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Postby fruhmenschen » Wed Mar 15, 2023 7:57 pm

Danny Schecter was a friend.


I will post material including documentaries he made.

Beyond JFK :The Question of Conspiracy
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Postby fruhmenschen » Thu Mar 16, 2023 12:12 pm

The making of SUN CITY

With assistance from ABC News journalist Danny Schechter, Van Zandt and Baker assembled a wide variety of artists from Bruce Springsteen, Bob Dylan and Lou Reed to Gil Scott-Heron, Miles Davis and Africa Bambaataa.[7] Rock critic Dave Marsh called it "the most diverse line up of popular musicians ever assembled for a single session."[12] However, the recordings quickly became an album-length project of its own,[7] and the Sun City album was recorded in summer 1985[13] at 15 different recording studios

The video

Artists United Against Apartheid - Sun City

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Postby fruhmenschen » Mon Jun 05, 2023 11:59 pm

https://projects.kora.matrix.msu.edu/fi ... newopt.pdf

To Danny, as always, Rory O’Connor
Danny Schechter’s long-time business partner and friend, has a fascinating story that spans more than 30 years
By the time we met, in the end part of “The Sixties” that was actually the mid- Seventies, Danny Schechter was already a local legend as “The News Dissector”
on WBCN, then one of the most powerful and influential radio stations in New England. Like literally hundreds of thousands of other Baby Boomers, I had come to Massachusetts to at- tend university – as well as to join the growing youth “counter-culture” in such far-flung out- posts as Boston/Cambridge and San Francisco/ Berkeley. “Underground” FM stations like ‘BCN and its West Coast counterpart KSAN provided the soundtracks to our lives – along with news and views we couldn’t find elsewhere, all deliv- ered in a new way to a new audience desperate for alternatives to the established, straight me- dia. Danny’s distinctive on-air style of deliver- ing news – a unique blend of popular music, actualities, reports and commentary whipped into a seamless whole – made for a tasty spoon- ful of sugar that helped the often bleak news go down in an entertaining, informative and yes, most delightful way. It was serious stuff about weighty matters of war and peace, racism and nukes, which directly affected our lives. It was also great fun.
I graduated in 1972 and immediately set out to become a card-carrying member of the “al- ternative press.” In addition to WBCN, the area also boasted two excellent weekly newspapers, the Boston-based, arts-oriented Phoenix and its more progressive and political Cambridge com-
petition, the Real Paper. I began freelancing for both while driving a taxi to pay most of the rent. After two and half long years, the Real Paper fi- nally hired me as a reporter and news editor, and I gratefully left one hack business behind to join another.
My first memories of time spent with Danny involve various reporting expeditions. Often he and I were among the only journalists in at- tendance, along with Sidney Blumenthal, (with whom I had shared a Phoenix freelance desk and who became, decades later, a senior adviser to President Clinton.) The first Danny sighting – at a 1976 appearance at a local university by ex-CIA head William Colby – is still etched in mind. After finishing his speech, Colby called for questions. Danny’s hand immediately shot up. Apparently mistaking the scruffy Schechter for a student, Colby called on him first.
Danny’s “question” to Colby concerned the Chilean folksinger Victor Jara, who had been arrested, tortured and shot dead shortly after a CIA-backed coup on September 11, 1973. Instead of asking anything, however, Danny turned, faced the audience, and delivered his own lec- ture speech – a harangue, really – about Jara’s life and death. He concluded by turning back to Colby and bluntly accusing the now-apoplectic super spook of complicity in the affair. Some- how he also managed to squeeze in time to persuade a photographer to snap a still of him and Blumenthal with Colby in the background, and signed it, “To Sid, as always, Bill Colby.” As

of his remarks. Discouraged, we left the press gaggle waiting at the front and migrated in- stead to the back door, where a group of very tan Secret Service agents were clustered, just back from guarding Kissinger during a diplomatic visit to Jamaica. As huge fans of Bob Marley and all things reggae-related, Danny and I had been to the island several times, and we began to chat with the agents about their stay.
Suddenly Kissinger – anx- ious as ever to avoid the press gathered at the front – popped out the back door just three feet from us. I was speechless, an affliction to which Danny was always immune. He instantly spread his arms wide and bellowed in a welcoming voice, “Doctor Kissinger!” To my amazement, Kissinger then bear-hugged Danny, whom he
apparently had mistaken for an ardent fan. While still holding Dr. K in his arms, Danny
asked, “Sir, tell me – do you have any regrets?” Puzzled, Kissinger responded quizzically,
“Regrets? For vat?”
“Chile?” Danny responded. Kissinger, final-
ly realizing what was happening, looked over Danny’s shoulder for a way out – directly at me. “Vietnam?” I asked with a smile.
Kissinger quickly withdrew from Danny’s embrace. “Regrets? From someone as culpable as I?” he responded with his own surly smile, hugged Danny again and then whispered in his ear, “You’re such a sveet boy!” before the Secret Service whisked him away.
Coda: unbeknownst to anyone but me, Dan- ny was carrying a tape recorder in his pocket and had turned it on and miked himself and before we saw Kissinger. The whole interchange had been recorded. We immediately called WBCN and interrupted DJ Charles Laquidara’s morning show with an “exclusive interview” with Henry Kissinger . . .
“to Sid, as always, Bill Colby,” wrote danny at the top of Sidney Blumenthall’sphotograph.
Blumenthal notes, “Danny may have been de- scended from a lineage of Harpo Marx and Karl Marx.”
I remember reacting with a mixture of amusement and trepidation at Danny’s bold- ness. Still a rookie reporter, I frankly hadn’t real- ized that you could stand up in public and say or do those kind of things – at least not without being thrown out or perhaps arrested! It was a bracing early lesson in “speaking truth to pow- er,” as the hoary expression goes. Another early joint encounter with an unindicted war crimi- nal provided a further education in “participa- tory journalism,” as Schechter dubbed it.
Henry Kissinger, already the recipient of the 1973 Nobel Peace Prize, was chosen to receive yet another “peace medal” from something called the World Affairs Council. Naturally we found the notion of his being further lauded for his efforts in fostering “peace” to be outrageous and alarming, and we resolved to attend the event in hopes of confronting Dr. K.
Armed with press passes, we managed to make it all the way to the front door of the room where Kissinger was speaking. But given the tenor of the times, security was extremely tight, and along with other members of the Fourth Es- tate, we were unable to enter or even hear an…..
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Postby fruhmenschen » Fri Sep 08, 2023 11:43 pm

Another doc from Danny Schecter


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Postby fruhmenschen » Tue Mar 26, 2024 10:21 am

https://www.ncaj.com/news/uncovering-wh ... -the-1960s
Uncovering What the FBI Had On the Supreme Court in the 1960s
March 13, 2024   |   Amber Nimocks

https://www.amazon.com/Snitches-Blackma ... B0CV7XVQV4
FBI Snitches, Blackmail, and Obscene Ethics at the Supreme Court: Plus: How it took thirteen years and two lawsuits to get the FBI's Secret Supreme Court Sex and Informant Files Hardcover – February 7, 2024
by Alex Charns

https://www.nytimes.com/1988/08/21/us/f ... court.html
https://www.nytimes.com › 1988/08/21 › fbi-kept-a-file...
The New York Times
Aug 21, 1988 — The Federal Bureau of Investigation kept a confidential file on the United States Supreme Court from 1932 until at least 1985, according to ...

Thurgood Marshall Had Secret Contact With FBI:
Files Show Relationship Dated to Civil Rights Days 
By Roberto Suro

https://theintercept.com/2024/03/20/geo ... execution/
Pye is scheduled to die Wednesday night. His conviction raised red flags, including alleged racism by his own trial attorney.
Liliana Segura March 20 2024

https://books.google.com/books?id=5jDdC ... ns&f=false
If It Doesn’T Fit: Lessons from a Life in the Law
By Gerald F. Uelmen


Mapping IRS Tax Return Filings Reveals Marked Differences in the Distribution of Income and Dependents
2023-04-27 Latest figures on reported income on federal income returns varied markedly across states and counties. Massachusetts had the highest average reported income, followed by Connecticut and Washington State. The lowest with only half that of the top three states was Mississippi. West Virginia and New Mexico returns.

In Memoriam

https://www.techdirt.com/2024/03/18/as- ... ovt-there/
As The US Freaks Out About TikTok, It’s Revealed That The CIA Was Using Chinese Social Media To Try To Undermine The Gov’t There
from the gee,-maybe-we-should-clean-up-our-own-house dept
Mon, Mar 18th 2024 09:29am - Mike Masnick
You know that line, “every accusation is a confession?” For no reason at all, that’s coming to mind all of a sudden. No reason.
Anyway, a decade ago, Henry Farrell and Martha Finnemore wrote a fantastic piece for Foreign Affairs on “The End of Hypocrisy” (which we also wrote about here at Techdirt). They argued that, even as many people mock American hypocrisy around the world, at least the plausible deniability of Americans taking the moral high ground was an incredibly powerful and effective tool of soft pressure. And how it was squandered with each revelation of just how little Americans respected the sovereignty of other nations, and regularly abused our access to internet backbones to spy on others.
The deeper threat that leakers such as Manning and Snowden pose is more subtle than a direct assault on U.S. national security: they undermine

https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/crime/ju ... r-BB1ke6Wk
Judge orders FBI to hand over trans school shooter Audrey Hale's manifesto
Story by Michael Ruiz

https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/other/u- ... r-BB1kczaA
U.S. Supreme Court says former Portland man can challenge his no-fly status even after FBI removed him from its list
Story by Maxine Bernstein, oregonlive.com

https://makismd.substack.com/p/mrna-inj ... um=reader2
Winter of DIED SUDDENLY - DRIVING UNDER THE INFLUENCE of mRNA - Collapsing and crashing your car while COVID-19 Vaccinated - 25 tragic cases
MAR 20, 2024

How FBI: Most Wanted Is Handling Roxy Sternberg's Real-Life Pregnancy In Season 5, According To The Actress
This is actually the second time during the run of FBI: Most Wanted that Roxy Sternberg has been expecting a child, although

https://www.msn.com/en-us/lifestyle/car ... r-BB1kc9U7
Rumors on Greg Hovanessian’s Exit from ‘FBI: International’ Circulate
Story by Ella Bennet

https://abc30.com/central-valley-studen ... /14550245/
Central Valley students can learn, network with FBI agents through Spring FBI Teen Academy
ByABC30 Digital Team
Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Police Junior Academy
  The Asheville Police Department is excited to announce that a Junior Police Academy program will commence this Summer!
The academy will run from 8:00-5:00 from June 17, 2024, to June 21, 2024.
The academy is open to juveniles aged 14-18 who are currently in High School and have

https://library.syracuse.edu/digital/gu ... nham_d.htm
David Burnham Papers
An inventory of his papers at the Syracuse University Archives
David Burnham (1933- ) is an associate research professor at Syracuse University’s S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communication. He is also the co-founder/co-director of the Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse (TRAC). He became a reporter shortly after receiving his Bachelor of Arts from Harvard University in 1955. Burnham has worked for UPI, CBS, Newsweek, and is most famous for having worked at The New York Times as an investigative reporter from 1968 to 1986. He has gained decades of experience concentrating on federal enforcement and surveillance issues.
Burnham has written three books and penned numerous magazine articles. Burnham’s first book, The Rise of the Computer State, was published in 1984. His investigative book on the Internal Revenue Service, A Law unto Itself: Power, Politics and the IRS, was published in 1990. A third book, Above the Law: Secret Deals, Political Fixes, and Other Misadventures of the U.S. Department of Justice, was published in 1996.
Over the years, Burnham has received a number of professional honors including the George Polk Award for Community Service, Long Island University (1968); the Alicia Patterson Foundation Fellowship (1987); the Best Investigative Book of 1990, Investigative Reporters and Editors (1990); and the Rockefeller Foundation Fellowship, Bellagio, Italy (1992). In 2003, Burnham was awarded an honorary doctorate degree in Humane Letters from the John Jay College of Criminal Justice. In 2006, he was inducted into the National Freedom of Information Act Hall of Fame.


https://www.techdirt.com/2024/03/19/cou ... to-handle/
Court To Cops: There’s No ‘Instinct Exception’ For Drug Dogs Handlers Refuse To Handle
Legal Issues
from the if-this-were-a-citizen's-dog,-a-cop-would-have-shot-it dept
Tue, Mar 19th 2024 07:59pm - Tim Cushing
Officers who handle drug dogs like to claim they’re so highly skilled at animal handling they can recognize otherwise imperceptible moves by their animals as the dog “alerting,” giving them (and, more literally) their animals free rein to perform warrantless searches of vehicles.
But when these arguments fail, and it’s apparent a K-9 cop just let their animal roam free, these same officers who pride themselves (at least when sworn in as witnesses) in controlling their animals claim these same animals can’t possibly be controlled. After all, the dogs operate on instinct, and who among us is capable of preventing an animal from acting on its urges?
Well, to be honest, all of us are expected to do that. That’s why we can be fined or arrested if our animal runs loose and/or injures someone else. Somehow, cops don’t expect the same standard

https://www.palestinechronicle.com/fbi- ... in-the-us/
‘FBI Interrogating Our Community’ – CAIR Raises Concern for Muslims in the US
March 20, 2024 Blog, News

https://www.cnn.com/2024/03/20/us/flori ... index.html
After a handcuffed ride in the back of a police van, a man was left paralyzed and needed his legs amputated, lawsuit alleges
By Eric Levenson and Rebekah Riess, CNN Wed March 20, 2024

https://www.techdirt.com/2024/03/19/the ... formation/
The Disinformation Campaign That Has Effectively Destroyed The Ability To Combat Disinformation
Rumors, Conspiracies, etc.
from the disinfo-about-disinfo dept
Tue, Mar 19th 2024 09:32am - Mike Masnick
We already covered the oral arguments in the Murthy v. Missouri case earlier this week, showing that the Supreme Court appears to be quite skeptical of the arguments by the states regarding the federal government “jawboning” to convince social media to take down certain content. For months now, we’ve been pointing out that the factual record in that case is a mess, driven by conspiracy theorists pushing nonsense. Unfortunately, a few Judges both believed the nonsense and then when they couldn’t rely on it to make their point had to misquote people, quote things out of context, or entirely fabricate parts of quotes in their rulings.
What became abundantly clear in the oral arguments Monday was that multiple justices, including Trump-appointed ones, found the factual record to be suspect and problematic. The crux of the case was effectively (1) the White House made a few public statements in which they were angry about how social media moderated, (2) the companies regularly met with government

https://kstp.com/kstp-news/top-news/gop ... ice-bills/
GOP lawmakers propose series of ‘pro-police’ bills
Tom Hauser KSTP
There’s also a bill to allow law enforcement agencies to use some of the $300 million in new public safety funding passed last year to buy armored or tactical vehicles, which is currently not allowed. An armored police vehicle was heavily damaged under a hail of gunfire in Burnsville last month and likely saved lives.

Police officers sentenced to nearly 20 years in Mississippi torture case
By Bernd Debusmann Jr & Brandon Drenon, BBC News, Washington
Michael Jenkins and Eddie Parker were beaten, shocked with stun guns and sexually assaulted by the officers.
Elward, who shot one of the victims in the mouth during a botched mock execution

https://www.nbcboston.com/news/local/ex ... n/3313658/
Police officer who raped 2 women while on duty sentenced to prison
One of Shawn McCarthy's victims read a "survivor statement" in court, saying, "the feeling of being ashamed, dirty and worthless [is] 10 times worse when caused by someone who was previously in a position of power"
By Asher Klein and Marc Fortier • Published March 20, 2024

https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/security/f ... rcna144289
FBI resumes outreach to social media companies over foreign propaganda
The agency put the briefings on pause amid lawsuits and government scrutiny.
March 20,2024

https://www.theredstonerocket.com/news/ ... 753ae.html
FBI expansion builds without additional funding
* By MARIAN ACCARDI  Staff writer  marian.accardi@theredstonerocket.com 

https://www.techdirt.com/2024/03/20/cou ... s-actions/
Court Tells FBI It Can’t Just Take A US Private Vault Customer’s Money Without Explaining Its Actions
Legal Issues
from the hoisting-the-federal-Jolly-Roger-isn't-enough dept
Wed, Mar 20th 2024 11:24am - Tim Cushing
US Private Vaults is a private company, in multiple senses of the word. Despite the use of the acronym “US,” US Private Vaults is not a government entity. The service it offers aligns roughly with storage services federally insured banks offer: a secure place to hold valuables that is only accessible by those who have keys to the safety deposit boxes.
But there’s a crucial difference: US Private Vaults does not collect or store identifying information about its customers. The company also does not keep a set of duplicate keys. Its service is pretty much end-to-end encryption, but for physical property. The company can’t provide law enforcement with identifying info, nor can it unlock anyone’s storage boxes when presented with a warrant.
Those privacy features led the government to assume anyone seeking to use this service must be a criminal. That was pretty much its argument when it sought a warrant to search a US Private Vaults location in Beverly Hills, California.
However, the FBI told the magistrate that it would not simply take everything it found when it raided this location. Instead, it told a judge it would inventory the contents of any boxes it was able to open and contact box owners to return their property if it could find any identifying information. That’s not what actually happened. The FBI broke its own sworn promise to the magistrate and proceeded to take possession of pretty much every bit of property it found, apparently hoping to use civil forfeiture to retain possession forever.
The FBI was sued multiple times by US Private Vaults customers. In at least one case, a court has ordered the FBI to return the property it specifically told a magistrate judge it wasn’t actually going to take.
Another lawsuit against the FBI is moving forward again, thanks

https://www.techdirt.com/2024/03/19/con ... uce-crime/

‘Consent’ Searches Aren’t Doing Anything To Reduce Crime
Legal Issues
from the coercion-can-be-a-cop's-best-friend dept
Tue, Mar 19th 2024 10:53am - Tim Cushing
A lot of police work in the United States is just playing the odds. Roll the dice enough times, and you’re sure to come up a winner now and then. The odds really don’t matter because law enforcement agencies are playing with house money, so being wrong time and time again will never bankrupt them.
Most of this guesswork masquerading as investigative work begins with pretextual stops. Come up with a reason — any reason — to pull someone over and let the games begin. Privacy rights are lower when there’s a car on a public road involved. Probable cause can be obtained by bringing a dog into the mix. Literally anything a driver does or doesn’t do when interacting with an officer can be considered suspicion reasonable enough to continue detaining them.
Even with the guidelines established by the Rodriguez decision (a stop is over

https://www.muckrock.com/news/archives/ ... ic-radius/
March 7, 2024
‘Atomic Radius:’ The legacy of America’s nuclear weapons testing program from States Newsroom and MuckRock
Decades after the first-ever U.S. nuclear weapons test in July 1945, the extent of the fallout has only now been understood, thanks to new modeled data by researchers.
Written by Marisa Demarco and Derek Kravitz

https://karenkingston.substack.com/p/mr ... um=reader2
mRNA Experiments Have to Be Done Directly Inside the Cells of Animals. Guess Who the Animals Are?
“We don’t even screen in vitro anymore. I find it more informative to test directly in an animal.” - Kathryn Whitehead, Nanoparticle Scientist, Associate Professor, Carnegie Mellon

https://www.counterpunch.org/2024/03/17 ... and-bombs/
MARCH 17, 2024
Cop Cities, Borders, and Bombs
Deadly Connections in the Desert
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Postby fruhmenschen » Fri Jul 12, 2024 4:07 pm

In 1972 I was Director of Libra, an organization based in Harvard Square at the Old Baptist Church.
see http://www.oldcambridgebaptist.org/

Libra was a community based re entry program for current and former convicts. One day I received a phone call from a man
named Danny Schecter the News Director at WBCN fm radio.

He asked me if we would be willing to do a weekly hour long show
on WBCN fm radio.

The show would focus on issues of crime and punishment with a focus on Prisons.

I had never heard of Danny Schecter nor his radio station WBCN fm Boston.
We agreed and called the program Lock Up which aired from 1972 thru 1977.

If you have a library card you can register and become a member of Kanopy where you can watch the documentary
about WBCN fm for free.

https://www.kanopy.com/en/product/wbcn- ... revolution

WBCN and The American Revolution

The amazing untold story of the radical underground radio station WBCN-FM set against the profound social, political and cultural changes of the late-1960s and early-70s, using the actual sights, sounds and stories of those who...
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