxy-dimethyltryptamine (bufotenine) and have been detected in normal human beings as well (3,4,5), though their biological purpose remains a mystery. <br><br>The psychoactive indoles are interesting not only for their exogenously induced effects on the human mind, but also for their natural occurrence in humans. In the early 1950's, Osmond and Smythies, in their transmethylation hypothesis, proposed endogenous 'schizotoxins' to be responsible for the symptoms characteristic of hallucinatory psychoses, and initiated an era of search for the chemical basis of undesirable states of mind<hr></blockquote><!--EZCODE QUOTE END--> <br><br>This is footnote 5 BTW<br><br><!--EZCODE QUOTE START--><blockquote><strong><em>Quote:</em></strong><hr>Kärkkäinen J, Räisäinen M, Naukarinen H, Spoov J and Rimon R (I98<!--EZCODE EMOTICON START 8) --><img src=http://www.ezboard.com/images/emoticons/glasses.gif ALT="8)"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> . Urinary excretion of free bufotenin by psychiatric patients. Biological Psychiatry 24:44I-446. <hr></blockquote><!--EZCODE QUOTE END--><br><br>This is 4<br><br>Guichhait RB (1976). Biogenesis of 5-methoxy-N,N-dimethyltryptamine in human pineal gland. Journal of Neurochemistry 26:187-190. <br><br><br>I originally stuck 5 in for spin out value. But bothsave me looking for other refs and stuff re DMT, 5MNN DMT etc <p></p><i></i>
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Re: elixirs that we refine from the juices of the dying

Postby Joe Hillshoist » Tue Jul 04, 2006 12:35 pm

<!--EZCODE QUOTE START--><blockquote><strong><em>Quote:</em></strong><hr>and it is at this point that we begin to learn how the kingly succession was orally fed with bodily supplements from the early days<hr></blockquote><!--EZCODE QUOTE END--><br><br><!--EZCODE QUOTE START--><blockquote><strong><em>Quote:</em></strong><hr>At that stage in the family's history, the vengeful Jehovah apparently warned Noah and his sons against the ingestion of blood - an edict which became expressly important to the later Jewish way of life. It has long been a customary Jewish practice to hang meat for blood-letting before cooking and consumption.<br><br>But, in contrast, the Christian faith is especially concerned with the figurative ingestion of blood. In the Christian tradition it is customary to take the Communion sacrament (the Mass) wherein wine is drunk from the sacred chalice, symbolically representing the blood of Jesus, the lifeblood of the Messianic Vine.<hr></blockquote><!--EZCODE QUOTE END--><br><br><!--EZCODE QUOTE START--><blockquote><strong><em>Quote:</em></strong><hr>Could it be, perhaps, that the modern Christian custom is an unwitting throw-back to some distant pre-Noah ritual which Jehovah opposed? If so, then since it is known that the chalice is a wholly female symbol which has been emblematic of the womb from the earliest times, might this even have been an extract of menstrual blood? The answer to these questions is 'Yes'. That was precisely the custom, but it was not so unsavoury as it might seem. Indeed, few of us think to enquire about the ultimate sources of many of today's ingested medicines and bodily supplements, and those in the know would often be reluctant to tell us. The Premarin hormone, for example, comes from the urine of pregnant mares, while certain growth hormones and insulin are manufactured from E. coli, a faecal bacterium.<br><br>The blood extract in question was, in the first instance, not human but from the sacred Anunnaki lunar essence - that of Enki's sister Nin-khursag, the designated Lady of Life. It was defined as the most potent of all life-forces and was venerated as being 'Star Fire'. It was from the womb of Nin-khursag that the kingly line was born, and it was with her blood, the divine Star Fire, that the Dragon succession was supplementally fed.<hr></blockquote><!--EZCODE QUOTE END--><br><br><!--EZCODE QUOTE START--><blockquote><strong><em>Quote:</em></strong><hr>Endocrinal supplements are, of course, still used by today's organotherapy establishment, but their inherent secretions (such as melatonin and serotonin) are obtained from the dessicated glands of dead animals and they lack the truly important elements which exist only in live human glandular manufacture.<br><br>In the fire symbolism of ancient alchemy, the colour 'red' is synonymous with the metal 'gold'. In some traditions (including the Indian tantras), 'red' is also identifiable with 'black'. Hence, the goddess Kali is said to be both 'red' and 'black'. The original heritage of Kali was, however, Sumerian, and she was said to be Kalimâth, the sister of Cain's wife Luluwa.<br><br>Kali was a primary princess of the Dragon House, and from her Star Fire association she became the goddess of time, seasons, periods and cycles. Because of this, her name was the root of the word 'calendar' (kalindar), which is concerned with the divisions of seasonal time.<hr></blockquote><!--EZCODE QUOTE END--><br><br>Thats from laurence gardener. If you really want to read it you can find it at nexus magazines homepage.<br><br>I left the Kali bit in to point out that Gardener is usually full of shit, thats a clear example, but anyway...<br><br>The next point is to look at what stuff is secreted in certain other human secretions from the same area, over time, as well as menstral blood. But I am dreading typing that into a search engine. I think some people might get where I am going with this. <p></p><i></i>
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Re: We drink elixirs that we refine from the juices of the d

Postby Rigorous Intuition » Tue Jul 04, 2006 1:43 pm

<!--EZCODE IMAGE START--><img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v226/JeffWells/subalbum1/elixir.jpg" style="border:0;"/><!--EZCODE IMAGE END--><br>From <!--EZCODE LINK START--><a href="http://user.cyberlink.ch/~koenig/spermo.htm">here</a><!--EZCODE LINK END-->: P.R. Koenig's Typhonian critique of Crowley's "spermo-gnosis." (The Typhonian OTO, after Kenneth Grant, substitutes menses for sperm.)<br><br>Also, from <!--EZCODE LINK START--><a href="http://rigorousintuition.blogspot.com/2005/11/correspondence-and-sanctuary-part-one.html">this post</a><!--EZCODE LINK END-->:<br><br>Keel also writes that UFOs and bizarre entities "all appear to have the ability to ferret out human females during their menstrual period." He also notes that "the phenomenon has an almost pornographic preoccupation with our mating practices."<br><br>Now, consider the mission of the "Typhonian Ordo Templi Orientis," the branch of the OTO founded by Aleister Crowley's purported spiritual heir Kenneth Grant:<br><br><!--EZCODE ITALIC START--><em>The Typhonian OTO is concerned with effective transmissions and communications from 'outerspace' for the purpose of opening Gateways. The Typhonian 'deities' denote specific operations of psycho-physical alchemy which involve essences or elixirs secreted (thrown out and/or considered unclean) by the human organism. Its formula is that of the XI° involving kalas that are entirely absent from the masculine organism</em><!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->.<br><br>...<br><br>Crowley's XI° degree of the OTO pertained to anal intercourse: the sex magickal meaning of the Eye of Horus. The XI° degree of Grant's Typhonian OTO "is based on intercourse during menstruation and is considered by some as the true reversal of the IX° i.e. being a part of the same cycle. It is regarded that Crowley was unaware of the true formula as the Typhonian XI° involves specific kalas that are entirely absent from the masculine organism."<br><br>So there's John Keel, scratching his head at how manifestations of UFOs and alien entities seem linked to menstruation, and an occult order of sex magic concerned with "opening Gateways" which, for its final degree, entails ritual intercourse during menstruation. <p></p><i>Edited by: <A HREF=http://p216.ezboard.com/brigorousintuition.showUserPublicProfile?gid=rigorousintuition>Rigorous Intuition</A> at: 7/4/06 11:47 am<br></i>
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Re: We drink elixirs that we refine from the juices of the d

Postby friend catcher » Tue Jul 04, 2006 1:59 pm

There was also the growth hormone program run in the UK and probably elsewhere utilising the secretions of the pituitary glands. Harvested from corpses it received a good deal of use untill the mid 80's when fatalities with mad cow symptoms began appearing. As a school boy in the early 80's I remember that two of my class were sent for tests that involved extensive measuring of their bodies focusing on the head and testicles. We, as 11year olds were obviously fascinated/horrified. As far as I know most who received the treatment died. <!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Growth_hormone_treatment">en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gro..._treatment</a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--><br><br>Wiki has some info but pretty skimpy on the human harvesting effects. <p></p><i></i>
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Re: We drink elixirs that we refine from the juices of the d

Postby Joe Hillshoist » Tue Jul 04, 2006 10:52 pm

thank you Jeff<br><br>i was going to point out psalm 69 (from the book of lies) and the oto.<br><br>RAW seems to think that that ritual, (mass of the pheonix) involves mutual oral sex after intercourse, hence the psalm 69...<br><br>The point being consumption of the co mingled juices of male and female...<br><br>One more point in light of this.<br><br>Sex is where babies come from.<br><br>Do babies need a doorway opened for their soul to enter the world, as well as a physical set up (ie fertilisation of the females egg.)<br><br>friend, your post reminded me of a book I haven't read since the 80s.<br><br>it was called Bug Jack Barren. Or bug jack someone, and was about a TV host ala Phil Donahue. (We used to say hurry up Donahue to people who would sit on a bong and talk for ages btw).<br><br>It was written in the 60s or 70s.<br><br>The upshot of the plot was an evil plan to extract pituitary and other endocrine glands from children under 10. While they were alive. it was part of a medical procedure that gave the recipient eternal life. The endocrine products were processed and given to (elite) people who requested the treatment. Of course the children ended up dead. <p></p><i></i>
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Re: We drink elixirs that we refine from the juices of the d

Postby LilyPatToo » Wed Jul 05, 2006 12:45 am

OK, you've got my attention<!--EZCODE EMOTICON START :eek --><img src=http://www.ezboard.com/images/emoticons/eek.gif ALT=":eek"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> This is very interesting stuff, actually, even if it takes a fairly nonsqueamish constitution (which I have, fortunately) to, er...digest it...No, scratch that!<!--EZCODE EMOTICON START :p --><img src=http://www.ezboard.com/images/emoticons/tongue.gif ALT=":p"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> ...to take it all in without barfing and/or wigging out.<br><br>I actually remember reading that "Bug Jack Barron" book--but barely. Norman Spinrad wrote it, I think. <br><br>For many years, I underwent MILABs--military-involved abductions--especially while we lived in a beautiful, strangely isolated building here in the city where I still live. But they took me very consistently on my <!--EZCODE UNDERLINE START--><span style="text-decoration:underline">ovulation day</span><!--EZCODE UNDERLINE END-->. No menses. At least, all the ones that I have any memory of at all were on day 14 or 15--it took me years of journal entries about how weirdly I'd "just fall asleep" in the middle of the day before I figured out that it was on O day and *ages* before whatever drugs they were using began to lose their effectiveness on me and I was able to remember bits and pieces of what had happened to me before I "woke up" again. I even began to retain memories of a man's voice that spoke aloud in my head, saying "Lie down NOW!" 20 or 30 seconds before I became unconscious.<br><br>I've always assumed that whatever it was that they were after, it was genetic, but now you've given me another explanation to think about....Also, until I was in my mid-40's, I suffered from chronic terrible anxiety-linked depression. My poor body must have been flooded with cortisol most of the time, which really worries me now that I know all the awful things that it can do to organs. When the MILABs finally ended (the same year the big military bases here were closed, coincidentally), my anxiety/depression pretty much went away.<br><br>What if I was being conditioned to produce particular chemicals? <!--EZCODE BOLD START--><strong>THAT</strong><!--EZCODE BOLD END--> creeps me out worse than the idea that they were merely harvesting ovum <!--EZCODE EMOTICON START :( --><img src=http://www.ezboard.com/images/emoticons/frown.gif ALT=":("><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> <br><br>LilyPat <p></p><i></i>
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Re: We drink elixirs that we refine from the juices of the d

Postby Joe Hillshoist » Wed Jul 05, 2006 1:30 am

Its a disturbing thing, Lils.<br><br>but theres power in it too.<br><br>I think that if that particular conditioning process was going on, it would be important for the people responsible to keep you as disempowered as possible.<br><br>If you create magic chemicals that someone else uses for some ritual and you get some power back, then they are in a very dangerous position.<br><br>Non locality and all that, it goes both ways, thats why I think it is important to keep victims in that sense of powerless and no control.<br><br>If they discover how powerful they could be... <p></p><i></i>
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Re: We drink elixirs that we refine from the juices of the d

Postby LilyPatToo » Wed Jul 05, 2006 2:43 am

Oh, I SO want to believe that! But, funny thing--I've been Wiccan for nearly 40 years and just within the past couple of years, I've almost completely stopped practicing magick of any kind. And I don't know why. I still live my life by that value system, but I have what almost amounts to a block when it comes to any sort of ritual or even holding of intentions.<br><br>Since I'm still being accessed once or twice a year (by MC handlers, I assume) it wouldn't be difficult to leave a post-hypnotic suggestion that I've "lost my magick/power" would it? Something else to think about....<br><br>LilyPat <p></p><i></i>
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Re: We drink elixirs that we refine from the juices of the d

Postby havanagilla » Wed Jul 05, 2006 5:28 am

adding to the paranoia...<br>SOmeone here, in Israel, told me that the Mc programs are using a certain growth hormone they can secrete from kids, which makes the consumer more opened to conditioning/learning. so even an adult would be susceptible to a state of mind of "tabula rasa" curuosity/learning mode. (this can explain some of the mutual traits i found in MC survivors, the childishness, even on a physical level etc.). Certainly, MC survivors are fed stuff, chemicals what not, why should it exclude experiments with human secretions ? <br>---<br>i was going to post the cookies poster and the link from the spermognostics in my Israeli blog, but retracting..it seems too explosive. I was specifically interested by the paragaraph abous Mysogenism in this link. It goes down to the root of "fascist sexuality" IMHO. <br>I also realized, though, that Judaic religion was almost following the "recipe" and prohibitting all the evil practices (anal, menstrual sex - big prohitino in judaism, etc. AND another prohibition is for a man to stay without children...man without children is called "cruel", namely, pointing to cruelty). So, half humourously, I was gonig to make a suggestion that I found material that actually helps the Orthodox Rabbis/fundies...:-) from an unexpected corner.<br>---<br> <p></p><i></i>
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Re: We drink elixirs that we refine from the juices of the d

Postby Joe Hillshoist » Wed Jul 05, 2006 7:02 am

Mysogony and fascism of all kinds go hand in hand. Hitler was careful about the controlled roles women had in his worldview.<br><br>Perhaps a bit different from his private life. TISM used to have a song called "Defecate on my face". It was about adolf and eva. One of the funniest sights I have ever seen was hundreds of drunk yuppie commerce student pretend rebels dancing around in expensive leather jackets all singing defactate off my face in a TISM mosh pit. I guess you had to be there, but it really said it all.<br><br>But thats missing what you are getting at I think Havanagilla.<br><br>I find fascism has very obvious homoerotic overtones, and the whole bloodline aristocracy meme kind of feeds off (?) the meme that their sperm is somehow "sacred" compared to the rest of us. That has interesting feedback potential that could well lead to row upon row of pretty blue eyed, blond haired young german men in leather jackboots, spiffy uniforms, carrying phallic symbols(guns and truncheons) and all performing in some mass display of macho worship.<br><br>A mate once mate a funny comment on the band Pantera. "They must be gay or latent, no one could be that in love with hyper masculinity and not be." Words to that effect. Kind of makes sense.<br><br>One other thing on that particular connection. I once watched the Sydney gay and Lesbian mardi gras on tv. Not long after seeing some show that talked about the Nuremburg rallies pre WW2, and showed some footage. I was struck by the similarities massive energy was being liberated in both cases, and their were overtones of male homosexuality in both cases. On one hand repressed, the other celebrated.<br><br>There was one specific difference too. the energy at the mardi gras seemed happy, light hearted and genuinely loving. The Nuremburg scenes seemed somehow nastier, heavier with undertones of scary interdimensional violence.<br><br>I am not having a go at gay people btw. I couldn't care less who people fall in love with, or are attracted to within some, pretty obvious, limits. The nastiness about the whole thing seems to come from repression rether than open acceptance, it is not an intrinsicly gay (or straight) thing.<br><br>One final point about the spermognosis stuff. IE mysogeny and sex magic and "secret societies with degree systems, and fascism.<br><br>There seems to be little focus on the magical properties of womens secretions during heaps of fun (from her POV) sex.<br><br>Perhaps this has something to do with mysogeny, sperm obsession and the like. There is very little ref to the power of womens secretions, especially when there is no exploitation of them and they get as much or more out of the whole thing as their partner (male or female). Whats up with that?<br><br>Any surprise our psychic cultural dreaming is so infested with ugly unpleasant entities?<br><br>None of the sexual side of the magic we are discussing st RI, (when we discuss it) seems to come from what I thought sex was all about. Two people(more if you want, I don't care) who love each other giving each other as much pleasure as possible cos they want them to feel good.<br><br>I dunno maybe I am a prude. <p></p><i></i>
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Re: We drink elixirs that we refine from the juices of the d

Postby Rigorous Intuition » Wed Jul 05, 2006 7:40 am

<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--><em>"There is very little ref to the power of womens secretions..."</em><!--EZCODE ITALIC END--><br><br>This is reminding me of a fascinating book I wish I hadn't lost: <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--><em>Male Fantasies, Volume 1: Women, Floods, Bodies, History</em><!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> by Klaus Theweleit. It's a study of the fascist imagination on evidence in the literature of the proto-Nazi Freikorps. Theweleit finds the feminine was represented as a primal, ego-dissolving fluidic force, against which the fascist male had to construct a prosthetic defence of armour, almost making a machine of himself in the process.<br><br> <p></p><i></i>
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Re: We drink elixirs that we refine from the juices of the d

Postby havanagilla » Wed Jul 05, 2006 7:55 am

women's juices...well, there's a bizarre sentence in the bible that goes " Leviticus 12 -Purification After Childbirth<br>12:1 The Lord spoke to Moses, saying, 2 “Speak to the people of Israel, saying, ‘If a woman conceives and bears a male child, then she shall be unclean seven days. As at the time of her menstruation, she shall be unclean. " However, in Hebrew the wording is clearly different saying "If a woman ejaculates sperm...etc." which led to mountains of exegesis about sexuality, androgeny and immaculate conceptions and what not. Some of the interpretation says it merely addressed the secretions of women during sex. In Kabbalah this is considered some big secret about women etc. <br>---<br>As for fascist/mysogeny...well, just another word from MY elders on this issue. the religious rabbis insist that although the fascist-homoerotic-male dominant (and sick) hierarchy may seem mysogenic, in fact,the secret is that at the TOP, the priest is a SHE, something like the great whore of babylon or a female shaped satan. This could be yet another form of manipulative mysogeny, but I found some grain of truth in it, which merits a second look, on the archetypal level. For instance, the fundies from the Jews and the Moslems here BOTH believe that the masonic and so forth secret societies have a female priestess/prophetess in the top. I am sure this helps them unite :-).Or perhaps we are witnessing a benining of an attempt to trash Christians in a new way <!--EZCODE EMOTICON START :) --><img src=http://www.ezboard.com/images/emoticons/smile.gif ALT=":)"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> . (all ye sissies ruled by the wife...shame on you :-))<br><br> <p></p><i></i>
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Re: We drink elixirs that we refine from the juices of the d

Postby friend catcher » Wed Jul 05, 2006 8:07 am

Pasolini- Salo. They don't make them like this anymore. the relationship of literal fascism and sex as envisioned by a gay anti-fascist who was subsequently murdered by the Italian masonic conspiracists. If you've got ten minutes then the short essay is well worth your time <!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href="http://www.bfi.org.uk/features/salo/nowellsmith.html">www.bfi.org.uk/features/s...smith.html</a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--><br><!--EZCODE ITALIC START--><em><br>The film thus situates its subject matter firmly in relation to Fascist political power - not so as to claim an historical connection between fascism and sexual orgies but rather to propose an analogy between two forms of 'anarchy of power', political and sexual. Just as fascism and Nazism can be seen as a form of the use of force and violence</em><!--EZCODE ITALIC END--><br><br>I arranged a showing of this at a student cinema club and half the audience walked out in disgust whilst half thought it was some kind of masterpiece. double billed it with Thundercrack and had a very low reputation for the next two years. <p></p><i></i>
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tabula rasa

Postby blanc » Wed Jul 05, 2006 8:22 am

any idea what this growth hormone is which makes one , say, gullible?<br>myself and another person I know well, who were attacked as adults have recall of what seemed to be a process of trying to take one back, and substitute one memory (from childhood) with another, warped one. (didn't work, or rather worked partially for a very short time. ) I always thought this must be a way of trying to get control, by erasing that inconveniently normal past, and substituting one closer to the controlled childhood of their child victims. <p></p><i></i>
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