History of the Orgonite/Cloudbuster Movement

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Weather Management.......

Postby dragon » Sat Jan 27, 2007 2:10 am

I hear you talking, Joe. I don't do "weather manipulation", and the Cb units don't work that way. They simply negate the effect of the ones who ARE manipulating the weather. All we are trying to do is get the government out of Mother Nature's way.

While Decker and others, including some on this board, wring their hands in horror over something that simply is not so, there are dozens of weather management groups functioning all over the world, many of them state sponsored. The Air Farce openly proclaims their intention to own the weather by a certain date. I've heard different dates.

So while you all are throwing rocks at people who are actually trying to solve the problem, no one mentions the ones who are openly manipulating the weather, and it is not just HAARP.

DeMeo is not trying to solve the problem. DeMeo is part of the problem. And so are the others. Go yap at their heels for a while, and leave the chembusting crowd alone.


Postby philipacentaur » Sat Jan 27, 2007 2:36 am

I think DeMeo is full of shit, too. I also think that Jerry Decker is an interesting guy, but ineffectual. He's a cataloger of information, for the most part -- a facilitator for the flow and storage of information -- most of it being virtually useless.
I don't do "weather manipulation", and the Cb units don't work that way. They simply negate the effect of the ones who ARE manipulating the weather.

See, this is a problem. Either you're using Reich's principles, or you're not. It seems to me, based on everything I've read so far (and I can't believe I've read as much as I have) -- that you're not. Are you, or aren't you claiming that "Orgonite" is simply another method to manipulate concentrations of "Orgone", in the atmosphere or elsewhere? I just don't understand the connection with Reich. It just seems like something convenient to piggyback onto because of the "martyr factor".

Seth? The Archangel Michael? It just keeps getting piled on.

Maybe you've heard of Elizabeth and Mark Prophet. That all turned out really well...

Out of curiosity, how many of you saps are out there? Hundreds? Thousands?
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Emotions and Weather.....

Postby dragon » Sat Jan 27, 2007 12:30 pm

Interesting story about the Janeists, Donovan. I barely remember reading about it in the distant past. Another example of the way things are kept from us. Something that extraordinary should be taught in the history books, but that would threaten the status quo.

Loved the mud balls in the cement factory story! You've got the idea now! Don't leave out the cop shops and Masonic Lodges and all the government buildings, too.

DeMeo is not the only one who is manipulating the weather. I am totally against anyone having that much power in their hands. They pose as helpers, saviours of the farmer and drought-busters, and to the casual observer this may seem very commendable.

But anyone who has the power to give you rain has the power to deny you rain, and no one should have that much control over other people. What we do is remove the layers of control so that natural weather patterns are restored. In some cases, the weather patterns have been UN-natural for so many years that the observer thinks that what is seen is normal. And weather is always changing, following cycles. Change is the order of the Universe, and weather changes are part of our experience here on earth.

Arizona had been in a drought for years, and even with our intense efforts with cloudbusters strung from one end of the state to the other, Arizona was still in a drought. Portions of the state had gotten some relief, but wild fires were a common thing in the summer.

The day I retired, July 10, 2003, I drove the company truck to Tucson to turn it in. My buddy Flash followed me in the Flashmobile. We went from Tucson to a state park south of Sierra Vista, and I buried an orgone device in the dirt near one of the trees. So many rocks, I was barely able to get a hole deep enough to bury it.

As soon as the device hit the hole, the clouds that were south of the Mexican border crossed the border and began to move north. They followed us all the way to Tucson.

Sierra Vista is home to Ft.Huachuca, aka Ft. Wegotcha. There are several HAARP antennas on the military reservation there, and we figured that this was what was keeping the moisture down south, and out of Arizona. We were right. As soon as we neutralize those antennas, or whatever it was, the clouds began to move. Big, fluffy, moisture-laden clouds.

There was a wild fire on Mt.Lemmon at that time. Been burning for days already. The clouds that followed us did finally drop some rain on that mountain and put out the fires, and later on extinguished some other fires in the state. We got there as soon as we could, but not soon enough to prevent damage to a treasured recreation area.

Not soon enough to prevent the residents of the underground base from escaping, either. The fire was set to cover their exit. Some fires are set as cover for an operation to eradicate a manufactured species that escaped their control. Things are not always as they appear to be!


Postby Donovan » Sat Jan 27, 2007 12:59 pm

(quote from Joe above) "...but usually they base their worldview in being "at one" with the land, whatever that means. they usually have a specific relationship with place and base their actions in serving that relationship, re this stuff. And in a perfect world...." (unquote)

I am following this idea. See the same thing. But it is not bothering me.

Is this a social oddity? Is it the specific materials? Is it 'good' or 'bad'?

There is a power in connections, social connections of any sort. Post Nam the new agers on the whole were not in any manner political. Starting fairly much (in general) with Marchiniak about 1992 they began to have political views..., seeing something very wrong. This was noticed by the PTB and they began to counter it. First they co-opted Christian fundamentalism and in that did a fairly good job. (so you see where I am going - to 'at one' from above)

We have reached a point where it is so 'in your face' with Chemtrails. Nothing more shows the power of TV in determining reality than Chemtrails. If someone is my age, in their sixties, they remember seeing the first jets. And noticed contrails most of their life. They did not notice a giant change because TV did not say so. Even in front of their face. "If it was real they would talk about it on TV'.

I might be curious about the exact relationship to orgon in this, but it is no big thing. With ALL the groups the same awaking is coming about. And it comes about more in changing world view.

Long before I believed in UFOs I was questioned by gov. in that regard. I avoided the subject. But I was told of the sea/air correlation, that everytime a weird event in the skies, a weird event underwater. Dragon mentioned the Ike in one of his posts. Someone who worked in the Roosevelt’s 'dark room' confirmed the underwater stuff. That at times they would notice something doing figure eights under the entire battle group at impossible speeds. They were told to ignore it. If the navies are the only ones to properly monitor the underwater aspect then whatever was occurring was messing with their minds.

It was the indigenous peoples who were the first to point out the ‘at oneness’ was in danger, that there was a ‘giant disturbance in the force’.

Early predictors such as Marchiniak said this would become more and more obvious (1992). It has. As various groups/factions etc. come about (cloudbusters, orgonite whatever) whatever they argue about is not important. It is the ongoing theme, the memes that are carried.

I just tossed my first mudball. Think it is neat. Makes a great threat, ‘Move or I mud ya.’. But I know I am really moving something else. If I differ from Dragon it would be more why waste the mud on the ‘bad’, better more give light to the light. But I am sure to toss one at a microwave tower, why not?

Another way of putting it is that the world governments are becoming an obvious ‘Mistral’, an obvious odd storm. A storm that helps balance. Should notice that ‘factions’ ‘splits’ in movements often (not always) more hasten the overall growth.
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Postby Joe Hillshoist » Sat Jan 27, 2007 9:31 pm

Dragon (the evil one :P )

I hear you talking, Joe. I don't do "weather manipulation", and the Cb units don't work that way. They simply negate the effect of the ones who ARE manipulating the weather. All we are trying to do is get the government out of Mother Nature's way.

[OT observation
the cop shops

You said cop shops, I love that. Thought that saying was only ever heard down under.... 8) :D ]


I am following this idea. See the same thing. But it is not bothering me.

I might be curious about the exact relationship to orgon in this, but it is no big thing.

Phil the centaur

See, this is a problem. Either you're using Reich's principles, or you're not. It seems to me, based on everything I've read so far (and I can't believe I've read as much as I have) -- that you're not.

Perhaps they are not using Reichian principles per say.

However in the west Orgone is the only concept that allows an interaction with the enviroment by manipulating or more accurately balancing energy.

I see it as ... well i use the term Chi, something i originally thought referred to body energy, but over the years I have come to the conclusion that what i call Chi flows through everything, or at least tries to.

personally I think that Dragon, Don and whoever else uses this stuff is actually trying to plug back into that universal network of chi, or gaia energy or orgone or whtever. To a powerful life energy that links all life on earth with earth.

This is not a scientific concept so anyone who wants scientific proof or explanations will have to go and find them themselves. this is a mythic or mythological concept.

Not in the sense that it is a made up bit of fluff, but in the sense that myths provide a worldview that can access the magical power in the world better than rational stories. Which may actually harness other power in the world, but not the stuff the myth o so logical process gives us access to.

Reich's principles were formedto understand and access some powerful parts of human existance, parts that do not necessarily follow rational logic at first glance.

but he missed some valid and vital aspects IMO

Those that deal with familial relationships and "love", and the power of creative activity such as music painting or sculpture, or building for that matter.

Dragon again:

There was a wild fire on Mt.Lemmon at that time. Been burning for days already. The clouds that followed us did finally drop some rain on that mountain and put out the fires, and later on extinguished some other fires in the state. We got there as soon as we could, but not soon enough to prevent damage to a treasured recreation area.

Not soon enough to prevent the residents of the underground base from escaping, either. The fire was set to cover their exit. Some fires are set as cover for an operation to eradicate a manufactured species that escaped their control. Things are not always as they appear to be!

I have been fighting bushfires for years.

they are alive, not like you and me, but i can understand why people have always considered fire an elemental.

in my country fire regenerates the land and the majority of our best forest would die without it, many eucalyptus species need a fire round them to breed successfully, it is the trigger for their breeding.

It is "alive" and does its own thing.

Fires themselves create their own weather.

they change wind, and create their own, esp on a local level. the particulate matter they release into the atmosphere can catch and hold moisture bringing rain that might not have fallen otherwise.

the same particulate matter creates huge smoke clouds that also induce electrical activity, and this can move ahead of the firefront creating more fire due to lightning strikes.

I dunno for the life of me why California has so many eucalytus, often flooded gums growing as weeds, when it has always been as fire prone as Australia, possibly the only other part of the world that is a s fire prone. These trees need a fire to promote their growth and reproduction, and create their own spiritual relationship with the land to further their growth and success.

Another aspect of what could be orgone study, but far removed from reich's principles btw.

Reich didn't invent discover or define chi or life energy or orgone for that matter, just exposed some of its principles using Western methods.
Joe Hillshoist
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