It would benefit anyone who wants to learn a bit more about the impacts of horizontal drilling and high volume, high pressure hydraulic fracture mining of gas and oil, to read this New York Times series of articles that includes powerful photography. I know this technology is now being pursued in Great Britain and in Australia and hope some there will share it with those opposing this extractive process in their area.
Luther kindly posted these two lengthy articles in the Global Warming thread, but without the photographs, so be sure to visit the original for full effect. Links to the two Luther posted and to the NYT source below.
That is all.
Part 1 The Downside of the Boom
North Dakota took on the oversight of a multibillion-dollar oil industry with a regulatory system built on trust, warnings and second chances.
Part 2 Where Oil and Politics Mix
After an unusual land deal, a giant spill and a tanker-train explosion, anxiety began to ripple across the North Dakota prairie.