Trump thanks FBI Director Wray for help in 2020 re-election

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Trump thanks FBI Director Wray for help in 2020 re-election

Postby fruhmenschen » Fri Oct 30, 2020 1:33 pm

The Case For Open Voting
Democracy demands transparency, not trust. Sign up and be counted!
There is no transparency to our current voting system.  Congress has legalized election fraud by allowing, if not mandating, non-transparent voting systems that prohibit direct access to a paper ballot and meaningful public oversight:
• SECRET BALLOT (1880’s)
I believe that there should be only one standard of voting for both our political representatives and voters. I believe that all voting should be open and public - no machines, no absentee or early voting, and no secret ballots.  Secret ballots are really an anonymous ballots that corrupt election officials can count any way they want.
Why one standard of voting for politicians and another for the public?

Under current circumstances, the only thing candidates and voters can do  to find out how citizens really voted is to conduct their own CITIZEN AUDITS.
Lynn Landes 

SUMMATION: This is how, for all practical purposes, America’s voting process became completely nontransparent and highly vulnerable to vote fraud by a relatively small group of people.
Voting is the linchpin of democracy.  And democracy demands transparency, not trust. Yet, there is no real transparency to the way Americans vote today.  While our politicians are required to vote publicly and openly, we citizens are held to a different standard - a lower standard.  We vote remotely, privately and anonymously by machine, absentee, early, and secret ballot.   It's an invitation to massive and undetectable vote fraud.  Things weren't always this way. 
BEFORE the Civil War, voting was a completely transparent process.  It was only AFTER the Civil War, as the right to vote expanded to African Americans, that the voting process itself began to recede from public view and meaningful oversight.  It started with absentee voting in the 1870’s, secret ballots in the 1880’s, and voting machines in the 1890’s.  Today in America, 50% of all voting is by absentee or early, 95% of all votes are machine-processed, and 100% of all ballots are secret and anonymous. For the sake of convenience and 'alleged' voter protection, Congress has destroyed the transparency, verifiability, and integrity of America’s voting process. 
Making matters worse, our public voting system has been privatized and outsourced to a handful of domestic, foreign, and multi-national corporations, most of whom have close ties to the right wing of the Republican Party. Just two companies, ES&S and Diebold, started by two brothers, Bob and Todd Urosevich, electronically process (using touchscreen machines or optical scanners), 80% of all votes.  Their employees are in a perfect position to rig elections nation-wide. And evidence is mounting that elections in America have been computer programmed to prefer conservative candidates of both political parties. 
In America, less than 1% of votes are hand-counted-paper-ballots at the polls on Election Day. Neither government-controlled audits nor official recounts (both can occur days or even weeks after the election) provide sufficient transparency to detect widespread election fraud by voting machines companies and/or election officials.  Moreover, the U.S. Justice Department (DOJ), under the 38-year reign of Craig C. Donsanto, refuses to seriously  investigate or prosecute electronic vote fraud. 
Can't we detect vote fraud through exit polls?  The major news networks refuse to report on vote fraud and may be implicated in it.  Exit polling is conducted by one organization, currently called the National Election Pool (NEP), that is hired by the major news networks and the Associated Press.  Since they first started "projecting" election night winners in 1964, at the same time computerized ballot scanners came into use, the major news networks have never provided any 'hard' evidence that they actually conducted any exit polls, at all.  In other words, the major news corporations broadcast their own pre-election surveys based on anonymous sources, collect vote totals on Election Day in a manner they refuse to disclose, and back-up those results with their own exit polls based on more anonymous sources.  The late authors of the book, VoteScam: The Stealing of America, James M. Collier and Kenneth E. Collier, concluded that some of the major news networks, including the polling organization that they hire for election night reporting, have been complicit in vote fraud.
Under the U.S. Constitution and case law, qualified citizens have two constitutional rights: 1) to vote, and 2) to have their votes counted properly.  For that right to be enforced by federal and state authorities, the voting process must be observable. 

1 Is there any evidence that voting machines have been rigged?  Yes. Lots of it.  An extensive history of voting machine irregularities can be found in the following: 
◦ Election 2004-Voters
◦ The Conyers Report - Read Excerpts
◦ Black Box Voting, Ballot-Tampering in the 21st Century (Chapter II) by Bev Harris (2003)
◦ Accuracy, Integrity, and Security in Computerized Vote-Tallying, by Dr. Roy Saltman (1988),  irregularities list
◦ my own list
◦ Check out Florida in 2004 - does anyone really believe that so many Democrats crossed over to vote for George Bush?
2 Has anyone confessed to rigging voting machines?  Yes. Also see: Programmer Built Vote Rigging Prototype at Florida Congressman's Request- Clint Curtis affidavit
◦ Conyers Report excerpts - how Triad technicians reset computers to cheat a recount of votes
◦ Cincinnati Bell security supervisors ordered wire-taps installed on county computers before elections in the late 1970s and early 1980s that could have allowed vote totals to be altered, a former Bell employee says in a sworn court document. Leonard Gates, a 23-year Cincinnati Bell employee until he was fired in 1986, claims in a deposition filed Thursday in Hamilton County Common Pleas Court to have installed the wire-taps. (1989) Pandora's Black Box & (contains case number)
3 The easiest way to rig elections nationwide is for voting machine company-insiders to program the firmware (permanently installed software in touchscreens and ballot scanners) to favor one political party over another. That way they don't need to know the candidates' names nor their position on the ballot. They can even rig the top of the ticket only, in which case the winning candidate can claim a crossover vote in a opposing party's district, as may have happened in Florida 2004 - See Lynn's data table
4 Don't some voters need these machines, such as non-English language voters and disabled voters?  No.  Voters who want a ballot in their own language should be able to order such a ballot in advance of any election.  Secondly, voting machines present the same violation of voting rights for disabled voters.  And contrary to popular belief, the Help America Vote Act (HAVA) does not require election officials to purchase electronic voting machines.  Besides, anecdotal evidence suggests that these machines are difficult for the disabled to use.  Election officials and voting machine companies admit that it takes the sight-impaired voters ten times longer to use a touchscreen machine than able-bodied voters.  However, there is a way for the sight-impaired to vote privately and independently.  They can use tactile paper ballot with audio assistance.  Tactile ballots are used around the world and in some states such as Rhode Island.  Unfortunately, many disabled voters are unaware of these kinds of ballots.  That may not be an accident.  Two organizations for the blind, The American Association of People with Disabilities (AAPD) and The National Federation of the Blind (NFB), are ardent supporters of paperless touchscreen voting machines.  They also have received over $1 million dollars from the voting machine industry, according to news reports. 
5 Can you conduct Instant Runoff Voting (IRV) using paper ballots?  First, I do not support IRV or proportional voting because they are unnecessary, complicated, and cannot be easily observed.  But, yes,  Britain, Ireland, and Australia have used paper ballots to conduct Instant Run-Off Voting.  However, some advocates of IRV are aggressively promoting the idea that voting machines are necessary. Regarding proportional voting, it is the wrong answer to the obvious problem presented by "at-large" elections where the winners take all.  Instead, political entities (such as townships) should be divided into voting districts (which many already are), thereby allowing the development of Democratic, Republican, etc. strongholds which could result in more equitable representation.
6 Aren't machines faster than a hand count and isn't that important?  They should be, but often they're not.  Machines breakdown routinely, thereby taking longer to report election results.  In Maryland in the 2004 election, 9% of machines observed by a voting rights group, broke down.  Essentially, a speedy hand count is based on a sufficient number of poll workers per number of registered voters and the length of the ballot.  Canada uses 2 election officials per approximately 500 registered voters.  In addition, election officials don't need to depend on volunteers.  Citizens can be drafted to work at the polls on Election Day, as is done routinely with jury duty.  The right to direct access to a ballot and meaningful public oversight of the process supersedes the perceived convenience of voting machines.  
7 What about states that have really long ballots, including initiatives and referendum?  Most countries keep their ballots brief.  For instance, in America state and local judges could be elected by legislative bodies instead of the voters. But, there are other issues.  The initiative/referendum movement is called Direct Democracy.  However, it is really an end-run around the legislature.  Some activists think this is a good idea, but others disagree.  California's ballot has become a nightmare.  Clearly, those with the money get their issues on the ballot. And consider this.  The initiative/referendum movement allows those who control the voting machines to also control which candidates win and what legislation gets passed.  
8 Aren't voting machines more accurate than a hand count?  There is no way to know. There is no way to test the accuracy of voting machines during the actual voting process on Election Day.  Citizens vote in secret.  The machines count those votes in secret.  If ballot scanners are used, then election officials can run an audit to check accuracy.  But, few states require audits.  Even with an audit, election officials decide where and when the audits occur.  Public participation and oversight is not meaningful. Any test done prior or after an election cannot ensure that during the election the machine did not manipulate votes, either by accident or design.  The accuracy of voting machines is often correlated with the number of overvotes and undervotes it records.  One could have nothing to do with the other.  There is no way to know the intention of the voter, or if a voting machine is filling in votes that the voter deliberately left blank. Although a lever and touchscreen machine can prevent overvotes, all in all, "The difference between the best performing and worst performing technologies is as much as 2 percent of ballots cast. Surprisingly, paper ballots—the oldest technology—show the best performance." This is the finding of two Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) political science professors, Dr. Stephen Ansolabehere and Dr. Charles Stewart III, in a September 25, 2002 study entitled, Voting Technology and Uncounted Votes in the United States. 
9 Which is more expensive, voting by machine or paper?  For legitimate elections, expense can never be a consideration.  That said, paper is cheap and requires no special servicing, storage, or trained personnel, while a single voting machines can cost thousands of dollars and require servicing, storage, and trained personnel.  Furthermore, election officials never need to rely on volunteers to staff the polls.  Citizens can always be drafted as they are for jury duty, at little or no cost to the tax payer.  
10  If someone wins by a large enough margin, isn't that a sign that the election wasn't rigged?  No. It only stands to reason that if someone is going to rig an election, it will be done by a sufficient number of votes to avoid triggering a recount. Otherwise, this could happen: In August of 2002, in Clay county Kansas, Jerry Mayo lost a close race for county commissioner, garnering 48% of the vote, but a hand recount revealed May won by a landslide, earning 76% of the vote. 
11 If the voting machines are being used at my polling precinct, is it better to vote by absentee?   Most absentee ballots are not counted by hand, but instead scanned by computers. The same corporations (ES&S, Diebold, Sequoia, etc) that dominate the touchscreen market, also control the ballot scanners.  In addition, some counties, like King County Washington, have even outsourced the mailing of their absentee ballots to private industry.  
12 Can't elections be rigged by stuffing ballot boxes, as well?  Yes, but it is a detectable kind of vote fraud, whereas voting by machine, early or absentee is nearly impossible to detect.  The problem of stuffed ballot boxes may be more fiction than fact.  In his book, The Right To Vote, The Contested History of Democracy in the United States, Alexander Keyssar, of the Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, writes, "...recent studies have found that claims of widespread corruption were grounded almost entirely in sweeping, highly emotional allegations backed by anecdotes and little systematic investigation or evidence. Paul Kleppner, among others, has concluded that what is most striking is not how many, but how few documented cases of electoral fraud can be found. Most elections appear to have been honestly conducted: ballot-box stuffing, bribery, and intimidation were the exception, not the rule." 
13 Doesn't the federal government regulate the voting machine industry?  No. There is no federal agency charged with regulatory oversight of the elections industry. There are no restrictions on who can count our votes. Anyone from anywhere can count our votes. The Federal Election Commission (FEC) doesn't even publish a complete list of all the voting technology companies whose business it is to count Americans' votes.   see: voting companies info
14 Can a voting machine company be owned by foreigners and run by felons?  Yes. Sequoia is the third largest voting machine company in America and is owned by a British-based company, De La Rue. Diebold is the second largest voting machine company in the country. It counts about 35% of all votes in America.  Diebold employed 5 convicted felons as senior managers and developers to help write the central compiler computer code that counted 50% of the votes in 30 states. Jeff Dean, Diebold's Senior Vice-President and senior programmer on Diebold's central compiler code, was convicted of 23 counts of felony theft in the first degree. Dean was convicted of planting back doors in his software and using a "high degree of sophistication" to evade detection over a period of 2 years. see: fraud & irregularities
15 Isn't that a threat to national security? Yes.
16 What was the Help America Vote Act (HAVA) all about? It established the Election Assistance Commission (EAC) to distribute billions of dollars to the states to upgrade their voting systems, but failed to mandate any meaningful standards. 
17 Doesn't the federal government certify the voting machines?  No. The federal government has a loose set of technical guidelines for voting machines that are voluntary and may be actually harmful.  The Federal Voting Systems Standards (FVSS) used by the three NASED's approved Independent Test Authorities (ITA) to "certify" companies are outmoded guidelines and voluntary, and not all states have adopted them.  According to industry observers, the FVSS guidelines allow one in ten machines to fail.  There is no enforcement of these guidelines, such as they are.  
18 Who, then, certifies the nation's voting machines? The FEC coordinates with the industry-funded National Association of State Election Directors (NASED), a private non-profit group, to have machines inspected certified by industry-funded private contractors.  NASED selects and approves the testing laboratories. Only prototypes of the machines and software are available for a very superficial inspection.  The inspection is conducted by three private companies who are not themselves subject to any regulation.  Technical Issues & Standards  "An unelected person named R. Doug Lewis runs a private non-profit organization called "The Election Center." 

Lewis is possibly the most powerful man in the U.S., influencing election procedures and voting systems, yet he is vague about his credentials and no one seems to be quite sure who hired him or how he came to oversee such vast electoral functions. Lewis organized the National Association of Secretaries of State (NASS, now heavily funded by voting machine vendors); he also organized the National Association of State Election Directors (NASED) and, through them, Lewis told (author Bev) Harris he helps certify the certifiers."  "Wyle Laboratories is the most talked-about voting machine certifier, probably because it is the biggest, but in fact, Wyle quit certifying voting machine software in 1996. It does test hardware: Can you drop it off a truck? Does it stand up to rain? Software testing and certification is done by Shawn Southworth. When Ciber quit certifying in 1996, it was taken over by Nichols Research, and Southworth was in charge of testing. Nichols Research stopped doing the testing, and it was taken over by PSInet, where Southworth did the testing. PSInet went under, and testing functions were taken over by Metamore, where Southworth did the testing. Metamore dumped it, and it was taken over by Ciber, where Southworth does the testing. Here is a photo of Shawn Southworth:"

My advice to "losing" candidates:
1 Don't concede. American elections (due to mechanical and computerized voting machines) have no legal foundation because there is no effective manner to monitor the election for fraud, nor verify the results. See: Lynn's federal lawsuit against non-transparent voting systems (2004-2006)        
2 Request a new election using only paper ballots and hand counts at local polling precincts.
3 Audit the "official" results.  Establish an online voter audit that includes the voter's choice for president, plus their name, address, and email (optional) and compare those results to "official" vote tallies by polling places. It's not perfect, but it encourages people to go public with their votes and demand that their votes are counted accurately. Learn more about "open voting" below.
4 Sue the state government for holding an illegal election (if voting technology is used) (I tried and failed, but others may have better results).Lynn's federal lawsuit against non-transparent voting systems (2004-2006) ... nistration

Trump administration ends gray wolf's endangered species protections
Conservationists warn move comes too early for species occupying a tiny slice of its former habitat ... e-arrests/

US STASI to Allow Local, State Police to Wear Body Cameras During Task Force Arrests ... year-term/

FBI Agents Association Urges Trump, Biden to Allow Wray to Finish 10-year Term ... can-people

DOJ official confirms FBI 2019 criminal investigation into Hunter Biden, still active

October 29th 2020 ... es-1543488

Ex-Hunter Biden Associate Tony Bobulinski Says FBI Interviewed Him for Hours, Examined His Cellphones
BY ALEXANDRA HUTZLER ON 10/30/20 AT 9:58 AM EDT ... a7bdde4ccb

Oct 30, 2020,07:26am EDT
Billy Walters Files Lawsuit Against FBI Leaker And US Attorney Team Who Covered It Up ... rm-2020-10

Business Insider
FBI hiring outside firm to help with spying tool reform ... ees-death/

Details remain murky a year after FBI employee’s death ... eir-votes/

FBI says it’s working to protect Oregon voters — and their votes ... story.html

Coronavirus infection rate in U.S. is now faster than 1 case per second, as cases surge in 47 states

OCT 30, 2020 AT 11:45 AM ... story.html

'A common thief’: Ex-NYPD veteran-turned-lawyer confesses in $1 million scam of cancer-stricken Ground Zero cop

OCT 29, 2020 AT 4:49 PM
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Re: Trump thanks FBI Director Wray for help in 2020 re-elec

Postby fruhmenschen » Wed Nov 11, 2020 10:29 am ... 447a5e8d27
Susan Bro’s daughter Heather Heyer was killed while protesting against a far-right rally in Charlotesville, Virginia. Bro now works as an advocate for positive social change through the Heather Heyer Foundation and hate crime legislation. She writes for us this morning: 

The concept of democracy is based on the promise of freedom, rights and justice for all. We know that is absolutely not the case for everyone in the United     States. Many are denied justice, generational wealth, quality education, medical care, housing and freedom. They are not afforded these due to skin color, place of birth, gender, gender identity, physical or mental condition. Simply returning to normal means abandoning them. And that is not acceptable.
Most of my life, I’ve been surrounded by the Appalachian Mountains. They are a fixed part of my horizon. They represent strength and stability, born of the Earth’s crust, pushed and shaped by circumstances beyond their control. They stand the test of time, largely immutable. I envision my convictions as mountains. Here are my places of strength from which I reach out to others.
My mountains are antiracism, affordable healthcare and justice for all. My beliefs are based on the notion that when any of us is marginalized, we all are. These concepts bolster what I do, what I study, how I spend my money and how I cast my votes. It is essential to me to entice others to those mountains if I want to see those changes. ... 15692.html

Senator Whitehouse Slams FBI for Lack of Transparency around ‘Tanked’ Kavanaugh Sex Assault Probe
Zachary Evans
,National Review•November 10, 2020 ... senal.html

9 FBI buildings under construction to house thousands of workers at Alabama’s Redstone Arsenal
Updated Nov 10, 1:59 PM; Posted Nov 09, 2:34 PM

New York City to try new, NYPD-free approach to mental health crises: de Blasio ... story.html ... est-cancun

Mexico police open fire on femicide protest in Cancún ... story.html

Postal worker admits fabricating Trump-pushed claims of voter fraud in Pennsylvania: House committee

NOV 10, 2020 AT ... story.html

Cop charged in Breonna Taylor case sued for alleged 2018 sex assault of woman he met at bar

NOV 10, 2020 AT 8:02 PM ... story.html

Brazil suspends coronavirus vaccine trial after participant’s ‘serious adverse event’

NOV 10, 2020 AT 5:45 PM ... story.html

McCabe Says FBI Had Sufficient Reasons to Believe Trump Was a ‘Danger to National Security’
(FBI had no interest in using Russian Dossier to blackmail President Trump.) ... fast-food/

Woman Repeatedly Impersonates FBI Agent to Score Free Chick-Fil-A Meals ... tirements/

NYC’s cop-hating leaders are the clear cause of soaring NYPD retirements
By Post Editorial Board
November 10, 2020 | 7:24pm ... 716693.php

Stratford cop who called BLM terrorist organization gets 3 days unpaid suspension

Nov. 10, 2020
Updated: Nov. 10, 2020 2:53 p.m. ... e-cocaine/

Cop facing fed charges of conspiring to import, distribute cocaine ... d/acbf919/

Ex-Joliet cop suffers stroke, criminal case continued
Prosecutors made offer to former officer charged with theft, official misconduct ... 233419002/

Police review board director releases videos of arrest that led to charge against Providence cop ... in-orange/

LAPD officer arrested a year after driving off in pickup truck from dealership in Orange: Police ... d-contract

Audit of the Federal Bureau of Prisons’ Perimeter Security Strategy and Efforts Related to the Contract Awarded to DeTekion Security Systems, Incorporated, to Update the Lethal/Non-Lethal Fence at Nine United States Penitentiaries

Audit Results
In April 2006, the BOP began installing lethal/non-lethal fences at USPs as part of its perimeter security posture. The purpose of this type of fence is to deliver an initial warning shock to a potential escapee, and upon a second touch of the lethal/non-lethal fence, deliver a lethal dose of electricity to the inmate.
In May 2017, an inmate escaped from USP Atwater by defeating multiple layers of perimeter security, including a lethal/non-lethal fence installed by DeTekion. According to the BOP, many factors contributed to the USP Atwater escape, including deficiencies with the lethal/non-lethal fence. As a result, in September 2017, the BOP awarded contract DJBP0700NASS3B20001 to DeTekion for $3.2 million to upgrade the lethal/non-lethal fence at nine ... 20-103.pdf

Findings of Misconduct by an Assistant United States Attorney for Providing Assistance to the Target of a
Federal Investigation and Related Misconduct ... 20-111.pdf

Executive Summary
Audit of the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Contract Awarded to TUVA, LLC for Subject Matter Expert Services

TUVA Invoiced and the FBI Paid Unallowable Expenses – We found that TUVA’s invoices do not include enough detail to verify the accuracy of the labor hours billed. As a result, the FBI COR or Task Lead certifying the invoice for payment is unaware of the actual hours each SME worked each month. We also found that TUVA does not submit supporting documentation to the FBI, such as SME timesheets, to support the actual hours being worked. Finally, we questioned $9,376 in unallowable business-class airfare expenses that the FBI approved and paid without written justification from TUVA ... -112_1.pdf

Notification of Concerns Identified in the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Contract Administration of a Certain Classified National Security Program ... 20-110.pdf

Report to Congress on Implementation of Section 1001 of the USA PATRIOT Act ... nt-pardon/

Trump can still make it very hard for the FBI to investigate him next year
From a self-pardon to ordering Justice Department memos, the president has the power to protect himself ... 07d1fa4009

POLITICS 11/11/2020 12:33 am ET

Trump’s Like ‘Barricaded Subject’ In Hostage Situation: Ex-FBI Assistant Director
“It may be that U.S. marshals have to come take the president out,” Frank Figliuzzi says. ... -in-maine/

Tuesday’s warmth set several temperature records for November in Maine
November 11,2020
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Re: Trump thanks FBI Director Wray for help in 2020 re-elec

Postby fruhmenschen » Thu Jan 14, 2021 10:43 am ... 1610466822

Justice Department and FBI Leaders Noticeably Absent Since Riot
Lower-ranking officials are briefing lawmakers Tuesday about the events ... -insurrect

Why Didn't The FBI And DHS Produce A Threat Report Ahead of The Capitol Insurrection?

January 13, 20217:16 PM ET ... ssination/

Was the FBI behind Martin Luther King Assassination the FBI responsible for Martin Luther King's assassination?Sam Pollard's new documentary takes a smart, un-conspiratorial look at the
dark rumours surrounding MLK's life and death. ... efore-game

Kentucky backs players' right to kneel after local cops burn gear in protest

Jason Owens ... black-man/

Police station SET ON FIRE in Brussels as protest over death of black man following his arrest turns into riot (VIDEOS)
14 Jan, 2021 07:19

Wednesday, January 13
The Capitol Riot Was Bad Enough. New Domestic Terrorism Legislation Would Make It Even Worse
Chip Gibbons, Jacobin
Capitol Hill Insurrection Fallout: More Bad "No Fly" List Proposals
Patrick G. Eddington, Cato Institute
In Wake of Capitol Riot, GOP Legislatures “Rebrand” Old Anti-BLM Protest Laws
Alleen Brown & Akela Lacy, The Intercept
Hidden in Bill Passed Over Trump’s Veto: Limits on Police Militarization
Eli Hager & David Eads, The Marshall Project
Lawyer for Lisa Montgomery Condemns 'Craven Bloodlust' of Trump Administration as DOJ Executes Mentally Ill Woman
Jake Johnson, Common Dreams
Tuesday, January 12
Ken Klippenstein Knows Where the Bodies Are Buried
Luke Savage, Jacobin
Is Big Tech Too Powerful? Chris Hedges & Ramesh Srinivasan Debate Twitter & Facebook Banning Trump
Janny Scott, Democracy Now!
Responding to the Capitol Attack: Accountability Without Overreaction
Emily Berman, Just Security
Trump’s Execution Spree Is Not About Him. It’s About Us.
Liliana Segura, The Intercept
Trump privately blamed ‘Antifa people’ for storming US Capitol
Al Jazeera ... rally-riot

Several Capitol Police officers suspended, more than a dozen under investigation over actions related to rally, riot ... n-augusta/

LOCAL & STATE Posted Yesterday at 10:21 PM Updated at 12:44 AM

Maine law enforcement stepping up security around State House
There will be increased security at the State House in the days leading up to President-elect Joe Biden's inauguration as police around the nation prepare for a possible second wave of violence by President Trump's supporters. ... ng-parler/

On Telegram, White Nationalists Are Trying to Radicalize Those Fleeing Parler
“Join their normie chats and show them love and unity.” ... ire-world/

Arizona Now Has the Highest COVID Infection Rate in the Entire World
Meanwhile, Gov. Doug Ducey continues to do nothing. ... ment-says/

Giuliani Allies Were Part of “Russia-Linked Foreign Influence Network,” US Government Says
It’s a rough Monday for Trump’s personal lawyer. ... reenwriter

One of QAnon’s Biggest Influencers Is a Failed Hollywood Screenwriter

QAnon followers know him as "Neon Revolt." In real life, he's a failed screenwriter from New Jersey named Robert Cornero, Jr. ... 7-2021.pdf

Ivermectin ... mp-speech/

Troy, N.H., officials get death threats; town hall closed after police chief attends Trump speech

By John R. Ellement Globe Staff,Updated January 12, 2021, 3:38 p.m ... ping-down/

Methuen Police Chief Solomon, subject of scathing report over salary and contracts, stepping downThe state Civil Service Commission is investigating hiring and promotions in the Methuen Police Department under Solomon, the Globe has reported. ... inal-days/

James Comey Thinks FBI’s Christopher Wray is Trying to Avoid Agitating Trump in Final Days
By Allan Lengel

As the attention of the country focuses on the white supremacist violence that terrorized the U.S. Capitol, we must acknowledge that white supremacy and U.S. policy inflict terror on communities across the globe every single day. The work to dismantle white supremacy and U.S. empire is urgent and ongoing. 
Today we share with you an action opportunity to address one small piece of the how the U.S. exports violence, in this case an opportunity from the Stop U.S. Arms to Mexico campaign to reduce the U.S. guns that are trafficked and exported to Mexico. Between 2014 and 2019, the Department of Justice verified that 70,128 firearms produced or sold in the United States were recovered at crime scenes in Mexico. U.S. guns are used to commit horrific crimes, including the forced disappearance of the 43 Ayotzinapa students. Furthermore, between 2018 and 2019, the Jalisco New Generation Cartel literally purchased parts for grenade launchers, rifles, and other military equipment on eBay for shipment to Mexico from the United States.
Representatives Raúl Grijalva (AZ) and Alan Lowenthal (CA) are circulating a letter addressed to Joe Biden about gun exports and gun trafficking to Mexico, urging the incoming administration to “work with Congress and take strong executive action to curtail the legal and illegal export of weapons to Mexico”.
As the letter explains, “U.S. weapons in the hands of Mexican security forces have also been linked to serious human rights violations. There is extensive evidence that U.S.-produced firearms have been exported to security force units involved in some of Mexico’s worst human rights violations, including the massacre of the 43 Ayotzinapa students in September 2014 who were ‘forcibly disappeared’ by local police armed with AR6530 rifles, legally supplied through licensed shipments from Colt.” You can read the full letter here.
There is an opportunity to change U.S. policy on this issue, which is why we are sharing this action alert right now. Please contact your Representative in one or both of the ways below (particularly if you think your Representative might be open to supporting this) and ask them to sign onto the Grijalva-Lowenthal letter to build momentum for the incoming administration to address trafficking and exports of U.S. guns to Mexico:
1. Call the Capitol Switchboard at 202-224-3121 and ask for your Representative's office (to find out who your Representative is, click here). Here is sample of what to say:
“I am calling to ask Representative _____ to join Representatives Grijalva and Lowenthal in urging President-Elect Biden to work with Congress to take strong executive action to curtail the legal and illegal export of weapons to Mexico. Data clearly shows that arms legally and illegally exported to Mexico have been directly involved in human rights violations, cartel violence, and the death of innocent civilians. Please contact Marilyn Zepeda in Rep. Grijalva’s office to add your name to the letter they are sending to Joe Biden. The deadline to sign on is January 15th.” ... 867917.php

Houston police officer face federal charges after entering Capitol during riot ... l-arrested

Two Off-Duty Cops Were Arrested After Taking A Selfie During The Attack On The US Capitol ... tice-says/


NYPD cop ridiculed by supervisor after police dog hit by car, notice says ... arges.html

After dispute, Elizabeth cop re-indicted on insurance fraud charges
Updated Jan 13, 2021; Posted Jan 13, 2021
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Re: Trump thanks FBI Director Wray for help in 2020 re-elec

Postby fruhmenschen » Sun Jul 03, 2022 5:27 pm ... r-1337565/

FBI Documents Expose Bureau‘s Big Jan. 6 ‘Lie‘
The bureau says it lacked the authority to monitor social media activity ahead of the pro-Trump insurrection, but it did exactly that during 2020 racial justice and police violence protests
By ANDY KROLL ... s-1375145/

FBI Eyed White Nationalist ‘Patriot Front’ for a Year, Documents Show
The recent arrest of 31 fascists seemed to come out of nowhere. Newly-released documents show agents from the Bureau on the lookout for a long time

We exposed Donald Trump’s violations of the Domestic Emoluments Clause of the U.S. Constitution.
We exposed Trump White House visitor logs.
We exposed a death threat against a NYC housing commissioner who opposed granting Donald Trump a multi-million dollar tax abatement on Trump tower.
We exposed The FBI’s earliest known use of classified remote installation anti-encryption malware, as well as the DOJ’s unlawful withholding of this information from Congress.
We exposed the FBI’s anti-communist crusade against Nelson Mandela and the anti-apartheid movement.
We exposed the inner workings of the CIA’s spying on the Senate’s investigation of CIA torture.
We exposed FBI policies to conceal information about electronic surveillance from prosecutors and defendants alike.
We exposed FBI efforts to secure federal terrorism charges against animal rights activists who expose horrific conditions on factory farms.
We exposed unlawful collusion between the USDA’s American Egg Board and major agricultural lobby.
We exposed the mechanics and architecture of the FBI, CIA, DOJ, and other agencies’ routine and flagrant noncompliance with the Freedom of Information Act. ... t-reveals/

Maine State Police withheld trooper discipline records, lawsuit reveals ... fbi-rented

FBI rented Istanbul villa where 'Islamic State Beatle' Aine Davis was caught
Undercover operative involved in 2015 sting operation was later jailed after revealing details of entrapment plot in which FBI set up heroin shipment from Pakistan to US ... 37736.html

Yahoo News
Family of Vancouver cop who died by suicide after alleged blackmail by her superiors sues cityThe family of former Vancouver cop Nicole Chan, the officer who died by suicide after being blackmailed into an inappropriate intimate... ... -the-world

‘It felt like history itself’ – 48 protest photographs that changed the world ... re-florida

Person with flamethrower sets fire to Pan-African flag at activist headquarters
Flag was outside Florida home of the Uhuru movement, a Black international socialist group ... 280130.php

Houston Chronicle
Newly minted special agent in charge of FBI takes aim at domestic terrorism in southeast TexasFor James Smith — the newly appointed FBI special agent in charge of Houston's field office, complexities found in a large metropolitan area like Houston... ... 281773.php

HPD officers called to police chief's home

Deputy under investigation after altercation with cyclists ... ies-fraud/

JPay Founder Ryan Shapiro Indicted for Securities ... estigation

Exclusive: CIA Sued For Info Over Spying on Senate Torture Investigation
Prolific FOIA requesters Jason Leopold and Ryan Shapiro sue the CIA for information over unconstitutional spying.
NATASHA LENNARD ... e_id=24514


The New York Times Company v. Federal Bureau of Investigation and
9 other new FOIA lawsuits, plus case descriptions

by Harry Hammitt ... _lawsuits/

How the CIA helped apartheid South Africa imprison Nelson Mandela for 27 years — and is now facing lawsuits
A CIA agent admitted the U.S. repressed Mandela and the anti-apartheid movement. The ANC says this continues today
By BEN NORTON ... 4-28-2022/

NSArchive and CREW Ask DOJ to Investigate Trump’s Missing Call Logs, BuzzFeed News Dismantles Stellar Investigative Team, and More: FRINFORMSUM 4/28/2022 ... ed-boston/

Marchers carrying flags for white supremacist group move through downtown Boston
By Laura Crimaldi and Nick Stoico Globe Staff and Globe Correspondent,Updated July 2, 2022, 4:11 p.m. ... -is-limbo/

One year after the armed standoff, Rhode Island’s Rise of the Moors is in limbo
The standoff with Massachusetts police shut down parts of I-95 in Wakefield and left local residents shaken. What has the so-called sovereign citizen group done since? ... story.html

NYPD accused of wrongly forcing cop to quit based on sealed arrest — officers ‘protected just like anybody else,’ says lawyer
By Rocco Parascandola
Police Bureau Chief
Jul 02, 2022 at 6:12 pm ... 23273.html

Deccan Herald
Karnataka cop allegedly rapes step-daughters, wife seeks CBI probeKarnataka cop allegedly rapes step-daughters, wife seeks CBI probe. The wife in her complaint stated that she separated from her first husband... ... ord-radio/
Philadelphia cop allegedly used N-word on radio; police are investigating
A police scanner clip in which a lieutenant can be heard saying ”F*** [N-word]” was condemned by the police union and city officials.

TheGrio Staff
  Jul 2, 2022 ... ticket-tax

Boston cop gets reduced probation sentence for scratchie tax fraud in exchange for cooperating with investigation into larger lottery scheme

By adamg on Fri, 07/01/2022 - 10:42am ... le-3121360
Indian-Origin Cop In UK Dismissed Over Racist Remarks On Meghan MarkleAn Indian-origin officer is among two dismissed from Scotland Yard without notice for their highly offensive and discriminatory behaviour...
Posts: 5922
Joined: Thu Aug 12, 2010 7:46 pm
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Re: Trump thanks FBI Director Wray for help in 2020 re-elec

Postby fruhmenschen » Sat Mar 04, 2023 2:08 pm

0. ... on/673251/
The FBI Desperately Wants to Let Trump Off the Hook
He just won’t allow it.
By Adam Serwer
MARCH 1, 2023 ... judge.html
Disputed Portland police body camera policy draws questions from federal judge
Feb. 28, 2023 ... ncies-act/
Commission Reveals that Trudeau Government Lied About Nature of Truckers Protests in Ottawa Last February to Justify Invocation of Emergencies Act
By Ray McGinnis - February 28, 2023 ... per-month/
Oregon bill would give homeless $1,000 a month to spend with no restrictions
By Katherine Donlevy
February 28, 2023 ... e-hearing/
RFK assassin Sirhan Sirhan returns to 16th parole hearing
March 1, 2023 ... e-industry
They’re lobbying for Ukraine pro bono – and making millions from arms firms
Some of Washington’s most powerful lobbyists are providing their services to Ukraine for free, but they also have financial incentives for aiding the country ... vid-theory
FBI director endorses theory Covid-19 virus may have leaked from Chinese lab
Comments fuel divide within US intelligence community on origins, as Chinese state media warns Elon Musk on pushing Wuhan lab theory ... thrax.html
Scientists’ Analysis Disputes F.B.I. Closing of Anthrax Case
By William J. Broad and Scott Shane
Anthrax attacks: FBI cover-up and New York Times whitewash
Patrick Martin
15 May 2002
A new genetic analysis of the anthrax used in last fall’s terrorist attacks has pinpointed the source as the US government’s own germ warfare program. This finding explodes the pretense, long maintained by the Bush administration and parroted by the media, that little is known in the investigation into the attacks, which killed five people and disrupted the lives of millions.
As few as 20 scientists may have had the combination of technical knowled
The Anthrax Cover-up
Sheldon Rampton
Bruce Edwards Ivins, a top anthrax researcher at the U.S. Government's biological weapons research laboratories, died of an apparent suicide last Tuesday, just as the Justice Department was about to charge him with responsibility for the September 2001 anthrax attacks that killed five people in the United States. Glenn Greenwald has written an important piece for in which he demonstrates, with copious ... estigation
The FBI's Strange Anthrax Investigation Sheds Light on COVID Lab-Leak Theory and Fauci's Emails
Mainstream institutions doubted the FBI had solved the 2001 anthrax case. Either way, revelations that emerged about U.S. Government bio-labs have newfound relevance.
Glenn Greenwald
Jun 3, 2021 ... d-up-kids/
Cop pleads guilty to killing wife in front of tied-up kids
Appearing in Lod District Court, Amir Raz retracts earlier claim that he tied his children up as part of a game and not to prevent them from intervening in murder of their mother
By ASH OBEL ... o-bite-him
Trump Stiffed Local Cops. Now It’s Coming Back to Bite Him.
Months or even years later, the Trump campaign still hasn't paid some local departments for the overtime pay they earned after working his rallies.
Jake Lahut
Published Mar. 01, 2023
Atlanta mayor forms 'Cop City' task force
Kristal Dixon ... lago-raid/
Showdown before the raid: FBI agents and prosecutors argued over Trump
An exclusive look at behind-the-scenes deliberations as both sides wrestled with a national security case that has potentially far-reaching political consequences
By Carol D. Leonnig, Devlin Barrett, Perry Stein and  Aaron C. Davis 
March 1, 2023

DDATTers, once again here is Ed Hummel's condensation of February's meteorology as recorded in his Garland Maine hillside home's weather station:

Garland Climatology for February, 2023 (1991-2020 averages in parentheses):  
average max:  31.6F (30.7F)  
average min:  6.4F (6.8F)  
extreme max:  54F
extreme min:  -30F  
total precipitation:   1.65 in. (3.55 in.)  
total snowfall:   16.1 in. (18.0 in.) 
Despite having the coldest Arctic blast that we’d seen for many years in the early part of the month and then another unseasonably cold period later in the month, February actually turned into a slightly warmer than usual month because of a return to a much warmer pattern during the rest of the month.  The early cold snap was due to a relatively rare straight shot of Arctic air that came straight across frozen Hudson’s Bay from the Canadian Arctic where the cold air had been building for weeks.  But after that went by, we reverted back to the general flow of unseasonably milder air from the southern plains that then crossed the Midwest and Great Lakes before it reached New England in a similar patter to what we saw for most of December and January.  The late month cold snap wasn’t as extreme as the earlier one, but that was because there just wasn’t as much cold air left in Canada any more the way it was earlier in the winter.  The generally dry flow also kept our total precipitation about 2 inches less than usual for a typical February, though it was cold enough for most of the precipitation that did fall to be snow, unlike earlier in the winter when most of the precipitation fell as rain over our region and caused the layer of “concrete” that has made it relatively easy to walk in the woods and fields despite the lingering snow pack.  The total heating degrees were 1288 compared to an average month of 1295 showing the slightly warmer than usual temperatures.  It also compared with 1268 heating degrees last year which ended up being a little warmer still. ... dium=email
My next Med Board hearing day is Thursday, March 2 and 'The Attack on Food and Agriculture and How to Respond' symposium is Sat. March 4
Both will stream on CHD-TV, and the hearing will also stream on Epoch Times TV.
Meryl Nass MD
World Council for Health and CHD-EU are also expected to stream the symposium.
The Medical Board of Licensure, Maine (BOLIM) hearing begins at 9 am ET. The symposium is expected to last from 12 noon to about 5-6 pm ET on Saturday
* Maine pulled Dr Nass’s Medical license because of her views about Covid 19 ... 8611ff44e8
Justice Journal Newsletter - February 2023, Issue 36
The monthly newsletter of the
Philadelphia District Attorney's Office ... viv-rally/
Cop seen kneeling on protester’s neck during clashes at Tel Aviv rally ... ile-crime/
MARCH 1, 2023
Florida City Creates Youth Curfew to Deter Juvenile Crime
BY TCR STAFF ... f482c.html

FBI: 77-month wait for thousands of pages of emails from FBI director on Trump
By Tom Gantert | The Center Square ... -election/
Chicago’s top cop David Brown quits one day after Mayor Lori Lightfoot lost re-election bid
By Jorge Fitz-Gibbon
March 1, 2023 ... -nyc-cops/
NYPD lowers fitness standard by scrapping timed, 1.5-mile run for new recruits — sparking brass squabbles
By Tina Moore, Bernadette Hogan and Steve Janoski
March 1, 2023 ... h-witness/
NYPD cop Michael Valva mocked his autistic son who froze to death: witness
By Jorge Fitz-Gibbon
March 1, 2023 ... the-bronx/
NYC to pay up to $6M — or $21K each — to protesters ‘kettled’ or beaten by cops during 2020 demonstration
By Ben Feuerherd and Tina Moore
March 1, 2023
Posts: 5922
Joined: Thu Aug 12, 2010 7:46 pm
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Re: Trump thanks FBI Director Wray for help in 2020 re-elec

Postby fruhmenschen » Tue Oct 03, 2023 10:10 am
September 29, 2023
Budget Director warns Republicans cuts would lead to elimination of thousands of FBI, ATF agents
OMB director Shalanda Young warned GOP budget cuts would "eliminate" 12,000 FBI agents and "almost 1,000 ATF agents." ... ZWRAX6X7U/
Rock Hill officer fired, accused of distributing child sex abuse material
By Almiya White, and News Staff
September 29, 2023 ... -pardoned/
Russian murderer who put lover’s body through meat grinder pardoned for fighting in Ukraine
By Snejana Farberov
Published Sep. 28, 2023 ... eclaration
The People's Declaration
RIGHT NOW would be a very good time to stand up and publicly declare your opposition to the international plan to share the "benefits" derived from "pathogens with pandemic potential."
SEP 4, 2023 ... veals.html
Portland police approached wrong car after robbery call, then fatally shot unarmed man running away, testimony reveals
Sep. 29, 2023 ... index.html
4 Baton Rouge police officers face misconduct charges amid investigations into street crimes unit
By Melissa Alonso and Pamela Kirkland, CNN
Fri September 29, 2023 ... hampshire/
Powerlifting champion police sergeant who was filmed brutally detaining a woman with PTSD is dismissed from the force
Watch: Police officer sacked for using ‘extreme’ force against detainees
Officer used 'unreasonable and disproportionate' force on detainees, one of whom had PTSD from an abusive relationship
Telegraph Reporters
29 September 2023 ... ter-raids/
Marion police chief suspended more than month after raids
By KWCH Staff
Published: Sep. 29, 2023
WICHITA, Kan. (KWCH) - Six weeks after raids on the community’s newspaper, the newspaper owner’s home and the home of the town’s vice mayor, Marion’s police chief is suspended. ... st-lawsuit
Sept. 29, 2023
Supreme Court Takes FBI’s Fight Against No Fly List Lawsuit
Lydia Wheeler
Senior Reporter ... ction.html
Alexander Charns Freedom of Information Act Collection
This collection contains thousands of FBI documents procured by North Carolina lawyer Alexander Charns through the Freedom of Information Act over eight years.  His research reveals the extent of FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover’s secret activity to influence Supreme Court decisions and to discredit non-compliant Supreme Court Justices through wiretaps and disinformation.  In the process Charns filed hundreds of Freedom of Information requests and brought lawsuits against the FBI.  Charns was given special permission to research Justice Abe Fortas’ papers which showed Fortas had been an informer to the FBI and the White House during his tenure which ended in disgrace after an ethics scandal.  Charns' pioneering work was the first to expose this FBI constitutional violation of the separation of powers.
The collection has three linear feet of documents provided by the FBI and from Charns' own correspondence and legal actions to obtain them.  It includes files on Warren Burger, Thurgood Marshall, Lewis Powell, Harry Blackman, Byron White, William Rehnquist and Carolyn Agger, the widow of Justice Fortas.  The documents in this collection were obtained by Mr. Charns after the publication of  Cloak and Gavel : FBI wiretaps, bugs, informers and the Supreme Court (University of Illinois Press) in 1992. The collection provides opportunities to expand upon the findings of Mr. Charns’ book.  
About the Collection
Included in the Alexander Charns Cloak and Gavel Collection are FBI records gathered for the research of Cloak and Gavel as well as other works by Alexander Charns. These include an essay called "Playing the Information Game: How it Took Thirteen Years and Two Lawsuits to Get J. Edgar Hoover's Secrete Supreme Court Sex Files", co-written with Paul M. Green. The essay can be found in A Culture of Secrecy: The Government vs. the People's Right to Know edited by Athan Tehoharis. The included records were also used in an Op-Ed by the author in the Washington Post titled "My Hero Still [Thurgood Marshall] (Dec. 16, 1996). Various other newspaper articles concerning the new information regarding supreme court justices contained within these records were published as they were released. 
Special thanks to Professor Tuan Samahon for his role in bringing these unique and important materials to the Villanova Law Library

Copaganda ... -sentence/
South Louisiana Man Sexually Exploits Child, FBI Investigation Leads to Lengthy 30 year Sentence
Brandon Comeaux
Published: September 28, 2023
United States District Judge Robert R. Summerhays sentenced Lott to 360 months (30 years) in prison ... 742850.php
FBI internal affairs chief John Conditt pleads guilty to child molestation of 6 year old.
Gets 12 year sentence.
JOHN SOLOMON ... index.html
FBI agent Donald Sachtleben charged with child porn distribution
Bill Mears, CNN
FBI bomb expert from Carmel gets 11 years in prison for porn offense, security leaks ... to_re.html
FBI agent doesn't have to register as sex offender for peeping Tom incidents in Hershey, elsewhere, court says
Jul. 11, 2014 ... 515995200/
FBI Agent John Kenoyer jailed for Sexually Assaulting Girl, 12
AUGUSTA, Me. —  A judge sentenced a FBI agent to nine months in prison and two more years of house arrest for sexually assaulting a 12-year-old neighbor girl ... -and-more/
Law Enforcement in the Saw Franchise Explained: Police, FBI, and More
Trying to stop Jigsaw and his legacy of killers is a deadly endeavor. This article puts together a list of every major member of law enforcement throughout the Saw franchise, and explains what happened when they crossed paths with Jigsaw.
Chris Catt
updated on 09/29/2 ... l-academy/
Half of US broadcast network dramas are about cops
Not only are there dozens of cop shows across US networks, but several of them are among the most-watched series each year. Cop shows accounted for four of the top 10 and 17 of the top 50 most popular TV series last year, according to Nielsen. NCIS, which has aired on CBS since 2003, averaged 15.3 million viewers each episode—more than ESPN’s weekly National Football League games. ... ce-system/

A Comprehensive Study of How Television’s Most Popular Genre Excludes Writers of Color, Miseducates People about the Criminal Justice System and Makes Racial Injustice Acceptable
JANUARY 2020 ... 234612885/
100 Most-Watched TV Shows of 2019-20: Winners and Losers
By Michael Schneider ... forgotten/
FBI dedicates investigative resources to Indigenous women and children in ‘Operation Not Forgotten’
Sep 29, 2023 ... ng-program
Indian Country Onboarding Program
Specialized training prepares agents to operate in Native American communities ... hefeds.htm
In the past few years, the memory of Anna Mae Aquash has been minimalized to that of a helpless woman who was murdered because she was in the wrong place at the wrong time.
In reality, her murder is a part of a bigger picture, a ruthless campaign waged by the US who had uranium development and profits to gain. This resulted in the murder of at least 76 Indians in the districts of Pine Ridge, in the early 1970’s.
Anna Mae is remembered by her comrades for her kindness, her sweetness, and her fearlessness. Despite her small size, she was physically capable of taking on any man in a fight. She was also knew her guns, was an expert at handling them. Like all the AIM’sters who were active in Pine Ridge, she knew the consequences of taking a stand, and she continued to do so, refusing to bow down and be a good little Indian. She made no compromises, and lived her life fully experiencing what few of us are brave enough to attain. True freedom.
The Reign of Terror-South Dakota
- The FBI vendetta against AI
South Dakota in the Early 70s
AIM firrst came to South Dakota when a call was made for outside help get serious convictions against white men responsible for a racially motivated murder that took place in a Nebraska border town. A Lakota man had been publicly humiliated and later murdered by 2 white brothers. Disinterested law officials didn’t have the time of day to bother to investigate the death of an Indian. Angry Lakotas and AIM members caravanned to the Nebraska border, only miles away from Pine Ridge, and confronted the law officials. The sight of hundreds of angry Indians, shocked law officials and they immediately caved in to their demands. A year later, a young man was murdered by a rich white businessman, who had told people that he was "gonna go kill himself an Indian." A riot occurred at the Custer courthouse because police beat the mother of the victim. The riot lasted over an hour, and 2 cop cars were overturned, and the vacant building beside the courthouse was torched. Through Dickie Wilson, the corrupt Tribal President of Pine Ridge, the FBI established a paramilitary group made up of local boys who called themselves the Guardians of Oglala Nation (goons). The FBI trained and supplied the goons with bullets, guns and intelligence on AIM. Indians began to arm themselves for protection against the onslaught of assaults, torched houses, and hit and runs, and drive-by shootings. Only years later, did it become clear to Indians why the FBI reacted so brutally to the bold assertions Lakotas were making in the districts of Pine Ridge. Unknown at that time, the US had an eye on developing uranium mining on a portion of the sacred Black Hills, and area known as Sheep Mountain. This area has proven to be one of the richest in uranium deposits in the US. The FBI implemented their counterintellegence operation in Pine Ridge, in order to weaken and destroy the urban Indian movement, and to subjugate the traditional Lakotas for once and for all. The FBI Counterintellegence Program (COINTELPRO), targets political groups that are viewed as a threat to national security. Often these groups are fighting oppression, systemic racism, and are attempting to make things better for their people. This program discredits organizations, and its’ members through media smears. Infiltrators staged many scandals that put AIM in a bad light to weaken their popularity and wide-support. COINTELPRO has lethal consequences, as any means necessary can be used to thwart the enemy. This is why so many AIM members have been criminalized, imprisoned, or outright murdered as this FBI program includes the criminalizing or even outright murdering individuals. Also the once powerful and beautiful movement became riddled with FBI informers, and infiltrators. As the violence escalated, the paranoia and suspicion grew. The FBI put trustworthy AIM leaders in situations that made them look suspicious, which the FBI call snitch jacketing, or bad jacketing. Soon, it was hard for people to tell the difference between whom they could trust, and who was working with the feds. ... arcerated/
Inside the High-Security “Black Site” Where Leonard Peltier Is Incarcerated
The prison where the Indigenous activist is held has been in a near-constant state of lockdown for almost four years.
By Silja J.A. Talvi , TRUTHOUT
September 28, 2023 ... ys-office/
18 Youth Sunrise Movement Activists Arrested for Occupying McCarthy’s Office
“We are fed up and we won’t take it anymore,” one activist said.
By Zane McNeill , TRUTHOUT
September 29, 2023
Posts: 5922
Joined: Thu Aug 12, 2010 7:46 pm
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Re: Trump thanks FBI Director Wray for help in 2020 re-elec

Postby fruhmenschen » Tue Oct 03, 2023 10:16 am
September 29, 2023
Budget Director warns Republicans cuts would lead to elimination of thousands of FBI, ATF agents
OMB director Shalanda Young warned GOP budget cuts would "eliminate" 12,000 FBI agents and "almost 1,000 ATF agents." ... ZWRAX6X7U/
Rock Hill officer fired, accused of distributing child sex abuse material
By Almiya White, and News Staff
September 29, 2023 ... -pardoned/
Russian murderer who put lover’s body through meat grinder pardoned for fighting in Ukraine
By Snejana Farberov
Published Sep. 28, 2023 ... eclaration
The People's Declaration
RIGHT NOW would be a very good time to stand up and publicly declare your opposition to the international plan to share the "benefits" derived from "pathogens with pandemic potential."
SEP 4, 2023 ... veals.html
Portland police approached wrong car after robbery call, then fatally shot unarmed man running away, testimony reveals
Sep. 29, 2023 ... index.html
4 Baton Rouge police officers face misconduct charges amid investigations into street crimes unit
By Melissa Alonso and Pamela Kirkland, CNN
Fri September 29, 2023 ... hampshire/
Powerlifting champion police sergeant who was filmed brutally detaining a woman with PTSD is dismissed from the force
Watch: Police officer sacked for using ‘extreme’ force against detainees
Officer used 'unreasonable and disproportionate' force on detainees, one of whom had PTSD from an abusive relationship
Telegraph Reporters
29 September 2023 ... ter-raids/
Marion police chief suspended more than month after raids
By KWCH Staff
Published: Sep. 29, 2023
WICHITA, Kan. (KWCH) - Six weeks after raids on the community’s newspaper, the newspaper owner’s home and the home of the town’s vice mayor, Marion’s police chief is suspended. ... st-lawsuit
Sept. 29, 2023
Supreme Court Takes FBI’s Fight Against No Fly List Lawsuit
Lydia Wheeler
Senior Reporter ... ction.html
Alexander Charns Freedom of Information Act Collection
This collection contains thousands of FBI documents procured by North Carolina lawyer Alexander Charns through the Freedom of Information Act over eight years.  His research reveals the extent of FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover’s secret activity to influence Supreme Court decisions and to discredit non-compliant Supreme Court Justices through wiretaps and disinformation.  In the process Charns filed hundreds of Freedom of Information requests and brought lawsuits against the FBI.  Charns was given special permission to research Justice Abe Fortas’ papers which showed Fortas had been an informer to the FBI and the White House during his tenure which ended in disgrace after an ethics scandal.  Charns' pioneering work was the first to expose this FBI constitutional violation of the separation of powers.
The collection has three linear feet of documents provided by the FBI and from Charns' own correspondence and legal actions to obtain them.  It includes files on Warren Burger, Thurgood Marshall, Lewis Powell, Harry Blackman, Byron White, William Rehnquist and Carolyn Agger, the widow of Justice Fortas.  The documents in this collection were obtained by Mr. Charns after the publication of  Cloak and Gavel : FBI wiretaps, bugs, informers and the Supreme Court (University of Illinois Press) in 1992. The collection provides opportunities to expand upon the findings of Mr. Charns’ book.  
About the Collection
Included in the Alexander Charns Cloak and Gavel Collection are FBI records gathered for the research of Cloak and Gavel as well as other works by Alexander Charns. These include an essay called "Playing the Information Game: How it Took Thirteen Years and Two Lawsuits to Get J. Edgar Hoover's Secrete Supreme Court Sex Files", co-written with Paul M. Green. The essay can be found in A Culture of Secrecy: The Government vs. the People's Right to Know edited by Athan Tehoharis. The included records were also used in an Op-Ed by the author in the Washington Post titled "My Hero Still [Thurgood Marshall] (Dec. 16, 1996). Various other newspaper articles concerning the new information regarding supreme court justices contained within these records were published as they were released. 
Special thanks to Professor Tuan Samahon for his role in bringing these unique and important materials to the Villanova Law Library

Copaganda ... -sentence/
South Louisiana Man Sexually Exploits Child, FBI Investigation Leads to Lengthy 30 year Sentence
Brandon Comeaux
Published: September 28, 2023
United States District Judge Robert R. Summerhays sentenced Lott to 360 months (30 years) in prison ... 742850.php
FBI internal affairs chief John Conditt pleads guilty to child molestation of 6 year old.
Gets 12 year sentence.
JOHN SOLOMON ... index.html
FBI agent Donald Sachtleben charged with child porn distribution
Bill Mears, CNN
FBI bomb expert from Carmel gets 11 years in prison for porn offense, security leaks ... to_re.html
FBI agent doesn't have to register as sex offender for peeping Tom incidents in Hershey, elsewhere, court says
Jul. 11, 2014 ... 515995200/
FBI Agent John Kenoyer jailed for Sexually Assaulting Girl, 12
AUGUSTA, Me. —  A judge sentenced a FBI agent to nine months in prison and two more years of house arrest for sexually assaulting a 12-year-old neighbor girl ... -and-more/
Law Enforcement in the Saw Franchise Explained: Police, FBI, and More
Trying to stop Jigsaw and his legacy of killers is a deadly endeavor. This article puts together a list of every major member of law enforcement throughout the Saw franchise, and explains what happened when they crossed paths with Jigsaw.
Chris Catt
updated on 09/29/2 ... l-academy/
Half of US broadcast network dramas are about cops
Not only are there dozens of cop shows across US networks, but several of them are among the most-watched series each year. Cop shows accounted for four of the top 10 and 17 of the top 50 most popular TV series last year, according to Nielsen. NCIS, which has aired on CBS since 2003, averaged 15.3 million viewers each episode—more than ESPN’s weekly National Football League games. ... ce-system/

A Comprehensive Study of How Television’s Most Popular Genre Excludes Writers of Color, Miseducates People about the Criminal Justice System and Makes Racial Injustice Acceptable
JANUARY 2020 ... 234612885/
100 Most-Watched TV Shows of 2019-20: Winners and Losers
By Michael Schneider ... forgotten/
FBI dedicates investigative resources to Indigenous women and children in ‘Operation Not Forgotten’
Sep 29, 2023 ... ng-program
Indian Country Onboarding Program
Specialized training prepares agents to operate in Native American communities ... hefeds.htm
In the past few years, the memory of Anna Mae Aquash has been minimalized to that of a helpless woman who was murdered because she was in the wrong place at the wrong time.
In reality, her murder is a part of a bigger picture, a ruthless campaign waged by the US who had uranium development and profits to gain. This resulted in the murder of at least 76 Indians in the districts of Pine Ridge, in the early 1970’s.
Anna Mae is remembered by her comrades for her kindness, her sweetness, and her fearlessness. Despite her small size, she was physically capable of taking on any man in a fight. She was also knew her guns, was an expert at handling them. Like all the AIM’sters who were active in Pine Ridge, she knew the consequences of taking a stand, and she continued to do so, refusing to bow down and be a good little Indian. She made no compromises, and lived her life fully experiencing what few of us are brave enough to attain. True freedom.
The Reign of Terror-South Dakota
- The FBI vendetta against AI
South Dakota in the Early 70s
AIM firrst came to South Dakota when a call was made for outside help get serious convictions against white men responsible for a racially motivated murder that took place in a Nebraska border town. A Lakota man had been publicly humiliated and later murdered by 2 white brothers. Disinterested law officials didn’t have the time of day to bother to investigate the death of an Indian. Angry Lakotas and AIM members caravanned to the Nebraska border, only miles away from Pine Ridge, and confronted the law officials. The sight of hundreds of angry Indians, shocked law officials and they immediately caved in to their demands. A year later, a young man was murdered by a rich white businessman, who had told people that he was "gonna go kill himself an Indian." A riot occurred at the Custer courthouse because police beat the mother of the victim. The riot lasted over an hour, and 2 cop cars were overturned, and the vacant building beside the courthouse was torched. Through Dickie Wilson, the corrupt Tribal President of Pine Ridge, the FBI established a paramilitary group made up of local boys who called themselves the Guardians of Oglala Nation (goons). The FBI trained and supplied the goons with bullets, guns and intelligence on AIM. Indians began to arm themselves for protection against the onslaught of assaults, torched houses, and hit and runs, and drive-by shootings. Only years later, did it become clear to Indians why the FBI reacted so brutally to the bold assertions Lakotas were making in the districts of Pine Ridge. Unknown at that time, the US had an eye on developing uranium mining on a portion of the sacred Black Hills, and area known as Sheep Mountain. This area has proven to be one of the richest in uranium deposits in the US. The FBI implemented their counterintellegence operation in Pine Ridge, in order to weaken and destroy the urban Indian movement, and to subjugate the traditional Lakotas for once and for all. The FBI Counterintellegence Program (COINTELPRO), targets political groups that are viewed as a threat to national security. Often these groups are fighting oppression, systemic racism, and are attempting to make things better for their people. This program discredits organizations, and its’ members through media smears. Infiltrators staged many scandals that put AIM in a bad light to weaken their popularity and wide-support. COINTELPRO has lethal consequences, as any means necessary can be used to thwart the enemy. This is why so many AIM members have been criminalized, imprisoned, or outright murdered as this FBI program includes the criminalizing or even outright murdering individuals. Also the once powerful and beautiful movement became riddled with FBI informers, and infiltrators. As the violence escalated, the paranoia and suspicion grew. The FBI put trustworthy AIM leaders in situations that made them look suspicious, which the FBI call snitch jacketing, or bad jacketing. Soon, it was hard for people to tell the difference between whom they could trust, and who was working with the feds. ... arcerated/
Inside the High-Security “Black Site” Where Leonard Peltier Is Incarcerated
The prison where the Indigenous activist is held has been in a near-constant state of lockdown for almost four years.
By Silja J.A. Talvi , TRUTHOUT
September 28, 2023 ... ys-office/
18 Youth Sunrise Movement Activists Arrested for Occupying McCarthy’s Office
“We are fed up and we won’t take it anymore,” one activist said.
By Zane McNeill , TRUTHOUT
September 29, 2023
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Re: Trump thanks FBI Director Wray for help in 2020 re-elec

Postby fruhmenschen » Fri Apr 12, 2024 11:09 am ... llections/

FISA Court Finds The FBI Is Still Violating The Fourth Amendment With Its Abuse Of NSA Collections
from the no-surprises-here dept
Wed, Oct 9th 2019 09:24am - Tim Cushing
The NSA isn’t the only agency to abuse its surveillance powers. The FBI’s ability to access unminimized data harvested by the NSA has resulted in abuse after abuse, as the FBI loves to use the massive data haul to perform “backdoor searches” of its domestic targets.
This concern has been raised repeatedly, most notably by Sen. Ron Wyden, who has been calling out surveillance abuses for years — specifically calling out these backdoor searches and hinting (strongly) that they are much more prevalent than most people believed. Nothing much has been done about it, other than multiple federal agencies suggesting they too should be put on the ever-growing list of entities with access to the NSA’s multiple collections.
A FISA Court opinion released by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) details even more abuse of the NSA’s Section 702 collections by the FBI. When you ... dget-bill/
Senate Undercuts Section 702 Reform Efforts By Stapling Blanket Approval To A Must-Pass Budget Bill
from the no-debate-allowed dept
Mon, Nov 13th 2023 10:55am - Tim Cushing
The most serious opposition to extending Section 702 surveillance authorities since the immediate aftermath of the Snowden leaks came from a perhaps-unexpected source: House Republicans.
Of course, this isn’t an altruistic effort. This is purely politically motivated, driven by abuses of surveillance authorities by the FBI. The FBI has always done this. It just so happens that this time, Republicans and Trump acolytes got wrapped up in the FBI’s perpetual abuses of its FISA powers.
One would have hoped for a more unified opposition. But the periodic renewal ... -genocide/
The federal lawsuit accuses President Joe Biden, Secretary of State Antony Blinken, and Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin of complicity in genocide.
Prem Thakker
November 13 2023 ... l-offense/
New Israeli Law Makes Consuming ‘Terrorist’ Content A Criminal Offense
from the well-that's-a-mess dept
Mon, Nov 13th 2023 03:40pm - Timothy Geigner
It’s amazing just how much war and conflict can change a country. On October 7th, Hamas blitzed Israel with an attack that was plainly barbaric. Yes, this is a conflict that has been simmering with occasional flashpoints for decades. No, neither side can even begin to claim it has entirely clean hands as a result of those decades of conflict. We can get the equivocating out of the way. October 7th was different, the worst single day of murder of the Jewish community since the Holocaust. And even in the immediate aftermath, those outside of Israel and those within knew that the attack was going to result in both an immediate reaction from Israel and longstanding changes within its borders. And those of us from America, or those that witnessed how our country reacted to 9/11, knew precisely how much danger this period of change represented.
It’s already started. First, Israel loosened the reigns to allow once-blacklisted spyware companies to use their tools to help Israel find the hundreds of hostages Hamas claims ... nal-gangs/
Anyone Who Believes in the Hollywood Image of the CIA Should Come to Serbia—Where the Agency Has Long Aligned with One of the Country’s Most Notorious Criminal Gangs
By Olga Peterson - November 11, 2023 ... on-novels/
The Intelligence Community’s Latest Novelty, Spy Underwear, Puts Us Closer to the Totalitarian Dystopia Described in Science Fiction Novels
By Jeremy Kuzmarov - November 13, 2023 ... bama-cops/
Black man’s truck repossessed moments after he was gunned down by Alabama cops
By Jesse O’Neill
Published Nov. 12, 2023 ... ate-crisis
Deadliest year as heat fatalities rise by 50%
Hottest US city, buffeted by extreme temperatures, sees 579 heat-related in 2023, with large proportion among unhoused people
Nina Lakhani, climate justice reporter
Sat 11 Nov 2023 ... -mandates/
A COVID-19 vaccine reckoning is coming for the DOJ over federal mandates
By Miranda Devine
Published Nov. 12, 2023
The Justice Department has just posted a new jobs ad — it’s looking for eight new attorneys to defend the federal government in vaccine injury cases. 
Presumably, the hiring spree is in anticipation ... nst-hamas/
Gay Israeli soldier proudly displays LGBTQ flag on Gaza soil in war against Hamas
By David Propper
Published Nov. 13, 2023

Guidehouse Selected by the FBI to Support the Office of Chief Information Officer
Homeland Security Today
November 13, 2023 ... m-tonight/
Seberg/FBI play ‘The Doe Hunters’ to be performed at auditorium tonight
NOV 13, 2023
Column: How the FBI and the Los Angeles Times destroyed a young actress’ life 50 years ago
JUNE 7, 2020 3
Fifty years ago, a senior editor at the Los Angeles Times came into possession of a dangerous piece of gossip, leaked to the paper by the FBI. The Times printed it without fact-checking it, and the life of a famous young actress was destroyed.
The leak was malicious and the information was almost certainly wrong. It was intended by the FBI to damage the reputation of the actress, Jean Seberg, as punishment for what the bureau saw as her radical political beliefs. When Times gossip columnist Joyce Haber published the item in the spring of 1970, Seberg — the 31-year-old star of Jean-Luc Godard’s “Breathless” and Otto Preminger’s “St. Joan,” among other films — spiraled into a long-term depression that led directly to her suicide on a Paris
How Iconic Movie Star And Activist Jean Seberg Was Driven To Suicide By A Covert FBI Program
By Leah Silverman | Edited By John Kuroski
Updated November 9, 2023 ... 166-pg-76/
NOVEMBER 13, 2023
JW v FBI Catholic Vote records 01166 pg 76 ... s-in-media
Inside the FBI's decades-long effort to court allies in the media
J. Edgar Hoover's hidden wordsmiths
As the first director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, J. Edgar Hoover faced a public-relations problem. Amid the centralization of government under FDR’s New Deal, some Americans worried that a federal law enforcement agency would develop into a secret police force. To head off such fears, the FBI under Hoover began what became a decades-long effort to court allies in the press. One of the more unusual aspects of this campaign was the creation of a five-agent ghostwriting division that cultivated journalists with ostensibly personal letters from Hoover. The correspondence unit, housed in the FBI’s crime records division, churned out thousands of these missives during Hoover’s 48-year tenure at the helm of the FBI and its predecessor, the Bureau of Investigation, writes Matthew Cecil, a journalism and communications scholar at South Dakota State University. ... story.html
FBI History ... r-players/

‘A true wolf in sheep’s clothing’: Ex-softball coach gets 150 years for grooming and abusing former players
JERRY LAMBENov 11th, 2023 ... ights-plea
Chicago cop pleads guilty in kidnapping, sex abuse case
Sentenced to 1 year in Jail
James B. Sajdak, 65, faces up to one year in federal prison under a misdemeanor civil rights count. Federal prosecutors accused Sajdak of forcing a woman into his squad car and forcing her to perform a sex act on him.
By  David Struett   Nov 13, 2023, 12:30pm EST
Chicago police sergeant on Monday pleaded guilty to a federal charge alleging he kidnapped and sexually abused someone in a squad car on the West Side in 2019.
James B. Sajdak, 65, faces up to one year in federal prison under a misdemeanor civil rights count arranged in a plea deal Monday.
The 29-year Chicago Police Department veteran was facing up to life in prison under the felony count he was indicted under last year. ... ead-prison
Convicted Pittsburgh Public Schools Cop Found Dead In Prison
The sexual predator was serving a lengthy prison sentence at the Somerset State Correctional Institute.
Eric Heyl,
Patch Staff
Posted Mon, Nov 13, 2023 ... sham-park/
‘Block Cop City' group marches at Gresham Park
Published: Nov. 13, 2023 ... ts-charged
ASM passes legislation calling for UW-Madison to support ‘Stop Cop City’ movement, four students charged
The vote calls for UW-Madison to support a movement opposing the creation of a police training facility in Georgia and four Madison ‘student-age’ people arrested in conjunction with the movement.
By Bryna Goeking
November 13, 2023 ... s-private/
Cop asking N.H. Supreme Court to keep certain personnel records private
The former officer, who now serves as a state lawmakers and city councilor, has spent years making his case
By Steven Porter Globe Staff,Updated November 13, 2023 ... -revealed/
Blue Bigotry: California Cop Involved In Shooting Outed Over Racist Texts, ‘I Hate Black People’
- By Jason "Jah" Lee ... rosecutor/
Long Branch Special Cop Charged 120% Interest On Loans To Brazilian-Americans: Prosecutor
A former Special Law Enforcement Officer (SLEO) in Long Branch has been arrested and charged with several financial crimes targeting members of the local Brazilian-American community, authorities said.
Jon Craig

Copaganda ... 944255e3d0
CBS Reveals Premiere Dates For ‘NCIS,’ ‘FBI,’ ‘Young Sheldon’ And More
Monica Mercuri
I've covered TV, music and pop culture for over 6 ... fbi-agents
Ruby Ridge through the eyes of FBI agents
By Samantha Wright
Published November 13, 2023 ... g-thriller
Muzzle review – Aaron Eckhart out-acted by German shepherd in cop-mutt thriller
Eckhart can’t match his canine co-star (with titanium teeth) in this shonky and forgettable police thriller
Cath Clarke
Mon 13 Nov 2023 04.00 ... ream-watch
How to Watch Good Cop Bad Cop: Stream Series Premiere Live, TV Channel
Good Cop Bad Cop is set to make its series premiere on Sunday night on ID.
Cecil Goodwin. (2 episodes, 1999-2002). Sonya Bishop. (2 episodes, 1999-2002) ... Anthony Mathews. (1 episode, 2001). Wesley Coons. (1 episode, 2001). Sean Baxter. ... rveillance
US lawmakers introduce reforms to restrict FBI surveillance
Robert Besser 
13th November 2023 ... 571743007/
Arizona cop arrested on charges of stalking, sex crimes against underage girl
Rey Covarrubias Jr.
Arizona Republic ... 05503.html
Cop shows border agents a badge while trying to smuggle migrants into US, feds say BY DON SWEENEY NOVEMBER 13, 2023 12:23 PM
Read more at: ... rylink=cpy ... 567159007/
Brockton cop faces federal charges of extorting money from Rhode Island veterans
Cody Shepard
The Enterprise ... ights-plea
Chicago Cop Pleads Guilty in Transgender Assault Case
By Damon R. Sheffield
Published on November 13, 2023 ... 13759.html
Officers had sex on duty and in ‘public view,’ Tennessee cops say. One fired, one quit
Olivia Lloyd
Mon, November 13, 2023 ... contracts/
Police chiefs critical of ShotSpotter, cities pulling out of contracts
NOVEMBER 13, 2023
The Seattle City Council is scheduled to vote Tuesday on whether it should use $1.5 million to fund services for tiny house villages in Seattle or ShotSpotter, a police surveillance technology that ... an-deaths/
Secret Pentagon Investigation Found No One at Fault in Drone Strike That Killed Woman and 4-Year-Old
Nick Turse
November 12 2023 ... -stitches/
The US Healthcare Scam Illustrated In The Impossibility Of Getting A Bill For Five Stitches
from the us-healthcare-is-a-giant-scam dept
Mon, Nov 13th 2023 12:01pm - Mike Masnick
Let’s just start off by noting that if you’re not in the US and you live anywhere with some form of single-payer/universal healthcare, we know. You don’t need to ... ing-report
The science is irrefutable’: US warming faster than global average, says report
Government assessment said extreme weather events mean country suffers a disaster every three weeks costing at least $1bn
Tue 14 Nov 2023 Oliver Milman
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