Pitcairn, well at least you have a better vocab than Donovan...
Why am I so "rude"? Has it something to do with repeatedly being lied to in a thread?
I think so, but in case you'all haven't been reading all the posts on these crappy orgonite/new geometry threads lets review some of Donovan's more fantastical games.
1) Donovan claimed, it wasn't Watson and GLICK who drew the "twisted ribbon of DNA" but his "map make DAD" It was Watson and CRick not GLick. It is beyond doubtful it is a typo; just look at your keyboard and notice the the position of the relevant keys. This belies Donovan's woeful lack of knowledge about DNA, but why is father mentioned at all? If Donovan's point was to illuminate us to his "new geometry" why the fantastical claim that distracts from his point? Furthermore, just like his dubious remarks about geometry teachers it demonstrates Donny has something of a Persecution Complex. And I wonder how Pitcairn knew where to find the family info, because nothing that Donovan has presented gives even search words to find those excerpts? When I first challenged Donovan on these points he ignored them (still has), why didn't he come up with the info about his family? Perhaps because having someone else post it appears more un-impeachable.
"the twisted ribbon of DNA" is bunk as well. Supercoiling seems simple but you try twisting miles of ribbon without making a knot and you'll see how poor a metaphor "twisted ribbon" is.
BTW Watson and Crick get credit for discovering the structure of DNA but it was a woman who did most of the work (including thefirst drawings).
Rosalind Franklin:
2) One of Donovan's extraneous, and false claims thoroughly debunked elsewhere, "cubic crystals...a shape rarely found in nature." I linked to and image of a cubic NaCl crystal upthread, but every Halide Salt and a plethora of other compounds form these crystals more commonly than any other shape.
3) Donovan says he has a "mathematical proof" of finding the angle of the great pyramid. The rambling screed is not a "math proof"
In mathematics, a proof is a demonstration that, assuming certain axioms, some statement is necessarily true. A proof is a logical argument, not an empirical one.
When Donovan "throws down his glove" and demands we bust out CAD or at least a sheet of paper he is demanding we follow his protocols for and EMPIRICAL argument.
A math proof (geometry) follows this general form:
Argument to be proven
Clearly LABELED diagram (e.g. point A, right triangle B, arc C, etc)
True mathematical statement about A
True mathematical statement about B
True mathematical statement about C
You'll notice nothing is required of the reader other than he reads the proof. No ruler, no CAD, no blind faith in a dishonest someones protocols.
4)Donny says (in the orgonite thread iiirc) that "spin pairs the four forces" (amongst many other factual errors about quantum physics) and then later in the thread when this statement is proven to be false says "I never said anything about spin pairing the four forces" this is when I realized that Donovan wasn't just making fanciful statements that distracted from the truth of what he said, but in fact is dissembling and intelectually dishonest.
I could go on with more debunking of Donovan's bullshit, but its already been done on every thread he's commented on so just go read these threads from their beginnings.
As to "Rudeness" I can tell all of the "true believers" here have never been to a scientific research groups discussion meetings or had to take an "oral exam" in a Ph.d program, 'cause if you did you'd realize my rudeness is mild as baby shampoo in comparison.
I guess some of the less rigorously inclined folks don't mind following the mad hatter's rules at this tea party, but don't expect anybody with a scrap of critical thinking skills to dance to his mad tune...
I still want to know how Pitcairn came up with those excerpts. How did he know where and how to look for info because as far as I can tell Donovan hasn't given us his family name anywhere in the paltry links (all to his webpage and none that are "independent")

"Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, no one but ourselves can free our minds" - RNM
"I'm not Coyote.You're Coyote. I'm Another One." - Wile E. Coyote (AKA Sin'klipt)