Author:Subject: Dragon's Looking for Implants...Post # 17347
ᅠ01/22/2003 17:04 captain_dragon_farstar
Orgone Vendor
Southern Arizona
428 Posts
Status: Hidden
Registered Aug 2002
And finding them, too!! My Zap-Checker arrived yesterday. That's the little
hand-held device that locates implants. Less than $100. Check out the specs
this location:
I watched Preston Nichols, he of Montauk Books fame, locate implants in
members of the audience using a military surplus device. The video is dated January 1995. What was exotic technology then is now off-the-shelf and available to any interested orgonite activist.
I really dig this techno-stuff, so I had to try it out right away. I scanned
MaryK's body with the device, and it didn't take long to find an mplant.
Andthen another.
And then another.
It was also Preston Nichols who passed along the information that an overdose of orgone energy would neutralize these little critters. Surgery is not recommended, as some of them are programmed to kill the host when removal is attempted. The Succor Punch took care of most of them. And it didn't take long.
That's a great tool that Don has made available to us. Thanks, Don!!
A little analog dial shows an intensity reading that varies with the power of
the implant and its distance from the Zap-Checker. I located one just below her right armpit that registered 20 on the scale. When I pushed the Zap-Checker deeper into her flesh, the reading went up to 60. When that happened, the word "lung" flashed into her mind.
The Succor Punch didn't do much for it. Too deep inside the body, I suppose.
So I retired to the bedroom with it, and used it mentally from that distance. After about ten minutes, I checked again. The highest intensity reading I could get was 20. So the treatment was working.
Inspired by a post from chrystalkay about how she disabled a tower with only her mind, I returned to the bedroom and focused on MaryK's lung. I saw the implant in the upper portion of her right lung and focused a blue fiery beamat it. For less than five minutes. Went back to check, and there was no reading at all at that spot. Once again I focused on the device, and saw it as a small blackened thing about the size of a BB.
Thanks for the inspiration chrystalkay!! Y'all go back and read that one if you missed it.
Found several implants in the wiener dog that MaryK got from a friend of a friend. Don't understand how or why that could be, but we disabled them too.
MaryK reported easier breathing immediately after that one in her lung was disabled.
I scanned my body but did not find any. We'll check the kids tonight.
This appears to be a potent tool for personal liberation.
Dragon, the board would literally BEND OVER BACKWARDS if you'd kindly produce some of these 'Implants' you managed to exctract from both your own wife as well as your weiner dog..
Unless they were invisible, of course..I know those stinky Illuminaughties can be a bit slippery..
In that case, I suggest all RI members try a pair of these: