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Postby coffin_dodger » Fri Aug 09, 2013 4:46 am

To whomever it may concern,

Is it possible that you could give some indication of monthly unique visitors to RI? And perhaps some historical comparison?

Just interested to know if numbers are swelling as things become crazier, or if they're dropping as the disenfranchised withdraw into their shells.
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Postby coffin_dodger » Fri Aug 09, 2013 9:46 am

elfismiles wrote:

Thanks elfismiles... but I can't see any actual figures of vistors on that link, just a ranking. Am I missing something? Thanks.
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Postby elfismiles » Fri Aug 09, 2013 10:13 am

coffin_dodger » 09 Aug 2013 13:46 wrote:
elfismiles wrote:

Thanks elfismiles... but I can't see any actual figures of vistors on that link, just a ranking. Am I missing something? Thanks.

No, but that's the closest thing to publicly available data.

Honestly, I think most folks, myself included, probably think such a request is a bit ... impolite. :oops:
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Postby coffin_dodger » Fri Aug 09, 2013 10:26 am

elfismiles wrote:Honestly, I think most folks, myself included, probably think such a request is a bit ... impolite. :oops:

:eeyaa - why?

It's impolite to enquire how many people visit a web site of which you're a member and contribute to?

It's not as though anything to do with anonymity is valid these days, is it?

Secrets, secrets, everywhere.
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Postby Wombaticus Rex » Fri Aug 09, 2013 11:15 am

There are stats along the bottom of the main forum page, yes?

Currently Online: viewonline.php?sg=1

Aside from that, though, I cannot find any moderator tools for getting statistics reports.
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Postby coffin_dodger » Fri Aug 09, 2013 12:48 pm

Sorry Wombat, having been involved in the development of many web sites myself in the olden days, I incorrectly assumed that 'stats' was a universally understood term - for visitor numbers, where they came from, where they are, etc.

I'm surprised (not in a critical way) that you have no idea how many visitors there are to this site!

I've set up phpbb boards before - the addition of a counter like, say, statcounter is soooo easy and can be kept for mods only to see - it might be worth exploring - and surely fascinating to know how many people are interested in this site? It could be 500... or 5m.
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Postby coffin_dodger » Fri Aug 09, 2013 1:00 pm

I just had a thought - you recently confirmed IP addresses of suspected sockpuppets - so the info I'm after is being recorded somewhere that you have access to - are the collated stats not in the same place?
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Postby Wombaticus Rex » Fri Aug 09, 2013 1:46 pm

Moderators are not admins. I linked to the "currently online" because that's the only url. There is a "Statistics" box at the bottom of the Board Index page. It does not offer any search or report capabilities.

IP information is available at the post level and user level. There is no master dump file for moderators.
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Postby Project Willow » Fri Aug 09, 2013 5:12 pm

Jeff has access to stats through a service. Tend to agree that if he wants them to remain private, they should be private.
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Postby Hammer of Los » Fri Aug 09, 2013 6:09 pm


The bottom of the page is currently telling me there are no users browsing this forum

I must be a figment of my own imagination.

This link viewonline.php?sg=1 shows there are around 36 users browsing the forum

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