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pitcairn wrote:I did read the teapot stuff, but had not ventured to the action squad main site, cos even the teapot posting was fairly rife with what I can only describe as "male post adolescent arrested development pheromone," lol
that comment should not be construed as in any way dissing any possibility of synchronicity in play over the teapots themselves, just records an impression of the style and atmosphere of the storytelling and the protagonist
well the action squad guys
okay hugh, I am no doubt considerably older than you and many others who post here, and my first impression was "teen age guys, and just-post-teen age guys, gotta love 'em" and that's of course, referencing their development age, not chronological age
boys take longer to mature, it's a fact
they said it themselves: too many "boy's own adventure" movies, books, comics, at an impressionable age
add to that general poor judgment, persistent sense of invulnerability, careless self-centered attitude, overdeveloped taste for thrill seeking and adrenaline rush, and a brain that is, albeit in a very disconnected way, too smart for the emotional/moral/personal development in which it is trapped, and what have you got?
an adolescent or just-post-adolescent male
they are everywhere and haven't changed much over the generations
they are, in their action squad type manifestation, pretty harmless, and more risk to themselves than anyone else, usually
altho they can be duped by more clever and evil types, sure: they have poor judgment, usually about just about everything
young men have a lot of undifferentiated energy, and, in the post industrial world, nowhere suitable, productive, or challenging to put it
boys love adventure, some girls too; boys love risk and excitement, some girls too
so they explore the world they live in, which for the majority of people now is an urban environment, tightly partitioned into privately owned units; so that's where they go, cos, like the famous mountaineer said, it's there
presuming they don't vandalise (at least intentionally) and are willing to take responsibility for any unintentional damage that may occur, they are engaging in something as old as the existence of young men themselves: getting into minor (and their elders hope not major) trouble, lol
yeah, yeah, trespassing, well hoop-de-doo, when we were kids who never trespassed? no one but old crankasses ever got too wound up about it as long as you didn't do any real damage, cos uh, people remembered when THEY were kids and stupid
Burnt Hill wrote:By the way mr manatee,et al, you are going to love this one, the same day the blessed pottery balls came, my wife had gone to the local thrift shop, as it is her thing(mainly she brings my stuff there, another story). but what did she bring home this time? and sat on top of the box of instant karma? well no less than an antique silver teapot.
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