The Demon Was an Idea (Part Two and a half)

Moderators: Elvis, DrVolin, Jeff

Postby greencrow0 » Tue Jan 09, 2007 11:05 am

eAe says:

Not everything you read is true. Not even here..

Good Luck,

It might interest you to know that in the seventies I paid a visit to the Vatican, saw the Bernini colonades, the Sistine Chapel and even the Pope saying Mass.

I don't think everything the Catholic Church says is true, either.


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Postby Burnt Hill » Tue Jan 09, 2007 3:01 pm

I got a good laugh out of the paranoid schizophrenic post eAe made also. And his concern has merits, indeed I have appealed to the paranoid schizophrenics, right here at RI! But his mis-guided concerns from his lofty perch, give me pause- and I wonder if Jeff isnt playing the ultimate headgame with him. And again, eAe youasked for specifics which you used to formulate your wild thesis. So now we need to go in another direction- the real or percieved threat to this website. And thanks to greencrow, creative and others, we are on the path.
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Postby CreativeWanderlust » Tue Jan 09, 2007 6:52 pm

Wow.... this thread has really "morphed" and keeps going!

It is I- Creative Wanderlust, aka AvalonConnection (personal story poster in beginning of this thread) and previously known before that as "vicefairy".

I have changed my handle out of respect for Avalon. So, yes, Avalon, call me CW or Creative, whatever works.

You people rock!

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Postby Burnt Hill » Wed Jan 10, 2007 3:13 am

my, my you are one thin skinned moderator eAe. I think there should be some more distinction as to when you are posting as a moderator and when you are posting as eAe, or is there no difference for you?. Thats one heady power trip you are on. Though having my post Fire Pitted only increases my resolve to share my truths, and to encourage discourse between rational thinkers. And to anyone still listening, have a look down below at the Fire Pit. If the consensus is that the post has no merits, then I will learn from that, if it does have merits, then perhaps we have a real problem here. Back on topic soon, I promise.
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Postby Joe Hillshoist » Wed Jan 10, 2007 3:59 am

The end of our world? I dont think so. Jeff seems a pretty savvy dude, and I believe he is in Canada, and I am no expert in legalities though. And wouldnt we all find ourselves on other forums? no doubt it would be a blow, but we are resilient. It seems to me part of the reason we are here is to discuss the military occult complex, unfortunately one of our moderators int too keen on that.

If you are trying to say that this isn't provactive as hell then you are dreaming.

If the DHS closed down this site i would spew.

Every site online has its own unique character and this place is no exception.

unfortunately one of our moderators int too keen on that

I have only been here 6 months if that, and the mod in question doesn't fit your description IMO. Stop being nasty.

The end of our world? I dont think so.

In some ways that shows a lot of disrespect for the people that built this site up, including Jeff. It would be the end of this little world and that would be tragic.

Man I stuck up for you cos I thought your words were being misinterpreted and some people were jumping down your throat without good reason. that may be true, and an unfortunate introduction to this site for you. But since it seems like all you are doing, no thats not true, not all. That thread that lead to nanodes is interesting.

It seems like a lot of what you are doing has a subtle hind of undermining things. People here aren't stupid and pick up on that.

I have been censored. I can agree the headline was sensationalist, but the post was provocative in a good way. It addressed how the Demon thread had twisted and turned from its original topic into something the distractors, and in this case a moderator had forced it to become. I will cut anyone some slack, but if this is how eAe operates, and he has Jeffs approval (questionable), then perhaps RI isnt what we think it is? No it cant be. I must be the one who is wrong here?

Yep, man drop it. you and arcadia were having a heated discussion cos he thought you were full oif shit. Not necessarily your story but your motivations. And the title of the thread.

That is all there was to it till people started saying you were a spook working to promote vandalism. I don't recall Arcadia saying that.

But I can see how he would think that now, cos it keeps being blown out of proportion.

I thought your story was interesting and a few interesting aspects of it have disappeared in this general controversy.

The tresspassing thing seems like bullshit to me, cos the Finger lakes national Park is supposed to be public land according to wiki.

i think if someone had realised that before accusing you of advocating vandalism and tresspassing this whole shitfight might not have happened.

But then again who knows.

But man mellow out. What you are posting now is as bad or worse than some of hugh's nastiness.
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Postby Burnt Hill » Wed Jan 10, 2007 4:09 am

As I respect your views Mr.Hillshoist, I will sleep on it. But then again you have stated you are a personal friend (something to that extent) of eAe so perhaps you are biased. Again, these are words here, I have called no one to any action- and was trying to point out how ridiculous the perceived threat was. And yes I was being provocative, indeed to encourage more discussion! Again , I have yet to hear from Mr Wells, And I will gladly honor his views
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Postby Joe Hillshoist » Wed Jan 10, 2007 4:21 am

Hey man i have an idea.

Repost from the start of this thread again, under a different title, one that draws attention to the aspects of your story that you think are ineresting. there's a few bits of interest there, and to be honest the giant eaagle thing ... that pic posted by Arcadia is kind of what I was thinking.

but not in a bad way necessarily. Ever heard of project bluebeam?

You don't have to start a new thread. i was just thinking out loud.

Thinking it was a way to put this Madness behind us and stop trying to make each other cry.
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Postby Burnt Hill » Wed Jan 10, 2007 4:38 am

Done cutting slack.
you and arcadia were having a heated discussion
Wrong. eAe brought the heat, I discussed. read again if necessary.
If you are trying to say that this isn't provactive as hell then you are dreaming.
Never said that, it was provocative, with intent. You simply misread my intent. And if thats the case, how about discussion? why censorship? something I though you were against. "some ways that shows a lot of disrespect for the people that built this site up, including Jeff. It would be the end of this little world and that would be tragic. "
I have shown nothing but respect to this site and to Mr Wells. It was a hypothetical question. Tragic? it might be a battle and provide us with more work to do, but tragic? "unfortunately one of our moderators int too keen on that" You call that a nasty statement? You are a sensitive man. What was your stand on censorship Mr. Hillshoist? seems you are of two minds all of a sudden. And dont talk about Hugh that way :wink:
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Postby Fixx » Wed Jan 10, 2007 9:36 am

Joe Hillshoist wrote:That is all there was to it till people started saying you were a spook working to promote vandalism. I don't recall Arcadia saying that.

That's exactly how I 'read' Acradia's responses this thread.
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Postby Et in Arcadia ego » Wed Jan 10, 2007 11:26 am

Joe Hillshoist wrote:That is all there was to it till people started saying you were a spook working to promote vandalism. I don't recall Arcadia saying that.

Correct, Joe, I've never called ANYONE a spook. Had I thought he actually was one, he'd have been buh-bye days ago.

Sheesh, Joe, can you possibly rate the miserable performance here against a REAL monstrosity like He Who SHould Not Be named..?

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Postby MASONIC PLOT » Wed Jan 10, 2007 11:33 am

lol where is Hugh when we need him?

Postby Et in Arcadia ego » Wed Jan 10, 2007 11:35 am

MASONIC PLOT wrote:lol where is Hugh when we need him?

Hopefully doing some real research into something vastly more important that bumping ebay sells for melted plastic cap-stoneless pyramidia that are supposed to keep your Lipton Tea fresher for at least 20 more minutes..
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Postby professorpan » Wed Jan 10, 2007 12:46 pm

Now I'll probably fry some of your heads with this... those of you who keep labeling me a "serial rationalist" and so forth... anyway....

In the 70s, I followed all the paranormal trends, and one of the things that caught my attention was so-called "pyramid power." It seemed easy enough to test -- just build a pyramid scaled to the dimensions of the Great Pyramid of Giza. So I did it.

Surprisingly, it worked.

My first pyramid was plexiglass, but then I (coincidentally? synchronistically?) discovered a guy who sold pyramids out of a garage while my dad was driving me to basketball practice one day. The guy sold pyramids that were just the frame -- i.e. copper tubing soldered into the proper dimensions.

My first experiment was to take two sections of an orange. I placed one inside the pyramid frame and one outside the pyramid, a few inches away. Same orange, just different sections of it. And I waited.

A few days later, the section of orange outside the pyramid sprouted green mold. The piece inside, however, dried up and did not mold.

My young mind was blown.

I then did the same experiment with bacon. The bacon outside rotted, while the piece under the pyramid dried up like a piece of beef jerky.

Then I tried milk. I gagged when I smelled the milk outside the pyramid, but the pyramid milk had turned to something resembling yogurt, and didn't smell bad at all.

Emboldened by my research, I put together an exhibit for my junior high science fair, with the provocative title "Do Pyramids Affect Decomposition?" When I went to set up my display at the science fair, the organizers had a difficult time deciding where to put me -- should it be biology, physics, or something else entirely? I can't remember where they finally put me, but a lot of people stopped to talk with me about the experiments.

Later on in life, I kept a disposable razor underneath the pyramid and shaved with it for months with no noticeable dulling of the blade.

So when people like Dragon and MaryK talk about orgone and other unseen energies, I cut them a little slack. I think their beliefs have all the earmarks of out-of-control science fiction, but my own experiences have made me a believer in subtle energies and even energies created or focused by the shape of a pyramid. I have no explanation as to how it worked, or why. But damn if those experiments didn't blow my mind.

Has anyone else experimented with pyramids? I have long considered replicating my original experiments and documenting them online. This thread might be the kick in the ass I've needed.
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Re: Pyramids

Postby Et in Arcadia ego » Wed Jan 10, 2007 12:55 pm

professorpan wrote:Has anyone else experimented with pyramids? I have long considered replicating my original experiments and documenting them online. This thread might be the kick in the ass I've needed.

My grandmother had a similar device. It was a square array about 5x5 inches composed of a pyramid array with the selling point it would do similar things that you espoused such as keep eggs fresh and blades sharp. This would have been about 28 years ago, and I can't answer to it's effectiveness, but the fact that it was more of a novel paperweight/discussion item for them in the home speaks for itself..I'm unable to quanify it's effectiveness when liberally covered with household dust, which was it's condition last I saw it.

In fairness, I'll gladly call and ask them about it.
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Postby Telexx » Wed Jan 10, 2007 1:42 pm

In his excellent, creative & well researched/referenced book "Supernature", Lyall Watson refers to the apparent "mummifying" properties of any pyramid constructed to the same proportions of that one at Giza.

Curious stuff for sure.


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