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Postby fruhmenschen » Mon Feb 12, 2024 7:31 pm

https://archive.org/stream/1993FBIDirec ... y_djvu.txt

"1993 WTC Bombing FBI Connection Emad Salem - Evidence"
See ot
According to attorney Ron Kuby, after Salem was taken into the Witness Protection program on June 24, 1993, he told the feds about the more than 1,000 conversations he had recorded sometime between December, 1991 and June, 1993. Kuby says that while some of these tapes are not significant, others contain substantive dealings with Salem and his FBI handlers. Salem was actually bugging the FBI.
The World Trade Center bombing, along with subsequent alleged plots to bomb prominent targets in New York City, spawned a number of federal indictments and trials resulting in the conviction of more than a dozen men, all of Arabic descent. Salem's exposure as a government informant who had a year earlier infiltrated the group of men later charged in the bombing conspiracy caused many to wonder why he and the FBI failed to provide any warning of the pending World Trade Center bombing.
The answer now appears self-evident. According to William Kuntsler, attorney for Ibrahim El- Gabrowny, one of those accused in the larger bombing case, the entire conspiracy was the product of Salem, the government informant. Kuntsler's law partner Ronald Kuby told the SHADOW that within hours of the World Trade Center blast, Salem checked into a midtown hospital, complaining of a loud ringing in his ears. There is a growing belief that some of the four men charged and since convicted and jailed for the World Trade Center bombing, Mohammed
Aboulihma, Mohammed Salameh, Nidal Ayyad and Ahmad Ajaj, may be innocent [victims] of a government frame-up.
Two possible scenarios emerge. One: Salem is a rogue FBI informant who created the
conspiracy to bomb the World Trade Center for the money his information about the plot (minus his role) would bring. An attorney for one of the convicted men told the SHADOW that Salem was an FBI informant from November of 1991 to the summer of 1992. The attorney says that the FBI became aware of the World Trade Center bombing plot through informant Salem during this period, but they refused to believe his information or pay Salem's exhorbitant fees. In fact, the feds claimed that they dropped Salem as an informant during the summer of 1992 after he refused or failed a lie detector test. This left Salem with a bombing plot but no one to sell it to. According to the attorney, Salem let the plot that he hatched go forward and the World Trade Center was bombed so that he could get money and publicity. The attorney says that within 48 hours of the bombing, the FBI requested Salem to help them solve the case. Salem quickly pointed the fingers at the defendants, all followers of Sheik Rahman.

https://embarkweb1.campus.pomona.edu/ob ... %22&sort=0
FBI Informant Thomas Rowe Jr incited murder of white woman/ civil rights activist Viola Liuzzo .
Gary Thomas Rowe, Jr. (August 13, 1933 - May 25, 1998), known in Witness Protection as Thomas Neil Moore, was a paid informant and agent provocateur for the FBI. As an informant, he infiltrated the Ku Klux Klan to monitor and disrupt it, and he incited violence as part of the FBI's COINTELPRO project. Rowe was accused of participating in and helping to plan violent Klan activity against blacks and Civil Rights groups. From 1965 until his death, Rowe was a figure of recurring controversy, after he testified against fellow Klansmen accused of killing Viola Gregg Liuzzo, a Civil Rights volunteer. Rowe was accused of being an accessory to the murder. Other violent acts that he was accused of, and at times admitted to planning and perpetrating, include the attack on the Freedom Riders and the 16th Street Baptist Church bombing. He was given immunity by the FBI and was never convicted of any wrongdoing. Rowe confirmed many of these accusations in his 1976 autobiography, My Undercover Years with the Ku Klux Klan, and in confession and testimony given to the United States Senate.

https://dks.library.kent.edu/?a=d&d=dks ... xIN-------
Kent State University
Nov 16, 2010 —
Norman was an FBI informant who incited the Kent State murders by the National
Guard. The FBI paid him to photograph student protesters for government records. Past testimonies and anew analysis of an audio recording place him in the center of a congressional inquiry into his role in the May 4,1970, shootings. The Ohio National Guard opened fire on student protesters that day after being taunted with rocks and banter. Four students died and nine were wounded. New evidence has prompted some to question whether Norman's actions led to the shooting. Norman was the only civilian known to be carrying a weapon May 4 —a .38-caliber Smith & Wesson revolver. While his testimonies indicate he never fired the gun, witnesses say otherwise. Some question whether his alleged shots incited the Guard to fire. Yet, before Norman ever wielded a weapon on Blanket Hill, he was known to show off his arsenal and to boast of his security clearance to friends. He created business cards for a fictional detective agency and sat in the back rows of classrooms to photograph students. While there's ample proof of his work for the FBI, much

http://neilyoungnews.thrasherswheat.org ... sacre.html
The Truth About The Kent State Massacre
Norman's pistol 'created the sound of sniper fire.'
As Norman was held up by the students, the national guard march back & forth, awaiting the sound of sniper fire. 70 seconds after Norman shoots his pistol four times, the national guard command to shoot at unarmed students is given & Norman hightails it out of there into the arms of law enforcement & immediately hands over his gun.
From there on, the FBI thoroughly corrupted key evidence in the Kent State Massacre as the FBI continually changed their 'official' stories. At first the FBI claimed they don't have the gun, then they do while Norman's gun was cleaned, milled & re-coated by the FBI. That the gun had been fired, but the FBI couldn't tell when. Interestingly, the FBI found unmatched bullets in his gun's chambers 'to pretend' it hadn't been fired. Most damning was that J. Edgar Hoover himself 'swore' that Terry Norman wasn't working for the FBI yet soon after Hoover died, the new FBI director came clean that Norman was paid $125 by the FBI in April 1970.
Furthermore, Norman's spent bullet casings were found & catalogued in the Kent State archive yet never entered into evidence, indicating the FBI corrupted the evidence & failed to collect all evidence in every investigation of the Kent State Massacre.

https://www.deseret.com/2007/2/22/20003 ... was-fbi-op
Nichols says bombing was FBI op
Detailed confession filed in S.L. about Oklahoma City plot
By Geoffrey Fattah
Feb 22, 2007
Nichols says bombing was FBI op
The only surviving convicted criminal in the April 19, 1995, bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City is saying his co-conspirator, Timothy McVeigh, told him he was taking orders from a top FBI official in orchestrating the bombing.

https://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/document? ... cb00eeaa48
Maine FBI agentJohn Kenoyer and his informant Joey Aceto incite prison reform activists to blow up buildings,rob banks and murder New Jersey State Trooper.
2011.Maine FBI agent Gerald Mahoney wanted for questioning about these events.
SCAR'd Times: Maine's Prisoners' Rights Movement, 1971-1976
Daniel S. Chard
University of Massachusetts - Amherst, dchard@history.umass.edu

https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/justic ... rcna137750
Amazon, eBay purchases helped link Proud Boy to Jan. 6 assault on officers, FBI says
Aaron Sauer, a New York Proud Boy known as "Roni," assaulted officers with pepper spray during the Jan. 6 Capitol attack and helped destroy a fence, authorities say.
Feb. 7, 2024, 2:44 PM EST
By Ryan J. Reilly

FBI Informants able to take pictures and get address of Jan 6 protestors
before the insurrection .
Did I mention FBI informants incited the Jan 6 insurrection?
https://www.nytimes.com/2023/03/24/us/p ... mants.html
In Proud Boys Jan. 6 Sedition Trial, F.B.I. Informants Abound
The most recent informant to emerge from the trial is a Texas-based activist who became uncommonly close to some of the defendants, their lawyers and relatives.
By Alan Feuer and Zach Montague
March 24, 2023

https://nypost.com/2023/09/19/fbi-lost- ... -official/
FBI lost count of how many paid informants were at Capitol on Jan. 6, and later performed audit to figure out exact number: ex-official
Miranda Devine
Published Sep. 19, 2023

https://www.c-span.org/video/?c5093407/ ... 6-violence
FBI Director Rejects Claim That Agents Orchestrated January 6 Violence
FBI Director Christopher Wray pushes back against a claim by Rep. Clay Higgins that FBI agents arrived in

https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/20 ... ts-capito/
Wray won’t say if FBI informants in Capitol riot mob: ‘I really need to be careful’
By Kerry Picket - The Washington Times - Wednesday, July 12, 2023

https://theintercept.com/2020/06/02/his ... -protests/
For decades, local police and FBI have sent undercover officials to participate in — and escalate — protests.
Ryan Grim, Jon Schwarz
June 2 2020

https://www.wonkette.com/p/dipsht-milit ... nted-to-do
Dipsh*t Militia Dude Wanted To Do Some War With Feds, Showed FBI Informant His War Room And Everything
But thank goodness there aren't any heavily armed lunatics at the border now.
We should note that Faye’s son, Joseph Faye, gave a long interview to NBC News reporter Brandy Zadrozny Wednesday in which he said his father really is a pathological liar and a gullible militia-fantasizing dipshit who wouldn’t ever harm anyone, and that his dad is the victim of entrapment by mean feds who just exploited his big mouth and mental health problems to make him a criminal
The FBI connected Faye with three undercover officers who played the parts of willing accomplices, and even assured the dipshit that they were definitely not law enforcement. Seems unsporting; Faye prolly thought that if you ask an undercover cop if they’re an undercover cop, they have to say “oh you have caught me out, drat.” Faye then went on to spout a bunch of crap about how citizens need to take on the corrupt federal blah blah blah who are intentionally letting undocumented migrants come into the US, because “great replacement theory” isn’t just a stupid myth, it’s a pressing reality in these chucklefucks’ minds.

https://dokumen.pub/the-cointelpro-pape ... 83592.html
The COINTELPRO Papers: Documents from the FBI's Secret Wars Against Dissent in the United States
Book by Churchill, Ward, Vander Wall, Jim

https://www.thenation.com/article/socie ... ts-felony/

Clarence Thomas Broke the Law. Why Is He Not Being Prosecuted?
The debate about whether Supreme Court justices are bound by ethics rules drew attention away from the fact that Clarence Thomas’s conduct violated federal laws.
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Postby fruhmenschen » Sat Mar 30, 2024 11:42 am

FBI Protects Hunter Biden
President Biden gives FBI FISA 702

https://nypost.com/2023/08/01/hunter-bi ... d-witness/
Hunter Biden whistleblower Gary Shapley claims FBI spooked corroborating witness
By Steven Nelson
August 1, 2023

https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/7/3 ... y-database
White House recommends the FBI limit its usage of spy database
Officials advise limiting Section 702 searches to national security threats, amid bipartisan scrutiny of the database.
Aug 1, 2023

https://epic.org/surveillance-court-fin ... americans/
Surveillance Court Finds FBI Repeatedly Misused FISA Program to Conduct Unlawful Surveillance of Americans
April 29, 2021

https://nypost.com/2023/05/21/the-fbi-j ... sa-abuses/
The FBI just got caught in yet more massive, outrageous FISA abuses
By James Bovard
May 21, 2023 9

The FBI just got caught in yet more massive, outrageous FISA abuses
By James Bovard
May 21, 2023

The FBI INSLAW Octopus
Software piracy, conspiracy, cover-up, stonewalling, covert action: Just another decade at the Department of Justice
Save this story
SOFTWARE PIRACY, CONSPIRACY, cover-up, stonewalling, covert action: Just another decade at the Department of Justice
The House Judiciary Committee lists these crimes as among the possible violations perpetrated by "high-level Justice officials and private individuals":
>> Conspiracy to commit an offense
>> Fraud
>> Wire fraud
>> Obstruction of proceedings before departments, agencies and committees
>> Tampering with a witness
>> Retaliation against a witness
>> Perjury
>> Interference with commerce by threats or violence
>> Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) violations
>> Transportation of stolen goods, securities, moneys
>> Receiving stolen goods

Bill Hamilton, Inslaw & PROMIS….

https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/ ... 6b58d5ac9/
August 31, 1992
A draft House Judiciary Committee report details a string of suspicious circumstances surrounding the apparent suicide of a free-lance reporter. Joseph Daniel Casolaro was found last August in a hotel room in Martinsburg, W.Va., with his wrists slashed just days after telling friends he was closing in on cracking his yearlong investigation into a far-flung government conspiracy that he called the "Octopus."
Casolaro was on the trail of the twisted tale of Inslaw, a small Washington-based computer company embroiled in a six-year legal dispute with the Justice Department. Inslaw charges that Justice conspired to pirate its software and drive it into bankruptcy. Represented by former attorney general Elliot Richardson, Inslaw's claims were upheld by two different federal judges, but after a successful appeal by the Justice Department, the case is now headed for a new trial.
In the course of his probe, Casolaro stumbled across evidence that he believed linked the Inslaw dispute to deeper intrigues, including the Iran-contra scandal, the BCCI affair and the pre-Persian Gulf War arming of Iraq.
The Judiciary Committee report, due out soon, concludes:
"Based on the evidence collected by the committee, it appears that the path followed by Danny Casolaro in pursuing his investigation into the Inslaw matter brought him in contact with

https://www.muckrock.com/news/archives/ ... is-part-1/
May 16, 2017
The Undying Octopus: FBI and the PROMIS affair Part 1
35 years later, file reveals dropped leads and confirmed allegations in “the scandal that wouldn’t die”
Written by Emma North-Best
Edited by JPat Brown
The PROMIS scandal, once labelled ‘the scandal that wouldn’t die,’ lives on according to a recent FBI FOIA response. The affair centered around the government’s theft of the PROMIS software, a forerunner to the infamous PRISM, and the far-reaching fallout which allegedly included everything from fraud, to covert operations and surveillance, to Danny Casolaro’s mysterious death, and remains the subject of an investigation decades after the Department of Justice declared the matter officially closed.
The FBI’s response also reveals that the Congressional investigation was compromised, and additional files on the subject have been alternatively lost or

FBI-Orchestrated Conspiracy": Judge Orders Release of 3 of Newburgh 4 Tied to Fake NY Bomb Plot

https://www.cato.org/commentary/how-med ... ssia-probe
How the Media Has Whitewashed FBI Abuses in the Russia Probe
The entire episode is a sobering example of irresponsibility on the part of institutions that nevertheless insist on respect from the public.
By Ted Galen Carpenter

https://ticklethewire.com/fbi-has-new-l ... ld-office/
FBI Has New Leader of Salt Lake City Field Office
Steve7 Hours Ago
Special Agent in Charge Shohini Sinha
By Steve Neavling

https://theintercept.com/2023/08/01/fbi ... amendment/
The FBI’s secret infiltration of the 2020 protest movement, first revealed by The Intercept and the podcast series “Alphabet Boys,” is being challenged for chilling free speech.
Trevor Aaronson
August 1 2023

https://coloradosun.com/2023/08/01/aclu ... olice-fbi/
ACLU sues Colorado Springs, FBI alleging illegal search of progressive nonprofit, activist’s home
The warrants targeting the Chinook Center and activist Jacqueline Armendariz Unzueta after a housing march in July 2021 violated First Amendment rights, the lawsuit filed in U.S. District Court in Denver said
Olivia Prentzel
2:50 PM MDT on Aug 1 2023

https://aclj.org/government-corruption/ ... corruption
ACLJ To Represent Courageous FBI Whistleblower Garret O’Boyle Against Unconstitutional Retaliation and Retribution From Biden’s FBI for Repeatedly Exposing FBI Misconduct and Corruption
BJay Sekulow and Jordan Sekulow
|August 1 2023

https://www.thedailybeast.com/white-st- ... -white-cop
White Cop Cries Racism After He Loses Top Job to... Another White Cop
Michael Sack has filed a lawsuit alleging he was passed over for a promotion because of his race.
Brooke Leigh Howard
Published Aug. 01, 2023 at2:29 PM 

https://abcnews.go.com/US/ohio-9-cop-fi ... =101851750
Records shed light on why K-9 cop was fired after siccing dog on trucker: Report
"He was begging I do not take his best friend from him," chief said of officer.
ByBill Hutchinson
Video byDara Elasfar
July 30, 2023

https://www.minnpost.com/glean/2023/08/ ... ale-handy/
Civil jury finds St. Paul cop liable in 2017 killing of Cordale HandyPlus: fish in Lake Rebecca found to have "forever chemicals"; Ramble on Records closes shop; record breaking year for Twin Cities regional...

https://boingboing.net/2023/07/31/north ... riend.html
North Carolina cop fired after being accused of trying to kill girlfriend

https://www.yorkdispatch.com/story/news ... 506185007/
Cop set to return to court in child molestation case
Aimee Ambrose
York Dispatch Aug 1 2023

https://www.detroitnews.com/story/news/ ... 506310007/
Detroit cop on house arrest, faces life in prison after alleged sex assault
Officer in separate road rage incident arraigned Monday
George Hunter
The Detroit News Aug 1, 2023


https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congre ... -rcna97273
As Virginia and Maryland vie for the FBI's new HQ, conservatives want to defund it
The skirmish is part of the GOP's broader war against what they see as the FBI and Justice Department's targeting of former President Trump and his allies.

https://news.hamlethub.com/newcanaan/ev ... n-saturday
Hamlet Hub
New Canaan Police host Coffee with a Cop on SaturdayJoin New Canaan Police for Coffee with a Cop this Saturday, August 5 from 10:45 am to noon at New Canaan Farmers' Market!

https://kdhnews.com/news/local/have-cof ... c50f2.html

Mississippi Valley Publishing
'Pop with a Cop' helps cool residents | Daily Gate City - Keokuk, Iowa | mississippivalleypublishing.comLee County had been accosted with a series of heat advisories for several days in a row last week, due to temperatures above the 100 degree...

https://kdhnews.com/news/local/have-cof ... c50f2.html
The Killeen Daily Herald
Have coffee with a cop on Thursday | Local News | kdhnews.comThe Killeen Police Department is inviting the public for a “Coffee with a Cop” event on Thursday.

https://www.timesofisrael.com/18-year-o ... -grilling/
18-year-old anti-overhaul protester beat up by cops freed after 3rd police grilling
Four people arrested outside Tel Aviv police headquarters during demonstration against summoning of high-profile demonstrators against the government’s plan

https://fsspx.news/en/news-events/news/ ... -fbi-84481
A Scandal at the FBI?
AUGUST 01, 2023

FBI found out who illegally used NSO spyware: It was the FBI
Ben Lovejoy
 | Aug 1 2023

https://archive.epic.org/privacy/carniv ... ments.html

FBI Carnivore FOIA Documents

FBI's "Carnivore Splash Screen"
Significant New FBI Carnivore Documents Obtained by EPIC (Released January 14, 2005)
* FBI Report to Congress on Use of Carnivore/DCS 1000 (pdf) (12/18/03) -- Reports that the FBI used commercial software to conduct electronic surveillance eight times in fiscal year 2003, and did not use Carnivore or DCS 1000.
* FBI Report to Congress on Use of Carnivore/DCS 1000 (pdf) (2/24/03) -- Reports that the FBI used commercial software to conduct electronic surveillance five times in fiscal year 2002, and did not use Carnivore or DCS 1000.
Other FBI Carnivore Documents Obtained by EPIC (Released May 24, 2002)
* EPIC Press Release -- "FBI's Carnivore System Disrupted Anti-Terror Probe"
* FBI Memo on "FISA Mistakes" (4/5/00) -- describes how Carnivore interfered with anti-terrorism investigation involving Usama bin Laden
* FBI Memo on Carnivore Legal Questions (4/11/00)
* FBI Memo Responding to Carnivore Legal Questions (4/12/00)
* Court Order Authorizing Carnivore Installation at Earthlink (C.D. Cal. Feb. 4, 2000) -- only known court decision addressing the use of Carnivore, issued after Earthlink challenged an order directing it to allow a Carnivore installation
* FBI Declaration on Carnivore Installation (1/31/00) -- submitted in support of FBI application for Carnivore order
Earlier Material
* Senate Judiciary Committee Letter on Carnivore FOIA Documents
* FBI Response to Senate Judiciary Committee Letter
* U.S. Army Request to FBI for Carnivore ("this software would assist this office's mission")
Second release of Carnivore FOIA Documents (11/16/00). See press release for more details.
* Test report of June 2000 (indicating that Carnivore captures and archives "all unfiltered traffic")
* Deployments (from 1999)
* List of Related Projects
* Omnivore Proposal (includes budget)
* Dragon Net Proposal (includes budget)
* Carnivore Diagrams
* Carnivore Notes
* Questions about Enhanced Carnivore
First release of Carnivore FOIA Documents (10/02/00). See press release for more details.
* Evolution of Carnivore
* Dragon Net - Voice Over IP
* Omnivore Capabilities
* Omnivore Project Closeout
* Omnivore Design
* Omnivore Logon Window
* Omnivore Review
* Omnivore Source Code
* Phiple Troenix (transition from Omnivore to Carnivore)
* Carnivore Purpose
* Carnivore Review
* Carnivore Testing
Analysis of Carnivore documents produced by SecurityFocus.

These documents have been released through a lawsuit EPIC filed against the FBI and the Department of Justice. More information on EPIC's lawsuit is available at the Carnivore FOIA Litigation page.
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