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Postby sceneshifter » Sat Jan 28, 2006 10:31 pm

<br>there is one thing that is very much the accepted custom, but is wrong, illogical, hurtful, dangerous - and that is the paying of people for brains - brains are a gift of nature - why should a person be paid for brains? - even more, why should the people with fewer brains be taxed, fined, stolen from, to fund this pay for brains? - <br><br>obviously there is a range of brains in humans, just like there is a range of size of leaves, from smallest to largest - to pay the people with fewer brains less, to limit them to the worse jobs, to limit them to smaller lives, with fewer holidays, less of everything, is hurtful, and no hurt goes unpunished - people paid less get less respect - that isnt fair and right - it is necessary to treat everyone as equals if you want to avoid social friction - if two people give equal amounts of their lives to work, they deserve equal pay - to allow the people blessed with fewer brains to suffer seeing the people with more brains: live in better homes, get more respect, have more fun and freedom and power, go to nicer schools, etc, is building a volcano of hatred, of resentment, of enemies, in your backyard - to rob your fellow to pay yourself a bonus for having been given brains by mother nature is not fraternity, is not love, is not good sense - people dont pay attention to this - little is said and thought about this - but the negative effects in society are not small - the cultural revolution in china was the revenge of those who had watched the privilege of the brains for a long time - the hitler thing was a revolt of the people treated with social contempt just because mother nature had sprinkled brains more lightly with them - the presidency of george bush is the exploitation of this forgotten injury by the bush gang - people support bush because they can see in his eyes that he has been humiliated, mocked, ignored, forgotten, overlooked, because he has fewer brains - bush cannot get rid of his unbraininess, he is not to blame for it, there is nothing he can do to change it - and yet he is punished for it - there is a failure on the part of the brainier to see the man's equality as a human - to love him - to accept him as a fellow, an equal - bush has his revenge, he has the presidency - but it would have been better if bush had been given nothing to revenge - and all who are like bush, who know his humiliation, his marginalisation, the robbery of his equality, his dignity, his standing, take their revenge with him - <br><br>60% of the nazi party were primary school teachers - would they have joined the nazi party, would they have enjoyed their positions of power over the brainier, the privileged, the robbers of their social standing, if they had not been treated as inferior people? - if they had been paid equal pay for equal time of work? - their lives are as precious to them as the lives of the brainier are to them - shall they give as much time to society and be paid less? - it is too dangerous to do so - we underestimate the power of the disenfranchised, the marginalised - we underestimate the anger of a person treated as second grade humanity - they are not content, they are not doormats - as much as the brainier feel dignified and empowered by their higher pay, that is how much the lower pay of the less brainy feeds their anger at being forgotten, ignored, underestimated<br><br>the anti-intellectualism of nazism - why? - the burning of the books - why? - part of the reason for the hatred of the jews - because of the jewish tradition of intelligence - christians were kept illiterate for 2000 years, jews always had the tradition of study - study was the cultural norm - the bookreader was not marginalised, but centralised in that culture - nazism hated the intellectuals because the intellectuals had stolen money, stolen privilege, stolen social standing, stolen social equality, stolen opportunities, freedoms, pleasures - and on top of this heap of injustice, had thrown the added humiliation of forgetting that they had done this - to down a man, and to know you have done it, is one thing, but to down a man, and not even remembering doing it - that is a further humiliation - the attack on equality, of dignity is striking deep into a human's core - the revenge is proportionate<br><br>and when the less brainy take over, they know they cannot do things as well - they have fewer brains, and no tradition of rule, no custom of experience of rule, handed down from generation to generation - they dont care if they fail, if they destroy everything - they will have their day of revenge, of privilege, of equality, of manhood, though the world fall<br><br>we underestimate the wrath of those who pay for the brains' privileges - those who scrimp and save to give their children an inferior copy of the designer clothes others' children have without thought - their wrath is powerful, it is great, it is sore, it is fatal - you rob from their children - they watch their children being marginalised, robbed in every facet of social life - <br><br>i think that here you have the explanation for the utter sadism - and cold sadism - of the nazis - the nazis treated people as NOTHING - why? - because the nazis had been treated as nothing - treating people as nothing was the essence of the revenge, its sweetest fruit<br><br>we give prizes for brains, for various superiorities, and think nothing of it - what is happening at the other end of the spectrum of human nature? - in adding to the superior, what do you subtract from the inferior, the less talented? - you act as if you can safely assume the largeheartedness of those who never get prizes, the generosity and unenvy of them - think of hitler being rejected as an artist - think of all those whose work failed to get the job, win the prize<br><br>beware of paying for gifts of nature, beware of stealing from the less gifted to fund the pay for gifts of nature - do you want that much bitterness, that much hatred and anger and revenge in your society?<br><br>everyone plays the game of getting higher - it is fun, it is stimulating - if someone draws along side you, you try to trip them up, push them down, or go faster yourself - it is engrossing - but it is unjust, and injustice brings misery - if you run a race of 10, you make one winner, and 9 losers - why do we worship superiority? - why are we eager to see who runs fastest? - who cares? - so mother nature endowed this one with faster legs - how does knowing who has the fastest legs gain us anything? - apparently we get a vicarious satisfaction from seeing someone win - we identify with the winner - <br><br>this game of getting higher - look what it has done: pay from $1 to $1 billion dollars a fortnight - that is a high cost for a game - an unpayable cost - the game we play, we cannot afford the costs - the game is too expensive - it robs us of peace, it robs us of sanity, it robs us of life - it makes losers of most people - it destroys equality, it destroys charity, it destroys love among humanity - <br><br>how did it come about that this totally illogical custom of paying people for brains grew up? - no doubt it was that the brainier could use their brains in many ways to get more money - and so it became custom, and so it became accepted, and it came to be assumed to be right and good and non-injurious - <br><br>we get higher by climbing up on the heap of humans - the higher we go, the more people we oppress, we weigh on - and the higher we go, the more people are pulling us down - nowhere in the heap is safe - no one can practise the kindness of helping others up, except at expense of one's own position - the game is merciless, loveless, self-injurious, dangerous, fatal - violence is proportional to injustice - we have superhyperextreme injustice - we reap the whirlwind - for a game - for 'im the king of the castle' - a game in which the winners are losers, being torn at, and soon torn down, and the losers are everyone but one - <br><br>give up the game, stand on the ground, and no one has anyone above them, no one has anyone below them, no one is oppressed, no one is being torn at - 100-fold improvement in happiness is the reward for giving up the fatal game<br><br>remember happiness?<br> <p></p><i></i>
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remember happiness?

Postby nomo » Sun Jan 29, 2006 4:06 am

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Re: remember happiness?

Postby sceneshifter » Mon Jan 30, 2006 12:06 am

<!--EZCODE FONT START--><span style="color:blue;font-family:helvetica;font-size:small;">think, nomo, think! - screw your brain to the sticking place - there is 100-fold happiness for you and the people you care about if you do - thinking hard doesnt hurt or damage - it can benefit you enormously - think and think and think and re-read and re-read - 100-fold happiness!<br><br>you will grant we dont know everything - perfectly intelligent people didnt know the earth went round the sun, for 1000s of years - we can learn something new anytime, even obvious things - but how hard did copernicus have to think to figure out that the earth went round the sun? - i imagine very hard indeed - and far more valuable ideas are hiding still - it is not that long since we discovered fire, or rather, the mastery of it - there are sure to be a string of things to be found yet as good as fire, as good as the alphabet!</span><!--EZCODE FONT END--> <p></p><i></i>
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Re: remember happiness?

Postby nomo » Mon Jan 30, 2006 3:41 pm

Uhm, mkay. So if I think harder, I will be a lot happier? The more I think about what's going on around me, the more of a headache I get. Or maybe that's just me... I think the sad reality is that for most people, the less they think, the happier they are. Well, maybe not exactly "happy", but a lot less anxious at least.<br><br>Still, I agree, thinking and imagining is good. For those who have the courage. And of course we haven't even begun to scratch the surface of the mystery that is this "universe." But some people can't, others won't, and most don't even dare to imagine. Can't blame those whose first priority is to eke out a living for themselves and their families.<br> <p></p><i></i>
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Re: remember happiness?

Postby sceneshifter » Tue Jan 31, 2006 8:03 am

<!--EZCODE FONT START--><span style="color:blue;font-family:helvetica;font-size:small;"><!--EZCODE BOLD START--><strong>i was refering to thinking about the simple, effortless plan to solve these enormous problems that i am talking about and presenting in various places on this board<br><br>also at www.globalhappiness.org [not an org, a plan]<br><br>limiting fortunes to about $4 million or even $10 million will bring down a huge tree of millions of problems - all the major problems<br><br>the cost is only finding out you already agree that this plan will work</strong><!--EZCODE BOLD END--></span><!--EZCODE FONT END--> <p></p><i></i>
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