The Media Zionism and 9-11

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Postby philipacentaur » Wed Mar 07, 2007 1:58 am

erosoplier wrote:
philipacentaur wrote:Yeah, that's fucking hilarious.

Oh, I understand that dbd is jewish - I wouldn't say something like this if dbd hadn't mentioned it first, and hadn't been subsequently mocked for doing so.

Also, 'funny' can mean strange and/or odd, as well as funny ha ha.

Somethng else I find strange is how gentiles can often be more touchy about holocaust related issues than jews themselves.

Jewish user's comment as moral shield: check!
Ambiguity of language as a convenient out: check!
Assumption that opposing voices are all gentiles: check!

Do you have a Rigorous Intuition Jew List now?
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Postby Joe Hillshoist » Wed Mar 07, 2007 1:59 am

Cos as many gentiles were murdered by the Nazi's maybe?

When the fuckers get going they go for unionists, unpopular religions and freaks, pacifists and gay people. And usually an obvious ethnic scapegoat. And mongrels (like me).
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Postby philipacentaur » Wed Mar 07, 2007 2:11 am

Let's not forget another perennial favorite:

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Postby professorpan » Wed Mar 07, 2007 2:23 am

Then there's this beauty from Rense's front page, where it has appeared for as long as I've kept an eye on the site:


But hey, no biggie -- he just copied it from this kute Nazi drawing:

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List mania!

Postby professorpan » Wed Mar 07, 2007 2:24 am

Do you have a Rigorous Intuition Jew List now?

You can bet they're working on it, zognabbit!
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Postby AlicetheKurious » Wed Mar 07, 2007 6:20 am

Even if the list was factually right, you failed to indicate how it matters. You explicitly suggested that the mere fact that so many people in Hollywood and Washington and the media are Jews somehow is meaningful beyond insinuating they must all be part of some secret cabal intent on ruling the world and enslaving us all or somesuch.

Better clean out your ears, bubbie. I did not "fail to indicate how it matters", YOU failed to hear anything that contradicts your fanatic world-view.

This could be a symptom of brainwashing. Maybe you don't mind having been brainwashed. Maybe you love to be a good little foot-soldier, getting your thoughts, your principles and your facts second-hand, with a ready-made response for any information that contradicts the wisdom handed down to you by your betters ("You're an anti-semite! He's an anti-semite! She's an anti-semite! They're all anti-semites!")

In case anybody else missed it, here is where I indicated how it matters, about 3 pages ago:

The corporate media has played a crucial role in normalizing the racist view of Arabs as subhuman and evil, and therefore undeserving of human rights. It is too pervasive, too systematic, too monolithic, in popular books, movies, tv and newspapers, especially when contrasted with the adulation and prominence given to fanatic zionist clowns like Daniel Pipes, Michael Ledeen, William Kristol and Alan Derschowitz, in that same media.

Muslims make up around the same proportion of the U.S. population, 2-3%, as Jews. I'm going to ask you ANOTHER question that you will not answer, Professor Pan (your buddies are welcome to answer as well):

If it were Muslims instead of Jews, who wielded such power in the U.S. corporate media;
and if the corporate media were as viciously anti-Jewish as it currently is anti-Muslim;
if a Muslim-supremacist, expansionist state were committing genocide against Jews in the Middle East during this same period, with the support of powerful Muslim organizations in the U.S., and in the name of all Muslims:
would you similarly wet your pants if someone posted a list of all the Muslim decision-makers in the U.S. corporate media, as context for this phenomenon?

Let's see if you can come up with an answer that passes the giggle test...

Like I said before, if I post inaccurate information, go ahead and correct it. You disagree with my logic, explain why. Just ignoring arguments and blowing a lot of hot air to distract attention away from facts is a cheap and transparent tactic of bullies who know that they have no case.

Speaking of which, what IS your case? I have been very clear, very precise and very unambiguous about my hypothesis, and I've worked hard to supply the logical and factual bases for every argument I've made.

dbd said:

These wars that we have been driven into have taken away the crumbs and the crusts from the mouths of the weakest and least supported members of our society--the mentally ill, the aged, the impoverished single mother....all suffer a great deal more.

And who, may I ask, planned and plotted for decades to bring these about?

Wasn't it the great Neocons and the acolites of Levi Strauss? And were not the vast majority of these zionists?

I have seen the homeless poplulation of my town double and then triple. I watch their plight with anquish every single day.

10 years ago, we had enough surplus in our treasury to care for all of these with beds and meals.

Now many have neither.

All our resources now buy guns, bombs, tanks, napalm and our tax money lines the coffers of Haliburton, the Carlyle group and yes, Israel "defense funds"

What she (?) said is correct:

Michael Ledeen, Neocon (2002):

One can only hope that we turn the region into a cauldron, and faster, please. If ever there were a region that richly deserved being cauldronized, it is the Middle East today. If we wage the war effectively, we will bring down the terror regimes in Iraq, Iran, and Syria, and either bring down the Saudi monarchy or force it to abandon its global assembly line to indoctrinate young terrorists.

That's our mission in the war against terror.

The most dangerous course of action is Scowcroft's: Finesse Iraq, and squander our energies fecklessly trying to broker peace between Israel and the terrorists.

We dealt with the original kamikazes by improving our defenses so as to kill them before they hit us, and by destroying the country that launched them. We have to do that again.

Unless you have been gulled by the leaks from the misnamed intelligence community, you know that the terrorists represent the long arm of evil regimes. We therefore have a dual task: Kill the terrorists, and destroy the regimes that provide them with the critical infrastructure — training, safe havens, travel documents, technology, and all the rest — they need to operate.

The hunt for the terrorists is a technical matter, and we must hope that our military has enough virtue left from the Clinton ravages to do the job. But we should have no misgivings about our ability to destroy tyrannies. It is what we do best. It comes naturally to us, for we are the one truly revolutionary country in the world, as we have been for more than 200 years. Creative destruction is our middle name. We do it automatically, and that is precisely why the tyrants hate us, and are driven to attack us.

So we begin with an enormous advantage. The tyrants fear us, and their oppressed peoples want what we have to offer: freedom...

...when America abandons its historic mission, our enemies take heart, grow stronger, and eventually begin to kill us again. And so they have, forcing us to take up our revolutionary burden, and bring down the despotic regimes that have made possible the hateful events of the 11th of September.

The only consolation is that we know how to do it. And, miraculously, we have some leaders who understand the historic opportunity they hold in their hands.

[Michael Ledeen] was a contract employee of the Office of Special Plans in Douglas Feith’s “separate government” at the Pentagon, the “Lie Factory” where the talking points were put together to frighten the American people into supporting the invasion of Iraq.

His ties to SISMI, the Italian intelligence agency which gave the forged documents back to the US in 2002 go way back.

He attended a series of meetings in Italy with Israeli spy Larry Franklin, Harold Rhode, who “practically lived out of Ahmad Chalabi’s office,” Ledeen’s old Iran-Contra buddy (and Mossad asset - Alice), Manucher Ghorbanifar, and SISMI’s director around the time that the information surfaced.

Who is Michael Ledeen? Who are the neocons? What qualifies them for such power and influence? Are they brilliant? No. Many of them are demonstrably dumb, and have been spectacularly wrong in ways that have exacted a staggering cost in human lives, in the U.S.'s global credibility, and economically. All these costs will continue to be paid for generations to come.

They lie, all the time. Their lies are immediately and unquestioningly picked up and repeated over and over in the media, until they are established as fact in people's minds.

Their middle name is "fabrication", indeed, in some ways they themselves are fabrications. "Experts" on the Middle East who know nothing beyond Israel's hallucinations of the Middle East; analysts who do nothing but shill forged evidence; "legal specialists" who dream up sophistries to get around the Bill of Rights, the Geneva Conventions and other international laws; "journalists" who report propaganda and suppress important facts; "National Security Advisors" whose advice is leading America to economic, political and social ruin.

They are buoyed along on a cushion of air by a complicit, discredited media that preserves the fiction that these individuals are independent, respectable and wise, rather than the corrupt moral and intellectual midgets that they are.

'Wash Times' Columnist Uses Fabricated Abraham Lincoln Quote

By E&P Staff

Published: February 14, 2007 9:00 AM ET updated 9:00 PM Thursday

NEW YORK The drive by some political and military figures -- and pundits -- to paint those who oppose the war in Iraq as traitors or at least not supporting the troops has hit another low, with a Washington Times columnist trumpeting an incendiary quote from Abraham Lincoln shown to be a fabrication last year.

Frank Gaffney, Jr. opened his latest column with this: "Congressmen who willfully take actions during wartime that damage morale and undermine the military are saboteurs and should be arrested, exiled, or hanged." — President Abraham Lincoln.

He continues: "It is, of course, unimaginable that the penalties proposed by one of our most admired presidents for the crime of dividing America in the face of the enemy would be contemplated — let alone applied — today. Still, as the U.S. House of Representatives and Senate engage in interminable debate about resolutions whose effects can only be to 'damage morale and undermine the military' while emboldening our enemies, it is time to reflect on what constitutes inappropriate behavior in time of war."

One problem: Lincoln never said it.

Brooks Jackson at, the Annenberg Public Policy Center group, studied the sudden appearance of the quote last August. Why? He had found that his Web search "brought up more than 18,000 references to it."

He reported: "Supporters of President Bush and the war in Iraq often quote Abraham Lincoln as saying members of Congress who act to damage military morale in wartime 'are saboteurs, and should be arrested, exiled or hanged.'

"Republican candidate Diana Irey used the 'quote' recently in her campaign against Democratic Rep. John Murtha of Pennsylvania, and it has appeared thousands of times on the Internet, in newspaper articles and letters to the editor, and in Republican speeches.

"But Lincoln never said that. The conservative author who touched off the misquotation frenzy, J. Michael Waller, concedes that the words are his, not Lincoln's. Waller says he never meant to put quote marks around them, and blames an editor [at the magazine Insight] for the mistake and the failure to correct it. We also note other serious historical errors in the Waller article containing the bogus quote."

Jackson later provided this update: "Candidate Irey retracted the quote and apologized hours after this article appeared."

Waller wrote to Jackson concerning the 2003 article: "Oddly, you are the first to question me about this. I'm surprised it has been repeated as often as you say. My editors at the time didn't think it was necessary to run a correction in the following issue of the magazine, and to my knowledge we received no public comment."

Gaffney is a regular columnist at the Washington Times.


UPDATE: As of Thursday night, The Washington Times had neither removed the quote from the Gaffney column nor run a correction.

On Thursday, Rep. Don Young (R-Alaska) cited the quote on the floor of the House during the debate on the Iraq war "surge."


They are warmongers and racists, advocates of torture and opponents of international law. Yet they continue to enjoy enormous prestige in the corporate media and in the corridors of power. They are never held accountable for their crucial role in promoting disastrous policies, nor for the lies they constantly spout. They continue to grow rich, and conceited, while they relentlessly whip their exhausted American horse (donkey?) to follow to the letter, the plans formulated by and for Israel.

To sum up, the "neocon" zionists (for that is what they are) share certain characteristics:

1) They are warmongers, shrieking dire warnings of terrible consequences unless a war of aggression is launched immediately, always against a much weaker country on Israel's list of "enemy states".

2) They sneer at the very idea of human rights for those whom they have designated as "terrorists", whom they regard as subhuman, to be killed at will and without remorse.

3) They rarely bother with evidence, and demand that their word be accepted as fact. On the very rare occasions that they do present evidence to back up their allegations, it is almost always fabricated, extracted through torture, and/or supplied by other zionist agents.

4) Boiled down to its essence, their philosophy is based on the principle that Israel and its pet global superpower, the U.S., should and must rule the world absolutely, control its resources, and subjugate its peoples.

5) Those who try to expose them, or who try to resist the neocon-led foreign aggression, are either "anti-semites" or "terrorists", generally depending on whether they are First World or Third World-type individuals, although since there are only those two arrows in the neocons' quiver, very often both are used at the same time.

6) Did I mention that they lie? And lie, and lie...
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Postby Joe Hillshoist » Wed Mar 07, 2007 7:37 am


In answer to your question about the roles being reversed.

Of course I would. It would be the same level of bullshit.

Giggle all you want.

Your analysis is very accurate in regards the way neo cons work.. But that was how power worked in the US long before Bush and his arsewipe allies were in admin there.

The same lies were and are told about South American and asian leaders whenever it suits the purpose of the people in power in the US.

With nothing to do with Israel. Israel didn't even exist in 1898 when the US brought the Phillipines off Spain. There's no difference in the processes at play now.

Even now idiots like Roberts, the so called 911 truther claim Pinochet's actions in chile were somehow justifiable.

This man is a highly influential economist. He justifies the slaughter of thousands, the torture and mutilation of a nations youngest and finest on simple economic terms. Its good for the market, and therefore good for everyone. Yeah right. All heil the fucking economy.

That is what drives the US agenda in the Middle east, and the Zionist meme serves that agenda very well.

To me the blame the Zionist game is almost exactly the same process as hiding MK Ultra Mind Control behind the mask of alien abduction.

And there is a ready scapegoat for the next round of operation mindfuck built in.

Jews were part of the elite in nazi germany too, and the hysteria against them was used to mask the destruction of anyone who didn't follow the corporate fascist agenda of the time. And anyone who didn't fit or wasn't productive. Anyone of difference, who could challange the orthodaoxy that was vital to keeping fascism in place as an unchallanged way of life.

In my country now Muslims, and especially young Lebanese muslims are being used for the sme purpose, tho not for the reasons you would claim, Israel's well being. They are a distraction from everything else thats actually happening and while attention is on them it isn't on the massive theft of equity or value from the majority of Australians assets.

Boiled down to its essence, their philosophy is based on the principle that Israel and its pet global superpower, the U.S., should and must rule the world absolutely, control its resources, and subjugate its peoples.

Israel controls the US and is using it to take over the world?

Is that what you are saying? That is fucking provocative. i think we have heard that before and we know what came of it.

Unless China moves soon nation states will be irrelevent in 20 years anyway.

It will be one big corporate gulag on planet earth.

And the bastards who primed those that made that Joos run the world argument last time will be laughing all the way.
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Postby Joe Hillshoist » Wed Mar 07, 2007 7:48 am

having said all that, any discussion about palestine has disappeared from the only media in Australia that engaged in it, (Lateline on the ABC) in the last 6 months.

But that doies not mean Zionists run the world. If you can't seperate whats going on there you are simple minded in the extreme.
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Postby AlicetheKurious » Wed Mar 07, 2007 7:58 am

Israelis to sell armored vehicles to U.S.

This undated picture courtesy of the Israeli state-owned corporation Rafael shows a 15-ton armored Golan vehicle produced by the firm. Rafael is to sell the United States 60 armored vehicles for use by its troops in Iraq.

JERUSALEM (AP) — An Israeli state-owned corporation has won a contract to supply the U.S. Marine Corps with state-of the-art armored vehicles for use in Iraq, the latest in a long line of Israeli defense sales for use in the war.

Amit Tzimer, spokesman for weapons maker Rafael, said Sunday that, in partnership with U.S. manufacturer PVI, Rafael has signed up to deliver 60 of its new Golan vehicles at a total price of $37 million.

Delivery will be made to the Marines in the United States in May, he said.

Rafael's sales catalog describes the Golan as a multipurpose vehicle, capable of withstanding armor-piercing machine-gun rounds, rocket fire and bomb blasts. It can carry up to 10 troops up to 360 miles on a tank of gas and can be outfitted as a fighting vehicle, mobile command post or ambulance.

Tzimer said that the initial deal was part of the first phase of a U.S. program to procure a total of 40,000 armored vehicles, and Rafael hoped for more orders in the future.

He said the firm previously supplied armor for the Bradley fighting vehicle.

A Pentagon survey released earlier this year said that hundreds of U.S. troops in Iraq and Afghanistan have experienced shortages of key protective equipment including armored vehicles.

Tel Aviv-based defense analyst Zeev Schiff said Rafael was only one of several Israeli companies that had long been providing and maintaining equipment for American forces in Iraq.

"Israel prefers to keep a low profile, but it's been doing that for years, not just for the (U.S.) Army but for the Navy, too," he said.

The Israeli Defense Ministry declined to comment on the sales of Israeli equipment destined for use in Iraq. The U.S. Defense Department did not respond to requests for a comment.

Robin Hughes, a Mideast military analyst at London-based Jane's Defense Information Group, said the issue of Israeli equipment in service in Iraq was a sensitive one, and both suppliers and customers generally preferred to avoid publicity.

"There are systems that are deployed, and I wouldn't just say U.S. vehicles, maybe other coalition vehicles. I think that if you were to look carefully, you might spot other Israeli stuff," he said, without elaborating.

Israeli media have reported that Israeli businessmen are active within Iraq itself, and last month the Israeli National Security Council issued a cryptic travel warning, citing the danger to Israelis traveling there and reminding them that such visits are a criminal offense under Israeli law.

Israeli citizens are forbidden by law to visit Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia or Yemen, all of which are technically at war with the Jewish state. Egypt and Jordan are the only Arab states to have signed peace treaties with Israel.

Copyright 2007 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

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Postby AlicetheKurious » Wed Mar 07, 2007 8:59 am

Of course I would. It would be the same level of bullshit.

Giggle all you want.
Hee! Hee! Ha!

Israel controls the US and is using it to take over the world?

Is that what you are saying? That is fucking provocative. i think we have heard that before and we know what came of it.
Oooooh! Lots of vague menace there, no substance, though (as usual).

Speaking of the neocons, this is what I said:

They are warmongers and racists, advocates of torture and opponents of international law. Yet they continue to enjoy enormous prestige in the corporate media and in the corridors of power. They are never held accountable for their crucial role in promoting disastrous policies, nor for the lies they constantly spout. They continue to grow rich, and conceited, while they relentlessly whip their exhausted American horse (donkey?) to follow to the letter, the plans formulated by and for Israel.

To sum up, the "neocon" zionists (for that is what they are) share certain characteristics:

1) They are warmongers, shrieking dire warnings of terrible consequences unless a war of aggression is launched immediately, always against a much weaker country on Israel's list of "enemy states".

2) They sneer at the very idea of human rights for those whom they have designated as "terrorists", whom they regard as subhuman, to be killed at will and without remorse.

3) They rarely bother with evidence, and demand that their word be accepted as fact. On the very rare occasions that they do present evidence to back up their allegations, it is almost always fabricated, extracted through torture, and/or supplied by other zionist agents.

4) Boiled down to its essence, their philosophy is based on the principle that Israel and its pet global superpower, the U.S., should and must rule the world absolutely, control its resources, and subjugate its peoples.

5) Those who try to expose them, or who try to resist the neocon-led foreign aggression, are either "anti-semites" or "terrorists", generally depending on whether they are First World or Third World-type individuals, although since there are only those two arrows in the neocons' quiver, very often both are used at the same time.

6) Did I mention that they lie? And lie, and lie...

OK, go ahead. Pick out one statement that you think is false, and demonstrate why it is false. Do try to use logic and facts, please, and stick to what I said. (Sigh! A girl can always hope...)
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Postby Joe Hillshoist » Wed Mar 07, 2007 9:44 am

AlicetheKurious wrote:
Of course I would. It would be the same level of bullshit.

Giggle all you want.
Hee! Hee! Ha!

Israel controls the US and is using it to take over the world?

Is that what you are saying? That is fucking provocative. i think we have heard that before and we know what came of it.
Oooooh! Lots of vague menace there, no substance, though (as usual).

Speaking of the neocons, this is what I said:

They are warmongers and racists, advocates of torture and opponents of international law. Yet they continue to enjoy enormous prestige in the corporate media and in the corridors of power. They are never held accountable for their crucial role in promoting disastrous policies, nor for the lies they constantly spout. They continue to grow rich, and conceited, while they relentlessly whip their exhausted American horse (donkey?) to follow to the letter, the plans formulated by and for Israel.

To sum up, the "neocon" zionists (for that is what they are) share certain characteristics:

1) They are warmongers, shrieking dire warnings of terrible consequences unless a war of aggression is launched immediately, always against a much weaker country on Israel's list of "enemy states".

2) They sneer at the very idea of human rights for those whom they have designated as "terrorists", whom they regard as subhuman, to be killed at will and without remorse.

3) They rarely bother with evidence, and demand that their word be accepted as fact. On the very rare occasions that they do present evidence to back up their allegations, it is almost always fabricated, extracted through torture, and/or supplied by other zionist agents.

4) Boiled down to its essence, their philosophy is based on the principle that Israel and its pet global superpower, the U.S., should and must rule the world absolutely, control its resources, and subjugate its peoples.

5) Those who try to expose them, or who try to resist the neocon-led foreign aggression, are either "anti-semites" or "terrorists", generally depending on whether they are First World or Third World-type individuals, although since there are only those two arrows in the neocons' quiver, very often both are used at the same time.

6) Did I mention that they lie? And lie, and lie...

OK, go ahead. Pick out one statement that you think is false, and demonstrate why it is false. Do try to use logic and facts, please, and stick to what I said. (Sigh! A girl can always hope...)

Always glad to give you a laff alice.

The only issue I have with the 6 points about neo cons is number 4.

The last wankers to claim Jews were trying to take over the world invaded Poland and murdered at least 10 million people.

Vague menace and no substance.

grow a brain.

POINT 4 Is False. And that fucking neocon = zionist bullshit.


Cos it isn't Israel that runs the fucking world you moron. Demonstrate it. Open your fucking eyes and take off your blinkers.

there has been no significant change in US foreign policy since pretty much day one. Once upon a time the US went as far west as the Mississipi.

in their drive to expand and gain more territory to exploit they ended up with a fair chunk of mexico and a whole lot of places around the world. Guam, panama, the Philipines.

Did that all at israel's behest did they.

Or are you simply saying Jews run the world?

If so fuck off back under your rock with the other Nazi scumbags.

You are as bad as the fucking americans that think the world ends at their borders. there is more to this planet than the middle east. get over it.
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Postby Dreams End » Wed Mar 07, 2007 10:25 am

As for "Jew lister", that's so typical of the judeo-supremacist mentality, making up a whole new category of thought-crime and a new word to go with it

It's not new. Here's one.

There are many others. IBM even provided handy machines to help with those lists.

You will agree, Alice, as an experienced Jew Lister, keeping track of of Jews can be tedious work. The Hollerith punch card machine makes your job a breeze!

Here's a testimonial:
Adolf Eichmann told his hangman merely hours before his execution in Jerusalem in 1961 that all the Jews had to do to defeat the final solution was to avoid registration on the Hollerith cards. Just not be there when the census taker called. Once the holes were punched, he said, their fates were sealed.

Now, if he would take the time to praise the Hollerith machine just hours before his death, you know it HAS to be good.

If the list I posted was factually wrong, then accuse me of posting inaccurate information.

NO! Alice, I am sooo sorry. I was not claiming your Jew List was wrong. In fact, to the best of my knowledge, everyone on that list is really a Jew. GOOD WORK!

From the opinions you've expressed before, I don't believe you actually want someone to "fry in a gas chamber"

itty bitty got his wittle feewings hurt. You make him all better.

"Made up words ("Jew lister"?),

"Jew Lister" is two words. You are good at listing but not so good at counting. Both are in common usage in the English language. Perhaps might be helpful.

claims of anti-semitism not supported by any statistics, and made up evidence."

you mean evidence besides your Jew List and dbd's charming reference to the gas chambers?

I was wondering why this thread has not even been firepitted, much less any further action to show that the posting rules still exist but we get this from a moderator (Sunny):

In case some of you didn't know, the gas chamber is a tool of the justice system.

Dreams End

Postby Jeff » Wed Mar 07, 2007 10:37 am

I think this thread is finished.

Hie thee to the Fire Pit.
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