Moderators: Elvis, DrVolin, Jeff
TooStoned wrote:Burnt Hill:
What is sad is your blatantly transparent attempt at obfustication.
The Orgonite folks are making money of their mudballs, and by linking to their various websites here they are trying to drive up sales there.
I'm willing to bet Jeff moved these threads here because of what the Orgonite folks are doing to the credibility of this website, and not so much the comments of their debunkers.
Shame works well to control children, but adults with a modicum of learning and experience can see through bogus take downs...
you have made statements in regard to these matters which, while they may be true in your experience, are not, in fact, universally true amongst all native cultures and practices - as an example, you made the quite surprising claim that no natives use or approve the term "medicine man," and that anyone who did so was suspect and likely a con
no, there is something else that gets under the skin of all the "rude debunkers" and I really don't know what it is; but what I do know is, all of you who find the topic distasteful could just skip it, and leave those who want to discuss these matters in peace, but you won't
Maryk and her brother are estranged, as she has explained here in some detail: she would in no way benefit from any of his business activities
I am hereby announcing that I will no longer read, much less aanswer, Too Stoned. --MaryK
Burnt Hill wrote:You bring nothing positive to the discussions. We have been sent to our own private topic room, you've made your opinion clear, yet you keep banging on the walls. To what purpose? What do you need, confirmation that you are right? and then will you go away? At least you are honest in that you are here to disrupt. Seems Jeff used to take a stance on that.
And its pretty obvious we are not buddies, but you enjoy the insults dont you? guess what else, I can and will criticize what you do as moderator when appropriate, dont like it? you start your own forum. You may call me a hypocrit but you made the most hypocritical statement Ive seen when after all your bluster you said you'd believe if it benefitted you personally. Touchy subject ? many of us have been there and we dont take it out on others.Seems to me that the title of this website, along with the front page Rumi quote is an open invitation for us to use our intuition, by definition:the power or faculty of attaining to direct knowledge or cognition without evident rational thought and inference
hey eiAe, has it been 48 hrs yet?This is hilarious..Talk about a hypocrite.
If Jeff 'took a stance' on things in the way you mention, you'd be dust in the wind here, buddy, so food for thought.
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