Look at this:
Too Stoned says:
“…And his methodolgy isn't a proof. Period.
He also murders Biochemistry, "DNA is a twisted ribbon", Glick
He murders Chemistry, "Cubic Crystals rarely form in nature"
He murders Physics, "spin pairs the four forces"….” (unquote)
1- “And his methodolgy isn't a proof. Period” First he won’t pick up the gun. He won’t even attempt to prove me wrong. What is he quibbling about ‘proof’ vs. ‘demonstration’ or some such dumb shit?
2- “He also murders Biochemistry, "DNA is a twisted ribbon", Glick” Stated that DNA not, not, a twisted ribbon but that the concept came from my dad working with one or the other at Time Magazine. And later my dad said it was wrong. Too Stoned then went on an on baiting me that I could ‘prove nothing about my family etc so must be bull shitting (right back in threads) until I relented with http://www.negia.net/~grossman/donovan.html
3- “He murders Chemistry , “Cubic Crystals rarely form in nature.” Was speaking of crystals you can pick up and see, such as diamonds, quartz etc. And in that cubes as crystals are rare. By I used pyrite as an example of one that was. And it does only form in cubes in certain locations, so in that sense rare. Salt, of course, is not rare. But one would rarely, without microscope, see as such. That is quibbling.
4- “He murders Physics, "spin pairs the four forces"….” As that started Too Stoned waas referring to the spin of particles. I was referring to the entire system being in spin. That I can’t prove, yet. But as we go on with this new geometry convinced that this will be seen.
5- Grick, Click Crick, who the fuck cares. I did from memory. Have no idea how to spell his name. Don’t care.
Is or is this not an example of someone complaining of lint on your tie why they are pissing on your shoe? Shoddy excuses.
He still won’t pick up the gun. He is wimp.
And you, Dragon, you watch your mouth too. Whatever that ‘he might be wrong’ shit was. I’m not. Watch it or I’ll kick the damned gun over to you.