So, daddy's a mapmaker that puts either Watson or GLICK (sic!) to shame in drawing/explaining DNA and Grandpappy developed IQ tests
Jeremiah (Jere) Donovan was an artist and cartographer who trained at the Pratt Institute and the Art Student’s League in New York City. Donovan worked as an free-lance artist for Time, Inc. from 1946-1951,
after which he was hired as a staff artist/cartographer for Time Magazine. In the late 1960's he was promoted to head of the cartography department at Time, and he remained at the magazine until his retirement in 1973. During his career he published over 1300 drawings in Time Magazine, i
ncluding a widely recognized cover illustration of the structure of the DNA. A detailed map that Donovan drew of the Berlin Wall was frequently copied and eventually was used by the German Government. Jere Donovan loved to sketch and spent many hours in Central Park sketching visitors and objects. Donovan greatly admired the work of Jules Pascin and Toulouse Lautrec and his work reflects their influence. He chose as his subject matter everyday people, rather than professional models or socialites. His fluid and expressive drawing style enabled him to convey the moods inherent in a wide variety of subjects including nudes, landscapes, genre scenes, or still life. Jere Donovan’s work was highly sought after by commercial firms and a list of his clients include J. Wiley & Sons, Harcourt Brace, Houghton Mifflin, The New York Times, and Popular Science. He was a member of the Society of Illustrators and exhibited at Wehye Gallery in New York City. Donovan was listed in Who Was Who in the East. Jere Donovan lived in both New York City and Martha’s Vinyard, and took his subject matter from both locations. The drawings exhibited vary in size from approximately 11" X 14" to 3" X 5" and we have quite a few non-color drawings (many nudes, landscapes and genre scenes). The scans have some discoloration which generally does not appear on the drawings. Contact us for further information and prices.
Influence of affective disturbances on responses to the Stanford-Binet test (Unknown Binding)
by Stephen Perham Jewett
Time was when the work of the physician was confined to treatment of bodily ills. Mental defects were considered to be visitations of Providence that could be remedied only by Divine Intervention. But great strides have been made since Wundt established the first psychological laboratory in Germany in the 'seventies' of the last century; and variations from the normal are now known to be due to a wide range of causes, physical and environmental. While some of the research that has brought to light many laws of the mind has been done by men without medical training, it is, perhaps, not too much to say that the major portion of the most valuable contributions to this youngest of the sciences have been made by members of the medical profession. And because of the close interrelation between mind and body, it would appear that no one without a broad training in the fundamentals of medicine (using this term in the broadest possible sense, of course) is fitted to treat mental ailments and defects. Therefore, within recent years there has developed within the medical profession a group of earnest, conscientious students whoa re devoting their lives to this very important branch of the healing art.
A prominent member of this group in New York.
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City is Doctor Stephen F. Jewett, who holds a number of important official positions and is an author whose writings on psychiatry and cognate subjects are widely read as careful and authoritative treatises.
A glance at the paternal and maternal lineage of Dr. Jewett, including families allied by marriage, reveals that they are numbered among those early colonists who helped established the best American traditions; and that each succeeding generation maintained and enhanced the prestige of its forebears. They took part in the Indian Wars, aiding in establishing and maintaining the institutions of the new country. In times of peace these worthy patriots served faithfully in those offices of trust and responsibility to which their fellow-citizens elected them, and by precept and example helped to give currency to those high ideals of ethical relationships the influence of which is still potent in American life. According to Frederick Clarke Jewett, M. C., the family genealogist, to whom we are indebted for a large part of the genealogical data which follows, this family is beyond doubt of Norman origin. The work of a number of independent investigators seems to make it conclusive that the Jewetts are descended from Henri de Juatt, Knight of the First Crusade. The coat-of-arms brought to this country by Deacon Maximillian Jewett and his brother Joseph is described as follows on old French and English records: "He beareth, Gules, on a cross argent, Five fleurs-de-lis of the first. Crest: An eagle's Neck between two wings displayed Argent, by the name of Jewett." With exception of the crest, this is the same as the coat-of-arms borne by Henri de Juatt. The motto is, "Toujours le meme" (Always the same).
Edward Jewett, the father of the men who established the family in this country, was a merchant manufacturer of woolen cloth designated then as "clothier") in Bradford, England. He was a man of property and left his family a goodly heritage. It would appear, therefore, that his sons braved the dangers and discomforts of the New England wilderness in pursuit of political and religious freedom rather than for material gain. Edward Jewett was born in Bradford, England, about 1580. There he married Mary, daughter of William Taylor. She survived him and proved his will on February 2, 1614.
Their son, Maximillian Jewett, was born at Bradford, where he was baptized October 4, 1607. He, his wife Ann, and his brother Joseph sailed from Hull, England, in 1638, in the ship "John" as members of the colony under the leadership of Rev. Ezekiel Rogers. They arrived at Boston early in December, 1638, spent the winter in Salem, and the following spring founded the town of Rowley, Massachusetts. Maximillian Jewett was chosen deacon on December 13, 1639, and filled that office for forty-five years. He was admitted freeman May 13, 1640. He received a number of grants of land and gave the burial ground for the use of the town. he was a representative to the General Court in 1641, 1642, 1643, 1648, 1651, 1652, 1654, 1655, 1656, 1658, 1659, 1660, 1662, 1663, 1664, 1665, 1672, 1673, 1674, 1675, 1676. It is said: "He was a clothier and with his brother Joseph was about the first, if not the first, to manufacture woolen cloth in America." Maximillian Jewett died October 198, 1684, having been twice married. His first wife, Ann, was buried November 9, 1667. His estate was inventoried at £461, 15s. 1d.--a goodly fortune in those days.
His son, Deacon Ezekiel Jewett, was born in Rowley, Massachusetts, January 5, 1643. He was admitted freeman May 15, 1669, and succeeded his father as deacon, serving from October 24, 1686, until September 2, 1723. He was representative to the General Court, 1690, 1692, 1697, 1699, 1707, 1713, 1718, 1719. Like his father, he received grants of land from the town. His first wife, to whom he was married February 26, 1664-64, was Faith, daughter of Francis and Elizabeth Parratt, of Rowley. She was born January 20, 1642, and died October 15, 1715. Their son, "Cornet" Stephen Jewett, was born in Rowley, February 23, 1682-82. He married, for this first wife, on July 12, 1708, his cousin, Priscilla (Law) Jewett. She was born August 9, 1687, and died December 27, 1722. Their son, Eliphalet Jewett, was born in Rowley, January 22, 1711-12, and died September 16, 1786. He married (first), on February 27, 1733-34, Ruth, daughter of Lieutenant Jonathan and Johanna (Jewett) Pickard. She was born November 13, 1713, and died September 18, 1750. In 1757 he served as corporal in Captain Northend's company. Their son, Captain Stephen Jewett, was born in Rowley, November 28, 1743. He married, on November 27, 1764, Elizabeth, daughter of Nathan and Hannah (Mighill) Little. She was born in Rowley in 1744 and died in Waterford, Maine, in 1819. In Rowley he served on various town committees. His Revolutionary War record follows: He served eight months as sergeant in Captain Thomas Mighill's company, 38th Regiment, commanded by Captain
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Loammi Baldwin, and was stationed at Sewall's Point, Brookline. They marched on the "Alarm" of April 19, 1775, and served five days. His name also appears on the muster roll of the 38th Regiment, dated August 1, 1775. He enlisted April 24, 1775, and served three months and fifteen days. About 1790 he removed to Waterford, Maine, and in 1795 headed a petition to the General Court for the incorporation of the town. he received grants of land and was chosen deacon of the church. It was said of him: "He was keen of perception, delighted in debate, especially for doctrine as his noted controversy with his minister shows." Their son, Lieutenant Ebenezer Jewett, was born in Rowley, February 9, 1772, and died August 13, 1840. He married, in 1794, Susanna Stickney, born February 1, 1770, and died March 22, 1796. They settled in Waterford, where he engaged in farming. About 1824 he opened a public house, to the ownership of which he was succeeded by his son Farnum. This son Farnum was Dr. Stephen P. Jewett's grandfather. He cleared a farm in Waterford, where Stephen Perham Jewett, the doctor's father, was born, reared and in mature life became a successful stock breeder. Stephen Perham Jewett, Sr., married Ella Lucia Hinman, daughter of Joseph Hinman, then of Springfield, Massachusetts, but a native of Farmington, Connecticut.
The Hinman family was also prominent in Colonial history. The name is found in England, Ireland, and Scotland, also in Germany, where it is spelled Hinmann. Edward Hinman, the immigrant ancestor, came from England and settled in Stratford, Connecticut, about 1650. He was the first and only immigrant of the name in America. Tradition says he belonged to the bodyguard of Charles I as sergeant-at-arms and made his escape from Cromwell, the bitter enemy of Charles. This is probably where he gained the title of sergeant, which he held in this country. From the Dutch records at Albany it appears that he had some connection with Captain John Underhill in offering their military services to Governor Stuyvesant to fight the Indians; but the offer was declined. Tradition says that Captain Undersell disbanded his company at Stamford soon after and that from there Sergeant Edward went to Stratford. The records of that town covering the first town years were burned in 1 649 and thus the date of his arrival as been lost. He died November 26, 1681. He was a farmer owning much land and was the first owner of the old tide-mill between Stratford and what is nor Bridgeport. In Stratford he married Hannah, daughter of Francis and Sarah Stiles, who had removed from Windsor to that town.
Their eldest son was Captain Titus Hinman, born in June, 1655. He was an original settler of the town of Woodbury, signing the fundamental articles of agreement on February 14, 1672. He probably located on land which his father had already purchased. He was one of the organizers of Southbury, which was incorporated in May, 1731. He was made captain of the "Train Band" soon after he settled in Woodbury--no mean distinction at that time. He was a member of the General Assembly seven sessions between 1712 and 1720. Captain Titus Hinman was twice married. His first wife, Hannah Coe, joined the Woodbury church in 1691, and he became a member in 1697. He died April 5, 1786, aged eighty years. His son, Joseph Hinman, married Esther Downs, of Woodbury, November 16, 1714. He "owned the baptismal covenant" there in 1708. His name appears ina list of proprietors in October, 1751. Their son, Joseph Hinman, Jr., was born May 27, 1717 or 1718, and was baptized June 1, 1718. He died of smallpox, December 27, 1767. He married and removed to Farmington, Connecticut, establishing the family in the town. His children were: 1. Justus, baptized in August, 1750. 2. Joseph, baptized in August, 1750. 3. Hester, baptized in April, 1753. 4. Aaron, and perhaps another.
Dr. Stephen Perham Jewett was born in North Waterford, Maine, September 1, 1885, son of Stephen Perham and Ella Lucia (Hinman) Jewett. The senior Jewett was not a young man when he married, and through industry, thrift and business acumen he had acquired a competence which enabled him to retire from the business of stock-raising soon after his son was born. In 1888 he removed to Waltham, Massachusetts, where he made his home for the next four years. There young Jewett began his schooling. But the love of the land was strong and when the son was seven the family returned to Maine, settling upon a small farm in Norway. There Stephen, Jr., attended the Norway Liberal Institute, and later went to Kents Hill for a year. At the age of sixteen he had begun to teach school. When he had completed his preparation work he entered Clark University, Worcester, Massachusetts. He was influenced to this choice through his acquaintance with a remarkable man, George Howe, an Alumnus of Tufts, who had become greatly interested in natural history, and who had founded the Sidney Smith Science Club, named in honor of a
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Yale professor who visited Norway in his vacations and greatly stimulated local interest in natural science. These early influences and associations were potent factors in determining the trend of young Jewett's thought and interest which have not changed during the intervening years. One of America's most famous educators and psychologists, G. Stanley Hall was then president of Clark University, which had remarkable departments of psychology, biology and allied sciences, and the deeper Mr. Jewett delved into these subjects the stronger became his interest. In 1904 he was graduated with the degree of Bachelor of Arts. This was followed by a year of post-graduate work, largely on yeast, for which he received the degree of Master of Arts. During his last at year at Clark, Dr. Jewett lived in the home of a Worcester physician, and this contact awakened an interest in human beings and a desire to relate his scientific work to them in a practical way. So he took up the study of medicine in the New York Homeopathic College, from which he was graduated with the usual degree in 1908. For the latter three years of his course, he lived at the Metropolitan Hospital, working in the laboratories and walking the wards with the physicians, thereby gaining a broad practical experience of inestimable value. After that, Dr. Jewett had charge of the outdoor department of the Flower Hospital for a while, and went from there to Buffalo, where he engaged in general practice as a member of the staff of the Millard Fillmore Hospital. But all this while he had no intention of remaining in general practice longer then necessary to lay a broad foundation of experiences, as the basis for the practice of his specialty. Furthermore, as might be expected of one with Dr. Jewett's cultural and technical background, he could not commit himself wholly, or even largely, to any "ology" or "pathy"; but, recognizing what was sound in every school of medical or mental therapeutics, could seize upon the good that justified itself pragmatically and make discriminating use of it. Even at that time he knew that to achieve much that was worth while it would be necessary to locate in a large city affording ample opportunities for research and practice. Accordingly he located in New York City in 1915 and set out to complete studies at Columbia University, he was also connected with the staff on one of the local sanitoriums.
From 1816 to 1922 he was identified with Bellevue and allied hospitals as attending physician in the psychiatric service. During all this time hew as, of course, also engaged in private practice. When the United States entered the World War, Dr. Jewett sought to enter the service, but it was held that he could not be spared from the valuable work in which he was already engaged. Upon severing his connections with Bellevue Hospital, he became affiliated with the New York State Hospital Commission in the capacity of medical examiner in the Bureau of Deportation. His duties involved the examination of all aliens seeking entrance into this country. During all these years he was pursuing the most advanced of technical studies in his specialty at Columbia.
The result of all these deep studies and unusually broad experience was the conviction in Dr. Jewett's mind that most of the psychiatric problems that confront society have their beginnings in childhood, and that the roots of nearly all maladjustment to society could be traced to the infantile period when, to an unfavorable heredity were added many times malnutrition and a bad environment; and that prevention work, if it is to be accomplish anything worth while, must be begun at an early age. So he turned his attention more largely to mental hygiene and became psychiatrist in 1922 to the Bureau of Children's Guidance, which was a five-year experimental program instituted by the Commonwealth Fund for New York. He served in that connection for five years, and at the same time was attending psychiatrist to the United States Veterans' Hospital No. 81. Since 1922 he has also been lecturer on hygiene at the New York School of Social Work. During his long service in Bellevue the immense number of psychopathic, alcoholic and criminal cases with which he dealt convinced him fully that social service could contribute enormously to an understanding of the problems that confront the sociologist. Thus he was brought to give much attention tot field of social medicine and is now tremendously interested in the broader aspects of social work. Dr. Jewett is now director of the advisory bureau of the Hudson Guild in New York, and is trying to bring about an entirely different approach to social problems from that generally employed in the past--that is, prevention of crime; trying to teach parents how to rear children so that they will be able to meet the demands of society and thus prevent crime and delinquency. He is also consulting psychiatrist and director of research at the Berkshire Industrial Farm, Canaan, New York.
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Dr. Jewett has written extensively on topics related to psychiatry. He is one of the contributors to "Tice's Practice in Medicine." Altogether, the various medical journals have published about twenty-five articles by him dealing with medicine and nervous diseases. One of them, , the results of considerable research, deals with the manner in which emotional disturbances affect the results of psychological tests. That was published in "Mental Hygiene" in 1922. He has been called upon to testify as a mental expert in many celebrated criminal cases; one of the most recent, that which has become known as the "Gray-Snyder" case. This is unique and especially notable, because there, for the first time, the alienists for the prosecution ands defense made their examinations before the case went into court and agreed upon an opinion, thus avoiding the usual controversy. This method commends itself to the public and tends to strengthen general confidence in the value of expert testimony.
Dr. Jewett is a member of one of the oldest societies in Maine, known as the Litterati Society at Kents. He is a member of Delta Upsilon and Alpha sigma Greek letter fraternities. His professional associations include the American Medical Association, New York State Medical Society, New York County Medical Society; he is a fellow of the American Psychiatric Association; Fellow of the American Orthopsychiatric Association; New York Society for Criminal Psychiatry; New York Psychoanalytical Society, and New York Society of Medical Jurisprudence. He is a member of the Carmel (New York) Country Club, and as might be expected, the love of the great out-of-doors, born in his youth, continues unabated. Among his recreations are the study of forestry, botany and entomology, and he is a devoted disciple of Isaac Walton.
Dr. Jewett married (first) Caroline Winterton, a native of Edinburgh, Scotland. Stephen Perham, Jr., is the only child from that union. The doctor's second marriage was to Elizabeth Agnes Plunkett, daughter of John Plunkett. Four children have been born to them: 1. Mary Rita. 2. Elizabeth Plunkett. 3. Annette Plunkett. 4. Eileen Plunkett. "Stonywold," the family residence, is in Carmel, New York. But Dr. Jewett has also a farm in Carmel which he has named "Edgehill." As his interest for a number of years past has so largely centered around children and boys, this farm serves a laboratory where he can workout the various problems that absorb his attention; and besides affording opportunities for studying branches of natural History already mentioned, he can indulge his taste for gardening and horticulture.
Everything in nature has a power in it.
-Thomas Banyacya