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Any playwrights here?

PostPosted: Thu Sep 10, 2015 2:27 pm
by Luther Blissett
As in, has anyone any experience whatsoever in writing a play? I have many connections to the theater scene in my community but I am a complete outsider. I have an idea kicking around with a theme native to this place.

Re: Any playwrights here?

PostPosted: Thu Sep 17, 2015 6:35 am
by stefano
I reckon just do it. Get a friend to read through and edit when you're done. Have fun!

Re: Any playwrights here?

PostPosted: Thu Sep 17, 2015 9:56 am
by elfismiles
Luther Blissett ยป 10 Sep 2015 18:27 wrote:As in, has anyone any experience whatsoever in writing a play? I have many connections to the theater scene in my community but I am a complete outsider. I have an idea kicking around with a theme native to this place.

Sadly, no... I've no theater experience.

But you piqued my interest. RI covers so many themes and there seem to be particular swaths of interest that led certain groups of us here over the years; the 911 Coincidence Theorist's Guide being one of the biggest attractors I think.

But for me ... RI represents that mashup between paranormal and parapolitical, the Deep State meets Satanic Panic but with RIGOROUS INTUITION applied to both. And by "satanic panic" I mean a group of intuitive intellectuals and abuse survivors gathered here to take another look at the "Deep Politics" underlying the various belief systems of those purporting to debunk same while empowering rather than discrediting the witnesses.

Keep us posted. :thumbsup

Re: Any playwrights here?

PostPosted: Tue Sep 22, 2015 6:03 pm
by Nordic
I took a class in college and wrote a few short ones there.

That was a long time ago.

I have written screenplays. It seems stage plays are much easier. Fewer rules. Maybe just find a few books at the library to get you started.

Re: Any playwrights here?

PostPosted: Tue Sep 22, 2015 6:29 pm
by Luther Blissett
Thanks all. I think I will just go for it (when I have the time). I have the basic ideas all sketched out, but now it's a matter of writing down everything that happens in between. Nordic, maybe I'll run it past you to see what you think if you want to take a look.

Unfortunately I can't find any way of working in my interest in the fortean. My lofty, unrealistic goal here is to create a piece of art that will spark rebellion.

Re: Any playwrights here?

PostPosted: Fri Sep 25, 2015 12:43 am
by 82_28
My lofty, unrealistic goal here is to create a piece of art that will spark rebellion.

There's your title right there! It's in the vein of A Heartbreaking Work of a Staggering Genius.

Maybe just My Lofty Unrealistic Goal.

I'd buy that shit and am willing to help out!

Re: Any playwrights here?

PostPosted: Fri Sep 25, 2015 12:11 pm
by Iamwhomiam
Good way might be to introduce a fortean experience early on in your lead character's development, their "unreal" experience being your intro to the subject, perhaps?

As one who can barely make sense, my writing so poor, I'm sure another's suggestion would be more helpful. Share with us, if you'd be so kind, your finished work. Good luck!