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Postby fruhmenschen » Sat Mar 11, 2023 3:17 pm


American History … The Assassination of JFK Gerry P. Hemming
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Postby fruhmenschen » Tue Oct 03, 2023 10:24 am

Sinister developments

https://fox2now.com/news/missouri/sourc ... l-in-sick/
Majority of St. Louis cops in police district call in sick
by: Mitch McCoy
Posted: Sep 27, 2023

https://nypost.com/2023/09/29/seattle-c ... ff-patrol/
Seattle cop who laughed about death of grad student struck by police cruiser is taken off patrol
By Allie Griffin
Published Sep. 29, 2023

https://covertactionmagazine.com/2023/0 ... r-decades/
Cuba Played a Crucial Role in the Demise of Apartheid While the CIA Helped Uphold It for Decades

https://merylnass.substack.com/p/i-am-o ... t&r=1uun8e
I am on my way to Sweden to liaise with international freedom fighters to better define the war against us and the tactics to turn it around
The major theme is how all the attacks are interconnected, with a goal of confusing us, separating us, injuring us and stealing from us
SEP 27, 2023
Here is a slide I made that lays out most of the areas of attack.

https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-ne ... -scrutiny/
Decision to halt program analyzing Seattle police bodycam video under scrutiny
Sep. 27, 2023
By Mike Carter
Seattle Times staff reporter
Civil libertarians, police accountability advocates and government officials are questioning a decision by the Seattle Police Department to cancel a contract with a firm that analyzes body-camera video, just weeks after a police union official was inadvertently recorded laughing and joking following the death of a young woman killed by another officer.
The Seattle Police Department had renewed a two-year, $400,000 co

https://www.cnn.com/2023/09/27/us/db-co ... index.html
In 1971, a mysterious hijacker parachuted out of a plane with $200,000 and vanished. This man is suing the FBI to get potential new clues
By Faith Karimi, CNN
September 27, 2023

https://www.bostonglobe.com/2023/09/28/ ... achusetts/

Another overtime scandal — this time in state corrections

https://www.bangordailynews.com/2023/09 ... oam40zk0w/
Maine’s rural houses of worship urged to plan ahead to deal with hate crimes
by Paula Brewer

https://www.bostonglobe.com/2023/09/26/ ... om-prison/
James ‘Whitey’ Bulger’s former FBI handler is healthier two years after compassionate release from prison
Florida commission won’t send John Connolly back to prison
By Sean Cotter and Shelley Murphy Globe Staff,Updated September 26, 2023

https://www.bostonherald.com/2023/09/26 ... rosecutor/
FBI agent John ‘Zip’ Connolly’s medical parole survives as brother of victim slams Florida board

New FBI Headquarters Location Battle
by Julie Hawkins
September 27, 2023

https://www.deseret.com/2007/2/22/20003 ... was-fbi-op
Nichols says bombing was FBI op
Detailed confession filed in S.L. about Oklahoma City plot
By Geoffrey Fattah
Feb 22, 2007
Nichols says bombing was FBI operation
The only surviving convicted criminal in the April 19, 1995, bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City is saying his co-conspirator, Timothy McVeigh, told him he was taking orders from a top FBI official in orchestrating the bombing.
A declaration from Terry Lynn Nichols, filed in U.S. District Court

https://www.motherjones.com/wp-content/ ... 2.9.07.pdf

Case 2:04-cv-00772-DAK Document 100 Filed 02/16/2007
Mother Jones
https://www.motherjones.com › news › 2007/07

§1746 I, Terry Lynn Nichols, do hereby certify, verify and state under penalty of ... slip was Larry Potts - lead FBI agent at Ruby Ridge. McVeigh said he ...

https://www.firstcoastnews.com/article/ ... -535677282
Florida man claims his father actually killed MLK
ST. AUGUSTINE, Fla. -- While James Earl Ray was convicted of killing Martin Luther King, one Florida man claims his father from was actually the one who shot King.

Did the FBI Kill MLK?
Seneca Scott

https://www.kctv5.com/2023/09/27/amendm ... -increase/
Amendment discrepancy: Mayor Quinton Lucas challenging police funding increase
Amendment discrepancy: Mayor Quinton Lucas challenging police funding increase
By Nathan Brennan
Published: Sep. 27, 2023 at 8:07 AM EDT|Updated: 5 hours ago
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KANSAS CITY, Mo. (KCTV) - In November 2022, Missouri voters passed an amendment that would require Kansas City to spend a larger portion of revenue on police funding.
The amendment requires the city to spend 25 percent of general revenue on police, up from the current 20 percent requirement.

https://papersplease.org/wp/2023/09/26/ ... in-boston/
Broader challenge to Federal blacklists filed in Boston
In a nationally-significant lawsuit, the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) has filed the most comprehensive challenge  to date to the US government’s system of arbitrary and extrajudicial blacklists (“watchlists”) used to stigmatize and impose sanctions on innocent people — almost all of them Muslim — without notice, trial, conviction, or any opportunity, even after the fact, to see or contest the allegations or evidence (if any) against them.
The lawsuit, Khairullah et al. v. Garland et al., was filed last week in Federal District Court in Boston on behalf of twelve Muslims from Massachusetts and other states who have been stopped, prevented from traveling to, from, or within the US by air, harassed

https://ticklethewire.com/jacqueline-ma ... -division/
Jacqueline Maguire Named Assistant Director of FBI’s Training Division
By Steve Neavling

https://covertactionmagazine.com/2023/0 ... al-health/
U.S. Leads the World in Solitary Confinement that Destroys Prisoners Mental Health
By John Kiriakou - September 26, 2023

https://www.counterpunch.org/2023/09/28 ... clear-war/
SEPTEMBER 28, 2023
Contemplating the Unimaginable Costs of a Nuclear War

https://www.vice.com/en/article/pkamd7/ ... ntigravity
Scientists Report Breakthrough Investigating Antimatter and Antigravity
“Everything about gravity and antimatter until now has been speculation,” said one scientist involved in the experiment.
By Becky Ferreira
September 28,2023

https://www.counterpunch.org/2023/09/28 ... e-deserts/
SEPTEMBER 28, 2023
Climate Chaos and the Deserts

https://cyberscoop.com/pclob-section-70 ... -approval/
Privacy watchdog recommends court approval for FBI searches of spy data
The recommendations from the executive branch's privacy watchdog to reform Section 702 puts the panel at odds with the White House.
SEPTEMBER 28, 2023


https://qz.com/1872176/half-of-us-netwo ... about-cops
Half of US broadcast network dramas are about cops
Not only are there dozens of cop shows across US networks, but several of them are among the most-watched series each year. Cop shows accounted for four of the top 10 and 17 of the top 50 most popular TV series last year, according to Nielsen. NCIS, which has aired on CBS since 2003, averaged 15.3 million viewers each episode—more than ESPN’s weekly National Football League games.

https://colorofchange.org/press_release ... ce-system/

https://hollywood.colorofchange.org/cri ... C4wLjAuMA..

A Comprehensive Study of How Television’s Most Popular Genre Excludes Writers of Color, Miseducates People about the Criminal Justice System and Makes Racial Injustice Acceptable

https://variety.com/2020/tv/news/most-p ... 234612885/
100 Most-Watched TV Shows of 2019-20: Winners and Losers
By Michael Schneider

CBS podcast explores life of FBI double agent Robert Hanssen
https://www.paloaltoonline.com/news/202 ... al-academy
| Palo Alto Online |
Lieutenant Ceasar Campos Graduates from FBI National AcademyThe Stanford Department of Public Safety has announced that Lieutenant Ceasar. Campos has completed the training program at the FBI National Academy i

https://www.11alive.com/article/life/sa ... 9876ef475d
FBI to give seniors safety tips on how to spot scams
Every year, the FBI said seniors lose over $3 billion to scammers, with losses increasing by 84% in one year between 2021 and 2022.

https://www.fosters.com/story/news/loca ... 979281007/
Dover police Lt. Mark Nadeau graduates from FBI National Academy
Special to Foster'sFoster's Daily Democrat

https://www.elpasotimes.com/story/news/ ... 982606007/
FBI announces new El Paso Division special agent in charge
Aaron Martinez
El Paso Times

https://www.ksdk.com/article/news/crime ... 82c532c8ce
FBI looking for more victims of former officer accused of sexually abusing handcuffed men
Potential victims are asked to call an FBI hotline set up for the case.
Author: Sam Clancy, Christine Byers (KSDK)
September 28, 2023

https://www.bangordailynews.com/2023/09 ... oam40zk0w/
Maine vet shot in his home by police files federal lawsuit
by Marie Weidmaye
A combat-wounded Marine filed a federal lawsuit against two Maine police departments after an officer shot him in his house

https://www.dailysignal.com/2023/09/29/ ... s-answers/
Did FBI or DOJ Act on SPLC’s Attack Against Moms for Liberty? Heritage Foundation Sues for Answers
Tyler O'Neil / @Tyler2ONeil / September 29, 2023

https://thedesk.net/2023/09/timothy-bur ... affidavit/
Florida journalist loses bid to get items seized by FBI back
Additionally, a judge has refused to unseal an FBI affidavit that was filed with an application for a search warrant earlier this year.
By: Matthew Keys
September 28, 2023
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Postby fruhmenschen » Fri May 03, 2024 2:01 pm

https://chicagoreader.com/news-politics ... of-change/
Agent of Change
Jack Ryan’s Odyssey From the FBI to the Peace Movement
by Paul Engleman

https://www.chicagotribune.com/news/ct- ... story.html
By Wes Smith and Chicago Tribune
Chicago Tribune
Published: Feb 01, 1988

The Judi Bari Web Site
Note: This statement by former FBI Special Agent John C. Ryan was filed as Appendix C to the Plaintiffs’ “Motion for Justice” filed in the Bari/Cherney civil rights suit against the FBI and Oakland Police.

https://www.degruyter.com/document/doi/ ... 2-009/html
The FBI and the Catholic Church
From the book The FBI and Religion
Regin Schmidt

https://academic.oup.com/california-sch ... m=fulltext
A Vast Infiltration: Mormonism and the FBI Get access
Matthew Bowman

Date: August 14, 2015 03:07AM
Why are there so many mormons in the FBI?
Mormons make up 1.8 of the USA population,yet make 1 in every 5 FBI agents and recruits.Why is this the case?I believe Mormons succeed at CIA careers because of missionary language training and the abilty to be tight lipped with regard to temple ceremonies and garment etc.

https://www.fbi.gov/video-repository/da ... n.mp4/view
FBI Jacksonville Diversity Agent Recruitment Event Trailer: Special Agent Alex Silverstein
This Diversity Agent Recruitment event trailer features FBI Jacksonville Special Agent Alex Silverstein.
My name is Alex Silverstein. I've been an FBI agent for over 26 and a half years. I was going to go to law school and I was going to be an attorney and I had the very good fortune of working with several great FBI agents in the Baltimore division and talking to them about the FBI and what the mission was. The things that they did, I realized that that's where I belong. The way that you can impact the entire world, you may not know exactly how you're going to do that, and it may not be apparent immediately. But there's nothing in this country or frankly, the world that the FBI doesn't touch in some form or fashion when things are going wrong. I've been on the evidence response team. I am weapons of mass destruction coordinator. I'm a paramedic. I've also been able to serve as a liaison to the Jewish community here in Jacksonville. The FBI is representative of all the people in the United States and of the world, and we have to be able to meet people where they live. If we can't meet people where they live. We can't help them. We can't represent them. We can't fight for their rights if we don't understand who these people are. This job is a calling. If this is something that you want to do, then absolutely go for it. It could be a hard road, but nothing worthwhile is easy. Please join us on March 23rd to learn more about becoming an FBI special agent.

https://www.cato.org/commentary/when-fb ... h-citizens
When the FBI Wiretapped American Jewish Citizens
What newly declassified FBI documents from the 1940s help tell us how American Jews were once seen as a possible foreign threat, seeking evidence via wiretapping that the ZOA and other Jewish organizations were colluding with the Communists.
JULY 19, 2023
By Patrick G. Eddington

https://www.foxnews.com/politics/fbi-wh ... million-hq
FBI whistleblower calls House GOP 'soulless demons' after voting to give the agency a new $300 million HQ
The FBI whistleblower has called out House Republicans after they voted for funds for a new FBI headquarters
Stepheny Price Fox News
Published November 12, 2023

Fired FBI Agent Says Termination Shows Bias
A lawsuit (pdf) filed on behalf of a Jewish-American FBI agent whose security clearance was revoked based on unspecified charges states that his termination was an improper expression of FBI bias against American Jews, and complains that the agent was unconstitutionally denied a right to confront and rebut the claims against him.
The case appears to have arisen in part from an earlier investigation of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, the pro-Israel advocacy organization.  The FBI agent, named only as John Doe, says he was questioned about his contacts with AIPAC employees Steven Rosen and Keith Weissman, who were charged in 2005 under the Espionage Act in a case that was later dismissed.
The new lawsuit,

https://forward.com/news/528042/jewish- ... te-crimes/
Jewish groups angry after FBI data misses antisemitic hate crimes
The agency’s annual report did not include data from major Jewish hubs like New York City and Los Angeles
By Arno Rosenfeld
December 12, 2022

https://revealnews.org/article/homeland ... tigations/
Homeland security office accused of faking reports on internal investigations
by Andrew Becker
April 7, 2012

https://miningawareness.wordpress.com/2 ... d-peltier/
Former FBI agents and Former US Atty ask Obama to free Native American activist Leonard Peltier


Rhetorical Counterinsurgency: The FBI and the American Indian Movement
Casey Ryan Kelly, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
In 2007, Federal Bureau of Investigation agents Joseph H. and John M. Trimbach published a tell-all book to expose the crimes of American Indian Movement (AIM) and dispel contemporary myths about Bureau conspiracies against Indian activists. The book provides an insiders’ account of the agents’ participation in the investigation of AIM and attempts to correct what they characterize as popular revisionist history accusing the FBI of gross injustices against Indian Country. The agents argue that as far as AIM is concerned, in the halls of academia, “There is a market for blurring the historical lines between fact and fiction” (2007, 6). While the book is cavalier, polemical, and one-sided, I take seriously their argument for scholars to revisit this controversy and place the FBI’s investigation of AIM within its proper historical context. In their effort to exonerate the FBI, however, they accuse AIM and its apologists of distorting the true historical record. In doing so, the agents dismiss any suggestion that the FBI participated in the social construction of that history. Allen Megell and Deirdre M. McCloskey suggest, however, that history does not exist outside of discourse but rather “is concerned with tropes, arguments, and other devices of language used to write history and to persuade audiences” (1987, 221). Obsessed with the objective fact of AIM’s alleged terrorist activities, the agents seem to dismiss that the Bureau’s rhetorical activity was, at times, nothing more than poor word choices. In this essay, however, I argue that the FBI’s language was central to its approach, both in terms of the communicative techniques used to defuse AIM as well as the topoi leveraged to rationalize extreme measures in defense of national interests. In revisiting the justifications for emergency measures against AIM, I situate the FBI’s rhetoric within a cultural context of limited intellectual resources to comprehend radical Indian activism. The FBI utilized communicative techniques that marshaled this limited cultural knowledge as a method of movement suppression. I argue that the rhetoric of the FBI’s investigation of AIM from 1971 to 1976 illuminates the contours of what I term rhetorical counterinsurgency.

https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/us-news/h ... s-31411904
How the remote Texas Killing Fields became one of the FBI's biggest unsolved cases
The remote location of the I-45 corridor between Houston and Galveston made it attractive to those who wanted a place to dispose of a body
ByFiona Leishman
12 Nov 2023

End the FBI
05/17/2023Ryan McMaken

https://www.cnn.com/2023/11/12/us/la-sh ... index.html
Inside the ‘pressure cooker’: 4 deaths in 24 hours open up conversation about suicides among police
By Emma Tucker, CNN
Sun November 12, 2023

https://www.startribune.com/minneapolis ... 600319046/
Three years after Minneapolis City Council's 'defund police' moment, voters opt for more nuanced reform
Candidates who sought to brand their opponents as police abolitionists lost, but winners are still looking for change. 
By Dave Orrick Star Tribune NOVEMBER 11, 2023

https://wtop.com/dc/2023/11/off-duty-dc ... olice-car/
DC officer arrested for alleged DUI in marked police car
Valerie Bonk | vbonk@wtop.com 
Will Vitka | will.vitka@wtop.com
November 12, 2023

Suella Braverman: Shapps won't back home secretary's language on policing
By Thomas Mackintosh

https://www.ndtv.com/india-news/cop-arr ... ce-4567853
Cop Arrested For Raping Minor In Rajasthan Dismissed From Service
DGP Umesh Mishra said in a statement that IG (Jaipur range) Umesh Datta has issued a termination letter to Sub-Inspector Bhupendra Singh on Saturday.

https://missionlocal.org/2022/08/jenkin ... ide-trial/
Final Boudin-era SF prosecutor kicked off police misconduct cases ahead of historic trial
AUGUST 15, 2022

https://www.sanfranciscopolice.org/your ... ice-reform
A Role Model on Reform.
The San Francisco Police Department is in the midst of a transformational endeavor that reflects our commitment to the principle of safety with respect and aspires to make SFPD a national model of 21st century policing.
Initially launched in 2016 as the Collaborative Reform Initiative (or CRI), SFPD’s quest for continual improvement has grown to include Mayor London Breed’s ambitious Police Reform Roadmap and our department’s Racial Equity and Inclusion Action Plan.

https://www.nationalreview.com/news/san ... ng-police/
San Francisco District Attorney, Facing Recall, Claims He Never Supported Defunding Police
By BRITTANY Bernstein
June 1, 2022

https://bigislandnow.com/2023/11/12/sev ... d-in-kona/
Several Coffee With a Cop events scheduled in Kona
November 12, 2023

https://news.wttw.com/2023/11/09/bill-b ... l-assembly
Bill Boosting Chicago Police Officers’ Pensions Clears General Assembly
Heather Cherone | November 9, 2023

https://www.atlantajewishtimes.com/sout ... st-wanted/
Southern Jews on ‘FBI: Most Wanted’
Rabbi Elliot Gertel on the Southern Jewish victims and villains of CBS’s ‘FBI: Most Wanted’ season finale, ‘Chattaboogie.’
October 15, 2021

The FBI Atlanta Citizens Academy Alumni Association
2013 Activity Timeline

https://open.substack.com/pub/chrishedg ... paign=post

The War According to Hamas
The Palestinian resistance understands its enemy. It has learned through experience how to fight it. This is not good news for Israel.

https://open.substack.com/pub/chrishedg ... paign=post

SUMMER OF DIED SUDDENLY - SOCCER Players are still collapsing & dying 3 years after COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout - 46 players died from June to Nov 2023
Sudden deaths and cardiac deaths are at the highest level since COVID jabs rolled out

https://open.substack.com/pub/karenking ... paign=post

Exposing the NIH Database that Launched Fauci's Take-Down
January 14, 2022: Stew Peters and I broke the news about the NIH grant database confirming Fauci’s funding of gain-of-function research. We didn't realize the global impact this interview would have.
November 11, 2023: On January 14th, 2022, Stew Peters and I broke the news to the world about the NIH grant database that contained the receipts confirming Fauci’s funding of gain-of-function research and many of Fauci’s unethical and immoral research programs; from weaponizing and patenting HIV gp120 to creating new multi-species ‘viruses’ (chimeric synthetic pathogens).
At the time, Stew and I did not realize the global impact this interview would have. Other major media outlets and even congressmen began looking into the NIH database (reporter.NIH.gov) to find the receipts for funding GOF research, and not just with Wuhan but also in the United States. Foreign military generals even cited the gain-of-function grants funded by the NIH and Fauci, and confirmed by this database.

https://open.substack.com/pub/merylnass ... paign=post

Why is everyone concerned about the WHO?
by Meryl Nass, M.D. This is a fairly comprehensive but reasonably short explanation of what is wrong with the WHO proposals. It is hard to dispute.

https://open.substack.com/pub/makismd/p ... paign=post

TURBO CANCER - MELANOMA - ages 22 to 35 - COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Turbo Cancer Melanomas are resistant to all new treatments - 20 shocking cases

https://nypost.com/2023/11/12/news/newl ... akthrough/
Newly found ‘kill switch’ triggers death of cancer cells in potential breakthrough
By Melissa Rudy, Fox News
Published Nov. 12, 2023
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