Serpent Mound in Ohio

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Serpent Mound in Ohio

Postby Lizzy Dearborn » Tue Jul 11, 2006 10:06 pm

I'm planning a trip to see some of the ancient earthworks in Ohio. <br><br>Does anyone have any insights as to why they were built?<br><br><!--EZCODE QUOTE START--><blockquote><strong><em>Quote:</em></strong><hr>This mound is located within an unusual geological area known as the Serpent Mound crypto-explosion structure. This area, nearly five miles in diameter, contains extremely faulted and folded bedrock. Such faulting, normally caused by a meteorite strike or volcanic explosion, is uncommon in the normally flat-layered rocks of Ohio.<hr></blockquote><!--EZCODE QUOTE END--> <br><br><!--EZCODE LINK START--><a href="" target="top"></a><!--EZCODE LINK END--><br><br> <p></p><i></i>
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Re: Serpent Mound in Ohio

Postby chiggerbit » Tue Jul 11, 2006 10:57 pm

The serpent mound looks a lot like the one in northeastern Iowa:<br><br><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href=""></a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--><br><br><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href=""></a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--> <p></p><i>Edited by: <A HREF=>chiggerbit</A> at: 7/11/06 9:03 pm<br></i>
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ohio is crawling with mounds

Postby Corvidaerex » Tue Jul 11, 2006 11:32 pm

Many are very creepy and some are even spectacular. Most are just there, surrounded by a normal town park and houses.<br><br><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href="">www.ibsgwatch.imagedjinn....n/ohio.htm</a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--><br><br>Great list of Ohio mounds.<br><br>Don't forget, Wright Patterson is *surrounded* by mounds, and even has one of its own.<br><br>There are many legends about Wright-Pat and the DOE facility next door. One fairly-established fact is that underground facilities link the two ... going through the Wright-Pat mound.<br><br>Anyway, Serpent Mound is about an hour's drive from Wright-Pat. Have fun! <p></p><i></i>
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Re: Serpent Mound in Ohio

Postby OnoI812 » Tue Jul 11, 2006 11:39 pm

They were built by the celts.<br><br>they've found celtic bronze smelt furnaces nearby, they are exactly like the ones in Ireland.<br><br>There is also a theory the ancient celts and druids were also the Israelites, as many strange findings like sacred hebrew mathmatical sequences were used in the layout, and ancient hebrew carvings have been found in Ross county and the general area of southern ohio and northern kentucky, Also roman coins have been found by farmers. <p></p><i></i>
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Re: Serpent Mound in Ohio

Postby jingofever » Wed Jul 12, 2006 12:05 am

I've been to Serpent mound. It is interesting, I remember a nice view of a valley. People have thrown around the standard explanation: astronomical. <p></p><i>Edited by: <A HREF=>jingofever</A> at: 7/11/06 10:05 pm<br></i>
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Serpent mounds

Postby yathrib » Wed Jul 12, 2006 12:20 am

Been there, they were supposedly built for ritual/astronomical purposes. They were quite an achievement for a society that never went past the copper age and never developed the wheel. As these societies were also preliterate, I guess we'll never knoww what motivated them to carry dirt and rocks over long distances on foot... <p></p><i></i>
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Re: Serpent Mound in Ohio

Postby Sepka » Wed Jul 12, 2006 5:42 am

<!--EZCODE QUOTE START--><blockquote><strong><em>Quote:</em></strong><hr>celtic bronze smelt furnaces <hr></blockquote><!--EZCODE QUOTE END--><br><br>There're actually quite a few pit furnaces for working iron that have been discovered throughout south and central Ohio: <!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href=""></a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--><br><br>If you're going to be seeing Serpent Mound, you might spare time for a side trip to the smaller but still interesting Schrum Mound: <!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href=""></a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--><br><br>-Sepka the Space Weasel <p></p><i></i>
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Re: Serpent Mound in Ohio

Postby Lizzy Dearborn » Wed Jul 12, 2006 9:14 am

Thanks everyone...that is just the info I was looking for.<br><br>C - I went on this trip before, years ago with my then husband and he was way more into this sort of stuff then I at the time. We hit pretty much all of them in Ohio. With one you even had to pass through a playground and behind the slide and swing-set there was this sort of normal large hill...<br><br>But a few days ago I was telling my friend about what a cool 2 day trip it was and how close it is for those of us living in the Detroit area and now he is all into going. Yet I do remember being creeped out about all the prisons in the area. And that as you strolled around...well, it's not a tourist're all alone. <br><br>(i wrote all this the first time but my computer crashed) <p></p><i></i>
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Re: Serpent Mound in Ohio

Postby Infernal Optimist » Wed Jul 12, 2006 10:54 am

<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--><em>but still interesting Schrum Mound</em><!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->:<br><br>Is that where we're gonna bury Bob Schrum? <p></p><i></i>
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Re: Serpent Mound in Ohio

Postby OnoI812 » Wed Jul 12, 2006 12:44 pm

<!--EZCODE QUOTE START--><blockquote><strong><em>Quote:</em></strong><hr>There're actually quite a few pit furnaces for working iron<hr></blockquote><!--EZCODE QUOTE END--><br><br>Thanks sepka...That's right ...I meant iron<br><br>Even more mysterious than bronze, and further evidence that points to the celts. And it wasn't just Ohio, there is evidence they were all the way down the Ohio valley, into the Mississippi, and even New Mexico where there was a prehistoric 10 commandments carved into the rock...written in an ancient hebrew dialect, much like the ones found in Ohio. The coins found in the Ohio valley were from Carthage.<br><br>The Aubrey Circle, Stonehenge & Ohio = Israelites?<br><br><!--EZCODE IMAGE START--><img src=""/><!--EZCODE IMAGE END--><br>Figure 1: The 7-pointed star used for calculating the Sabbatical Calendar on the Aubrey Circuit at Stonehenge. The system was built around the 13-month lunar year, with each month being exactly 28 days in duration (364-days)<br><br>The Stonehenge observatory, situated on the Salisbury Plains of Southern England, remains to most modern researchers, one of the foremost mysteries of British antiquity. It is far too often hastily concluded by researchers, that we will never truly know what the site was constructed for; but this is a view, far too constrained by the thinking of those who seek to fit the Universe into their ability to comprehend it, rather than seek to expand their comprehension to be able to understand the Universe.<br><br>It is possible that; like the recently unlocked and revealed mathematical "Bible Code" which has been known about for centuries by great pioneer-explorers of the unknown, like Isaac Newton, but never actually deciphered and interpreted, until recent decades when the computer was invented; Stonehenge is encoded using technology or technologies that mankind has not yet realized and, like The Bible, will unfold and grow as people's comprehension and understanding expands to enable them to absorb and utilize the higher technologies for their benefit, and not their destruction, as technologies in this day-and-age are often misused, by rich; powerful and greedy people to exalt their own personal wealth and status, at the expense of their fellow human+Beings. First of all, mankind must learn unselfishness and how to live as one, in the limited state we are presently in; before we can expect to excel into the realms of real technology - into the technologies of the greater Universe, which already does exist as One.<br><br>Although Stonehenge is a very sophisticated standing stone circle whose entire workings have not yet become apparent, there are aspects of it which conform exactly with and are instruments of discernment of the ancient and basic Sabbatical Calendar System, as was described in The Law, which was handed to Moses at Mt. Sinai, by The King and Ruler of The Universe, for the whole world to be able to live by, in peace and harmony, as One, with Him and the rest of The Universe. The Law is recorded in the first 5 Books of The Holy Bible - Genesis; Exodus; Leviticus; Numbers and Deuteronomy, the original Scrolls of which are kept in The Ark of The Covenant, which is by far the Greatest Treasure on Earth, and is concealed in a hidden subterranean Mergech (tomb) at The Hill of Tara, Co. Meath, Ireland; awaiting the Great Day of Revealing.<br><br>The Sabbatical Calendar system was encoded at Stonehenge, on the outer-most circle at the site, known as the Aubrey Circuit, with its 56 posts, representing counting positions. The Aubrey Circle was also used for lunar cycle calculations, but to simplify the explanation of the workings of the Sabbatical Calendar, a single 7-pointed star, with star-ray points at every eighth post position, is used. <!--EZCODE LINK START--><a href=""></a><!--EZCODE LINK END--><br><br>&...<br> <br><!--EZCODE ITALIC START--><em>Like at the Octagon, a parcel of specific codes much used in antiquity and with a pedigree extending back to Egypt, was undoubtedly used within the central zone of the Crosshouse. These expanded/ diminished codes would have been originally marked either at the extremities of the secondary posts, inner positions of the posts or graduated onto the wide, wrap around corner moldings. Here is a list of the potential secondary post-codes and their specific functions within the universal astronomical/ navigational system.<br><br> * 22.68 feet per side and extending to the wrap around outer side points of the corner moldings. This calibration is fully lunar and 3 sides of the Great Pyramid total 2268 feet. The lunar nutation cycle was calibrated to 6804-days, which is 2268 X 3. The sum total of 4 X 22.68 feet is 90.72 (2 X 45.36) feet & one side of the Great Pyramid measured 9072 inches along its base, whereas the height was 453.6 feet. The sum of 90.72-days would be 1/75th of the lunar nutation cycle. The calibration also has special significance in the lunar measures of the Khafre Pyramid.<br><br> * 22.5 feet per side and extending to a face position on the wrap around moldings. This gives a perimeter circuit for this square of 90 feet, which would have been very useful in navigation calculations within the sexagesimal system. The Aubrey Circle at Stonehenge appears to have carried a similar assignment (900 feet) in one of its calibrations.<br><br> * 22 feet per side and extending to the rear positions of the secondary posts as well as brushing very close to the Crosshouse corners behind the moldings. This is purely for navigation under the "11 series" (furlong) system, which viewed the Earth as being 24750 miles in circumference or 7920 leagues (@ 3.125 miles per league). The circuit around the perimeter of this square was 1056 inches. The crest-to-crest width of the Octagon's Circle component at <!--EZCODE BOLD START--><strong>Newark, Ohio</strong><!--EZCODE BOLD END--> was measured by surveyor, James Marshall as 1056 feet (528 X 2). Similarly, an embankment crest circuit at Stonehenge, using the Aubrey Circle's 56 post positions as 3,4,5 triangulation stations was 1056 feet. This square within the Crosshouse would be exactly ½ the size of the altar square (44 feet…528 inches) atop the Great Pyramid.<br><br> * 21.6 feet to hypothetical marked positions on the secondary posts, as well as gently brushing the 4 corner points of the wrap around moldings. This calibration is useful for measuring the Precession of the Equinoxes, wherein the Sun spends 2160 years in one House of the Zodiac before moving into another. The Moon is 2160 miles wide. The inch value for one side of this square was 259.2" and the ancient duration of the Precession of the Equinoxes was set at 25920 years. Each of the 8 windows (18" X 18"<!--EZCODE EMOTICON START ;) --><img src= ALT=";)"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> of the Crosshouse was 324 sq. inches or 2592 sq. inches total. The Heal Stone at Stonehenge marks a position 259.2 feet from the centre of <!--EZCODE BOLD START--><strong>Stonehenge</strong><!--EZCODE BOLD END-->. The perimeter value of this square is 86.4 feet… The Sun is 864,000 miles wide. The inch total of this square is 1036.8" and this is 518.4" X 2. The angle of the Great Pyramid is 51.84-degrees and the azimuth angle of the Octagon at <!--EZCODE BOLD START--><strong>Newark Ohio</strong><!--EZCODE BOLD END--> is 51.84 degrees. This is an important geodetic value when voyaging in leagues, wherein the diameter value of a league (16500 feet or 3.125 miles) converts to 51840 feet (using a "navigational" PI rendition of 3.141818182). The 51840 feet represented 1/7th of 1-degree of arc under the sexagesimal geodetic system, which calibrated the size of the Earth to 3024 feet (the perimeter value of the Great Pyramid…½ a minute of arc) X 43200 (½ of 86400).<br><br> * 21 feet to a position within the posts, but hypothetically marked on the sides. Each side of this square would be exactly 2 reeds (@ 126 inches or 10.5 feet per ancient reed). It would have been very effective in calculating the size of the Earth and general principles of grid referencing the Earth under the sexagesimal geodetic system. The reed was tremendously important for making calendar calculations for the cyclic periods of both the Sun & Moon under the ancient, lunisolar Sabbatical Calendar system (see The Calendar of Coligny article within this website). The inch count for this circuit was 1008" and the distance of 1 second of arc under the sexagesimal geodetic system was 100.8 feet. This is one of the internal diameter measurements of the Sarsen Circle at Stonehenge. The 1008 inches would be used for mnemonic reference to the calibration of 1 second of arc. This square would be ½ the size of another calibration matrix (42 feet long…504 inches) in use atop the Great Pyramid.<br><br> * 20.61818182 feet to a position within the posts and marked at the sides. This measurement is in Egyptian Royal Cubits using the sexagesimal rod, as found in the Turin Museum. It appears obligatory that this measurement would be included, as it tells the officiating priests the "mile" size of the Earth under the sexagesimal geodetic system and can be interpreted equally in the PHI and "11" series systems as well. To achieve the numbers related to the circumference of the Earth simply multiply the value of any side by 1200 and read the resultant figure in miles. Thus 20.61818182 feet X 1200 = 24741.81818 (read as miles…sexagesimal) or 20.625 feet X 1200 = 24750 (read as miles…"11 series"<!--EZCODE EMOTICON START ;) --><img src= ALT=";)"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> . This last reading can also be 7920 leagues of 3.125 miles each.<br><br> * 20.16 feet to the front faces of the posts. This number was used upon the altar atop the Great Pyramid within a calibrated square that was 42 feet per side (2016 inches). The number is useful for calculations in navigation and Earth grid referencing under the sexagesimal system.</em><!--EZCODE ITALIC END--><br><br><!--EZCODE LINK START--><a href=""></a><!--EZCODE LINK END--> <p></p><i></i>
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