Moderators: Elvis, DrVolin, Jeff


Postby fruhmenschen » Tue Aug 22, 2023 1:12 pm ... dium=email
Stop Weaponizing Pathogens! Ban Gain-of-Function Biolabs!
Organic Consumers Association
JULY 27, 2023 ... -bio-labs/
'Stop Cop City' activists say they've gathered enough signatures to put referendum on ballot
By Deidra Dukes and FOX 5 Atlanta Digital Team
Published August 14, 2023 ... ring-cops/
Michigan’s police secrecy raises concerns about ‘wandering cops’
Keeping the identities of police officers a secret makes it impossible for the public to monitor cops who leave one agency and go to another after alleged misconduct
BY: STEVE NEAVLING - AUGUST 14, 2023 ... 600297035/
Southeastern Minnesota town's police force resigns
The Goodhue City Council meets Monday night to discuss the future of the town's law enforcement. 
By Trey Mewes Star Tribune AUGUST 14, 2023 ... two-girls/
Prosecutors appealing no prison time for ex-cop convicted of sexual assault of two girls
BY: DEENA WINTER - AUGUST 14, 2023 ... dium=email
How patient access to COVID treatments was denied, and my story
By Meryl Nass MD
AUG 13, 2023 ... nter-biden
August 14, 2023 9:00am EDT
FBI agent says Biden transition team, Secret Service were tipped off on 2020 plans to interview Hunter Biden
Comer says this reveals DOJ 'misconduct' in Biden criminal investigation under US Attorney Weiss
By Brooke Singman | Fox News ... ter-probe/
FBI agent ‘upset’ by Hunter probe tipoff to Biden transition team
By Josh Christenson
August 14, 2023 ... th-police/
Border Patrol Supervisor Charged After Altercation with Police
By Steve Neavling
A Border Patrol supervisor was arrested after an altercation with Laredo police in Texas shortly after midnight on Friday. ... dium=email
A fabulous book about propaganda, called 'One Idea to Rule Them All' by Michelle Stiles
Michelle Stiles is reverse engineering American propaganda. You will learn the many techniques of legal mind control. Here's a summary of a book you should own.
AUG 2, Selected By Brook Delorme, a contributor
How do we parse out propaganda in our fast-paced, digitally dissolving, ‘post-truth’, fake-news world?  Michelle Stiles’ ambitious and beautiful book can help.  She began working on One Idea to Rule Them All in 2018, and her topic of choice has proved prescient. More than ever, now we must be able to identify propaganda and sift through stories for grains of truth.  It is a comprehensive, contemporary, and approachable work on propaganda, and deserves to be on the bookshelf of every modern-day truth seeker. ... O56TPA33Q/
Six years into consent decree, the long wait for Baltimore Police stop-and-search data continues
In the past, the city’s policing strategies hinged on sweeping searches of Black residents. Data that would show whether that has changed has yet to be released.
Ben Conarck
Published 8/14/2023 ... index.html
Dozens of news organizations condemn police raid on Kansas newspaper and call for seized materials to be returned
By Jon Passantino, CNN
Mon August 14, 2023 ... money.html
Opioid Settlement Money Is Being Spent on Police Cars and Overtime
As states and counties spend the first wave of billions of dollars from the pharmaceutical industry, public health groups are challenging how some funds are being used
By Jan Hoffman

Family demands answers after Duncanville police injure man: ‘His spine has been crushed’
An attorney for Keandre Green’s family is demanding police release body-worn camera video and conduct a comprehensive investigation into the incident. ... n-crushed/
Family demands answers after Duncanville police injure man: ‘His spine has been crushed’
An attorney for Keandre Green’s family is demanding police release body-worn camera video and conduct a comprehensive investigation into the incident.
PSNI data breach: Details of NI police in hands of dissident republicans ... -bpd-said/
Brownfield Police Sgt. back in jail again Monday, BPD said
by: Caitlyn Rooney
Posted: Aug 14, 2023 / 03:25 PM CDT
Updated: Aug 14, 2023 ... ranscript/
Published: Aug 14, 2023
Comer Releases Former FBI Supervisory Special Agent’s Transcribed Interview Transcript

Copaganda ... iller-case
Zoom Program: Evening with FBI Special Agent Julia Cowley (Lead Profiler-Golden State Killer Case)
AUG 22,2023
Unsolved Murders By State
If you’re interested in true crime, specifically unsolved crimes, you may find yourself asking how many unsolved murders are in US? There are currently more than 200,000 cold case murders in the United States alone, a number which rises by around 6,000 each year. Currently, there is no single database in the United States that lists every unsolved murders by state, however, many law enforcement agencies in each state often provide their own list or database for unsolved homicides or missing people. Most states do not have an individualized database for unsolved homicides or missing people, however this information should be accessible through your local law enforcement agencies. Project: Cold Case also provides a growing database that contains nearly 25,000 unsolved murders throughout the US. In addition, Uncovered is currently building a cold case platform, with comprehensive, detailed visualizations for over 100 cold cases from across the United States. ... convention
Walker Report Finds “Police Riot” at Democratic Party Convention ... report.pdf

A Report by the
Police Professionalism Initiative
Department of Criminal Justice University of Nebraska at Omaha
Samuel Walker, Coordinator ... ndy-arrest
Provocateur Ammon Bundy Out of Jail on Bond After His Supporters Bombard Sheriff With Harassment
Bundy was arrested Friday night in Idaho.
By Tess Owen
August 14, 2023 ... ain-power/
Rules for Radicals has various themes. Among them is his use of symbol construction to strengthen the unity within an organization.[4] He would draw on loyalty to a particular church or religious affiliation to create a structured organization with which to operate, the reason being that symbols by which communities could identify themselves created structured organizations that were easier to mobilize in implementing direct action. Once the community was united behind a common symbol, Alinsky would find a common enemy for the community to be united against.
The use of common enemy against a community was another theme of Rules for Radicals, as a uniting element in communities.[8]
Alinsky would find an external antagonist to turn into a "common enemy" for the community within which he was operating. Often, this would be a local politician or agency that had some involvement with activity concerning the community. Once the enemy was established, the community would come together in opposition of it. This management of conflict heightened awareness within the community as to the similarities its members shared as well as what differentiated them from those outside of their organization.[4] The use of conflict also allowed for the goal of the group to be clearly defined. With an established external antagonist, the community's goal would be to defeat that enemy.[4]
Symbol construction helped to promote structured organization, which allowed for nonviolent conflict through another element in Alinsky's teaching, direct action. Direct action created conflict situations that further established the unity of the community and promoted the accomplishment of achieving the community's goal of defeating their common enemy.[3] It also brought issues the community was battling to the public eye. Alinsky encouraged over-the-top public demonstrations throughout Rules for Radicals that could not be ignored, and these tactics enabled his organization to progress their goals faster than through normal bureaucratic processes.[4]
Lastly, the main theme throughout Rules for Radicals and Alinsky's work was empowerment of the poor.[7] Alinsky used symbol construction and nonviolent conflict to create a structured organization with a clearly defined goal that could take direct action against a common enemy. At this point, Alinsky would withdraw from the organization to allow their progress to be powered by the community itself.[4] This empowered the organizations to create change.[3]
The Rules[edit]
1. "Power is not only what you have but what the enemy thinks you have."
2. "Never go outside the expertise of your people."
3. "Whenever possible go outside the expertise of the enemy."
4. "Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules."
5. "Ridicule is man's most potent weapon. There is no defense. It is almost impossible to counterattack ridicule. Also it infuriates the opposition, who then react to your advantage."
6. "A good tactic is one your people enjoy."
7. "A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag."
8. "Keep the pressure on."
9. "The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself."
10. "The major premise for tactics is the development of operations that will maintain a constant pressure upon the opposition."
11. "If you push a negative hard and deep enough it will break through into its counterside; this is based on the principle that every positive has its negative."
12. "The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative."
13. "Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it." ... ox-donors/
The West Virginia senator has appeared repeatedly on Fox News to chastise his Democratic colleagues as he considers a presidential run.
Daniel Boguslaw
August 14 2023
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Postby fruhmenschen » Tue Sep 12, 2023 7:34 pm ... ly-reveal/
Infamous U.S. Army Counterinsurgency Manual FM 30-31B, Used in False-Flag Terrorist Operations is Authentic, Top Intelligence Insiders and Criminal Investigations Finally Reveal
By Denis Voltaire - September 5, 2023 ... -to-weiss/
EXCLUSIVE: FBI Lies About ‘Highly Credible’ Source Claims Were Leaked To NYT And Spoonfed To Weiss
SEPTEMBER 05, 2023 ... isleading/
FBI Greatly Undercounts Active-Shooting Incidents Stopped by Armed Citizens
John R Lott Jr. / @JohnRLottJr / September 05, 2023 ... ckets.html
Over 100 Connecticut State Troopers Accused of Faking Traffic Stops
Auditors found tens of thousands of apparently falsified traffic stop records, many of white drivers. They suspect the officers were trying to appear more productive
James Rovella, right, commissioner of the Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection; Colonel Stavros Mellekas, center, superintendent of the Connecticut State Police; and Lt. Colonel Mark Davison testified at the State Capitol about the findings of a recent audit of state troopers’ traffic stops.
By Amelia Nierenberg
Sept. 4, 2023 ... ith-female
PG police investigate viral video that appears to show uniformed officer enter vehicle with female
By FOX 5 DC Digital Team and Lili Zheng
Published September 5, 2023 ... ut-by-fbi/
Anaheim Can’t Find Email Detailing Stadium Sale Corruption Called Out by FBI 
BY NOAH BIESIADA ... n-to-cells
Minnesota prison resolves dispute with 100 inmates refusing to return to cells
Facility put on lockdown after inmates refused to return to cells amid extreme high temperatures
Coral Murphy Marcos
Mon 4 Sep 2023 ... echnology/
The Office of the Director of National Intelligence is throwing $22 million in taxpayer money at developing clothing that records audio, video, and location data.
Ken Klippenstein, Daniel Boguslaw
September 2 2023 ... 4-election
Biographer says it wouldn’t be ‘total shock’ if Biden drops out of 2024 race
Franklin Foer, author of biography of president, makes comments amid widespread questions about Biden’s age and competency
Edward Helmore
Mon 4 Sep 2023 ... cts-death/
A new era of climate-linked disease threatens humanity ... e-heatwave
Has the US learned to cope with extreme heat? Next summer could be even hotter
This year’s heatwaves have been a huge challenge – and scientists predict 2024 will likely break records again
Michael Sainato, Oliver Milman and Nina Lakhani
Mon 4 Sep 2023 ... cts-death/
Disastrous flooding underway in Greece as extreme weather swarms Europe
Just after it endured historic fires, Europe is facing record heat and floods intensified by climate change
By Dan
September 5, 2023 ... s-poverty/
Climate change and poverty are complex problems. These solutions aim to address both.
To try to address climate change and poverty, Boston and Massachusetts officials are funding programs that will recruit people who aren’t in the workforce and, in many cases, pay them to learn green energy trades. ... ng-decline
The Guardian view on insects: gardeners can help reverse their alarming decline
With different planting, and by rejecting insecticides, even small green spaces can promote biodiversity ... ords-show/
Kansas City police made arrests based on rescinded warrants, records show
BY: ALLISON KITE - SEPTEMBER 3, 2023 ... la-maduro/
Police raid, arrests at gay spa provoke fears of new persecution
By Ana Vanessa Herrero
September 4, 2023
Police Service of Northern Ireland Chief Constable Simon Byrne resigns ... n-america/
I Worked in Federal Prison Sweatshops for 23 Cents an Hour
Federal Prison Industries dangles the promise of workforce readiness as it exploits incarcerated workers like me.
Aaron M. Kinzer
September 4 2023 ... n-slavery/
It’s Nearly Labor Day, and Congress Has a Chance to Abolish Prison Slavery
Formerly incarcerated workers are leading a push for basic labor rights in prisons that could change everything.
By Mike Ludwig , TRUTHOUT
September 1, 2023
Robert Morrow
Are drug regulators for hire?
Dr. John Campbell ... dium=email
WHAT are they putting in the COVID vaccines and WHY?
Dr. Kevin McKernan and Jan Jekielek take a deep dive into the DNA plasmids, SV40 proteins and the meaning of it all. Another must-watch.
SEP 5, 2023 ... es-5481974 ... dium=email
Stand for Health Freedom is a wonderful organization fighting the WHO power grab
They have created many useful resources to use in this fight
SEP 5, 2023
Valerie Borek is Stand for Health Freedom’s political director, an attorney, and an extremely knowledgeable person about the WHO. Please consider asking her to speak if you are planning any in-person or online events to educate people about the global biosecurity agenda and how the WHO and UN are intimately involved in the plan. She is tremendously knowledgeable and a fantastic resource.
Here is the resource page that has all the informational items below:
Here is the home page:
Here are the resources:

Cancer cases in under-50s worldwide up nearly 80% in three decades, study finds
More than a million under-50s a year dying of cancer and figure projected to rise by another 21% by 2030
Andrew Gregory
Tue 5 Sep 2023 ... dium=email
How to tell a lie with the truth
SEP 4, 2023 ... -6-1824465
FBI Knew Ukrainian Spy Was at Capitol Riot: QAnon Shaman
BY ANDREW STANTON ON 9/4/23 AT 4:36 PM EDT ... treatment/
Infant’s dark brown eyes turn bright blue overnight after COVID-19 treatment
By Adriana Diaz
Published Sep. 5, 2023 ... crime-wave
Philadelphia police commissioner resigns amid crime wave
Police Commissioner Danielle Outlaw will leave her position on Sept. 22, Philadelphia's mayor says
By Greg Norman Fox News
Published September 5, 2023 ... 763241007/
Ta’Kiya Young shooting video shows incompetent, ‘potentially criminal’ acts| Retired officer
"We know policing is broken. And now is the time to fix it," Jeff Wenninger
September 5,2023 ... bfa80d9b29
America’s small towns are disbanding police forces, citing hiring woes
Updated 11:47 AM EDT, September 5, 2023 ... byrne.html
Northern Ireland Police Chief Resigns Amid Mounting Scandals
A data breach and a court ruling have piled pressure on a police force that was founded on a promise to move past sectarian strife.
By Megan Specia
Reporting from London
Sept. 5, 2023 ... ave-burns/
Ethiopian Israeli says police at rally ignored his grave burns
Fekadu Abera recalls waiting for 20 minutes in agony as police told him to wait for an ambulance that never came
September 5,202 ... /45000853#
Sacramento police could do better handling sexual assault evidence kits, auditor says
Sep 5, 2023 ... ecord-high
More people are getting away with murder. Unsolved killings reach a record high
he U.S. among the worst at solving murders in the industrialized world
April 30, 2023
Heard on Weekend Edition Saturday
Eric Westervelt ... don-cheese
‘Far from justice’: why are nearly half of US murders going unsolved?
Homicide ‘clearance rates’ have plummeted over the past four decades, compounding relatives’ trauma
by Abené Clayton in Los Angeles
Mon 27 Feb 2023 ... 84679.html
‘Abysmal’ statistics show more than 90% of crimes unsolved, says Labour
The proportion of crimes that resulted in a charge or summons was 5.7 per cent
Dominic McGrath
Monday 31 July 2023 ... er-cleared
At least two-thirds of rapists in the US get away with it
Annalisa Merelli
PublishedMarch 5, 2019 ... ed-in-2020
"Your Case is Closed, Don’t Call Here Any More": Most Rapes in New York City Went Unsolved in 2020
Gwynne Hogan
Published Oct 19, 2021 ... in-phoenix
1,500 sexual assault cases remain unsolved in Phoenix
By: Nicole Valdes
Posted at 10:56 PM, Oct 30, 2018 ... -unsolved/
MARCH 1, 2017
Most violent and property crimes in the U.S. go unsolved
BY JOHN GRAMLICH ... -database/
995 people have been shot and killed by police in the past 12 months
The Post has tracked 8,727 fatal police shootings since 2015
Aug. 28, 2023
Police officer salary in United States
How much does a Police Officer make in the United States?
Average base salary
Data source tooltip for average base salary.
$61,539 ... 71027.html ... -study.pdf
Police sexual misconduct: A national scale study of arrested officers ... GIIBAMXR4/
Stop Cop city
More than 60 Atlanta training center activists named in RICO Indictment
The Georgia Attorney General’s Office is prosecuting the case
People's Police Report #89 - May 2023
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Postby fruhmenschen » Tue Oct 31, 2023 1:32 pm ... /speakers/

Meet The Speakers
Posts: 5820
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Postby fruhmenschen » Thu Nov 16, 2023 9:38 pm ... -spy-base/
New Investigation Exposes CIA Role in 1975 Coup Against Australian Government which Wanted to Remove U.S. Spy Base
By Jeremy Kuzmarov - November 15, 2023 ... rcna125432
FBI, police said to be searching for bodies in New York in Gambino crime family investigation
10 people accused of connections to the family were arrested on federal charges in New York
Nov. 15, 2023
By Jonathan Dienst, Tom Winter and Rebecca Cohen ... el-charro/
Columnist Jack Anderson: “Murchison picked up FBI Director Hoover’s tab year after year at the Del Charro near their favorite race the same time some of the nation’s most notorious gamblers and racketeers have been registered there.”
Murchison and Hoover became friends at the Casa de Mañana. And although Murchison received large loans from Jimmy Hoffa’s Teamsters Union and was often linked with underworld figures Vito Genovese and Carlos Marcello, Hoover considered Murchison “one of my closest friends.” ... 0Allan.pdf
A Conversation with Allan Witwer ... sm-fbi.cnn
FBI warns of domestic extremist threats
FBI Director Christoper Wray tells Congress about the increase in domestic threats inside the U.S. since Oct. 7th. ... l_partner/
Only 1 percent of "terrorists" caught by the FBI are real
"The Terror Factory" author Trevor Aaronson exposes the Bureau's undercover sting operations for the farce they are
By JOSHUA HOLLAND ... nson-book/
JANUARY 11, 2013
Inside the Terror Factory
Award-winning journalist Trevor Aaronson digs deep into the FBI’s massive efforts to create fake terrorist plots.
* TREVOR AARONSON ... 00541.html
FBI paid informant to sow discord during 2020 Black Lives Matter protests
Feb 23, 2023"There was a predisposition within the FBI to view Black political activism as violent," journalist Trevor Aaronson told theGrio. A newly released investigative podcast revealed that the FBI paid a felon to infiltrate Denver's Black Lives Matter (BLM) protest in 2020 following the death of George Floyd, a 46-year-old man killed by law enforcement in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Straight Line DERECHO Winds have increased by 5x in last 40 years: Observations, Models, and Physics
Paul Beckwith ... g-clients/
Why aren’t the clients of brothel ring being named?
The women hired for sex haven’t been charged or named because they are considered victims of sex trafficking. But the protection of their clients is not justified.
By Joan Vennochi Globe Columnist,Updated November 15, 2023 ... t-lawsuit/
City reaches $2.6 million settlement with Black police officers, cadet in long-running drug ‘hair test’ lawsuit, lawyers say
By Travis Andersen Globe Staff,Updated November 16, 2023 ... -liberals/
What Happened to the Liberals?
By Jeremy Kuzmarov - November 16, 2023
A New Biography of Frank Church Sheds Light on a Lost Breed of Liberal Crusader Whose Investigation into the Abuses of the Intelligence Agencies Resonates Today ... -terrorism
Atlanta police condemned for heavy-handed action at Cop City protest
Officers used flash-bang grenades, teargas canisters, tanks and snipers and accused participants of ‘terrorism’
Timothy Pratt in Atlanta
Thu 16 Nov 2023 ... -tear-gas/
Cop City Protesters Tried to Plant Trees. Atlanta Police Beat Them for It.
Organizers swore off violence, but the cops used their garden tools as an excuse to attack them anyway.
Natasha Lennard
November 15 2023 ... ities-say/
Fired Opa-locka cop kept city credit card, spent $8K on gas, authorities say
Chris Gothner, Digital Journalist
Published: November 16, 2023 ... tem-broken
‘I wouldn't even let him be a mall cop’; Whistleblowers call JBLM's police system broken
By Matthew Smith , Katie McDowell and Frank Koumaros
Published November 15, 2023 ... atfish-cop
A ‘catfishing’ cop killed three family members. A relative is suing the sheriff’s office that gave him a badge / Los Angeles Times)
NOV. 16, 2023 ... ian-glass/
Clear Creek cop pleads guilty to failing to stop fatal standoff Christian Glass
Gould was not at the scene but was the shift supervisor and watched what was happening using live body camera footage
November 16, 2023 ... 495652.php
CT police officer accused of burglary spree left his DNA at crime scenes, warrant shows
Christine Dempsey
Nov. 16, 2023 ... king-weed/
North Carolina cop seen repeatedly punching Black woman resisting arrest for allegedly smoking weed
A video shows four cops holding a woman down to the ground, while a fifth hit her several times.
  /  11.16.2023 ... 20330.html
Dexter Wade, killed by cop and dumped in grave, had identification on him, lawyer says
TheGrio Staff
Thu, November 16, 2023 ... ues-police
Man Repeatedly Tased by Florida Cops After Surviving Car Crash Sues Police
The now-20-year-old said that he was tased four times within one minute
Published 11/16/23
Fatma Khaled ... tian-glass
US cop pleads guilty for role in killing of Kiwi Christian Glass
Tony Wall
10:39, Nov 17 2023 ... s-18241358
VIDEO: Miami Cop "Uncle Fester" Unlawfully Detained Police-Filming Duo
When the First Amendment auditors asked the officer why he detained them, he responded, "Because I wanted to. Thank you. Goodbye."
By Naomi Feinstein
November 16, 2023 ... -concerns/
Portland City Council approves new police oversight system, despite public concerns
By Alex Zielinski (OPB)
Nov. 16, 2023

Copaganda ... ith-a-cop/
Club News: Kiwanis donate to Shop With a Cop
NOVEMBER 16, 2023 ... with-a-cop
Chick Fil A Hosting "Cookie With A Cop" ... ovember-21
11-16-23 Public Invited to Coffee with a Cop in Waikoloa November 21
| Published: NOVEMBER 16, 2023
Hawaiʻi Police Department
South Kohala District
Captain Jeremie Evangelista ... 5eaba.html
Volunteer 'elves' helping to prepare for Shop with a Cop event
By: Ryan Bonham Nov 16, 2023 ... ial-events

NEWS Nov 16, 2023
City Council Agrees to Pay Cops Double Time for Working Special Events
In Return, the City Can Now Tap Parking Enforcement to Direct Traffic Sometimes
ASHLEY NERBOVIG ... lah-group/
German cops launch huge raid against pro-Hezbollah group
Authorities search 54 properties across 7 federal states.
NOVEMBER 16, 2023 ... -about-the
Why is Everyone Concerned About the WHO?
Meryl Nass MD
NOVEMBER 14, 2023 ... paign=post

Can You Vaccinate Against an 'Engineered Virus'?
Biological viruses typically benefit from the antibodies produced by vaccines. Antibodies produced by the spike proteins (modRNA) and ‘mRNA vaccines’ actually cause disease. ... dium=email

I'm at the International COVID (or CRISIS) Summit #4 in Bucharest, Romania
Here is the Program.
Meryl Nass MD
November 17 afternoon we have a private conference. I will post my own slides later. I will be discussing founding Door to Freedom, our goals, our methods, our assets, and how we did it! Thank the many very hardworking volunteers! (Secret: we have only 3 part-time employees and look at what we have accomplished! Though we also have a lawyer and accountant to get us our 501c3, then 501c4 status.)
November 18 and 19 a group of experts will give 20 minute talks in the Romanian Parliament, said to be the second largest building in the world, after the first largest, the Pentagon. But much more beautiful than the Pentagon. Constructed during the 1980s during the reign of the dictator Ceacescu. If I finish preparing my talk for the 19th I will get a tour of the building tomorrow am, and will tell you about this wonder of the world. Nov. 18-19 the presentations will stream. You can get the link at the URL above. ... id=2469854
FBI Director: FISA Section 702 warrant requirement a 'de facto ban'
War of words escalates as deadline draws near
Jessica Lyons Hardcastle
Wed 15 Nov 2023 ... paign=post

mRNA – Gateway to Nanotechnology Control of Human Beings
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Postby fruhmenschen » Sat Dec 09, 2023 1:03 pm ... e&r=1uun8e

Valérie Plante, ("vaccinated") mayor of Montreal, collapses at a press conference; nurse getting trained in treating cardiac arrest goes into cardiac arrest
Two videos of our (ho-hum!)"New Normal"
DEC 7, 2023 ... e&r=1uun8e
Pope Francis and Stephen Colbert are still sick; TV judge Frank Caprio has pancreatic cancer; Rep. Glenn Thompson (R-PA) has prostate cancer; Ken Hudson Campbell ("Home Alone") has tumor in his mouth
Jesse Montana, friend of reality TV star Ariana Madix, has a brain tumor; "Former Fox 5 reporter [San Diego] battles rare cancer"
DEC 7, 2023 ... ue&r=1uun8
The US Government Does NOT Own Pfizer's COVID-19 mRNA Technology
Share this link to Pfizer’s Operation Warp Speed contract with anyone who is still fooled into believing that the US government owns Pfizer’s mRNA technology. It is straight forward and easy-to-read.
DEC 7, 2023 ... e&r=1uun8e
Canadian Journalist Ian Vandaelle, who pushed COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine passports and wanted unvaccinated Toronto Police Officers fired - died suddenly at age 33 on Dec.5, 2023
DR. WILLIAM MAKIS M ... paign=post
Israel's AI assassination factory, reemergence of Britain's colonialist role in Palestine, increasingly lurid claims of "Hamas atrocities" debunked ... ew-jersey/
NYPD captain allegedly beat, kidnapped woman on date in New Jersey
Published Dec. 8, 2023 ... paign=post
BABIES who died after Pfizer or Moderna COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine, Flu Vaccine, or died from SIDS - 24 Baby deaths presented (age 0-2) (viewer discretion advised)
The COVID-19 Pandemic exposed Pediatricians as either grossly incompetent or con artists who willingly harm children for profit
DR. WILLIAM MAKIS MD ... dium=email
The Chris Hedges Report with reporter Antony Loewenstein on how Israel tests new weapons and surveillance technology on Palestinians before selling them to countries around the globe.

The Palestinians are human laboratory rats to the Israeli military, intelligence services and arms and technology industries. Israel’s drones, surveillance technology — including spyware, facial recognition software and biometric gathering infrastructure — along with smart fences, experimental bombs and AI-controlled machine guns, are tried out on the captive population in Gaza, often with lethal results. These weapons and technologies are then certified as “battle tested” and sold around the world. 
Israel is the10th largest arms dealer on the planet and sells its technology and weapons to an estimated 130 nations, including military dictatorships in Asia and Latin America. Israeli weapons sales totaled $12.5 billion last year. Its close relationship with these military, internal security, surveillance, intelligence-gathering and law enforcement agencies, explains the fulsome support Israel’s allies give to its genocidal campaign in Gaza. When Colombian President Gustavo Petro refused to condemn the Oct. 7 attack by Palestinian resistance groups as a “terrorist attack” and said, “terrorism is killing innocent children in Palestine,” Israel immediately halted all sales of defense and security equipment to Colombia. This global cabal, dedicated to permanent war and keeping its populations monitored and controlled, has hundreds of billions of dollars a year in sales. These technologies are cementing into place a supranational corporate totalitarianism, a world where populations are enslaved in ways that past totalitarian regimes could only imagine. It is not a far cry from Gaza to the camps and detention centers set up for migrants fleeing to Europe from Africa and the Middle East. It is not a far cry from the carpet bombing in Gaza to the endless wars in the Middle East and the global south. It is not a far cry from the anti-terrorism laws used to criminalize dissent in Israel to the anti-terrorism laws introduced in Europe and the U.S. Joining me to discuss this use of Palestinians as human guinea pigs for the Israeli weapons and technology industries is Anthony Loewenstein, author of The Palestine Laboratory: How Israel Exports the Technology of Occupation Around the World. ... dium=email
China-Based Pfizer mRNA Manufacturing Partner - WuXi Biologics Stock Plunges
Pfizer is a major client of WuXi Biologics.WuXi (2269.HK) plummeted 24% on Monday and the HKSE had to stop trading of the stock. Is this another sign of the beginning of the end of the mRNA industry? ... dium=email
Drones with defibrillators are saving people from cardiac arrest - New Swedish study published Dec.2023 in Lancet paints a dystopian future in line with WEF's "Great Reset" ... e&r=1uun8e
The Evil Israel Does is the Evil Israel Gets
Israel’s settler colonial project perpetuates the cycle of violence against the indigenous inhabitants of historic Palestine. Palestinians have been forced to speak back in the language Israel speaks.
DEC 8, 2023 ... e&r=1uun8e
Nitrates and Nitrites: Synthetic and Naturally-Occurring Chemical Compounds Added to Processed Meats
Written by Kathryn West; Edited by Nicki Steinberger, Ph.D.
DEC 7, 2023 ... e&r=1uun8e
IPAK-EDU Director’s Science Webinar: “Primatology and the Origins of HIV” with Nick Petosky
Monday 12/11 @ 7 PM Eastern
DEC 7, 2023 ... e&r=1uun8e
IPAK-EDU Vaccine Course Unit 1 - Introduction
DEC 7, 2023 ... e&r=1uun8e
#4. Pfizer's CEO Lied to Investors and the Public
Not only does adult vaccination not protect other adults, it can harm children. In the first 18 weeks after of vaccination, adults were likely to increase the risk of death to their children.
DEC 7, 2023 ... e&r=1uun8e
mRNA Injury series - Dying from Influenza, pneumonia - COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines severely damage the immune system & leave mRNA victims vulnerable to infections LONG TERM - 20 Tragic Cases
DEC 6, 2023

New Zealand Vaccine Data Whistleblower Arrested
December 3rd, 2023
NZDSOS Response to MOH Data Release:
If Ms Apa is so certain we and whistleblower “Winson Smith” are disinfo agents, we call on her to release the actual data of outcomes in the vaccinated.
We have been asking to analyse deaths and vaccine data since September 2021. ... dium=email
The Fall of Minneapolis:
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Postby fruhmenschen » Tue Dec 12, 2023 1:16 pm ... e&r=1uun8e
Valérie Plante, ("vaccinated") mayor of Montreal, collapses at a press conference; nurse getting trained in treating cardiac arrest goes into cardiac arrest
Two videos of our (ho-hum!)"New Normal"
DEC 7, 2023 ... e&r=1uun8e
Pope Francis and Stephen Colbert are still sick; TV judge Frank Caprio has pancreatic cancer; Rep. Glenn Thompson (R-PA) has prostate cancer; Ken Hudson Campbell ("Home Alone") has tumor in his mouth
Jesse Montana, friend of reality TV star Ariana Madix, has a brain tumor; "Former Fox 5 reporter [San Diego] battles rare cancer"
DEC 7, 2023 ... ue&r=1uun8
The US Government Does NOT Own Pfizer's COVID-19 mRNA Technology
Share this link to Pfizer’s Operation Warp Speed contract with anyone who is still fooled into believing that the US government owns Pfizer’s mRNA technology. It is straight forward and easy-to-read.
DEC 7, 2023 ... e&r=1uun8e
Canadian Journalist Ian Vandaelle, who pushed COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine passports and wanted unvaccinated Toronto Police Officers fired - died suddenly at age 33 on Dec.5, 2023
DR. WILLIAM MAKIS M ... paign=post
Israel's AI assassination factory, reemergence of Britain's colonialist role in Palestine, increasingly lurid claims of "Hamas atrocities" debunked ... ew-jersey/
NYPD captain allegedly beat, kidnapped woman on date in New Jersey
Published Dec. 8, 2023 ... paign=post
BABIES who died after Pfizer or Moderna COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine, Flu Vaccine, or died from SIDS - 24 Baby deaths presented (age 0-2) (viewer discretion advised)
The COVID-19 Pandemic exposed Pediatricians as either grossly incompetent or con artists who willingly harm children for profit
DR. WILLIAM MAKIS MD ... dium=email
The Chris Hedges Report with reporter Antony Loewenstein on how Israel tests new weapons and surveillance technology on Palestinians before selling them to countries around the globe.

The Palestinians are human laboratory rats to the Israeli military, intelligence services and arms and technology industries. Israel’s drones, surveillance technology — including spyware, facial recognition software and biometric gathering infrastructure — along with smart fences, experimental bombs and AI-controlled machine guns, are tried out on the captive population in Gaza, often with lethal results. These weapons and technologies are then certified as “battle tested” and sold around the world. 
Israel is the10th largest arms dealer on the planet and sells its technology and weapons to an estimated 130 nations, including military dictatorships in Asia and Latin America. Israeli weapons sales totaled $12.5 billion last year. Its close relationship with these military, internal security, surveillance, intelligence-gathering and law enforcement agencies, explains the fulsome support Israel’s allies give to its genocidal campaign in Gaza. When Colombian President Gustavo Petro refused to condemn the Oct. 7 attack by Palestinian resistance groups as a “terrorist attack” and said, “terrorism is killing innocent children in Palestine,” Israel immediately halted all sales of defense and security equipment to Colombia. This global cabal, dedicated to permanent war and keeping its populations monitored and controlled, has hundreds of billions of dollars a year in sales. These technologies are cementing into place a supranational corporate totalitarianism, a world where populations are enslaved in ways that past totalitarian regimes could only imagine. It is not a far cry from Gaza to the camps and detention centers set up for migrants fleeing to Europe from Africa and the Middle East. It is not a far cry from the carpet bombing in Gaza to the endless wars in the Middle East and the global south. It is not a far cry from the anti-terrorism laws used to criminalize dissent in Israel to the anti-terrorism laws introduced in Europe and the U.S. Joining me to discuss this use of Palestinians as human guinea pigs for the Israeli weapons and technology industries is Anthony Loewenstein, author of The Palestine Laboratory: How Israel Exports the Technology of Occupation Around the World. ... dium=email
China-Based Pfizer mRNA Manufacturing Partner - WuXi Biologics Stock Plunges
Pfizer is a major client of WuXi Biologics.WuXi (2269.HK) plummeted 24% on Monday and the HKSE had to stop trading of the stock. Is this another sign of the beginning of the end of the mRNA industry? ... dium=email
Drones with defibrillators are saving people from cardiac arrest - New Swedish study published Dec.2023 in Lancet paints a dystopian future in line with WEF's "Great Reset" ... e&r=1uun8e
The Evil Israel Does is the Evil Israel Gets
Israel’s settler colonial project perpetuates the cycle of violence against the indigenous inhabitants of historic Palestine. Palestinians have been forced to speak back in the language Israel speaks.
DEC 8, 2023 ... e&r=1uun8e
Nitrates and Nitrites: Synthetic and Naturally-Occurring Chemical Compounds Added to Processed Meats
Written by Kathryn West; Edited by Nicki Steinberger, Ph.D.
DEC 7, 2023 ... e&r=1uun8e
IPAK-EDU Director’s Science Webinar: “Primatology and the Origins of HIV” with Nick Petosky
Monday 12/11 @ 7 PM Eastern
DEC 7, 2023 ... e&r=1uun8e
IPAK-EDU Vaccine Course Unit 1 - Introduction
DEC 7, 2023 ... e&r=1uun8e
#4. Pfizer's CEO Lied to Investors and the Public
Not only does adult vaccination not protect other adults, it can harm children. In the first 18 weeks after of vaccination, adults were likely to increase the risk of death to their children.
DEC 7, 2023 ... e&r=1uun8e
mRNA Injury series - Dying from Influenza, pneumonia - COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines severely damage the immune system & leave mRNA victims vulnerable to infections LONG TERM - 20 Tragic Cases
DEC 6, 2023

New Zealand Vaccine Data Whistleblower Arrested
December 3rd, 2023
NZDSOS Response to MOH Data Release:
If Ms Apa is so certain we and whistleblower “Winson Smith” are disinfo agents, we call on her to release the actual data of outcomes in the vaccinated.
We have been asking to analyse deaths and vaccine data since September 2021. ... dium=email
The Fall of Minneapolis:
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Postby fruhmenschen » Thu Jan 11, 2024 12:23 pm ... um=reader2
To prevent biological warfare you stop it at its source: you don't allow it to be researched or produced. This isn't hard to understand.
My opinion has not changed in 25 years. The facts have only strengthened it.
JAN 1, 2024
Bill Gates, Big Pharma and the Global War
Dr. John Campbell ... um=reader2
OMG, must read--very, very short--from Jennifer Margulies and Richard Kirschner
JAN 2, 2024 ... -doc-dump/
Bill Clinton to be unmasked as ‘Doe 36’ and identified more than 50 times in Jeffrey Epstein doc dump
Alex Oliveira
Published Dec. 31, 2023 ... um=reader2
The Wuhan Cover-Up: Review of Bobby Kennedy’s Crucial Book
It goes back in time to the several decade-long lead-up to COVID, then continues into the future where the Real Anthony Fauci left off.
JAN 1, 2024 ... chavez.pdf
The FBI's Secret File on César Chávez
Richard Steven Street ... hdog-finds
FBI Official Harassed Underling With Creepy Crude ‘Joke,’ Watchdog Finds
The bad behavior by a “then-acting deputy assistant director” has been reported to the FBI “for appropriate action.”
Justin Rohrlich
Published Jan. 02, 2024
THE FBI’S SECRET RULES ... after-war/
Fake Intellectuals Working For Think Tanks Funded By the Arms Industry Are
Driving Support For War After War After War
By Jeremy Kuzmarov - January 2, 2024 ... d-in-2023/
The craziest weather records set or smashed in 2023
David Propper, FOX Weather
Published Dec. 31, 2023 ... -veterans/

In an Age of Forever Wars, American Popular Culture Has Reimagined Its Veterans as Victims Rather than Agents of Empire
Jeremy Kuzmarov - December 30, 2023
Long Forgotten Is the Role that Veteran Anti-War Activists Played in Ending the Vietnam War In 1995, Massachusetts Governor William Weld pardoned Joseph Yandle who was then serving a life sentence for first degree murder, stating that Yandle had gone to “serve his country in Vietnam” and “returned a scarred ... 14759.html
Kennedy cousin whose murder conviction was overturned sues former cop, Connecticut town
Tue, January 2, 2024

Cop who avoided prison for molestation, will do jail time for breaking probation
Aimee Ambrose
York Dispatch ... aud-scheme
NY Cop Touted Celebrity Friends In Alleged Fraud Scheme ... ns-1856896
Donald Trump Partner's Connection to New FBI Headquarters Raises Questions
Jan 01, 2024
The FBI’s Hollywood Files: Why Singer Bobby Darin, Princess Diana and Pilot Amelia Earhart Were the Subjects of Investigations
January 1, 2024 ... -purchase/
Records list 8 complaints against ex-Charleston cop including Ecstasy purchase
A former Charleston Police officer fired after being arrested for DUI last month was previously suspended after being caught buying Ecstasy, records state.
By Anna Harris
Published: Jan. 1, 2024 ... anicclicks
Nearly half of police force resigns in one day
By WISN Staff
Published: Jan. 1, 2024 ... age-clash/
NYPD cop shoots, wounds stranger in Brooklyn road rage clash
PUBLISHED: January 1, 2024 ... r-son.html
Furious mom of teen DUI suspect squares up to cop and the pair both end up getting arrested
1 January 2024

Cop held after woman found dead in h .. 
Read more at: ... aign=cppst ... ks-7291426
Oak Bay cop nailed for disappearing for ‘extended periods’ during coffee breaks
OPCC report says cop needs re-training
‘What is an "eight-martini" result? 
Well, this is an intelligence community in-house term for remote viewing data so good that it cracks everyone's realities. So they have to go out and drink eight martinis to recover".
- Ingo Swann ... ard-belzer
NPC Book & Author Event: Richard Belzer
Actor Richard Belzer talks about "Hit List" May 6, 2013 at the National Press Club. The book is billed as an in-depth investigation into what some see as the mysterious deaths of people linked to the President John F. Kennedy assassination story. Belzer describes the assassination as the "greatest murder mystery" of all time" - linking the deaths of fifty people, including columnist Dorothy Kilgallen, U2 pilot Gary Powers and Jack Ruby, the man who killed Lee Harvey Oswald. Belzer also presents evidence supporting the theory that there were two Lee Harvey Oswalds and how his death was set in motion by the FBI, the CIA, and the Mob. Belzer insists there is a timeline and there are witnesses who have proved that Oswald never fired a shot the day the president was killed in Dallas.
Increase in Weather Whiplashing Across the North Atlantic Ocean from Greenland to Europe
Paul Beckwith ... icy-guide/
Counterterrorism Policy Guide
Excerpts from a guide for agents working on counterterrorism cases, which functions as a supplement to the FBI’s main rulebook, the Domestic Investigations and Operations Guide. Classified secret. Not previously released. Dates to April 2015.
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* Disruptions: How the FBI Handles People Without Bringing Them To Court
Cora Currier - Jan. 31 2017 ... ons-guide/
Domestic Investigations and Operations Guide
The rulebook governing all FBI agents’ activities, in unredacted form for the first time. This is the 2011 edition, which remains the baseline document today, although the FBI recently released some updates from 2013.
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* Bureau Hid Doubts About Reliability of Stingray Evidence Behind Redaction Marks
Jenna McLaughlin - Jan. 31 2017

See Annotations

CIA and NSA Dossiers Are Available to the FBI in the Absence of Any Crime, Raising Privacy Questions
Cora Currier - Jan. 31 2017

See Annotations

FBI Spy Planes Must Abide Rules When Looking Into Homes
Jenna McLaughlin - Jan. 31 2017

See Annotations

On Campus, the FBI Sometimes Operates Outside Restrictions
Cora Currier - Jan. 31 2017

See Annotations

To Probe the Digital Defenses of Targets, the FBI Turns To a Special Program
Jenna McLaughlin - Jan. 31 2017 ... ssing-aid/
Confidential Human Source Assessing Aid
Jan. 31 2017 ... icy-guide/
Confidential Human Source Policy Guide
Detailed rules for how the FBI handles informants. Classified secret. This unreleased September 2015 document is a major expansion and update of a manual from 2007 on the same topic.
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* How the FBI Recruits and Handles Its Army of Informants
ljruell - Jan. 31 2017 ... 50378.html
Cop accused of opening fire at Kirkwood trunk-or-treat is likely to be released on bond
Erin Heffernan ... story.html
Chicago Tribune
Agency did not finish investigation of infamous Chicago copA city agency tasked with reviewing Chicago police misconduct complaints failed to complete an investigation into a high-ranking cop years ago and has... ... 33ebe41f08
Chicago Board of Education is considering removing cops from schools this fall
Chicago Public Schools officials told principals the Board wants to strip Local School Councils of decision-making power for keeping resource officers and then may remove the officers.
By Sarah Karp
Jan 2, 2024 ... -purchase/
Rcords list 8 complaints against Charleston cop including Ecstasy purchase
Updated: Jan. 1, 2024

COPAGANDA ... ht-1-2-24/

Is FBI, FBI: International, FBI: Most Wanted new tonight, 1/2/24?
FBI, FBI: International, FBI: Most Wanted
January 2, 2024
'Kindergarten Cop' Gets a 4K Release Courtesy of Kino Lorber
AIDAN KING ... sentenced/
City of London Police urge parents to be aware of their childrens’ internet usage after teenager hackers sentenced
21/12/2023 ... s-9092280/
FBI Director nudges shift in India’s fugitive hunt: Probe agencies to prioritise sharing biometric data with US
In one of his meetings at the CBI headquarters, it is learned that Christopher A Wray discussed expediting the sharing of evidence and closer collaboration for apprehending criminals and fugitives to ensure they face justice.
Written by Mahender Singh Manral
New Delhi | Updated: January 3, 2024
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Postby fruhmenschen » Sun Jan 14, 2024 11:48 am ... 01971.html
The FBI-Tainted Whitmer 'Kidnap Plot' You've Heard Next to Nothing About
By Julie Kelly, RealClearInvestigations
January 3, 2024
In a fiery exchange last month, CNN anchorwoman Abby Phillip told GOP presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy that there was “no evidence” to support his claim that federal agents abetted protesters at the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021.
Ramaswamy shot back that the FBI conspicuously has never denied that law enforcement agents were on duty in the crowd. He argued that federal officials have repeatedly “lied” to the American people about not only that investigation but one that has gotten much less attention: the alleged failed plot to kidnap and kill Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan in 2020.
“It was entrapment,” Ramaswamy said. “FBI agents putting them up to a kidnapping ... um=reader2
A wonderful fearless journalist died, Kristina Borjesson.
One of the last who knew what journalism was.
DEC 30, 2023
I worked with Emmy award-winning Kristina on an anthrax letters investigation. She interviewed me several times about COVID and about my Medical Board case. [We filed an appeal of my conviction this week (convicted for having convictions—that sounds right) in addition to filing a case against the Board.]
But before I ever met Kristina, I knew exactly who she was. In 2002 she published Into the Buzzsaw: Leading journalists expose the myth of a free press. ... -siddiqui/

Wellpath, the health care company that provides services to Mass. inmates, faces scrutiny ahead of contract renewal
Critics have accused the company of, among other things, chronic understaffing, outright denials of care, and inappropriate use of restraints and solitary confinement for people with mental health needs. ... -700-days/
Let it snow! Major NYC storm could bring significant snow for first time in nearly 700 days
Jesse O’Neill
Published Jan. 2, 2024 ... ns-harvard
'Two Down,' Stefanik Brags After Harvard President Claudine Gay Resigns
One observer called the resignation "a major victory for reactionary donors and the far-right's campaign to dismantle American higher education." ... t-failure/

The Endangered Species Act hasn’t restored endangered species
RENÉE GRAHAM ... te-change/
Human evolution may prevent us from solving climate change, UMaine study finds
A new study by an international team led by evolutionary biologist Tim Waring says that humans are good at extracting resources from the Earth but struggle to cooperate on a scale necessary to fight worldwide environmental threats.
Penelope Overton
Press Herald ... er-arrest/
Las Vegas police officer dies by suicide hours after arrest
by: David Charns
Posted: Jan 2, 2024

COPAGANDA ... /46274095#
Who is the best child artist? Maine police department hosts contest for Tonka truck
Several impressive drawings were submitted — making voting a tough choice!
Jan 3, 2024 ... ssessment/
SURVEY: Tallahassee Police allowing public comment on community-police relations as part of annual assessment ... l-53549358
Amherst forums on planned Resident Oversight Board seek residents’ experiences with police
Staff Writer
Published: 1/3/2024 11:00:53 AM ... h-brother/
Jeffrey Epstein said if he revealed ‘what I know about both candidates,’ 2016 election would have to be canceled: brother
Reuven Fenton and Alex Oliveira
Published Jan. 3, 2024 ... um=reader2
French Researchers Identify ‘Improbably High Rate of Deaths’ in Newborns Who Received New RSV Shot
Independent French researchers discovered a significant increase in newborn deaths in France coinciding with the rollout of Beyfortus, a new respiratory syncytial virus shot for infants.
JAN 3, 2024

The U.S. Death Penalty in 2024
A State of the Union
Thursday, Jan. 11 | 2-3 p.m. ET (11 a.m.-12p.m. PT)
Virtual | Free
I am thrilled that three compelling speakers will help us understand capital punishment in the U.S. from their own unique perspectives and expertise:
• Robin Maher, Executive Director of the Death Penalty Information Center, who will help set the stage with current data on the U.S. death penalty.
• Herman Lindsey, Executive Director of Witness to Innocence, who will share his personal testimony of being sentenced to death for a crime he didn’t commit, and subsequently becoming the 135th person to be exonerated from death row in the U.S. 
• Archbishop Paul S. Coakley of Oklahoma City, who will help us answer the question “what is ours to do?” as Catholics called to uphold the dignity of life. ...
NYPD cop shoots driver in Brooklyn road rage clash triggered by cut-off
Rocco Parascandola, Elizabeth Keogh, New York Daily News
Wed, January 3, 2024 ... r-AA1mqej6
NYPD cop busted for sending photo of suspect’s debit card to pals in identity theft scheme: prosecutors
Story by Tina Moore, Amanda Woods  • ... r-AA1mqbwm
N.J. cop who hit suspect with flashlight 14 times wants to rejoin force, get back pay
Story by Matthew Enuco, ... 586862.php
Danbury cop up for promotion uses his story of being fired after berating motorist as teaching tool
By Kendra Baker,
Jan 3, 2024 ... 097267007/
Paterson cop suspended for 30 days after being charged in domestic violence case
Joe MalinconicoPaterson Press ... e-of-force
Seattle Seeks To Ax Union's Award Over Cop's Use Of Force ... gainst-cop
Jan. 3, 2024
Discovery Violation Requires New Civil Rights Trial Against Cop
Bernie Pazanowski ... esco-girls
Cop Faces Hearing On Sexual Assaults Of 3 Chesco Girls
Fired Delco Officer Tyler Humphreys is accused of sexually assaulting three girls, one of whom was just 9.
Holly Herman,
Patch Staff
Posted Wed, Jan 3, 2024 ... 50378.html
Cop accused of opening fire at Kirkwood trunk-or-treat is likely to be released on bond
Erin Heffernan ... r-resigns/
Gurley police officer connected to crash that killed innocent driver resigns
By WAFF 48 Digital Staff
Published: Jan. 3, 2024 ... hterhouse/
Welcome To The Slaughterhouse
By Jack Gilroy and Nick Mottern - January 3, 2024 ... for-biden/

Democrats’ Primary Shenanigans Are a Bad Look for Biden
KLAUS MARRE 01/03/24 ... leblowers/
Chicago Police Department Perpetuates Its Violence by Punishing Whistleblowers
Police violence is not about “good apples” and “bad apples” — it is structural.
By Joseph R. Dole
January 3, 2024 ... um=reader2
Surgeon General Ladapo Calls to Stop the Use of mRNA Vaccines in Human Beings
It’s a felony to lie about a drug and it’s a felony to make money off of a drug you know you lied about and it’s a felony to conspire with others to make money off a drug you all lied about together.
JAN 3, 2024
January 3, 2024: “It’s a felony to lie about a drug and it’s a felony to make money off of a drug you know you lied about and it’s a felony to conspire with others to make money off a drug you all lied about together.” ... on-israel/
NC prohibits investments in Ben & Jerry’s for position on Israel
Peter Castagno
December 27, 2023 ... um=reader2
REPLICON mRNA VACCINE (sa-mRNA) - Japan Approves World's First Self-Amplifying mRNA Vaccine (Nov.27, 2023). New nightmare hits the market. What now? What are the problems? What about shedding?
JAN 3, 2024 ... um=reader2
Harmless disease detected. Millions must be killed.
You can put 2 and 2 together
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Postby fruhmenschen » Wed Feb 28, 2024 7:59 pm

Evidence to Criminally Prosecute Pfizer
If we don’t stop the use of mRNA gene-editing nanoparticle injections NOW, our family lineage will end with those who are alive today or born in the next 5 years.

February 28, 2024: I have received numerous requests to republish this document.

Readers of the Kingston Report are well-educated on the evidence that the COVID-19 injections meet none of the scientific and clinical criteria of a vaccine, but perfectly match the scientific and biological outcomes criteria of a bioweapon.

My nickname in the industry was ‘the cleaner’ because I turned around impossible situations and often took out the ‘giant,’ aka Pfizer. In the pharma/device industry, when you know your opponent’s next move, you don’t plan a defensive hide-out strategy; you go on the offense and strike your opponent down before they make their next attack. Continually planning on how to defend yourself with no offensive strategy is a clear path to defeat.

If we don’t stop the use of mRNA nanoparticle technologies NOW, our family lineage will end with those who are alive today or born within the next 5 years.

You can’t win a war if don’t know what weapons are being used against you. The weapons causing the greatest amount of harm to American adults and children today are engineered nanoparticles, specifically COVID-19 nanoparticle injections that government agencies and industry falsely refer to as ‘vaccines.’

We know the World Health Organization plans on deploying another PHEIC (public health emergency of international concern) and mandating the deployment and administration of nanoparticle bioweapon injections into the arms of billions of global civilians.

As Americans, what do we do?! How do we stop this ongoing criminal experimentation disabling our friends and family and destroying of our posterity?

The answer is simple. It’s not easy, but it’s simple. Remove the weapons from our communities. Empower and mobilize law enforcement to remove the COVID-19 nanoparticle injections from your county starting with this DEMAND letter. Every law enforcement authority across America has the authority to remove the COVID-19 nanoparticle injections from every community.

The following DEMAND letter, combined with affidavits and/or testimonies from victims can be used to seize the shots in the state of Florida. The letter and cited references can stand up in any court of law.

DEMAND: Immediately Stop Distribution, Access and Administration of COVID-19 mRNA Nanoparticle Injections Across All NametheCounty Vaccination Facilities and Seize Inventory

It is well-established that the FDA clinical trials for the ‘COVID-19 vaccines’ (hereafter referred to as ‘COVID-19 nanoparticle injections’ or ‘mRNA nanoparticle injections’ or ‘COVID-19 injections’) were not designed to clinically and statistically demonstrate that the COVID-19 nanoparticle injections prevent infection, prevent transmission, or protect against disease, hospitalizations, and death.1-7

FDA clinical trials, US government data, and real-world evidence have demonstrated that mRNA nanoparticle injections cause clinically significant increases in mild-to-moderate disease, serious diseases, disabilities, hospitalizations, and death within days, weeks and/or months of receiving COVID-19 mRNA nanoparticle injections in formerly healthy infants, children, and adults.2,4,6-13, 79-81

The COVID-19 mRNA nanoparticle injections were administered to civilian adults and children through unlawful human experimentation, specifically whereas the clinical safety risks were known by the FDA to outweigh any potential clinical benefits and the COVID-19 injections were administered without informed consent regarding;

the composition and variability of the COVID-19 nanoparticle injections’ vials,
the gene-editing mechanism of action of COVID-19 nanoparticle injections, and
the known harmful, permanently disabling and/or sometimes deadly clinical outcomes of being injected with engineered COVID-19 nanoparticle injections. 2,4, 9,14-55,82
This DEMAND is sent to the attention of “Sheriff John Doe and Deputay Sheriff Jane Smith,” who are hereafter referred to individually and collectively as “COUNTY LAW ENFORCEMENT.”

WHEREAS the ‘COVID-19 vaccines’ contain engineered nanoparticle technologies per the manufacturer’s product labeling, FDA submissions, US military contracts, peer-reviewed publications, patents, and manufacturer’s websites;1-8,11,14,19-24,26,32-37,51 and,

WHEREAS Pfizer ignored and violated 21 USC laws for conducting safe and legal experimentation on humans with the use of FDA-regulated products when Pfizer stated that the formulations of their COVID-19 injections distributed to US adults and children varied by LOT number, per Pfizer’s approved August 23, 2021, biological license application (BLA);4,11,15-19 and,

WHEREAS Pfizer’s criminal experimentation on civilian adults and children with the use of varying biotechnologies in their COVID-19 mRNA nanoparticle formulations by ‘vaccine’ LOT number (with some lots known to inflict harm, ranging from serious diseases and disabilities to death), combined with lots that are placebos (known to be harmless), was confirmed by a scientific European analysis of 52 different Pfizer mRNA nanoparticle ‘vaccine’ LOTS, administered to 4,026,575 persons who received 10,793,766 doses (an average of 2.7 injections/person) between December of 2020 and January of 2022;79-81and,

WHEREAS the FDA and ‘vaccine’ manufacturers (i.e. Pfizer) clinically established that the COVID-19 injections would cause an unprecedented incidence of disease, permanent disabilities, and death, when on October 22, 2020 (before the ‘COVID-19 vaccine rollout’) the FDA met with the manufacturers and reviewed this ‘working list’ of harmful clinical outcomes caused by the injections; nervous system disease (convulsions, seizures, Guillain-Barre syndrome myelitis encephalitis, encephalopathy, encephalomyelitis, narcolepsy, cataplexy, meningitis, meningoencephalitis acute demyelinating diseases), cardiac disease (acute myocardial infarction myocarditis, pericarditis, stroke), blood and circulatory disease (disseminated intravascular coagulation, thrombocytopenia, venous thromboembolism), musculoskeletal disease (arthritis, joint pain), reproductive and pregnancy disorders (adverse pregnancy outcomes, adverse birth outcomes), autoimmune disease (VAED, multisystem inflammatory syndrome), and death;9 and,

WHEREAS 696,605 nervous system disorders, 539,299 musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders (92,942 pain in extremities), and 317,811 gastrointestinal disorders, 224,633 skin, hair and nail disorders, 190,720 respiratory and chest disorders, 178,353 female and male reproductive system disorders (erectile dysfunction, infertility, heavy menstrual bleeding), 167,382 victims developed bacterial, viral, or parasitic infections (24,9010 herpetic infections), 126,993 cardiac disorders, 100,970 blood and lymphatic system disorders, 77,148 psychiatric disorders, 73,542 vascular disorders, 61,518 eye disorders, 47,038 ear and labyrinth disorders (15,833 tinnitus), 31,895 autoimmune disorders, 13,647 kidney and urinary disorders, 3,711 cancers and benign cysts, 4,056 pregnancy complications (1,859 spontaneous abortion complications, 1,143 genetic disorders, and 3,814 deaths were documented in an internal Pfizer document as of June 18, 2022;56 and,

WHEREAS 17,560 deaths, 83,092 hospitalizations, 116,479 urgent care visits,194,594 doctor visits, 36,014 anaphylaxis/severe allergic reactions, 13,515 cardiac events/conditions, 17,076 permanent disabilities, and an additional 14,494 life threatening events have been reported into the CDC’s VAERS database as of June 16,2023, with an estimated 100-fold underreporting factor per a Harvard Pilgrim Healthcare Analysis commissioned by HHS;57-58 and,

WHEREAS more than one (1) million adverse events were reported in the VAERS database (1,055,219) in the year 2021 from the COVID-19 injections, including; hospitalizations, permanent disabilities, anaphylaxis, heart attacks, miscarriages, adult, child, and newborn deaths which is more than ALL reported adverse events from ALL childhood and adult vaccines over the past 20 years combined prior to the COVID-19 injection rollout (1990 -2020);57 and,

WHEREAS based on data from the Defense Medical Epidemiology Database (DMED), it was reported that US military men and women experienced a 2,181% increase in hypertension, 1,048% increase in nervous system disorders, a 894% increase in malignant neoplasms of esophagus, a 680% increase in multiple sclerosis, a 624% increase in malignant neoplasms of digestive organs, 551% increase in Guillain-Barre syndrome (paralysis), a 487% increase in breast cancer, 487% increase in demyelinating disease (damage to the myelin sheath protecting nerve fibers of the brain, optic nerve, and spinal cord), a 474% increase in malignant neoplasms of thyroid and other endocrine glands, a 472% increase in female infertility, a 468% increase in pulmonary embolism, a 452% increase in migraines, a 437% increase in ovarian dysfunction, 369% increase in testicular cancer, and a 302% increase in tachycardia;10 and,

WHEREAS data collected by the Joint Artificial Intelligence Center (JAIC) of the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD), demonstrated that among 5.6 million Medicare beneficiaries 65 years and older who received Pfizer’s or Moderna’s mRNA nanoparticle technology injections or remained uninjected, 71% of COVID-19 cases occurred in fully-vaccinated seniors and 60% of COVID-19 hospitalizations occurred in fully-vaccinated seniors as of August 7, 2021;59 and

WHEREAS data published by the CDC on June 15, 2023, demonstrated that in adults who were fully vaccinated or fully-vaccinated and boosted, and who were formerly immunocompetent (healthy) experienced an increased risk for hospitalization due to COVID-19;60 and,

WHEREAS more than 4 million Americans reported a Grade 3 adverse event (as defined as ‘unable to perform their daily functions’) and approximately 200,000 (2%) required admittance to the emergency room or hospital after receiving a COVID-19 injection according to the CDC’s V-Safe database of 10 million US residents who were early recipients of COVID-19 injections as of July 31, 2022;61 and,

WHEREAS 403,396 Florida residents who were early recipients of COVID-19 injections, 167,005 (41.1%) reported a Grade 3 adverse event (unable to perform their daily functions) and 8,471 (2.1%) required admittance to the emergency room or hospital after receiving a COVID-19 injection per the CDC’s V-Safe database report as of July 31, 2022;61 and,

WHEREAS Florida Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo identified 16,406 cardiac deaths from Florida’s disease repository (MERLIN), Florida State Health Online Tracking System (FLSHOTS), and death records, in adult Florida residents within 25 weeks of a 1st or 2nd mRNA nanoparticle injection; 3,417 of these cardiac deaths occurred within 28 days of a 1st or 2nd mRNA nanoparticle injection and none of these deaths were attributed to COVID-19 infection or a history of heart disease;62 and

WHEREAS a recent systematic review of 100 studies, including case-reports and case studies, demonstrated that the average rate of myocarditis (a formerly rare disease among healthy adults and children) is 1.62% post COVID-19 mRNA nanoparticle injection, as well as demonstrated a clinically significant incidence of cardiomyopathy, pulmonary embolism (PE), and vaccine-induced thrombotic thrombocytopenia post COVID-19 mRNA injection;63 and,

WHEREAS it is clinically established that the mRNA ‘spike proteins’ and ‘lipid’ nanoparticles cross the barrier membranes of the cardiovascular, respiratory, reproductive, and central nervous system (including the brain); causing inflammation that can result in disease, disability, and death, per peer-reviewed publications and research & development Pfizer documents;52-55,64-67 and

WHEREAS there were 195% excess mortality claims in the State of Florida made to Group Life Insurance companies in July-September of 2021, during the time period when President Biden’s previously announced COVID-19 vaccine mandate was to go into effect by July 4, 2021, for all employed Americans;68-69 and,

WHEREAS the CDC recorded an excess of 492,851deaths in the United states in 2022, and an excess of 64,375 deaths in the first 14 weeks (Q1) of 2023;70 and,

WHEREAS on November 20, 2020, Pfizer stated in writing that the risk-benefit ratio of their COVID-19 mRNA nanoparticle injections were not favorable (unfavorable) for children 12 to 15 years of age, based on FDA submitted data from 100 injected children from their Phase 3 trial;2 and,

WHEREAS on June 10, 2021, the FDA Vaccine Related and Biological Products Advisory Committee (VRBPAC) stated in writing that it would be infeasible (it would be impossible) to conduct a clinical trial that could clinically and statistically prove that any vaccine could prevent SARS-CoV-2 infection and/or COVID-19 disease in pediatric populations because teenagers, children, and infants rarely (if ever) become infected or present with symptoms;16 and,

WHEREAS children who received two (2) COVID-19 injections are 1400% (15x) more likely to die of any cause than unvaccinated children and children who received three (3) COVID-19 injections are 4400% (45x) more likely to die of any cause than unvaccinated children per UK Government data;13,71 and,

WHEREAS, COVID-19 mRNA nanoparticle injections induce anaphylaxis, appendicitis, fevers of greater than 104 degrees Fahrenheit, seizures (with eye rolling), convulsions, status epilepticus (seizures lasting more than 5 minutes and multiple seizures that can lead to permanent brain damage), epilepsy, exanthema subitum (herpes induced fevers and seizures), hypotonia (limp ‘lifeless-like baby syndrome’), permanent brain damage confirmed by an EEG, and lissencephaly (genetic-induced brain malformation characterized by the absence of convolutions/folds), per Pfizer’s June 15, 2022, FDA clinical trial data submission of 6 month old babies through 4 year old toddlers; in which a subgroup of 370 toddlers (2 to 4 year old) only 21 toddlers (5%) made it to their 1-month study follow-up visit after receiving their 3rd COVID-19 mRNA injection, and in a subgroup of 344 babies (6 to 23 months old) only 3 babies (1%) made it to their 1-month study follow-up visit after receiving their 3rd injection of COVID-19 mRNA injection; reasons for discontinuing or withdrawing from the study included adverse events, neurological dysfunctions, ICU admission, hospitalization, and death (but reasons for discontinuation or withdrawal need not be noted by the investigator);14 and,

WHEREAS the engineered COVID-19 mRNA nanoparticles can cross the blood brain barrier causing demyelinating disease (deterioration to the protective covering of nerve cells) including permanent changes to nerve cell structures, nerve cell damage, and nerve cell death in the spinal cord and brain leading to permanent brain and neurological disorders and diseases, such as the 696,605 neurological disorders and diseases documented by Pfizer;53,55,56,65,67 and,

WHEREAS the engineered mRNA nanoparticles cross the biological barriers of the male reproductive system accumulating in the testis and epididymis adversely affecting sexual health in men, including; sperm quality, quantity, morphology, and motility, and affecting male hormones causing reproductive organ dysfunction such as the 178,353 female and male reproductive system disorders documented by Pfizer (including male erectile dysfunction, infertility, and testicular pain); 53,56,67 and,

WHEREAS the engineered COVID-19 mRNA nanoparticles cross the biological barriers of the female reproductive system accumulating in the ovaries, placenta, and uterus, causing reproductive dysfunction including damage to eggs and follicle development, and adversely affecting the health of women, unborn babies and newborn babies, as was demonstrated by the 178,353 female and male reproductive system disorders and 4,056 pregnancy complications (including heavy menstrual bleeding, irregular menstruation, spontaneous abortions, and infertility); 53,56,67 and,

WHEREAS the engineered mRNA nanoparticle technologies in the COVID-19 injections are classified as electromagnetic devices per Pfizer’s Operation Warp Speed contract and Title 21 US Code 351(a)(2)(B), and the 2017 FDA Guidance on Drugs and Devices;23,24,49 and,

WHEREAS the engineered nanoparticle technologies in COVID-19 mRNA injections are gene-editing technologies per Pfizer’s May 18, 2021 FDA-submitted biological license application stating that the COVID-19 mRNA mechanism-of-action is through RNA transcription (nucleoside substitutions) substituting the genetic material of human cells within human bodies with foreign genetic material;4,25,28,29 and,

WHEREAS the engineered nanoparticle technologies in COVID-19 mRNA injections are gene-editing nanotechnologies that use cationic liposome technologies to alter human DNA through RNA transfection; as has been described in Pfizer’s biological license application (BLA), on Pfizer’s website, in Dr. Robert Malone and colleagues’ 1996 patent “Delivery of Exogenous DNA Sequences in a Mammal” for cationic liposome technology; and as is demonstrated in multiple scientific papers and Pfizer’s internal report of 1,143 genetic diseases spontaneously reported post- COVID-19 mRNA nanoparticle injection; 4,25-51,56,72,73 and,

WHEREAS it is an established scientific fact that the engineered nanoparticle technologies in the COVID-19 mRNA injections are gene-editing technologies with known and uknown risks for; integrating non-human DNA into the human genome, transmission of foreign DNA into the germline (genetic mutations passed from parent to child through sperm or egg), passage foreign genes into sperm, embryo/fetal and perinatal toxicity, genotoxicity (DNA damage that can lead to birth defects and diseases i.e. cancers), and the potential for horizontal transmission (i.e., shedding) is further confirmed in a June 9, 2023 peer-reviewed publication in the International Journal of Molecular Science;82 and,

WHEREAS the COVID-19 mRNA nanoparticle injections were NEVER proven to prevent infection, disease, hospitalization or death, per Pfizer’s November 20, 2020, FDA submission, in which Pfizer stated in writing that out of 18,198 human subjects originally injected with BNT162b2, 11% or two-thousand and fifty-three (2,053) developed mild, moderate, or severe COVID-19 disease within 2 months of the 1st or 2nd mRNA nanoparticle injection; 1-3 and

WHEREAS 19 (0.1%) deaths were reported by Pfizer within 3 days -142 days (less than 4 months) post- Pfizer mRNA nanoparticle injections in previously healthy human subjects per Pfizer’s May 18, 2021, post-hoc analysis;4 and,

WHEREAS the rotovirus vaccine (RotaShield) was pulled off the US market in 1999 due to five cases (0.05%) of respiratory infection among 10,054 pediatric vaccine recipients;75 and,

WHEREAS the manufacturers of the COVID-19 nanoparticle injections NEVER submitted clinical trial evidence demonstrating clinically and statistically significant protection against; infection, symptomatic illness, medically attended illness, including emergency department and urgent care visits, or severe illness, including hospitalization and death, but did submit clinical data demonstrating an increased risk of heart inflammation, vaccine-related enhanced respiratory disease, and vaccine-related enhanced autoimmune diseases per Pfizer’s August 23, 2021 FDA approval and Moderna’s January 30, 2022, FDA approval;20-22, 75 and,

WHEREAS the engineered nanoparticles in the COVID-19 injections are nanotechnologies designed to force human cells to produce disease-causing pathogens known as spike proteins, spike proteins that are established lab-made pathogens that cause disease, disabilities, and death per dozens of scientific and clinical publications, abstracts, and patents as well as Pfizer’s internal documents and website;4,19-22,26-67 and,

WHEREAS the engineered nanoparticle technologies (aka vaccine nanotechnology) in the COVID-19 mRNA injections are patented for use as a nanocarrier of an ‘agent of biowarfare,’ per US Patent Number 9539210, VACCINE NANOTECHNOLOGY;76 and,

WHEREAS COVID-19 injections containing engineered mRNA nanoparticle technologies meet the legal definition of biological weapons according to 18 USC 175, Ch. 10: BIOLOGICAL WEAPONS which is a biological agent, toxin and/or delivery device for use other than prophylactic (preventative), protective, bona fide research, or other peaceful purpose;77 and,

WHEREAS, COVID-19 injections containing engineered mRNA nanoparticles meet the exact criteria of weapons of mass destruction according to F.S.790.166;78 and

WHEREAS, a person who manufactures, possesses, sells, delivers, displays, uses, attempts to use, or conspires to use, or who makes readily accessible to others a weapon of mass destruction commits a felony of the first degree per F.S.790.166;78 and

On behalf of ____________, I am demanding that COUNTY LAW ENFORCMENT issue a cease and desist to immediately stop distribution, promotion, access and administration of COVID-19 mRNA nanoparticle injections to All NAME OF COUNTY Vaccination Facilities by _____ and to seize their mRNA nanoparticle injections inventory by __________.

Vaccination facilities are defined as all entities including but not limited to, a business entity, government entity, healthcare provider, educational institution, or individual within NAME OF COUNTY, as defined in Florida Statutes Sec. 768.38.

Vaccination facilities and administrators who do not comply with the cease and desist and immediate forfeit COVID mRNA nanoparticle injections inventory will be in violation of in F.S.790.166 and may subject imprisonment and/or fines.



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Postby fruhmenschen » Thu May 23, 2024 10:23 am ... abies.html
Cop shoots blind 13lb family dog claiming he thought it had "rabies"
ROB BESCHIZZA WED MAY 22, 2024 ... n-19950368
Hialeah Cop Who Sexually Assaulted Young Women Released Early From Prison
Jesus "Jessie" Menocal, Jr. was accused of using his badge to sexually abuse women and girls as young as 14 years old.
By Alex DeLuca May 22, 2024 ... agreement/

Big Banks Have Funded Climate Crisis With Near $7 Trillion Since Paris Agreement
“Banks that profit from climate chaos invent new greenwash every year, but we have the receipts that show how much money they put into fossil fuels,” said one report author. ... um=reader2
What is the US global health security strategy and why does it look a lot like the WHO pandemic treaty?
Some screenshots with commentary so you can see what the US government has in store with or without the WHO
This 60+ pager was issued in late April, mentioned once before, but here is the whole thing in a nutshell
The US Government will be paying 100 countries to implement “pandemic preparedness” and this will include many of the awful provisions in the treaty and amendments, ho ho ho. ... um=reader2
The Vaccine Mafia is getting nervous
They have a lot of $ to lose if the WHO treaties don't go through. So their manure and their lies just don't stop. I love their desperation.
Look who the first 8 authors are of this hit piece, claiming we are the disinformationists! Sarah Gilbert was a coinventor of the Astra-Zeneca COVID vaccine that killed thousands of young women with brain clots, including a BBC radio presenter. Instead of crawling into a hole and hiding herself, she is begging to be allowed to invent yet more disastrous vaccines for the world.
Prof Petro Terblanche is managing director of Afrigen Biologics, South Africa, which hosts the WHO’s global mRNA technology vaccine hub.
Dr Jerome Kim is Director General of the International Vaccine Institute, South Korea.
Rajinder Suri is CEO of Developing Countries Vaccine Manufacturers Network, India.
Prof Padmashree Gehl Sampath is CEO of the Africa Pharmaceutical Technology Foundation, Rwanda.
Prof Kiat Ruxrungtham is founder and co-director of the Vaccine Research Center  at Chulalongkorn University, Thailand. 
Frederik Kristensen is managing director of the Regionalized Vaccine Manufacturing Collaborative and Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovation.
Ramon Rao is CEO of Hilleman Laboratories, Singapore, which translates early discovery of vaccines and biologics for infectious diseases into affordable products with global health impact.
Prof Sarah Gilbert is Saïd Professorship of Vaccinology at Oxford University UK, and co-developed the Oxford-AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine.
The Pandemic Agreement: A Bridge to Nowhere or North Star to Access and Global Health Security? ... -security/
Sixteen leading scientists and manufacturers involved in vaccine development and production worldwide issue an urgent call for a pandemic accord that can be a ‘win-win for all.’ The full list of authors is available below.
Health misinformation was not invented during COVID-19 but was certainly brought to a higher, more malevolent  and destructive pitch during the pandemic.  That hostile crusade has since been ... um=reader2
Sovereignty Coalition Summit with government officials from around the world at 10 am ET today
LIVESTREAM: ... ty-summit/
For Immediate Release
May 20, 2024
Matthew Franklin,
World Leaders to Say “Not Now” to Improper Approval of “Global Governance” Treaties
WASHINGTON, D.C.—The Sovereignty Coalition is pleased to announce its convening of “The Sovereignty Summit” to demonstrate the growing international opposition to the impending, stealthy effort to supplant national sovereignty with tyrannical “global governance.” On Thursday, May 23rd, the Coalition, with the indispensable help and participation of U.S. Senator Ron Johnson, will bring together leading American and foreign legislators determined to prevent the approval at next week’s meeting of the World Health Assembly (WHA) of either, or both, of what amount to two as-yet-unfinished treaties that would make ... um=reader2
24 Republican Governors in the US have spoken out against the WHO!!!!!!!!!
States, A-Gs and Governors came forward to protect their citizens. I'm calling this a hat trick: when 3 goals are scored by one player (we'll say the USA) in a soccer match
What a beautiful day! ... ic-treaty/
T cells, cancer and immunity
Ivermectin after vaccine injury ... ing-orange
Alaskan rivers turning orange due to climate change, study finds
As frozen ground below the surface melts, exposed minerals such as iron are giving streams a rusty color that pose a risk to wildlife
Aliya Uteuova Wed 22 May 2024 ... =GetObject

Bird Flu Pandemic? ... s-pockets/

US Taxpayer Money Keeps Finding Its Way Into the Taliban’s Pockets

Millions of US taxpayer dollars meant for humanitarian assistance and Afghanistan’s reconstruction find their way into the hands of the Taliban. The exact figure is unknown, however, because of lacking reporting requirements. ... 488f12b082
New Albany Police sergeant charged with felony misconduct, stalking
Sgt. Chad Armenta worked for the New Albany Police Department for 18 years.
Author: Arianna Sergio Published: 6:33 PM EDT May 22, 2024 ... ngNewsSerp
Uvalde Police Chief Resigns As City Settles With Parents Of Shooting Victims
Story by Paige Skinner
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Postby fruhmenschen » Mon Jul 01, 2024 11:43 am
We have been asked to present our latest set of 9/11 Parallels (brought to us by the Deep State gift that keeps on giving). This time it's “Israel’s 9/11 Moment” — Gaza:
* Is it possible that, if we look deeper into the October 7th incursion by Hamas into Israel — deeper than just the initial fear-porn talking points of the mainstream media and government leaders in its wake — we might find a number of tags indicating that things are, once again, not what they seem?
Yes, and we owe a huge debt of gratitude to 9/11 Researcher Kevin Ryan for the initial research on The Parallels of 9/11 & Gaza and presented at the IC911 seminar “Genocide & Empire”.
Inside The CIA - On Company Business (1980) [COMPLETE] HD ... vt-agency/
DC Appeals Court Says CIA Can Continue To Withhold 35-Year-Old Memo Already Published By Another Gov’t Agency
from the DC:-CIA-A-OK dept
Fri, Jun 14th 2024 09:32am - Tim Cushing
Certain government agencies are of the opinion that records requesters shouldn’t even be able to pry the documents they’re seeking from their cold, dead fingers. Long after anyone could be affected and long after the people who’ve created the documents have passed on to the Great Bureaucracy in the Sky, agencies are still refusing to relinquish paperwork that’s long past its (and its creators’) expiration date.
The CIA has been battling a FOIA request in court, using the unlimited amount of time and money it has at its disposal. At the center of the battle is a single memo that was written in 1989, shortly after the fall of the Berlin Wall and the eventual collapse of the USSR
An Open-Ended Conversation with Robert Falconer ... fe5c6e35e8
Alabama State Trooper hired after being fired as a FBI agent , just convicted of child rape in Alabama
MONTGOMERY, Ala. (AP) — A former FBI agent was convicted Friday of sexually assaulting an 11-year-old girl while serving as an Alabama state trooper — a law enforcement job he landed even after he was kicked out of the FBI amid earlier claims that he raped a co-worker at knifepoint ... 022-11-07/
Fired cops routinely rehired, from D.C. to California
By Hassan Kanu
November 7, 20221 ... for-a-day/
ACAMS San Diego-Baja California Chapter: FBI Agent for a Day
Jun. 14, 2024 ... e-updates/
Roku Continues To Screw With Customers Via Firmware/Software Updates
from the blurred-lines dept
Fri, Jun 14th 2024 01:35pm - Timothy Geigner
Whether intentional or not, the process for tech companies to fall to the process of enshittification seems to be a very real trend. The term, coined by Cory Doctorow, describes the process by which once good and useful technology platforms devolve to become worse and less useful as the owners of those platforms move on from creating a great user experience and turn instead towards aiming purely at profitability. This typically involves injecting advertisements anywhere possible, ... unism.html
My Father’s Day Gift From the F.B.I.
June 15, 2024 By Samuel G. Freedman ... unishment/
The Washington Post
An officer sexually abused a teen in his police car. How will he be punished? ... for-a-day/
Woman Dead After Cop Runs Over Her with Truck While She Was Sitting on Beach: 'Unfortunate Accident'
The woman died at a local hospital shortly after she was pinned underneath the Horry County police vehicle, authorities said
By Abigail Adams Published on June 14, 2024 ... ruiser-da/
NYPD cop let drunk girlfriend take joyride in cruiser, covered it up after crashing into cab: DA
Kyle Schnitzer Published June 14, 2024 ... er-suspect
BWC video shows intense shootout between Ore. police, ex-cop murder suspect
The suspect, a former Yakima police officer and SRO, was wanted in the killing of two women and the kidnapping of his 1-year-old son
June 14, 2024 ... 511110.php
Another Shelton cop's firing overturned by CT mediation board
By Brian Gioiele, Staff writer June 14, 2024 ... y-charges/
Baton Rouge cop, wife arrested in Gonzales on domestic abuse battery charges
June 14, 2024 ... lt-no-jail
Indiana Cop Pled Guilty to Sexually Assaulting Underage Teen in Squad Car and Avoided Jail. Now She Is Suing.
On July 13, 2022, a judge approved a plea deal between the state of Indiana and Officer Timothy Barber of the South Bend Police Department.
Barber, 39, was accused of sexually assaulting a 16-year-old girl on two occasions in his squad car, forcing her to touch his penis, and masturbating in front of her at work, according to the criminal complaint filed in the case. He was on-duty for each of those alleged instances ... oyer-says/
Cop fired after he’s caught touching woman’s breast during fake traffic stop for ‘OnlyFans skit’ now faces charges, his former employer says
MATT NAHAMJun 14th, 2024 ... or-murder/
‘It’s Almost Like Your Twin Brother’: Florida Cops Tackle and Handcuff Innocent Black Man with Epilepsy After Confusing Him for Another Black Man with Locs Wanted for Murder
Posted by By Carlos Miller | Published on: June 14, 2024 ... y-officer/
Troubled former Sardis cop fatally shot by officer
Police: Winard Dwayne Burke had broken into Sardis station with ax
Winard Dwayne Burke HOLLI DEAL SAXON Updated: Jun 10, 2013, 6:43 PM ... -cop-porn/
Police Arrest Cop After He Allegedly Starred In Porn Vid While On Duty: REPORT
A Nashville police officer was reportedly decommissioned and arrested for allegedly participating in an OnlyFans video while on duty ... t-consent/
New York City Cop Arrested for Sharing “Intimate” Images Without Consent
Breaking Local News Report June 14, 2024 ... his-urine/
Cop Going To Jail For Making A Man Lick Up His Urine
BridgetEE Published on June 14, 2024 ... ffed-man/#
Antioch cop not guilty of assault for punching, kicking handcuffed man
Defense argued it was par for the course
By NATE GARTRELL | | Bay Area News Group and RICK HURD | | Bay Area News Group
PUBLISHED: June 13, 2024 at 3:50 p.m. | UPDATED: June 14, 2024 ... -jail.html
Police officer who subjected three women - including another cop - to a terrifying campaign of violence and control is facing jail
*  PC Christopher Ferguson, 31, recorded a victim engaging in sexual activity
*  He bombarded another victim - also a police officer - with vile text messages
*  Ferguson was convicted of nine charges, including assault and voyeurism
PUBLISHED: 15:08 EDT, 14 June 2024
Civilian Police Oversight Advisory Board
Learn more about the CPOA Board Meetings and how the Board works together for the Community.
CPOA Board Meetings Broadcast
The Board meetings are televised on GOV TV, the local government television channel for Albuquerque and Bernalillo County. CPOA Board Meeting recordings are also posted on YouTubeExternal Link Disclaimer. ... -protests/
POLITICS / JUNE 14, 2024
The Liberal Police State: How Democrats Are Playing Into GOP Hands
Applying the tactics of counterinsurgency warfare to peaceful domestic protest risks blurring the line between Trump and his opponents.
SANDY TOLAN ... ss-border/
CBP Officer Convicted of Pocketing Bribes to Allow Drug-Laden Cars to Cross Border
By Steve Neavling
A former CBP officer has been convicted of accepting bribes to allow vehicles carrying drugs to pass through the border into the U.S. ... terrorists
FBI's Heavy Lift: A Surge of Terrorists, Spies, Insurrectionists
Retired former FBI Counterintelligence chief Frank Figliuzzi weighs the challenges, opportunities and risks of countering all the threats.
JEFF STEIN JUN 15, 2024 ... uble-agent
The FBI's Double Agent
The Informant at the Heart of the Gretchen Whitmer Kidnapping Plot Was a Liability. So Federal Agents Shut Him Up.
MAR 06, 2024 ... published/
Decree on establishment of ‘Greek FBI’ published
Newsroom 15.06.2024
A presidential decree establishing a new police directorate, dubbed the “Greek FBI” by high-ranking police and Citizen Protection Ministry officials, was published in the Government Gazette on Thursday.
The Directorate for Combating Organized ... ybercrime/
Tinubu Meets FBI Director, Canvasses Stronger Collaboration to Fight Terrorism, Cybercrime
June 15,2024 ... 1851541060
Cop's Own Lawyer Might've Helped Him Get Sentenced to Life For Murdering a 16-Year-Old Girl
In Gwinnett County, a jury found an ex-cop guilty of kidnapping and murdering a 16-year-old girl who went missing back in 2022.
By Phenix Halley Published June 15,2024 ... s_shooters
Why is the FBI covering for trans mass shooters?
KURT MAHLBURG June 15, 2024 ... d/1168823/
Bernie Kerik to Newsmax: Bill Barr, FBI, DOJ Knew Hunter Laptop was Real
By James Morley III    |   Friday, 14 June 2024 ... ellingcat/
The Empire’s Fake News Machine: The Strange Case of Korean Peninsula’s Very Own “Bellingcat”
By Dermot Hudson - June 13, 2024

11th Circuit Strips Immunity From Cop Who Shot And Killed Dog That Had Already Been Neutralized By A Taser
11th Circuit Strips Immunity From Cop Who Shot And Killed Dog That Had Already Been Neutralized By A Taser
from the but-it-took-a-dead-dog-to-get-here dept
Fri, Jun 14th 2024 07:39pm - Tim Cushing
We know cops kill dozens of dogs every day. This much has been verified by the US Department of Justice, which called it an “epidemic.” It’s not just anecdotal evidence generated by a handful of court cases.
We also know most cops who kill dogs get away with it, even though multiple courts have ruled that killing a pet is “seizure” under the Fourth Amendmen ... for-years/
With Multiple Deputies Headed To Jail, Sheriff Vows To Get To Bottom Of ‘Goon Squad’ Horror Show He Ignored For Years
from the fox-to-henhouse:-what-up dept
Fri, Jun 14th 2024 12:09pm - Tim Cushing
Reminding everyone that racism is just a thing we do in the United States, six Rankin County deputies were indicated on criminal charges related to the literal torture of two black men. All six pleaded guilty. Deputy Hunter Elward was sentenced to 17.5 years in prison. The other officers are also currently serving prison time.
This all began because a “helpful” Mississippi resident called the cops because they had witnessed the most Mississippi of crimes: black men hanging out with a white woman. What went on from there not only chills the blood, but triggers the gag reflex:
During a search of the house, OPDYKE kicked in the padlocked door to the front bedroom. Inside, he found a white-flesh-toned dildo and a BB gun. OPDYKE mounted the dildo on the end of the BB gun and brought the dildo to the living room, where M.J. and E.P. were handcuffed and seated on the couch. OPDYKE forced the dildo into the mouth of E.P., and attempted to force the dildo into the mouth of M.J.
DEDMON forced M.J. and E.P. onto their knees with their backs to DEDMON, and DEDMON threatened to anally rape M.J. and E.P. with the dildo ... n-resigns/
Cop busted for unauthorized use of Clearview AI facial recognition resigns
Indiana cop easily hid frequent personal use of Clearview AI face scans.
ASHLEY BELANGER - 6/13/2024 ... its-goals/
May 31, 2024
‘They bungled it:’ NIH documents reveal how $1.6 billion long Covid initiative has failed so far to meet its goals
Written by Betsy Ladyzhets
Edited by Derek Kravitz
More than three years ago, the National Institutes of Health launched a $1 billion-plus initiative to find the root causes and potential treatments for long Covid, the chronic disease that has quickly changed the lives of millions of Americans.
But a lack of visible progress from the initiative, called RECOVER, has drawn months of criticism from patient advocates, researchers and lawmakers, including at a Senate hearing last week on the NIH’s budget. “We gave [the NIH] a chance and they bungled it,” said John Bolecek, who has lived with long Covid for two years and has closely followed RECOVER. The program

Having failed to gain centralized control using the pretext of pandemics, what will the globalists try next? BEHAVIORAL HEALTH is one of their gambits

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