How do FBI agents prevent groups from joining together to de

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How do FBI agents prevent groups from joining together to de

Postby fruhmenschen » Wed Feb 23, 2022 8:07 pm

To defund the FBI

Solar Power World

"Celebration" - David Mallett - Official Music Video ... -compound/

Inside Forest Defenders’ Blockade of Atlanta’s “Cop City” Training Compound

On January 28, Atlanta resident and activist April* joined about 60 racial and environmental justice protesters at Intrenchment Creek Park in the South River Forest — a vital green space that plays a crucial role in the region’s ecology, serving as Atlanta and south DeKalb County’s largest watershed and floodplain.
She was there to protest preparatory work on what Atlanta-area activists have dubbed “Cop City,” an 85-acre, $90 million police militarization and training complex spearheaded by the Atlanta Police Foundation that, if built, would be one of the largest police training facilities in the country. The site would contain several shooting ranges, a helicopter landing base, an area for explosives training, police-horse stables and an entire mock city for officers to engage in role-playing activities. ... s-2533960/

FBI agent pleads guilty to gambling government money in Las Vegas ... 1848581619

What to Do If a Cop Tries to Scan Your Face During a Traffic Stop
At least some law enforcement agents are reportedly considering the practice which legal experts say may violate U.S. law.
ByMack DeGeurin ... ar-AAUdkUy

Murder-accused cop's elite team part-time ... -rcna17254

Marine veteran, an ex-cop, pleads guilty in Jan. 6 case
Marine Corps veteran Nicholes Lentz was previously a police officer in North Miami Beach, Florida. ... index.html

Louisville cop involved in deadly Breonna Taylor raid goes on trial nearly 2 years after her death

Brett Hankison is not on trial for killing Breonna Taylor. The former police officer is facing charges because, during a botched 2020 narcotics raid on the 26-year-old's Louisville, Kentucky, apartment, ... st-1-bond/

Austin cops charged with excessive force released on just $1 bond
By MaryAnn Martinez
February 21, 2022 7:56pm ... y/2697014/

Jamaican Cop Charged With Smuggling Cocaine to South Florida In Her Body
Shelian Cherine Allen, 42, arrested at Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport with cocaine in stomach, vagina, bra, officials said
By NBC 6 • Published February 22, 2022 • Updated on February 22, 2022 at 12:08 pm ... amendment/

Arizona Looks To Protect Cops From That Pesky First Amendment
Because the problem with the killing of George Floyd was that someone was allowed to film it.
onFebruary 22, 2022 at 11:46 AM ... 00753.html

‘It’s Saddening’: Court Overturns Conviction of Former South Florida Cop Who ‘Accidentally’ Shot a Black Caretaker He Believed Was Being Held Hostage By An Autistic Man
Nicole Duncan-Smith
Mon, February 21, 2022, ... -rape-kits

Schiff calls for FBI probe into potential for misuse of rape kits
House Intelligence Committee Chair Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) is asking the FBI to investigate reports that the San Francisco Police Department used DNA taken from a sexual assault victim in order to implicate her in an unrelated crime. ... 37633.html

Is it legal?: FBI seizes nearly $1 million from family without filing charges

Wed, February 23, 2022, 1:05 AM ... rneys-say/

Stanford’s Chinese international students at risk of FBI investigation, attorneys say ... story.html

Two Louisiana deputies charged with manslaughter for fatal shooting of unarmed man in parked car ... 6hjn1me0n/

Bangor jail is ‘falling apart’ after kitchen, elevator and control panel stop working ... om-client/

Maine Board of Overseers for Lawyers fails in dramatic fashion
Ellsworth attorney suspended over alleged embezzlement from client
A judge ordered the immediate suspension of an Ellsworth attorney after bar investigators alleged he misappropriated money from a client's estate he was hired to administer.

The situation in Ukraine just got more volatile: Russia recognized the independence of the People’s Republics of Donetsk and Luhansk and is sending troops in for a “peacekeeping mission.” This follows weeks of saber-rattling by the U.S government and media, as well as a huge increase in ceasefire violations in Eastern Ukraine. The Biden administration is calling this a Russian invasion and has already applied sanctions. We may be on the brink of war between two nuclear powers.

Russia’s actions run counter to the Minsk Agreement, a treaty signed in 2015 to prevent a new escalation of Ukraine’s civil war. Yet the Ukrainian government has ignored the Minsk Agreement for years by attempting to reassert control over Donetsk and Luhansk. The U.S. and NATO are also complicit, not only turning a blind eye to Ukrainian violations, but also by sending powerful offensive weapons to Ukraine’s military.

We’ve been swamped with misinformation about this crisis for weeks. Here’s what we know: there are 4 million ethnic Russians in Ukraine and according to the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, there were 5,667 ceasefire violations by both sides in just the four days before Russia’s actions. In 2019, President Trump encouraged Ukraine to break the Minsk Agreement and since 2014, the U.S. has sent over $2.7 billion in weapons to Ukraine. Moreover, the U.S. played a key role in the 2014 coup in Ukraine and has been promising Ukraine’s inclusion in NATO since 2008. While we believe Russia’s recent actions risk further escalation, it is clear that U.S./NATO intervention in Ukraine over the years presents a major security concern for Russia.

Wednesday, February 23
Identity verification service has a lucrative contract with the VA. Veterans and their families say it’s locked them out of disability payments and emergency assistance.
Caroline Haskins, Business Insider
Vast immigration surveillance program in dire need of reform, Biden administration warned
Johana Bhuiyan, The Guardian
National guard troops to be deployed in DC as trucker convoy protests loom
The Guardian
Trump’s free speech app Truth Social is censoring content and kicking off users
Amrita Khalid, Engadget
Lawmakers to Biden: No US Troops to Fight Russia Without Approval by Congress
Jake Johnson, Common Dreams

Tuesday, February 22, 2022
California: where the most draconian vaccine mandates arise and die

 California Employee COVID-19 Vaccination Requirement Introduced ... ntroduced/
AB 1993 instructs an employer to require each employee or independent contractor to provide proof of COVID vaccination
By Chris Micheli, February 11, 2022 10:11 am against COVID-19.
But school boards in CA cannot impose COVID vaccine mandates!  That is a very good thing.  They have no medical expertise or authority.  In most states, the legislature is the entity with the legal authority to mandate vaccines.
The mandate for kids to attend school in San Diego has been struck down in a final ruling. ... o-schools/
An ICAN-funded lawsuit has struck down the Covid-19 vaccine mandate to attend school in San Diego, California!  This is the first COVID-19 vaccine requirement in the country to be struck down in a final ruling.
ICAN’s lead attorney, Aaron Siri, and his team filed a lawsuit funded by ICAN on behalf of a parent whose child was going to be mandated to receive the Covid-19 vaccine to continue school.  That ICAN lawsuit, S.V. on behalf of J.D. vs San Diego Unified School District, was consolidated with a lawsuit filed by Let Them Choose.  Both plaintiffs moved for a final decision from the Court asking it to find that the Covid-19 vaccine mandate for students was illegal and the Judge, this morning, ruled it was illegal!  Copy of tentative decision can be read here.  The final will be released as soon as possible.
The basis for this decision, that school boards in California do not have the authority to require a Covid-19 vaccine, would apply to all school boards across California that are seeking to mandate a Covid-19 vaccine.  ICAN intends to fund lawsuits against any other school board in California that seeks to mandate a Covid-19 vaccine.
Congratulations to all the parents in San Diego, California and beyond who no longer need to inject their children with a liability-free, novel medical product in order to attend school.   And thank you for your support in making this work possible!  Without you, ICAN’s critical work would not be possible.

Posted by Meryl Nass, M.D. at 9:31 PM 0 comments 

The illegal efforts to vaccinate kids without parental consent bulldozes on/ ICAN

The following comes directly from ICAN, the legal arm of Del Bigtree/ Aaron Siri's efforts.  Vaccinating without parental consent is illegal.  
Have you ever heard of VaxTeen?

VaxTeen is an organization that encourages teenagers to receive vaccinations without parental consent.

The group also provides information about state consent laws, vaccine information from the CDC, and guides teenagers on how to get vaccinated and how to talk to “anti-vaxxer parents.”

It provides this information on its website through the lens of appearing like a grass-roots organization.

Looks can be deceiving.

The founder of VaxTeen is a member of the Unity Consortium’s Teen Advisory Council, whose members include Pfizer, GlaxoSmithKline, Merck, and Sanofi Pasteur.

Another VaxTeen partner, Keep Up the Rates, was launched by the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases (NFID), whose strategic partners are AstraZeneca, Janssen Therapeutics, Moderna, Merck, Sanofi Pasteur, Bavarian Nordic, and Takeda Pharmaceuticals.

Yet another VaxTeen partner, Stronger Keep Up the Rates, is a national advocacy campaign whose goal is to “stop the spread of harmful misinformation” and is supported by the Biotechnology Innovation Organization, whose sponsors include Merck, Johnson & Johnson, Avantor, Amgen, Bristol Myers Squibb, Pfizer, Lilly, Abbvie, Genentech, Samsung Biologics, and Twist Biopharma.

While VaxTeen seems, on its surface, to be grass-roots, after a bit of digging, it looks like yet another marketing campaign by big pharma.

We encourage you to please consider sharing this expose on your social media posts and forwarding this to any interested parents.

Posted by Meryl Nass, M.D. at 9:24 PM 0 comments 

World Economic Forum’s “Young Global Leaders” Revealed/ Pharos and Global Research ... ed/5769766

By Jacob Nordangard
Global Research, February 12, 2022
Pharos 5 February 202
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Re: How do FBI agents prevent groups from joining together t

Postby fruhmenschen » Wed Mar 09, 2022 2:07 pm


Hi, this show is URGENT. Please watch and consider supporting Meryl Nass, whose case could eventually benefit all of us.

Take a listen: 

Dr. Meryl Nass who is in the fight of her life to regain her medical license which was suspended because the Maine Board of Medical Licensure didn't like the fact that she was prescribing hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin to successfully treat her covid patients. They're also calling for her to submit to a psychological evaluation because of the research and articles on covid and covid vaccines that she has published--that they call "misinformation"--to determine if she is mentally fit to be treating patients. It's all very Orwellian. Her case could finally be the one that forces the issue of people having to prove what they call "misinformation" is actually that, and pushes back efforts to criminalize "misinformation" or truth dubbed as "misinformation" by those trying to hide it. 

Donations to support her can be made to the Children's Health Defense Fund (their lawyers are helping her). Here's their website:

Kindest regards,

https://www.americanswhotellthetruth.or ... -borjesson

Robert Shetterly/Americans Who Tell The Truth
Kristina Borjesson
Journalist : b. 1954
“As a journalist you have to always remember that you are a public servant. If you back down, if you don't try to find the truth, then you aren't doing your job. It's a huge responsibility.

View a short Speaking Truth to Youth video interview with Kristina Borjesson on our YouTube channel.

Kristina Borjesson spent most of her childhood in Haiti in the 1950s and '60s during the rule of the brutal dictator, "Papa Doc" Duvalier.  Her father, a U.S. military attaché posted to the island, fell in love with a woman whose family formed part of the country's privileged, business elite.  As a young child in what is often described as the poorest nation in the Western Hemisphere, Borjesson's early sensitivity to the vast divide between Haiti's elite and its poor came from the illiterate household staff who loved and cared for her. Those servants helped shape her value system, teaching her that honesty, striving for excellence, and service to others were the keys to a meaningful life.
As an adult, Borjesson's core identity became that of a public servant. An investigative reporter by training, she believes that journalists are public servants no matter who employs them and that by adhering to the highest standards and practices of reporting, they play a critical role in the function of democracy and civil society.  Since receiving her journalism degree from Columbia University in 1982, Borjesson has spent much of her time examining censorship and corruption in American journalism. Unfortunately, her tireless pursuit of these stories would cost her a mainstream television career.  
Early success came to Borjesson as she built her career. She employed her investigative skills and fluency in Haitian Creole to field produce the PBS Frontline's documentary, "Showdown in Haiti," which was Emmy-nominated.  She won an Emmy for her investigative reporting on CBS's "Legacy of Shame," a piece that updated Edward R. Murrow's film "Harvest of Shame" about migrant farmworkers. Another Emmy nomination followed for a biographical film about Cuba's Fidel Castro titled "The Last Revolutionary."  
Then, in 1996, Borjesson "walked into a buzz saw," as she describes it, when Paris-bound TWA Flight 800 exploded in mid-air shortly after taking off from JFK Airport. For a short, but terrifying time, she thought that her ten-year-old son had died in the crash. The despair she felt in that moment would, once she began investigating the explosion, help her empathize with the victims and their families, who, she believed, deserved to know the truth about what had caused the tragedy.
As she tracked down the cause of the explosion, what had happened became very clear: The physical evidence as well as hundreds of eyewitness accounts indicated that the plane had been struck by a missile.  Members of several U.S. government agencies, Borjesson decided, orchestrated a cover-up while unquestioning journalists reported as fact the untenable official claims that a mechanical failure in Flight 800's center wing fuel tank had caused the crash.  The evidence of what she identifies as "high level, multi-agency collusion" led her to a startling revelation: "It was just as in Orwell's 1984, an immediate rewriting of history occurred.  I realized how terrifyingly easy it is to do."  
Powerful forces including the Pentagon, the CIA, the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB), as well as other journalists aligned themselves against Borjesson.  Despite this, she has spent the better part of two decades digging for the truth about TWA Flight 800 and speaking out against corruption in journalism.  
Back in 1996, Borjesson's boss at CBS Network assigned her to cover the crash. However, shortly after Borjesson received a piece of physical evidence from inside the official crash investigation, the FBI demanded it back, inaccurately claiming it had been stolen. CBS returned the evidence and terminated Borjesson. Then Borjesson was hired to produce a segment about problems within the official crash investigation for a series pilot commissioned by ABC. Mainstream press reports claiming Borjesson's segment would  examine whether or not a missile had downed flight 800 appeared suddenly, prompting ABC to cancel the entire series. 
Borjesson responded by publishing her first book, Into the Buzzsaw: Leading Journalists Expose the Myth of a Free Press (2004), a landmark anthology of essays written by experienced reporters (including Borjesson) detailing experiences with censorship while covering major stories.  The book, which won both the National Press Club's Arthur Rowse Award for Press Criticism and the Independent Book Publisher's Gold Medal Award, established Borjesson as an important whistleblower in the journalism community.  
In 2005, Borjesson further cemented her status as a whistleblowing journalist with her book, Feet to the Fire: The Media After 9 11 -- Top Journalists Speak Out. An anthology of interviews with news executives and journalists (some of them household names), this book explains why these media professionals and most of the U.S. press missed the fact that Pentagon and White House officials had fabricated their justification for invading Iraq when they claimed, falsely, that Saddam Hussein possessed weapons of mass destruction.  Feet to the Fire won Borjesson a second Independent Book Publisher's Gold Medal Award.
In her work, Borjesson says that not only institutions should be held accountable for their wrongdoings, but so should the individuals within those institutions who are directly responsible for betrayals of the public trust.  Particularly troubling to Borjesson is the fact that so many people are capable of putting aside the ethical values of honesty and integrity when they go to work.
In 2013, seventeen years after TWA Flight 800 blew up in the air, Borjesson released the documentary TWA Flight 800. The film features six whistleblowers -- all members of the original crash investigation -- who review the physical evidence they personally handled, interview eyewitnesses, and explain what really happened to the airplane.  The film reveals how several U.S. Government agencies, particularly the FBI, CIA and NTSB, colluded to undermine the official investigation. Borjesson and Dr. Tom Stalcup (the co-producer and senior science advisor for the documentary) display persistence and tenacity in their quest to understand the relevant science and make it comprehensible for the public.
While Borjesson wrote, produced, and directed the documentary, the work is a team effort, underscoring her appreciation for teams of experts, first-hand sources and journalists "holding hands and working together" on complicated, controversial stories.
Borjesson has joined other whistleblowers and advocates at the Government Accountability Project (GAP) to speak publicly about the importance of unfettered, professional and honest journalists who reject official source reporting as insufficient. Borjesson exhorts journalists to verify the statements of official sources no matter how powerful they are, even if it means, as happened with her, paying a price.


From: Denton, David <>
 “Political Assassinations of the 1960s: 
New Revelations in the Murders of JFK and MLK” 
Conference — April 8-9, 2022 
Olney Central College  
Dr. John D. Stull Performing Arts Center 
Olney, Illinois 
OLNEY, Ill. — Some of the nation’s foremost experts on the assassinations of John F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr. will gather April 8-9 for a conference at Olney Central College. 
* Political Assassinations of the 1960s: New Revelations in the Murders of JFK and MLK will explore, in an academic setting, the deaths of these iconic leaders focusing on new details, which have emerged with the release of previously withheld documents.  
* The in-person event is free and open to the public. Those unable to attend can join via Zoom. The link may be accessed and purchased through The cost is $40. 
* The conference will feature an outstanding array of authors, researchers, historians, educators and college professors who possess extensive knowledge on the subjects. Presentations will begin at 10 a.m. on April 8 and continue throughout the following day. 
* Featured Speakers 
* Brian Edwards has spent more than 40 years researching the JFK assassination. He has interviewed more than 50 of the Dealey Plaza witnesses along with Dallas police officers and detectives who were directly involved in the investigation of President Kennedy’s assassination and the murder of Officer J.D. Tippit. In addition, he has interviewed 10 of the doctors and medical personnel who were inside Trauma Room 1 at Parkland Hospital. He has also interviewed many of the Navy corpsmen who were on duty at Bethesda Naval Medical Center on November 22, 1963. In 1993, Edwards was granted a two-day interview with Marina Oswald-Porter at her home in Rockwall, Texas. Brian is featured in the Showtime documentary, JFK revisited: Through The Looking Glass by Oliver Stone. 
* David Knight has been an academic researcher and lecturer on the murder of President John F. Kennedy since 1989. He has produced several documentary films with Project JFK.  
* Casey Quinlan is the director of Project JFK and has been the featured lecturer at many universities throughout the Midwest. In 1991, he was a guest historian for the A & E Network and the History Channel for Oliver Stone’s blockbuster movie, JFK. His first publication, Beyond the Fence Line: The Eyewitness Testimony of Ed Hoffman and the Murder of President Kennedy, continues to be a best-seller. 
* David Denton has been a history professor at Olney Central College in Illinois since 1990. He has given numerous presentations across Illinois and Indiana at both public libraries and forums. He participated in the Illinois Humanities Council speakers’ bureau from 1995 to 2002, giving presentations on the Vietnam War, Lee Harvey Oswald, and the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. In 2001, he began teaching a course on political assassinations of the 1960s, which explores the deaths of President Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, and Martin Luther King Jr. 
* Gary Shaw was formerly co-director with Larry N. Howard of the JFK Assassination Information Center in Dallas. He was co-author with Larry R. Harris of Cover-Up: The Government Conspiracy to Conceal the facts About the Public Execution of John Kennedy. He also is the co-author with Charles Crenshaw of Trauma Room One. 
* Ryan Jones is the Museum Educator at the National Civil Rights Museum in Memphis, Tenn. An MLK historian, he has presented at history conferences about the assassinations of President John F. Kennedy and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and on other topics related to the civil rights movement of the 1960s. 
* Larry Rivera is Chairman of the Oswald Innocence Campaign. He has made a lifelong study of the JFK assassination, making hit first trip to Dealey Plaza in 1991. He has published many articles on the assassination and has many YouTube videos covering his research. He has given numerous presentations on the assassination. He has a degree in Compute Networking and is an expert at computer imaging technology and facial recognition, using state of the art digital overlays. 
Additional speakers are anticipated and will be announced closer to the event. A complete schedule will also be posted soon. For more information, contact David Denton at 618-204-1498 or email
The conference is sponsored and funded by the Olney Central College Foundation. 
Hotel Accommodations  
Best Western | 367 N. West St., Olney, IL 62450 | 618-429-9360 (Adjacent to the college)   
The Holiday | 1300 S. West St., Olney IL 62450 | 618-395-2121 
Super 8 | 425 Southwest Route 130, Olney, IL 62450 |618-388-3947 e ... ool-boards

March 4, 2022

13 states sue Biden admin for any communications on FBI surveillance of parents protesting school boards
States accuse Biden administration of concealing and downplaying its 'culpability' in school board memo ... rules.html

FBI agents must reveal true names at Gov. Gretchen Whitmer kidnap plot trial, judge rules
Published: Mar. 05, 2022, 9:02 a.m. ... -backlash/

CISA pledges to share incident reports with FBI after DOJ backlash to bipartisan cybersecurity act
FBI director Christopher Wray told Politico on Thursday that a landmark cybersecurity bill "would make the public less safe from cyber threats" because it did not include them.
Written by Jonathan Greig, Staff Writer
on March 4, 2022 | Topic: Security ... ar-AAUD2Gp

FBI Director visits Kansas to address concerns facing America
Reina Flores - ... n-83255462

California cop gets 6 years for shooting,killing mentally ill man
A California police officer has been sentenced to six years in prison for fatally shooting an unarmed mentally ill man nine times as the man drove slowly away from police in a wealthy San Francisco suburb
March 4, 2022, ... ar-AAUzKAg

Cop who told Tribune she guarded boss’ block during 2020 civil unrest files suit claiming retaliation
William Lee, Chicago Tribune - Thursday ... 9049383b08

Dominicans turn over to Haiti ex-cop sought in Moïse slaying
March 2, 2022 ... 7df94a0c8e

Protocol For Honest Elections — America’s Nontransparent Voting System Is ‘De Facto’ Fraud
Lynn Landes Jan 5, 2021
Posts: 5820
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Re: How do FBI agents prevent groups from joining together t

Postby fruhmenschen » Fri Mar 18, 2022 4:50 pm ... -shooting/

Feds pay $128M to families after FBI bungled tips about Parkland school shooter
By Jesse O’Neill
March 16, 2022 ... to-report/

Miami Beach cop asks girl ‘are you a virgin?,’ according to report ... n-himself/

Alabama Cop’s Wife Fights for Her Life After He Allegedly Shoots Her, Then Himself

by KC Wildmoon
March 16, 2022 ... ?gnt-cfr=1

FBI agents secretly searched UM scholar's house in Iran tech secrets investigation

Robert Snell
The Detroit News

Detroit — FBI agents secretly ... 20771.html

Palo Alto Seeks Help From FBI To Combat Hate Crime, Bigotry

Tue, March 15, 2022, 10:53 PM ... his-agency

FBI Director Chris Wray must clean up his agency
by Quin Hillyer, Commentary Writer |  | March 15, 2022

Conservatives in particular have complained for years that while there are plenty of excellent personnel in the FBI, the culture in some parts of the ranks is of agents who are power-mad, score-settling, politicized, and unaccountable. Now, we learn that a 2019 internal audit of the bureau found that its agents broke the rules at least 747 times in just a year and a half in investigations involving high-profile targets such as politicians, news media, and religious groups. ... g-academy/

FBI Springfield Field Office Offers Students Opportunity To Learn About The FBI At 2022 Future Agents In Training Academy
Effingham, IL / Effingham Radio
Mar 15, 2022 | 5:50 PM ... l-assault/

FBI seeking further information DHS officer charged with sexual assault
They’re investigating his activities inside Anchorage as well as elsewhere.
By Michael S. LockettTuesday, March 15, 2022 4 ... 004010.php

FBI Training Academy at Lewis and Clark
The Intelligencer
March 15, 2022 ... rt-ruling/

Muslims Continue Battling FBI For Spying on OC Mosques After Supreme Court Ruling

BY HOSAM ELATTAR ... pollution/

Climate and Punishment
Burning Tires Left Louisiana Prisoners With Migraines, Breathing Problems, and Minimal Medical Care
Alleen Brown ... s-mccrory/

A Bogus Bite Mark Sent Him to Prison for Murder. Alabama Wants to Keep Him There.
Liliana Segura, Jordan Smith ... al-assault

A Women’s Prison Nurse Sexually Assaulted 12 Incarcerated Women, DOJ Says
03.15.2 ... type=CMSID

Lawyer says FBI threatened witness in OKC bombing records trial
Agency denies claim, says search failed to turn up blast videotape. ... y-bombing/

In Search of John Doe No. 2: The Story the Feds Never Told About the Oklahoma City Bombing
Federal officials insist that the Oklahoma City bombing case was solved a decade ago. But a Salt Lake City lawyer in search of his brother’s killers has dug up some remarkable clues—on cross-dressing bank robbers, the FBI, and the mysterious third man.
James Ridgeway ... ance-bias/

Plastic Surgery Has a Troubled History Inside Prisons. Some Advocates Want It to Make a Comeback.
Should cosmetic procedures be part of how society prepares prisoners to reenter it?

Off-duty cop seen on video putting his knee on the neck of a 12-year-old to break up fight, family demands answers

A Kenosha Police Department off-duty officer who was seen on video putting his knee on the neck of a 12-year-old to break up a fight has resigned from his role at the Kenosha Unified School District.





Tuesday, March 15, 2022
Safe and Effective? What the smallpox vaccine can teach us.

The article below is a long, detailed read, but will give you an excellent understanding of how to currently interpret information from CDC and other official sources on vaccine safety.

Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thursday, March 17, 2022
New Hampshire House votes to make ivermectin an OTC drug, in the same way that Narcan (the opioid antidote) now is/ Epoch Times ... 42531.html ... ed-lawsuit

NYPD officer was harassed by superior after good deed, lawsuit alleges
Louis Sojo claims that his captain racially harassed him and said he was ‘not a real cop’ after he paid for an alleged shoplifter’s food
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Re: How do FBI agents prevent groups from joining together t

Postby fruhmenschen » Fri May 20, 2022 7:49 pm

Mike Ruppert

In the Nation
Hot on the Press
Did Police Torch a Cincinnati Paper?
by Gregory Flannery
In These Times, September 6, 1989, p. 7

Reach Out and TAP SomeoneGregory Flannery
In These Times, March 22, 1989, pp. 12-13 › archives › la-xpm-1989-01-... › archives › la-xpm-1989-01-...

Jan 14, 1989 — CINCINNATI —. Bob Draise never cared much for black militants and drug dealers. So, he says now, when a Cincinnati police sergeant asked him ...
Missing: lonnie ‎| Must include: lonnie

Contact Lyn Landes about the voter fraud in Cincinnati

Contact:  / 215-629-3553
Brief bio:  Lynn Landes is a Philadelphia-based writer, researcher, reporter, and activist in the fields of politics, health, and the environment since the 1980's.  Her articles and opinions have been published in several books, films, and online publications.  On the environment, Lynn has been a commentator for BBC radio, a radio talk show host, and a television news reporter in the 1999-2001.  From 2002 to 2008 she dedicated herself to reporting and publicly speaking on voting integrity issues.  Currently, she is the publisher of several websites and meetup groups on a wide variety of issues including: foraging, fiber arts, health, waste, voting, historic streets, and safe streets. 

On voting:
For complete transparency in voting, Lynn supports one standard for both political representatives and voters, that means "open voting", no secret ballots. As that is unlikely to gain public support any time soon, Lynn supports paper ballots and public hand counts at the polls on election day (see: Protocol For Honest Elections - America’s Nontransparent Voting System Is ‘De Facto’ Fraud) In a 2005 article, Plan B: Organize Parallel Elections & Signed Ballots, Lynn called on citizens to organize parallel elections in response to the total lack of transparency in U.S. elections. In several states, activists did just that.  Lynn's numerous articles on the right to vote can be found at Her work has been featured in the books, Hacked and BlackBoxVoting.  Lynn was a guest speaker at events across the country, and also appears in several documentaries including: Got Democracy, The Right To Count, Stealing America, and her own, Voting 101 and The Fix Is In. 

Feb 8, 08: Why doesn't the Department of Justice (DOJ) investigate electronic vote fraud?  Is it that DOJ and the FBI have long been involved in it, themselves?  Read: The 1987 Leonard Gates Deposition -- Gates, a Cincinnati Bell employee for 23 years, testified that in the late 1970's and 80's, the FBI assisted telephone companies with hacking into mainframe election computers in cities across the country. The first election Gates provided the hack for was in 1979, see  PLUS... 1985 Background Material from Jim Condit, Jr. and also see: DOJ & FBI complicity

Click link for full story

Election Wire-tap Alleged Cincinnati BelI Denies Charges
The following paragraphs are excerpts from an article in the Cincinnati Post right before the November, 1987 Cincinnati Council Election. - Jim Condit Jr.
by Randy Ludlow Post staff reporter
Cincinnati Bell security supervisors ordered wire taps installed on county computers before elections in the late 1970s and early 1980’s that could have allowed vote totals to be altered. a former Bell employee says in a sworn court documents
Leonard Gates, a 21 -year Cincinnati Bell employee until he was fired in 1986,claims in a deposition filed onThursday in Hamilton County Common Pleas Court to have installed the wire taps.
Cincinnati Bell officials denied Gates' allegations tha are part of a six- year-old civil suit that contends the elections computer is subject to manipulation and fraud.
Gates claims a security supervisor for the telephone company told him in 1979 that the firm had obtained a computer program through the FBI that gave it access to the county computer used to count votes.
The deposition does not say if vote totals ever were changed. Gates claimed to have installed wire taps on county computers befoore the elections in 1977 through 1986 , but wasn't certain, in 1982 and 1983.
Gates' allegations also have taken on political overtones. He appeared in a television commercial that aired twice Thursday on WKRC- Channel 12 for Jim Condit Jr., a Cincinnatus Party candidate for Cincinnati City Council.
The commercial also features former Bell employee Robert Draise, who was convicted of tapping a Hamilton, Ohio woman's home and fired for it and who claims he wire-tapped the homes of multi- millionaire and anti-pornography crusader Charles Keating and

Why won't the Department of Justice (DOJ) investigate electronic vote fraud? Is it because the DOJ and FBI have long been involved in it, themselves? 
“If you did it right, no one would ever know,” said Craig C. Donsanto, head of the U.S. Department of Justice’s Election Crimes Branch, Public Integrity Section (from 1970-2010) in a July 4,1989 Los Angeles Times article about electronic voting machines and vote fraud. ... be06b3bc55

Cincinnati Wiretap Trial
January 18, 1990

Cloak and Gavel FBI Wiretaping US Supreme Court ... ti&f=false
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Re: How do FBI agents prevent groups from joining together t

Postby fruhmenschen » Sun Jun 19, 2022 9:13 pm

CIA Dirty Tricks: Assassination Plots, Destabilization of Foreign Governments & Covert Action (1983)

Network of Concerned Anthropologists

The Network of Concerned Anthropologists (NCA) is an independent ad hoc network of anthropologists seeking to promote an ethical anthropology.  For more information, write us at ... d-overtime

KPFA Interview with City Auditor Jenny Wong about Berkeley Police Overtime ... st-days-in

Secrets from the CIA's Last Days in Vietnam
Forgotten lessons from the fall of Saigon and what is left out of the history books

The People’s Database for Community-Based Police Accountability:
A Berkeley Copwatch + WITNESS Initiative ... -left-die/

Locked Up and Left to Die
Loaded on JUNE 1, 2022 by Sophie Novack,, Michael Barajas published in Prison Legal News June, 2022, page 1 ... 658904001/

Editorial: FBI must release review in killing of extremist
The Detroit News
Whenever a citizen dies at the hands of law enforcement, the public is owed a full accounting of why it was necessary ... 4375c.html

Louisville youth anti-violence program participating in FBI training sessions
Jun 18, 2022

Waco The Rules of Engagement ... -blackmail

Documentary Exposes How The FBI Tried To Destroy MLK With Wiretaps, Blackmail
January 18, 20219:00 AM ET
Heard on Fresh Air
SAM BRIGER ... veland-fbi

High School students get a glimpse inside the Cleveland FBICLEVELAND — Dozens of local high school students got an inside look at the FBI and what it's like to be an FBI Agent. ... stract.pdf

Stetson Kennedy and the FBI: Dissidence, Exile, and Surveillance during the Cold War
Helen Diana Eidson, Auburn University, and Sandra Parks, Stetson Kennedy Foundation
For more than sev ... r-00040380

He Tried to Reform the Way a Top D.C. Think Tank Gets Money. Now the FBI Is Looking Into Him.
The Brookings Institution gets a Qatar-shaped black eye. ... -protests/

Inside D.C. Police’s Sprawling Network of Surveillance ... n/2751166/

Retired Townsend Cop Charged With Impersonating Officer, Accosting WomanThaddeus Rochette, a former police officer in Townsend, Massachusetts, is accused of pretending to be a current police officer,... ... ntage-car/

Florida cop accused of using thousands in COVID relief funds to fix vintage carA Florida police officer was indicted Friday for allegedly using a COVID-19 relief loan to fix up his vintage car, according to the U.S.... ... -penalized

Cops Who Leaked News of Bob Saget’s Death PenalizedTwo Florida deputies spread the word before the family was pro

Copaganda ... ck-island/

“Coffee with a Cop” June 23 in Rock IslandSometimes the only time the public has contact with their local police department is during an emergency, which isn't the best chance to... ... ops-coffee

Free Coffee And A Mug At Saturday Session With Cops
By Joe Zlomek June 19, 2022 ... ee1aa.html

Blue Line Ride supports officers, Shop With a Cop ... -time.html

Ex-cop who tried blowing up house to stop police from taking his guns gets prison time ... -cover-up/

The JFK cover-up strikes again
If there was no 'conspiracy,' all the records would have been released long ago

In Deep: The FBI, the CIA, and the Truth about America's "Deep State" Hardcover – Illustrated, April 21, 2020
by David Rohde (Author)

New GN video looking at the many impacts from the explosion of rocket launch facilities worldwide

Our latest video explores the various dangers that come from the growing numbers of rocket launch sites around the world.
Tens of thousands of launches are having major impacts on Earth's environment and a peaceful world.
•  The making of rocket fuels creates major amounts of carbon dioxide releases
•  Rocket launch exhaust contaminates air and water killing fish, birds and other wildlife
• Rocket fuel storage is leaking into local water supplies. A key ingredient called perchlorate severely impacts the thryroid and especially children. Perchlorate is found in milk, lettuce and now contaminates the Colorado River.
• Every rocket launch helps to punch a larger hole in the Earth's ozone layer
• When rocket parts fall back to Earth, burning up on re-entry, they drop a toxic stew of burned electronics parts into the air and water
• Launch corporations promise lots of jobs, no environmental harm, and no military uses in order to worm their way into communities around the world
• This video shows the examples of three communities impacted by rocket launch facilities - Boca Chia, Texas; Kodiak Island, Alaska and Rocket Lab in New Zealand
• Most launch facilities, sold to the public as civilian, turn out to be a Trojan Horse as the military soon takes over and Pentagon, DARPA and CIA space missions are launche
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Re: How do FBI agents prevent groups from joining together t

Postby fruhmenschen » Sun Aug 14, 2022 12:26 pm ... olice-rape

Bystander Says Officer Totally Ignored a Passed-Out Woman Being Raped

“This girl got raped on a street corner! Literally got raped on a street corner! These cops drove right fucking past her!”

By Carter Sherman
August 12, 2022, 12:19pm ... deral.html

Friday, August 12, 2022
Evidence keeps surfacing that the federal government initiated media companies' censorship and chose targets

Alex Berenson has said that he has evidence the White House itself selected him as a target.
The information below includes documents showing how CDC worked with social media to impose censorship.  Didn't the federal brain trust know that emails leak and what they were doing was unlawful?  These people assumed they were untouchable.  Time will tell. ... nce-shows/

Posted by Meryl Nass, M.D. ... s-families

Ex-Trump Aide Sics MAGA Lackeys on Alleged FBI Agents’ Families

Garrett Ziegler posted the personal info of purported FBI agents—along with links to one of their kids’ social media accounts.

Updated Aug. 12, 2022 11:20PM ET ... ashington/

Meet the Man Jesse Ventura Called “The Bravest Man in Washington”
By Jeremy Kuzmarov - August 12, 2022 ... ks-on-fbi/

Pelosi calls on Republicans to tone down attacks on FBI
BY MIKE LILLIS - 08/12/22 1:06 PM ET ... bill-vote/

Pelosi’s husband sells off up to $5 million worth of chipmaker stock ahead of semiconductor bill vote
BY CAROLINE VAKIL - 07/27/22 11:37 PM ET ... pelosis-h/

Police release mugshot from DUI arrest of Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s husband ... -purchases

Nancy Pelosi's husband has stirred scrutiny for years over his stock purchases
Paul Pelosi, the speaker's husband, has garnered media attention for his timely stock purchases. FBI will not investigate. ... ld-reagan/

The Most Bloated Military Budget in U.S. History Is Being Specially Named to Honor an 87-Year-Old Disciple of Barry Goldwater and Ronald Reagan
By Jeremy Kuzmarov - August 11, 2022 ... epictions/

Russians Welcomed as Liberators in Many Eastern Ukrainian Cities Contrary to Western Media Depictions
By Sonja Van den Ende - August 10, 2022 10 ... he-people/

Don’t Let FBI’s Trump Raid Fool You: They’re Still Enemies of the People
By Rachel Hu and Chris Garaffa - August 10, 2022 ... -your.html

Talking to your doctor about your vaccine injury. A How-to Guide/ A Miswestern Doctor
How to End Medical Blindness
In the previous parts (1, 2, 3, and 4) of this series, I have tried to illustrate potential explanations for why physicians are unable to see medical injuries and that they will frequently gaslight patients through their denial that these injuries could have occurred. The ideas I put forward only represent my best attempt to provide hypothesis that could explain the observations I have made throughout my medical career. It is very likely in the future that my perspectives ... story.html

Jeffrey Toobin leaving CNN after 20 years after caught masturbating
By Joseph Wilkinson
New York Daily News
Aug 12, 2022 at 4:46 pm ... rprise-law

My blind son was jailed for being at the scene of a murder. Halt this tide of joint enterprise convictions
Janet Cunliffe ... -scam.html

Thursday, August 11, 2022
How the Monkeypox Scam Mirrors the COVID Scam--unbelievable

 The vaccine does not prevent infection
Just like the COVID vaccines, it turns out that in the animal experiments, Jynneos did not stop monkeys getting monkeypox, but did stop them from dying.  Since the current strain of monkeypox is mild, and virtually no one dies from monkeypox, this is another reason to avoid these dangerous vaccines like the plague—they won’t stop the infection!
According to the CDC ‘s briefing to its advisory committee on June 23, which I attended, this is generally a mild disease, requires no specific treatment, and the people who were hospitalized were hospitalized for pain control. (For example, perirectal lesions can induce very painful sphincter spasms.)
So, in terms of deaths, in 2022 there are now a total of 5 deaths that have been associated with Moneypox reported outside Africa, and 4 reported from Nigeria. I found only two for which there was discussion of cause of death: the Brazilian had lymphoma (lymph cancer), and the person from Peru died of a preexisting condition. We know nothing about what killed the other seven.
CDC has been hiding its vaccine study of 1600 Congolese healthcare workers
CDC began a study of the Jynneos vaccine in the DRC in 2017 and finished recruiting by September 2020, according to the required notification in The idea was to vaccinate people most susceptible to monkeypox and see how many got m ... 02809.html

Yahoo News
A Cop Is Accused Of Falsifying Search Warrant Used In Raid Of Breonna Taylor’s Home. Now, Her Death Is Being Connected To A Housing Development ProjectIn the years since the police killing of Breonna Taylor, the 26-year-old woman who was fatally shot after a raid on her Louisville,...
Reports: Ex-officer to plead guilty in Breonna Taylor case
Former Louisville police Detective Kelly Goodlett intends to plead guilty to a civil rights charge stemming from the fatal shooting of Breonna Taylor, a Black woman whose death in a botched police drug raid helped spark racial justice protests in 2020 ... -position/

Prosecutor: Robbinsville cop charged with official misconduct after he ‘abused his position’ ... en-in-2020

NYPD cop arrested for opening fire as his car was stolen while off-duty in 2020 ... hed-launch

‘Something Went Wrong’: Trump’s Twitter Knockoff Suffers Bumpy Launch

Would-be users of Trump’s new app struggled to even create an account after Sunday night’s launch.
Updated Feb. 21, 2022 2:35PM ET / Published Feb. 21, 2022 6:13AM ET 
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Re: How do FBI agents prevent groups from joining together t

Postby fruhmenschen » Fri Nov 11, 2022 12:22 pm ... s/41917135

Stockton police sergeant faces dozens of charges, accused of multiple sexual assaults
Nov 10, 2022 ... wf2003.pdf
POLICE SEXUAL ABUSE OF TEENAGE GIRLS: A 2003 Update on “Driving While Female”
Samuel Walker and Dawn Irlbeck
Police Professionalism Initiative
University of Nebraska at Omaha Department of Criminal Justice ... -offenses/
Albemarle police officer charged with various child sex offenses
The arrest came after an investigation by the SBI.
By WBTV Web Staff
Nov. 10, 2022 ... wf2002.pdf
A Special Report by the
Police Professionalism Initiative
University of Nebraska at Omaha
Samuel Walker and Dawn Irlbeck Department of Criminal Justice University of Nebraska at Omaha ... losi-video
Many Republicans think climate crisis is a hoax, says Nancy Pelosi – ... n-cane-gun
Florida police arrest legally blind man whose cane they mistook for a gun
Two deputies face suspension without pay after stopping James Hodges, 61, in Lake City last month ... -promotion
KFC apologises for Kristallnacht chicken and cheese promotion
Firm messaged German customers to suggest they ‘commemorate’ atrocity by eating its food ... ainforests
How dash for African oil and gas could wipe out Congo basin tropical forests ... te-protest
Actor changes his name to Rainnfall Heat Wave Extreme Weather Wilson as climate protest
The Office star Rainn Wilson announces he has changed his name to raise awareness of Arctic weather changes ... stronomers
‘Overweight’ neutron star defies a black hole theory, say astronomers
Exclusive: Gamma-ray burst from colliding stars unexpectedly gave way to day-long sight of hypermassive body ... state-sale
Pull back the shroud of mystery’: Joan Didion’s revealing estate sale
The often secretive author’s belongings will be available to bid for at an expansive and eye-opening auction ... es-sea-ice
Weatherwatch: ‘spicier’ Arctic Ocean is causing alarm
Experts say warmer, saltier water caused by rising temperatures may have profound impact on sea ice ... 34577.html
Overwhelming Missouri vote on police once again tells Kansas City: You don’t matter BY THE KANSAS CITY STAR EDITORIAL BOARD UPDATED NOVEMBER 09, 2022 5:11 PM
Read more at: ... rylink=cpy ... /20567928/
Police chief, K9 officer placed on leave in Bailey; Nash deputies called in to help
Deputies with the Nash County Sheriff's Office will work in the town of Bailey after the town's police chief and a K9 officer were placed on leave.

Exactly how many people are shot and killed by police ... -operation
November 10, 2022
Chicago committee votes against ordinance to restrict police raids despite botched 2019 operation The ordinance is named after Anjanette Young, who was naked when Chicago officers raided the wrong home in 2019 ... /41917362#
Stockton police officer arrested on theft from an elder, credit card fraud charges
Nov 9, 2022 ... nd-arrest/
Mecklenburg Co. Sheriff’s Office sergeant fired after weekend arrest
Updated: Oct. 17, 2022 at 11:50 AM EDT ... hange.html
Lagging Portland police reforms spark call for court monitor: ‘Maybe it’s time for a substantial change’
Nov. 09, 2022,
The Fourth Circuit hears arguments in a case about the right to livestream during a traffic stop.
November 7, 2022 ... story.html

Rikers Island correction officers arrested for sick leave abuse after long-running probe; bragged on social media about easy life, feds say ... available/
garrison: Issue 011 is now available!
14 October 2022 by S.T. Patrick ... tion-suit/
Watertown’s first female detective wins over $4 million discrimination suit
The jury awarded her about $3.36 million for backpay, future earning and compensatory damages, plus $1 million in punitive damages, according to lawyers involved in the case. ... ngel-ramos
California city agrees to $3m settlement for killing 21-year-old in his home
Angel Ramos, 21, was fatally shot by the Vallejo police department, which then spread falsehoods about the incident ... ts-reform/

Sep 14, 2022 — Insurance companies are successfully dictating reforms in police departments, a movement driven by the large settlements out of use-of-force ... ... 23063.html
Trump claims he used the FBI to help DeSantis win 2018 election – prompting calls for investigation ... -failures/
The Missing Review of FBI’s January 6 Intelligence and Law Enforcement Failures
by Asha Rangappa
November 10, 2022
[Editor’s Note: For a deeper dive into Rangappa’s thoughts on the FBI’s reaction to January 6th and the culture inside the Bureau, listen to her in conversation with former FBI Acting Director Andrew McCabe on the Just Security Podcast ... 57250.html
The Epoch Times
FBI Should Have 14 Days, Not 66 Years, to Produce Seth Rich ...FBI Director Christopher Wray speaks during a news conference in Omaha, Neb., ... es-lawsuit
FBI Agent Said to Put Delta Worker on Watch List Escapes Lawsuit
Nov. 9, 2022, 4:27 PM ... 13c692dc5a
Maryville College hosts town hall meeting with FBI focused on defining hate crimes
FBI agents joined Appalachian Outreach and the Maryville College Pride Club for a town hall meeting, where agents discussed the definition of hate crimes.
The FBI Killing of Fred Hampton: A Reminder For Young Organizers
Prince Williams
October 15, 2021 ... r-king-jr/
‘MLK/FBI’ looks at J. Edgar Hoover’s crusade to undermine Martin Luther King Jr.
Government agents listened in as the saint of civil rights cheated on his wife ... -in-ranks/
FBI agents allege discrimination, push for more diversity in ranks
In an exclusive interview, a group of former FBI agents are speaking out about the lack of diversity at the country's premier law enforcement agency. Justice correspondent Jeff Pegues sat down with four retired FBI special agents, who are calling on the agency for change. ... _blog.html
Was J. Edgar Hoover black?
By Barbara A. Reynolds ... aseid=3028

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Re: How do FBI agents prevent groups from joining together t

Postby fruhmenschen » Sun Dec 18, 2022 5:43 pm ... of-dissent
The Price of Dissent
Testimonies to FBI Political Repression in America
by Bud Schultz (Author)
Bud and Ruth Schultz's vivid oral history presents the extraordinary testimony of people who experienced government repression and persecution firsthand. Drawn from three of the most significant social movements of our time--the labor, Black freedom, and antiwar movements--these engrossing interviews bring to life the experiences of Americans who acted upon their beliefs despite the price they paid for their dissent. In doing so, they--and the movements they were part of--helped shape the political and social landscape of the United States from the beginning to the end of the twentieth century.

The majority of the voices in this book belong to everyday people--workers, priests, teachers, students--but more well-known figures such as Congressman John Lewis, Kwame Ture (Stokely Carmichael), Abbie Hoffman, and Daniel Ellsberg are also included. There are firsthand accounts by leaders of the Industrial Workers of the World, active early in the century; Southern Tenant Farmers Union of the 1930s; Women's Strike for Peace, the Southern Christian Leadership Conference; the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee; Berkeley's Free Speech Movement of the 1950s and 1960s; and the Hormel meatpackers' Local P-9 in the 1980s. Lively introductions by the authors contextualize these personal statements.

Those who tell their stories in The Price of Dissent, and others like them, faced surveillance and disruption from police agencies, such as the FBI; brutalization by local police; local ordinances and court injunctions limiting protest; inquisitions into beliefs and associations by congressional committees; prosecution under laws that curbed dissent; denaturalization and deportation; and purges under government loyalty programs. Agree with them or not, by dissenting when it was unpopular or dangerous to do so, they insisted on exercising the precious American right of free expression and preserved it for a new century's dissenters.

COPAGANDA ... back-2023/
9 FBI characters that probably won’t be back in 2023
by Cody Schultz

I discuss the new language in the proposed Amendments to the International Health Regulations
Condensing down the meat from the WHO's 46 page Compilation
DEC 18 2022 
I will place the new language in block quotes (with a line on the left border) and I will put the removed language in italics. This focuses on proposed changes that may warrant attention. ... tion-en.pd ... ary-budget
'A Moral and Political Disgrace': Just 11 Senators Vote No on $858 Billion Military Budget

Ep 184.1: Meryl Nass, M.D.: Biological warfare, bioport/vaxgen anthrax vaccines, and activism ... e9f57fb063

Ellsberg, Donziger Among Those Demanding Freedom for Drone Whistleblower Daniel Hale
"People forget that there are Americans being held right in our own country for political reasons, who the world regards as political prisoners, who President Biden has the power to release immediately," said human rights lawyer Steven Donziger.
December 15, 2022 ... 1858944414
We Will Be Heard: Voices in the Struggle for Constitutional Rights Past and Present ... k-serpico/
“A policeman’s first obligation is to be responsible to the needs of the community he serves…The problem is that the atmosphere does not yet exist in which an honest police officer can act without fear of ridicule or reprisal from fellow officers. We create an atmosphere in which the honest officer fears the dishonest officer, and not the other way around.” ... t-citizens
WATCH: Kevin McCarthy condemns FBI for 'weaponizing' businesses against citizens
by Steff Thomas, Engagement Editor & Producer
December 17, 2022
It Did Happen Here: Recollections of FBI Repression in America
Bud Schultz University of California Press

Scott Nearing on earlier Hoover enemies list
FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover’s plan to imprison thousands of "disloyal" American citizens, details of which were revealed in a New York Times article last Sunday, Dec. 23, 2007, goes back many years further than the 1950 letter Hoover sent to President Truman.
According to documents I obtained from the FBI in 2003, Hoover was maintaining a list of "dangerous" U.S. citizens in the early 1940s ... -disaster/
Ship in German ‘Titanic’ film sank, killing far more than the real one

SAPD 'feces sandwhich' cop was hired, and fired, in another Texas town
And this week's top stories
Katy Barber,
Dec. 17, 2022
Israeli cop sexually abuses woman who filed complaint
By JERUSALEM POST STAFF Published: DECEMBER 18, 2022 ... t/2922940/
Boston Cop Arrested After Fight in Funeral Home
James Kenneally has been a Boston police officer since 1997; he's currently on administrative leave
By Kaitlin McKinley Becker • Published December 17, 2022 ... -continue/
Police Teen Sex Abuse Cases Continue ... christmas/
“Cops and Kids” shopping event lets children shop with a cop this Christmas
by: Baylee Martin
Posted: Dec 18, 2022 ... forcement/
Shop with a Cop event helps students build relationships with law enforcement
PAULA REED WARD | Sunday, Dec. 18, 2022 ... 742850.php
FBI internal affairs chief pleads guilty to child molestation of 6 year olds
JOHN SOLOMON ... rd-column/
Head of FBI Child Abuse Program John Conditt loses lawsuit brought by 3 daughters who claimed he sexually abused them for over 15 years
Sisters Win Abuse Lawsuit Against Father
SCOTT MAXWELL ... to_re.html
Judge declares FBI agent John Seese not a sex offender after Seese being arrested multiple times including masturbating in public
FBI agent doesn't have to register as sex offender for peeping Tom incidents in Hershey, elsewhere, court says
Jul. 11, 2014, ... rd-column/
Family’s settlement with UIW leaves troubled cop free to carry a gun and wear a badge
by Robert Rivard
December 18, 2022 ... urner-says
December 18, 2022
FBI facing subpoenas after Twitter Files, Rep. Mike Turner says
Twitter Files started dropping more than two weeks ago ... f-the-fbi/
Rep. Mike Turner: GOP will pursue ‘secret files’ of FBI contacts with Big Tech
By Mark Moore
December 18, 2022
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Re: How do FBI agents prevent groups from joining together t

Postby fruhmenschen » Sun Feb 05, 2023 10:06 pm ... es-autopsy
‘Cop City’ protester Manuel Terán shot at least 13 times by police – autopsy
Protester who opposed Georgia’s planned police-training facility was first environmental activist killed by police in US history ... -rcna68837
A new Martin Luther King-themed cop car is shockingly tone-deaf
Who thought this was a good idea? ... criticism/
Miami police cruiser's Black History Month design draws criticism ... lbuquerque
Sending Help Instead of the Police in Albuquerque
A novel community-safety department has been taking calls off the hands of a force with the country’s second-highest fatal-shooting rate. Has it improved public safety?
By Murat Oztaskin
February 4, 2023 ... index.html
No charges will be filed against the Ohio officers who fatally shot a man suspected of burglary while cleaning out his dead grandmother's home, prosecutor says ... eform.html
The New York Times
Opinion | Watching the WatchmenThe footage of Memphis police officers killing Tyre Nichols in early January, however, is all the more unbearable because Americans have seen... ... re-nichols
How US police got the deadly power to stop drivers at will
Julie Livingston and Andrew Ross
The practice has its roots in the 1920s. That it would lead to racial profiling was foreordained ... brutality/
New alliance in GR calls for change against pattern of police brutalityA new alliance against police brutality stood for change in downtown Grand Rapids on Feb. 4, 2023. ... lanternfly
Yale honors Black girl reported to police over lanternfly projectThe outpouring of support for Bobbi and her love of science has been constant since the police stop hit the internet. She has received the...
California police face scrutiny after killing double amputee ... rges-2021/
Bellmead assistant police chief arrested again on same charges from 2021
Latest arrest comes a month after district attorney dismissed charges against Brenda Kinsey ... -protocol/
DIGGING DEEPER: Springfield police mental health crisis protocol(KY3) - KY3 took a deeper look into mental health crisis training Springfield police officers undergo following a deadly officer-involved... ... ments.html
The New York Times
New York Taxper Pays $121 Million for Police Misconduct, the Most in 5 YearsPolice misconduct settlements in New York City last year were driven to their highest level since 2018 by six payouts over $10 million,... ... icing-act/
Rep. Jamaal Bowman Says Tribalism In Politics Is Preventing Police ReformJamaal Bowman says Democrats and Republicans are scared to break party lines, particularly when it comes to police reform, and it's... ... oblem.html
Oregon Live
Black Oregon lawmaker pulled over twice by police in 3 days says it’s an example of broader racial biasNelson said he believed it was Oregon State Police troopers who pulled him over in both cases. In an email Thursday evening, OSP spokesperson...

Copaganda ... ear-2023-2
Dave Bautista says he and Jason Momoa's 'Lethal Weapon'-type buddy cop comedy will likely shoot next year: 'I think it's going to be a hit'
Jason Guerrasio Feb 3, 2023, 7:33 AM ... story.html

New York Daily News
Retired NYPD cop and her boyfriend dead in Brooklyn in possible murder suicide ... m_partner/
Documents show how 19 "Cop City" activists got charged with terrorism
Georgia police are invoking a 2017 terrorism law against activists accused of little more than trespassing
By ALLEEN BROWN ... story.html
New York Daily News
NYC cop fires gun in the air after drunkenly crashing Jeep into parked cars in Brooklyn: police sourcesAs good Samaritans rushed to his aid, an off-duty cop fired his gun into the air after drunkenly crashing his Jeep into parked cars on a...
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Re: How do FBI agents prevent groups from joining together t

Postby fruhmenschen » Thu Mar 16, 2023 6:21 pm ... ors-allege
Sickening Footage Shows Cops ‘Smothering’ Mentally Ill Man to Death, Prosecutors Allege
Lawyers for Irvo Otieno’s family likened his death to that of George Floyd.
Eileen Grench
Justice Reporter
Updated Mar. 16, 2023 5:57PM ET 
Published Mar. 16, 2023 5:20PM ET ... -timeline/
Deleted murder evidence casts ‘big shadow’ on Dallas’ justice system, police watchdog says
The city’s top police watchdog raised alarms about the lost videos, saying they cast a shadow over criminal justice in the city. ... ng-bundle/
Daily Deal: The Premium Ethical Hacking Bundle
from the good-deals-on-cool-stuff dept
Wed, Mar 15th 2023 10:45am - Daily Deal
The Premium Ethical Hacking Bundle has 8 courses to help you master ethical hacking and cybersecurity. You’ll learn about penetration testing, social engineering, server security, and more. It’s on sale ... xtremists/
The FBI is spying on a Chicago bookstore because it’s hosting “extremists.”
By Jonny Diamond
March 15, 2023, 12:14pm
In FBI documents recently acquired by Unicorn Riot, a left-leaning independent media outlet, Chicago’s worker-owned Pilsen Community Books was said to be a meeting place for “anarchist violent extremists, or ‘AVEs,’ environmental violent extremists, or ‘EVEs’ and pro-abortion extremists.”
As worker-owner Mandy Medley told Unicorn Riot, though:
We’re open to the public, open t ... o-5531813/
Jane Turner: From FBI Whistleblower to Whistleblower Advocate
Grace Schepis
Kohn, Kohn & Colapinto LLP
March 15, 2023
From oustee to advocate, former FBI agent Jane Turner continues to uplift whistleblowers while sharing her personal story exposing widespread misconduct and cover-ups within the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).
Standing outside a Minneapolis courtroom 16 years ago, jurors hugged Turner with tears in their eyes after siding with her in what would go down in federal whistleblower history. Turner, who served 25 devoted, decorated, and scot-free years in the FBI, had just won her case against her former employer who, witness after witness, ripped apart her years of service.
Turner joined the FBI in 1978 for all the right reasons. That little girl who grew up watching spy shows and superhero films never dreamed that years later she would be the one painted as the bad guy when up against the very agency she had dedicated her career to.
Prior to joining the Bureau, Turner was the only female counselor at Father Don Murray’s Sky Ranch for Boys, a court adjudicated placement for “trouble-prone” boys under 18. But instead of finding herself in a safe space prioritizing rehabilitation, Turner watched as Sky Ranch ignored ongoing sexual abuse perpetuated by individuals at the highest level. Turner raised this issue and was terminated. It would take years for those allegations to ever come to light. Fierce abuse continued up until Murray’s death in 1975 after he drunkenly crashed a plane, killing himself and a young resident of the ranch in what a survivor of Murray’s assaults described as a “suicide mission”.
“I made a promise to myself that I would never allow sexual abuse to children happen again,” Turner said.
When Turner walked the graduation stage in Quantico, Virginia, on what she described as “the proudest day of my life,” she was not just becoming an FBI agent. She was becoming a female FBI agent, a distinction she would never be allowed to forget. At her first post in Seattle, Washington ... 00803.html
Yahoo News
Family of slain Parkland student and other crime victims fight DeSantis-backed lawsuit limit billParkland families sued the FBI for botching tips about the shooter and the Broward County school district for negligence, receiving a combined $152.5... ... precincts/
NYPD boss Keechant Sewell looks to improve public’s perception of cops, police precincts
By Tina Moore and Steve Janoski
March 15, 2023 8:37pm Updated ... ired-again
Texas cop previously fired for giving 'feces sandwich' to homeless man has been fired again
Matthew Luckhurst was terminated from the Floresville Police Department last week ... index.html
Top FBI agent charged with child porn distribution
Bill Mears, CNN ... ss-the-us/
Police Departments Retaliate Against Organized Cop-Watch Groups Across the US
Organizations that use police scanners to monitor police activities by legally filming cops on duty have said they’ve experienced retaliation.
By Candice Bernd , TRUTHOUT ... me-online/

Copyright Means You May Need Permission To Post Photos Of Your Own Home Online
from the removing-ownership dept
Wed, Mar 15th 2023 04:06pm - Glyn Moody ... ncryption/
WhatsApp Tells UK Government It’s Still Not Willing To Undermine Its Encryption
(Mis)Uses of Technology
from the don't-make-me-tap-the-sign dept
Wed, Mar 15th 2023 12:08pm - Tim Cushing
The UK government is entertaining even more ... ungry-kids
GOP Lawmaker Says Hungry People Don’t Exist Because He’s Never Met One
In 2022 alone, people in his state made more than 5.5 million visits to food pantries.
By Trone Dowd
March 15, 2023 ... t-database
‘Nobody is Safe’: In Wild Hacking Spree, Hackers Accessed Federal Law Enforcement Database
The U.S. government database provided access to a treasure trove of sensitive data. "I can request information on anyone in the U.S.," one of the alleged hackers wrote.
By Joseph Cox
March 15, 2023 ... s-the-past
A Growing Number of Scientists Are Convinced the Future Influences the Past
“Our instincts of time and causation are our deepest, strongest instincts that physicists and philosophers—and humans—are loath to give up,” said one scientist.
By Becky Ferreira
March 16, 2023, 9:00am ... t-monument

Archaeologists Discover Worship of Unknown Gods at Ancient Desert Monument
03.15.23 ... -they-now/


7 Virginia deputies charged in Irvo Otieno’s death at state mental hospital
By Yaron Steinbuch
March 16, 2023 9:22am ... an-atlanta
The ‘Stop Cop City’ Movement Is Bigger Than Atlanta NowEco-anarchists associated with the “Stop Cop City” movement in Atlanta have claimed credit for at least 60 acts of vandalism or sabotage around the U.S.
By Tess Owen
March 16, 2023, ... g-members/
Another 2,000 suspected gang members land in El Salvador’s mega-prison
By David Propper
March 16, 2023 ... e_mcBNk9EE?
FDA authorizes 4th booster for babies--while data from the UK and Germany suggest you cause 22 serious injuries with the shot in order to prevent a single child's hospitalization
We need to start charging the individual public health officials with crimes for acting outside their legal authority--where is the US' Pascal Najadi?
Meryl Nass
On December 8, 2022 the FDA authorized bivalent COVID boosters for children as young as 6 months old.
“More children now have the opportunity to update their protection against COVID-19 with a bivalent COVID-19 vaccine, and we encourage parents and caregivers of those eligible to consider doing so – especially as we head into the holidays and winter months where more time will be spent indoors,” said FDA Commissioner Robert M. Califf, M.D.
Yesterday, the FDA authorized a 4th dose of mRNA COVID vaccine for children aged 6 months to 5 years of age. ... libya-iaea
Have You Seen Two Tonnes of Missing Uranium? The UN Would Like It Back ... libya-iaea
The United Nations has revealed that a large amount of natural uranium has gone missing in an undisclosed site in Libya that is not under government control.
By Dipo Faloyin
March 16, 2023, 8:23am ... emoi-death
An Ivermectin Influencer Died. Now His Followers Are Worried About Their Own ‘Severe’ Symptoms.
Danny Lemoi took a daily dose of veterinary-grade ivermectin and told his thousands of followers to give the drug to children. He died of a common side effect of the medication.
By David Gilbert
March 13, 2023, 7:00am ... dium=email
I had forgotten this 2019 article by Richard Baron, the CEO of the American Board of Internal Medicine
How did he know in 2019 that disTrust in medicine was about to go big? ... dium=email
Great News: Dutch farmers’ party secures landslide victory!
Largest voter turnout in 30 years, and with 18 parties in Parliament, the Farmers party (BBB) got 30% of the vote, by far the highest--and Holland's current leaders will soon be out on their ear.
Meryl Nass MD ... ce-patrols

‘We’re on our own’: the rural US town where police refuse calls ... olice.html
How Peru Used Lethal Force to Crack Down on Anti-Government Protests
A New York Times investigation found that the country’s police and military fired lethal ammunition at unarmed civilians during

Southern Indiana woman, ACLU file lawsuit against Evansville police officer
The suit alleges police had placed an “alert” on Owen years earlier after she took part in “First Amendment auditing” – where citizens legally film in public spaces such as post offices and government buildings.
The woman, an Uber driver, says the officer pulled her over without cause and violated her Fourth Amendment rights
Jon Webb
Evansville Courier & Press ... f-97911085
Thai police to get mental health checks after fatal standoff
Police in Thailand will be subject to random checks of their physical and mental health after a 27-hour standoff where a senior officer holed up and fired a gun into the air until he was subdued by fellow officers
ByThe Associated Press
March 16, 2023, 11:41 AM ... dui-arrest
Thursday, March 16th 2023, 2:54 pm
By: News 9 ... 007849007/
From NYPD to Maine: Former New York City officers now serving and protecting Kennebunk
Shawn P. Sullivan
Portsmouth ... hio-house/
Bill to lower age of police officers enters Ohio House
BY: SUSAN TEBBEN - MARCH 16, 2023 4:35 AM ... 015833007/
Slain Livonia woman was dedicated mother, brave police officer
Killed by a Police Officer boyfriend
Shelby Tankersley ... fety-plan/
I’m Not Going To Defund The Police’: Brandon Johnson Tries To Set The Record Straight On Public Safety Plan
Johnson, facing an attack ad from Paul Vallas about his prior statements on policing, clarified his position during an event hosted by Block Club.
Quinn Myers
1:03 PM CDT on Mar 16, 2023 ... 30316.html
Philly mayoral candidates are distancing themselves from ‘defund’ and say police staffing is a key priority
No candidates are in favor of reducing the Police Department’s $800 million budget, and several have advocated for increases in funding to cover technology upgrades or recruitment programs ... formation/
Trooper accused of allowing girlfriend to access sensitive state police information
By Evan Sobol, Stephanie Simoni, Marcy Jones, Jay Kenney, Rob Polansky and Bryant Reed
Published: Mar. 15, 2023 at 3:37 PM EDT|Updated: 10 hours ago ... ohol-poker
'I'm not turning my camera off': Oklahoma City police release bodycam of captain's arrest
by KOKH STAFFThu, March 16th 2023, 1:13 PM EDT ... s-driving/
Capitol Police officer resigns after being charged with DUI, careless driving
, Feb. 13, 2023. (AP Photo/Rogelio V. Solis)(Rogelio V. Solis | AP)
By Anthony Warren
Published: Mar. 16, 2023 at 11:34 AM EDT|Updated: 6 hours ago ... -to-change
Met police on ‘last chance’ as Casey report to condemn failure to change
Exclusive: findings of official review due out on Tuesday described as ‘horrible’ and ‘atrocious’ for force ... 4433007%2F
Louisville police violated Breonna Taylor protesters' rights ... t-charges/
Denver police officer arrested on theft charges ... b138e30a9f
Champlin police officer sues deputy over K9 bites
Daniel Irish says the Hennepin County Deputy failed to control his dog Thor, resulting in an attack that allegedly led to physical injuries and mental suffering. ... ing-bribes
Detroit police officer gets prison for taking towing bribes
By FOX 2 Staff
Published March 16, 2023 9:18AM
Crime and Public Safety
FOX 2 Detroit ... avior.html
Oregon police chief, captain resign after investigation finds ‘extremely unacceptable behavior’
Updated: Mar. 16, 2023, 8:37 a.m.|Published: Mar. 16, 2023, 8:36 a.m. ... ew-hq.html
Cleveland to spend millions on new police buildings, above and beyond cost of new HQ
Published: Mar. 15, 2023, 5:28 p.m.

The Salt Lake Tribune
Salt Lake City police spokesperson back on duty after reporting to work with alcohol in systemSalt Lake City police communications director Brent Weisberg is back on duty after he allegedly responded to a crime scene last month with... ... kesperson/
Salt Lake City police spokesperson back on duty after reporting to work with alcohol in system
Communications director Brent Weisberg was placed on four weeks of paid leave after he responded to work with alcohol in his system, police said in a statement. ... on-tiktok/
Lawsuit: Cop pulled over driver for TikTok livestream—and shared driver’s ID
Texas man suing now fears identity theft after his personal info was shared.
ASHLEY BELANGER - 3/15/2023, 4:40 PM
Testimony to the Court by Cop Sentenced to 25 Years Prison! Too Harsh? ... decessors/
NYPD commish let more cops off the hook for misconduct than predecessors
By Craig McCarthy
March 16, 2023 5:52pm Updated ... ife-2023-3
A Philly cop has been charged with assault over a bar fight. In 2011, the Fraternal Order of Police made sure he didn't lose his job after being accused of punching his wife in the face.
Charles R. Davis Mar 15, 2023, 8:44 PM ... -advocates
NYPD's Top Cop Brushed Off 100s Of Cop Misconduct Penalties: Advocates
Commissioner Keechant Sewell said she broke from discipline recommendations 70 times last year. Advocates say the actual number is 425.
Matt Troutman,
Patch Staff
Posted Thu, Mar 16, 2023 at 2:12 pm ET ... bar-fight/
N.J. Supreme Court denies ex-cop’s bid for new trial in fatal bar fight
Juries don’t have to explain why they reject self-defense claims, court says
BY: DANA DIFILIPPO - MARCH 16, 2023 12:33 PM
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Re: How do FBI agents prevent groups from joining together t

Postby fruhmenschen » Thu Sep 21, 2023 8:27 pm ... -far-right
US businessman is wannabe ‘warlord’ of secretive far-right men’s network
Revealed: Charles Haywood, creator of the Society for American Civic Renewal, has said he might serve as ‘warlord’ at the head of an ‘armed patronage network’
Jason Wilson
Tue 22 Aug 2023 ... tudy-finds
Bacteria that ‘eats’ methane could slow global heating, study finds
Technology has the potential to make deep cuts to emissions of the potent greenhouse gas but requires major investment
Oksana Pyzik
Tue 22 2023 ... lockbuster
‘The film the woke Nazis don’t want you to see!’ How the culture wars made Sound of Freedom a blockbuster
How did a mid-budget thriller about child trafficking become a box office smash? With a lot of help from conspiracy theorists, the US’s religious right and Donald Trump
Steve Rose
Tue 22 Aug 2023 ... rostitute/
Disgraced Suffolk County police chief who botched Gilgo Beach case and beat up porn thief accused of soliciting sex —
By Jared Downing and Steve Janoski
August 22, 2023 ... se-deaths/
San Francisco hit with ‘tidal wave’ of fentanyl overdose deaths as city on track to set grim record
By Marjorie Hernandez
August 22, 2023 ... 2/44878642
Database of disciplinary records for Massachusetts police officers
Data covers reported records from Dec. 1984-Jan. 2023
Provided by POST Commission on Aug. 22, 2023n ... s/3118300/
Mass. police oversight committee releases database of officer disciplinary records
The database includes 3,413 records of 2,165 officers from 273
law enforcement agencies
By Marc Fortier • Published August 22, 2023 ... story.html
Riverside rallies in support of police officer decertified for $14.99 retail theft in 2008
By Jake Sheridan Chicago Tribune
Aug 22, 2023 ... violation/
Alabama Ethics Commission finds Mobile cop committed ‘minor violation’
DA’s Office says it has referred matter to attorney general; Mobile Police Department has internal probe
By Brendan Kirby
Published: Aug. 22, 2023 ... ignatures/
Why ‘Stop Cop City’ isn’t ready to turn in 100k petition signatures
by Ryan Zickgraf
August 22, 2023 ... referendum
'Stop Cop City' Referendum Organizers Call Atlanta's Verification Regime 'Voter Suppression'
"It's clear that the city of Atlanta knows that they will lose a vote over Cop City, so now they are trying to prevent it," said one activist.
Aug 22, 2023 ... 1850761802
Georgia Sheriff Pleads Guilty to Groping TV Judge at a Cop Convention
“He so violated me, and at that moment I felt so powerless,” Glenda Hatchett told the AP. “I felt it was important for there to be accountability."
Kylie Cheung ... -licenses/
Dirty Cop: Baltimore County Officer Gets Prison Time For Accepting Bribes For Handgun Licenses
Former Baltimore County Police officer William Johnson, Jr. is set to spend time behind bars with some of the people he helped lock up.
Zak Failla
08/22/2023 ... r-in-83245
Cop Out of Job After 10-Year-Old Boy Was Arrested and Jailed for Urinating Behind Mom's Car in Mississippi
First Published: 11:06 AM PDT, August 22, 2023

Copaganda ... -1.6530091
Cop Camp aims to connect youth and police for fun, learning and mentorship
Gary ArchibaldPublished Aug. 22, 2023 ... -waikoloa/
West Hawaii Today
Have ‘Coffee with a Cop’ Friday in WaikoloaThe Hawaii Police Department's South Kohala Community Policing Section invites the public to join them for “Coffee with a Cop” from 7 a.m. to 10 a.m. Friday... ... d4374.html
Helena Independent Record
Shop with a CopLewis and Clark County Sheriff's Deputy Greg Holmlund helps Khloe shop for school clothes at Old Navy on Tuesday for Shop with a Cop. ... -to-school
Students "Shop with a Cop" for back to schoolHELENA — On Tuesday, August 22, the Salvation Army hosted a "Shop with a Cop" school clothes shopping spree at Old Navy. “It meant a lot to us fo ... /13685297/
Sources: Philadelphia officer to be terminated following fatal shooting of Eddie Irizarry
Video of the shooting was released Tuesday during a news conference with Eddie Irizarry's family members and their attorney.
By6abc Digital Staff and Maggie Ken ... hange.html
When the heroes are racist and authoritarian: Why cop shows have to change
From ‘Starsky and Hutch’ to ‘CSI,’ the relationship between law enforcement and American television has almost always been mutually beneficial. Current events call for a new approach
AUG 22, 2023 ... f700e.html
Gilbert cop put gun to handcuffed woman’s head
By Cecilia Chan, GSN Managing Editor 18 hrs ago ... cop-murder
Judge rejects special prosecutor to look into alleged misconduct by police, prosecutors in 2011 cop murder
By Andy Grimm
Published August 22, 2023 8:06AM
Chicago Police Department
Sun-Times Media Wire ... rom-prison
Cop charged in beach attack released from prison
Wednesday, August 23rd 2023, 11:35 AM ChST ... 79954.html
Trooper was nearly 3-times over SC’s legal drinking limit when pulled over, cops say BY NOAH FEIT
August 22,2023
Read more at: ... rylink=cpy ... -of-david/
Palestinian files complaint against cops accused of branding him with Star of David
Arwah Sheikh Ali provides testimony to internal affairs on his violent arrest last week in East Jerusalem by group of officers whose body cameras were turned off
22 August 2023 ... arraigned/
Hemet cop accused of severely injuring woman during arrest arraigned
By City News Service
Published August 21, 2023 ... vapes.html
Campbelltown cop Matthew Townsend was a predator who bribed schoolgirl, 15, for sex with vodka cruisers and vapes
* Sydney cop, 29, pleads guilty to sex with girl, 15
* Matthew Townsend met the teen while on duty 
* He bribed her to have sex with alcohol and vapes 
UPDATED: 11:22 EDT, 22 August 2023 ... dium=email
My Discussion with Sasha Latypova about the Insanity of the WHO Pandemic Treaty
I am reposting what Sasha wrote below about our discussion. Please go to her site to watch the 1 hr video, which I think you will really enjoy.
AUG 23, 2023
Posts: 5820
Joined: Thu Aug 12, 2010 7:46 pm
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Re: How do FBI agents prevent groups from joining together t

Postby fruhmenschen » Tue Feb 20, 2024 11:47 am ... ss-opioids
Secretive US rightwing group Alec designs law to give big business ‘complete immunity for bad acts’
Group wrote model legislation to restrict lawsuits under public nuisance laws used to hold opioid makers and vaccine makers to account
Chris McGreal
Mon 5 Feb 2024 ... per-israel
Publishers of the school newspaper notified police. Now the students, charged under an obscure anti-KKK law, face a year in jail.
Connor Echols
February 5 2024 ... -governor/
If You Want to Understand Why the War on Drugs Failed, There is No Better Place to Look Than Arkansas When Clinton Was Governor
By Jeremy Kuzmarov - February 5, 2024 ... or-search/
Another FBI screw-up?
By Jennifer Rub
Columnist February 5, 2024 ... sion-probe
House Judiciary Committee sues FBI agent for defying subpoena in government, Big Tech collusion probe
The committee subpoenaed Special Agent Elvis Chan in September 2023
By Brooke Singman Fox News
Published February 6, 2024 3:28pm EST ... outers-and
FBI and DOJ disrupt campaign targeting critical infrastructure through small/home office routers and cybercrime money laundering operation
Feb 05, 2024 ... itt-files/
Judicial Watch Lawsuit Demands FBI’s Ashli Babbitt Files
February 6,2024 ... uester-fbi
FEBRUARY 7, 2024
Badge of Honor: Cato Designated ‘Vexsome’ FOIA Requester by FBI
By Patrick G. Eddington ... or-search/
Another FBI screw-up?
By Jennifer Rubin
February 5, 2024 ... -americans
Video: Ro Khanna Grills FBI Director Christopher Wray On Racial Profiling Of Chinese-Americans
LiveTube Newsdesk
February 6, 2024 ... n-problem/
MAY 14, 2009
The FBI’s Racial Discrimination Problem… ... 4a2b0df5a/
By Michael Isikoff
April 3, 1991 ... awyer-says
By Deseret News
question were examined Tuesday.Thurschwell said the worst death threat, a typed message to Rochon, warned in vulgar and explicit language that he would be mutilated and his wife would be sexually assaulted following his allegations of racism within the FBI. ... sertations
FBI Investigations into the Civil Rights Movement and the New
Meredith Donovan ... y-assault/
‘Officer of the Year’ arrested in Disney assault after threatening ‘to f–king kill’ security guards: officials
Melissa Koenig
Published Feb. 7, 2024 ... aturestack
Cop from Buckland, Mass. pleads guilty to possessing child porn, secretly filming nude girl
Jacob Wrisley, 42, was a part-time police officer in Bernardston and Buckland, where he lives. he victimized a young girl who was 8 to 10 years old, Wrisley was found with ten thousands of images and videos of child pornography
By Molly Farrar
February 7, 2024

COPAGANDA ... 497318007/
FSU to host Emmett Till Archives Lecture Series featuring retired FBI special agent
Tarah Jean
Tallahassee Democrat

met at #FBI Headquarters for a friendly game of basketball. Black Students from Theodore Roosevelt High School in Washington, D.C. tipped-off against FBI hemployees after learning about opportunities within the Bureau. Learn more here: ... ips-in-dc- ... 3b1090dedd
Hinds confirms FBI, CIA support for Carnival
Jesse Ramdeo ... -williams/
FBI: Most Wanted Season 5 Adds X-Files & Supernatural Star As Character From Ray’s Past
FBI: Most Wanted season 5 welcomes an X-Files and Supernatural star as a pivotal character connected to Special Agent Ray Cannon’s past. ... se-photos/
FBI: International Shows Off New Team Base In Season 3 Photos
NICK BYTHROW ... 235814697/
“FBI: Most Wanted” Adds Steven Williams To Season 5
By Rosy Cordero
February 5, 2024 ... on-photos/
‘FBI: International’: First Look at Fly Team’s New HQ (PHOTOS)
Meredith Jacobs
February 5,2024 ... llies.html
February 5, 2024
The FBI and Fourth Amendment follies
By Mike McDaniel ... llies.html
Most Americans don’t know how much police officers rely on the Constitution, and particularly the Bill of Rights, in their daily work. This is particularly true of the Fourth Amendment, which regulates search and seizure:
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches an ... ab098.html
Few are held responsible for wrongful convictions. Can a Philadelphia police perjury case stick?
* MARYCLAIRE DALE Associated Press ... ointelpro/
Tales from the pages of COINTELPRO
Eugene PuryearFebruary 5, 2024 35 6 minutes read
“Oftentimes we lose sight of who our real enemies are and give vent to our emotional responses.”1
         -Safiya Bukhari ... es-on-febr
Pine Ridge Police Chief William "Billy" Parker set to be sentenced on Federal Charges on February 22,2024 ... m-protests
Protests as Atlanta council adopts new rules for referendum on Cop City
Vote comes amid protests against the methodology the council adopted for signature matching on referendum petitions
George Chidi in Atlanta
Mon 5 Feb 2024 ... f5c55a0000
Israeli Court Approves Lenient Plea Bargain for Cop Charged With Obstructing Murder Investigation
Chief Warrant Officer Chaim Gabai, who failed to report his connection to the main suspect in the northern Israeli murder case, will be convicted of fraud and breach of trust, while the main charge against him – obstruction of justice – is dropped
Adi HashmonaiYael Freidson
Feb 5, 2024 ... /14387939/
Drew Peterson, ex-Bolingbrook police sergeant convicted of killing wife, to get fitness evaluation
ByJohn Garcia and ABC7 Chicago Digital Team
Monday, February 5, 2024 ... 1b8bb56653
Trial against former Greenwood Village cop starts this week, two years after teen's death
Investigators say Adam Holen shot and killed 17-year-old Peyton Blitstein on Thanksgiving Eve 2021.
Author: Kelly Reinke (9NEWS)
February 5, 2024 ... onor-case/
NYPD cop Dwayne Montgomery pleads guilty to conspiracy in Adams straw donor case
By Ben Brachfeld
Posted on February 5, 2024 ... 481021007/
Worcester cop sues former police chief and city, alleging pattern of harassment
Brad Petrishen
Worcester Telegram & Gazette ... aturestack
Second Mass. state trooper allowed to retire and collect hefty pension facing charges in CDL scandal is dishonorably discharged
Trooper Joel Rogers, 54, of Bridgewater, had been suspended without pay by state police since Jan. 31.
By Dialynn Dwyer
February 6, 2024 ... nicaragua/
The “Human Rights Industry” and Nicaragua
By John Perry - February 6, 2024 ... sequence=1
Book Reviews
THE BOSS: J. EDGAR HOOVER AND THE GREAT AMERICAN INQUISITION. By Athan G. Theoharis1 and John Stuart Cox.2 Philadelphia, Pa.: Temple University Press. 1988.
The Federal Bureau of Investigation in 1989 is generally pre- sumed to bear relatively little resemblance to the FBI as it existed in May of 1972 when J. Edgar Hoover, the Bureau's director since 1924, died suddenly at the age of seventy-seven. The panoply of investigative horror stories that began with revelations about the dirty tricks escapades of "COINTELPRO," then expanded during Watergate and finally culminated during the 1975-1976 Senate hearings of the Church Committee gradually gave way to the image of an ostensibly better managed and less political FBI whose recov- ery was symbolized by the apparently successful directorship of for- mer federal appellate judge William H. Webster.
In the last year or so, however, those roseate assumptions have been cast into greater doubt than at any time in more than a decade as three contemporary stories that seem like total throwbacks to the Hoover-era FBI have unfolded in the public press: first, the embar- rassing tale of the Bureau's admittedly over broad and at times ham-handed investigation of the Committee in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador (CISPES); second, the stunningly racist har- assment that one black Bureau agent, Donald Rochon, apparently experienced at the hands of his erstwhile FBI colleagues in the Omaha and Chicago field offices; and, third, a U.S. District Court verdict finding the FBI guilty of widespread racial discrimination in employment practices against its own Hispanic Special Agents.
These recent embarrassments ought not to come as such a sur- prise. The internal world of the FBI has changed a good deal less overthepastfifteenyearsthanmanypeopleassume. Externalover- sight of Bureau investigations by Justice Department lawyers and congressional Intelligence Committees, much-heralded a decade ago as an all-purpose guarantee against Hoover-style political ex- cesses, has hardly any effect on the workaday world of field agents'
the "highly professional, sophisticated" FBI.
Those who presume that the Webster-era FBI became a sub- stantially transformed and significantly more able police bureau- cracy than what existed at the end of Hoover's reign ought to ponder carefully the accumulating evidence of these past two years. Simple competence does not appear to be American counterintel- ligence's strong suit. Ham-handed over-investigation of essentially harmless political dissenters such as CISPES appears as ideologi- cally misguided as it is wasteful. The internal, racially focused har- assment of Agent Rochon seems to have gone far, far beyond the sort of office hijinks that some Bureau supervisors initially sought to dismiss it as. The FBI's loss of the Hispanic agents' discrimination suit provides a formally-adjudicated verdict that systemic-and not just idiosyncratic-problems are widespread. The dismissal of Agent Ryan for conscientiously dissenting from the Bureau's still- powerful conservative political consensus shows that some other Hoover-era values remain strong as well. The more the FBI seems to change, the more it may really remain the sam
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Re: How do FBI agents prevent groups from joining together t

Postby fruhmenschen » Tue May 07, 2024 7:33 pm ... -official/
FBI lost count of how many paid informants were at Capitol on Jan. 6 — later performed audit to figure out exact number: ex-official
By Miranda Devine
Published Sep. 19, 2023 ... d/#respond
Columbia University Appoints as New Professor a War Lover with No Academic Credentials that Gloated When Libya’s Leader Was Lynched
By Jeremy Kuzmarov - September 19, 2023 ... ome-money/
SEPTEMBER 19, 2023
Hey, Buddy, Wanna Lose Some Money?


A Decade of Stonewalling: 10 Years After the Boston Bombing
A selection of the dozens of articles we produced in the aftermath of the Boston Marathon bombing and during the trial of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev. Many of the questions we asked remain unanswered to this day. ... ult-crime/
Patrick Heron case: Philadelphia cop sexually assaulted 48 victims, prosecutors say
SEPTEMBER 18, 2023 / 6:29 PM / CBS PHILADELPHIA ... l-warnock/
It’s Now Clear: “Cop City” Is About Democracy
Atlanta officials have been evasive on how to verify over 100,000 petition signatures in support of putting the $90 million training center up for a vote. ... rth-11000/
Police Union VP Says Woman Killed By Cop Is Only Worth $11,000
from the end-result-of-indemnification dept
Mon, Sep 18th 2023 12:00pm - Tim Cushing
You hate to see it. But you know it’s always there. And it’s not even hidden below the surface. It’s right there on top: the disdain expressed by law enforcement officers for the people they’re supposed to be serving.
If you believe the people you swore to serve and protect are worth less than the so-called protectors and servers, that sentiment will continue to bubble to the top, even when the servers/protectors are (or, at least should be) aware their comments are being recorded.
That’s how you end up making the worst sort of headlines. And that’s how you end up saying the quiet part out loud while dealing with the aftermath of a seemingly preventable tragedy. Here’s Mike Carter, reporting for the Seattle Times:
A Seattle police watchdog agency is investigating rank-and-file union leaders over body-camera audio in which they laugh, joke about and downplay the death of a young woman struck by a police cruiser, suggesting her life had “limited value” and that the city should “just write a check.”
Officer Daniel Auderer, vice president of the Seattle Police Officers Guild, inadvertently left his body camera running after responding ... mory-holed
Bob Dylan’s ‘Neighborhood Bully’ Gets Memory-Holed
Me, I romp and stomp/Thankful as I romp/Without freedom of speech/I might be in the swamp
JACOB SIEGEL ... 34005.html
FBI chief says China has bigger hacking program than the competition combined
Raphael Satter
Mon, September 18, 2023 ... watchlist/
Muslim American advocates file civil rights lawsuit over FBI watchlist
Prospect Park Mayor Mohamed Khairullah was on the list and doesn’t know why ... gence.html
FBI director urges private sector to lend government more support in cyber intelligence
Rohan Goswami ... i-academy/
Dothan Police Lieutenant graduates from FBI Academy
by: Richard Everett
Posted: Sep 18, 2023 ... fd1cdb164e
Major Russell Lewis Graduates from FBI National Academy
Posted Sep 18, 2023 ... l-academy/
WVUA 23 News ... aac44.html
FBI hiring for Chattanooga Special Agent
Local 3 News staff Sep 18, 2023 ... -services/
FBI to Award Up to $358M in Contracts for Architectural, Engineering & Planning Services
JERRY PETERSENSEPTEMBER 18, 2023 ... ver-secret
Kash Patel sues FBI director, former DOJ officials over secret targeting of personal records during RussiaGate ... tax-probe/
FBI Agent Timothy Thibault Told to Shut Down Informant, Breitbart News’s Peter Schweizer, in Hunter Biden Tax Probe 
WENDELL HUSEBØ18 Sep 2023 ... ual-abuse/
Sens. Ossoff, Blackburn Launch Bipartisan Inquiry into FBI’s Capacity to Investigate Child Sexual Abuse
September 18, 2023 ... nformation
A Guide to Understanding the Hoax of the Century
Thirteen ways of looking at disinformation
MARCH 28, 2023

Copaganda ... 694956747/
Vanessa Emme: 'Chelsea Detective' cop Layla says what's on her mindNEW YORK, Sept. 18 (UPI) -- Bloodlands and Dublin Murders actress Vanessa Emme says she envies Layla Walsh, the cop she plays in Season 2 of The Chelsea... ... y-cop-gem/
Rotten Tomatoes
25 Years Later, Rush Hour Is Still a Buddy-Cop GemIn 1998, Jackie Chan and Chris Tucker teamed up for an action-comedy that would stand the test of time... and help launch a certain movie review website. ... olice-said
Black Alabama high school band director stunned, arrested after telling students to keep playing music, police said
The Birmingham Police Department arrested Johnny Mims from Minor High School and charged him with disorderly conduct among other charges
By Lawrence Richard Fox News
Published September 18, 2023 1:35pm EDT ... 13806.html
Seven Years Since He Died Under a Cop's Knee, His Mom Is Getting Her Day in Court
Billy Binion
Mon, September 18, 2023 ... peech-suit
Sept. 18, 2023
Cop Passed Up for DEA Job After BLM Rant Loses Free Speech Suit
Peter Hayes ... 373398.php
Milford cop who took complaint from Julie Minogue before her killing resigns
Ethan Fry
The heat may not kill you, but the global food crisis might!

A homeless man living on national forest land was shot by federal police. He's now suing
Claire Thornton
USA TODAY ... 923b8f0b92
Police probe report of dad being told 11-year-old girl could face charges in images sent to man
September 18, 2023 ... -the-truth
How to tell a lie with the truth
SEP 4, 2023
“What makes it news is its dissemination, not its objective reality.”
           - Jacques Ellul ... formation/
Harvard Kennedy School’s Misinformation Review Promotes Its Own Misinformation
By Jeremy Kuzmarov - September 18, 2023 1
Denigration of Conspiracy Theorists Is Right Out of the CIA’s Playbook
In January 2020, the Harvard Kennedy School’s Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics and Public Policy inaugurated a new online peer reviewed academic journal titled Misinformation Review.
The journal’s co-founding editors were Matthew Baum, the Marvin Kalb Professor of Global Communications at the Shorenstein Center who co-wrote an article titled “The Role of Race, Religion, and Partisanship in Misperceptions About COVID-19,” and Irene Pasquetto, a scholar of information and communication science at the University of Michigan with a Ph.D. from the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA ... nts-2023-9
House Judiciary Committee threatens to subpoena FBI over Charles McGonigal documents
Mattathias Schwartz Sep 19, 2023 ... 5d1247681a
IRS, FBI Agents Dispute Claims Of Political Interference In Hunter Biden Probe—Despite Whistle-Blower Alleging Otherwise
Sara Dorn
Forbes Staff
Sep 19, 2023 ... -watchlist
Muslim mayor from NJ and 11 others sue to end FBI's secret terrorism watchlist
Louis C. Hochman
Published Sep 18, 2023 ... etroit-fbi
Judge tosses Richard 'White Boy Rick' Wershe's $1M lawsuit against Detroit, FBIPublished September 19, 2023
FOX 2 Detroit
DETROIT (FOX 2) - A judge tossed Richard Wershe Jr.'s lawsuit seeing $1 million from Detroit and the FBI after his role as an informant as a teen landed him in prison. ... 235727659/
Sep 19, 2023 1:20pm PT
Leonardo DiCaprio Says ‘Flower Moon’ Script From FBI’s POV Got Axed Because It Didn’t ‘Get to the Heart’ of the Story: ‘We Weren’t Immersed in the Osage’
By Zack Sharf ... 70332.html
FBI to release 2500 documents related to Nigerian president ... ouse-gases
Revealed: top carbon offset projects may not cut planet-heating emissions
Majority of offset projects that have sold the most carbon credits are ‘likely junk’, according to analysis by Corporate Accountability and the Guardian
Nina Lakhani
Tue 19 Sep 2023 ... abuse-case
Mass State Police Lieutenant Pleads Guilty in Overtime Abuse Case
Submitted Fraudulent Claims for more than $29,000 in Overtime Never Worked in 2015 and 2016
12/23/2019 ... m-pension/
Judge rules former state trooper convicted of overtime fraud should not forfeit $1 million pension
A Pittsfield District Court judge ruled that the loss of pension is a violation of former State Police Lieutenant John Giulino’s constitutional rights to protection from excessive fines under the Eighth Amendment.
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