Dragon (the evil one

I hear you talking, Joe. I don't do "weather manipulation", and the Cb units don't work that way. They simply negate the effect of the ones who ARE manipulating the weather. All we are trying to do is get the government out of Mother Nature's way.
[OT observation
the cop shops
You said cop shops, I love that. Thought that saying was only ever heard down under....

I am following this idea. See the same thing. But it is not bothering me.
I might be curious about the exact relationship to orgon in this, but it is no big thing.
Phil the centaur
See, this is a problem. Either you're using Reich's principles, or you're not. It seems to me, based on everything I've read so far (and I can't believe I've read as much as I have) -- that you're not.
Perhaps they are not using Reichian principles per say.
However in the west Orgone is the only concept that allows an interaction with the enviroment by manipulating or more accurately balancing energy.
I see it as ... well i use the term Chi, something i originally thought referred to body energy, but over the years I have come to the conclusion that what i call Chi flows through everything, or at least tries to.
personally I think that Dragon, Don and whoever else uses this stuff is actually trying to plug back into that universal network of chi, or gaia energy or orgone or whtever. To a powerful life energy that links all life on earth with earth.
This is not a scientific concept so anyone who wants scientific proof or explanations will have to go and find them themselves. this is a mythic or mythological concept.
Not in the sense that it is a made up bit of fluff, but in the sense that myths provide a worldview that can access the magical power in the world better than rational stories. Which may actually harness other power in the world, but not the stuff the myth o so logical process gives us access to.
Reich's principles were formedto understand and access some powerful parts of human existance, parts that do not necessarily follow rational logic at first glance.
but he missed some valid and vital aspects IMO
Those that deal with familial relationships and "love", and the power of creative activity such as music painting or sculpture, or building for that matter.
Dragon again:
There was a wild fire on Mt.Lemmon at that time. Been burning for days already. The clouds that followed us did finally drop some rain on that mountain and put out the fires, and later on extinguished some other fires in the state. We got there as soon as we could, but not soon enough to prevent damage to a treasured recreation area.
Not soon enough to prevent the residents of the underground base from escaping, either. The fire was set to cover their exit. Some fires are set as cover for an operation to eradicate a manufactured species that escaped their control. Things are not always as they appear to be!
I have been fighting bushfires for years.
they are alive, not like you and me, but i can understand why people have always considered fire an elemental.
in my country fire regenerates the land and the majority of our best forest would die without it, many eucalyptus species need a fire round them to breed successfully, it is the trigger for their breeding.
It is "alive" and does its own thing.
Fires themselves create their own weather.
they change wind, and create their own, esp on a local level. the particulate matter they release into the atmosphere can catch and hold moisture bringing rain that might not have fallen otherwise.
the same particulate matter creates huge smoke clouds that also induce electrical activity, and this can move ahead of the firefront creating more fire due to lightning strikes.
I dunno for the life of me why California has so many eucalytus, often flooded gums growing as weeds, when it has always been as fire prone as Australia, possibly the only other part of the world that is a s fire prone. These trees need a fire to promote their growth and reproduction, and create their own spiritual relationship with the land to further their growth and success.
Another aspect of what could be orgone study, but far removed from reich's principles btw.
Reich didn't invent discover or define chi or life energy or orgone for that matter, just exposed some of its principles using Western methods.