Moderators: Elvis, DrVolin, Jeff


Postby fruhmenschen » Thu Dec 01, 2022 12:29 pm
Lab leak conspiracy theory ... ns-1762194
Keith Raniere Appeal: Evidence of Alleged FBI Tampering Discovered
BY MOLLI MITCHELL ON 11/24/22 ... -golubski/

Kansas town weighs racial justice as ex-officer faces charges of abuse
Former detective Roger Golbuski is charged with raping Black women two decades ago. Residents are asking how far did the corruption go?
By David Nakamura
November 25, 2022 ... rinks.html
$2.25M settlement for N.J. man critically injured by drunk-driving cop who had 15 drinksThe Perth Amboy man who nearly died in 2018 after a drunk cop drove into his parked car at approximately 70 mph has received a $2.25 million... ... 00970.html
Yahoo News
Elon Musk Tweets Defense of Cop Who Killed Unarmed Black Man in Ferguson, MissouriElon Musk tweeted a defense of the police officer who shot 18-year-old Michael Brown—an unarmed Black man in Ferguson, Missouri back in... ... g-facility

'Stop Cop City' vandals target Atlanta police SWAT property, officials say
By Morse Diggs
Published November 23, 2022 7:51PM ... 1849813781
Cop Who Resigned After Groping College Student Landed New Job Investigating Sexual AssaultsWithout a national database tracking investigations of police misconduct, disgraced officers are often easily able to join different... ... nst-ex-cop
FOX 32 Chicago
Gary man awarded $25.5M in lawsuit against ex-copA federal jury has awarded a Gary man $25.5 million in his lawsuit alleging that a now-retired police officer violated his civil rights and...

Copaganda ... mation/ucr

Uniform Crap Report
Crime/Law Enforcement Stats (Uniform Crime Reporting Program) ... nt-killer/
Screen Rant
Who Really Killed The FBI Agent In Dead To Me Season 3?Agent Glenn Moranis was closing in on Jen in Dead To Me, but ... 672360007/

Beverly Hills Cop 4' notifies Detroit residents it will be using streets for filming
Julie Hinds
Detroit Free Press ... 653899007/
Bucks County Courier Times
Dozens of Bucks County officers give back with 'Shop with a ...Dozens of officers all over the county will participate in "Shop with a Cop" to help kids in need this year. ... cop-event/

ABC Columbia
Cayce Police Dept. accepting donations for their annual Shop ...CAYCE, SC (WOLO)– You can help local children this holiday season. The Cayce Police Department is now accepting donations for the annual... ... 11296.html

FBI warned law enforcement about threats against LGBTQ community before Colorado shooting
Caitlin Dickson, Christopher Wilson and Jana Winter ... 677142007/
York Dispatch
Protection order withdrawn against ex-cop accused of ...Former York City police officer Joseph Palmer faces a number of criminal charges related to the alleged sexual assault of a 16-year-old... ... ?gnt-cfr=1
USA Today
Roger Golubski: Cop turned alleged criminal forces massive ...Back-to-back indictments of a former Kansas City, Kansas cop and a review of court records begs the question: What did the department know?

Theoretical Dangers: The FBI Investigations of "Science & Society"
David H. Price
BOOK REVIEW 25 November 2022
Why did the FBI track Nobel-winning microbiologist Salvador Luria?
The refugee phage pioneer was denied a passport for championing peace and freedom.
Alison Abbott
Threatening Anthropology
McCarthyism and the FBI’s Surveillance of Activist Anthropologists ... -fbi-file/
DECEMBER 18, 2015
Pete Seeger’s FBI File Reveals How the Folk Legend First Became a Target of the Feds
It all started with a letter.
David Corn ... ner-review
Enemies: A History of the FBI by Tim Weiner – review
The ominous power and scandalous history of the FBI ... _92908.htm
Alien Ink: The FBI’s War On Freedom of Expression
"The definitive file on the FBI's files on writers and journalists." ... -fbi-files
Uncovering The 'Truth' Behind Lennon's FBI Files
October 8, 201012:00 PM ET
Heard on Fresh Air ... nd-FBI.pdf
Arron Copeland’s FBI File

Noted Composer's FBI File Is Both Sharp, Flat
May 11, 2003 — Government monitored Aaron Copland for 25 years, documents show. ... The result is an inch-thick FBI file, replete with blacked-out passages ... ... ed-campus/
BY SIGMUND DIAMOND ‧ RELEASE DATE: MAY 1, 1992 ... 426/93938/
David Price, Appellant, v. Viking Penguin, Inc. and Peter Matthiessen, Appellees.william Styron, Kurt Vonnegut, John Irving, Alfred Kazin Andsusan Sontag, Amicus Curiae, 881 F.2d 1426 (8th Cir. 1989)
Annotate this Case
US Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit - 881 F.2d 1426 (8th Cir. 1989) ... 4d8d67-eng
Spy schools: how the CIA, FBI, and foreign intelligence secretly exploit America's universities
Intelligence Agencies and the Universities: Further Implications of the Thesis Advanced by Sigmund Diamond in "Compromised Campus"
Arthur J. Vidich ... led-to-use
FBI Is Bracing for Adversarial Oversight in the House That Democrats Failed To Use
Jim Jordan sends a letter to Director Wray.
G. Gordon Liddy ... s-murdered
Why did G. Gordon Liddy state that J. Edgar Hoover was murdered? ... ss&f=false

How FBI agents Blackmail Congress

One Nation Under Sex: How the Private Lives of Presidents, First Ladies and ...
By Larry Flynt, David Eisenbach, Ph.D.

was to find the dirt on anyone and everyone who might pose a threat to his
power. 35
To please the Boss, FBI agents cultivated DC prostitutes as informants.36
In a 1960 FBI report to Hoover a call girl told agents that "Congressman
XXXXXX" was a "weird one" because "he wanted her to perform unnatural
sex acts with him" and "took nude photographs with a Polaroid camera."37
Another agent reported to Hoover that "for two and a half years [a male in-
former] had received a great deal of money, possibly in excess of $3000
[$21,000 today], from a United States Senator for permitting the Senator to
commit acts of oral sodomy on him."38 A 1960 report detailed how a call girl
got a request from a senator for a midmorning appointment. "Agents were ad-
vised when the Senator arrived and upon his departure, he was overheard
XXXXXX It was wonderful. After he had left the premises [the call girl]
commented that the sexual ability of the Senator was pretty good."39 If the
FBI observed senators or congressmen with mistresses or prostitutes, agents
warned them to be more careful. But the real warning was that Mr. Hoover
now had a file that could destroy them. 40
Chicago Tribune reporter Walter Trohan observed that "some of Hoover's
overwhelming support on the Hill was due to what I can only call blackmail,
polite blackmail."] "I learned a lot," Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) di
rector Richard Helms said, "from fellows who ... -bleaching
Record heat over Great Barrier Reef raises fears of second summer of coral bleaching
‘This does not bode well,’ reef scientist says, as highest November temperatures reached since 1985 ... ar-a-lago/
Trump, Kanye joined by Holocaust denier Nick Fuentes at Mar-a-Lago
By Steven Nelson ... e-arrests/
Blue shield: These NYPD officers got to keep their jobs despite arrests
By Gabrielle Fonrouge
November 25, 2022 ... rgeted-mlk
The Daily Beast
What You Don't Know About the FBI Director Who Targeted MLKJ. Edgar Hoover doesn't have a lot of admirers. Author Beverly Gage, who just published a book about the late FBI director, doesn't even...
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Postby fruhmenschen » Sun Dec 11, 2022 11:43 pm

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Another oldie: Why are some of the US’ top scientists making a specious argument about the natural origin of SARS-CoV-2?
From my April 2, 2020 blog, when I exposed the Nature Medicine and Lancet pieces as propaganda
DEC 12


1. I know about biological warfare/biodefense. I am the first person in the world (according to publicly available literature) to have analyzed an epidemic and demonstrated that the epidemic was due to biological warfare. (1992 study of the 1978-1980 Rhodesian anthrax outbreak, published in Medicine and Global Survival, aka Physicians for Social Responsibility Quarterly (name changed), hosted by International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War). ... 4-nass.pdf

2. Prior to genetic engineering techniques being developed (1973) and widely used (since late 1970s), more ‘primitive’ means of causing mutations, with the intention of developing biological weapons, were employed. Such methods were used by the Japanese beginning in the 1930s, by the US beginning in the 1940s, and by a number of other countries. They resulted in biological weapons that were tested, well-described, and in some cases, used. Such methods were also used subsequent to the 1970s.

3. These methods can result in biowarfare agents that lack the identifiable signature of a microbial agent constructed in a lab from known RNA or DNA sequences. In fact, it would be desirable to produce such agents, since it would be difficult to prove they were deliberately constructed in a lab. Here are just a few possibilities for how one might create new, virulent mutants:

a) exposing microorganisms to chemical or radiological agents that cause high mutation rates and selecting for desired characteristics

b) passageing virus through a number of lab animals or tissue cultures

c) mixing viruses together and seeking recombinants with a new mix of virulence factors

4. Top scientists circled their wagons to protest against “conspiracy theories suggesting that COVID-19 does not have a natural origin,” in a statement published in The Lancet March 7. (It was published earlier online.) Their reported aim was to “stand with” public health professionals and scientists in China. Many who signed the statement have worked in biodefense. Signers include Rita Colwell, former director of the National Science Foundation, and James Hughes, former director of CDC’s National Center for Infectious Diseases and former assistant Surgeon General. ... 40-6736(20)30418-9/fulltext

Science magazine wrote an article in support of these scientists, which included the following:

The authors of The Lancet statement note that scientists from several countries who have studied SARS-CoV-2 “overwhelmingly conclude that this coronavirus originated in wildlife,” just like many other viruses that have recently emerged in humans. “Conspiracy theories do nothing but create fear, rumours, and prejudice that jeopardise our global collaboration in the fight against this virus,” the statement says.

Five additional scientists soon provided the “scientific evidence” to back up the natural origin claim. These 5 scientists have been affiliated with signers of the statement above, they too have worked in biodefense, and their article was published in Nature Medicine (in the print version) on March 17, 2020.

These scientists set up a straw man to knock down: they claimed that had the novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2 is the official name of the virus) been created in a lab: “if genetic manipulation had been performed,” then a known coronavirus backbone would have been used. But because no known backbone forms part of SARS-CoV-2, “the evidence shows that SARS-CoV-2 is not a purposefully manipulated virus.”

As USA Today summarized this:

“If someone were seeking to engineer a new coronavirus as a pathogen, they would have constructed it from the backbone of a virus known to cause illness,” the report said. “But the scientists found that the SARS-CoV-2 backbone differed substantially from those of already known coronaviruses and mostly resembled related viruses found in bats and pangolins.”

Their work was then discussed by Francis Collins, the current director of the NIH. ... -covid-19/

Dr. Collins says,

“Some folks are even making outrageous claims that the new coronavirus causing the pandemic was engineered in a lab and deliberately released to make people sick. A new study debunks such claims by providing scientific evidence that this novel coronavirus arose naturally…

this study leaves little room to refute a natural origin for COVID-19…

Finally, next time you come across something about COVID-19 online that disturbs or puzzles you, I suggest going to FEMA’s new Coronavirus Rumor Control web site…”

I know that the groups of scientists who wrote these pieces in The Lancet and Nature Medicine, as well as NIH Director Dr. Francis Collins, know that you don’t need genetic engineering methods to create a bioweapon. Like me, they are old, they recall a world before genetic engineering, they know the history of biowarfare, and they know the score. Why then are they participating in this charade?

Update April 29: Newsweek has been delving into “gain of function” (which means increasing the virulence of a pathogen) coronavirus research in Wuhan, China which might have contributed to the formation of SARS-CoV-2… and the interesting fact (which I posted about here) that the US government provided financial support for this research. Newsweek’s pieces were posted April 27, and 29. My other pieces questioning the origin of SARS-CoV-2 are here and here.
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Postby fruhmenschen » Mon Dec 26, 2022 8:28 pm ... dium=email

My testimony to the New Hampshire legislature in November 2021, & my response to the Maine Medical Board when they first issued threats to MDs about misinformation
The Medical Board never answered my questions of how they defined misinformation and where they got the right to punish it.
Meryl Nass MD December 26,2022 ... oderation/
Latest Twitter Files shows CIA, FBI have spent years meddling in content moderation
By Mary Kay Linge and Jon Levine
December 24, 2022 ... 23002.html
Black Mayor Goes to War With Top Cop in Former ‘Klantown U.S.A.’
Eileen Grench
Sat, December 24, 2022,

Meryl Nass, M.D.: Biological warfare, bioport/vaxgen anthrax vaccines, and activism ... -scrutiny/

They were freed after serving decades in prison. Now, it’s their prosecutors who are facing scrutiny.
A series of recently overturned cases shows how prosecutorial missteps can put the wrong person behind bars. But rarely, if ever, do prosecutors face repercussions for their bad behavior. ... he-bureau/
When the FBI attacks its critics as ‘conspiracy theorists,’ it’s time to reform the bureau
BY JONATHAN TURLEY, OPINION CONTRIBUTOR - 12/24/22 10:30 AM ET ... estigation
House Republicans suggest investigation into FBI in vein of 1970s Church Committee
by Asher Notheis, Breaking News Reporter |
December 24, 2022 12:55 PM ... ate-crisis
Can geoengineering fix the climate? Hundreds of scientists say not so fast
The Biden administration is developing a controversial solar geoengineering research plan to the dismay of many experts ... arch-shows
Emperor penguin at risk of extinction, along with two-thirds of native Antarctic species, research shows
International study projects up to 80% of emperor penguin colonies will be ‘quasi-extinct’ by 2100
December 24, 2022
FBI has a 'reputational issue' following Twitter revelations: Gordon Lawson
Conceal CEO Gordon Lawson joins 'Fox News Live' to discuss the latest release of the "Twitter Files" concerning the relationship between Twitter and the FBI, and Elon Musk's management of the social media company. ... s-fbi.html
The New York Times
Need to Defuse Family Squabbles? Learn From an FBI Crisis Negotiator.Learn From an F.B.I. Crisis Negotiator. He uses seven skills for active listening in high-pressure situations, and they can help you communicate... ... rre6lNbiI/
Domestic violence in police families: Causes, effects & intervention strategies
Unlawful officer behavior undermines the credibility and effectiveness of the department ... 536928.php
Police domestic violence nearly twice average rate
Kevin Fagan, Chronicle Staff Writer ... ds/380329/
Police Have a Much Bigger Domestic-Abuse Problem Than the NFL Does
Research suggests that family violence is two to four times higher in the law-enforcement community than in the general population. So where's the public outrage?
By Conor Friedersdorf ... c_violence
Officer-Involved Domestic Violence ... violence-1
Domestic Violence and the Police Force: What Abolition Means for Cases of Domestic Violence ... -this-week
Response to Comments about Domestic Violence at the City Council Meeting this Week ... dent_works
Black and Blue Bloods: Protecting Police Officer Families from Domestic Violence
Rafaqat Cheema ... c-assault/

Plymouth County prosecutor charged in case of alleged domestic assault
Assistant District Attorney Kathleen C. Flannery was arraigned Nov. 28 on charges of assault and battery on a household or family member and two counts of assault and battery on a police officer. ... estaurant/
FBI agent points gun at woman’s head , arrested inside Hingham restaurant
By Meagan McGinnes ... d-his.html
Behind The Blue Wall ... h/1952529/
Trial Set for Va. FBI Agent Charged in Wife's Death
Six Charged in Atlanta with Domestic Terrorism for Protesting "Cop City" Training Facility ... cam-video/
New Body Cam Video
12/24/2022 6:11 AM PT ... n-killing/
Texas Cop Gets 11 Years in Atatiana Jefferson Killing
NNPA NEWSWIRE — After the sentence was pronounced, one of Jefferson’s sisters, Ashley Carr, read statements, including one from her sister, Amber Carr, Zion’s mother. Amber Carr said Jefferson, who planned to go to medical school, “had big dreams and goals” and that her son “feels he is responsible to fill the whole role of his aunt, and he has the weight of the world on his shoulders.”
December 25,2022

Scott County sheriff, Waldron cop plead not guilty to battery charges
by Thomas Saccente | December 25,2022 ... -policing/
“What About Rape?” Gender, Violence, and Policing

9/11 and Other Deep State Crimes Teleconference

Draft agenda for December 28, 2022
8 p.m. (ET) / 5 p.m. (PT) teleconference dial-in # 
(605) 313-4118    Access code: 464958#

[Note: Some telephone service providers block access to this teleconference service, or require additional charges. If you encounter any of these difficulties, please try calling this alternative number: (425) 535-9195. You will then be required to key in the original phone number above before entering the access code. Please inform us of any technical difficulties you encounter in accessing the teleconference.]

McKee and Ruff address infiltration and the
poisoning of the Truth Movement

Greetings all,

After a break last month, the 9/11 and Other Deep State Crimes Teleconference is back on its usual night (the last Wed. of the month). In this case that's next Wed., December 28, at 8 p.m. EST. And it's a call that you won't want to miss!

The two speakers, Craig McKee and Adam Ruff, will look at how the 9/11 Truth Movement has been under attack by false truthers, infiltrators, and operatives for the past two decades. In particular, they will look at how the Pentagon is at the epicenter of this Cointelpro campaign. (McKee and Ruff teamed up to debate Wayne Coste in 2016 and again for Richard Gage's Pentagon conference in March of this year. Their team presentation also featured game-changing new evidence from Xander Arena.)

Craig will speak first, and his talk will be an overview of how this Cointelpro operation, which is centered on creating doubt and division on the subject of whether a 757 really did hit the Pentagon, has been used to divide and weaken the movement.
One thing that exposes the dishonesty of this spin campaign is that the cabal responsible has spent many years telling us not what is wrong with the official story but what is right with it. Participants in this effort include David Chandler, Wayne Coste, Ken Jenkins, Fran Shure, Jonathan Cole, John Wyndham, Dwain Deets, and others.

Craig will examine the record of duplicity from this group over the years as well as looking at some of the supporting cast of disinformation peddlers. He'll address the damage being caused by truthers who push false "unity" at the expense of truth. Finally, he'll comment on the utter failure of the "leaders" of the movement to stand up to this operation.

In addition to supporting the arguments above, our second speaker, Adam Ruff, will provide some context by explaining how disinformation and infiltration work and how some of these tactics have been used against the Truth Movement.

The discussion is sure to be lively as well as providing essential knowledge that 9/11 truthers must have if they want to keep their movement from being destroyed.

Please join us!

Cheryl Curtiss
Craig McKee

DRAFT AGENDA for Wednesday December 28, 2022 teleconference

I Roll call/minutes approval/agenda approval (5 min)
II Pentagon Cointelpro [Craig McKee] (30 min. + Q & A)
III Infiltration in action [Adam Ruff] (15 min. + Q & A)
IV Announcements
V Updates on 9/11 topics (as needed)
·  New articles, books, films, or recent news about 9/11 or other Deep State crimes
·  9/11 and the Deep State on the legal front, including current adjudicatory efforts by Lawyers for 9/11 Inquiry, JASTA, 28 pages, William Pepper’s efforts with AE911Truth against NIST and the Dept. of Commerce
·  Censorship and cognitive infiltration: new examples of censorship or harassment of members of the Truth community;  MSM treatment of 9/11 Truth
·  Google (et al.) censorship
·  9/11 Truth political candidates
VI  Adjournment 
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Postby fruhmenschen » Tue Jan 10, 2023 10:36 am ... sex-romps/
Tennessee cops, including married female officer, fired after repeated wild sex romps
By Jesse O’Neill
January 9, 2023

Copaganda ... story.html
Chicago Tribune
'Tis the season: Lake Zurich area kids go holiday shopping, have pizza party with police officersThe Lake Zurich Police Department held its annual "Shop with a Cop" event Dec. 7, 2022 where a few local children were treated to a pizza... ... age-girls/
‘Catfishing’ cop Austin Edwards had history of messaging underage girls
By Katherine Donlevy
January 8, 2023 ... 3242007%2F
The News Leader
Waynesboro cop sues city, county sheriff, and two prosecutors for nearly $2 millionA former Waynesboro cop is suing two local prosecutors, the City of Waynesboro, and Sheriff Donald Smith in a $1.85 million lawsuit.

Federal Bureau of Invention? 
Microbiologist Meryl Nass Responds to FBI Closing Anthrax Case

Meryl Nass
The FBI's report, documents and accompanying information (only pertaining to Ivins, not to the rest of the investigation) were released on Friday afternoon ... which means the FBI anticipated doubt and ridicule.  The National Academies of Science (NAS) is several months away from issuing its $879,550 report on the microbial forensics, suggesting a) asking NAS to investigate the FBI's science was just a charade to placate Congress, and/or b) NAS' investigation might be uncovering things the FBI would prefer to bury, so FBI decided to preempt the NAS panel's report.
Here are today's reports from the Justice Department, AP, Washington Post and NY Times. The WaPo article ends,
The FBI's handling of the investigation has been criticized by Ivins's colleagues and by independent analysts who have pointed out multiple gaps, including a lack of hair, fiber other physical evidence directly linkin

Who should Fauci be more afraid of?

1. The 300 million Americans who got at least one lab-created COVID infection he helped pay to produce?
2. The 60 million Americans injured or killed by his poisonous vaccines? (60 million is a guess)
3. The rulers of the Great Reset (the real Godfathers) who relied on him to create a viral bioweapon that could never be traced back to a lab; and also relied on him to create a vaccine that did not fail so fast and miserably and allow us, the despised masses of humanity, to figure out what was going on before the Godfathers’ traps for humanity were ready to snap shut? ... QdCMKisDuA

Danny Casolaro and Biowar
The suspicious death of journalist Danny Casolaro is well-known.
Casolaro was about to publish findings concerning the Iran/Contra,
October Surprise, and INSLAW scandals, when he was found dead
in a bathtub.
What is less commonly known about Casolaro, that ought to be
of note to anyone concerned with emerging diseases, is that
Casolaro was also investigating elements of biological
warfare. His manuscript was missing after his death, but his
notes included references to AIDS. Exactly what it concerned
cannot be known.
There is more detail concerning allegations that the U.S. was
providing chemical and biological agents to the ... bi-search/
Jan. 9, 2023
More than 140 Omaha Police officers stop paying dues to Latino Peace Officers Association following FBI search
FBI searched current and past president of the Omaha Latino Peace Officers Association ... ric-sensor
Isorg receives FBI certification for FAP30 OPD biometric sensor
Jan 9, 2023, 7:13 pm EST | Chris Burt

It Did Happen Here: Recollections of Political Repression in America

In this moving book, two skilled oral historians collect the words of Americans who have been victims of political repression in their own country. Disturbing and provocative, It Did Happen Here is must-reading for everyone who cares about protecting the rights and liberties upon which this country has been built. ... veillance/
Liberal media is trying to protect the FBI from hard questions about illegal surveillance
By Andrew C. McCarthy ... of-dissent

The Price of Dissent
Testimonies about FBI Political Repression in Left Wing America
by Bud Schultz (Author)

Bud and Ruth Schultz's vivid oral history presents the extraordinary testimony of people who experienced government repression and persecution firsthand. Drawn from three of the most significant social movements of our time--the labor, Black freedom, and antiwar movements--these engrossing interviews bring to life the experiences of Americans who acted upon their beliefs despite the price they paid for their dissent. In doing so, they--and the movements they were part of--helped shape the political and social landscape of the United States from the beginning to the end of the twentieth century.

The majority of the voices in this book belong to everyday people--workers, priests, teachers, students--but more well-known figures such as Congressman John Lewis, Kwame Ture (Stokely Carmichael), Abbie Hoffman, and Daniel Ellsberg are also included. There are firsthand accounts by leaders of the Industrial Workers of the World, active early in the century; Southern Tenant Farmers Union of the 1930s; Women's Strike for Peace, the Southern Christian Leadership Conference; the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee; Berkeley's Free Speech Movement of the 1950s and 1960s; and the Hormel meatpackers' Local P-9 in the 1980s. Lively introductions by the authors contextualize these personal statements. ... story.html
Maryland state trooper faces federal drug, bribery charges for allegedly leaking information to suspect for cash
By Darcy Costello
Baltimore Sun
Jan 09, 2023 ... lty-murder
January 5, 2023
Adopted daughter of George W. Bush's Director of National Intelligence John Negroponte found guilty of murder
Sophia Negroponte, 29, convicted of murdering former high school classmate, Yousuf Rasmussen, after drunken Airbnb argument
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Postby fruhmenschen » Fri Jan 27, 2023 11:49 pm

Meryl Nass is a friend.
She prescribed Ivermectin for me if I needed it at the onset of Covid.
She lives in Ellsworth Maine

Open in app or online
My medical board haring reconvenes on Tuesday, Jan. 31. Expert witnesses for the board and for me will testify
I don't know the order of events, but physicians Robert Malone, Paul Marik, Pierre Kory, Harvey Risch and Steven Katsis will testify on my behalf.
JAN 28 2023 ... dium=email

You can watch it here. I also expect Epoch Times to run it. There will be a lot of dueling physicians who have very different ideas about the ethical foundations of medical practice. The two MDs testifying for the Medical Board have already stated that my words were so offensive that I deserve to have my license permanently revoked. In the year since they filed their reports, everything I said has been proven correct. What will they say now?

Watch the wheels of justice turn on the Pandemic version of reality TV. Keep me company as we uncover whether the primary responsiblity of the physician is to spout the government narrative, whether or not it is for the patient’s benefit, and whether or not it contains any truth. Is the government the silent partner who has inserted himself into the exam room, controlling the doctor’s speech and conduct, or should the government be given a swift kick out the clinic door?

(A disclosure: the hearing officer, the board staff, the board members and the attorneys general who are prosecuting my case are all paid by the government of Maine.) ... ass-day-3/
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Postby fruhmenschen » Sat Mar 04, 2023 2:01 pm

The FBI’s Persecution of Sidney Poitier
A Rolling Stone FOIA request has unearthed the FBI’s files on the trailblazing actor and activist, who was targeted for a program that brought Obama’s father to America.
FEBRUARY 26, 2023
SIDNEY POITIER WALKED among kings and earned Hollywood’s highest honors, but that didn’t stop the Federal Bureau of Investigation from keeping tabs on the actor and philanthropist via informants and surveillance tactics during the civil rights era, according to documents newly obtained by Rolling Stone. Poitier, who passed away at age 94 on January 6, 2022, had a career that lasted 75 years and was surveilled by the agency at the height of his fame.
Poitier’s FBI file – requested via the Freedom of Information Act – is 13 pages long, covering 1959 to 1963, with some pages newly declassified in 2023 following Rolling Stone’s request. The documents, which are labeled Part 01, almost certainly don’t include everything the agency collected on the man who was the first Black performer to win an Academy Award for Best Actor. Yet its contents reveal an era that had the agency tracking the actor much in the ... 831_1.html
Covid-19 pandemic a result of lab leak: US energy department; FBI agrees
The Covid-19 virus leaked out of a laboratory in China, according to a report by the US Energy Department
February 26, 2023 ... thrax.html
Scientists’ Analysis Disputes F.B.I. Closing of Anthrax Case
By William J. Broad and Scott Shane
Oct. 9, 2011 ... quiry.html
Former F.B.I. Agent Sues, Claiming Retaliation Over Misgivings in Anthrax Case
By Scott Shane
April 8, 2015
The Anthrax Cover-up
by Sheldon Rampton on August 5, 2008 -
Anthrax attacks: FBI cover-up and New York Times whitewash
Patrick Martin
15 May 2002 ... es/page/2/?
The Anthrax Files - Archive ... child-porn
A Hacker Said He Had Proof the CIA Caused the Anthrax Attacks. They Had Him Arrested for Child Porn ... chdirt-49/
Funniest/Most Insightful Comments Of The Week At Techdirt
from the musk-free-edition dept
Sun, Feb 26th 2023 12:00pm - Leigh Beadon ... -problems/
Cops defend detectives who confused De Ruyter’s ‘cyanide poisoning’ with ‘sinus problems’

Copaganda ... new-series CinemaBlend
CBS' FBI Creator Is Giving Fans A Look Behind The Scenes At ...CBS' FBI franchise has been going strong since the flagship series premiered in 2018, and now, with three shows under its belt, it seems to be stronger than... ... cop-event/
Fairfield police spice up Coffee with a Cop event
By Daily Republic Staff ... f-violence
Meet Penny Hess, the author of "Overturning the Culture of Violence" ... b01b0.html
Recovered footage shows Martin Luther King Jr. speaking at Reynolds Coliseum
Matthew Burkhart, Staff Writer ... le-justice
Black FBI Agent Tyrone Powers and author of Eyes to My Soul on newly appointed Secretary of Dept. Juvenile Services
by Emilie KylerFebruary 26th 2023 ... 905f19c181
New FBI study ranks Georgia 7th in the country for animal abuse cases ... -353233003
Texas FBI agent sentenced for killing neighbor's dog
An FBI agent has been sentenced to two years' probation and 300 hours of community service for killing a neighbor's Chihuahua last year. ... ladelphia/
"Traumatized, confused and afraid": Owner of dog killed by FBI agent in Center City speaks out
FEBRUARY 22, 2023 ... les/15208/
NBC Los Angeles
May 12, 2017 — FBI agent shot and killed a pit bull that attacked his German shepherd. Robert Kovacik reports for the NBC4 News at 11 p.m. on ... ... e/7091018#
FBI: Agent shoots, kills dog in Glen Burnie
Dec 29, 2014 ... non-crime/
Court Strips Immunity From Cop Who Shot A Dog Within Seconds Of Arriving On The Scene Of A Non-Crime
Legal Issues
from the killing-dogs-is-still-regular-police-business dept
Wed, Oct 5th 2022 07:47pm - Tim Cushing
Cops kill dogs literally all the time. It happens so often even the DOJ has taken notice.
Laurel Matthews, a supervisory program specialist with the Department of Justice’s Community Oriented Policing Services (DOJ COPS) office,says it’s an awful lot. She calls fatal police vs. dogs encounters an “epidemic” and estimates that 25 to 30 pet dogs are killed each day by law enforcement officers. ... imony.html

On August 21, 1992, Federal marshals shot my son Samuel in the back and killed him. He was running home to me. His last words were, "I'm coming, Dad." They shot his little arm almost off and they killed him by shooting him in the back with a 9-millimeter submachine gun. The gun had a silencer on it. He was not wanted for any crime. He did not commit any crime. The marshals killed his dog right at his feet. He only tried to defend himself and his dog. ... s-running/

Why Are Detroit Cops Killing So Many Dogs?
A Reason investigation reveals widespread, unchecked violence against pets during drug raids-including two officers who have shot more than 100.
C.J. CIARAMELLA | 11.15.2016
The Puppycide
Database Project
The Puppycide Database Project (or "PuppycideDB", for short) was founded in 2014 in an attempt to determine how many domestic pets were killed by law enforcement in the United States. For years, a team of volunteers used public records, news stories and interviews to compile evidence of nearly 3,000 killings of pets by police. 3,000 is a large number, but it represents a small fraction of the pets that are killed by law enforcement in the US. The research project is no longer active, but this website remains available to document our findings.

The University of New Hampshire Law Review
More than Just Collateral Damage: Pet Shootings by Police
Courtney G. Lee
The Department of Justice estimates that American police officers shoot 10,000 pet dogs in the line of duty each year. It is impossible to ascertain a reliable number, however, because most law enforcement agencies do not maintain accurate records of animal killings. The tally may be substantially higher, and some suggest it could reach six figures.

Deferring to officers’ judgment when they reasonably fear for human safety is sound policy because they regularly must make split-second, life-or-death decisions in highly stressful situations; but many pet shootings occur when officers mistake the behavior of a friendly, curious dog for aggression. Further, some animals have been deliberately shot and killed under questionable circumstances, including through doors or while tied, running away, or hiding. Studies show that some officers shoot pets unnecessarily, recklessly, or in retaliation, and that subsequent civilian complaints are investigated inadequately. Moreover, not every animal that police officers shoot is a large dog that may be more likely to pose a genuine risk to human safety—or even a dog at all. Police claiming a threat to human safety have shot puppies, Chihuahuas, Miniature Dachshunds, and domestic cats, among other pets. In some tragic cases, bullets missed their nonhuman targets and injured or even killed human bystanders instead.

Pet shootings can seriously damage public relations for law enforcement agencies, especially during an era when the news seems to be saturated with stories concerning police using excessive force against unarmed civilians. The American Civil Liberties Union even classifies pet shootings as one symptom of the increased militarization of American police forces. Additionally, lawsuits brought by bereaved owners can cost agencies and taxpayers hundreds of thousands of dollars. This Article explores these and other related issues, and presents simple solutions to help reduce the number of companion animal shootings by police in the United States. ... estimates/
25 to 30 dogs killed every day by law enforcement, Justice Department estimates
by: Kirsten Joyce
Posted: Aug 8, 2019 / 05:50 PM PDT ... Newsletter
Bristling Under Progressive Mayor, St. Louis Police Seek State Takeover ... ontractor/
“The Americans have drones, they have planes, they have sophisticated equipment,” a Nigerien activist told The Intercept. “But it’s not helping.”
Nick Turse
February 20 2023
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Postby fruhmenschen » Sat Mar 11, 2023 5:15 pm ... -pathogens
The difference between natural pathogens and lab-made bioweapons
Marburg, Schmarburg. The natural infections cannot cause deadly epidemics in the developed world, and cause very small ones in less developed nations
Meryl Nass MD

You may have heard that Marburg virus is rearing its ugly head in west Africa. The subtext is Be Very Afraid.
Just in time, the NIAID (Fauci’s old fiefdom) has a vaccine ready to be tested in unfortunate Africans, after being tested on 40 unfortunate Americans. And once they convince governments or other buyers to obtain it, who gets royalties? Why NIAID of course. And its employees can collect up to $150,000/year if their name is on the patent. Sweet, since it was developed and patented on the taxpayers’ dime.

American History  >The Assassination of JFK  >Gerry P. Hemming

Meryl’s COVID Newsletter ... dium=email

James Corbett and I discussed what is going on with the Int'l Pandemic Preparedness Agenda and enacted US law, One Health craziness, etc.
New information on the NDAA and One Health/Lancet assertion that all life (animal and human) is equal
Meryl Nass MD

This streamed today on CHD-TV: ... s-corbett/

Shortcomings of the Current System of Electing the President
The six shortcomings of the current system stem from existing state “winner-take-all” laws that award all of a state’s electoral votes to the presidential candidate who receives the most popular votes in the state.

1 Three out of four states are regularly ignored in the general-election campaign for President. 
2 The current state-by-state winner-take-all system regularly enables a few thousand votes in a small number of states to decide the Presidency—thereby fueling post-election controversies. 
3  Five of our 46 Presidents came into office without winning the most popular votes nationwide. 
4 Every vote is not equal throughout the United States under the current system. 
5 The current system could easily result in the U.S. House choosing the President on a one-state-one-vote basis.
6 Voter participation is lower in the spectator states than battleground states. 

Details below
1.    Three out of four states are regularly ignored in the general-election campaign for President. 

Because of the winner-take-all method of awarding electoral votes, presidential candidates only pay attention to the concerns of voters in closely divided states.

In each of this century’s six presidential elections, virtually all of the general-election campaign events (between 91% and 100%) have been concentrated in about a dozen battleground states.

The politically irrelevant spectator states (home to 70% of the country’s voters) include almost all the states that are small, rural, Western, Southern, and Northeastern.

The map shows the total number of general-election campaign events that each state received over the past 4 presidential elections.

Cumulative number of general-election campaign events 2008–2020

The presidential battleground map has been shrinking for decades. Looking toward 2024, the campaign may be concentrated in just nine states having 20% of the country’s population.

The list of battleground states has also become calcified in recent years–41 states voted for the same party in the last four presidential elections.

In a national popular vote for President, every voter in every state will be politically relevant in every presidential election.

2. The current state-by-state winner-take-all system regularly enables a few thousand votes in a small number of states to decide the Presidency—thereby fueling post-election controversies. 

The fact that a few thousand votes in a handful of closely divided states regularly decide the presidency is a recurring feature of the current system.

The state-by-state aspect of the current system starts by dividing the nation’s 158,224,999 voters into 51 separate state-level silos.

Then, the winner-take-all aspect of the current system channels virtually all campaigning into a few closely divided battleground states—because they are the only places where the candidates have anything to gain or lose.

The presidency has been decided by an average of a mere 287,969 popular votes spread over an average of three states in the six presidential elections between 2000 and 2020.

Inevitably, some of these battleground states end up being extremely close on Election Day. These close results, in turn, generate post-election doubt, controversy, litigation, and unrest over real or imagined irregularities.
In contrast, the winner’s average margin of victory in the national popular vote in these six elections was 4,668,496—16 times larger than 287,969.

The danger posed by these post-election controversies in extremely close states is heightened because the country is currently in an era of consecutive non-landslide presidential elections.

3.    Five of our 46 Presidents came into office without winning the most popular votes nationwide. 
The second-place candidate won the presidency in two of this century’s six presidential elections, namely in 2000 and 2016.

In addition, another two elections (2004 and 2020) have been “near-misses” in which a shift of a small number of popular votes in one state, or a few states, would have given the presidency to the loser of the national popular vote.

For example, the 2020 election was decided by 10,457 votes in Arizona, 11,779 in Georgia, and 20,682 in Wisconsin. Despite leading by over 7 million votes nationally, Joe Biden would have been defeated without these 42,918 votes. Overall, there have been 13 such near-miss presidential elections.
42,918 votes in three decisive states decided the 2020 election

The National Popular Vote bill will guarantee the Presidency to the candidate who receives the most popular votes in all 50 states and the District of Columbia.

4. Every vote is not equal throughout the United States under the current system. 
There are four sources of inequality in the value of a vote for President under the current system, namely
• the two senatorial electoral votes that each state receives in addition to the number warranted by population
• the imprecision of the process used to apportion U.S. House seats among the states (and hence electoral votes); 
• intra-decade population changes that do not get reflected in the Electoral College until the next census; and 
• voter turnout differences from state to state. 

5. The current system could easily result in the U.S. House choosing the President on a one-state-one-vote basis. 
If no candidate receives an absolute majority of the electoral votes (that is, 270 out of 538), the U.S. House of Representatives chooses the President on a one-state-one-vote basis. The District of Columbia has no vote in this process.

In each of the first six presidential elections of the 21st Century, there have been numerous politically plausible combinations of states that could have produced a 269–269 tie in the Electoral College. The candidate who lost the national popular vote could easily win the presidency in a one-state-one-vote election in the U.S. House.

The National Popular Vote Compact guarantees an absolute majority of the electoral votes (at least 270 of 538) to the candidate who receives the most popular votes in all 50 states and DC. Thus, the presidential election would never be thrown into the U.S. House under the Compact.

6. Voter participation is lower in the spectator states than battleground states. 
Many voters have come to understand that they are politically irrelevant in the process of electing the President. Compared to the rest of the country, voter turnout in the battleground states was
• 11% higher in 2020,
• 11% higher in 2016,
• 16% higher in 2012, and
• 9% higher in 2008. 

In a nationwide vote for President, every voter would matter.

How the National Popular Vote Compact Works
The U.S. Constitution gives the states exclusive control over the choice of method of awarding their electoral votes—thereby giving the states a built-in way to reform the system.

Article II says, “Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors….”

The National Popular Vote bill will apply the one-person-one-vote principle to presidential elections. It will make every vote equal.

The National Popular Vote Compact will take effect when enacted by states with a majority of the electoral votes (270 of 538). Then, the presidential candidate receiving the most popular votes in all 50 states and DC will get all the electoral votes from all of the enacting states. That is, the candidate receiving the most popular votes nationwide will be guaranteed enough electoral votes to become President.

National Popular Vote has been enacted into law by 15 states and the District of Columbia, including 4 small states (DE, HI, RI, VT), 8 medium-sized states (CO, CT, MD, MA, NJ, NM, OR, WA), and 3 big states (CA, IL, NY). These states have 195 of the 270 electoral votes needed to activate the law.

In addition, the National Popular Vote Compact has passed one legislative chamber in 9 states with 88 electoral votes (AR, AZ, ME, MI, MN, NC, NV, OK, VA).

For more information,
● watch our 8-minute video
● see our book Every Vote Equal: A State-Based Plan for Electing the President by National Popular Vote (downloadable for free)
● visit ... dium=email

$1.2 Million a year Richard Baron, King of the Internal Medicine Board, creates straw man to justify removing doctors' ability to practice
He made a dirty deal and now attempts to wiggle out of the spotlight by misrepresenting the situation in the 2/23/23 New England Journal of Medicine.

Meryl Nass

Baron Munchausen was famous for his tall tales. Let’s examine Richard Baron’s tall tale and see if he can rightly be called Richard Baron Munchausen.
For some unknown reason (that most likely involved a transfer of funds) in the middle of 2021 the Federation of State Medical Boards (a nonprofit that advises state medical boards) followed by the American Board of Internal Medicine, the American Association of Pediatrics and the American Board of Family Practice, (all nonprofit membership organizations that accept funding from outside entities) decided to destroy the livelihoods of their doctor members who did not push COVID vaccines or who used early COVID treatments.
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Postby fruhmenschen » Wed Mar 29, 2023 8:35 pm ... en-auction
Italy-sized chunk of Gulf of Mexico to be auctioned off by the US for oil drilling
In latest blow to Joe Biden’s reputation as the ‘climate president’, 73.3m acres of the gulf will be offered for fossil fuel extraction
London research
Dr. John Campbell ... dium=email
The amazing Dr. Faust, who is the expert witness testifying against my ability to practice medicine, is a buddy of Rick Bright, who conspired w/ FDA to issue the EUA to kill hydroxychloroquine
Let's look a little closer at this part-time ER doctor, who is being paid $500/hr by the Maine medical board to give them a reason to revoke my license. Hired gun or hired clown?
Meryl Nass MD ... dium=email
Time for a break. Happy thoughts
What could be causing "died suddenly'? The media are especially imaginative. Then some smiles.
Meryl Nass MD ... dium=email
The military mandate was never legal, and everyone in Washington should have known it.
The DOD testified to Congress that this was so back in 1999
Meryl Nass MD
DOD claimed that “all relevant agencies” agreed: Were the DOD to give an experimental product to its servicemembers, it required a WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION from the President himself, and it could not be delegated to any underling. ... dium=email
When Trump's NIH pulled Peter Daszak's grant to Wuhan in April 2020, the pushback was unimaginable. 77 Nobel laureates begged NIH to give it back.
So did 31 different "scientific societies" -- see an article in SCIENCE magazine, the journal of the American Academy for the Advancement of Science
Meryl Nass MD ... dium=email
Here is how you identify some of the criminals and their connections
you take screenshots of their emails and tweets
Meryl Nass MD
Peter Daszak is buddies with Rita Colwell. Who is she? How about the former head of the National Science Foundation? Someone who worked with the CIA on anthrax. Someone who had huge pots of money to dole out. ... ea5ff6b4c0
Employers spend more than $400 million per year on ‘union-avoidance’ consultants to bolster their union-busting efforts
Fact Sheet • By Celine McNicholas, Margaret Poydock, Samantha Sanders, and Ben Zipperer • March 29, 2023
Robby Soave: Stanford Virality Project EXPOSED: TRUE Covid Info CENSORED on Social Media ... available/
The Editorial Team March 29, 2023
FossilFreeNews – Climate solutions are available
These past weeks, Malawians, Mozambicans and Madagascans paid the price – as did many other frontline communities around the world. The science is clear: the solutions for stopping global heating are available and viable, and we need bold action now
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Postby fruhmenschen » Sun Apr 16, 2023 8:20 pm
Covid German Pathology ... dium=email
WHO, Gro Brundtland, the Plan to leave no one unjabbed using untested 100 day vaccines, and how portable vaccine factories will allow the entire human herd to be jabbed simultaneously--but with what?
Further I identify the globalists' corruption and misuse of language
APR 16, 2023 ... -in-497486
List of cop’s properties finalised, Vigilance Department to pitch in
ASI was recently arrested for releasing peddler after accepting Rs 70K bribe ... 65987.html
10-year jail for cop, two others for gang rape in Kerala
The prosecution said that Sajad befriended the woman and later subjected her to gangrape at the residence of the cop at Choozhattukotta. 
Published: 15th April 2023 12:33 PM  |   Last Updated: 15th April 2023 12:33 PM ... -dismissed
CoCo County public defender calls for all cases involving alleged racist cops be dismissed
Published April 14, 2023
KTVU FOX 2 ... story.html
NYPD Chief of Department Maddrey hit with abuse of authority charges by police watchdog
By Thomas Tracy
New York Daily News
Apr 15, 2023 ... 48649.html
Hindustan Times
2-year-old dies after being hit by cop’s personal car in Ludhiana2-year-old dies after being hit by cop's personal car in Ludhiana. ByHT Correspondent, Ludhiana. Apr 15, 2023 11:35 PM IST. Read this news in brief form. ... es-49-cops
Philippine Star
P6.7 billion shabu mess: Probers find lapses by 49 copsMANILA, Philippines — Forty-nine police officers were found to have commi ... uct-497505
Hours after bookies’ arrest, 3 UT cops suspended for misconduct
Incharge transferred to Police Lines ... estroy-it/
If the U.S. Can’t Boss the World, It Will Spitefully Destroy It
By Jeremy Kuzmarov - April 13, 2023 ... y-show.php

Alec Karakatsanis Breaks Down Copaganda On 'The Daily Show'
By Andrew Sanford | TV | August 3, 2022 | 5 Comments ... r-AA19Uuaw
Oklahoma cop busted for telling 14-year-old he wanted to ...Ex-Oklahoma cop busted for telling 14-year-old he wanted to be 'your first' sexual encounter. Story by David McAfee •

Gritty Copaganda ... ie-review/
Vidudhala Part 1 Review – Slow, Gritty Cop DramaVidudhala Part 1 Review – Slow, Gritty Cop Drama ... What Is the Film Abou ... 109847007/
The Daily Telegram
Looking Out: Will justice prevail on yet another cop show?Looking Out: Will justice prevail on yet another cop show? Jim Whitehouse. Jim Whitehouse. “ONE OF YOU GO TO THE BACK DOOR!” I shout at the two ... -wednesday
WDAY Radio
Next West Fargo 'Coffee with a Cop' takes place WednesdayThe Coffee with a Cop program is designed to increase understanding between residents and the police. At these events residents learn about law enforcement and... ... ver-promo/
Missy Peregrym Snapped at 'FBI' Co-Star Zeeko Zaki in Hilarious Crossover PromoThe FBI crossover was the first three-way crossover in the franchise since 2021 and definitely brought all of the action and emotions across all three hours. ... 57451.html
Yahoo News
Minneapolis Settles More Derek Chauvin Lawsuits for $8.9 Million; Ex-Cop Kneeled on Necks of Two Black People In 2017Minneapolis Settles More Derek Chauvin Lawsuits for $8.9 Million; Ex-Cop Kneeled on Necks of Two Black People In 2017. Read full article. ... tered.html
Inebriated, Kannur cop screams at old woman, pushes her down on ground | OnmanoramaInebriated, Kannur cop screams at old woman, pushes her down on ground ... Kannur: A police officer, reportedly in an inebriated condition, allegedly misbehaved... ... -complaint
Free Press Journal
Gurugram: Constable beats up senior cop after she asks him not to interfere while registering complaintGurugram: Constable beats up senior cop after she asks him not to interfere while registering complaint. A clash broke out between Assistant Sub Inspector... ... uct-probe/
8 cops detained in misconduct probe
DARREN BAHAW ... our=append
Staggering fortune Adelaide ex-cop drug lord has lost
Selling drugs on the dark web during Covid lockdowns, this ex-SA police officer raked in cash, crypto, high-end booze and even a silver ingot. Now he’s been jailed – and it’s all gone. ... cs-leaker/
Twitter Suspends User For Sharing Washington Post Story About Pentagon Docs Leaker
Content Moderation
from the impossibility-theory-all-over-again dept
Fri, Apr 14th 2023 03:46pm - Mike Masnick
You know the drill by now. In October of 2020, the NY Post ... lar-power/
China Brokered Peace Agreement Between Saudi Arabia and Iran Marks End of Era of American Unipolar Power
By Morrigan Johnson - April 14, 2023 ... r-arrested
Cops Piled on Dad of Parkland Victim for Protesting Anti-Gun Control Republicans
Manuel Oliver and his wife Patricia lost their son Joaquin in the Parkland shooting in 2018. They were on the Hill Thursday to protest at a hearing.
By Mack Lamoureux
March 23, 2023 ... ong-house/
New Mexico police fatally shoot man during investigation at wrong home: reports
By Isabel Vincent
April 15, 2023 ... ime-crisis
FBI agent says a curfew may work while addressing juvenile crime crisis
by Lexi HarpsterSun, April 16th 2023 ... ernment_is
Church Burnings: What the FBI Is and Isn’t Doing ... ice-reform
Criminal Injustice
Alec Karakatsanis puts “human caging” and “wealth-based detention” in America on trial.
by MICHAEL ZUCKERMAN ... porn-raid/
Planned Parenthood exec commits suicide after botched child porn raid in Connecticut
By Isabel Keane
April 16, 2023
“The person who died was definitely the suspect in a child pornography investigation and the person who committed suicide,” New Haven Police Chief Karl Jacobson told the New Haven Registrar.
Five days earlier, members of the Special Victims Unit investigating the child pornography case reportedly broke down the door of Yergeau’s neighbor — and handcuffed the ... sing-teen/
Okla. teacher, wife of police chief arrested for sexually abusing teen
By Katherine Donlevy
April 15, 2023 ... -gun-case/
NYPD Chief Jeffrey Maddrey abused authority by cutting ex-cop loose in gun case
By Craig McCarthy and Jacob Geanous
April 15, 2023 7:45pm Updated ... still-duty
Cop who threatened to ‘mash up’ motorist still on duty
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Postby fruhmenschen » Sun Apr 23, 2023 2:20 pm
Senate full document Covid 19
Dr. John Campbell ... ct-scandal
The DEA Looks Like a Total Mess Right Now
Senior agency officials, including top boss Anne Milgram, face questions about lucrative contracts as Congress scrutinizes operations abroad.
By Keegan Hamilton
April 19, 2023, 4:59pm ... rs-island/
NYC agrees to shell out $53M to inmates held in harsh conditions on Rikers Island
By Ben Feuerherd
April 19, 2023 ... x-evasion/
IRS whistleblower alleges cover-up of Hunter Biden tax evasion in bombshell letter to Congress
By Steven Nelson
April 19, 2023 ... true-story
Why has this person been erased?’: the untold story of the Black French maestro
In rousing new historical drama Chevalier, the story of Joseph Bologne, often crudely referred to as ‘Black Mozart’, is finally given the spotlight it deserves
Tax Me If You Can (full documentary) | FRONTLINE ... lity-bill/
Maine Congressman Jared Golden votes to block DC police accountability bill
BY MYCHAEL SCHNELL - 04/19/23 5:05 PM ET
Fourteen Democrats voted with Republicans to support the measure: Reps. Nikki Budzinski (Ill.), Angie Craig (Minn.), Henry Cuellar (Texas), Don Davis (N.C.), Jared Golden (Maine), Josh Gottheimer (N.J.), Susie Lee (Nevada), Wiley Nickel (N.C.), Jimmy Panetta (Calif.), Chris Pappas (N.H.), Marie Gluesenkamp Perez (Wash.), Pat Ryan (N.Y.), Kim Schrier (Wash.) and Eric Sorensen (Ill.).
Mexico's Bravest Man ... 132701007/
Akron police use chemical spray to disperse protest march along Copley Road
Akron Beacon Journal ... ce-police/
FBI investigating drug ring leader’s ties to Providence policePROVIDENCE, R.I. (WPRI) — At the same time brothers Andres and Oscar Perez were climbing the ranks of the Providence Police Department,... ... index.html
Tyre Nichols' family files federal $550 million civil lawsuit against Memphis and police officersThose five police officers murdered my son. They beat him to death and they need to be held accountable along with everyone else that has something to do with... ... index.html
Report on racist messages sent among Antioch, California, police officers sparks protestCommunity members march from Antioch police headquarters to City Hall in Antioch, California, on Tuesday. Jane Tyska/Digital First Media/East Bay Times/Getty... ... -officers/
City of Anchorage sued for not having body-worn cameras on police officers
By Wesley Early, Alaska Public Media - Anchorage -
April 19, 2023 ... ficers-act
Rep. Peters Introduces the Providing Child Care for Police Officers Act
April 19, 2023
Washington, DC – Today, Rep. Scott Peters (CA-50) introduced bipartisan legislation to address the child care needs of law enforcement officers and their families. The Providing Child Care for Police Officers Act aims to address the nationwide police staffing shortages by making it easier for parents to enter the field. Rep. Peters is joined by Representatives David Valadao (CA-22), Josh Harder (CA-9), and Darrell Issa (CA-48) as co-leads on this legislation. ... on-1795459
Ralph Yarl Shooting Digs Up Decades of Police Frustrations
BY NICK REYNOLDS ON 4/19/23 AT 6:33 PM EDT ... rrants-say
Man killed in Springville police shootout was former officer and carried badge, warrants say
By Pat Reavy, | Posted - April 19, 2023 at 3:00 p.m.
SPRINGVILLE — A Springville man shot and killed during an exchange of gunfire with police, which also resulted in an officer being injured, was a former police officer who was exhibiting strange behavior in the weeks leading up to the fatal confrontation. ... nt-device/
Lowell police roll out new restraint device
by: Kyle Mitchell
Posted: Apr 19, 2023 / 04:56 PM EDT
A little over a week ago, Michael watched, along with millions of Americans, 5 Memphis police officers brutally execute 29-year-old ...

Copaganda ... eria-today
The Linden Police Department Hosts" Pizza with a Cop " at ...LINDEN, NJ The Linden Police Department held a "PIZZA WITH A COP" event today at Pasquales Pizzeria 691 W. Edgar Rd.Linden from 11am until 1pm. ... 092495007/
South Bend Police Department holds 'Stock Up for Summer' food and toiletries drive
Claire Reid
South Bend Tribune
Viral Video Shows Cop Brutalizing Teen Who Was Helping Friend ... lice-abuse
NYPD Chief Ordered Ex-Cop’s Arrest Voided After Gun Chase, Review Finds
Jeffrey Maddrey overrode a Brooklyn police sergeant’s decision to book a former colleague who pursued three boys in Brownsville — with his firearm drawn, they say.
DeKalb County releases autopsy in 'Cop City' protester Manuel Teran's death
Teran was protesting the development of a police training center.
ByKiara Alfonseca
April 19, 2023, 2:54 PM ... jit-499001
Tribune India
ADGP to probe senior officers who backed dismissed cop Inderjit... (now dismissed) with drug-tainted cop Inderjit Singh. The SIT reports established the complicity and talked about the influence of other officers also. ... -1.6362459
CTV Atlantic
N.L. cop going back to jail for sexual assaultNewfoundland cop convicted of sexual assault heading to jail after appeal dismissed. Royal Newfoundland Constabulary officer Douglas Snelgrove awaits his...
Const. Carl Douglas Snelgrove was convicted in May 2021 and sentenced to four years in prison for raping a woman in her living room while on duty in 2014 after driving her home from downtown St. John's in his police car. ... ncing.html
Cop Daniel Whitman, who tried to open shooting range, forced to forfeit guns after sentencing
Apr. 19, 2023, 2:51 p.m.|Published: Apr. 19, 2023, 2:50 p.m. ... n-autopsy/
CBS News
Atlanta "Cop City" protester shot by officers had 57 gunshot wounds, autopsy findsAtlanta "Cop City" protester shot by officers had 57 gunshot wounds, autopsy finds. By Faris Tanyos. April 19, 2023 / 11:24 PM / CBS News. ... onviction/
Wyoming Supreme Court Says Cheyenne Cops Entered Man’s House Illegally, Overturns Conviction
Police officers who pushed past a pregnant woman to enter a home, struggle with and arrest man acted illegally, the Wyoming Supreme Court has ruled in overturning Myron Woods’ conviction for interference.
Clair McFarland
April 19, 2023 ... -russians/
What Better Way to do Damage Control in the Face of an Embarrassing Leak Then by Blaming it on the Russians
By Jeremy Kuzmarov - April 19, 2023
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Postby fruhmenschen » Mon May 15, 2023 9:37 am ... m/4331368/
Republican Admits Key 'Informant' Against Joe Biden Now Missing
BY FATMA KHALED ON 5/14/23 ... m/4331368/
NYPD Cop Captured After Fleeing to Cuba Found Guilty of Murdering NJ Mom
By NBC New York Staff ... 57050.html
A cop responded to a 911 call at a Florida home. The photos she took got her arrested ... ge-payback
Oceans have been absorbing the world’s extra heat. But there’s a huge payback
Record sea surface temperatures suggest the Earth is headed for ‘uncharted territory’ in terms of sea level rise, coastal flooding and extreme weather ... story.html

Copaganda ... ummit.html
Farmer too strong for Nine’s Summit
Eurovision pushes SBS share high, MasterChef wins in demos and scores in Total TV audience.
Published by David Knox 
on May 15, 2023
Seven network won Sunday with 31.0% then Nine 27.4%, 10 16.4%, ABC 13.7% and SBS 11.4%.
Seven News was #1 at 836,000 with The Latest at 230,000.
Nine News was 755,000 for Nine with a late edition at 186,000.
The Project drew 326,000 / 168,000. 10 News First was 183,000 / 123,000. NCIS: Hawaii managed 163,000 with FBI at 89,000. ... -season-2/
Screen Rant
The Rookie's Renewal Is A Good Sign For The Rookie: Feds ...... middle-aged rookie in the FBI — Simone Clark, played by Niecy Nash-Betts. ... Los Angeles FBI office didn't come until the spinoff's series premiere. ... ORFW34JQM/
Action News Jax
FBI presents Duval Schools Parent Academy with FBI Director’s awardWASHINGTON D.C. — Duval Schools Parent Academy of Duval County Public Schools was presented with the prestigious FBI Director's Community... ... ty-winner/
What is Reality on HBO about? (Who is Reality Winner?)Marchánt Davis is R. Wallace Taylor, and Josh Hamilton is Justin C. Garrick, the FBI agent handling the interrogation. The original play was only three...
The Mother Review: A Generic, Forgettable Action Movie... becoming an informant for the FBI about Adrian Lovell (Joseph Fiennes) and ... gives birth in the hospital, her daughter is taken away by the FBI. ... rate-says/
Pensacola lawsuit seeking to hold Saudi Arabia accountable for deadly terrorist attack should be tossed, U.S. magistrate says ... -response/
Police and witness give contradictory accounts of response to Texas mall shooting
MAY 14, 2023 / 5:04 PM / CBS
Here is her bio at the Global Virome Project that she, Daszak and Dennis Carroll dine off. Why WOULDN’T you use One Health to prepare our future pandemics? Might as well fund the two conspiracies with one pot of our dough. ... onna-mazet ... dium=email
One Health is also a funding stream for collecting viruses for GOF research. And USAID is a big funder; isn't USAID another name for CIA? Isn't Gain of Function another name for Germ Warfare?
Enter Jonna Mazet, a very close colleague of Peter Daszak and prof at UC Davis. She ran the Predict project to trap wild viruses and send them back to DOD's DTRA for further investigation, etc.
MAY 14, 2023

JONNA MAZET is a member and Implementation Director of the Global Virome Project Leadership Board. Jonna is a Professor of Epidemiology and Disease Ecology at the UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine and Executive Director of the UC Davis One Health Institute. Her work focuses on global health problem solving for emerging infectious diseases and conservation challenges. She is active in international One Health education, service, and research programs, most notably in relation to pathogen emergence; disease transmission among wildlife, domestic animals, and people; and the ecological drivers of novel disease dynamics.
[You know what pathogen emergence means: spillover, pandemics occur naturally. “Ecological drivers of novel disease dynamics” means climate change causes pandemics. Sorry if I am repeating myself, but these are the fairy tales leading us to the one world government.]
Currently, Jonna is the Co-Director of the US Agency for International Development’s One Health Workforce – Next Generation, an $85 million educational strengthening project to empower professionals in Central/East Africa and Southeast Asia to address complex and emerging health threats, including antimicrobial resistance and zoonotic diseases. She is the Principal Investigator of and served as the Global Director of PREDICT Project for 10 years, a greater than $200 million viral emergence early warning project under USAID’s Emerging Pandemic Threats Division. PREDICT served as an early-warning system-strengthening effort aimed at finding emerging viruses before they spread to humans. Since 2009, PREDICT has empowered partners in over 30 countries to deploy a One Health approach for zoonotic disease prevention, detection, and response, including supporting 60 laboratories in the world's most risky areas for spillover to be able to do virus discovery. [Enabling the cheaper locals to do the initial lab work before we get the best viruses for GOF development. GOF used to be called biological warfare.] Our teams have collected and tested samples from over 164,000 animals and people and detected almost 1,200 potentially zoonotic viruses, among them 160 novel coronaviruses, including multiple SARS- and MERS-like coronaviruses. PREDICT provided the proof-of-concept for the Global Virome Project.
Jonna was elected to the US National Academy of Medicine in 2013 in recognition of her successful and innovative approach to emerging environmental and global health threats and serves on the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine’s Forum on Microbial Threats and chairs the Academies’ One Health Action Collaborative. She was appointed to the National Academies Standing Committee on Emerging Infectious Diseases and 21st Century Health Threats, which was created to assist the federal government with critical science and policy issues related to the COVID-19 crisis and other emerging health threats.
And guess what? The Global Virome Project [to produce viruses for the next pandemic] is supported by Tedros and friends at WHO through the Trinity Challenge—in which Daszak, Mazet and friends wants donors and partners to fund them to keep catching viruses for fun and profit. You can watch Tedros and a bunch of other folks mouth platitudes about how important it is to ‘do something’ so it never happens again, here. I can’t embed the video, so I will just give you a screenshot
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Postby fruhmenschen » Fri Jun 02, 2023 7:46 pm ... ree-press/
If the Police Can Decide Who Qualifies as a Journalist, There Is No Free Press
Where’s the outcry? Mainstream media have been strangely silent following the arrest of two reporters in North Carolina.
By Eleanor Goldfield , TRUTHOUT
June 1, 2023 ... dium=email
More on my case, the law on misinformation, and why other doctors don't challenge their medical boards
Including the misdirection, sloppiness and impaired memory of Dr. Faust, the part-time ER doctor and pundit
JUN 1,2033
The fifth day of my board hearing was May 30, 7.5 months after it began and 16.5 months since I was suspended for charges that the board dropped prior to litigation. No one can remember the details from the beginning, and my attorneys and I have to spend countless hours recapping the previous proceedings as we prepare for each new hearing day. The board hired two expert witnesses to opine against me, and now each has been examined and cross examined. None of

The Justice Journal
The monthly newsletter of the
Philadelphia District Attorney's Office
While juvenile justice spending continues to fall, however, it still far surpasses the money spent per youth by the School District of Philadelphia (SDP)—specifically, more than twice what the SDP spends annually. In FY2021, for example, the SDP spent over $30,000 per student compared to over $50,000 spent per system-involved youth. Also concerning, however, are the racial disparities that continue to persist within the system. The analysis found that in FY2019, for instance, 41% of youth aged 10-19 were Black but represented 81% of youth arrests. 

Additionally, the rising cost per system-involved youth per fiscal year continues to pose a problem despite the overall decrease in spending. According to the analysis, juvenile justice costs have soared by 36% from FY2017 to FY2021. Residential juvenile justice facilities are the leading drivers of youth justice costs. In FY2019, the cost per youth detained at the Philadelphia Juvenile Justice Services Center alone totaled over $220,000. ... 6hjn1me0n/
Maine Governor Janet Mills cuts ribbon on redesigned prison at center of dispute with Paul LePage ... ce-driver/
Charges Dropped against Michelle Obama’s Secret Service Driver 
By Steve Neavling
A Secret Service employee and driver for former First Lady Michelle Obama won’t be tried on charges of criminal harassment and witness intimidation, his attorney told CNN. 
Douglas Vines was accused of threatening to blackmail a woman he had been dating after she declined to have sex with him. She told police that Vines threatened to deport her and release nude photos of her that she had not consented to ... t-2786902/
Charges dropped against alleged conspirator in killing of FBI agent
Carlos Gurry has spent more than three decades behind bars after he was convicted of assisting in the 1990 murder of an FBI agent during a Las Vegas bank robbery.

Alec’s Copaganda Newsletter ... r-training
USC Student Selected For FBI Summer TrainingUpper St. Clair High School student Braidyn Recker will get a rare opportunity to participate in an FBI youth leadership program. ... dium=email

Alec’s Copaganda Newsletter

The Big Deception: Part 3
The biggest lie of all
In Part 1 I described The Big Deception: how common features of news coverage mislead us about the reasons powerful institutions do things.  While policies are usually portrayed in the news as good faith attempts by people in power to pursue shared values based on evidence, daily news stories ignore and even obscure most of the actual reasons our world looks the way that it does.  The reasons our society looks like it does in its most important respects exist along a longer and more complex causal chain than is typically represented in everyday news.  Deceiving people about this complexity leads them to misunderstand how to fight for the changes they want to see in our world. 
In Part 2, I examined the most obvious and superficial way the news deceives people about why things happen: by uncritically reporting the stated motivations of powerful people as the actual reasons they do things. 
Here in Part 3, I go deeper.  I explain why the choice to focus on the intentions of powerful people by reporters is perhaps the biggest deception of all.  This focus makes it harder for news consumers to understand the underlying conditions and structural features of our society that determine what choices are available to politicians, which of those options politicians will predictably select, and how entrenched bureaucracy will implement those choices.
1)    How might this play out in coverage of a common “public safety” issue?
To see what I mean about the difference between news coverage of the motivations of people in power versus news coverage of a longer causal chain of reasons, let’s take a hypothetical news story and compare different ways of covering it. ... 3/44058039
Students in Goffstown win ice cream party for collecting 'cop cards' from police officers
May 31, 202
City of Iowa City
Join the Iowa City Police Department for Coffee with a Cop on ...Coffee with a Cop is a relaxed and informal way to engage with police representatives who serve your community. There are no agendas or speeches; just an... ... cop-house/
Coborn’s Donates Ice Cream to COP House
Saint Cloud, MN, USA / KNSI
Jake Judd ... on-june-13
Fair Lawn Police Host "Sushi With A Cop" on June 13 ... -continue/
Police Teen Sex Abuse Cases Continue
* In the Media posted by Samuel Walker
The suicide of a police officer in the small town of Santa Maria, California (north of Santa Barbara) has brought up again the issue of sexual abuse of teenage girls by police officers. The officer took his own life as he was about to be arrested for having sexual relations with a 17 year old girl in a Police Explorers program. The problem of police sexual abuse of teenage girls was first examined in a 2003 report by Sam Walker and Dawn Irlbeck (see the Articles) page of this web site. In response to that problem and other police sexual misonduct, the International Association of Chiefs of Police published a report on Addressing Sexual Offenses and Misconduct by Law Enforcement in 2011 (posted with the 2003 Walker and Irlbeck report). An Associated Press investigative report, the story ran in 235 media across the country, including NPR, CBS News and and Fox News. Read the original AP story:   SexAbuseSantaMariaAP  Read a small town paper’s story: TeenSexAbuse2012 ... y-arrested
‘Life completely in danger’: Police response questioned after woman with mental problems violently arrested
Incident caught on University Circle Police body cam video
By: Jonathan Walsh
Jun 01, 2023 ... 273863007/
Fall River cop Michael Pessoa guilty of excessive force. A judge has sent him to jail.
Jo C. Goode
The Herald
Miami cop allegedly beat up cheating boyfriend with help from his pregnant lover
By Ronny Reyes
May 31, 2023 ... er-police/
Miami cop allegedly beat up cheating boyfriend with help from his pregnant lover
By Ronny Reyes
May 31, 2023 ... d-atlanta/
Part of a brutal crackdown on dissent against the police training facility, the SWAT raid and charges against the protest bail fund are unprecedented.
Natasha Lennard
May 31 2023 ... australia/
The new reporting from the Sydney Morning Herald comes as Australia is pressing the U.S. to end its attempt to prosecute Assange.
Ryan Grim
June 1 2023 ... gy-weapons
The Pentagon Is Spending $1 Billion a Year on ‘Directed Energy Weapons’
Washington is interested in the weapons but worries they'll end up in the 'valley of death' if the Pentagon isn't careful.
By Matthew Gault
June 1, 2023 ... op-hackers
FTC Orders Ring to Pay $5.8 Million in Refunds For Surveilling Customers, Failing to Stop Hackers
Ring previously allowed any employee to access customer’s private videos and failed to implement basic security mechanisms. Security issues raised by the FTC are ones Motherboard found during a 2019 hacking spree.
By Joseph Cox
May 31, 2023 ... bullethead
The Leader of the Gun Church That Worships With AR-15s Is Now a MAGA Rapper
Pastor Hyung-Jin “Sean” Moon, the leader of the controversial Rod of Iron Ministries, is now spreading far-right rhetoric via a series of wild low-budget music videos.
By Tess Owen
May 31, 2023 ... ink-again/

Nothing Has Been Done Since Uvalde? Think Again!
KLAUS MARRE, DONKEYHOTEY 05/24/23 ... t-edition/

Washington Plays Let’s Make a Deal — Debt Ceiling Edition
KLAUS MARRE 06/01/23 ... ks-bribes/
Meta Warns That It Will Remove News From Facebook & Instagram In California, Rather Than Pay Buffy Wicks’ Bribes
from the tax-something,-get-less-of-it dept
Thu, Jun 1st 2023 09:23am - Mike Masnick
We’ve written a few times about California’s “Journalism Protection Act” (CJPA) from state Rep. Buffy Wicks, and many times about the terrible concept ... ular-isps/
Community-Owned Broadband Network Again Tops List Of Most Popular ISPs
from the community-broadband-is-good dept
Wed, May 31st 2023 03:31pm - Karl Bode
For two decades, frustrated towns and cities all over the country have responded to telecom monopolies by building their own fiber broadband networks. Data routinely shows that not only do these networks provide faster, better, and cheaper service, the networks are generally more accountable to the public — because they’re directly owned and staffed by locals with a vested interest in the community.
And despite industry lobbyist efforts to paint these networks as some kind of socialist boondoggle hellscape, locally owned community ISPs continue to be extremely popular. Last week, PC Magazine ranked all broadband ISPs, noting that the most popular ISP ... eft-lawsui
Section 230 Protects Public Records Portal, Says Judge While Tossing Bogus ID Theft Lawsuit
from the government-guys-ask-government-guys-to-protect-government-guys dept
Wed, May 31st 2023 12:05pm - Tim Cushing
Section 230: not just for those irascible tech giants politicians keep grandstanding about. We all may have a love/hate/really hate relationship with various social media services, but Section 230 also protects the little guys. So, while it might be momentarily satisfying to cheer on the latest comeuppance attempt by political opportunists, remember it’s going to be the little guys who get hurt the most.
That’s just one of several lessons that can be learned from this legal victory obtained by OPRAmachine, an online portal for sending Open Public Records Acts (the OPRA in the machine) requests to New Jersey government agencies.
A user of OPRAmachine requested records from the city of North Wildwood. Those records were delivered by the city’s clerk, who failed to redact city employees’ social ... -tax-bill/
California Legislature Bribes Big Media Journalists With Big Tech Money To Support Link Tax Bill
from the link-taxes-are-just-bad dept
Wed, May 31st 2023 09:24am - Mike Masnick
A few months back, we wrote about California Rep. Buffy Wicks’ blatantly corrupt plan to use the California legislature to simply make Google and Facebook hand cash over to news orgs (the same news orgs she needs endorsements from to keep getting elected).
We’ve gone over the basics many times before: link taxes not only don’t make any sense, but they’re actively harmful to the open web. They’re based on a ridiculously confused understanding of basically everything. In short form: if any website does not want to get traffic from Google or Facebook, they have the power to control that
Real Life - Real People Largest online database of Police Informants and
Corrupt Police / Agents ... -we-fight/
Cop City Is Only the Beginning, Unless We Fight
“This is a global struggle against fascism,” says Jasmine, an Atlanta orga ... xt-target/
McCarthy Warns That Social Security and Medicare Are the GOP’s Next Target
House Speaker Kevin McCarthy said the debt ceiling agreement is just “the first step” of the GOP’s broader agenda.
By Jake Johnson , COMMONDREAMS
June 1, 2023
IEA Report Shows Growth of Renewable Energy on Pace to Shatter Records This Year
"Solar and wind are leading the rapid expansion of the new global energy economy," said IEA chief Fatih Birol, who added that "achieving stronger growth means addressing some key challenges."
Jun 01, 2023
Electricity generated by the sun and wind is set to soar to global record levels this year amid surging solar production and high fuel prices, a report published Thursday by the International Energy Agency forecasts.
The IEA's Renewable Energy Market Update Outlook for 2023 and 2024 notes that "the global energy crisis and policy momentum are driving robust growth in solar photovoltaic (PV) and wind power."
Global additions of solar PV and wind are set to increase 107 gigawatts to over 440GW this year, and growth will likely continue next year to reach a total renewable energy ... reme-court
The US Supreme Court Is Coming for Voting Rights—Again
A pending ruling on in Allen v. Milligan could be one of the most damaging yet by the supermajority of John Roberts' right-wing
Jun 01, 2023
Brennan Center For Justice
is the cruelest month. Today begins the weeks of decisions to be announced by the Supreme Court as its term draws to a close. Once again we will wait to find out how far the six conservative justices will push — and what kind of country we will live in. I discuss the perils of this moment in my new book, The Supermajority, out next Tuesday.
One of the most important rulings will come in a major case on the Voting Rights Act, Allen v. Milligan. It could also be one of the most damaging. That statute was by some measures the most effective civil rights law on the books. And over the past decade, the Court led by Chief Justice John Roberts has demolished it, bit by ... ics-treaty
We Must Not Allow Industry Lobbyists to Destroy Global PlasticsTreaty
The voices for real solutions to the single-use pollution crisis are being drowned out by the plastic industry’s overwhelming influence and power.
Jun 01, 2023
The Hill

Cop arrested after ex-girlfriend finds hidden camera in her home, Texas officials say BY MITCHELL WILLETTS JUNE ,2023
Read more at: ... rylink=cpy ... -yard.html
Daily Mail
Horrifying moment Idaho cops shoot dead two beloved 'fur babies' after dogs escaped owner's yardHorrifying footage posted to social media shows the moments after police shot dead two dogs on the side of an Idaho highway after they... ... ns-outrage
Cornelius McGee Jr.:15-year-old fatally shot by cop Andrew Bankhead for dating daughter, leaves netizens outragedA 15-year-old teen from Clarksdale, Mississippi, Cornelius McGee Jr., was fatally shot on Monday, May 22, 2023, by a cop, leaving netizens... ... ntability/
Organizations: Police Accountability ... 3-748.html
OpEdNews Op Eds 1
FBI-Clinton Investigation Impacts Four Presidents
By Lynn Landes      
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Postby fruhmenschen » Sun Jun 18, 2023 12:10 pm
Ukraine War - How Should History Inform Us? w/ Ray McGovern fmr CIA ... ient-zero/
New reporting, attributed to U.S. government sources, identified a coronavirus researcher at the Wuhan Institute of Virology who fell ill in November 2019.
Ryan Grim
June 17 2023, 9:34 a.m. ... dium=email
James Corbett, James Roguski and I dissect the Digital ID/vax passport and the new WHO staff version of the pandemic treaty (aka Bureau Version)
On Good Morning CHD today
JUN 17, 2023 ... s-roguski/ ... ial-media/
A document shows the Protective Services Battalion uses sophisticated surveillance tools that can pinpoint anyone’s location.
Daniel Boguslaw, Sam Biddle, Ken Klippenstein
June 17 2023, 6:00 a.m. ... icide-unit
75 Unsolved Homicides In Maine ... /39918885#
Database: 137 open missing persons cases in Maine
Some cold cases date back decades with few to tell if they were murdered
Updated: 7:40 PM EDT May 5, 202 ... nteractive
In Maine it can cost $252K/year to imprison a child, but only $14K/year for public education. ... gLsdfD_BwE
70% of convicts who are released return to prison
Reducing Recidivism: Creating a Path to Successful Re-entryLeaving prison should mean having a fresh start, but for many returning citizens it presents a host of new challenges. Re-entering society can be overwhelming for many reasons, and unfortunately many people end up back in prison. Despite various prison reform initiatives, the rate of recidivism in the United States is still an astonishing 70% within 5 years of release. ... n-by-state
Prison Population by State [Updated March 2023] ... %20summary.
Downeast Maine Correctional debate includes prison costs
In 2011, Gov. LePage’s first year in office, the Maine State Prison cost $45,235 per prisoner, according to the DOC summary. Downeast cost $45,232. The Maine Correctional Center in Windham was less expensive at $43,249. ... 05%20years ... nition-law
Illinois now lets cops fly drones over events — but not with weapons or facial recognition
/ ‘The Drones as First Responders Act’ modifies an existing law ... rn-7157482
Working with Interpol, FBI a highlight for local cop who ...MOOSE JAW — Local cop Const. Josh MacNaughton never thought he would ever work with the United States' FBI or Europe's Interpol, but it often occurs because... ... gun-threat
KKK Members in Kentucky Pull Gun on LGBTQ Activists – Police Let Them Off
The men were reportedly handing out KKK recruitment cards.
JUNE 17 2023 10:00 AM EST ... ets-Nevada
Bug Swarm: Nevada crawling with thick carpet of Mormon crickets
Millions of crickets – or rather shield-backed katydids – migrating across state, after hatching was delayed in spring
Abené Clayton
Sat 17 Jun 2023 ... -petition/

‘Stop Cop City’ coalition accuses city of using “delay tactics” against petition
The activists plan to file a court order next week to force the Municipal Clerk’s office to approve their petition.
by Ryan Zickgraf
June 16, 2023 ... /44233365#
Duxbury police officer accused of falsifying report, intimidating fellow officer
Jun 17, 2023

Copaganda ... b3ca9.html
The Latrobe Bulletin
Shop With a Cop kids flying high after airshow previewHundreds of Shop With a Cop kids, their families and law enforcement officials got a truly uplifting experience Friday as they got the VIP treatment at... ... s-dialogue
Sampson Independent
‘Coffee with a Cop’ opens dialogueOn Tuesday, Police Chief Anthony Davis and Assistant Chief Adrian Mathews spent the morning at Simply NC for another quarterly Coffee with a Cop event. ... m/44227034
Amid police budget battle, Boston's top cop talks community policing at forum
Updated: 6:53 PM EDT Jun 16, 2023 ... 64117.html
Community Newspaper Group
5th, younger free at Movie with a Cop set June 19The Oelwein Daily Register mobile app brings you the latest local breaking news, updates, and more. Read the Oelwein Daily Register on your mobile device... ... with-a-Cop
Prime Minister's Office Singapore
SM Teo Chee Hean at the Police Community Roadshow 2023 ...... Minister for National Security Mr Teo Chee Hean at the Police Community Roadshow 2023 and Launch of Coffee with a Cop, at One Punggol on 17 June 2023. ... 5dg9h.html
Police axed training that ‘could have prevented’ Taser death: former cop
Charlotte Grieve
June 18, 2023 ... ed-4128387
Drunk Kerala Cop Barges Into House, Creates Ruckus; Arrested
Police said, the accused had barged into a house under the "influence of alcohol" and started to create a ruckus.
India News
Asian News International
Updated: June 17, 2023

6 cops booked for forging court warrant
Read more at: ... aign=cppst ... ogists-say
Fighters in Violent Medieval Class War Used Penis Stone to Sharpen Swords, Archaeologists Say
A roughly 6-inch penis stone was used to sharpen weapons at the site of a violent peasant uprising that occurred 500 years ago in Spain.
By Becky Ferreira
June 16, 2023, 1:08pm ... za-italia/
The Damage Silvio Berlusconi (1936–2023) Leaves Behind
The notorious tycoon and former Italian prime minister is gone, but his toxic legacy remains.
By Niccolò Barca and Tommaso Grossi
JUNE 15, 2023 ... rump-hang/
JUNE 16, 2023
Will Trump Hang?
Zoom with RFK, Jr and a group of experts who discuss the deep reforms needed in US health policies and agencies
Deep Reform: RFK, Jr. to host Health Policy Roundtable -- Online, Tuesday, June 27, 2023, 7:00 pm ET
JUN 17, 2023
Las Vegas Alien footage analysis by a CG artist
Kevin Cease ... for_Sanity
Veteran Intelligence Professionals for
Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS), formed in January 2003 "to speak out on the use of intelligence to justify the war," is "a coast-to-coast enterprise; mostly intelligence officers from analysis side of CIA, but Operations side also represented. "[1][2][3]
VIPS Steering Group
* Kathleen McGrath Christison, Santa Fe, NM
* William Christison, Santa Fe, NM
* David MacMichael, Linden, VA
* Raymond McGovern, Arlington, VA
* Richard Beske, San Diego, CA
* Patrick G. Eddington, Alexandria, VA
Other Alleged VIPS Members
* Eugene Betit[4]
* Ray Close[5]
* Larry Johnson[6]
Posts: 5833
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Postby fruhmenschen » Fri Jun 30, 2023 11:59 pm ... ih-emails/
A conversation on the ongoing battle to expose the origins of the Covid-19 pandemic.
June 30 2023 ... 6c825c706f
This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Protect Reporters from Exploitative State Spying Act’’ or the ‘‘PRESS Act’’.

Without confidential sources, journalism wouldn’t be possible. Yet, both Democratic and Republican administrations have spied on journalists with the hopes of unmasking their sources. Such actions make a mockery of the First Amendment and threaten the ability of the free press to function as an actual check on government abuses of power.
Now there is bicameral, bipartisan legislation to address just that: The Protect Reporters from Exploitive State Spying (PRESS) Act.
With narrow exceptions in the case of terrorism or imminent violence, the PRESS Act would prohibit the government from forcing either journalists or telecom providers to turn over information that would identify a source or other communications created as a result of engaging in journalism. 
Last session, the PRESS Act passed unanimously in the House. It’s been reintroduced and this time we are hoping it becomes law.
Write your members of Congress today and urge them to support this important legislation ... -on-china/
Military Initiative by Australia, the United Kingdom and the United States (AUKUS) is Another Major Step in Prospective War on China
By Murray Horton - June 29, 2023 ... jured-him/
Fifth Circuit’s Fourth Pass At Same Case Ends Just As Stupidly: Cop Can Sue One Person Because Someone Else Injured Him
from the I-guess-just-don't-organize-protests-in-the-Fifth dept
Fri, Jun 30th 2023 10:46am - Tim Cushing
An anonymous Louisiana cop who sued, in this order:
1. Activist DeRay Mckesson, who spoke at the Baton Rouge demonstrations.
2. Black Lives Matters — a name used by several concurrent movements to protest police violence against blacks
3. A Twitter hashtag
still manages to have a viable lawsuit seven years later.
It boggles the mind. Officer John Doe was policing an anti-police violence protest allegedly organized by activist Deray Mckesson. This demonstration resulted in the blocking of a freeway ... ince-2007/
External Audit Finds Sacramento PD Hasn’t Updated Its Search And Seizure Policy Since 2007
from the never-mind-the-jurisprudence dept
Fri, Jun 30th 2023 07:39pm - Tim Cushing
The ignorance of cops is almost always their saving grace. If they can’t “reasonably” know the intricacies of the laws they uphold or the rights they’re supposed to respect, they’re too stupid to be punished for their wrongdoing. That’s how qualified immunity works. And that’s why it behooves police departments to keep officers in the dark about legal developments.
That plan tends to work out more often than not, so why upset the (bad) apple cart with periodic training and policy updates? That’s the story here, brought to us by KCRA.
The KCRA article opens with a shocker: the brief handcuffing of a crying 10-year-old girl that followed officers trying (and failing) to force their way into a home containing nothing more than the 10-year-old and her invalid grandmother. It’s upsetting, to be sure. And it was all captured ... -wildfires
Extreme heatwaves spread as US told to expect hot and smoky summer
Smoke from unchecked Canada wildfires hits air quality in north-east as further south 80m American under excessive heat alerts
Maya Yang and agencies
Thu 29 Jun 2023 14.31 EDT ... population
Los Angeles unhoused population reaches 75,000 amid humanitarian crisis
Annual government count shows 9% increase, sharper than last year’s 4%, in country’s most populous county
Sam Levin in Los Angeles
Thu 29 Jun 2023 14.32 ... phins-dead
‘It gets worse every day’: why are sea lions and dolphins dying along California’s coast?
The unprecedented outbreak has scientists concerned as record number of animals turn up lifeless on beaches
Meghan Cleary in Santa Barbara
Wed 28 Jun 2023 ... ng-holdout
Master Lock’s Milwaukee plant to close after 100 years and send jobs abroad
‘Only holdout’ in area that used to house over 50 manufacturing firms to halt operations in March 2024 with over 400 jobs lost
Michael Sainato ... more-likel
Gllobal heating making extreme rain and catastrophic flooding more likely
Study finds extreme rainfall at higher elevations increases by 8.3% for every degree Fahrenheit world warms
Wed 28 Jun 2023 12.01 EDT ... not-guilty
Sheriff’s deputy acquitted for failure to act during Parkland shooting
Scot Peterson found not guilty of felony child neglect during the 2018 shooting at a high school in which 17 were killed
Thu 29 Jun 2023 ... een-nahel/
France arrests 180 in second night of violent protests over police killing of teen Nahel in Nanterre
UPDATED ON: JUNE 29, 2023 / 12:41 PM / CBS NEWS ... epression/
Australia is first nation to allow psychedelics for PTSD, depression
By Marc Lallanilla
June 29, 2023 5:30pm Updated ... -sleeping/
I make almost $2M a month letting people watch me sleep on Twitch and OnlyFans
By Chloe Whelan,
June 29, 2023 1:39pm Updated ... th-priest/
Bad habit! Disabled Texas nun booted from monastery for sexting with priest — but denies breaking vow of chastity
Scandalous accusations were made against a Texas nun, including that she feared being pregnant and told church leaders she had sexted with a priest, according to lawyers for the Catholic church who are locked in a legal battle with the nun.

The above is a mere sampling of just one set of datapoints of egregious lies, misdirections, obfuscations, disinfo, & crimes against humanity Re: the 'covid response' since 2020. ... LUME_EIGHT
AJ Weberman
We are focused on safely reducing incarceration across the United States while improving conditions for incarcerated individuals and staff.
“Modern states are powerful things, vast machines built of human components that act according to their own logic and towards their own ends.” — Eugypius on Substack ... early_work
Ronald A. Sandison ... he-rooftop
As Netflix releases a new season of ‘Unsolved Mysteries,’ Jayne Miller, Taya Graham, and Stephen Janis break down the latest evidence in the mysterious death of Rey Rivera.
OCTOBER 18, 2022

In Good Hands
by David Hechler
How can you be sure that your child in day care is safe?  
a)   The day care I chose was highly recommended.
b)  It’s fully licensed and government-approved. ... us-updates
US temperatures continue to rise as millions affected by extreme heat and wildfire smoke – live
East coast cities under air quality alerts while southern states grapple with record-breaking deadly heatwave ... york-city/
Mysterious, gnat-like insects swarm New York City: ‘The end is nigh’
By Olivia Land
June 30, 2023 ... ssissippi/
Here, Hold My Lube: Pornhub Blocks Virginia and Mississippi 
from the why-should-I-bother-anymore dept
Fri, Jun 30th 2023 02:35pm - Michael McGrady
Mandatory age verification rules are entering force in Mississippi and Virginia. Mississippi has a population of barely 3 million people. Virginia has a population of over 8.6 million people. Like Utah (population over 3 million) back in May, one of the world’s most popular adult tube websites chose to block IP addresses from both of these states as a protest against age verification laws that may threaten data privacy and security.
That’s roughly 15 million people — many of whom are minors, but the vast majority of whom are legally-aged adults who likely use the internet for a variety of ... tampering/
Rochester, MN Cop Sentenced for Witness Tampering
Published: June 30, 2023 ... 45377.html
LAX cop harassed woman in bar, brandished gun at her, then fired it outside, police say
Richard Winton
Thu, June 29, 2023 ... -year-old/
Fall River cop accused of having inappropriate relationship with 17-year-old
Anthony Vega ... cials-say/
Cop dies after overdosing on drugs he stole from evidence lockers, officials say
By Brock Owens, WJAC
Published: Jun. 30, 2023 ... nstration/
Atlanta Police arrest ‘Cop City’ activists at Home Depot demonstration
by Dyana Bagby
June 30, 2023 ... n-ongoing/
Grafton County Investigation into Laurie List Ex-Cop McLaughlin Ongoing

The investigation into former Keene Police Lt. James McLaughlin’s testimony that put a Vermont man in prison for the better part of a decade is still active, according to Grafton County Attorney Martha Hornick.

Copaganda ... ale-again/
‘Shop With A Cop’ T-shirts on sale again
by: Harper Emch
Posted: Jun 30, 2023 ... at-wedding
L.A. Cop in Controversial Shooting Totes Gun at Wedding
Chris Hippensteel
Breaking News Intern
Published Jun. 30, 2023 ... k_wiretap/
Cops told: Er, no, you need a wiretap order if you want real-time Facebook snooping
Privacy: It's a Jersey Thing
Jessica Lyons Hardcastle
Fri 30 Jun 2023 ... -case.html
After jury revelation, Newark cop wants mistrial in fatal shooting case
Jun. 30, 2023 ... an-crisis/
Mainstream Media Colludes with U.S. Government To Conceal Source of Syria’s Heartbreaking Humanitarian Crisis
By Jeremy Kuzmarov - June 30, 2023 ... -to-launch
A Space Mission to Map the Structures Connecting the Universe and Solve Fundamental Mysteries Is About to Launch
“Euclid is really touching on the fundamentals of our physics," said project scientist René Laureijs.
By Becky Ferreira
June 29, 2023 ... each-other
Two of the Worst Far-Right Groups Are Now Fighting Each Other
An online beef between the Proud Boys and neo-Nazi Active clubs is threatening to spill into real-world violence.
By Mack Lamoureux
June 30, 2023 ... l-loophole
How a Legal Loophole Made Jamaica a Magic Mushroom Paradise
The government is now actively encouraging the booming trade in cultivation and boujee shroom retreats.
By Mattha Busby
June 30, 2023 ... patagonia/
Biden Fast-Tracked a Green Energy Mine in One of Earth’s Rarest Ecosystems. Arizona Locals Took It to Court.
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Postby fruhmenschen » Fri Aug 04, 2023 10:44 pm
One in 35 ... s-fbi-form
Grassley blasts DOJ and FBI for not answering questions about bureau form
by Brady Knox,
July 25, 2023 ... iolations/
Disturbing House report exposes FBI’s First Amendment violations
On July 10, the House Judiciary Committee and the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government released a report titled “The FBI’s Collaboration with a Compromised Ukrainian Intelligence Agency to Censor American Speech.” According to the report, the FBI allegedly collaborated with the Ukrainian Security Service (SBU) to take down social media accounts with the goal of blocking the spread of Russian disinformation. 
Ben Weingarten ... pt-threat/
FBI turns over docs on Catholic ‘extremism’ to Judiciary Committee amid contempt threat
By Ryan King July 25, 2023 ... e-and.html
F.B.I. Agent Tells Investigators of Widespread Abuse and Corruption in the FBI
By John M. Crewdson ... monwealth/
Va. lawmakers push for FBI headquarters to be in the Commonwealth
by: Courtney Ingalls
Posted: Jul 26, 2023
Swearingen, Wesley – Illegal FBI Break-Ins, Told By a Former Agent
FBI Secrets: An Agent’s Expose Agents at the Federal Bureau of Investigation have a history of illegal break-ins to homes and offices and conducting wiretaps without a search warrant. In the years when J. Edgar Hoover was the Director of the F.B.I., these warrantless break-ins came to be known as “black-bag jobs”. This archive edition of Radio Curious is a December 1995 interview with Wesley Swearingen a former F.B.I. agent, who in 1995 wrote “FBI Secrets: An Agent’s Expose.” His book describes some of the “black-bag” warrantless searches in which he was involved and his opinion of those activities. He ends his book by saying that the Hoover era will continue to haunt the F.B.I. because Hoover knowingly undermined the United States Constitution. When I spoke with Wesley Swearingen, I asked him what he meant by that. ... eakthrough
Scientists Discover That Metals Heal Themselves in 'Astonishing' Breakthrough
The discovery of autonomous healing in platinum and copper was initially referred to as a “Bigfoot sighting” because it was so unbelievable.
By Becky Ferreira
July 25, 2023 ... y-suggests
Gulf Stream could collapse as early as 2025, study suggests
A collapse would bring catastrophic climate impacts but scientists disagree over the new analysis
Damian Carrington Environment editor
Tue 25 Jul 2023 ... n-climate/
In hot water: South Florida ocean tops 100 degrees; could be world record
By Ian Livingston and Jason Samenow
July 25, 2023 ... dium=email
Hottest week ever recorded, could be the hottest July in 120,000 years. Says the Guardian.
You can't make this stuff up. Where did they measure it? ... dium=email
EXCLUSIVE: CDC Changed Definition of Breakthrough COVID-19 After Emails About ‘Vaccine Failure’
More details emerge on how CDC fudged its claims of vaccine efficacy by covering up vaccine failures. The CDC continues using these scams to claim the vaccine is still extremely effective.
JUL 25, 202
How will the new CDC Director, Mandy Cohen, explain the crooked CDC data collection? Will she fix it?
This subject has already been explored by me and others in detail in 2021. But there is additional evidence. There needs to now be accountability, lawsuits, and until people go to jail the CDC data-massage factory, running for decades, will not stop. ... re-5414511 ... e-balkans/
Wikileaks Cables Detail U.S. Campaign to Engineer Kosovo’s Independence and Destabilize the Balkans
By Olga Peterson - July 25, 2023 ... rans-tulsa
A GOP Grandmother Spat at Protesters in the Name of ‘Religious Freedom’
The incident was captured on camera at a protest againstChristian prayer in public schools.
By David Gilbert
July 25, 2023 ... dium=email
An NIH patent coupled with a CDC publicity stunt warning histrionically about the dangers of the RSV virus yield a new $9 billion market for RSV vaccines and monoclonals
Fauci's legacy lives on under new directors Hugh Auchincloss (NIAID) and Lawrence Tabak (NIH)
JUL 25, 2023 ... dium=email
Paper ballots. Hand counts. Election won't be certified if hand count and machine count differ. Only 3,000 more counties to go.
Thanks to Creative Destruction Media for pointing this out!!
JUL 25, 2023 ... integrity/
BREAKING: Spalding County Board of Elections Votes To Ensure Election Integrity
By William Quinn
July 24, 2023
The Russia-linked mercenaries worked with Mali’s longtime U.S.-backed military to kill and loot with impunity, according to a new Human Rights Watch report.
Nick Turse
July 24 2023 ... dium=email
Biden Health Security plan: Fantasy (we cannot predict or prevent outbreaks no matter how much they say we can) and Horror: vaccines for the entire population in 130 days and intense surveillance
The entire thing is poppycock. We don't know how to improve lab security, which is why we still have 200 accidents or losses with select agents yearly. A world control plan with our money
JUL 20, 2023 ... iothreats/ ... oam40zk0w/
The Maine towns with the most ‘forever chemicals’ in their wastewater
by Erin Rhoda ... 1850675921
Colorado Cop Who Left Handcuffed Woman on Train Tracks Says It was an Accident
The officer claims she didn't realize a whole train was coming when she left a woman handcuffed in a parked police car.
Jessica Washington
July 25,2023 ... they-82722
July 26, 2023
The Salt Lake City Police Department suspended its entire K-9 unit after an incident involving a 14-year-old boy who had his hands in the air. ... crime-case
Rochester cop asks to withdraw from plea deal in sex crime case
Joshua Paul Laber pleaded guilty to witness tampering in exchange for the dismissal of charges related to sex crimes and no jail time. He was sent to jail anyway. Now he wants to withdraw the plea.
By Mark Wasson ... 72698.html
Cops yanked man from car, beat him during traffic stop — then tried to hide it, feds say BY JULIA MARNIN JULY 26, 2023

Read more at: ... rylink=cpy ... ram-today/

CovertAction Bulletin: “The Past Is Not Past” – Oppenheimer and the U.S. Nuclear Program Today
By Rachel Hu and Chris Garaffa - July 26, 2023 ... -china-ai/
Top FBI officials warn of ‘unparalleled’ threat from China and AI
Director Christopher Wray said "AI will enable threat actors to develop increasingly powerful, sophisticated, customizable, and scalable capabilities."
JULY 26, 2023 ... 22281.html
FBI Whistleblower and Author of TO KILL A PRESIDENT M. Wesley Swearingen Skewers Former Warren Commission Member on JFK Assassination
M. Wesley Swearingen

Cop Shows Ruled in The ’70s,80s,90s,2000s2010s,2220s…
By Jack Riccardi
July 26, 2023

Creve Coeur McDonald’s hosting ‘Coffee with a cop’ event todayYou can share a coffee with a cop Wednesday at the McDonald's in Creve Coeur. ... ent-today/
. ... e-july-27/
Tip A Cop for Special Olympics Texas at Texas Roadhouse, July 27LUBBOCK, Texas (KCBD) - Join the Lubbock Police Department at Texas Roadhouse in Lubbock on Thursday, July 27, from 5-9pm for a special Tip-A-Cop fundraise ... a7407.html
The State Port Pilot
'Chop with a Cop' offers cutting edge bonding techniqueOak Island Police Department (OIPD) organized a unique community outreach ... ong-island
Cop Runs Against George Santos To Represent Bayside, Long Island
The Long Island resident announced Tuesday his campaign for New York's 3rd Congressional District.
Coral Murphy Marcos,
Patch Staff
Posted Wed, Jul 26, 2023 ... icket.html
Texas cop on leave after handcuffing man who tried to "argue the facts of the case" while receiving mistaken traffic ticket

Congress could vote this week to undermine encryption and force reporting of protected speech to the Drug Enforcement Administration.  Aimed at reducing illegal drug sales online, the Cooper Davis Act (S.1080) penalizes messaging services, social media companies, and cloud storage providers if they don’t turn over communications about drug use to the DEA. 

The Cooper Davis Act could impose hefty financial penalties on tech companies that provide encrypted services. A dangerous provision in the bill holds providers liable if they “deliberately blind” themselves to the contents of communications, which is exactly what encryption does. Journalists, protesters, and anyone who doesn’t want tech companies rifling through their communications routinely rely on encrypted channels. The Cooper Davis Act would jeopardize that cornerstone of digital privacy, just so tech companies can be spies for the DEA.
There’s also a free speech problem in the bill. Sure, sometimes people are buying illegal drugs online. But the Cooper Davis Act incentivizes overreporting. The likely result is that all speech relating to drugs, including discussion of past drug use, addiction treatment, and harm reduction strategies could be swept up and reported to the DEA without any warrant or notice requirement. Ironically, the bill could have the effect of increasing the number of fentanyl deaths by incentivizing tech companies to report speech pertaining to drug testing and treatment. 
The Cooper Davis Act must not be passed. Tell Congress to not sell out digital privacy for DEA snitchin ... -crumbles/
Stunned onlookers gasp as Hunter Biden’s ‘sweetheart’ plea deal crumbles in court: ‘Tear this up!’
By Reuven Fenton and Steven Nelson
July 26, 2023 ... osecuting/
Wisconsin prosecutor winks at camera in secret sex tapes with woman he was prosecuting
By Chris Eberhart, Fox News
July 25, 2023
A disgraced Wisconsin prosecutor secretly recorded himself having sex with three women, including one he was prosecuting
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