Moderators: Elvis, DrVolin, Jeff
This one is a monster, 33lbs of Orgone; mixed with Generous heapings of Large Crystal points, Amethyst, Citrine, and Blue agate. I also have included Powdered Mono-atomic Gold, Colloidal Silver, Peet Moss, and Real Silver coins. The base metal of Orgone is steel, also included is copper, zinc and a touch of aluminum. This dramatic Orgone piece merges Art with Science, excellent for a Spa or an "Art Gallery". I meditated in front of this Pyramid for 30 minutes and felt electric currents flow up my feet out the crown of the head. I can even see the energy flowing off of this pyramid with the lights off.
Tho to be honest I first the weiner dog was referring to food.
Hulda Clark claims that all disease is either pollution or parasites in origin.
Joe wrote:That is a dangerous claim.
My wife has TLE, we use body energy as a way of working with that, but we also use medication from conventional medical sources.
If I didn't have a rigourous mind (of sorts sometimes on a good day), I might be inspired to tell her, hey piss that medication off these things will fix the problem.
then she goes status and ends up in hospital possibly with life threatening complications or even just drops turns blue and dies from sudep.
Dragon wrote:Why is it dangerous, Joe?
in my experience there is good stuff out there - in germany, for instance - that tends to be blocked from availability in english speaking countries. add the ungodly profit motive/control in the states and .... it's not pretty
of course with any illness that has poor options for treatment and predictively leads to poor quality of life, most things are worth trying if not dangerous
This one is a monster, 33lbs of Orgone; mixed with Generous heapings of Large Crystal points
This dramatic Orgone piece merges Art with Science, excellent for a Spa or an "Art Gallery". I meditated in front of this Pyramid for 30 minutes and felt electric currents flow up my feet out the crown of the head. I can even see the energy flowing off of this pyramid with the lights off.
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