WOW! Orgone Zappers find Implants in Weiner Dogs!

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WOW! Orgone Zappers find Implants in Weiner Dogs!

Postby Et in Arcadia ego » Wed Jan 10, 2007 12:10 pm

Dragon's Looking for Implants Post # 17347

Author:Subject: Dragon's Looking for Implants...Post # 17347

ᅠ01/22/2003 17:04 captain_dragon_farstar
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And finding them, too!! My Zap-Checker arrived yesterday. That's the little
hand-held device that locates implants. Less than $100. Check out the specs
this location:

I watched Preston Nichols, he of Montauk Books fame, locate implants in
members of the audience using a military surplus device. The video is dated January 1995. What was exotic technology then is now off-the-shelf and available to any interested orgonite activist.

I really dig this techno-stuff, so I had to try it out right away. I scanned
MaryK's body with the device, and it didn't take long to find an mplant.

Andthen another.

And then another.

It was also Preston Nichols who passed along the information that an overdose of orgone energy would neutralize these little critters. Surgery is not recommended, as some of them are programmed to kill the host when removal is attempted. The Succor Punch took care of most of them. And it didn't take long.

That's a great tool that Don has made available to us. Thanks, Don!!

A little analog dial shows an intensity reading that varies with the power of
the implant and its distance from the Zap-Checker. I located one just below her right armpit that registered 20 on the scale. When I pushed the Zap-Checker deeper into her flesh, the reading went up to 60. When that happened, the word "lung" flashed into her mind.

The Succor Punch didn't do much for it. Too deep inside the body, I suppose.

So I retired to the bedroom with it, and used it mentally from that distance. After about ten minutes, I checked again. The highest intensity reading I could get was 20. So the treatment was working.

Inspired by a post from chrystalkay about how she disabled a tower with only her mind, I returned to the bedroom and focused on MaryK's lung. I saw the implant in the upper portion of her right lung and focused a blue fiery beamat it. For less than five minutes. Went back to check, and there was no reading at all at that spot. Once again I focused on the device, and saw it as a small blackened thing about the size of a BB.

Thanks for the inspiration chrystalkay!! Y'all go back and read that one if you missed it.

Found several implants in the wiener dog that MaryK got from a friend of a friend. Don't understand how or why that could be, but we disabled them too.

MaryK reported easier breathing immediately after that one in her lung was disabled.

I scanned my body but did not find any. We'll check the kids tonight.

This appears to be a potent tool for personal liberation.


Dragon, the board would literally BEND OVER BACKWARDS if you'd kindly produce some of these 'Implants' you managed to exctract from both your own wife as well as your weiner dog..

Unless they were invisible, of course..I know those stinky Illuminaughties can be a bit slippery..

In that case, I suggest all RI members try a pair of these:

Last edited by Et in Arcadia ego on Wed Jan 10, 2007 12:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Et in Arcadia ego » Wed Jan 10, 2007 12:17 pm

I like this one:

Well i got my zapchecker a few days ago..

I found 5 in my scalp.. ( i can feel them.. i actually have been ripping at
my scalp for about 3 mos now because the area has been itching me like
crazy.. now i know why!!)

1 in my left wrist area..

2 in each leg.. 1 near my knee other near my ankle.. the terminator took
care of all but the ones in my scalp.. i will get a stronger magnet ..

they got my kids and my dog too..

my son had 7.. total.. 4 near areas where he was given shots.. 2 in upper
arm.. 2 in upper leg.. 1 in the 3rd eye area (between eyebrows) and another
2 in the side near the ribs.. (he is just 3 years old!!! poor little guy.. i
think i neutralized them.. ) he has been going in for therapy because he is
developmentally behind, not talking, etc.. he has said more words in the
last 3 days than in the last 3 mos!!

my daughter had the same 7 as my son and then another 4.. 2 in each leg.. 1
near ankle and 1 near knee.

my dog. was filled with them..
he was off the charts.. i just held the zapper over him and ran it over his
body for about 1 hour then his reading went down considerably..

I will try to do my hubby when he is sleeping -- i mean check him for
bugs... lol.. .. if i do it when he is awake he will think I have actually
gone crazy and try to put me away.. (no i really am not kidding!!)

He must be filled with them because he is soo programmed.. he thinks GWB is
a great guy and one of the greatest presidents ever!! wow... yes.. we clash
sometimes.. but.. it is easier just not to get into it with him so i can do
my own thing without him looking over my shoulder..

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Thank the Lord for these Zapper thingies..Hey dragon, is there any way we can get an RI Group Buy discount if enough of us order these things from Mary's brother?
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Postby MASONIC PLOT » Wed Jan 10, 2007 12:28 pm

Funny stuff.

weiner implants

Postby professorpan » Wed Jan 10, 2007 12:28 pm

Oh my god, et, that had me laughing my ass off.

Again, I don't think there's anything really sinister about the orgone crusaders and their devices. It's no worse than people dressing up like Klingons or LARPing in the woods.

Sinister, no -- silly? Oh my god yes.

Great find.
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Postby Et in Arcadia ego » Wed Jan 10, 2007 12:30 pm

Another goody illustrating how this shit reinforces and exploits pre-existing mental conditions:

"See, all this reporting just verifies many of the various aspects and typesof implants we have received.

If you set the zap checker on vibro mode, you
can actually feel the pulse amplitude strength and wavelength cycle -
transponders transmit at two cycles per second.

The reason that is, is one, low energy drain. Reactive chips use your body's energy heat to recharge and send when accessed. Two, is twice a second is good enuf for tracking you anywhere you go.

The pros will power down a building to sweep it and recommend the same to us all, when scanning your house or self. We go outside, find a clear zone with no readings, then do our checks.

In major metros, with so many microwave, satellite, and ELF towers always on and always throwing down, its tougher. You have to use your heart's whisper with the zap checker to get near home base. The deeper the implant or more longer it has had time to imbed itself in your tissue, the longer the magnet cycle. most folks will get a positve reading within 4 to 6 inches of body mass, and that's a big area. So, to be safe, move the magnet around, each night or leave it on all day, if its in place under cloathing.

You really have to kill all these implants. Really. Wether tracking or
control, either way they've got you. That has to end.

Dragon Al went for a big mag and MY GOD, what a monster that thing is, too."

Way to go, dragon! You're a paranoid schitzophrenic's wet dream, buddy!

Have you tried exploiting the Morgellon's crowd yet? They're REALLY in a bad way and could use a Savior..If not, you can find a cluster of those badly totrured people over at They're in enough mental and physical agony that they'd buy any load of garbage someone would throw at em..

I suspect you could make a BUNDLE of dough on those marks, eh?

[For the rest of you, 'Mark' is an old school Carni term for SUCKER..]

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Postby MASONIC PLOT » Wed Jan 10, 2007 12:36 pm

Now THAT is the funniest picture I have seen in a long fucking time right there, rofl.

Re: weiner implants

Postby Et in Arcadia ego » Wed Jan 10, 2007 12:49 pm

professorpan wrote:Sinister, no -- silly? Oh my god yes.

Pan, I agree, it is indeed silly and seemingly harmless.

My problem is when this kind of thinking crosses the threshold of persons who have difficulties making the determination between real and imagined.

Case in point:

My mother went to night school with a known paranoid. This woman had a belief that her home was bugged. She was unable to locate said listening device, and one night, had a leap in logic that told her the bug was inside her daughter's head.

So she calmly sat her child on her lap at the kitchen table and dug her child's brains out with ordinary kitchen utensils..

Now..would you personally do ANYTHING to aggrivate such a person's conditions? What if these 'zappers' fail to uncover and remove a percieved bug like so many of these avid supporters of dragon believed?

What comes next?

A Butterknife?

Seriously, wtf is the matter with people here..?

There is MORE than enough unanswered Mystery in this World, and yes, I've experienced it myself, but Orgone shares no role in it for me whatsoever..

Dragon, give me a Egregore Neutralizer and we'll talk about it afterwards..
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more background

Postby Trifecta » Wed Jan 10, 2007 1:07 pm

My best friends wife is psychic, she claims. practicses kinesiology and works with thule water (she never mentions the significance of the black sun in symbol terms) Anyway, I was given a couple of powerwands and she showed an interest in orgone creations, I showed he how to make them and gave her an implant killer.

weeks later she wanted me to help her with a problem she had with her grandmother, who she believed was a shape shiffting reptillian, I suggested she focus on the problem she percieved with her powerwand.

The next morning I got a frantic call from her, her grandmother had died, she believes to this day she killed her with the powerwand.

The power of the mind is a most powerful and a dangerous thing..its not just our parents that fuck us up, we are more than capable of doing it ourselfs.

That said, there is an awful lot of coincidences/synchronisties and high strangeness around this stuff and a group connection to this movement which does seem as if it is controlled by a cohesive force... it still forms part of my research into the mind war.
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Postby orz » Wed Jan 10, 2007 1:14 pm

Found several implants in the wiener dog that MaryK got from a friend of a friend. Don't understand how or why that could be, but we disabled them too.

Uh, are we talking wiener dog as in an actual canine, or a hot dog? :) Either option is absolutely hilarious in the most tragicomic way imaginable. :cry:
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Postby Et in Arcadia ego » Wed Jan 10, 2007 1:16 pm

It may come as a relief to many RI members aware of the ongoing Depleted Uranium atrocity in Iraq has been a point of focus for our esteemed dragon:

"The depleted uranium, or DU,
has been found in Great Britain. The cover story is
that it was blown over from the dust of Iraq. What is
more likely is that it was an ingredient in chemspray.
'What neutralizes DU?', I askedthe Guides. I was told
that agnihotra does it.
No field testing has been
done, but we may soon get to find out in our own back
yards. If they can slip it into the mix over the UK,
then how long do you think it will be before it shows
up over here?" ... ssage/9825

Gee whilickerz, is there anything this stuff doesn't work on? Also, I'd like to personally thank dragon for exposing the DU concentrations in Southern Iraq as chemtrail releated as opposed to extensively deployed munitions on the part of the US Government I've been told about dozens on dozens of times by soldiers I speak with on a regular basis as part of my work..

I for one am relieved. I was starting to think my Military was composed of dirty birdies..Now I know they're all a bunch of silly fibbers.

Cheers, dragon!

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Postby professorpan » Wed Jan 10, 2007 3:41 pm

So she calmly sat her child on her lap at the kitchen table and dug her child's brains out with ordinary kitchen utensils..

et, I completely understand where you're coming from with this. And Osculum also pointed out how bizarre belief systems, even when seemingly benign, can drive people to madness.

Yet look at how many parents have killed their children because they knew the children were possessed by demons/Satan/what have you.

The silliness peddled by dragon et al can lead to someone cutting an imaginary implant out of her child's head -- or worse. But so can the silliness peddled by any number of mainstream churches, cults, or groups organized around any number of philosophies.

I look at the choices of moderating the board this way:

1. We could respond in a CSICOP/Randi manner, choosing to define the parameter of junk science vs. real science. I don't like that route, because much of what Jeff discusses, and what keeps me a member here, is way off the mainstream science radar. I find the orgone discussions interesting from a sociological standpoint -- to see how a concocted belief system grows and finds adherents, how its practitioners deal with criticism, and so forth.

2. The other route would be to allow anything -- "nothing is true, everything is permitted." Anyone can post anything, and criticism would be discouraged to keep things "nice."

That is also a poor option. The name of the forum, after all, contains "rigorous."

What is the middle path?

I think Jeff did an excellent job setting forth his simple rules. Want to talk about zapping underground alien bases, taking trips to Venus with George Adamski, or how your great Aunt Mae talks to you through your television? Knock yourself out. But don't expect a receptive audience. Don't get pissed when your assertions are challenged. Don't go crying "provocateur!" or "disruptor!" as I've been labeled on numerous occasions.

It would be nice if people could argue and discuss in a civil manner -- i.e. debate ideas and leave the name-calling for other forums. That ain't gonna happen, sadly -- the Internet just isn't the same as sitting in a room, face-to-face, with other human beings.

I get nervous when someone attempts to define the boundaries of the discussion too narrowly. So while I share your disdain of the orgone warriors fantasy stories, I have also met people who share that belief system -- and they are decent, well-intentioned people. And who knows -- maybe something will change my mind about their devices. I doubt it, but I've been surprised before.

Let them put their beliefs out, front and center. And we will continue to do the same.
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Re: Mind/power/belief

Postby Et in Arcadia ego » Wed Jan 10, 2007 3:56 pm

professorpan wrote:What is the middle path?

Simply put? There is none. That's why it's been such a task in finding the right solution to the matter at hand.

professorpan wrote:I think Jeff did an excellent job setting forth his simple rules.

So do I. This is why the RI forum has been where I laid my roots after the never-ending battles at CTC. Unfortunately, ANY system will eventually suffer the chinks in it's armor and be expoited by those inclined to do so, which is exactly what I identify as taking place here.

professorpan wrote:It would be nice if people could argue and discuss in a civil manner -- i.e. debate ideas and leave the name-calling for other forums. That ain't gonna happen, sadly -- the Internet just isn't the same as sitting in a room, face-to-face, with other human beings.

Agreed. Mayhap a review of the classically hilarious 'Flame Warrior' roster is in order:

professorpan wrote:I get nervous when someone attempts to define the boundaries of the discussion too narrowly.

I abhor censorship. Only thing my disdain runs deeper for is exploitation.

professorpan wrote:So while I share your disdain of the orgone warriors fantasy stories, I have also met people who share that belief system -- and they are decent, well-intentioned people.

I have no doubt that converts are well-intentioned good people. I tattoo plenty of Good People everyday that get blown to atoms in Iraq utterly convinced they're doing the Right Thing. As for the Fount's origins and ultimate goals, well...

Nuff' said.

professorpan wrote:Let them put their beliefs out, front and center. And we will continue to do the same.

Well met. As for if and how the engagements persist, it's up to the Boss Man, and I'm no match for his tolerance, patience, and open-mindedness, which is a good thing for everyone, I'd say.

I still wish we had a Fight Club section, though..

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Postby Joe Hillshoist » Wed Jan 10, 2007 4:21 pm

Dragon, give me a Egregore Neutralizer and we'll talk about it afterwards.

The cover story is
that it was blown over from the dust of Iraq. What is
more likely is that it was an ingredient in chemspray.
'What neutralizes DU?', I askedthe Guides. I was told
that agnihotra does it.

i missed that one.
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Postby monster » Wed Jan 10, 2007 4:55 pm

LOL... This thread is just what the board needed, I think.
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Postby kermujin » Wed Jan 10, 2007 5:23 pm

Just what the board needed? I dunno. It looked like a bit of a vicious personal attack, to me.
Just my $0.07 (adjusted for the falling dollar)

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